PAOE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1904. ten i nixxniixiiiniiixixixiiiixximr axixxxxxxn GOLDEN RULE PRICES GOLDEN RULE PRICES HAVE WONDERFULLY INCREASED OUR TRADE OVER LAST YEAR. MAY WAS, INDEED, A BANNER MONTH. OUR ATTENTION IS NOW TURNED TO JUNE, w WE FULLY EXPECT TO DO THE LARGEST VOLUME OF BUSINESS IN JUNE IN THE HISTORY OF THE GOLDEN RULE STORE. IF WE FAIL IT WILL NOT BE BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT ttto RIGHT PRICES. BUT WE WILL NOT FAIL. ALL WE ASK OF YOU IS TO "COME AND SEE." BELOW WE QUOTE SOME GENUINE GOLDEN RULE PRlfcES. E REMEMBER: WE BUY WITH THE GOLDEI RULE SYNDICATE, THEREFORE UNDERBUY. WE OPERATE WITH THE LEAST EXPENSE AND SELL FOR CASH, THEREFORE MAKE pRic WHICH CAUSE CONSTERNATION IN THE CAMPS OF ALL COMPETITORS. UNDERBUY, UNDERSELL, IS AN ARGUMENT THAT IN THE END MUST TELL. 8 15s? Egg; Eft .SHOES. We have about 100 pairs of that Job lot of ladles flno shoes, guaranteed to be worth from $1.50 to $2.50, which we offer for sale, bo long as they last, for only 98c U-ulles' fine shoes, gunranted to be nil leather and solid throughout. Not equalled anywhere for the money $1.48 The same shoe, with a heavy exten sion sole $1.65 Utz & Dunn's line shoes for ladies, universally recognized for wearing qualities and style; without a peer, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Or Edison's flno ladles' cushion shoe. a regular $5.00 shoe $4.00 MEN'S SHOES. Our line of men's shoes Is nearer complete than ever before. We have them In all styles and for all prices. It Is now possible for you to buy the best Shoes at Golden Rule prices. A good satin calf shoe $1.40 A heavy, very serviceable shoe, anvil oak sole, guaranteed $2.25 A secmless shoe, none better for work $2.25 A medium weight, very neat high land calf shoe $2.50 Hamilton Ilrown vlcl kid shoe, very dressy $2.50 We have many styles of fine valoro calf and vlcl kid shoes which range In price from $2.50 to $3.75 CHILDREN'S SHOES. All traveling men say: "Wo tnke our hats off to the Godman school shoes." We absolutely guarantee that these shoes can not be equaled for the muney. A kid shoe, all leather, solid; sizes 5 to 8, lace, only 50c The same In sizes S' to 11 75c .Major calf, will not rip, sizes 5 to 8 ,88c The same, sizes 8 14 to 11 $1.12 The same, sizes 11& to 2 $1.35 Kid lace, light or heavy Boles, neat serviceable, sizes 5 to 8 ......... 98c Sizes 8y'to 11 $1.18 Sizes 1154 to 2 $1.33 BOYS' SHOES. A medium weight, cadet calf, splendid service: Sizes 854 to 13 $1.40 Sizes 1354 to 2 $1.50 Sizes 2 to 5 $1.75 A light, dressy kid: Sizes 854 to 13 $1.38 Sizes 1354 to 2 $1.50 Sizes 2is to 554 $1.75 HOSIERY. Our line of hosiery has been recognized as one of the best In the city. Children's flno ribbed hose, a 15c grade, our price 10c Heavy ribbed children's hose 13c Fine ribbed hose, lisle finish 25c Rest ladies flue ribbed 10c stocking in town. Ladles' drop stitch hoso 15c and up Ladles' fancy hose, imported 25c Ladies' imported lisle finish hose ...,25c The same, in out sizes 25c DRESS GOODS. This Is the only place In Pendleton where you can get the celebrated Broad- head dress goods. Wo buy these goods direct from the factory and get the spe cial discount given to the Golden Rule Syndicate. These are recognized by judges ns be ing the cream of the market. For wear and finish thoy ore superb. These In clude the latest things In fancy summer weaves. LADIES' PURSES AND HANDBAGS. A large supply of carefully selected wrist-bags and purses have just arrived from the East. A glance at these will convince you of the excellent values and pretty designs. A pretty leather chain wrist-bag, in all colors, only 23c A good quality, quite largo, with In side coin purse, well finished, worth 50c, our price 33c Better purses in prices from 35c to $1.60 NOTIONS. Some stores try to make 100 jer cent on notions. We keep a full line of the latest things in notions and soil them at Golden Rule prices. Look over the following: Hairpins, per bunch 1c 200 parlor matches '...1c Shoe tacks, per package 2c Hooks and eyes, per dozen 2c Pie pans, each 3c 2-pint dairy pans, each 3c 2-quart dairy pans, each 4c 4-quart dairy pans 3 for 20c (!-quart dairy pans 3 for 25c Best brass pins 4c Best safety pins, per dozen 4c Curling Irons 4c 8 dozen pearl buttons 10c 1-plnt funnel 4c C dozen nice buttons 5c 2 1-plnt tin cups 5c Fire shovel, each 5c 2-blade mincing knife 7c Shoe polish 10c 10-quart dairy pall 15c 12-quart retinned dairy pall 25c 14-quart retinned dish pan 28c Children's supporters 10c Blouse pin sets 10c and up Fancy hat pins 10c Fancy ribbon, 4 Inches wide, per yd.. .10c Infants' moccasins 10c 3 bars toilet soap 10c Many other things at correspondingly low prices. MEN'S SUITS. We have Increased our suit stock so that we can show you a good variety or suits at most reasonable prices. Men's light dressy suit, just the thing for summer $4.95 Dark gray, mixed suit, a remarkable value, only $6.50 Better ones . . .$7.50, $8.50, $10.00 and up BOYS' SUITS. We carry a good stock of boys' long and short pants suits. Our trade has been very satisfactory on them. Call In and be convinced of their values before you buy elsewhere. TABLE LINENS. Fair quality bleached table linen, 60 inches, at 25c Heavier, unbleached, 60 Inches, at ..30c Very pretty pattern, bleached, all lin en 2 yards wide, at 60c Very fine grado nnd heavlor, from 98c up Colored table linen, red and blue, at 25c, 30c, 38c and up DRESS GINGHAMS. S l-3c jlress gingham, In dark colors only, per yard 5c 10c dress ginghams, pretty patterns, at 8 1-3c 15c to ISc dress ginghams, excellent patterns, at 12Jc Fine quality .Madras cloth at 25c CALICO. Best grades of calico, nil colors, only 5c Tnke all you want. PERCALES. 10c percales, hook-fold, per yard ...8 1-3c MUSLIN. 754c bleached muslin, per yard 5c Good, heavy bleached muslin. 1 yard wide .9c Ten quarter bleached sheeting, extra wide, good weight, per yard 20c Standard weight sheotlnf vnnls wide bleached, per yard 22c Forty-five Inch pillow muslin, extra quality, at 16c TOWELS, Blrdseye towels, 47 Inches long and 22 Inches wide, each 10c Turkish towels, same size, each 9c Larger Turkish towels ,12'2c, 15c, 25c each TEN-CENT COUNTER. Don't forget the fact that we always keep good values on the 10-cent counter. There is always something you need and you can save money by buying It on this counter. CORSETS. We havo just received a large ,Mb. ment of the latest styles and shapes tl all figures, of Dr. Warner's "Rust W Corsets. These are the only absolutely warrant ed "Rust Proof" corsets on the market. They are the most satisfactory and best known Corset worn by the American lady. Long or short batiste Bummer corset, good valuo at 40c, our price .....,25c Tape girdle, pink, blue or white. This Is a beauty for miBses and trim figures, only 50e A girdle corset In all colors, a daisy, 60c Mnny others in different styles . . . . 5oc Wo have a complete stock of styles in the most serviceable corset for.sioo The most durable corset for stout ladies, will not break down, and a good litter $i0 BLACK AND COLORED SATEEN SKIRTS. We carry a full line of the famous Peerless underskirts, well made and the best valuo on the market. A good quality, full deep flounce, only 78c A better grade with deep flounces and two ruffles 88c Better grades ...98c, $1.13, $1.25 and up LAWNS AND SUMMER WAISTINGS. 0 We respectfully call your attention to our dress goods and wnlstlngB. We have made a special effort to select the best patterns nnd latest weaves for the ben efit of our customers. We ask that you will favor us by looking these over. INFANTS' WEAR. We have lately added to our store a full stock of infants' dresses, slips, sacqttes, skirts, cloaks, caps, shawls, etc. Short dresses from 25c up Long dresses from 38c to $1.88 Silk caps from 33c up Sacques from 23c up Outing flannel long skirts from.. 25c up GOLDEN RULE STORE Where You Get Golden Rule Prices and Golden Rule Treatment mxnxxna AA AAA A Alt A A at A .AAAAAAAAA A tiitiiiiiiiinitmiiinn Aaaaaaa, mnzxnif HAMMOCKS The season for hammocks Is here. Time to get them Is now and the place to get the best at tho lowest prices Is at our store. We havo spread ourselves In securing tho nowest and prettiest patterns turned out by the manufacturers. Just look at our lines. Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN STREET. DOCTOR J. MAN FOO THE CELEBRATED ROOT AND HERB DOCTOR, has moved to 104 H first street, between Washington and Stark. Graduate of medical university in China. CURES LIVER and KIDNEY diseases, Consumption, Rheumatism, STOMACH troubles nnd all diseases of tho human body by the use of HERBS es pecially prepared tor each case. BEST OP CERTIFICATES IN OFFICE. HOME CURES BY MAIL If you cannot call at his office, write your symptoms fully. Many cases can be cured at home. Will gladly advise you regarding your case, free of charge. Send for pamphlet Consultation FREE. Office hours from 0 a. m. till 9 p. m. Tie J. Man Foo Root and Herfc Medicine Co. No. 104K first street, between Washington sd UUrfc. PartUsl, Or. LEGAL BLANKS tt mUgmt itktm. A fan mfjif always fcspt ft stock. ONE LAST APPEAL. Local Option Forces Qive Statistics on Prohibition States. The local option forces of Umatilla county have made this one last ap peal to the voters bofore election, and hope to carry the county by a largo majority: "We wanted to let the liquor traffic alone and not disturb those engaged In It at this time, for we are loath to hurt any one's feelings. We were sincerely wishing to be spared the painful duty of telling severe truths for a while, but they have compelled us to do so by their wild and un grounded assertions. "For some reason mnnv nf nnr ht una aoiesi men nave said hard things about the liquor traffic. Even the luvei-neaaea ana Denevolent Abraham Lincoln, the lover of the common peo ple, said: "The liquor traffic is a can cer In society ttatlnp nt Itn vital. on.i threatening destruction. All attempts iu ruKuimu wouia aggravate the evil .... It must be eradicated." "The erent and ennri ArohM.hnn Ireland said: "Th crimo Is drink; tho great cause of yuveny is annic. wnen I hear of a family broken up, and ask the cause drink. If I go to the gallows and ask Its victim the cause, the answer drink. Then I ask myself, in perfect wonderment. 'Wfcv rin nn maw. ..... stop to this thing?' The claims of the iruwc m iuo name or personal liber ty and nersannt rlirhta I. ,h. . Irony, a deadly insult to true liberty and to the true rights of men. The uoeny wnicn tne traffic demands Is liberty to enslave us, and to dip out to us Its beer nnd whlnkv In . .. VAvuWUHt? for our liberty, our possessions, our manhood, our nnrltv mi t hopes. Away from us this demon- una iiueriji Poor Prohibition Maine. It h&R nn nriPIl nnlrwin nn 1ivaam. or distillery, and yet It challenges comparison of the prosperity of her common people with any spot on the 1 globe. Population of Maine, CG1.086. I Population of Ohio, 3,672.316. Population of Illinois, 3,820,351. That is, Ohio has five and one-half times and Illinois has five and four fifth times the Inhabitants of Maine. Nevertheless, Maine has far more snv I lngs banks doposlts than either. 1 Savings bank deposits of Maine, J53.397.590. i Savings bank doposlts of Ohio, J34, 606,213. 1 Savings bank deposits of Illinois, $23,498,504. Thus,' though less than one-fifth in number, the people In Maine have more than half again as much laid up I in tho savings banks as tho people in Ohio; .and though little more than lone-sixth in number, they far exceed twice the deposits of the people of II llnols. Local Option Is the Question Now. Local option Is sound policy. It is home rule; self-government by coun ties ana precincts. It refers the con trol of saloons directly to the voters, the original source of governmental authority. It protects the home. It decreases poverty and crime. It increases the prosperity of all classes and the de mand tor labor. NORRIS &. ROWE COMING. For a Hundred ears. For a hundred venra or mnr. Wlinh Hazel has beon recognized as a supe rior romeuy, but It remained for E. C. DeWltt & Co.. of Chlcnco. in illnr-nrvor how to combine tho virtues of Witch Hnzel with other antiseptics, in the form of a salve, DoWitt'a Witch Ha zel Salve Is the best ,salvo in the World for SOreS. cuts, IllirnH limine and nllcs. The hlch fitnntllnir nf tMi salvo has given rise to counterfeits, uuu iuu puuuc is auviaeu to look for the name, "DeWltf on tho package, and accept no other. Sold by Tall man & Co. Try the bot freo lunch at tho Mr. chants' Cafe, 12 to 1 at soon; 4 to 6 p. m., and at midnight. Enlarged Over Last Year In Every Department, On Thursday, June 16th. the now famous Norrls & Rowe shows will again exhibit hore. A hearty, gener ous welcome Is always accorded this organization, ror each year witnesses a better and bigger circus and prom ises made on bill board, lithographs, mm in tne newspapers, are more than fulfilled. "dive tho public Just a little -more than promised," Is tho slogan of Nor rls & Rowe. nnrl thnt thn nnltnt, nnvo . . ' - -- J " Is evinced by the constantly Increased uiiuiiumice. This season a greater surprise than over Is in ntnrn for lnv.TO iir hnnlthv outdoor entertainment, for so big has me circus grown that It now takes an -iHuien stage and two rings to prop Crly Present tlln wnrlll nf ananlnl font ures which makes Norrls & Rowe'ft Kreuier circus tho largest traveling organization In the West. Over 100 actB and novelties will be shown this season acrobats, aerial ws, gymnasts, posturera, Jugglers, conjurers, athletes, trained animals, menagerie, royal Roman races, hippo drome and a congress of novelties, makes complete nn entertainment of rare delight. No Increased ohnrin.o us ill ho mnHa on account of the Increased size of the nuuw, rtorris & Howe wisely believing that the Increased attendance is a hotter advertlnini. mmiinm hnn in creasing the cost of admission. ZIONI3T8 AT CLEVELAND. Jewish Colony Movement Considering Location. Cloveland. O.. annual conference of the Federation of American Zlnnlniu nn.n.ii inHn ,n be continued until Tuesday. The fed- uruuon naa lor Its original object the colonizing of Palestlno with Hobrews and assisting and encouraging the Hebrew COlonv nlrn.H In D.1il.. - 1 1. . uicauuc, i ne present mnfomn will consider and act upon England's ... t i i- t?nat Africa. Tl tract offered to the Zionist free i about BOO square miles In exiem. ; .. .. . i. ..Hnn.l mnvemlOB Al tile IHHl iniciliaiiuu-. the Jews outside of Russia gea were In favor of accepting ",' place of Palestine, but me I !....! .otnrnln? tO I tine. It is believed the present awt lean conference will act in accepting the site. NEW WATER LINE. Proposed Fast Freight Betwtw Git veston and Tsroplco. Galveston, Texas, Jane tabllshment ol a iasi "s"' , " h. between Galveston and Tampa. augurated today with the mMW the steamship Iris, is ef" tke have considerable "Sect"! freight situation, ior m -- .M the line cornea In direct competiiw with tho railroads. im.rlafl Heretofore tne uen-" rf i. i,n hl to handle Ten little business between MexlcoW Texas on account of the . from New Orleans, wnicn """jy possible for tne line iu o"v"7.i0, compete with the all-rail rootetrW ,... i. i oi.i to offer rates as doubtless will Indnj of tho southwestern roads toi rhnir MBTirnn business via if.j, and the same will be true or m business for Texas ana -points originating In the repawn Startling Evldenet. Fresh testimony in Kre'".r5Mirf Is constantly coming in. ar Cot. Dr. Knlghfs New Discovery t . .i r i.. ,i nnlds to w nuiuiuiuu iuu(,un from i. equaled. A recent expression rrs J. McFarland, Bontorvllle. va, as example. He writes: 'I "0" chltla for three years and 7. the time without being ,"T Thon I began taking Dr. K'nj Discovery and a few J cured .me." Equally effective e an lung ana inrooi iiuu-.--. teea Hon, pneumonia and grip. "?fr Trial 1... mi.l . nr. rtrUBftUtS. J'.l bottlo free, regular sizes 5 " k SI I. .... M EW?. L. A (IT