DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. PAQE TWO. Egg Phosphate Drawn In Stone A delicious, healthful, strength giving ilrlnU served In nn ap petizing way. A drink men like, and women too. A spicy, aromatic food drink, cooling, refreshing and palato pleasing. 10c. F. W. SCHMIDT DRUGGIST. Postofllce Block. Phono Main 851. GENERAL NEWS. Mayor Robert W. Sneer, the recent' ly elected democratic mayor of Den ver, was Inaugurated June 1. Four men were killed and two fa tally wounded by a premature blast In a Warwick, Tenn., coal mine. Mayor Hudson, of Negaunee, Mich., Is lo3t In the woods. Klfty picked woodsmen are searching for him. Unite Dallln, Jared Smith and Fred Hanson woro rescued after clinging 3C hours to an upturned boat on Salt Lake. Dr. Fred Chase, professor of as tronomy at Yalo University, Is tak ing treatment at Boulder, Col., for nervous prostration. The American steamer Korea, Is detained at Kobe, Japan, on account of a case of plague aboard. The sick person Is Mrs. Palmer. Manuel Deplnto was killed at Los Angeles by a Southern Pacllle train. After the funsral a troll ry cai struck tho hearse containing Deplnto's body. Hearse, collln and corpse were badly demoralized. Mrs. Anna L. Slbbett, a widow, was found dead at Trenton, N. J., with her skull broken In by an ax. Her 14-year-old son Is charged with her murder In an attempt to rob his mother or $50. Colonel Hamilton, an agent of the British government, has contracted for 600,000 Chlneso coolies to work In tho mines of South Africa. All are men who have not yet been out side the Chlneso Empire. NORTHWEST NEWS. Gabriel flreco, an Italian who rob bed his roommato in Portland of $225 some tlmovago, has sent the amount back from" St. Louis with apologies. Plans for a new hospital at Spo kane have been drawn. The now In stitution will cost $150,000 and will bo known as the Sacred Heart hos pital. James 'D. Herryford, a rich cattle king of Lake county, has been sued for $70,000 for breach of promise by Miss Dlrdle McCarty, of Michigan. Herryford is worth $200,000. It is now suspected that Aurclius, tho cashier of tho Pullman Car Com pany at Portland, who was "robbed" by two negro toughs In his offlco Tuesday, has been gambling and was not robbed at all. Ed A. Svope, a well known nows paper man of Portland and San Fran cisco, died at San Diego, Wednesday of consumption. Ho was a pioneer printer and a prominent lodge man of Portland at one time. Mrs. Arah Kennedy, a respected pi oneer of Champoeg, died Wednesday aged 85 years. She crossed the plains from Illinois to Oregon In 1847, being In one of tho very first emigrant trains to reach Oregon In that year. Andy Zelgler, a farmer living near Barlow, Or., was attacked by a vic ious hog, In tho woods Wednesday, and but for a bull dog which was with him, would havo been killed. As It was, ho was terribly lacerated by tho infuriated hog, before the dog could drive it away. Sam Benton, a pioneer prospector of Idaho, became lost in the moun tains near Qrangovlllo, last week, aud fell over a cliff, breaking his leg, llather than suffer starvation ho dragged himself to tho bank of a stream, where his body would be found, and shot himself. His body was found Wednesday. THREE BIG BARGAINS In Suburban Property. Four acres, good orchard and houso $2,250 Six acres, with good house, .400 bearing fruit trees ; alfalfa, and chicken yard. Indepen dent water system. Terms. ..$5,500 Eight acres, good houso and barn; 100 bearing fruit trees. Irrigated $2,250 E. T. WADE & SON. VOTING SUPPLIES ARE BEING SENT TO THE DIFFERENT PRECINCTS In Hoaue Precinct the Flood Last Year Destroyed the Booths Old Booths Are on Hand In All Other Precincts Pendleton Voting Places Are All Ready for the Sovereign Electors. Tho clerk's and sheriff's ofllcos are busy places at tho present time, and will bo until (hoy have unloaded their election supplies. The ballot boxes aro all In readi ness, and last evening Joe Blnkley loft for Pilot Hock, Willow Springs, Alba and Uklah precincts with the boxes to bo used nt those places. The supplies for the rest of the precincts will bo sent out as fust as possible from now on. Tho ballots are all printed and are now In tho hands of tho county clerk, who Is certifying to them, sealing tl;e packages for each place and turning the packages over to tho sheriff, whoso duty It Is to distribute them. This work will bo all finished before election and on Monday morning nil will bo ready for the contest which will settle the hopes and fears of the candidates. There are hut fen' now booths to be provided this year, nnd nearly all of the old supply Is now on hand. In Hogue precinct the Hood of last year washed away all of tho booths, and now ones will havo to bo sent to that place, but aside from that all are supplied, Tho supply for Pendleton has been brought from their hiding places and are In waiting, ready for use. BROWNELL IN TOWN. Senator From Clackamas County Ad dressed Pioneers Today. George C. Brownell, senator from, Clackamas county, leader of the party nnd orator of Western Oregon, accom panied by Representative H. C. A. Webster, also of Oregon City, his confidante bodyguard nnd friend, sat n the smoking car this morning on their way to Weston whoro tho ora tor will address the people of Umatll- a county today at the pioneers pic nic. 'Sit down," ho said as ho shoved over a little. "I am glad to seo you. How do you like it up hero? This s a hue town, so beautiful and so progressive. I went out over It last night and noted the fine dwellings, tho substantial store buildings, tho beautiful trees and lawns, everything, everything fine. Tho people seem to have built to stay. Now that big mill up there and tho, stono ware house, all of brick and stone. My, but they are fine and wonderful. "Why, old man," and he patted the questioner soothingly on the knee, "I don't know anything about politics. am hero to speak at Weston today and will go hack homo at midnight tonight. Multnomah county? I don't now the least thing about that part of the state, no more than If I lived In Idaho. Not half as much as you do, now really," and the senator smiled brightly. "Now you seo It Is this way," he continued. "Everybody down there has got everybody else beaten. The republicans are all elected when you are In that part of town, but If you go over into the other zone the whole democratic ticket is a. winner. I really don's know, all of tho boys are good and truo men and none of them would tell anything but the truth, bo what will happen do you suppose? It wouM be an awful expense to the county If both tickets were elected, don't you think?" SAM PEISER RETURNED. Will Resume His Old Position at Al exander Department Store. Sam Pelscr has returned, much to tho Joy of numerous friends, from the sunny south to tho frozen north. Mr. Peiser, who for many years was in the grocery department of tho Alexander store, left soveral months ago to seo tho world. Ho Journeyed first to California, where he Inspected San Francisco and labored there for a whllo endeavoring to enthuse tho Pendletonlan spirit into tho people, but gave It up and transferred tho sceno of his labors to Alaska, where amid tho snow and ice he has been longing for tho green grass of Uma tilla once more. Now he has return ed. He brought with him a large and heavy sack, which he put in the safe at tho Hotel Pendleton as an evidence of good faith, taking therefor a re ceipt for $411.44, Tho returned wan derer wll lresume his old placo with Mr. Alexander, and on Sunday next the store will bo closed and the em ployes will havo a holiday in honor of his second advent. Wants Agency for "Trlb" After Tak Ing It. Walla Walla, Wash., Jan 14, 1904. As I havo taken "Trlb" and know It to bo a cure for the liquor and tobacco habits, I would like to act as your agent in this stato or any other. If you glvo agencies, please let mo hear from you by return mall. Yours respectfully, G. C. CHAPMAN. For sale by Tallman & Co. Annual Picnic A. O. U. W., Waltsburg, Or., June 9, 10, 11. For tho abovo occasion round trip tickets will bo sold to Waltsburg at a rata of $2.80, Dates of sale Juno 0, 10, and 11, limited to return June 12, 1904. For particulars call on or ad dress E. C. Smith, agent. Ironers Wanted. Six flrst-claaB ladles' clothes iron ers wanted at the Domestic Laundry. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. ' J. E. Bradley, Portland. F. D. Walterley, St. l.ouls. A, S. Arnuith, Boston. A. Nylander, Portland. W. F. Moore, Spokane. L. F. Hosing, Bitter. A. Y. Alexander, Spokane. C. M. Cleveland, Spokane. C. Nichols, College Place. F. W. Walto, San Francisco. Charles Green, San Francisco. F. H. Stocker, San Francisco. O. Abbott, London. E, J. Burke, Hartford. F. Kuhn, Now York. O. Kuhn, Now York. E. A. Connell, Salt Lake. Iritis Jacobs, Denver. S. S. Tralnpr. E. L. Cartwrlght, Oakland. II. D. Calpentln, San Francisco. II. K. Montgomery, San Francisco. Sam Peiser, San Francisco. Georgo B. Brownell. Portland. II. C. I. Hebslcr, Oregon City. Mort Hour. Tnroma. II. P. Brandos, Portland. The St. George. George W. Kendall, Portland. J. Epstein, Chicago. T. O. Flsk, city. P. H. Steffel, Denver. D. Davenport, Portland. W, B. Bolton St. Joe. .Tnsenli McCabe. Walla Walla. Mr. aud Mrs. N. Drownlo. Portland. Sam Roberts, city. M. H. Thomason, San Francisco. F. It. Hanke, Portland. S. A. Bonch nnd wife. Walln Walla, George W. Harris, Portland. Georgo McGllvery, Spokane. Ed Drew, Portland. C. B. Atchison, Portland. E. A. Coull, Portland. It. C. Gownns, Minneapolis. George H. Sanderson, Colorado Springs. J. E. White, San Francisco.. The Bickers. Frank K, Wells, .Milton. Henry Chew, Boise. Wi A. Fellows, North Ynkimie, .1. E. Cherry, Adams. Frank Back, Echo. Mrs. Vanettn, Umatilla. Mrs. It. S. Yena and daufiliier, Umatilla. V. It. Parker, Umatilla. B. E. Thorn, Echo. M. A. Shirley, Portland. W. AI. M. Botts. C. Bell, Portland. S. S. Gill, Spokane. It. Foster Stone, Portland. L. E. Huklll, Starbuck. Marlon Jack, Havana. K. F. Fahrenwald, Plhit Rock. E. F. Fahrenwald, Pilot Rock. W. S. Ross, Weston. J T. C. Kennedy, Baker City. Mrs. Englen, Baker City. Miss Salmo Englen, Baker City. P. E. Johnson, Huron. Mrs. Jennie Morrison, Umatilla. A. M. Wlthan, Corvallls. J. Smith, Baker City. SCHMIDT'S FRIDAY BARGAINS THE DRUG STORE FOR YOU. THE DRUG STORE THAT HAS THE THAT SAVE YOU MONEY. WHEN A, GOOD THING GETS BEYOND THE ORDINARY SOME PEOPLE SAY, "jiT'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE," AND DON'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF." IIT BECAUSE THEY THINK IT IS A CASE OF EXAGGERATION. WHEN YOU READ SCHMIDT'S FRIDAY BARGAINS AND THINK THEY'RE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, DON'T HESITATE, BUT COME, TO THE STORE AND LET ME PROVE THEM TO BE JUST AS GOOD AS WE SAY THEY ARE. CLOVER CREAM. TRAVELERS' UEATHER NOVEU ! OLIVE OIL SOAP. Tho finest, best and most deMr TIES. uo Nobbg J)lro otve oI, SQnp clous preparation for chapped If you want to see exactly what, is remarkably soothltrg. imparting hands, face, lips or any roughness you need for jour vacation trip, u refreshing embrouation to tho of tho skin. stop in our store and wo will lie skin. Schmidt's special bargain Gentlemen will find It nn excel- glad to show, them to you, 50 per prlco, 20c a box of three pieces. lent preparation to uso after shuv- cent discount!. Schmidt's special : ing. bargain sale;, Friday June 3. Schmidt's special bargain price, SCHMIDT'S BEEF, IRON AND Friday, June 3 18c WIWE. OREGON CORN CURE THAT A , ,, CURES. valuable nutrltlvo tonic. It hot water nnTTi rt ' promotes digestion, improves tho " bottle There I& absolutely not a season appetite and gives energy to tho At a purse pleasing prloei. We in tho world why anybody should entire system have a quantity of hot water bot- BUffer with corns, Try our corn Schmidt's fascial bargain price, ties of the finest quality, each one euro nnd. you will be satisfied. Juno 3d 69c of new, strong, dependable- rubber, Schmidt's special bargain price, fully guaranteed, that we offer at Juno 3d 15c Schmidt's special bargain Friday, a NEW SPRING PERFUME. June 3d, 2-quart 50c A BATH IN THE SEA y0U cno to our storo we shall bo glad to introduce you to a THE GREEN iNSPrTirmE K y0U taUe Balt ,,atlls thls 8ura now lor "CERI8E"--ono of tho N INSECTICIDE. m(Jr you wm fee, boUer ,ool. beti flweotost nnd UnInte8t that Qur Wo make the "Green Fluid." Its ter and will bo bettor ablo to stand perfumo caso lias over held. You tho best hug and Insect liquid ox tho debilitating effects of hot will llko it overybody does. One terminator that we havo ever seen, weathor. llr01, ,iaa tho jnstIng ,,,mmes of Schmidt's special bargain prlco, Schmidt's special bargain Frl- many drops of the usual extracts. Jl,no 3 19c day, 5-pound bag 170 prico , 50c oz VINOL. To gain flesh, to got strong, wo know Vinol will make fleah faster than any preparation containing greaso. We can prove it. Postoffice Block VISIT THE BIG SALE AT THE FAIR THIS Saturday Specials - Dry Bleached muslin, fic kind, 10 yards for Calico, 7c kind, 10 yards for Zophyr gingham, doublo fold, 10 yards lap flllk, nil colors, 1 yards for Lyon dyo wash silk, 50c silk, 4 yards Crystal cord silks, 4 yard cuts, special Heavy outing flannel, 10 ynrds for Ladles' lace hose, 30c and 35c kinds The FAIR. TheF. THE Find tho young man of whom the girl Is To Die In Electric Chair. Carl Berg, u Swedish youth of 19 Columbus, O., Juno- 2. Tho first of years, will bo electrocuted. Berg's tho half dozen occupants of the an- crime was the murder of John Gin nex of tho Ohio penitentiary will pay ( hard, n fellow tra'nip, at Wnuscon hist tho death penalty tomorrow, when full. GOODS YOU WNT AND SELLS. Druggist BfT7 M W jTB .... for . ...39c ,..49c ...79c ..99c .$1.59 Ladles' black hostv t.. . pair for MIRROR llflQO ltrn.tl. . .. Boys' heavy hose, 20c kj'f!?!?' for t pairs ror 0,; I.aco collars for Saturday Embroidery sale Saturday,'".." $1.59 79c 25c Ribbon salo Saturday," MoVo STORE THAT IS AFTER YOUR BUSINESS. thinking. Simmons. THEM TO YOU AT' PRICES i REXALL. Syrup Hypophosphltes, Invalua ble in all wasting diseases, tones up tho entire nervous system. Sat isfaction guaranteed or your money refunded , 79c Telephone Main 851 Wee SHER! WILLI PAI ONLY PLACE TON TO PAINTERS' M ALL Kill E. J. Mil Court democratic! Stilt Supreme Judge-T! Dairy and Food I N. Douglas. Presidential Eec Jeffrey, T. IT. Cratfcj and J. II. Staith. Dittrittl Congress, Second District Attorney I Morrow J. II. Rileyl Joint Itepresratiml Uniatllla-F. B. Hold County! Judge 0. A. Hit Sheriff-T. D. Clerk J. E. Cher Recorder W. Assessor C. P. Commissioner- KepresentatlTe-TJ lain and William 1 School St Mavberry. Surveyor C. C. lA Treasurer S. 0. 1 Coroner Dr. T, Pretii Justice of the Pa uell. Constable Join Republican 1 For Presidential W. V. IIHOT J. N. Hart W. II. Gore James A. F For Sunreme JnM'' Justice F. A For Food and Dalrf ( j. w. iMiiej Pnr Proaecutlnz Att av W. PielW I For Joint Represent Dr. W. o. For Congressman . J. N. wu For Kepresentatia: John J. b"u Henry Adan KVir county JudJ: Henry J. B For County uen. Frank SallM For Sheriff: ., C. A. Barrett vtw Treasurer: E. J. Som For Recorder: W. H. Fls0B For Asb'esBor: W. T. RfeV For Commissioner: Horace ww For school SoperbW Frank K. For Coroner: wE9a For Surveyor For Justice of trlct: FlU t Thomas For Constable: F. W. PROHIBIT'01 M. V. Howjg! tlvo Morrow W f . tvi. Rep" Robert P h. Rldm" ,.... nickenso''. to a Banister. J-f.V.r ibert, fl. E. o'0"" ... a. o. nicB