DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1904. PAQE SEVEN. ....r 8 Years. Crating the ahore8 Tot 5 70 years ago, Ja; "E. in Walla Walla. eou" ... i. ir. thn vaciuc " Tn 3000 miles from tho parting ' . Is SS years old, though ft of hardships, ho does 1 " retains all Jiis facul- ..ii. .Innrno mill Is Q '.r'; . ha rlpo old ago no :.j among l" JU... - ftdLiirv camu hero from' R I., ana is '""" daughter Mm. J. A. Cooko, Btreet. whoro Mr. Lu- rlslllng. alio i Tl3' i?. i,rntlu-r. and though . i. inn. retains nur uuuwut. , and wn carry u u.. ........ Conversation full of romlnls of early days, !m tears ago brother and , ...-mil For w years oi mo . .ntlipr nt ail. I lit. wen .i . iiu. una anil uowns m HI V IKV l . ... lone experience, tncy uiu not Lch excitcmunt at meeting - -i.Pfi tn relate the story .i T urns Ram: won. i .. . ii in mnnn ni ;i Hiiirv. TTnfMll New Smelter for Boise. . . n, n rp.lnftlnn of ores Is ... i inks vnstoruav aril- Incorporation of tno iioiso . p nitfinir flnmn.mv woro the office of the secretary or The project Is hacked by To capitalists and will undoubt 'consummated during thlB sea son. As set out In the articles the purposes of tho corporation nro to "croct and operate smelters and to do a goneral Bmeltlng, milling and mining business." This Includes the leasing of placer and lode mining ground and the purchase and opera tion of mining properties In the stnto. Tho capital stock of tho new com pany Is ?50,000, ?30,000 of which has already been subscribed. Hard Hit. It Is reported that Etigono will not have a colouration on the Fourth bo uauso the patriotic saloonkeepers have refused to contribute on account of tho local option law haviug carried nt tho Into election. This will sur prise many, ns the goneral belief was that Eugene had a fow business houses who could have contributed on this annlvorsnry on accoupt of their patriotic feelings. When a town gets so contomptlbly low that nothing enn be done but at the pleasure of saloon keepers, It Is 'way down. Long Creek Eagle. Everybody Wants Good Roads. A public meeting wilt be held nt the court house In Grangevlllo next Sat urday to discuss the matter of Im proved roads leading out of that city. Invitations have boon issued to all the business men here and nil tho farmers to attend. There Is much in terest In tho meeting and lt will un doubtedly be largely attended. The condition or the iirairio highway during the winter, spring and fall are such thnt It Is generally realized some deflnlto plan of permanent im provement must ho adopted. The meeting is called for this purpose. Lowiston Tribune. BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. DIL W. fJ rnif nri ... , b1.u.ng7 SiiSh. i-oVis it I ATTORNEYS. 8.?"T,U IHNOO. OFFICE OVER the Pendleton Saving Rank. Tele phone 801 ; residence telephone, malt MEAN & PERRY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office 6ver Taylor' Hardware (tore, Tcndleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICI2 IN JVDD building. U,r?;.E.VnmD' M' D- "OMEOPATllIC h..fi7iTJ; clanna nr8eon' Office In Judd building. Telephones; Office, black 1411: residence, black 24. DR. D. J. MTAUL, JUDD BLOCK. TELE- nhnnA main mi . i . . . . -"-' r ' resiuence. Diacs 101. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN i . iiii -"'sw- umce in marines Rank bn ld ng. room 1. Office phone" main 1411: residence, ro.1 i"n DIL .LYNN K- BLAKCSLViK. CHRONIC ana nervous diseases and diseases of women. Judd building, corner Main and ( ntir f sfrnnta 1 1 T I . ... residence, red 11S3. X-Ray Therapeutics. ' HAILEY A LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office tn Despala block. RALLERAY & M'COURT, LAWYERS, As sociation building. CARTER A ItAt.nY, ATTORNEYS AT law, office In Savings tlank building, WINTER A COLLIER. LAWYERS -OK-Uce, rooms 7 and 8 Association building. AARON TURNER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court atreet. DR. LENA ALLEN I100NE, OSTEOPATH. I.CSldfinrf.. Tlinmnvnn ... . .. - 1 o,.cT., m: i rv u , : - "r i nunc, DlHCK Nervous diseases a specialty. STILLMAN A PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent oi flees, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DI1, PKASPKS THOMPSON, OSTEO- nrifVlli nhvalnlnn .1 i . . ' m ...... , , ...v, .juu e, mnei hick ers, side entrance; office daja, Tucadajs, -"' wimi uaj B. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. ' C. McNabb. Office at Tallman'a druir store. DENTISTS. Hi! HURT ALFALFA CROP .. . iipn U.tl I ICIl A I je Continues Fine Extremely Damaging to Spring Grain ... ... r.t 1,1.11 A.. es Hrc wuiiiii itch uuw w Marketed In Many Places Crop Will Be Uneven. neainer mirouu sums n criiu tere partially relieved by sent showers during tho latter part s week, but, as a rule, the oi precipitation was not sur ra oo allien good; and more till V Mflpdml fn,l It I rtfnnu 7 PHPOI fin DM. ni. ...nil. nn.l u .... 1 f, . ...... ...... seciinna it win m iiiriit in tsti .!..-. 1 . tail nui;iu mil! UUflUJ' UUVO nicely and a' good yield of these cereals is promised. a.- (UJItlllJ Illl.tU. rduje weafjK-r coniUtions; the lM Utht ..Oiw.ril..lt.s ...nnt F si v iiiiii . utiiii ui ur nearly all bfcun secured in "V ;iUII IYUB UUUVU -n- khii nn- lllllllILt UUUU1U1' n hut in i a r --.nhuiiiuii; IU 1113 IIU oiuvx is rnr mw tin. riiim. if He dairy illstriets continues I III lilt IlIVIll'HM III l will Snnn 1..-. r Mr-... -nus not mmie mucli ad -- . . . v. 4i uiiu ivcjiiiinii ire r noninn. .,t,.i., i -r-Mtiii, lfUI) UIII1 llllllll U riMin II nl.ln a t Mil . ' " t'lumblj River Valley. W.r . mml' Alex Stra Jry ami quite hot, SS to show tho effects of "ever the ernnml 1 'n Lf.rn J)arloy n,llnK nlcoly; J headed; grass drying W rain bad y iif.f.iiort u . - merman county. John Hull urv- ...... 7 1 U. , , " Mi.IUlllll Ui s" WinU, Whl.lt tliimli rain. spring sown heading ; fruit doing well and promising an average crop. Arlington, Gilliam county, R. II. Itohlnson Weather during first of week unfavorable for wheat on ac count of east wind; last of woek cool and crops recovering; thunder Bhower Friday beneficial to all crops, lone. Morrow county, P. G. rjalsi ger Week stormy; wheat needs an other good rain, as lt Is quite dry and grain not matured as yet; early fruit ripening woll. Westou, Umatilla county, M. M. Ba' kor Weather favorable; cherrlos ripening; grain growing nicely; al falfa yielding abundantly; vegetables all promising good results; mountain strawberles will ripen by next weelt; stock In fine form; pasturage excellent. EXCURSION RATES TO ST. LOUIS The Washington & Columbia River Railway. For the World's Fair at St. Louis tho following rates nro announced: To St. Louis, going via St. Paul or Billings, returning any dl- rict route $60.00 To Chicago, going vlt St. Paul or Billings, returning any di rect route 65.00 To St. Louis, returning from Chicago, or To Chicago, returning from St. Louis 62.50 To St. Louis, returning via Chi cago, or To Chicago, returning via St. Louis 65.00 Children of half-fare age, half the above rates. Tickets will be on sale May 11, 12 and 13; June 1C, 17 and 18; July 1, 2 and :; August 8, 9 and 10; Septem ber 5, C and 7; October 3. 4 and C. Good going ten days from date of sulo, returning, 90 days from date of sale. Good for stop-over at any point within the limits. For full Information regarding 1 .mifAa alla trine ali OH 1 1 nn M T nil. dress, WALTER ADAMS, AGT., S. B. CALDER1IKAD, Pendleton, General Passenger Agent, Ore. Walla Walla, Wash. DR. G. GEE WO WONDERFUL KCAimKNT t-i.i. . . . . .. . . tWOCl Without r,ru.,. 'pole. He cures with lUMa wonderful Obi hrb.rooli,budt. liMks ud yegeUbles last gre enttreiv un. Utoo.." nown 10 mediui -i. ita....- . miQuininiit.Afii...u ... r imouniwin. ;r.;w.olriiiitr.n.rrir. whiiT tl L1" '"''" dlneiues. He can r.t."Jul omea, it sUu i!"n "ihma, lung, iWaWB?,"SMSa!ffiR" isn.BtSF MFDIRIUrtlil MMr, ' iortland. Oregon. rmi.t,a"t Wantert k cur." .. Absolutely guar- .-aeM i,: """ uuu io- cmn . r-MviiiBiB mi ha m.50annacy. Lot, nr -vs., renaieton. Special Excursion to the World's Fair The Denver & Hlo Grande, in con I nection with the Missouri Pacific, will irnu a series of personally conducted I excursions to the World's fair during 'June. These excursions will run .through to St. Louis without change of cars, making suort stops at pnnci I pal points en route. The first of these avniifalnna will lnnvff Pnrtlnnd June 7th, and the second June 17th. The rate from Pendleton will be $00.00 to St. Louis and return. Excursionists going via the Denver & Rio Grande have the privilege of returning via a different route. This is the most pleasant way, ns well as the most de lightful one, to cross the continent. The stops arranged give an opportu nity nt viattlncr thn various DOlnts of interests in and about Salt Lake City, Denver and Kansas City. U you wisu to accompany one of these excursions w n. McBrlde. 124 Third street, Portland, for sleeping car reservations. In Memory of Hawthorne. iirimnwlrk. Mr.. Juno 22. As tho .,rn,T,tn fnntnro nf thn commence ment weok program at Bowdoln col lege today was uevoieu 10 uauiuwun hold In memory of one of the Instltu tlon's most famous graduates, Na thaniel Hawthorne. Tho observance was to mark the centennial oi me great novelist's birth, which falls on July 4. President Hydo presided over the exercises and tho chiof speaker was Dr, Bliss Perry, oditor of "Tho Atlantic Monthly. Rear Admiral Henry Glass has boon put In charge of the naval dis trict of tho Pacific, with headquar ters at San Francisco. Ho succeeds Rear Admiral Miller, who will retire. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL 8URUE0N, Office, room 15, Judd building n. A. .VAUGIIAN, DENTIST. OFFICE IS Judd building, 'l'hone, red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL I ANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, $50,C00; aurpio; and profits, $12,500.01). Interest on time de posit. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president; T J. Kirk, vice-president; F. S. I.cGrow, cagb Icr; I. M. Kemp, assistant casbler. THE FARMERS' HANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank ing business. Exchange bougbt and sold. Collections promptly attended to. It. Jameson, president: George W. l'roebstel, vice-president; J, R. Kllgorc, cashier; di rectors, G. A. Ilartman. M. M. Janes. T J. 1'rlce. a D. draw. J. F. Kllgorc, Rob ert Jameson, G. W. l'roebstel. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, l'cndleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 18S0. Capital, f 100,000 ; surplus, 175, 000 ; Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. . Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president ; J. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier; J. W. Moloney, assistant casbler. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF l'ENDLE ton. Capital, $70,000; Burplus and un divided profits, J 125,000.00. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the Northwest. Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Aukeuy, president; W. F. Mutlock, vice-president; G. M. Rice, cnshler; George Ilartman, Jr., assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. E. THOUTMAN. ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, room 12 Judd block, I'endletou, Oregon. T. F. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND SU perl n tendon t. Makes complete aud re liable plans fur buildings In the city or country. Room 17, Judd building. SHEER 4 COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short notice. Job work a specialty. I'rompt service. Shop on llluff street, near Main. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND HLILD er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND CK- mentlng. Cement wanes a specially. Estimates furnished free, Work guaran teed. Irfave orders at Badley 4 Zehner's cigar store. Main street. 1'. O. box 104. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TELEPHONE LIVERY STABLE. COURT D ...... n,u)lia ...ii.rt hmiim llntrnr & Ill.LVL. VHfvai.v " 1 " " Son, proprietors. Always good turnouts. I'UDIIC scales. ruone, lumu oi. OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, Corner West Alta and Llllltb streets. S. A. Alloway, proprietor. Large com fortable stalls. Plenty of feed. Homes given careful attention. COMMERCIAL STABLES, 0. M. FROOME proprietor. Fine horses, good rigs, beat care given transient stock. Opp. Hotel Pendleton. Thoue, main 101. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA STREET. Carney & Kenneay, rrops., mrrj-, cru and sales stable. Good rigs at all time. Cab line In connection. 'Phone, main 701. BOARDING AND LODGING. WHITE HOUSE LODGING HOUSE, 301 . i ... .1.1. ...... P ..n Wll. i . .1...1. ..I f,i,n Uhul lmuftvkDlnr Kill BIUJIIC MMU . . . . - rooms. Mrs. H. L. Uuntlngton. Prop. THE 8TA.NFIELD HOUSE. 313 SOUTH Main street, Mrs. L. Michael, prop. Large, clean, comfortable rooms; best meals, all home cooking, Board, J-l i also furnished housekeeping rooms. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND urn .ir..i itaaril bv the dar or week. Good table aet. Bates. $3.75 and 14.70 per week. Mrs. L. Neff, Prop. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. tita, proprietor. ATHENA HOTEL. LEADING HOTEL IN fh citr. ii.oo to 11.50 per day, II, P. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX nOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGE- 1 .1 MAai- nmi (ilnrin TiMlll. 1 1 you come once you will keep conilni. Only white help employed. Especial at tention given in cviuuicuwa and Mrs. J. P. Navln, proprietors. COTTAGE HOTEL WHEN YOU GO TO umaiuia siop i wo , ' White help, home, cooking, everything neat and clean. Mrs. Jame O'Connell, proprietor. 11, P. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODGR No. 2SS. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most conll ally Invited to attend. Hall In UDuw block, Court atreet. G. A. Ilartman, Sr., E. R. ; C. E. llean, secretary, MEN'S RESORT YOU ARK INVITED. Free reading room. Why not Join and get the advantage of tree bath, use of punching bag and other equipments. In cluding library and reading room. Terms J 1.00 to Join and 50c a month duca. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLK, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 Court street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city aud farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Invest ments for non-realdenta. Reference, any bank In Pendleton. G. A. HARTMAN, Pres. G. A. HARTMAN, JR., Vice Pres. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and moat reliable fire and acci dent Insurance companies. Office with Ilartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY-, JR., U. 8. LAND COM mlsstoner. Specialty made of land fil ings and proof. Insurance and collec tions. Office In Judd building, room 10. WANTED. WANTEl YOUR ORDERS FOR EN graved cards, wedding Invitations, etc.; 100 - engraved visiting cards with plate, $1.50; additional cards In future, $1 per hundred. The East Oregonlan. FOR RENT. FOR RENT GOOD FRONT ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen or two la dles, call at 010 Willow street. Kt'KNItlllKD IIOUShKEKI'IKG ROOMS. HVJ ba.t Conrt street, MISCELLANEOUS. SEWER CONTRACTORS REED 4 LAF- ler make connections with the acwer for business houses and private residences. Terms reasonable. Leave orders at T. C. Taylor's Hardware store. SEE YOU "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money. We make loans on personal property. T. II. Gurdaln, Pawn Broker, Mllarkey building. Court atreet. DRESSMAKING. CUTilNG AND FIT ting a specialty. Prompt work, Satis faction guaranteed. Mis lt. Whitley, 012 Main street. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 730 Cottonwood atreet. Cleaning, dying and repairing. Goods called for and de livered. 'Phone, main 1U91. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU want to subscribe to mngaiiura or news papers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN the net pub lisher's price of the publication vou rie alre, and we will havn It sent you aud assume all the risk of the money being lout In the walls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are n subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST ORE GONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. HOUSE-CLEANING BY THE JAPANESE House-Cleaning Co. Work done by the day, hour or Job, Window cleaning a specialty. Prompt service at low prices. 004 Garden street. 'Phone Main 1171. Notice of Administrator's 8ale, Notice la hereby given that the under signed, as administrator of the estate of M. I. Howe, deceased, will, on Saturday, June 25th, 1004, at 1 ;30 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the warehouse ou Clay street between Court and Alta streets. In the city of I'endletou. Umatil la county, Oregon, near the Pendleton Ma chine Shop, to called, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, all the following described property, In two parcels, to -wit : 11 Minneapolis traction compound engine, 27-horse power, No. 2283; 1 Cal ifornia Pitta separator, 40 Inch cylinder with Howe l'eeler complete; 1 Daniel Best cleaner; 1 derrick wagon on wheels: 1 l.'OO-galloi) water tank on wheels, I lGOUxallvu water, tank on wheels; 1 feed rack ou wheels; 1 cook house all the same being subject to a chattel mortgsge thereon, held by the First National Bank of 1'eudletou, Oregon, to secure balance of a note now aggregating the sum of JM5.35. 2 1 wind stacker, spouts uml trucks 4 wagons; 1 tool cart wllh water barrow. 2 low down pumps ; 3 derrick forks ; 1 derrick table; 1 set fork hoists; 1 water tank ; 8 hay forks ; 2 hoe down forks ; 4 shovels ; 1 sledge ; 1 pick , half a barrel of hard oil; half a rase of bard oil. 7 set lead bars and double trees. 1 stove mill lot of duties; 1 extra set of rylluder teeth; 1 sued; 1 set of fork hoists, 1 in dependent stacker and trucks i 2 horses; 1 set of harness aud 1 hack : an equity lu 1 Rival Pitta separator. Suld sale It mada subject to the ap proval nf the Judge, of the Cojiuty Court of the Stute of Oregon for I'matllla Coun ty, the' Court In which the estate of M 1. II owe, decrased. In Oregon Is being ad ministered. Dated this 1.1th day ot June, 1004, E. k HAI.TKZOHE, Administrator. I MANHOOD RESTORED "CUFIDEHE" t This irreal Veretabls Vlullier. tbe prescription of a famous Kreocn physician. wUl 1 iulcllr oi" jou of all nervous or dlioaMii of llio general! organs. aeh as tfmt Umm r.7..T.i ln..Ti.il . 1'itlas lu the Jluek, feenitowl sUeloi, Aervoue llebllll jr, imS?.'.iL1 "iftauiYu IS murr?, iUlisiuilis l)rl.i, Vle.f le, u.J Uuik ssHl aajBH r. .;... it mm. all loAe or our or ri sni. i-roiuaiurur. wdkii it noi cuecsou VljaB KiMiroiai mbiSaodaU A CVk'iOKHK cleanses the lire .. ,.i!!rirTi!iKSKKirtheui i and reitoriw. Tbo reoon suirvers are not cured byiloctofi fhJiJfflJSlnetr cM." reWbled wi?g IwaiUI.. UriOKK Is the only known reuiedj Sold by Tallman & Co., Druggists. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON ShoftLiine ahb Union Pacific TWO TRAINS TO THE EA8T DAILY. Through Pullman standard anil Tourist Slecners dallv tn Omaha and Chtracot tourist sleeper dally to Kansaa City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, tnersonallr conducted) weeklv to Chi cago; reclining chair rata (seats free) ta tne watt dairy. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. EA8TROUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 2, Chicago Special 5 :35 p. m, 0 ;4 J p. m, No. 0, Mall 4 Express 4 ;33 a. m. 4 i43 a. m. WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 1, Portland Spe cial 0:00a.m. 0:10a.m. No. 5, Mall and Ex press 12 :23 . m. 12 :30 a. m. SPOKANE DIVI8ION. Arrive. Depart. No. 7, Pendleton Pas senger 5 :35 p. tn. No. 8, Spokane Pas senger 0:10 a.m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Arrive. Depart. No. 41, Mixed train, 1:30 p.m. No. 42, Mixed train 5:50 p.m. Np. 7 connects with No. 2. No. 42 connecta with No. 2. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM 1-ORTLAND. All sailing dale subject to change. For San Francisco every Ave days. SNAKE RIVER. Hlparla to I.twlston Leave Rlparla dally, except Saturday, 4 ;03 a. m. Leave Lvwlston dally, except Friday, 7 :00 a. m, E. C SMITH, Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kanias City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EA81 AND 80UTH. Portland and Points on the Sound , . TIME CARD. Arrive at Pendleton Monday, nesday and Friday, 1:45 p Tueiday, Thursday and Saturday, 11:45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally, 1 1 :00 d. in. Arrive Walla Walla dally, westbound, 10:45 a. ui. For Information regarding ratea and accommodations, call on or address W. ADAMS. Agent. Pendleton, Oregon S. B. CALDERIIEAD. O. P. A., Walla Walla. Washington. Wed m. eaatbound RUNS i'ULLMAN 8LEEPINC CARS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPINQ CAR8 ST. PAUJ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH KAROO TO ORAM) FORKS CHOOKBTON W1NNI5PEC1 HKI.KNA and BUTTK. THROUGH TICKETS TO CIIICAOO WASHINOTON I'HII.ADHI.l'IIIA NBVV YORK BOSTON And all points I Cast and South, Through tickets to Japan and China, vis Taroma aud Northern Pacific Hteaai ship Co. and American line. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally sicept Sunday, at 7:00 p. a. Kor further Information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or writs W, Adams, Pendleton, Oregon, or A, D. CHARLTON, Third and Morrison, His., Portlsnd, Or. D BMOIITFUL ROUTK AYLIGHT RIDES I7.ZY CRAGS EKP CANYONS A Golden Opportunity See nature, In al' her glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. Tho first is found along the line pf the DENVER & RIO GRANDE- RAILROAD, tho lat latter at tbe St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make tbe most of' it. For Informa tion aud illustrated litera ture write W. C. M'BRIDE, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., PROPRIETORS. The Best Hotet la Pendleton and as rjood at any. Tho Ilolol Pondloton has just boos rcflttod nnd refurnished throughouL 'Phono and tiro alarm connections with nil rooms. Hatha In suites and nlnclo rooms. Headquarters for Iravellng Man Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2.00 and $2.50 Spoclnl rntea by wook or month. ICxcollcnt Culslno. Prompt Dining Room Sorvlc. Oar and Dllllard Room In Connection Only Three Dloeks From Depot, Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. Europoan plan. Everything first' clnai. Accommodations tho beat. All modorn couvonloncoa. Btonm heat throughout. Rooms on-sulto "vtth hath. iJirgo, now unmplo rooms. The Hotel St. George Is pronoiinrod ns of tho most modorn ami uiodol hotels of Oregon. 'Phono nnd flro alarm connections to olflco In all rooms. Rooms SOo to $1.50. CORNER MAIM AND WEBB STS. Block and a half from depot. THE Hotel Bickers (Formerly Goldon Rule.) COURT STREET. uasBBBStaTr SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvf Remodeled and refurnished through ouL Everything neat, clean an os-to-oV.e. Steam beat and electric Hints. Rest cuisine. Prompt sei-rlM. H, E. BICKERS, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON, Amcrlcsn plan, 13 per dsy tod upward. Headquarter for tourists and eomaurcMJ travelers. Hpeclal ratea mad ta families and alngls gentlemen. Tht taaaageuMt will b pleased at all llmea to ahoy rooms snd gives prices. A tnodtro Turk ish bath establishment In the hotel. II. C. IIOWERH, Manager. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the bead of the list. Assets. HartiorJ Fire Insurant ' Co ,.$U.2B9,07 Alliance Assurance Co .. 29.039.90 London & Lancashire Fire Insuranco Co, .,, 2,614,681 North British & Mercantile CO 19,095,97 Royal Insurance Co. , ... 22,897,163 FRANK B. CLOP TON AQENT, 112 EAST COURT STREET,