i 0R60QNIAK, PENDLETON, OBECOH, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, ISM, PAQE SEVEN. 0NG THE EXCHANGES . .1 inn Proiect. K 3 t of tho many m i nrocou and laano ana mi feZ offho add lands loading to Montana. The Walla Walla Produce com pany's shipments are also very hcavv and they have a large force at work .M iheur rower & Irrlga iJhose plan Is to re K'than.150.000 acres of P "".i. wCSt SldO 01 ' - H IK '"". uizo the wa- city, having yesterday inspected lands Statesman. cars dally. Walla Walla BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. 1 to fin m -r i 10 t0 12 1S7L &.?' le'ePfoSMi Office main ---- - . -v,tin.r, uiam Leasing State Land. H. E. Gllman, state land Inspector lor me state or Washington, is In the !,BP?2w river, and dam ' In Asotin county. Mr. Gllman Is one f " . 7i. mouths of Jordan of tho two Inspectors whoso work em- Vrirers at a point 100 braces lands of Eastern Washington. tm i raldwcll and CO miles The Washington lands arc being ! r City The water will leased for a period of five years and " i natural channel tor a at. me expirauon or each lease the ftM m- ond diverted near land Is reappraised before acaln KHZ the lands In a canal . leased. r iHih and 40 miles long. , uy ruapiiruising me lanu the state Pto .1 1 u-ith its laterals, will secures ns large an income from leas- P inrts on the west sido Inc as would an Individual." said Mr. r i river tor a uiaiiun-u u iHucuBL" m uie ren- lsM..J nntnrio and 20 miles tals in Eastern Washington this sea- W tw' .i. iKnnnf). ! son will prove this. On land that thn mIr for the storage of the state has formerly received from 50 to !5ni located where the Owy- 75 cents an acre, wo are now renting rl"D nnd will lie for from 11.5(1 tn 11.7K nnrt Ami iint BOX cuiv11 - - - t - " .... ml ...nlle nf t 1 t 1 1 n flfft Pll'flr.l 1 nnnllnnttln fn. . .almost iienn- Biers ,, ..-nils nf the ! there are several nnnllcnnts fnr nonti Mr. Giiham maintains his residence in Dayton and is. well acquainted with Lewiston and the Lewiston country. He believes that Lewiston is destined to bo a big city and within a few years will be an Important railroad point. Lewiston Tribune. 0) feet long " fcrscted to now " P Li. ..in clve a storage ca- Kftreemi.eswideby IE miles 1tt an average uejim 1 i. .mpn(lous storage of wa- li be ample to irrigate 50 000 tudfurnlsn power uuu u6ut m- i lor all the towns aim wuuu . .thln n rndlllff .a pmeruuscD .i miles- Bdise Capital News. Ihmvy Shipment of Berries. tberrles to eastern points con- Pi w be very Heavy. 11010 ox r. companies are handling a large fatiallr The Blalock Fruit uo. fcdmg out hundreds or uoxes eacn I to eastern ana Montana points. I company receives every evening Hilton and Freewater an aver- ol seven wagon loads. The ber- Iire hauled over by tour norso s tad loaded into Northern Pa- I Kiriserator cars. The strawber- wn is now on the wane and in fa! weeks the entire crop will teen a thing of the past. Cher in coming Into1 market and sev- large shipments have been made I Indorses Colorado's Governor. H. G. Shuck, prohibition nominee for governor of Colorado, spent yes terday in Spokane on his way home from the recent Methodist Episcopal conference at Los Angeles. "I shall decline the nomination which was tendered me," said Mr. Shuck In an interview, "because I be lieve It to be the duty of good citizens to support Governor Peabody for re election. To defeat the man who has stood for law and order against law lessness would, In my Judgment, give Colorado a black eye. ''I have no doubt of Governor Pea body's renomlnation and re-election. The sympathy of the great majority of good citizens is with him. Some people think he didn't act quickly enough In quelling disorder, but he has recompensed for that by the vig orousness of his actions since he did move." Spokesmun-Hevlew. it s,r"i,u. 4 n,X. OPHCS OVKU 1501. '"'uiucc teiepnone, main hXTni and '"Won. Office In Judd .den1e. ffie?sT 0t'"' UH ! DU. D. J, M'FAt'L, JUDD 1JLOCK. TKI,K Phone, main 031; residence, black 101. DU. T. M. UEXDUUSO.V. rilYSICIAN bti Id ng, room 1. Office 'phonf. main "11 ! residence, red 1223. DIt. LYNN K. nUAKESLK uuu uerrous diseases and cimox!!1 diseases of women. Judd bulldlnp. corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone, main 721 liay Therapeutics. Ilcsldence. Thom(rtn d , . inoi v"u "aler. stri?ets. Thone, black .'cduus aiseasrs a specialty. ATTORNEYS, B13AN & l'HURY, ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. Office over Tnjlor'a Hardware Btore, IVndleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. 1IAII.EY & LOWELI,, ATTORSKY8AT law. unice in uespain block, TRANSPORTATION LINE8. 1IALLERAY t M'COUUT, LAWYEltS, AS soclatlon building. UAIITEK 4 KALKY, ATTOUNEYS AT law, on ice in savings uank building. WINTUK A COLL1KU, IAWYEUS- OK flee, rooms 7 and 8 Association building, AAItON TUHNEH. ATTOltNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. stii.lman lunnci:, attounkys at law. Mr, Stlllman has Lwn n.in.ifi-.l to practice In United States patent ot tlces, and makes a specialty of patent law. ltooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. FRATERNAL ORDERS. UK. U FliANCES THOMPSON. OSTEO IN1IU1C IIUrKirifltl. (-rnr1iaA m o.in .! MO- "nice. Hotel Hick. 55;:.fSi?.,T; da Tuesdays, "'"J" mmu L'aimuilJK, VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETEIHNA11Y SUltGEON nn. D JICMOB. Uffce at TAllnnn'. c, DENTISTS. DIt. M, S. KE11N, DENTAL SUHCEON uuiie, room 1,1. juad building, I THE WHOLESOME pill ht and aiyKaAa BAWO POWDER ifO Til l n.rn . 'mil nil fUWIJKltS. HIS NAME IS FORGOTTEN. 1 1 mAn AO Kinds Have good sound nnnH wlch is delivered at "Honable prices For Cash. W- C. MINNIS at weuman's "gar btore. good work m Pendl,f- . . , Tell oj I n. ' uunfv tint- v 1 PenHu, .neir good 4cua are rnnsini.. .u M tl, r.J,roof of merit can 4 ni.M..."XI,!.nence of '6MUIJ I t!t 300 w Aura est Read this exnresflmnn usun street. "for CrM ot Poodle tm,:u.?ur. years past I r6i.ri think, w , occupation. Mr.. Hint T i.T"" or rls . "UB una' n. !n wlth0t Irreeui.?6 Wdney secro- ean... especlallv at flea T? much anno;: Unt ' U1EI 1 I deVwr. V t Dean's . -- -.u in trv - u t a! - vu li v t no m enr "v avo -n ?tb , ..!xt.e. hoth as f 1 l, "uu. "e urlnnrv r. le greatest confl- Foster-Mil hnn. Ui the la .i lame nrixi.a Man Who Started Apple Culture In West Was a Vagabond. The history of the apple In the United States Is almost contempora neous with the settlement of the coun try. It Is definitely known that the first apple trees planted In America were Imported by the Dutch settle ment at New York In 1614. Apple trees were also known to have been growing at Jamestown, Va as early as 1C22. Until within the last half century apples were grown almost solely for cider making, as Is the case today lu France. As hard cider will produce drunkenness and a horri ble katzenjammer, William Penn ad vised his colonists ln Pennsylvania to cultivate indigenous fruits alone, as apples were then used almost exclus' Ively for making cider or applejack. Many of the orchards of the plo' neers of the middle west were grown from seeds obtained In a neculiar way Some man whose name has been for gotten, and who is remembered only by his appellation of "Apple-Seed Johnny," traveled through the west and scattered among the settlers un told quantities ot apple seeds. He gave (thein away free of charge and he was given a hearty welcome a every cabin door. The last decade or two has shown wonderful development of the large commercial apple orchards ln the west and the industry has now as sumea vast proportions, Apples, for Instance, are exported to j-.ugianu and many foreign coun tries. Apples cores from the ble drv, Ing establishments are purchased by eastern buyers and shipped to trance to be used in the adulteration or wine and champagne. A largo part of this chamnacnp la shipped back to America ln wine casks made at Poplar Bluff, Mo., in the largest barrel factory In the world. E. A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN j uuu uunuing. Tnone, red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. rillST NATIONAL 1 ANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, 3U,C00; surplus and iirouia, ti.,ouu.uu. interest on time de posits. Deals In forelcn and ilnmpnttr exchange. Collections promptly attended iu. ncury i;. Aaams, president T. J Kirk, rice-president ; V. S. Ledrow, cash icr; i. ai, Kemp, assistant casLlcr. TI1E FAItMEUS' HANK Or WESTON Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank Ing business. Exchange bought and sold Collections promptly attended to. R, Jameson, president; George W. rroebstel vice-president; J II. Kllgore, cashier: dl rectors, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Jones. T. J. I'rlce, G. D. Graw. J. r. Kllgore, Rob ert jameson, u. . rroebstel. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, 1'endleton, Oregon. Organized March 1 1SSU. Canltal. J 100.000: surulus. 17.'... 000: Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and eold on all prln clpal points. . Special attention given to collections, vt, J. Kurnlsu, president: J N. Teal, vice-president; T. J, Morris, cashier: J. W. Moloney, assistant cashier, FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF PENDLE- ton. Canltal. X.O.OOO: uurnlim nnil nn. divided profits. SI'JS.UCO.OO. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, Sau Francisco. New York and tirlnclnal nolnts in me .oriuwesr. urates drawn on cuina, Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankenv. tires dent W 1". Matlock, vice president : G. M, Rice, cusliler; George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, room 12 Judd block. Pendleton, Oregon. World'a Fair Rates. The O. It. & N. Company announces the following low rates: From Pendleton to St. Louis and return, $60.00. From Pendleton to Chicago and re turn, JCS.00. To Chicago, returning through St. Louis (no coupon between Chicago and St. Louis) or vice versa, $62.50, to Chicago, returning via St. Louis or vice versa, JSC. 25. Tickets on sale June 7. 16. 17. 18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10, Sep tember 0, 6, 7. October 3, i. 0. tickets good going within 10 days from date of sale: final return limit tfU days from date of sale. Stopovers allowed In either direc tion within the transit limit. For further Information call on or ad dress E. C. SMITH, Agent. Special Rates to Bingham Warm Springs. Bingham Warm Springs and return $1.75, limit of ticket following day from date of sale; $2.75 ticket In cludes your stage fare and three meals and a bath. Tickets on sale June 1st to Sepferaber 30th, 1904. For particulars call on or address B. Smith, agent O. It. & N. Attention Sheepmen; Itange to lenso and can locate some good range and water. Address box' 44, La Grande, Or. Try the hot free lunch at the Mer chants' Cafe, 12 to 1 at noon; 4 to p. hi., and at midnight. T. F. HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND SU perlnteudent. Makes complete and re liable plans for buildings In tbe city or country. Room 17, Judd building. SIIEEK & COLE. CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short notice. Job work a specialty. I'-ompt service. Shop on Uluff street, near Main. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND !i VI Lit er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oiegvnlau of fice. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND CE- mentlng. Cement walks a specialty Estimates furnished free. Woik guarau teed. Leave orders at Uadley & Zebner's cigar store, Main street. 1'. O. box 1U4 LIVERY AND FEED STABLES, TELEPHONE LIVERY 8TAI1LE. COVRT Street, opposite court bouse. Dowers k Son, proprietors. Always good turnouts Public scales, 'Phone, main 391. OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, Corner West Alta and Lllllth streets, B. A. Allowar. nroorletor. Larte com fortable stalls. Plenty of feed. Horses given careful attention. COMMERCIAL HTAULES, G. M. FROOMK proprietor. Flue horses, good rigs, best care given transient stock. Opp. Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101. CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA STREET, Carney It Kennedy, Props., livery, feed and galea stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection. 'Pnooe, main 701. BOARDING AND LODGING. TUB STANFIELD HOUSE. 313 SOUTH Main street. Mrs. L. Michael, urop Large, clean, comfortable rooms: best meals, all home cooking. Hoard, 4 ; ulsw furnished Housekeeping rooms. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard ur tne oar or wets Qood table set. Rates. 13.75 and 70 per week. Mrs. L. Netf, Prop. Pendleton reed Yard In connection, u. nea, pro prietor. ATHENA HOTEL, LEADING HOTEL IN tbe cltr. f 1.00 to Il.ov per nay. u. r. Milieu, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL -UNDER NEW MANAOB- ment. Good meals and clean beds, li you come once you will keep a coming. Only white help employed. Especial at' tentlon given to commeiclal travelers. Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Navln, proprietors. COTTAGE HOTEL WHEN YOU GO TO Umatilla stop at tbe cottage noiei White help, home cooking, everything neat and clean. Mrs. James OConnell, proprietor. FOR RENT. FOR RENT GOOD FRONT ROOM suitable for two gentlemen or two la dies. Call at 010 Willow street. B. P. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODGE. No. 2S8. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays ot each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend. Hall In LaDow block, Court atreet. O. A. Hartman, Sr., E. II.; C. E. Bean, secretary. MEN'S RESORT YOU ARE INVITED. Free reading room. Why not Jolu and get tho advantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments. In cluding library and reading room. Terms $1.00 to Join ana SOc a month dues. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLH, DEALER IN SECOND band goods. If there is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get bis prices. No. 212 Court street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lauds in Umatilla county. I, onus on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Docs a general brokerage business. Paya taxes and makes Invest ments for non-residents. Reference, nny bank ln Pendleton. G. A. HARTMAN. Pres. O. A. HARTMAN, JR., Vice Pres. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable fire and acci dent Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, JR., U. S. LAND COM mlsslouer. Specialty made of land fil ings nnd proof. Insurance and codec tlons. Office In Judd building, room 10. WANTED. WANTED FIFTY OR 715 STOCK HOGS or shoats to feed and fatten on shares. Address Box -ill, Pendleton, Oregon. WANTED PARTNER WITH $2,500 cash to take a half luterest in a manu facturing business, to be removed nt once to rcnuietou, Oregon. iiuslnesR started June K 1003. and bos cleared S300 to date. Well established lu six states. Ad diess at once, J. L Earckson, Uaker City, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. SEWER CONTRACTORS llKEI) 4 r.AR ler make connections with tbe sewer for uusiness nouses and iirlrute residences. -terms reasonable. Leave orders at T. Taylor's Hardware store. OREGON S3I OUTLINE amd UNION PACIFIC HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., PROPRIETORS, The Best Hotel In Pendleton and at good at any. TWO TRAINS TO DAILY. THE EA8T Through Pullman standard and Tourist Sleepers dally to Omaha and Chicago! luunsi iiieciier uaiiy 10 innnaa i;uy , through Pullman tourist sleeping ear, (nersonallv conducted! weklr tn Phi. rngo: reclining chair cars (seats tree) to inc insi uniiy. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. EASTBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 2, Chicago Special 5 :3,t p. m. 0 i45 p. m No. (1, Mall & Express 4 ;35 a. tu. 4 :45 a. m. WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart l, rortianu sp- No. clal 11 :00 a. ni. I) :10 a.m No. C, Mall and Ex press 12:2.1a.m. 12:30 a. m SPOKANE DIVISION. Arrive. Depart. No. 7, Pendleton Pas senger 5 :35 p. m. No. 8, Spokane Pas senger 0 :10 a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Arrive. Depart, No. -II, Mixed train, 1 :3d p. m. No. 42, Mixed train 0:30 p.m. No. 7 connects with No. 2. No. 42 connects with No, 2. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates subject to change. For Sun Francisco every five days. SNAKE RIVER. Rlnarla to Lewiston Leave ninarla dally, except Saturday, 4 :03 a. in. i.eave i.ouuion uaiiy, except Friday, 7:00 a. m. E. C SMITH, Agent, Pendleton. SEE YOU "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money. Ye make loans on personal yruperij. i. 11. uuruain, pawn liroker. aiiiantey minding, Court street. DRESSMAKING, CUTiING AND FIT. ting a snec altr. Promnt work. Kails faction guaranteed. Miss R. Whitley in iiaiu street. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS i .10 Cottonwood street. C eanlmr. dvlns uuu repairing, uoous caneu ror and ue nvereu. 'Phone, main 10'Jl. FOR SALIC AT THE EAST OREOONIAN ouue luri? uiinnieM fir nnuHTumpru .-.n. tatnlng over 100 big papers, can be obtain vu lor .j terns uuouie. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU nunt io subscribe to magazines or news papers In tbe United States or Europe, inmi ur postal note, cueck or send tc the EAST OREGONIAN the net pub Usher's nrlce of the riil.ll-ail..n ,i sire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In tbe malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to me i-;at oreuonian In remitting yon can deduct 10 per cent from the pub- .t:i n ui kl-. A flu rrxn l.Ani ffftr. uumian PUU. CO.. Pendleton, Oregon, HOUSE CLEANING BY THE JAPANESE llOUiie Cleaning ('.. Wfrlf l,,n l,r 111 uuy, iiour or jou. ninuow cleaning specially. l'romot service at loir nrlrei w uaraen street. 'Phone Main 1171 DUG. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TKEATMUNT This wonderful Cbl ntso doctor Is culled great becauM bs cores lopl without opera tion that ars slven up Iodic, lis cures Willi Ibots wonderful CM nes herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely iui- tfnctwn to inedltnl hcl. menu this country. Through lbs uiecflboM liurmless remedies this famous doctor knows Hie aolloH or over MO different mnedles, wbl'h besucuetwrullyuies la dISerunt dliesws. lis Kuaraulees to cur catarrh, Mtbuia, I unit, llirofU, rbeuuiatlnujt uervousneM, stoiMMli. liver, kldnsys,cic.i iuubuudrtds of tenllinou lull. Charges moderate. Call aud tee blin. Patients out or the cur write for blanks and rlrrulari. Send i cents In sumps. CONSUL TAT1UN VUKK. ADUHKMH ,j THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE C0. 253 Alder St.. Portland. Oregon. Mention paper. Ladles' Cables Gardes Lady Agents Wanted, Safe, reliable. Absolutely uruar. anteed to cure leucorrhoea and fe male weaJfneBB. For particulars ad. dress Mo. Prop. Pharmacy, Lock Box 323, Kansas City, Mo. For sale by u. noeppen & uros., I'endleton. Mormon Bishops' Plllf wttiouiuwrWwi t tUuUrul tbtj Uurmo ....irai.ii,i. if. .itjr nn. MkfM ue i ti(krltj. itnf.Lfi. . . . 1 T k .r " r vuricuueiDi or Un nut Tiyltrhlni' n4 iroiijentftrijr3iiiiiw;(i,iirVtofijamA.1, rJJ'rci uuUTrloiKl orirauM PH-uufatitlietiniai;4m: it- Wjltjrao corf 'Mur 1011. A writ B tfinf"'nuiti,ty curejfl Uiuui 11 ti w MAixttt iurrve aaro8, utinop Kemeay uo.a snn r runcisco. com oid oy laiiman & uo., uruggieie. stlpatlorii Stop Prematureneis, Stops Ner Evellds w ' i'uiuiUiit.i I uip it viifor o4 Washington & Columbiia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND .SOUTH. Portland and Points on the Sound .... TIME CARD. Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wed nesaay and Friday, 1:45 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11:45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally, eastbound, 11 :00 p." m. Arrive Wallu Walla dally, westbound, 10:4b a, m, For Information regarding rates and accommodations, call on or address W. ADAMH, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. S. B, CALDEKHEAI). O. P. A.. Walla Walla, Washington. TO RUNS i'ULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CAR8 TOURIST 8LEEPING CARS ST. PAUL MINNKAl'OLIS DULUTH KAIiaO ailAND FOIIKB GltOOKSTON WINNKI'JCa IIHI.HNA and BUTTU. THROUGH T ICKET8 TO CHICAGO WASHINO'l'ON PHILAUKLPIIIA NEW YOHK BOSTON And all points East and South Through tickets to Japan and Chios via Taioma ana Northeru Paciac Htesm ship Co. and Amerltan Hue. Tho Hotel PonUlcton has just boom roflttotl nml rofurntshctt ihroitRhoiit. 'Phono ami lire alarm connections with nil rooms. Oaths In suites and slnglo rooms. Headquarters for traveling Msn Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2.00 and $2.50 Spoclnl niton by wook or mouth. .Kwllent Cuisine. Prompt Dining Uoom Sorvlc. Oar and Billiard Room In Connection Only Three Blocks From Depot. Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. European plan. Everything first class. Accommodations the host. All modorn convonloncos. Steam heat throughout. Itooma op-sulto -vith hath. Lurgo, now samplo rooms. The Hotel St. (icorgo Is pronounced ne of tho most modern and model hotols of Oregon. 'Phono anil flro alarm connections to ofllco In all rooms. Rooms SOc to J 1. 50. CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8Ti. Block and a half from depot TUB Hotel Bickers (Formerly Golden Rulo.) COURT STREET. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dallr except nuDosr, at i :uu p. tn. for further Information, time cards. maps ana ticiets, ran on or writs w, Adams, Pendleton, Oregon, or A. U. UIIAItLTON, Third and Morrison, Ms., Portland, Or, D ELIQHTFUL ItOUTB AYI.IQHT RIDES IZZV CHAOS EEP CANYONS A Goldan Opportunity See nature, In al! her glorious beauty, and then tbe acme of man's handiwork. Tho first Is found along the line of tbe DENVER & ItlO OHANDE ItAIMtOAD, the lot latter at the St, Ixiuls World's Fair. Your trip will bo one of pleasure make tbe most of It, For Informa tion and Illustrated litera ture write W. C. M'BRIDE General Agent, Portland, Oregon. !E5fnrN. inflatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttBi 'TEEHGm'n tf I HtjHittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttfr Itomodeled and refurnished through. out. Erorythlng neat, clean and up-to-dato. Steam boat and electrlo Hsbts. Dcst cuisine. Prompt sertrlM. H. E. BICKER8, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON. Amerltan nlan. (3 nsr day and noward. llead'iaarters for tourists and commercial travelers. HdscIsI rates made to faultiest and single gentlemen. The managtaeat will ts pieaseu at an notes to sasw rooms and iilves nrlcea. A modern Tsra- lull bath establishment In the tiotsl. II. (J. iiMWtsun, tiaoager, Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at tbe bead of the Hat. Assets. Hartford Fire Insurant. Co., 112,259,076 Alliance Assurance Co . , 29,039,93 London & Lancushlro Fire , Insurance Co, 2,614,683 North British & Mercantile Co 10,096,974 Iloyal Insuranco Co, 22,897,153 tra a hiss n, m - . ji 9 mm. a4 w H V 9 AGENT. . 11Z EA8T COURT 8TR26T, I