DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. M6nDAY, MAY 30. 1904. PACES. PAQE THREE. WWW I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 H-4-.j..Aj.H..t .t n n n TFi IVOR t his is Bargain Week at Alexander's LOCAL OPTION RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS OBJECT TO MEASURE. 1 rlr BEST TONIC CRYSTAL CORDS SILKS FOR SHI.RT WAISTS, REGULAR 50c YARD VALUE 35c Association Makes Reply to the Local Option People and Recites Many Reasons Why They Oppose the Amendment Provisions of the Law ' as Proposed Are Not Fair. vorry. I hum no hrMtnnrr In rocommftmllnr your B. B.8. itho beit Bprlnir, umio on Urn market. 1 hirn uiiny other mediolne. but nnit H.H. B. to b uniloubi- r iiw omr lomu inni will Dtiliu Hit. tn ijrMcm. I til t&ka tilesilrA Iti talllna all wlmm t t.i..i in neeel of eood blood tonio of your mritlolno. iq?i.t"ir. ... lewis h. fikhkii CRYSTAL CORDS SILKS, REGULAR VALUE 50c. ; SHOE DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF BARGAINS AT CUT PRICES. BUY YOUR SHOES OF US AND WE WILL SAVE YOU FROM 25c TO 75c ON EVERY PAIR SHOES. SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS NEW LINE JUST ARRIVED. NEW LINE OF PARASOLS. NEW LINE OF SECELIAN DRESS GOODS. NEW LINE LACE HOSIERY. NEW LINE FRENCH GINGHAMS. NEW LINE OF PONGEE SILKS. In S. S. S. Natute has provided h tonic suited to every requirement of the system when in n debilitated, run down condition. It contain tin slmmr mmcr il drugs, but is a pleasant vegetable preparation. You can find no belter reiucoy tor ioniti p the nerves mnl urinKiitj refreshing, restful sleep when in a low state of health, or sick and worn out with work or worry. h. b. S. improves the appetite, aids the diges tion ana reinloices tne ecil svsteni. mill its rrniul ef. ' . . . o (rots are seen almost from the first dose. It nets cro Bto. Hamilton A Co. Lexington, kr, promptly in eascsof chronicdyspepsm, indigestion mid all stomach troubles. The local organization of the Hotall I and does away with thctincoinfortnble fullness, nausea, shortness of breath. Liquor Dealers' Association has Issued ' drowsiness and dizziness that so often conic after catinjj. a circular letter to the voters, In an-1 S. S. S. is not only the best tonic but possesses alterative or purifyinjr swer to the circulars of tho local op-1 properties, .and if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood it tlon adherents and Is now conducting searches it out, and removes it. Many times n low state of health is due an educational campaign against In- ton bad condition of the blood and can onlv be remedied by n blood purifier cai option. and tonic combined, or such a remedy ns S. S. S. To ?l?nCW J? h. .m " o . lf " "ffcr f,om l-'W"ty. i'lsoiuiiiu. neivousness. loss of appetite. Tni . .?. LOUU,N: I bad digestion, or any of the symptoms of a disordered blood. iiic k.i oiHion iuw u) no voted on so .. , ,lllr i.lo..l i nn.f ....,i!ii., i.,..! ' "1 ..1 " i - - - ..uil.t,. liJWC Mil IUC system as S S. S. " THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. ttA. Alexander Department Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES htMttfH4WWHW'4MW'l'.. Fishing i Trains are now making stops at the best fishing points for your accommodation. Our stock of rods, reels, lines, (lies and baskets Is tho best as sorted and the largest In Pendle ton. Outfit here. s W. J. Clarke & Co. HARDWARE AND PLUMBING, 211 Court St. World's Fair Rates. at the election to lio held on June fi should, on account of Its evil features, meet with condemnation at tho hands of tho voters, such as its provisions warrant. Section 1 provides that 10 per cent of the voters may call an election In any county or precinct or tno counties or precinct may ho bunched or gerry mandered so as to glvo prohlhitloulsts an oppon unity to loroe an adjoining non-prohihltlu precinct into a yoarly tut moil In the shape of an election. Wo hnvo enough eloctlons now and It i seems unfair to add another burden i on tho unwilling majority. Is this lo cal option? Section' 10 of the act again Is glar ingly unfair. It provides that nvun I If a county's vote l. against prohlbl-1 tion any precinct that has east a vote i lor prohibition shall be deelarod pro-! hlbition. Hut It does not work the other way. If any county votes fori prohibition. It does not matter wnemer any iireeinet In it voted i The O. It. & X. Company announces against the question or not. no liquor PABST ilwaukee Beer ON DRAUGHT AT THE STATE SALOON J E. Russell & Co., Props. ! the following low rates: From IYndleton to St Louis and return, $ou.00. From Pendlr ton to Chicago and re turn, $03.00. To Chicago returning through St. Louis (no coupon between Chicago and St. Loulsi or vice versa, $62.&0. To Chicago, returning via St. Ixnils or vice versa, $CC.2o. Tickets on sale Juno 7, 10, 17, IS, July 1. '2 3, August S. ti, 10, Sep tember fi 7. October 3. 4. 5. Tickets good going within 10 days from date of sale; final return limit 90 days from date of sale. Stopovers allowed In either direc tion within the transit limit. For further Information call on or nd dress K. C. SMITH, Agent. statu of Ohio, my or toi.i:io, LUCAS COXTV. m. Frank J. Cheney maken oath that lie In senior partner of the Arm of 1' J. Cliney & Co.. dolus tudlueM In the City of To ledo, County and Slate aforexald, and Hint said Arm "111 pay tlie sum of ONI", IIl.'.V DltED DOLLARS for eacli and every rose of Catarrh that oannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ntAXK J. om:xi:v Sworn to before me and mln-crlbed In my presence, t tils (lib day of Deremeer. A. It. lSMi. (Seal.) A. W. OLKA80N. V..liv I'mI.II, nall'ii Catarrh Cure li takeu Internaty, quired would not that uppear fair? business can he conducted anywhere in tno county. Is this local option? If so. is this fair? At the election In ItlOO the pro hibitionists of Oregon cast SGllf. votes out of a total of S 1.1 II!. Can about 3 per cent of the voters consistently ask the passage of such legislation and call it local option? Section 3 gives the liquor dealur about three weeks to close up his .business and move such as has not been by this net cotillscated. Is not this a rather summary method? Section 14 suys that when a coun ty has declared for prohibition, no election on this question can bo held in any precinct of the county there nrter. until prohibition has been de feated nt a subsequent election held for the entire county. Yet the act provides that on a petition of 10 per cent of the voters the prohlbs may hold an election In any precinct every year. Is this lair? Suppose a provision existed In the act that no elertlou should bo held If those opposed to Its passage should lile a petition of .double the amount or 20 per cent or the voters. Do you think thnt .It would be hard to get the signatures. Mr. Voter? II those who are opposed to the act qualify in notinie inc amount of the st re- PROF. SHADDUCK, Electro-Therapeutist Cures all diseases with his New Science of Healing. No drugs or knife used or prescribed. Sluco coining to Pendleton ho hns cured many people that hud been given up by all olhers. If yon are sick or lamu with a:iy disease anil are not 'telling the resullH wished for. It will pay you to call anil see him. Ho will toll you If n euro Is possible free of charge.. Ho has the latest improved Oxygen and ICIectrlc Butteries and Hells made, and in many cases you can be cured at your own homo with no oxtra ex pense other limn tho cost of one of these appliances. They aro different from all others. Call and see them, ami get mimes of people In Pendleton that he has cured. If you cannot call, address, The Palace, C27 Main SL, Rooms ;: and 3, Pendleton, Oregon i t HAMMOCK nnd act dlrectlv on the blood a.id mu cons surfaces of the ytera. Send for testimonials free. r'. .1 ciil;xi;v , co. rnmio, u. Sold by DrUKulit, price 75c. Take HnlfH family PIH for constipa tion. In order to allow Oregon people to be present at St IxjuIs on Oregon Day. the O. K & X. company will sell World's Fair tickets on Juno 7. Same rates and privileges of tickets sold on regular sales dates. Don't ovedlook this opportunity Js C Smith, agent. copymr.Mrt "IT IS HARD TO TEACH AN OLD DOG new tricks," and It would be hard to teach one of our patrons to wear linen laundered nt any place but the Domestic Steam Laundry. The con trast In the work done by us and by any other establishment In town is like comparing black and white. When you warn your linen artistical ly laundered bring it to the Domestic Steam Laundry THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY Dy and Night T ansfe j Billy Leathers, Prop. lves the best service at all hours. Ktods of Express Work and HVavy Hauling j future and pjjmog Move)1 tt specialty. I nm0 Llyerjr stablo, or 'Phone Main 161. Umatilla Meat Market nor.,.. T Mr! 0NE 0F THE NICE H0lCE8T MEA T8 'NTHE C,TY BUILD.NQ, NICEST, CLEANEST AND NOTHING BUT THE 219 COURT STREET. 'PHONE MAIN m in i mi Miit i immih tt Drs. Adams' denial parlors will close for tho summer In a few days, as tho doctors will leavo for tho East. All parties desiring work dono should call at once and make arrangements. -nr. Miter or Umatilla county, we ask you In Justice anil equity before 1 you saddle this piece of legislation on I I lie state of Oregon, to get a copy of : the act. read It over and you will find many objectionable feal.tres that win have not space to point out. Don't j lake our word, don't take any per son's word, get i he net Itself at the court house or write to uH and wo will send one to you by tho next , mall. Atlanta. (Joorgla, had L'3I stores va-' rated on her principal streets by local i option, and Texas, under a law from which this an Is taken, is at present In a deplorable condition. The adop tlon of the act will throw Ifi.Ouu men j out of employment In the slate of Or rgon, while, as above stated, the total .vote for prohibition In IMIl was 1'53 Apathy if the voters and the mis leading title of the art Is the strong ! hold of lis supporters. In IXUO the total vote cast for pres idem wab i:i,j.,9,;r,;!, or which 208 'JH was for the prohibition candidate or about mm and one-half per rent whllo Mr. Frederick H. Wines, Unltei Tito season for hammocks Is hero. Time to got thorn Is now and tho placo to get the best at tho lowest prices Is at our store. We hnvo spread oursolvcs In securing tho newest and prottloat patterns turned out by tho manufacturers. Just look at our lines. ! Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN OTREET. i ' ' WATER TANKS Slates statistician gives for homicide tho following figures, Juno 1, IM0; (The I'M) statlsilrs aro not yet ready so we give the latest we could find.) Number of homicides. 7386, of which 973 are of habits unknown as to In toxicating liquors, 1282 total uli i stalnera; 3829 moderate drinkers; I, 20.7 drunkards. J I As tho total abstainers, as shown by all the elections are a very small percentage of the people, and as they furnish 20 per cent of the grave crime of homicide, It would appear that liquor was not one of tho graves! mo tives of such crimes, On Juno 1st, 1890, the male Insane were 63.473: female. 03.012. or atmrox Imately equal, yet no one will contend that women drink as much as men. From three to flvo per cent go Insane from liquor, so students of the sub' Ject say, yet as L. J, Adarl, of the Iowa Criminal Insane hospital says: "Prohibition did not lessen the num n,,iuini. ber of the Insane," ' "I I. .... ...... It trvjiiu ji may uu irue inui liquor does cause Insanity It Is only one of many causes. Religious enthusiasm Is perhaps a more potent factor, as witness In Oregon the organization known as "Holy Hollers." We make a Specialty or Hound or Square WATER TANKS a TTAnJap HaHs nil m7Pi& find ., 1 ,.7 V.w,mVi,f ond thev' Tnat 18 t,le ecP o' b Proposed kinds. We make them right and they . . r it. UiL it always give sausiacuou. uui w Is never slighted or botched. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. may lujure the retail liquor Interests to such an extent that the prosent people will probably leave the state, It will equally, If not more. Inflict Ir reparable Injury on your heavy tax payers and progressive men who are entirely apart and separate from the liquor Interests, PBNDIJSTON RETAIL LIQUOR DKALKR8' ASSOCIATION Aft S'V1"' (JnION fMADE, Hand made:; CLEAR HAVANA. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. When you call for a TRIUMPH.6 Ut VNN in ' r uvri it- m linn - AMI M GET IT. Don't accept a substitute. MAKERS. It li hard to teach an old dog; For once he told the truth Give the pup a trial, For the old tio; Is out of style. Pendleton Steam aunefcy The new Laundry on Cottonwocd Street. BYERS' BEST LOUR Is made from the choicest wheat thai assured when Dyers' Seat Flour is used. ed barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROU W. 8. BYBRB, Pror iwt. Good bread ta ! it m, aborts, steam roll- R MILLS