PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OBEOONlAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1904. TEN PAGES. Mi ill! II IH II -I RECLAIMING IDAHO f There is only One Genuine-SyrUp of FlgS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Thm tuH name of the company, California R1K Syrup Co la printed on the front of every package of the genuine. The Genuine-' Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of hs beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE "Si I 7 7 (kum NIA riGfWDP noct tsttchts pbksottie flew York. Hrt'JM SHERWIN & WILLIAMS PAINT ONLY PLACE IN PENDLE- 1 TON TO GET IT. 3 Real Estate I PAINTERS' MATERIALS ALL KINDS. OF" E. J. MURPHY Cf.urt at Fancy Clever Leaf Creamery Butter 55c pet Roll at Chat Store Despam & Clark If you are Interested In Oil Painting, see us. Our line i"" complete. ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS' SAtLES BLENDERS BKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opera Home Block. $2,400.00 Will buy an S-room bouse and two lots, has 5 rooms on 1st floor; 3 rooms on 2(1 floor; bath and toilet, good cellar. Five blocks from Main street. $700.00 Will buy -a 3-room house, 3 blocks from Main street. 700.00 Two very desirable lots on JarEon street, only six hlocks from Main ' street Office rooms for rent Merchants Protective Agency Despaln Building, Room 43, Telephone Black 1161. Tablets Palmo THE GREAT NERVE TONIC AND RESTORER. See our window display. Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS. Cor. Main and Court Sta. Pendleton, Oregon. The Columbia Lodging House : "Well ventilated, neat and com- fortable rooms, good beds. Bar J In connection, where best . goods are served. J Main street, center of block, between streets. Alta . and Webb THE BEST t IS THE CHEAPEST j Bear this in mind when you 1 need poultry and stock supplies I and ask for the International J Poultry and Stock Food. Use I Kow Kure for your cow troa- bles. I C. F. Colesworthy 127-129 East Alta 8t J Agent for Lee's Lice Killer. J F. X. SCHEMPP Proprietor ) ! The French I Restaurant j Best 25 Cent Meal In the City Private 'Dining rariors. Elegant .Furnished Rooms In Connection. iThe East Oregonian Is Eastern Or- i' representative paper, it leaoa the people appreciate t - K wy ntcir iiecrai GUS UF0NTAINE, Prop. 2 633 Main Street J. L. VAUGHN j Electrician Prompt attention given aad all . work exaeuMd proporlr. Bleetrleal Sappllei or all kinds OFFICE 121 WKST C0U5T ST. (Tribune BulWlug) CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. Good music every evening. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STREETS. Under W. 4. C. R. Depot GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices ! For Cash. W. C. MINIMIS a Leave orders at Neuman's Cigar More. MINUTE DESCRIPTION OF THE Ml'NADOKA PROJECT. Government Will Expend $2,600,000 J J in Reclaiming Desert in the Snake River Basin Immense Masonry Dams Will Be Constructed to Form I Base for Pumping P:ant to Throv I Millions of Gallons of Water Pe ' Day. 1 A special from Washington plvns minute description of the MinaUoka government irrigation project in Ida no us follows: At an exnendltiirn nf enn nnh which has been nl nolilr. fnr h Btruction of great Impounding dams uuu inversion canals above the Mini hloka rapids, fullv S12.M..l.finn i i ble property will be created in this i uasin, I Taking as a basis tho last census agricultural IlCllrpK fnr i nlu hu -in 000 acres to be reclaimed under the project win, when settled under irri gution. runresent thn initi.r vniim i while the whole earnings of the land' win amount to about $2,000,000. With this area cut up into 1400 larms, us is propsed by the govern meut a rural population will be creat ed of 7000 which will bring with n nn urban poimlation of probnbly an u.jut ivvu or i4,uuu people. It is possible to divert about 3000 cubic feet of water per second for use on the land, and by turning it back ' Into the river to generate 17.000 horse power, wntcn can be used for pump ing ana to supply water to irrigat uuoui opinio acres or land lying abov gravity cauais. Tne dimensions of the dam to be I constructed will be 50 feet in height . and 575 feet in length. It will be of I solid masonry, which will be immova ! ble as the canyon walls, of which it hi oecome a part. The canal on the j north side or the river will be cut ' through solid rock for a distance of one nine. It will be C7 feet wide and 10 feet I deep. At the lower end on this sec tion will be locnteil I where the 3000 second feet of water wii iau ou ieet, developing 17,000 horse power. One thousand of this 30OO second feet will have an additional fall or 20 feet, which will develop 2000 horse Itower more, and this power, if not neeueu lor pumping, can be utilized tor electric lighting, electric railways mining, manufacturlnir. r. The post nf fhn nnmnlni. nlnni le based on the proposed installment of lo nuge pumps, having a capacity eaen oi auout 110 second feet. A second'foot Is a Pllhln tnnt nf xva tor passing a given point each sec ond, and is equivalent to a flow of 44S gallons a minute, so that each of these io iiumps win tnrow anout 50,000 gal ions a minute. Horse Thieves Plentiful. That horse thieves are boldly oper ating in this country in open defiance of the authorities has been apparent for some time, and farmers in the northern end of the county have been losing valuable animls right along. Whether the horses are taken from the pasture and taken to the moun tnins or are taken across the Sanke river is not known, but apparently the Texas method of treating horse thieves will have to be resorted to, to stop the tniHlnesa. Mr. L. Cyrus of Covello, is out with a reward or $25 lor the recover' of three valuable an! mals which were, doubtless stolen and continual rumors of stolen horses are heard nearly every week. Dayton Courier-Press. When the Sap Rises Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs and colds are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to the lungs. Mrs. G. E. Fenner of Marlon Ind., says; "I suffered with a cough until I run down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me en tlrely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by Taliman & Co. Under $500 Bonds. James Conley, the well known stockman of Westorn Whitman conn ty, Wash., must not Bhoot at his neigh bor, a Mr. Ray, during the next DO days or he will forfolt $500. Conley was recently arrested on a charge of assault to commit murder and was held to the superior court in $-100 bonds. Conley was charged with hav ing shot at Mr. Jtay with a rifle. He Is said to have advanced close and was preparing to shoot again, but de- Hlsted when Kay pleaded for his life. Tho men had quarreled over sorao pasture land for their respective herds. Prosecuting Attorney Hanna had the case agianst Conley dismissed on payment by him of the costs, amount ing to $20X0 and the furnishing or a bond for $500 to keep tho peaco Jor 00 days. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Flour exchanged lor wheat Flour. Mill Feed. Chopped Teei, Taliman &. Co. do not hesitato to recommend Kodol nvHtionqin f'nro in their friends and customors. Indigestion causes more hnnlth Ihnn anvthinc else. It de ranges the stomach, and brings on all manner of diseases. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you cat. nnrou irwilcpRf inn. dvsneDsia ana an stomach disorders. Kodol is not only a perfect dlgestant but a tissue bul ing tonic as well. .Renewed health, perfect strongth and Increased vitali ty follows its use. a mimn u-iinln hnr husband to do as he wants to, but she wants him to Never Did WE PERMIT THE OTHER FELLOW TO GIVE YOU AS MUCH FOR THE MONEY AS WE DO. AND THIS "STRONG TALK" IS BACKED BY FACTS WHICH WE WILL PROVE TO YOU THIS WEEK. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE THAT PRETTY LINE OF WHITE WAISTINGS, COLORED SUITINGS. SILK MOUSLAINES, BATISTES, COLORED SWISS, ORGANDIES AND DIMITIES THAT WE'VE PLACED ON SALE AT 331 Per Cent Off IT WILL BE A PITY IF YOU MISS THE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE MEN'S FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT FOR THIS WEEK. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU A WIDE RANGE JF NEW PATTERNS IN MEN'S SHIRTS. COLORINGS AND DE SIGNS RIGHT IN WITH THE TREND OF THE SEASON. STRAW HATS GALORE. WHITTINGHILL MERCANTILE CO. 126-130 Court, Street In Full Blast The Great Removal Sale HERE ARE SOME MAGNETS THAT SHOULD DRAW YOU OUR WAY: . HATS AT REMOVAL- SALE PRICES. John B. Stetson $4.50 and $5 Hats at .- Our $3.50 Hat at ; Our $3.00 Hat at Straw Hats at Half Price. .$2.50 .J2.00 .$1.75 OVERALLS AND JUMPERS. Boss of the Road bib ovoral s, usually sold for $1.00 a garment, for 75c Boss of the Road waist Overalls, 75c everywhere, for , 25c The Columbia COc waist Overalls for Painters' Overalls and Jumpers, sold for $1.30 a suit, for 40c a garment, or 800 8 8 " Checked gingham Jumpers, sold for 50e, removal sale price . ..3 WORKING SHIRTS. All our 50c and 75c working Shirts Wetter grade working Shirts, sells fon$l,00, now MISCELLANEOUS. Fancy Vests, 2.50, for Fancy Vests. $3.00, for Fancy Vests, $8.50, for 3c linen Handkerchiefs 10c linen Handkerchiefs .' ' 2 for 25c Jnrpinetts, plain, white orfancyborder 25c linen Handkerchiefs - 50c linen Handkerchiefs . .35c, 3 for $.100 ...60c $1.50 $2) $20 . 3 'or 10c ,....A for 25 . .3 for 25c "' 6 for $1-00 .3 for J1.00 Umbrellas at half price. Uncalled fdr Suits of Clothes on which thero has been a posit of from $3 to $5; were to sell at from $20 to $25. our p of the lot for $10.00. Don't buy a suit until you have seen tn POSITIVELY NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED DURING THE REMOVAL SALE. Sullivan 2b Bond WATCH US .GROW 6 EA8TT OREGONIAN. SEE OUR AD IN MONDAY EVENING' urn ( Ld you lowing U w will c l $6 fit ft i Ac, alwayi on hand. want JiiHt what eno -wants.