1 PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1904. 5 I tit: Closing-Out Sale OF Trotting-Bred Horses HAVING DECIDED TO DEVOTE MY ATTENTION TO MINING. I WILL ON SATURDAY, JUNE 4. AT THE OREGON FEED YARD, PENDLETON, ORE, OFFER FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, THE FOLLOWING HORSES. TERMS CASH C. L. COX. BELLE SPOTSWOOD Bar mare (14) weight 1200, with est Al ton B colt yet foaled In Umatilla county, by side, by Alblcore. Ret 2:27U trotting, by Alwood, by Almont S3. Dam by Belle-founder. Dam Belle Morgan. Morgan breeding. a high-classed mare of Hamblct nlan and ? LITTLE MARGARET Bay maro (11) weight 1100, with a fine Westfield colt by side, by Alblcore; dnm, Mag., by Tnmllalne. a J Lummux horse; 2d dam, a Morgan mare. J PITZ LEE Bay gelding (6) weight 1250. by Wcstfleld. J Dam. Belle Spots wood; 2d dam Belle Morgan. Z BAY GELDING (S) Full brother to Fltz Lee. Z BAY GELDING (3) AND BAY FILLY (2) By Westnold. 2 Dam. Little MargareL J BAY FILLY (3) AND BAY COLT (2) By Hassaloe. by Westfield; dam, Alta, by AltemnnL 2 Dam, Belle Westnold, by Westfield; 2d dam Bello Spotswood; 3d dam, Be'Io M rgan. BAY COLT (1) By Caution, by Electioneer. Dam. Belle Westfield, by Westfield; 2d dam Bell" Spotswood, by Al- blcore, by Almont 33; dam by Bellfeounder; 3d dam Belle Mor Z " pan. "Wot's de matter, .Jimmle?" "Why, dura dls paper, dey ain't print -'d de notice of mo engagement yet ' Iuree) Wh en Others Iaildqu 1056 Winncmac Avenue. Ciiicaoo, liJ.., OcL 25. 1902. Wine of Cardui can always be relied nnon to cure when evcrytliinc else "fails. It is a certain cure for femolo diseases in Uieir JTv7 worst forms. 1 suffered for years with ulcer- r ation. intense pains in me womu anil ovaries and dreadful headaches unfitted me for ray work. Finully I grew so ill that I had to keep to ray bed. The pains were so intense at times as tocanse Epasm and a diFaCTreabledischarm drained my life forces. In my extremity after all else had failed, I tried Wine of Cardui. After mine it for iwo wepsj i uccan 10 iiniiiuve so ramtiiv mat i felt . nraraeed to keep up the treatment, which 1 did foreicn- teen weeks, but at the end of that tfrue I was entirelr mj - relief was mine and how new and beautiful1 life looked to nuC' health was restored. Only those who have pawed throarh of sickness as I have will understand how much I valne Wnwrfr'T ii is inaeen . a boon to sick women. fSi -una vmcjo mau Vera Every weak woman needs Wine of Cardni. Wine of fn? ordered and painful menstruation, periodical headaches, falla-j womb and leucorrhoea. It cures extreme cases of thee bwA. , strengthens girls approaching womanhood, helps bring chiMnsfes homes, makes pregnancy and childbirth easier, prevents imicarruia the best medicine ever made for use during the chance of life. Wi the gooa women m your nouie to saner another day? Ettrr i has il 00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. WINE'CARDUI fHHU HM M i l 1 1 1 I m - t 5 -H-4-I HMiniMiiiiiii)Tti Mr. Good? Gracious! Where did yo get that cigar? Muggsy Dis is a special brand wot I has made fer me. FEED IN THE INTERIOR. For the Summer Kitchen We can supply gasoline and oil stoves. Cheaper than coal and more convenient; real comforts for hot weather. All sizes and prices from "Be to $16.00. - W J. Clarke & Co. HARDWARE AND PLUMBING, 211 Court St. Crook County Man Writes of Alfalfa In Central Oregon. A Crook county correspondent, writing to the Pacific Homestead on alfalfa growing in Central Oregon, says: For years the greatest drawback to REMOVES LOWER JAW. Strange Surgical Operation Perform-' J ed at Seattle. J Seattle. May 2S. The entire lower ' jaw was removed from Louis Usanza, x a cook, at the Seattle general hospl- j tal yesterday noon. The operation, performed by Dr. F. X k " . ..I 1 K .. r 1 . TI n.nn . ' .L and other inland counties, has been the fact that necrosis had set in, fol- J a shortage of feed for winter. During lowing the extraction of a tooth by a the spring and summer the average local dentiBt, and the entire jaw was ' J herd increases from 40 to 70 per cent, rotting. . a When -the winter comes on. the ranch-1 Usanza stood the operation well. T 2 er is compelled to sell regardless of but has ahead of him a long and tedi-1 4. price. ous recovery, tveniuauy, pnysicians Last fall this condition became and surgeons agree, a hard substance Known at tne stock yards and among resenuimg none wiu granulate in and . the buyers resulting in a combine give Usanza a jaw bone. ' which finally resulted in a drop from The operation made it necessary to 4i to 2U, or approximately one-half resembling bone will granulate in and of what the regular ririce paid Ehould portion of the face. For the present have been. Some sold, others held Usanza is neither able to eat nor their stock over. speak. He will recover speech as Those who were so fortunate as to Boon as the wounds made by the oper have a liberal supply of feed on hand atlon heal, but must be fed for some brought their herds through In good "me In an artificial manner, condition; but the less fortunate ones ' A number of prominent physicians who depended wholly on the gift of i witnessed the operation on Usanza. ! natnre (the outrange) for their stock. Necrosis, necessitating the removal lost heavily. Some herds died off in ' of the jaw, is an extremely rare case, j J countless numbers, the balance com- nd the interest of the medical pro-. ing out in the spring In a condition fesslon In the man was general. The j almost equal to death Itself. 'operation was entirely successful. This nool on the nnrt of the linvnrs ' ! j together with the heavy loss from ! He is Now a Strictly Sober Man. J starvation and exposure, has taught ' Portland, Ore.. April 2C. 1904. ' the stockman a lesson long to be re-.' Our druggist here asked me to write J membered. Alfalfa Is the only source ; you about "TRIB." My son took jof relief. Hundreds of acres of bot-"TIUB" about IS months ago and has torn and irrigated land Is being put been a sober and Industrious man . , out in alfalfa. i since. He has taken the Some dry land alfalfa Iras been ' c". but commenced drinking again J sown. By means of this extra supply oon after. It cost his $160 to takt of hay and silo feed the stockman th cure and $12.5t t ' is saved. He will not be dependent tk "TH1B." He says "TftlB" is by ; 1 on the stockyards or buyer in the fall " the beat cur of the two. He has j but instead, will have an abundant ld many treatments for the drug- J supply of the boat feed on whi'.h to 8l since he took "TRIB." . ! winter his stock, thus turning them , Wishing you micccm, I mm your , J . J out on the range In the spring In a 'Maui, J. I 8TONK. substantial condition, butter for breed- For sale by Tallaum ft Co. I ing and better for the early market. I J I Diversity of feed and more of it is Annual Picnic A. O. U. W Waltsburg, . the coming necessity of the success-, Or., June 9, 10, 11. j I fill stockman. Better feeding means For the above occasion round trip ' ' better breeding, and Itettor breeding ; tickets will lie sold to WalUburg at a 1 i means uetier prices. rate of S2.80. Dales or sale June v. i HOLT BROS j Side Hill Combined Harvester The latest improved two-wheel, side-hill combined hanestrk proven a boon to wheat raisers. It Is e most successfal. s economical and easiest machine to operate ever built. These harvesters have been given abundant trials right 1 home and all users are highly pleased. None have been dlssaa and all are high in their praise. The Holt side-hill harvester on a side hill is able tostia the side of the hill, while the header will slip down the ha : main wheels are vertical, which braces the machine to tl i hills. It works equally adapted to level land, The Holt harvesters are sold exclusively ic this sectloE I; E. L. SMITH 2J8 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon All extras for Holt machines on hand. 4 till I I 4 44 4 i 1 H-Ht 4 i i I i i-H H-H4-H-K-H HAYING TIME Brings a demand (or k scythes, hay carriers and No matter what your wattij In this lice, we can fit jou ct We keeii the best aJ ererjiii? I In the hardware line and pri low as the Inwes' 4 W.J. Clarke &Gfc l! HARDWARE AND PLUS'B.'- 911 r.nurt S'. Ill' .'"1 Farmers wanting to raise big mvies snotil3 breed to Big Ben. W. W. HARRAH, Owner Mellman's Scheme. At the city council meeting night Helnrlcb tollman asked council to grant him another fran-1 j 10. and 11, limited lo return Jans 12. ; i 1S04. For particulars oall on or ad- J last drees E. C. Smith, agent. ' the HAY BUNCHER The new .Invention of ifarrali and Flint, which gathers hay In rows ready for loading. Is now on the market and can be seen at the Missouri blacksmith nhop on Webb atreet. where it is on sale. This hay buncher can be attached to any mowing machine without difficulty. It gathers the hay free from dirt and lays it evenly In rows. It Is a saver to farmers as It does away with the hay rake, thus mak. ing the expense or a rake, horse and man to operate it unnecessary, u os away with the use of the binder In the hay field. The hay buncher is sold under a positive guarantee to do the work. The machine has been tried and lias given the best satisfaction. Call and investigate at THE MISSOURI SHOP Pendleton, Oregon In order to allow Oregon people lo cblse for a street railway and also a be present at St. Louis on Oregon J franchise for the purposo of maintain-, Day, the O. It & N. company will sell . ing and conducting a general electric World's Fair tickets on Juno 7. Same light and power plant in the city of rates and privileges of tickets sold , 2 Walla Walla, says the Walla Walla on regular sales dates. Don't ovedlook o Statesman. this opportunity. K. C. Smith, agent. ) J Both propositions were in the shape '. 1- j oi oruinances wnicn uau been pro-, pared by Mellman's attorneys. They inSUPG 111 worn rpfii! th ftornnil tlmn nnrt thf.n ' IHUI4I W referred to the Judiciary committee with Instructions at the next which will be held Tuesday night, I May 31. Tnat pay their losses I tne juuiciary committee 1 'ilnVK coui Reliable Companies fin hnl.l rPiifuiflfii.- nlV. 1 1 ! and SEWER WORK . ,,.,a,Kif- r.oODS AND F'M1'! I HAVE A FU1' UlNfc UP ruumin ft CONNECTiw" CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTY T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN 5 promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. StaaUverband Convention. Rochester. N. Y., May 28 Moro than S00 delegates are already in the j Assets, city for tho ninth annual convention Hartford Fire Insurant. of the New York State Federation of, Co .'J12.259.076 German Catholic societies, or Staats-. ' Co 20.039,063 verband, which will be in seslon here during the next two days. Thoro are London & Lancashire Fire more than 100 local societies in the' Insurance Co z.tm.tu. ntnta nnrl nil if fhnm nrn fTnOflnrt n Korth British & Mercantile be represented by from two to a dozen i Co. 19,C95,974 delogates. Ironers Wanted. Six nrnttclaes ladles' clothes iron ers wanted at tho Domestic Laundry. .Removal sale at Owl Tea House. Royal Insurance Co. 22.897,16? FRANK B. CL0PT0N AGENT. 112 EA8T COURT STREET. RYFRS' BEST FLOUR ! mnrtn from the choicest wheat that grows. rft assured when Dyers' Best Flour Is used. Bran, sue- . DDRTHT CTnW DOT T ER Mli W. 8. BYERS, Prop- ,h