PAGE EJGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1904. COMFORTABLE ' SUMMER. SHOES Tho warm weathor requires lighter and lower footwear. Lot lyi flt you out for the hot soason with a pair of thoso new, stylish tan Oxfords, Patent Corona Colt, or Vlcl Kid low. Bhocs. They nro correct In shape anil fit as well asprlce. DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. WOODMEN ENTERTAINMENT. Orpheus Opera Company Has Been Secured for Next Saturday Night at the Christian Church. education of the Indians aro cordially Invited hy Agent Charles Wllklns, to attend. Tho past year has neon a very suc cessful term, about 110 children hav ing been enrolled. Tho progress made Pendleton Camp No. 41, Woodmen hns been very marked and tho closing of tho World, has arranged for a high- exorcises, whllo not out of tho ordl- class entertainment nt tho Christian nary, will bo highly interesting to church next Saturday night, Juno 4, thoso who appreciate tho tedious, at which time tho Orpheus Opera tireless work required to bring the Company will appear hero under tho little children of tho Umatlllns up auspices of the camp. to tho standard of educational excel- In securing for appearance here tho lenco they havo nttained in this Orpheus Opera Company, Pendleton school. Cnmp deserves to bo complimented , The teachers havo been earnestly for this organization is composed of ! preparing the classes for the closing some of the greatest musicians that exercises and it is especially urged have appeared on tho Pacific const. ; that ns many from, tho city attend tho No company haB ovor nppeared here entertainment tonfght as possible. In that comes more highly indorsed by order to encourage the scholars and the press than tho Orpheus company, tenchers In their work. er, one of the greatest violinists of j STOCK SHIPMENTS ACTIVE. thi flnv. naglRtprl hv tCnthnrlno Dp ! tho day, assisted by Kntherino Do "Vere, America's only great lady pian ist, by the queen of song, Jean St. Itcmy, who Is styled tho "Second Nor UIca," also by Dorothy Walsworth, one of the cleverest character deline ators In America. Observations by Dr. Hutchinson, of the Animal Bureau. Dr. E. N. Hutchinson, of tho bureau of animal industry, Is in town for a visit of a few days on business con Tho Portland Oregonlan In speaking . nected with tho department of Kntherine De Vere, says: "She Is In his travels, Dr. Hutchinson has pronounced by those who have heard : noticed that In spite of the fact that the best players who have visited tho ( the prices quoted on stock and sheep city, ono of the finest pianists heard here. The San Francisco Chronicle says: "Walther is a finished artist. His style is magnetic and his playing is a revelation." The Orpheus Company will bo seen at tho Christian church Saturday eve ning, and from expressions heard will in all probability be greeted by a large uudlence. EXERCISES AT AGENCY. Umatilla Indian School Closes To night With Appropriate Entertain ment. Tho closing exercises of the Uma tilla Indian school will bo held at tho agency tonight, and all friends of the school and thoso Interested In the especially, aro so low, the movement towards tho east is brisk. Last week 10 trainloads of mutton sheep went out of Oregon and Washington for the eastern markets, and there nre four or five trains scheduled for the week to come. Green Peas. Green peas aro now In the' local markets and are boing sold at three pounds for a quarter. They hav'o been on tho markot in and around Walla Walla and Milton for somo time, but have just begun to get Into this part of the country in any quantities. The frost that, visited the gardens did not seem to hurt this crop to any great extent. Bryan declares that under no cir cumstances will he accept the demo- cratic nomination for president this year. Foot Powder For Sore, Blistered, Aching and Sweating Feet. We Guarantee This to Cure Either of These Complaints er Money Refunded. Tattman & Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. ABOUT THAT COAT You wear a coat. Why? To keep the cold out ? No ; to keep the warmth in. What of the body that has no warmth the thin, poor body that lacks the healthy flesh and fat it needs ? For such we say that Scott's Emulsion provides the right kind of a coat. Why? Be cause Scott's Emulsion builds firm, solid flesh and sup plies just enough fat to fill nature's requirements no more. That means bodily warmth. We'll Mild you a umple free upon requet. n'OTT & 1IOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, N'ew Yo:k. ON COURT STREET BIG MONEY TO BE SPENT THEREON THIS SUMMER. Four Solid and Good Looking Brick Buildings Will Be Erected During the Next Few Weeks This Neces sitates Several Removals and Many Alterations Active Operations Be gin Tomorrow Morning. Things are moving on Court street thesodays. This morning Carl Wois sort, tho harness maker, moved his stock Into his now store building on tho corner of Court and Cottonwood, nnd will bo ready for business by tho timo business is ready tomorrow morning. Tho Standard Grocery Co. will move Into tho room formerly occupied by tho Wclssort harness Bhop In the La Dow block in tho morning, and will re main thoro until their now building 1b completed about tho first of August. Tomorrow morning Messrs. O'Oarn & Barnhnrt, tho proprietors of the Standard grocery, will commenco to tear down their old building on the corner of Court nnd Johnson and will ho ready to begin tho excavntion for their now building by Monday next. It will bo ono story in holght, and wIP havo a 38-foot front and 85-foot depth. It will cost approximately $7,000. J. C. Spoouemoro will move into the room formerly occupied hy tho meat market In tho new Mllnrkey building on Court street. Ho will leave his old pluco of business by tho first of the month, nnd as soon as he U out G. A. Itohblns, of tho Owl Tea House will begin to tear out the old shack now standing there, and will commence the erection of his now brick nt once. It will bo about the same style of building ns the Stand ard Grocery Company building nnd will be finished hy the middle of the summer, Mondny next V. Strobio will begin the excavation for a now brick to bo built on tho lot just to the enst of the new Welssert building. It will also be a one-story house, 25x00 feet In di mensions and will bo used ns a store by Sir. Strobio, who will havo to va cate tho Whedlor building, which liar been bought by tho Eagles. John Siebert, the tailor, is also con templating the construction of a build ing on tho ono remaining lot in tho block between tho proposed Strobio building nnd tho old Wheeler house. This will bo In harmony with tho other now buildings In tho block nnd will cost about the same. When all the buildings nre up It will make a solid block of brick where all of tho old wooden Bhacks now stand, and If the plans of the vnrious men nre carried out tho buildings will all be completed and occupied by the end of this year. recovered from tho hard tlmo they had nt Ln Grande, nnd In somo parts of tho gamo a listless stylo of hall was put up, but on tho wholo they plnycd n good game. Tho Adams boys played hard and woll, but wont to pieces at ono or two stnges of tho gamo, which gavo tho scoro to their oppononts. On Thursday tho Wonders will go to Weston, whore they will moot a picked team for a pouplo of games during tho Pioneers' picnic. POLICE COURT. Proceedings Varied by a Woman Drunk and Disorderly. Judgo Fltz Gornld entertained a couple of tho Doo family this morn ing. John Doo had boon drunk and disorderly, and Jano Doo the snmo, and each paid $6 into tho city coffers. John Hay had also been disorderly, nnd nt a lato hour this morning wns in so unresponsive n mood that his case wns continued. Thomas Gorman had been drunk and was sentenced to threo days In tho city Jail, whllo Ed Porry will visit at tho Hotel Sehoer for five days for tho samo offense. Visiting J. T. Hlnklc. W. 11. Hlnklo,' n student of St. Mary's College, of San Francisco, Is n tho city visiting his brother, J. T. Hlnklo, for a fow days before going to Grnngovllle, Idaho, to spond his vacation nt homo. Mrs. J. T, Hlnkle and family will probably nccompnny him to Grangevlllo for a short visit next week. Life Insurance Paid. G. A. Itohblns, secretary of tho Modern Woodmon of this city, has paid the $2000 denth clnlm to the widow of O. M. Campbell of Echo, who died on May 7. Ho received tho warrant on May 27, Just 20 days after the death of tho member. FOR COUNTY RECORDER. W. H. Fowler Finds His Prospects Very Bright. W. H. Fowler, the popular demo cratic candidate for county recorder. hn lust roturned from a trip to the northern and eastern portions of tho county and feels more confident than ovor of success. Ho has mado many friends by his able services, affable disposition as doputy ln tho offices of county clorK, recoruer nnu miunu. Nearly every taxpayer in mo coun ty has mot and dealt with Harry Fow ler, during his long service in thoso offices, and ho needs no introduction to tho voters ln tho country. xvir. Knwlor Is nn old-tlmo conductor on the O. It. & N. running ueiween ron- lnnd nnd Pendloton ror somo umo nnd his railroad frionds havo not for gotten his Jovial and accommodating disposition. Ileransn of his wiuo oxpononcc in all tho county offices, Mr. Fowler Is nnpullarlv fitted for tho olllco or ro cordcr, nnd will discharge the duties of this place with credit to Umntllla county. Just Arrived Two KWore GaHoads of FURNITURE Wo nro now showing tho finest lino of FURNITURE nnd CARPETS over seen In Eastern Oregon. You may not bo "From Missouri," but wo want to "show you." Seo our lino Hue of Couches, Rockora, Ruga and Pictures. Prices, Quality and Satis faction guaranteed. . A. RADER Main and Webb Streets Visiting His Brothers. L. It. Conklln, of Sllvorton, Wash., s ln town for a short visit witn 111s brothers, Professor E. II. and Hoy Conkiin. The visitor Is tho propria- tor of a. hoarding and lodging house for tho miners who comprise a large part of tho population of Sllvorton. HELP US MOVE WE DON'T WISH TO ADVERTISE A CRACKED CHINA I AFTER WE MUVfc, utwMuse. by OUR PAST EXPERIENCE KNOW THAT CHftliMiU urn IN A WILL NOT BRING ONE-Tfj ITS COST, WHILE BROKEN DISHES ARE WORTHLESS. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. WE HAVE CUT THE Elf LINE. THE MORE FRAGILE, THE HEAVIER THE CUT. AND HELP US MOVE. OWL TEA HOUSE TTTTTYTTVTTTTTTTVTVTTTVTTTVVTTTTTTTTT Mrs. Van Orsdall Returning. .Mrs. Cnrrlo Vun Orsdall, who bus been absent for some tlmo in Califor nia on a trip ln tho Interest of tho Women of Woodcraft, Is now on her way home, nnd is expected to reach Pendloton the latter part of this weok. Have You Seen If? Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to he iraceu 10 me Kiunuys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseasos have their beginning in the disorder of these meet important orpins. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. fnro u-ltf n vour kiduevsarc weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and Sow every organ seems to fail to do its dUlVyou are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer s awamp-RW". - as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A triul will convince anyone. BOND SALE. School Board Decides to Put Them on the Market June 15. Tho school board hold a mooting lnt nlcht nt tho homo of Josso Fall Ing, and It was decided to offer tho now bonds for salo on Juno 15. Mr. Falling presided, nnd though ho had to act in his official capacity from the vantngo ground of his neu, no con .liintmi hn mootlnc In tho snmo husl ,inHliko manner as of om. ins irao- tured thigh Is knitting slowly, nnd It will bo but a short time, coraparnuvo iv until tho votoran of tho board Is nb'lo to tnko as actlvo an lntorost In the doings of tho school board as ho did boforo tho ncciuoni. GOING TO 8HANIKO. .Woolbuyera Leave for That Place on Midnight Train. mm wnnilmvors who hnvo boon mak ing thalr headquarters hero for tho season, win loavu on wt " t,.in tnnicht for Tho Dalles, whoro they will tako tho branch out to 8han- lko to nttona tno wooi union mum last of tho weok. Thoy havo to tako tho early train and an oxtra day to bo suro that they can connect at The D Thoro Is a largo lot of wool ln tho wnrohouses at Shanlko, and tho expec tations for a very successful sales day .both to tho growor nnd. tho buyer aro bright. SCORE NINE TO FOUtl. Result of tho Last Pendleton-Adams Baseball Match. Yesterday nftornoon tho Wondorw and tho basoball toam from Adams, mot on tho Alta street grounds, whore tholr dlfforoncos woro settled to the f th tinmo team and tho llZTt ; of tuVvfsltora by score ot AU'of tho Pondloton boyu had not II you are muK juii v -- take by first doctoring your kidneys. TM. mit.i mill tiie exiraoruwuiy v.. Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dWtressing cases, and is wild 011 its merits by nil druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size i-,ttii.;. You may liavea sample bottle nomaotswymp-Root. I -11 t.Z ,! n uamnhlet telling yo hbw to find out if you have kidney or bladder troulile. ' V?'', when writingto Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilitig h "niton, N. V. Dl Vt make any mistake, but remember the name, bwump-Uoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Biiiglmmtoii, N. Y.,011 every bottle. WONDER AT THE THING, TOUCH IT AND SEE IF IT IS ALIVE. NO! I YES. BETTER BARGAINS ARE NOT GIVEN IN THE CITY; W I OPPORTUNITY TO SAVtl MANY DOLLARS. .uru orr, umv ruFAP AT THE BIG 8H0E ANO 1 1 n t uubu wii 1 ' CLOTHING Boston Store Id A titiil $60,000. School District No. Sixteen, Umatilla County, Oregon. Notlco Is horoby given that sealed proposals will bo received at the of flco of the county treasurer of I'ma tllla county, Oregon, at Pondloton. Or egon ,on or boforo Wcdnosdny, tho 15th day of Juno, at five o'clock p. m for tho purchase of bonds to bo Issued by School District No. Sixteen, com nrlslnc tho city of Pondloton nnd cor tain adjoining lands In Umatilla county. Oregon, of tho par valuo of Sixty Thousand Dollars, bearing Inter est at tho rato of 4 per eont per an num. payablo soral-annuully. principal and Interest payable at the office of tho county treasurer of Umatilla conn yr at Now York city, at the option of tho purchasor. Said bonds matur ..: Lm.iv vnars. but being payu- bio In ton years or after nt tho option of District No. Slxtoon. All bids, in oruer w u """'""-"j must bo accompanied by a certified cl ock, draft or certificate of doposlt, ?" .5 ' ,f n,u, Thousand Dollars, to bo approved oy "uutUnt i.nforo said bids, aro open ed. Said draft, certified chock or cer tificate ot deposit , f " School District wo. oi- rtmi-nn. nnd tho said sum U,;"V".', , . -Aid district, should 2.ul..r " nnti and tho bidder all to comply therewith. Tho buyer of "aid bonds to provide the necessary and 1 roper blanks therefor, comply ng to a respects with tho laws of tho suite of Oregon, and pay for sa d . 1.. iinmiintnn. Oregon, mo sorvo tho rignL ma without " U1USY. JU Clork of School District No. Sixteen, wiork 01 pendieton. Oregon Datod this 3 1st day of May. 1004, 9 Sp ring ana ummer Clothing ouoWINO ALL THtj TH.NOS IN SPRING SUMMER CLOTHING FOB " wiit-uc AND BOYS, AT f ,! YOUTHS AND BYS PRICES. MEN'S SUITS FROM H $20.00. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, H $12.50. BOYS' SUITS, TO Baer Furnishers and Hatters TO 1. lm,i I We Make New Roofs We Make Old Roofs New " ' ." o.i .0 have ?.,". t ' This is our exclusive Dua knoW WB woivn vears exDorionce at it. wo ougni ,t ol hadn't wo? Well, wo do know. L.naranteod. H b ELATERITE HOUMwu ,DV0Stlgale - It will pay you to The Elaterite Roofing' Co.,; 10 Worcester urn nro not ashamed, u win j nQns. ...j.t bo nloased to quote prices and to answe, u- - rk porl.- - m mn iirAACifr i iuvm - ,oet"or hleh , Wf l fell' 60 n Reason eCom Plant. 1 BEAUT tr ' 1 brie Co L prote in Are I -He As I Compa Meet W tan, tb ie Nor liar, s while Ee lias 1 talsve ting tl here U elr He is Wll bbo an he loc lile be s beat lie Ide sab tin wit lit the