PAGE TWO. DAILY EABT OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1904. Egg Phosphate Drawn In Stone A delicious, licnltliful, strength giving drink served In nn ap petizing way. A drink men like, nnd women too. A spicy, aromatic food drink, cooling, refreshing and palato pleasing, 10c. F. W. SCHMIDT DRUGGIST. Postoftlce Block. Thono Main 851. FOR LOCAL OPTION LETTERS KROM TYLER, TEXAS, SHOW GOOD RE8ULTS. Prominent. Citizens Say Business Is Good, Residences and Stores All Oc cupied, Drink Habit Reduced, and No Respectable Business Injured County and Town Are Both Prosperous. GENERAL NEWS. The Pennsylvania Central has laid Texas? The local option peoplo feel highly elnted to know that one statement made In tho Saloon I.eaguo pamphlet concerning Tyler, Texas, In untruo In whole, as tho following communica tion will prove. Hov. J. W. .Tonkins of Athena, wrote to tho editor of the Tylor Dally Couri er, asking him as to the result of lo- I cat option In that town ns follows: ' Athena, Ore., iMav 1!). 1 D. U. l'leklns. Tyler. Texas. IHw sir: There lies huforo mo a pamphlet, entitled: "How Local Op. tlon Hulned Texas Towns," In which i John Hurst Is quoted as saying that ! "Tyler has tho dry rot." "business Is . poorer bv larcn odds thnn nrhnr tmvnu 1 TI ( of tho snme size." etc., "It has not lm-1 L." Plamnndon, San Francisco, proved the morals, habits, rellclon or L. M. Cohen. Omaha. I prosperity of the mass of tho peonlo." A. 1.. Bratten. Portland. ! now is this? noes local option ruin Texas towns? Pleaso give me your iiumiun oi me local option law In loons." Wo could present hundreds of such testimonies. But bear In mind, Mr. Voter, that wo are not voting on prohibition on the Cth of June, but whether the peo ple shall havo the privilege of voting for or against the saloon. LOCA1. 01' ION" PHKSS COMMITTER. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. F. H. Smith, San Francisco. J. H. Poults, Tacoma. A. Slnshelmer, Portlnnd. Fred. Rodgers, Portland, John S. Cornell, Portland. It. S. Merrill, St. Louis. Sam Unmet, Now York. Phil Joseph, Cincinnati. M. S. Marks, San Francisco. M. H. Patton; Spoknno, Henry Blackmail, Hoppnur. F. J. Walsh, Portland. W. W. Seed. Eurekn. Mellaril A. Wright, Spokane. A. E. McUreen, Portlnnd. II. L. Moroy, Spokane. O. W. Hold and daughter, city. 0. J. Mcltay, Starbuck. William Maker, Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. Fred Plechner, St. Louis. S. M. Wood. New York The St. George, A. Illchardson, Adams. ff 1.GG2 men within the past week, to cut down expenses. Eleven million dollars of the Cuban "lfcen of $35,000,000 was offered In Ger many and subscribed 14 times over. Mrs. Hoso Harmon, sick nnd dis couraged. Jumped from a six-story window In Now York and was killed. (2.) is it enforced, or can It bo on. forced? (3.) Does It ruin tho respectable business of the town? (I.) What effect does It hnve on the revenue of tho town? Respectfully, J. W. JENKINS. The answer. hIciipiI liv 90 ni-nmlnmit The socialist and tho socialist-labor business men of Tylor. Is us follows- I parties have separate state and eleo- "i answer to question No. 1. Our toral tickets In the field In Connect!-1 Impression of local option in Texas! is Highly favorable. "Question 2. Local option does 1 away with the open saloon, lessens I In the social drink hnblt, and lessens materially the amount of strong drink used, nnd is enforced If tho officers I eat. David H. Fraser Is dead at Clilca xn, aged SO. His Inventions had rov vtatlonlzed tho mining Industry tome of Its branches. David Itotbschlld. fnmiilor nnd ill tared wrecker of tho Federal Bank of are favorablo to the law. New York City, has begun a nine-1 "Question 3. It benefits -rear term at Sine Slnir. spectablo business of the William Dunn, Portland. Dr. E. N. Hutchinson. Portland. H. E. Itockmeyer, Wyoming. W. It. Frey and wife. Wyoming. O. B. Atchlnson. Portland. Matt Mosgrove, Milton. J. P. Farley, St. Louis. C. P. Shaffer, Des Moines. W. A. Shirley, Denver. I. . L. Osboru, Portland. J. C. Stewart. .1. A. Allison. Portland. F. J. (Jardner, Portland. C, C. Shay, Portland. H. A. Stnnley, Los Angeles. J. II. Drowltt, Portland. S. A. Johns, Portland. F. E. Anderson, Seattle. I). B. Richardson, Helix. .1. C. Pendergnst. Helix. the town rein ., r.i,i i . i.. 'every way. i nn v-. . Mu. ' Question Ilovenue Is reduced in referring their cases to Pekln. in lessened court nnd Jail expense ao Hiram Staley, a young business counts. -aaan or unesjterneiu, inci., was neaten "Tyler has had .he local' option for to death with rocks by unknown as- 17 months and Is fnlrly well enforced, sallants, the night of May 30. it )s largely agreed that It has, and is Twenty thousand push-cart peddlers benefiting our city and county; papu doing business in New York City, had lntlon is increasing and business is a mass meeting lately to protest i good. All business houses are occu against certain restrictive legislation j pied and we know of no vacant rest proposed against .them by the city . dences. council. I "The city and county are admitted- The Now York World, the original i prosperous. Population of Tyler ehnmplon of Judge Parker for presl-1 mm" county, 40.000; county, outside of dent, Is making a bitter war on Sen-1 tho city, 10,000. Signed: tor Hill, who Is Parker's manager, al- "I- M. Green, H. C. White, George teglng incompetency, stupidity and , F- Taylor, merchant; George It. Plill mallclousness. lns. merchant; T. B. Butler, lawyer; Dr. Anna E. Park, the first woman if.0''" "nnA,mS' nhrt? Tlnn" admitted to practice medicine in New j " Com pony ; Dean & ntan , gro York, is dead, aged 74. Three weeks f n'V "I"Dt. TTxm? " lawyer ago she was In perfect health, but had ' ' C . 1 .?' , ' rromnninn., f ,infh i.n.mht n raa. I George A. Cross, lawyer; J. L. Hen- Lf I i .. Ton .i,- ' derson, suporintendent of schools; tatt nnd shroud and arranged all other , , . ' ' nor mnvnr. nhr,n w preliminaries In readiness dd. for the NORTHWEST NEWS. A lire which started In a pit In a Hanalmo cool mlnq destroyed $80,000 worth of property Tuesday. Walter Pearsoll, a 12-ycar-old boy, was crushed to death at Pomeroy, Wash.. Tuesday, under a grain wagon. J. S. McCIenimons, a laborer, was .fined $100 and 45 days In the city Jail at Portland Tuesday, for assaulting C-year-old child OREGON STATISTICS. John H. Bonner, mayor; Charles W. Boon, merchant." Tho local option people feel that one misstatement of this kind used Fnures showing the Extent of Some uguuiSL uiu cuubu wuunuiiB lire uiiiiiu . . ,, industries The Bickers. Mrs. J. lliirns, Mencham. Mrs. N. A. Courtney, Meacham. J. M. Hopkins, Wardner. 55. W. Lockwood and wife, Helix. Miss Ella Scott, Helix. W. M. Fraker. city. T. S. Jerblt, North Yakima. Wlllla Thurmnn, Spokane. Mrs. M. Mulkins, Helix. Alfred llasch, Seattle. W. M. Scott. Helix. Mrs. W. M. Scott, Helix. Ira Scott, Helix. Mrs. Dollle Payzant, Alba. Miss Mamie Gibbon, Alba. Miss .Tennlo Gibbon, Alba. Frak Gibbon, Alba. J. T. Armstrong, Greenville. Mrs. W. T. Hill, Athena. Miss Hill, Athena. George L. Horseman, nurdnnc. William Cardell, Wntcrtown. Mrs. W. Cardell, Watertowu. Z. Houser, Echo. Sam Lee, Spokane. H. H. Mcnoynolds. Pilot ltock. Charles Coker, Weston. Grant Horn, Pilot Rock. J. H. Dovlln, Chicago. H. W. Norton, Chicago. sn o n Oman fn rt a nnntint llf f If Q. I puted. coming with the snnctlon and The Pacific Northwest, the monthly I hacking of such men as these. , ningaz no published by John b. La- Liuuir in ruitiuuu, ft y to vnu luuunuih DOES LOCAL OPTION HURT7 .Interesting statistics on Oregon In- dustrles: Press Committee of Temperance uivcsiock ana nimai .rrooucu,. Cause issue. Counter Statement , o mrms uevmeu The local option press committee . iatnk VI1i0 s:!.i 017 048 ' , has prepared tho following answer to Anlmal Imnict8 vai0 , .$i,284,282 the Llouor Dealers' circular which ap- nol , mi,, 1M0447 The Wnverly, AVash., beet sugar peared in Monday's East Oregonlanr n.i1B . 'ruttlo. nimiber. 577.850 factory has been Increased In capac-jWm Loca option Increase Taxes and Horses and mules, number. 295.G83 Ity from 350 to 500 tons of beets peri Hurt Business? Sheop and lambs, number.. 3,040,291 ay at a cost of $40,000. j Tliese questions can be answered Bwlne, number 281.40C Pred Able, of Asotin, was drowned . imy j,y figures and facts where pro- Wool, pounds 18,349,CtJ0 m Grand Hondo river near the mouth, i,,tion has prevailed for many years. Mohair and goat hair, Tuesday, by having his saddlo horse Ah tlle qor dealers are determined pounds 267,780 .l.mi'n intn itift Rtream while frlKht-'. ..m, ,.n,,ran iim minds af The imnortance of this branch of Hied. the peoplo as to the real Issue, there- Industry Is amply attested by tho fig- The Puget Sound Timber Preserv-1 by showing tho weakness of their ures pertaining to It. Oregon has g Company's plant burned at Ever- aide, we are compelled to meet them nearly $34,000 000 Invested n llyo- tt. Tuesday, loss aoout 2u,uou. doy- . on meir own graunu, ........... ml hundred barrels of creosote were 1 Wo Insist again that the Issue now In animals sold and ''Bl'tered. wool pending Is not prouiouion, oui mjcui t..- option, and every intelligent person outrank her In the number of sheop bornetl nrlm'anS a . layer who was smok-1 Uon have but little faith In their bus- irrigators, numberot 4.502 f T Pnlnttn 1 ness when they ore so frightened to Acres Irrigated 388,111 lag a cigarette. ,' submit tho question to the people. -Cost of irrigation systems. .$1,838,782 Pour railroad surveying parties left ( wj n'0 t aUai to comaro irrigated crops, valuo of ....3,062.92C Tacoma Tuesday for Alaska, where or wflt cte8i or tn08e with and 1 Tho irrigation systems of Oregon 80 miles of road will bo surveyed wnout 8aoons. In tho great stato are generally Inexpensive and ore op tils season, using Valdez as a base j QMo Jn 2(W townB wiero saloons erated most by Individual farmers for mt supplies and headquarters. hftve 'Qa j,anBhed, In not one has their own use. The value of prlncl- The largest rancn in me siaio 01 tn0 taX rato Increased or uusmess pni irrigaiea crops is Washington, comprises 60,000 acres, fa 50 miles long, and Is owneu oy w. T, Uabcock, of Walla Wnlla and E. P. Benson, of Tacoma, and lies In Klttl us, Chelan and Douglas counties. THREE BIG BARGAINS In Suburban Property. your acres, good orchard and house zz Six acres, with good houso, 400 bearing fruit, trees; alfalfa, and chlckon yard. Inopon dent water uystom. Terms. . .$5,500 JBht acres, good house and ,karn;100 boarlnt' fruit trees, ilrrigated 2,250 E. T. WADE & BON. boon demoralized. Hny and forage ?2,030,7a In Cambridge, Mass., wun a papu- uereniB . ioo.oi latlon of 00,000, which has been Vegetables 280,337 without a saloon for 15 years, the tax Orchard fruits 91,971 1. i5 mliln! while Dayton. O., 'Small fruits 60,571 population 85,000, with largo supply Othor crops 160,500 of saloons and breweries has a tax Sugar Beets. rato or ao.'i mum. Duuiurwc, ...u.,., nielli 01 sugar uuois, ioiih.. j,uuu population C1.000, no saloons, tax jju0t sugar, pounds 2,880,000 rato 16.4; Akron, O., population 43,- jJeot sugar, valuo ? 144,000 000, abundant supply of saloons, tax. The centor or this industry Is In the rato 28.4 mills. 'Grande Hondo valley, In Eastern Oro- Many other such comparisons K0( an,i tMe figures quoted abovo aro might be made. The tax question, for jgo3, t0 crop notted tho grow from tho liquor standpoint, Is simply urB 95,000, un average of noarly ?8 a bluff. ' per Ion. Labor for harvesting la not Barneavllle, O., Is a town of 4,000 OXpoii8lvo, ns tho work Is gonorally people: has paved streets, electric (,le j,y Japanese and Indians. A su lights, good schools and Is supported gnr factory, located at La Grande, by a forming community. G. E. Hunt, takes all tho boots raised, a loading morchant, says: "We had 1 Oregon is 0110 of the most promising I' open saloons, now wo havo nono. 'statos In tho Union for successful As to tho cry about hurting a town In j,00t culture, and In tlmo thoro will bo a business way, If you voto them out, otbor beot sugar factories besides tho it Is all nonsense." J. 8. Harrison, 1 ono at La Grande. The avorogo weight lrv'KOods morchant, says: "I can say. of boots submitted to tho Unltod from a financial standpoint, that bus- states department of agriculture for innBH has Increased ovor since wo vot-! examinations made sovoral years ago, .i tno saloon out." Another business waB 20 ounces, and tho sugar contont man saya- "Our business Is 15 per j waB 14.1 por cont and tho purity 83.4 cent hotter than when wo had Ba-(10r cent. in.: VISIT THE BIG SALE AT THE FAIR THIS Saturday Specials -Dry urn.. Illcachod muslin, Cc kind, 10 yards for 39c Calico, 7c kind, 10 yards for 49c Zophyr gingham, doublo fold, 10 yards for ... .79c lap silk, all colors, 4 yards for 99c Lyon dyo wash silk, 50c silk, 4 yards for ..$1.59 Crystal cord silks, 4 yard cuts, special .$1.59 Heavy outing flannel, 10 yards for 79c Ladles' lace hoso, 30c and 35c kinds 25c Ladles' lea' black hose, Todsv w, .. f 1 I 1 m.aBus nose, worth 13c, for h "- Lnco collars for Saturday ,,. Embroidery sale Saturday' an',- Ribbon sale Saturday. EOc ine p iiiv. me b A THE STORE THAT IS AFTER YOUR BUSINESS. Hit... w " l JAPS GOuD FIGHTERS. London Press Unbounded In Praise of Their Prowess. London, Juno 1. The London dallies exhaust tho vocabulary of terms of ndmlratiou In characterizing the .Inpnneso. Tho achlovomont at Kin Chon they regard as proving the nbsoluto military equality of tho Jap anese with tho best European armies and as qualifying Japan to rank ns a great power. The Telegraph says editorially: "Japan Is 110 longer a great power by brovet rank. Upon tho field of Kin Chou she has taken her final commis sion, and henceforth her Intercourse with tho west stnnds on a basis of reciprocity as well as equality." Most of tho newspapers regard the fall of Port Arthur to bo now Inevi table. Tho Standard Is surprised that such a position ns Kin Chou could havo been stormed with so comparatively small a loss of llfo, and snys: "Tho extraordinary diminution hi tho Intensity of slaughter on battle fluids Is exercising the minds of many tacticians for In It may bo found thu solution of many problems Involved In the mnlntcnaiico of tho monster ar mies of Europe." POOR OLD HOLD-UP HAROLD GETS A SCARE. l)t IT Ooot, Bftware- L,.-,- One. I ? I 'beware? I OFTflE. ' rSort-l . I t'BQW-WovJ!) i.j-i- H 4(t 2i. Two. Threo. Four. II 111 mi Tft At t .... . PATR0N8: iM; PL iNrROD iriMn , una. l M WUITP "mit, ig nVE SOLD " ,n 1 1 nuttUUuHLY THE DRS. WHITE CLASS DENTISTI ni?cnrAv .... nwrcwi, AND Teem tf t , I wr ivit rk PLACE THEIR WHITE. t. A. UtMUCHATIC Stats. Dairy and Food M. Douglas. and J. II. Smia District Congress, Second Simmons. District Attorwr, Morrow J. H. EileJ. County. Judne-G. A. H SI, or ff T. D. Til w arnrnttr -w. ti. 1 Assessor C. P 1 .uiiiiiiisaiuuci Representatives-- Mayberry. Surveyor C. C. Trflfifliirpr S. G. Pn-nnnf Tit T. TL uuovivv ,.ii r..a,t.l..Tn1l!I 11 .uuaiu.u -v D..nh ,11 W. V. Ilwitt J. N. tan tv II. Gore James A. W 1 " t " - Justice F. For Food and Dalrj j. W. BIW nABAiiMnr a 0, W. Wito t TTT fl SS pnr ronereaimaa prtp neorese-Uiies.- lie" " i For County JuW- For County Clerk- .iTiui For Sheriff: H C. A. JJtftt For Treasurer: " u t Sob Horace- Frank ft- Coroner: n 1 w. justice or t For For For For For trlct For " nu 1 nonstable . , 0a?lJ. nisw 1J1, tive Morrow xt A Ilobert u. w. v. H. sloner. UllYOl W. A. T IT William s: 0. nlckes TlanUte'' SMI"'"..,