DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1904. PAGE 8IX. wsitt. RISING BREAST And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of , MOtnerS Friend, This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror t r t?r ff .! 11 1 - ana insures saiecy to me or motner auu cmia, ana leaves ncr xa r condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child ia also healthy, strong and good natured. Our book "Motherhood," is worth its weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Bradficld Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. MOTHER'S FRIEND Straw Hats Tho removal sale prlco on every straw hat in the house Is 50 PER CENT OFF. Just one-half tho regular price. $2.50 Straw Hats $1.25 $2.00 Straw Hats $1.00 $1.75 Straw Hats i 90c $1.50 Straw Hats 75c $1.00 Straw Hats 50c 75c Straw Hats t 40c 50c Straw Hats 25c Cloth Outing Hats Nobby, chic appearing round top crushers. Light and airy. T Just tho thing for summer. 7Ge is tho regular price; wo sell them at 50c BACK F R LI M KOREA BOISE MAN HAS MINED THERE PROFITABLY. Graphic Description of the Hermit Kingdom Cheap Labor There En ables Mining Companies to Work Low Grade Ores Engineers De mand 271z Cents Per Day and Board Themselves Other Labor Is 15, 20 and 30 Cents Per Day. Neckwear Hero's where our line shines. There is no line In tho city that equals our stock of neckties. It is beyond question the big gest collection of bright Ideas In town. They all go at the Removal Sale price, which means: 75c and $1 Ties for . 40c 50c Ties for 25c 25c Ties for 15c Just take a look at our window, or better still, come in and look at the complete assortment. Sullivan Bond The Growing Little Store HELP US MOVE. II SI PQlil U0:i: If you are Interested in Oil Painting, see us. Our lino Is complete. ACADEMY BOARDS BTRKTCHBns BRUSHES ARTISTS' SA1LES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS Wo make- a specialty ot framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. : C. C. SHARP : Z opera House uiock. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for tho International Poultry and Stock Food. Uso Kow Kure tor your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworthy 127129 East Alta 8t. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer. Dally East Oreoonian by carrier, enly 15 cents a week. The French Restaurant Best 20 Cent Meal In the City Private Dining Parlors. Elegant Furnished Rooms In Connection. GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Main Street Samme Drinks Cool, refreshing and Invigorat ing. Our drinks go right to tho spot. Call for Soda Pop, Sarsa parllla, iron Brow, Dr. Peppor's Phosphates, Mineral Water, Root Beer, dinger, Alo and Cider, and all kinds of soft drinks. Our drinks" are pure, and only distilled water, mado from condensed steam, is used Manufactured by J. MARIN Factory under St. George Hotel Mike Gallagher, a former .well known Boise Basin mining man, but who for tho past thrco years has been engaged In mining in Korea, return ed to tho city early Sunday morning to visit his old friends and tho scenes of hla former operations In Idaho, says tho Boise Capital News. For 20 years Mr. Gallagher was engaged in mining In Idaho, tho Bolso Basin, Sil ver City and tho Wood river country, being tho principal scenes of his ac tivity. Ho will remain in this coun try until September when ho will re turn to the land over which the mika do maintains surveillance. Nearly three years ago Mr. Galla gher wont to Korea as foreman over a gang of men In one of 'he mines ot the O. M C. company, which owns a concession under the Korean gov ernment to a territory comprising about -10 nil'es square Tho conces sion lies about 200 miles north of Se oul, the capital of Korea, and 60 miles east of Wegea. It was obtained about eight years ago from tho gov ernment by Mr. Leigh Hunt of Seat tle. Ho then organized the company which now controls It. the stock being owned by peoplo of nil nationalities. Mr. Gallagher has been over slnco April 10 getting Into Boise. First he embarked on a schooner at Chlnam poo, crossing the Yellow sua to Chin ulpon; thence by steamer to Kobe, Japan, thence by another steamer to ! Yokohoma, and from there to San Francisco, and on to Bolso by way of Ogden. In coming out he was entrusted by tho company with the transportation Of about $450,000 worth of gold bul lion as far as Chemulpo, where It was delivered to tho Japanese1 government to bo coined into the coin of the realm. Tho bullion was In 2ft bricks weigh ing 2500 pounds. Much of the way he was accompanied by only two men, and this through a country constant ly traveled by Russian and Japanese soldiers. In speaking yesterday to a Capital News reporter about tho mining in dustry in Korea, Mr. Gallagher said that it was a very promising country. Besides the company which he works for, the English, Germans, Itnllnns and French have concessions and on all of tho properties they are obtain ing good values. The ledges are very wide and carry values averaging about $10 per ton. Owing to the cheapness of the Korean labor the ore can be mined at tho least posslblo cost. Common labor costs from 15, 20. 25 and 30 cents per dny. The highest priced labor 1b that of engineers who command tho munificent sum of cents per day, and board themselves. Owing to the cheapness of labor all work can bo dono by hand cheaper than can bo done In America with tho jnost Im proved machinery. Tho ore is of a sulphide formation, running about 50 per cent freo gold, the rest being susceptible to cyanide treatment. Tho company owning the conces sion has several mines in successful operation, having five stamp mills with 200 stamps In constant opera tion. These aro to bo materially in creased In a short time. Thoy have In tho neighborhood of 10,000 Kore ans in their employ, with about 50 white men acting as superintendents, foremen, etc. Mr. Gallagher says that the Japs are rapidly settling in Korea, tho commissioner of Immigration report ing that something like 28,000 locat ed In that country last year. Supplies are taken Into tho camp In ox carts, but for transporting the more heavy machinery the company has its own heavy wagons. During tho low water they have to transport supplies for a distance of about 50 miles, but when the water Is high boats get wtlhln a very fow miles of tho concession. Tho cllmnto, ho says Is very much like that In Bolso Basin, except that thoy have a rainy season for about a month dur ing tho middle of the summer. Regarding tho Russian-Japanese war Mr. Gallagher said that while thoy wero near tho scene of hostili ties, and frequently saw troops march ing through the country thoy did not hear as much of it as wo do hero. Thoy frequently hear rumors of bat tles but nover got anything authentic. . FACTS ABOUT PANAMA. ITOIt SALE AT TIIB BAST OMCQONIAN office large bundles of nsnspawrs, con taining over 100 big papers, can be obtain- u (or 3 cents a Dubois, Over 8000 Miles in Distance Saved From New York to Manila by Way of Panama. Hero nro some facts in brief about tho Panama canal, compiled by tho Homo Companion: Estimated cost of the Panama ca nal, $200,000,000. Amount paid French company for tho title. $10,000,000. Amount paid Panama government for perpetual lease of canal lands, $10,000,000. Length of canal, 19 miles. Canal width varies from 250 to 500 feet at tho top, tho bottom width be ing 150 feet. There will bo ilvo twin locks of concreto masonry, each lock 738 feet long and 82 feet wldo, with n lifting capacity of 30 to 32 foot. Lake Bohlo (artificial) covers 31 squaro miles. Alhaljuela lako (artificial) covers 5,000 acres, and will furnish motive powor for oporatlng tho locks aud lighting tho canal from ocean to ocean. Distance from Now York to San Francisco by old route, 13,714 miles; Get jA , the Jm remo itmi Big Bargains in Typewrite WE HAVE TAKEN IN A SMITH PREMIER No. 2 AND A DENSMORE No. 2, TYPETOtl WHICH WE WILL SELL AT A GREAT BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. BOTH MACHINES 11 AS GOOD AS NEW. SMITH PREMIER FOR $40.00. DENSMORE, FOR $35.00. CHICAGO SECOND HAND, $30.00. The Oliver Typewriter is sold In Pendleton by us. It is the most advanced machine made and has points of merit shown by no other machine. It is easiest to operate. The writing Is always in sight and it is Impossible to lock the keys. TWENTY-FIVE REASONS WHY THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER IS SUPERIOR TO ALL 0THEM.I Double Typebar. Downward stroke of typebar. Hapld escapement. Vislblo writing. Tabulation and hilling. Automatic lino spacing. ftcleaso koy. Light running carriage. Keyboard. Stability and compactness. Filling In blanks or dates. Drawing lines. Mimeograph work. Direct connection with levers. Uniform depression and tension. Light, elastic key touch. No resistance of universal bar. I'erfect paper feed. Left hand carriage return. Type face upward for cleaning. Durability. The platen. Speed. Manifolding. Writing In color. S Wo nre nnxlous to demonstrate the superiority of the Oliver, it has no competitors, s It ! in a class by Itself. Wo want your Inspection. An examination will tell the tale. Come aoJ "J juurHeii. Oliver Tvoewriter Agency MAPLE BROS., Proprietors 222 East Court SH "a by I ho route through tho canal, j,29'J miles. Distance from Now York to Mnnila by present routo via San Francisco mid Ynkahoma, 10.&30 miles. 'Olstnnco from Now York to Manila hy Panama canal via San Francisco and Yokahoma, 11,585 miles. Distance saved In a sailing trip around the world hy tho now route through tho Pannmu canal, 2768 miles. Tho Panama canal was practically uegun in 18S3 uy tho French com pany. Thoy had completed about two-fifths of tho length, when hecauso of fraudulent management tho com pany failed, and tho work ceased In 1889. FORCED VACATIONS. .Now York In wild with demands that tho fleet of excursion boats in that city bo remodeled and mado lire proof. Most of thorn cannot bo, and the Slocum horror will cost boatown ors nrount thoro millions of dollars by tying up many expensive vessels Indefinitely. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises In tho family every day. Let us answer It to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared In two minutes. No boiling I n baklngl add boiling water and set t cool. Flavorsi Lomon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a packagi t yonr grocers to-day. loots. Bank Clerks Must Leave Their Desks at the Noon Hour. Hank tellers, bookkeepers and clerks in Hartford, Conn,, have learn ed that hereafter not only will they be required to take annual vacations hut must make uso of tho midday lunch hour privilege. It Is said that the State Bank Asso ciation will recommend also that It Is advisable that all banks obscrvo this precaution. Theso regulations have grown out of the recent charges against a teller in a local bank who confessed recent ly that ho had embezzled $70,000 and covered tho matter through remain ing at his desk without a vacation for a number of years yd j . .lno5 noun 11 out during u"- - - s I Crem fll sme. u " L- of le anSVJ has been, nu d according to. Haro U .W a decode amee - - d(( evrry sign of: f, demarded the rig" own foreign furrff rately represented at ww Tho treatmeni experienced St. served as an object and that coum. -- , her only defewe W union wnn o- red! HAMMOCKS tits ' The season' for hammocks Is here. Time to J eJf 4 t.- . .v.. . t,o lowest prices w j Wo have spread ourselves in securing the new pattoms turned out by tne jnanuinciuic" - Goodman-Thompson Hardware 643 MAIN 8TREET. 10N ?TH (crop, bui garden i i.jflr UflCU. Liitint F iijllclty c HS.S. ie taous, an 1 the bat Ihom he 1 He made (;d the s r the ai I to put I' the past fcimlnzs I number Ib'.n cios luring th' Inquestlo Bio. and Is. while tuched i the oi led. Th TREA MINER Invert fech the bey V. ton-tip intt Wl iO'Nell hoe N to of taction D. Tins (or, C. re tb MM aaaialMPJnnnnnnbaM