EIGHT PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1904. . ' 1 . .. -.. .r.. in. ' , S4; Taylor. 39; Bannister, ucser, . - I i!. n,m- inr.- Hnllnir. 160: Folsom, rnoiiw, . "-.', . v-. " T m i i - " - .... . . no. Aiinma ii l q nmr .'II " 0 Pnirlnr 1R1- T pozer 7: UlgM- uruu'. '"""""i " i b Sonmor.HI,, HO; SKw.n. ".."ST"",": i- 2 . 122; Kimbrell, 191; Botkln, us; Ti " -.' T 5 155- Richardson, 10; roisuw, i,v.i, -., i '. J witnr Berrv. 2: Douglas. 9; Itasmusscn, 2; 5 COMFORTABLE SUMMER SHOES The warm weather requires lighter and lower footwear. Lot ue Ot you out for the hot season with a pair of those new, stylish tan Oxfords, Patent Corona Colt, or Vlcl Kid low shoes. They are correct In shape and fit as well asprlco. DINDINGER, WILSON &, CO. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. PflLITICAL LIKES T IE AS E (Continued from page l.) Fowler, 91; Leezer, 54; Lightfoot, 44; Sommervllle, 147; Stewart, C; lUcby, 75; Strain, 119; Talbert, 5; Mayberry, 7S; Wells, 13; Berkeley. SO; Kimbrell, 120; Botkln, 82; Henderson, 111; Richardson, G; Lloyd, 79; Rich mond, 10; "Walker, 111; Dairy com missionerBerry, 20; Douslas, 48; Rasmussen. 21; Justice of Peace Darnell, 95; Fitz Gerald, 103. Fulton Cook, 2; Simmons, 25; Stone, 2; Williamson, 60; Bright, 1; Mikkelsen, 1; Moore, C2; O'Day, 24; Bailey, 50; Berry, 3; Douglas, 23; Itassmussen, 2; Phelps, 50; Raley, 37; Cole, Co; Holbrook. 20; Howard, 2; Adams, 43; Balleray, 43; Blakley. 41; Chamberlain, 37; Davis, 1; Slkes, 1; Turley, 2. Warner, 2; Bean, 52; Hartman. 32; Rigby, 3; Barrett, 31; Taylor, 5G; Cherry, 2S; Saling, 5S; Folsom, 60; Fowler, 2S; Leezer, 1; Lightfoot. 11; Sommervllle, 74; Stew art, 1; Rigby, 43; Strain, 42; Talbert. 1; ayberry. IS; Welles. G4; Berke ley, 31; Kimbrell, 52; Botkln, 42; Henderson, 40; Richardson, 1; Lloyd, 17: Richmond, 2; Walker. 67; Dar nell, 22; FiU Gerald, 56; Bently, 45; Earnhart, 37: Gllllland Simmons, 12; William son, 26; Moore, 29; O'Day, 11; Phelps, 22; Raley, 29; Cole, 36; Hol brook, 12; Adams, 21; Balleray. 20; Blakley, 19; Chamberlain, 16; Bean, 29; Hartman, 21; Barrett, 20; Tay lor, 2S; Cherry, 19; Saling, 29; Fol som, 32; Fowler, 16; Lightfoot, 11; Sommervllle, 37; Rigby, 17; Strain, 30; Mayberry, 20; Welles, 25; Berke ley, IS; Kimbrell, 26; Botkln, 16; Henderson, 29; Lloyd, 15; Walker, 29. Mountain Cook, 2; Simmons, 23; Stone, 3; Williamson, 49; Bailey. 32; Berry, 7; Douglas, 21; Bright, 1; i Foot Powcte For Sore, Blistered, Aching and Sweating Feet. We Guarantee This t Cure Either of These Complaints or Money Refunded, , Tallman & Co. j LEADING DRUGGISTS. Moore. 5; O'Day, 25; Phelps, 33; Ra ley, 43; Cole, 50; Holbrook. 25; How ard, 2; Adams, 46; Balleray, 31; Blak ley, 34; Chamberlain, 32; Davis, 3; Slkes, 1; Turley, 2; Bean, 51; Hart man, 2S; Rigby, 4; Barrett, 25; Tay lqr, 55; Cherry, 34; Saling. 46, Fol som, 53; Fowler, 24; Lightfoot. 21; Sommervllle, 4"; Rigby, 19; Strain. 45; Talbert, 5; Mayberry, 24; Welles, 34; Berkeley, 27; Kimbrell, 41; Bot kln. 31; Henderson, 34; Lloyd, 24; Richmond, 5; Walker. 40. Hogue Cook, 1; Simmons, 11; Williamson, IS; Moore. IS; O'Day. 11; Bailey. 1G: Douglas. 10; Berry. 1: Phelps, 1G; Raley, 15: Cole. 22; Hol brook. S; Adams, 13: Balleray, 12; Blakely, IS: Chamberlain, Is; Bean, 22; Hartman. 13; Barrett, 9; Taylor, 26: Cherry, 15; Saling, 17; Folsom. 22: Fowler, 7: Lightfoot. 12: Som mervllle. 20: Stewart. 1: Rigby. 10; Strain. 21; Mayberry. 11: Welles, 20; Berkelev. 14: Kimbrell, 14; Botkln. 11; Henderson, 20; Lloyd, 11: Rich mond. 2: Walker, 17; Bentley, 14; Earnhart, 13. Reservation Cook, 4: Simmons, 4S; Stone. 3: Williamson, 76; Bright. 2: Mikkelsen. 4: Moore, 79; O'Day. 45; Bally, Cfi; Berry, 3: Douglas, 40; Rassmussen, 4; Phelps, 69: Raley, 62; Cole. S4; Holbrook. 46: Howard, 1; Adams, 60; Balleray, 58; Blakley 69; Chamberlain, 71; Slkes. 2; Tur ley, 1; Warner, 1; Bean, 68; Hart man. 5S; Rigby, 9; Barrett, 52; Dick inson, 2: Taylor, SO: Bannister, 2: Cherry. 47; Saling, 79; Folsom. 74; Fowler. 53; Leezer, 3; Lightfoot, 29; Sommervllle. 24; Stewart, 1; Rigby, C6; Strain, 57; Talbert. 1: Mayberry. 52; Welles, 73; Berkeley. 46; Kim brell. 71; Botkln, 71; Henderson. 49; Richardson, 2; Lloyd. 52; Richmond. 3; Walker, 70; Darnell, 37; Yitz Ger ald. 88; Bently, 47; Earnhart, 65. Valley Cook, 4; Simmons, 5S; Stone, 9; Williamson, 42; Bright, 11; Mikkelsen, S; Moore, 3S; O'Day, 57; Bailey, 27; Berry, 25; Douglas, 39; Rasmussen, 2; Phelps, 33; Raley, SI; Cole, 29; Holbrook, 7S; Howard, 9; Adams, 37; Balleray, 29; Blakley, G6; Chamberlain. 60; Davis, 16; Slkes, 2; Turley. 3; Warner, 5; Bean, 27; Hart man, SO; Rigby, 11; Barrett, 30; Dick enson, 4; Taylor, S3; Bannister, 13; Cherry, 69; Saling, 36; Folsom, 50; Fowler, 59; Leezer, 6; Lightfoot, 23; Sommervllle, SO: Stewart, S; . Rigby, 24 Strain, S6; Talbert, 3; .Mayberry, 52. Welles, 56; Berkeley, 62; Kim brell. 43; Botkln,, 35; Henderson. 61; Richardson, 15: Lloyd, 55; Richmond, 11. Walker. 27. I'kiah Cook, 7; Simmons, 34; Stone, 5. Williamson, 44; Bright. 4; Mikkelsen. 6 Moore, 46; O'Day, 55; Phelps, 42. Raley. 51; Cole, 54; Hol brook, 32; Adams, 29; Balleray. 25; Blakley. 49; Chamberlain, 51; Bean, 35 Hartman, 47; Barrett, 13; Taylor, 71, Cherry. 49; Baling, 34; Folsom, 65, Fowler, 17; Lightfoot, 32; Som mervllle. 43: Rigby. 22; Strain, 59; Mayberry, 39; Wells, 40; Berkeley, 41; Kimbrell, 37; Botkln. 33; Hender son, 4?; Lloyd, 30; Walker, 48. Pondleton, North Cook. 23; Sim mons, 106; Stone, 1G: Williamson. 189; Bright, 15: Mikkelsen, 17; Moore, 186; O'Day, 107: Daley. 151: Berry. 23; Douglas. 90; Rasmussen. 19; Phelps, 153; Raley. 173. Cole, 2U9. Holbrook, 104; Howard, 17; Adams. 130; Balleray. 15S. Rlakloy. 146. Chamberlain. 141: Davis, 12; Slkes 19; Turley. 15: Warner. 15; Bean. 153; Hartman, 164: Rigby, 18: 4 ! I Cut Prices in Tobaccos IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT SEVERAL BRANDS OF TO BACCOS WE WILL CUT THE PRICE BELOW WHAT THEY CAN BE BOUGHT FOR IN PORTLAND AT WHOLESALE. THESE LINES MUST GO AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME. HERE ARE THE PRICES: 35 lbs. Sun Cure, 2t toll, cut price, 40c; regular retail price. 65c 45 lbs. Sun Cure, IGoz. cans, cut price, 40c; regular retail price 0c 30 lbs. Lime Klin, 1 2-3 oz foil, cut price, 50c; regular retail price 95c 25 lbs. IJmo Kiln, 3 1-3 oz. foil, cut price, SOe; regular retail price &5c 75 lbs. Hand Made, 2& oz. foil, cut price 40c; regular retail price 65c 24 lbs, Hand Made, 16 oz. cans, cut prlco 40c; regular price . .60c Z0 lbs. Mastiff, 1 2-3 oz. pouch, cut price 60c; regular price . .95c 30 lbs. Mastiff, 3 1-3 oz. pouch, cut price 55c; rpgular price . .95c 20 lbs. Gold Pipe, 2& oz. pouch, cut price 40c; regular price .60c 40 lbs. Race Horse, loz. bags, cut prlco 40c; regular price SOc 21 lbs. Turkish Pntrol, 1 oz.bags, cut price 65c; regular price SOc 40 lbs. Nowport, 1 oz. bags, cut prlco 55c; regular retail price SOc 10 lbs. Jokor, 1 2-3 oz. bags, cut price 35c; regular retail price 60c C4 lbs. Old Crop, 16 oz. bags, cut price 25c; regular rotall prlco 35c 25 lbs. Whito Navy, 1 2-3 oz.foll, cut prlco 60c; regular price ..95c 15 lbs. California Nugget, 1 2-3 oz. tins, cut prlco 60c; regular retail price , 95c Neumon's Cigar Store R. W. HENNEMAN, SUCCESSOR TO G. NEUMAN. Barrett 1 169 foot, 5 i: 5 ley Henderson, isR- nn!i inn- Fit Gerald. 201; Lightfoot. 10; bommervme, .o; " - - - n. I) r .r 1K Rlrnln IB? Tnlhnrt. Bentley 190; Ernnart Uo. MaVterrV. ll; Wells. 23; Berkeley, Pendleton. East-Phclps, 154, Ka Kimbrell, 23; Botkln, 19; Hen ley, 152; Cole, 171; Holbrook, 109; jon 15 1 Adams. ,122; Balloray. 129; Blakley Aba'Smini)n8i 23; Williamson.! is.; Chamberlain, hj; 34; Moore. 34; O'Day.,21; Phelps, 32; Hartman. 144; Barrett. -. lor. C(, 3 HoIbrook 3G. 224 ; ?,horryxi 128i i iehtM Adnms' Mi Balleray, 27; Blakley. 33; som. 139; Fowler. 148; Usntloot. chamberlaln 32; Bean, 29: Hartman, 158; Sommervllle. 215; Rigby, 1-9, 3 Barrett 13; Tayior B6; Cherry. '"U "X8"?!, i&: 31 Saling, 32; Folsom, 44; Fowler. l6G.i ,Ber,K;-IeV3i: Klmib SinTd 20 Lightfoot. 17; Sommervllle. 43; Botkln. 107; Henderson. 16S; Lloyd. ,3; gtraln 41. MnybenTt 25; 92; talker, 15i. Wolls, 37; Berkeley, 35; Kimbrell, South Milton Simmons, 61; og. nolkln, 19; Hondorson, 32; Lloyd, rneips, ia; iiaaey, iiv; voiu, 2s; Kicnuiona, 31; w&iKcr, 34 REMOVAL 94; Balleray. 8G; Blakley, 77; Cham berlain, 78; Davis, 86; Slkes, 19; Turley, 12; Warner, 53; Bean, 115; Local Option Carries. Portland, Juno 7. Incomplete re- Hartman SI- Rlnbv 65' Barrett. 75; 'rns ior mo enure siaio up uu noon Dlckmson. 31; TaVr l Bannls- Indicate tiat the republicans carried tor 49- Cherrv 124: Saling. 90; rol- ijmusi '""""'"t "b'" som. 121; Fowler. 75; Leezer, WE MUST MOVE. A LIQUOR HOUSE WILL WON cc. Llchtfoot. 33: Sommervllle. lt3; Stewart, 46; Rigby. 50; Strain, 1S7; Tolbert, 20; Mayberry, 104; Wells, 142; Berkeley. 95; Kimbrell, 14S: Botkln, 107; Henderson, 1SG; Rich ardson. 53; Lloyd, 128; Richmond. 37; AValker, 94. Holdman Cook, 33; Simmons. 16: Bright, 4: Mikkelsen. 47; Moore. 32; O'Day. 2S; Bailey, 26; Berry. 7; Doug Ins. 25: Jlnsmussen, 23: Cole. 30. Holbrook. 43: Howard, 4: Adams. 26. Balleray. 21; Blakley. 35: Chamber lain. 36: Davis, 4; Turley. 23: War per. 6; Bean, IS; Hartman. 57; Rig by. 7: Barrett, 9; Taylor. 76: Bannis ter. 5: Cherry, 47: Saling, 46; Fol som. 33; Fowler, 42; Leezer, G; Light foot, 26; Sommervllle. 45; Stewart. 5; Rlgbv. 14; Strain, G9; Tolbert. 1: Maybcrrv. 35; Wolls, 39; Berkeley. 47; Kimbrell, 2S; Botkln. 16; Hender son. 62; Richardson, 2: Lloyd. 24; Rlchmoud. 6; Walker. 51 Milton, North Phelps, 130; Raley. 144; Adams, 110; Balleray, 94: Blake ley. 101; Chamberlain, 101; Davis. 73; Slkes. 17: Turley, 19; Bean, 132; Hartman, 114; Rigby. 38; Barret. 79; Dickenson. 31; Taylor, 1S3; Bannis ter. 33: Cherry, 117; Saling. 125. Folsom, 131; Fowler. 107; Leezer, 36. Lightfoot, 63; Sommervllle. 166. Stewart. 33; Rigby, 37; Strain. 211; Talbert. 52; Mayberry. 109: Wells. 139; Berkeley. 97; Kimbrell, 160. Botkln. 121; Henderson, 89; Richard son, 50; Lloyd, 131; Richmond, 31: Walker, 110. Juniper Simmons, 19; Williamson, 19; Moore, 20; O'Day, 19; Bailey. IS; Douglas, 17; Phelps, 17; Raley, 23; Cole, 20; Holbrook, 19; Adams, 17; Balleray, 10; Blakeley, 24; Chamber lain, 23, Bean, 15; Hartman, 24, Barrett, 8; Taylor, 32; Cherry. 20; Saling, 20; Folsom, IS; Fowler. 20; Lightfoot. 12; Sommervllle. 28; Rig bv, 10; Strain, 20; Mayberry, 16; Welles, .23; Berkeley. 22; Kimbrell, 20; Botkln, 13; Henderson, 23; Lloyd, 9; Walker, 29. Hells Simmons. 27; Williamson, 58; Berry, 51; Douglas, 21; Phelps, 56; Raley, 36; Holbrook, 10; Cole, 68; Adams, 53; Balleray, 44; Blakeley, 30; Chamberlain, 30; Bean, 46; Hart man, 44; Barrett, 31; Taylor, 5S; Cherry, 30; Saling, 61; Folsom, 65; Fowler, 27, Lightfoot, 12; Sommer vllle, 74; Rigby, 41; Strain, 37, May berry, 15; Welles, 71; Berkeley, 15; Kimbrell, 60; Botkln, 74; Henderson, 29; Lloyd, 12; Walker, 71. Pilot Rock Simmons, 38; William son, 137; Moore, 135; O'Day, 44, Bailey, 114; Douglas, 30; Phelps, 126; Raley, 68; Cole, 153; Holbrook, 33; Adams, 118; Balleray, 114; Blake ley, 55; Chamberlain, 56; Bean, 126; Hartman, 56; Barrett, 81; Taylor, 111; Cherry, 83; Saling, 101; Folsom, 1G1; Fowler, 28; Lightfoot. 24, Som mervllle, 153; Rigby, 83; Strain, 92; Mayberry, 44; Welles, 133; Berkeley 43; Kimbrell, 130; Botkln, 111; Hen derson, 59; Lloyd, 38; Walkor. 133. Pendleton Simmons, 75; William son, 121; Moore, 126; O'Day, 72; Phelps, 100; Raley. 130, Cole, 128, Holbrook, 93; Adams, 93; Balleray, S; Blakeley, 10S; Cbamborlaln, 100, Bean. 119: Hartman, 105: Barrett, 49: Taylor, 1S6; Cherry, 105, Saling, 118: Folsom, 125; Fowler, 99, Light root, 45: Sommervllle, 158; Rigby, 79; Strain, 129; Mayberry, 93; Wolles, 112; Berkeley, 97; Kimbrell, 110. Botkln, 7G; Henderson, 125; Lloyd, SO; Walker, 117. Weston, East Simmons, 58; Wlll liamson, 69; Moore, 69; O'Day, 63; Bailey, 5S; Douglas, 58; Phelps, 63; Raley, 97; Cole, 70; Holbrook, 68; Adams, 73; Balleray. 48; Blakley. 70: Chamberlain, 62; Bean, 56; Hartman, I u; uarrcu, -JS; Taylor. 9 man Blnger Hermann, although by not ns large a majority as expected. Local option amendment in the state has also carried. 1 La Grande Gets County Seat. , La Grande, June 7. The vote on county seat Is 72 per cent In favor J or La Grande. County tickets mixed. Local option carried In the county. 1 CUPY OUR OLD STAND. COME AND HELP US Movr T CRACKED CHINA DOES NOT SELL FOR ONE-TENT THE FIRST COST BROKEN CHINA WILL NOT 8ELL AT ALL. WE WOULD RATHER GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF OUR LOSS. WHATEVER YOU BUY NOW WILL NOT u RISKED IN MOVING. WE HAVE A LOT OF FINE ENGLISH SEM.P0RCEU, PIE PLATES AT 5C EACH. SIX GLASS SAUCE DISHES, 15c. Owl Tea House Hermann Slides In. Portland. Juue 7. While the re publican majority of the first district is from 7,500 to 9,500, the unofficial count gives Hermann but 3,000 plurality. REMOVAL Local Option Wins by 4,000. Portland, June 7. With 10 counties yet to hear from, not including Mult nomah, the majority in favol of local option Is 4,000 in round numbers. , These returns are ofllcial as far as they go, but in no county, do they , include a full vote, some of the back , county precincts are still to be heard from in all counties and as these are ! usually local option In principles, the , Indications are that the majority in , favor of locnl option will be largo. CONTRACT LET. Gibson Will Build Second Story to Peoples Warehouse. The contract has been let for the construction of the second story to the building now occupied by the Peo ples Warehouse. Arthur Gibson was awarded the contract, and the addi tion will cost about $6,000 or $7,000. Tomorrow morning workmei will commence the erection of the scaf folding around the front of the build ing and work will be started as soon as the material can be brought to the ground. It Is estimated that it will take about a month to complete the building. The front will be construct ed of pressed -brick and will be one of the most artistic in the city when ompIoteO. Chicago Grain. Chicago, June 7. Old July opened SSVb, closed 89U; new July opened 8714, closed 8SH- July corn opened 4S?s. closed 49. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths.! There i a disease prevailing in tbis country most dangerous because so ilecej- j live, .natty suuuen deaths are caused , by it heart lis- ' ease, pneumonia, 1 heart failure or i r apoplexy are often the result of kid-1 I ncv disease. If 111 II I'I t- v w t til 1 kiilnev trouble is 1 ifl Wonderful Special SaEe Underwear Men's tan rib, 40c regular price, Wonder price . .. , Men's Egyptian halbrlggan, colors pink, blue and black, 75c regular price; Wonder price Men's real maco, 75c regular price; Wonder price c Hen Skin Shirts, 50c regular price; Wonder price 35e Several lines of fancy mercerized lisle, worth $2.50 to JJiO per suit. Wonder price, per garment At Half Price 30 Youth's suits half price. 20 2-ptece suits half price. 48 pair men's pants half price. 63 children's suits half price. Fancy Half .Hose 20c silk, embroidered on black 50c Special value. Wonder price Wonder Prices on Men's Clothing 12 Suits worth $8.50 to $10.00, Wonder price 14 Suits worth $9.00 to $12.50, Wonder price . . 24 Suits worth $12.50 to 516.50, Wonder price 23 Suits worth $12.50 to $18.00, Wonder price . 12 Suits worth $18.00 to $25.00, Wonder "ice tus . .HIS' . .111 36: Saling. 113; Folsom, SO; Fowler, 61. Lightfoot, 37; Sommervllle, 86; Ulgby, 34; Strain, 99; Mayberry. 66; Wells. 73; Berkeley, 64; Kimbrell, 76; Botkln. 64; Henderson, 72; Loyd, 54; Walker, 72. Weston Simmons, 61; Williamson, 74; Moore, 72; O'Day, 60; Balloy, 69; Douglas. 46; Phelps, 58; Ilaley, 94; Cole. 73, Holbrook, 68; Adams, 59; Balleray, 35; Blakley, 82; Chamber lain, 66; Bean, 41; Hartman, 106; Barrett. 43; Taylor. 110; Cherry, 35; Saling, 112; Folsom, 81; Fowler, 64; Lightfoot, 51; Sommor vllle. 94; Klubv. 34: Strain. 120; Mayberry, 76; Wells, 79; Borkeloy, 70; Kimbrell, 81; Botkln, 72; Hondcr son, 68; Lloyd, 61; Walker, 84. Vansycle Simmons, 4; Stone, 1; Williamson, 25; Bright. 1; Moore, 26; O'Day, 4; Balloy, 19; Berry. 3; Phelps, 25; Haley, 5; Cole, 26; Hol brook, 4; Howard, 1; Adams, 21; Balleray, 21; Blakloy, 7; Chamber lain, 6; Davis, 1; Warner, 1; Bean, 14; Hartman, 10; Barrett, 10; Taylor, 20; Bannister, 1; Cherry, 6: Sallnir. 25; Folsom, 26; Fowler, 1; Leezor, 1; Lightfoot. 3; Sommervllle. 23: Stow. art, 1; Higby, 17; Strain. 9; Maybor- ry, 3; wells, 3Z; Berkeley, .4; Kim broil, 23; Botkln, 22; Henderson, 2; Itlchardson, 3; Lloyd, 3: Richmond. 4; Walker, 19. Umatilla Cook, 4; Simmons. 10: Stone, 1; Williamson, 23; Bright, 1; nllowedtoadvauce ' the kidney-poisoned blood wilt at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh ot . , the bladder, or the kidneys themselves 1 break down and waste away cell by cell, j Bladder troubles almost always result T from a derangement of the kidneys and I a cure is ooiaincu quickcsi uj a projwr , treatment ot lue kidneys, it you are 1 eel ing baiHy you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects mammy to 110m urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of lxiinc compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many limes during; the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful ChPTTv '. rres of the most distressing cases. Boston Store Rwnmp-Root is pleasant to take and is .-old by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar siie lwltles. You may have a ample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it. lxith sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer S; Co., Binghamtou, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the naine.Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Sammzt Drinks Cool, refreshing and Invigorat ing. Our drinks go right to tho spot. Call for Soda Pop, Sarsa partlla, Iron Brew, Dr. Popper's Phosphates, Mineral Water, Boot Beer, Ginger Ale and Cider, and ail kinds of soft drinks. Manufactured by J. MARIN Factory undor St. Georgo Hotel LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BEST VALUES EVER OFFERED, $5.00 TO $20.00. Outing and Business Suits ..tiurMT3.il WELL MADE 6""-" 1 1 Summer Underwear colors: BLUE, BROWN, BLACK AND LAVENDAR.PWJ SUIT, 50C, SOC, and $1.00. BAER & DALEY One Price Furnishers and Hatters tai It Is hard to teach an old dog! For once he told the truU Give the pup a trial. For the old do. is out of style. Pendleton Steam LaWf The new Laundry on Cottonwood Sir- 1