East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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""twtltor advertises
mF? K Inn VOlirSBlf
Tonight ntul Wednesday show
ers; cooler UinlRht.
ml Z . at the Price
1?.Mm to sell
ttu waiiiuiL
- i r J
. it
. t r,Jr o llnl
ncvnTFD TO
Based Upon Manual Train-
Portland Churches Resent .the Attack
on Rev. Edgar P. Hill.
Portland, May 31. The Morning
Oregonlnn has heon soundly rebuked
by 10 Portland churches for hinting
that the presence of Rev. Edgar P.
Hill, of the First Presbyterian church,
of that city, was not wanted In the
city, because of his stand against po
litical and municipal corruption now
found In Portland. ,
Ten churches and the ministerial
association of Portland Tinve passed
resolutions of Indignation against the
Oregonlan, and almost every Portland
pulpit thundered Its rebuke against
Its cowardly attack on a high-minded,
self-sacrificing man.
Following Is part of a sermon
preached nt the First Christian church
by Rev. Mulkcy yesterday:
"This paper does not ask Erlckson,
Blazler or the Portland Club to leave
tho city. To ask these public bene-
With Departments of Scl-. factors and promoters of morals to
. .. . shut un shon and leave town would
. ... A ! Mile, . i - ---
1.) and L ICraiurc n ..i-w
pi -
Be corcver "
..,... t Provided for in the
ho a crime, tho unpardonable sin.
rank injustice. But on the contrary,
It hints In unmistakable terms that
Biich men as Dr. Hill, Dr. House and
.. -u...-ue nnrl Charlta- ' fho rest, of lis nrenrhprs must 'ahnt
it 91 Tho ii-Ill nf Mm.
Rd was filed In the probate
. l t.in. nnn fine nf
, tho pntirfl amount goes to
ii. (..eHttitlm.c nlntrnhPR am!
... .(.. -.11 ohntl l, nll.
. n j lnitlti(n nf T jjnrnlni- "
to we prowuuuu ui jnuutiuui
i I....Un mnmml tt-nltl.
ilso a department of science,
literature, rue senooi geis
. a 1 1 ..n Ann
ill S.1VB I SO tllllt DHL IlllU.UUU
W very plain and substantial,
me miscellaneous uequesis
Mn fnr Ihp Thrniinn Pnlvtech.
- n .1. - r. i
up or leave
town. Hut we will do
Inconveniences of Travel In "Drouthy
Qucumo, Kan., May 111. A group
of Methodists returning from the gen
eral conference have been stranded
here for two days, enduring many vi
cissitudes on account of the floods.
The towns people are providing food
and clothing and meals are being
served by means of boats. One death
has occurred among the passengers,
a consumptive.
Left in Too Great a Hurry to Destroy Immense
Quantities of Valuable Stores.
Victors Found Quays, Warehouses and Other Structures All Ready for
Their Occupancy and Use Japanese Captured Seventy Cannon In Good
Working Order, But Lose Several Vessels Off Port Arthur Japanese'
Protect Chinese at Dalny Russians Assume the Aggressive In Central
Manchuria, and Order Submarines From American Firm.
Tokio, Mny 31. Cleneral Oku, com
mander of the army operating against
Port Arthur, reports that the Japan
ese occupied Dalny on Monday.
Over 100 warehouses and barracks,
besides the telegraph ofllcea and rail
way station were found uninjured.
Over 200 railway cars are still usable,
but all the small railway bridges in
the neighborhood had been destroyed.
All docks and piers except the great
pier, which was sunk, remain unin
jured. Some steam launches are also
sunk at the mouth of the docks.
Hit Rank and Dignity.
war 3i. xne Morgan Post
reservedly that Secretary of
i:r rwnnr r nfrrnntoii iznrmnn
trfflr A'llltlnfv In nn n t, n.nlt n t .
una in a room wnere Admiral
uiu a numDer of reporters
SO nrespnt. ins Mae il cnnnfi nt.
His Landlady Rejected His Suit,
Which Resulted In "Emotional In
sanity." Pittsburg. Pa., May 31. Irving
Wise, a well known mechanical engi
neer, this morning shot and killed
Katie Craff, a hoarding house owner,
and then suicided. It is presumed the
Craff woman rejected his suit.
Jfoot bridge collapses
Of UClosInn In h tcul!r.L
Cat Smelter.
liar Pal Mnir i im.
ire nntr tfonrt Pfnmw Tini-
Bmfield and Henry Hawkins.
an rnnv itii lw.f-.. ..uu. .
. w UblUUOv ilUTl,
Throws People Into the Swift and
Treacherous Arkansas Several
Are Drowned and More Are Missing
Disaster Took Place During Cere
mony of Throwing Flowers Into the
Stream In Honor of Naval Heroes.
Japs Protect Chinese.
Chee Foo, May 31. Dalny refugees,
mostly Chinese, state that the Japan
ese arrived there shortly after the
evacuation by the Russians.
Bandits had attacked the place,
burning and pillaging many buildings.
The arrival of the Japanese afforded
protection to the Chinese.
Japanese gunboat No. 3, according
to reports today, was damaged by
shells from Port Arthur forts Monday.
It was reconnolterlng near the shore
and drew the fire from the forts. One
petty officer was killed and three In
jured, and one gun was badly damaged.
Captured Guns Serviceable.
Home, May 31. A Toklo dispatch
states that nearly all the guns cap
tured by the Japanese at Klnchow are
In excellent condition. Two thousand
wounded Japanese have been embark
ed at Klnchow for Japan.
Starvation Imminent.
St. Petersburg, May 31. Dispatches
from l.lao Yang state that there Is ex
treme scarcity of the necessaries of
life there. The women and children
have been ordered away from Llao
Yang and Mukdn.
Sallda, Col., May 31. By the col
lapse of a footbrldgo over the Arkan
sas river at noon Decoration Day.
three persons were drowned and half
a dozen arc missing.
Thousands of people had gathered
on the river front to throw (lowers
Into tho river In honor of the naval
dead. Tho river Is only 20 feet wide,
Mwrr.pt to Fasten Guilt of
. - . i-.u-uu mm murder.
". Cl, May 31.-Driscoll,
suspect of the Copley hold-
"as proven on nl lil.
m Altnvliio .
, wo luuniiiiE uiier
aprv tl. ... ... ...
. ...wi.uvo UUUUVU
Ue RnQno.l i j . ..
till a, ""w, " u't very deep and swift. .
- 'J " " Tho known dead are: Mrs. Warren
, .. I Thompson, wlfo of a large furniture
.. " ",c "ecora. i dealer: Hazel Lvons. C-year-oId daugh
ter or Mr. and Mrs. Cliarios j,yons.
The body of a boy was seen floating
down tho river three miles east. The
Lyons body was recovered. Among
the missing are Nora Anderson, aged
i liinv vi ti w
In. -i - -v iiiiuio
iiicr noon fa fAiii-
. 7" "sucoL rpmrrt All .nfin
. VVii nu manv rinnnin , n
Warhiw Off Tai
aiay 11 TV.
. .1 W. I I II im TT1 DPI tn M
-4iCL I H And r-il- .
.v. vinencan ves-
a wc PPie are profoundly
Chicago Grain
m amu; oia July
w'iS?1? 86i new July
Closed snmn T..i ....It
w -vu 1 I "J .
Mny BUrn.rf - . ..
- iu ucain.
rnlij . " r"0 at Luancn
TCl!n many deaths.
Art tftlcism.
K Yn,t,
trlor V . corato
uncle h.,:
7" (UOKAn V... "
Mtae hu .U1 owner of
l'CTr:lur.cr ordered
- hivoduu in
iu?. laid on .X":
urivhi . -
-. out to rm ..;
Japs Lose Some Boats.
.Mukden, May 31. The report reach
ed here today that tho Japanese lost
ono gunboat and two torpedo boats
in mi attack on Port Arthur yesterday
In an nttempt to block tho harbor.
Searchlights on tho shoro discover
ed the approach of the Japanese.
After the Japanese gunboats and two
torpedo boats had been lost the mer
chantmen which Intended to block
tho harbor withdrew.
Russia Buys Submarines.
Ilotlln. May 31. The Vosslscho
Celtung stntcs that Russia has order
ed 10 submarines from the Holland
company, Boston.
Buttlnsky Kaiser.
Berlin, May 31. It has developed
that the mcssago the kaiser recently
sent to Kuropatkln by a special cour
ier, was lengthy and expressed views
us to the prohablo development of the
war. It criticized the wenk points of
the Russians nnd gave advico to Ku
ropatkln. Tho letter was addressed
as coming from ono soldier to another.
The kaiser's act Is taken hero as
an indiscretion which may ho Inter
preted as a breach of neutrality, put
ting the government In a different k-sltlon.
Resulting In the Death of Nine Cows
and Fifty Sheep.
Canyon City. Mny 31 C. P. John
son, who returned this week from tho
country near Spanish "(lulcli, informs
the Blue Mountain Knglo that recent
ly somo ikjIsoiuhI salt was put out
near tho liead of Bridge creek nt Ca
leb, which resulted In tho death of
nlno cows boloiiKlug to iSlgfrtt Bros.,
and CO head of sheep the property of
Butler Bros.
It Is supposed that the poison wns
put out for Butler Bros", sheep, slnco
It wns found on their bed ground but
not iiiilll after n number of the ani
mals had eaten it.
Secretary Taft on Duty at Leaven
worth. Kort Leavenworth, May 31. Secre
tary Tuft rovlowed tho garrison and
Inspected tho post this morning, then
hoarded tho trolley for Knnsns City,
whero ho will participate In an auto
mobile parade and probably make n
speech at convention hnll, leaving for
Washington tonight.
Pennsylvania Man Kills His Wife, But
Falls on Himself.
Carlisle, I'n., May 31. David Pnhr,
nged 10, shot and probably fatally
wounded his wlfo this morning, nnd
failed to kill himself. He was arrest
ed. Jealousy wnB the provocation,
Baker County Pioneer.
Baker City. May 31. M. S. Warren,
ono of tho first pioneers of Kastcru
Oregon, died nt Wlngvlllo last even
ing uged (H. Ho was a captain In
(icnernl Price's army In Missouri
during tho war and settled In Baker
county nt tho close of tho "strife. Ho
lived at Union for 30 years, but has
been at Wlngvlllo with Ills children
for several years past.
Alabama Tragedy.
Anulston, Ala., May 31. II. K. Horn
bucklo killed himself and seriously
wounded I-enono Dnlton, his alleged
wife, last night. Jealousy wns tho
Japs Enforce Blockade.
London, May 31. Tho government
announces the receipt of a declara
Hon from Toklo of tho complete
blockade since May 26 of Lino Tung,
and the coast of PItsowo and Pulan
Tien, which will continue to bo en
Russians on the Aggressive.
Tien Tsln, May 31. It is reported
that four Siberian regiments left Tas
cliao, 20 miles south of Nlu Chwang,
for Klnchow Monday. It Is believed
those will be followed by an entire dl
vision In an effort to relieve Port Ar
Will Be Delivered by President of Co
lumbla College.
Hov. James Main Dixon, president
of Columbia college, Milton, will de
liver un address on "Missions In Ja
pan," tomorrow evening at 8, ut the
M. E. church. Soutn.
Prof. Dixon has been in the field
a number of years, and speaks tho
language, and delivers a most enter
talnlng lecture.
Pontiff the Victim of Heat and Worry
But Will Not Rest.
Rome. May 31. The heat, confine
ment and worry of tho past few days
havo visibly affected the pope. Dr.
Lapponl advises a suspension of all
audiences for the present, but tho
Dontiff declines. Today he rocoivca
tho American Collego students.
Andrew Messer Murdered His Wife
and Baby and Then Himself.
Cambridge. O.. May 31. Androw
Messor, agod 24, shot and killed his
17-year-old wife and child, 1 year old,
this morning, and then suicided. Fam
ily trouble is given as the cause.
Failure on Cotton Exchange.
Now York. May 31, The suspen
sion of S. Munn, Son & Co., one of
tho oldest cotton firms, was announc
ed on tho Cotton Exchange this morning.
District Convention of a Strong Or
der With Membership of Ladles
The ladies of the Degree of Honor
held their first Bemi-annual district
convention In this city last night and
this afternoon. Kepresentatlves were
In attendance from all the lodges or
the county, delegates being sent from
Magnolia lodge No. 31, of Pendleton,
Violet No. 48, of Vton, Clover Leaf
No. 35 of Athena, Prosperity No. 90
of Helix, and the Birch Creek lodgo
of Pilot Hock.
The convention opened last night
with Mrs. Margaret E. Herren, of
Portland, having tho meeting In
charge. A clash of six candidates
were Initiated Into the degree work
of the lodge During the evening
somo very em enabling papers were
read having to do with the work of
the order, and .veial musical num
bers were gneu Itefreshments wero
served and a general social tlmo was
had. , ,
The business meeting of tho con
vention was held this afternoon at 2
o'clock, at which timo the placo for
holding the next convention was de
i,u,i ,,,,ii nnil nlans laid for tho fu
ture conventions. The work of this
convention was more for organiza
tion than otherwise, this being the
first convention held in the county.
It Is tho Intention of the ladles of
Umatilla county to hold conventions
at different places In the county each
six months from now on. They will
bo educational in effect, and Intended
to build up tho membership In this
Mrs. Herren left this evening for
John Day In the Interest of the order.
time. He writes his father that ho
will write a full description of Hono
lulu as soon as ho Is permitted to
Admiral Glass Is In charge of the
Pacific squadron, and tho Commercial
Advertiser of Honolulu gives tho
names of all tho officers and men on
board tho different boats. Heiin Is
yoeraan on fho Bennington.
Well Known and Highly Respected
Native of the County.
Mrs. Hose Templeten, tho wlfo of
It. C. Templcton, of tho Meadows
near Echo, died this morning at the
homo of Jerry Barnhart after a short
illness of heart trouble.
Mrs. Templcton has been In poor
health for some time, and was In the
city at, tho homo of Mr. Barnhart,
who Is a brother-in-law, undergoing
treatment. 8ho has lived In till
county all her life, being at tho tlmo
of her death 42 years of ago. Her
huBband, II. C. Templcton, Is ono of
tne prominent farmers of tho Mead
ows. The deceased leaves seven
children, all of whom aro now living.
Tho funeral will be hold tomorrow
afternoon, from tho rcsldonce of Mr,
Barnhart, tho exact tlmo not having
been as yet determined.
Attended by Large Concourse of Indi
ans and Some Whites.
Quito a number of Pendleton poo
pie attended the "potJatch" or me
morial feast given at Thorn Hollow
yesterday by tho Indians Jn memory
of James Joshua, tho well known In
dian who committed suicide some
tlmg ago. Tho feast was very Inter
esting to the visitors, many strange
Son of Councilman B. F. Renn Now on ; rites being observed. Ono old chief
Board the Gunboat Bennington. 1 1)0 ,,ect,aged ,ndan) ma(lo an ajjre8s
Pniinoiitnnn ii. v. Ileiiu has Just ro-1 commemorating tho Jlfo and works
celved a letter from his son, A. G. ; of tho deceased Indian which was
rtonn mm Honolulu, whero tho very touching, and caused tho entlro
young man Is now stationed for a few assemblage of Indians to shed tears.
i ,i Amrtrtpnn elinboat Amofif)- thriftn whit nttpmleri wnm
weui.s ou ouani wi! "" " . I v. ; v; .
Bennington, in the Pacific squadron. Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Taylor. Mr. and
Ti.r. oMiindmn now comprises the Mrs, Leon Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
cruiser Now York, the gunboat Ben- j Marshall, Messrs. Fred Judd, Albert
nincton and will be Joined at Hono- Cohen, Frank Llghtor, J, A. Borlo,
lull hv tho Marblebead and the Petrel Thomas Thompson, Norval Jonos, W,
and after a few weeks In tho Honolu- I). Foster, W. L. Shlverlck and J. W.
lu waters will proceed to tho Aleutian Wilson.
Islands and theuco to rusei ouuuu. , ;',. ...
Mr Renn enlisted in tuo navy m i. J- jucvuhuju wou iuu v-ujiiu ui-
n mm ami lias been over a cycle annual race at Hilton, N, J.
greater part of the world since that Time. 1:18:4, '
George C, Browned of Oregon City,
Will Deliver the Annual Address on
Thursday Forenoon Rev. Andreas
Bard Will Deliver Memorial Ad
dress on Friday Forenoon Baseball
and Old Fiddlers' Contest Among
the Amusements,
Weston, Oro., May 31. Weston Is
busy with preparations for tho Pio
neers' picnic, Juno 2, 3, and I. Tho
town Is now at Its prettiest, nnd will
bo beautified further with evergreen
trcus from the mountains nearby. Car
penters aro busy ut work constructing
a largo pavilion. In a centrul part of
town, which will bo used ror tun oxer
clses. This will bo decorated In club
oralo fashion.
Tho program of exercises eucli day
will bo of a varied nnd Interesting na
ture. Thursday forenoon tho niinual
address will bo delivered by Hon. (Jeo.
C. Hrownell of Oregon City, who will
muko his first speech to an Eastern
Oregon audience on thin occasion. In
the afternoon the old fiddlers' contest
will be tho principal event.
The memorial uddruss Friday fore
noon will bo delivered by llnv. An
dreas Bard of Wullu Walla, ouu of tho
most popular pulpit orators In tho In
land Empire.
Speeches will ho mado Saturday
Political Day by ahlu champions of
tho democratic, republican and prohi
bition parlies, and tno candidates will
make their final ante-olcctlou bow to
mi august public.
Die homo team will Play baseball
with tho PendlcUm Wonders Thurs
day nnd Friday afternoons, and with
Adams Saturday afternoon. Tho pro
gram of sports will also Include it wide
vucluty of oxcltlng and amusing con
tests for liberal purses.
Ida Raymond Trios a Short
Route Out of Life and Its
"Fitful Fevers."
The End of Her First Spree, Which
Was the Miserable Ending of a
Quarrel With Her Paramour, a
Traveling Doctor The Latter Has
Disappeared A Corps of Physicians
Think It Is Barely Poslble That the
Victim's Life May Be Saved.
Ida ltuyinoiid, a young woman who
has been living at tho Paltico Boom
ing house on Main street for tho past
three weeks, attempted to commit
suicide thlB morning n short tlmo be
fore noon by drinking tho contents
of a two-ounco bottlo of chloroform.
She was caught In Ihc net by J. H.
Williams, proprietor of thu houso, who
knockud the hottlo from her linnds,
but not until she had swallowed tho
greater pnrt of the Until It contained.
A couple of doctors wero Immedi
ately Humiiionod, and when they ar
rived found the woman singing and
dancing In tho middle of tho room.
Almost as soon ns they had reached
the room, ho waver, shu wns takon
sick and quickly passed Into uncon
sciousness, from which It has bo far
been Impossible to rouse her.
' Companion of Dr. Shattuck.
Miss Raymond Is a young woman
about 27 years of ago. slight In build
nnd weighing iiIkjiiI 100 pounds. Sho
In .of dnrk complexion, nnd prepos
sessing In face and form. Sho ciimo
here In company with "Prof." F. F.
Shattuck, a traveling doctor whoso
chief weapons of offenso and dufonso
against the ravages of disease Is elec
tricity, uppllod In varlouB forms and
Arriving In the city tho couple wont
to tho Palace lodging houso on Main
street, where they engaged rooms
and whero they havo beon living to
gether since. A few dayH ago thoy
had a violent quarrel and tho profes
sor left the city, going presumably to
Athena, where he Intended to romaln
for n time. Before leaving II Is nnld
he told his companion that ho had
decided not to have unythlng nioro
to do with her, and that their rela
tions would have to end.
Thu woman, though she hnd novor
done so befoie, began to drink, and
for sovernl days linn been continually
under tho llillueiicu of liquor. Night
hoforo Inst she went to one of tho
drug stores anil bought a hottlo of
chloroform. Lust night sho eamq to
tho Bamo place and bought n second
bottlo. Luler In the evunlng shn was
nrrostcil ami put lu the city Jail for
drunken and disorderly conduct, at
which time sho gavo tho namo or
Jano Doe. This morning sho was
fined $fi by tho city recorder and went
to her room. Hho was still under tho
Influence of liquor unit tho proprietor
of tho house kept n watch on her, ns
her remarks and actions had mado
him suspicious that she might at
tempt to harm horsolf,
Took the Poison at 11 a. m.
About 1 1 o'clock, going lo her room,
ho saw tint woman In tho ai t of swal
lowing the contents of n small bottlo,
and rushing to her, snatched II awny,
but too Iatu.
Dr. Hhuttucli, the man at the lof
tiun of l lie tumble, ciimo lo Pendleton
from North Yakima, and has traveled
over tho out tru Northwest, thu woman
accompanying him during the larger
purl of tho tlmo. Sho Is prtMiimed to
bo from Portland, though nothing Is
known of either of Ilium, us thuy wie
not In tho habit of talking about
At tho tlmo of going to priMW MM
Knymond's condition Is unchanged
Tho physicians think that thwo Is n
very slight cii.uico of nor recovery,
hut It is so slim that her doiilli Is ox
peclod at any (lino.
What A. G. Stlmmell Says of St. Louis
and the Fair.
A. O. Stlmmell, a prominent mining
man of Spokane, was In tho city for u
short visit this morning while on his
way home, Ho is now returning from
a visit through tho East und ut tho St.
Ixiuls fair.
Ha Is much disgusted with tho way
the fair is being managed, and says
that tho visiting pcoplo aru grafted
In ovcry way possible Tho majority
of those who havo so far visited tho
fair aro discontented with tlie ac
commodations and tho conduct of tho
exposition, and say that tho present
slato of affairs will work to tho det
riment of tho latter part of tho fair,
Mr. Stlmmell Is ono of tho promi
nent officials of tho Spokano Fair As
Depths of Misery.
Chicago, May 31. Crazed by
rheumatic pains, Ouatuv Jtol
burg, 72 yours of ago, has on
doavornd to umputnto his left
foot to relieve himself af pain.
As IIio old man sat on tho
floor In his homo urn began
his operation, his wife, who is
helpless from paralysis, look
ed on from her chair within a
fow feet of him. Her ncreumB
attracted two pollcomoii, who
rushed Into tho houso and took
tho luilfu from Ilollnirg. Ho
hnd sovored an arlory, nnd by
tho tlmo ho arrived at tho
county hospital wns so weak
It Is thought ho cannot survive.