DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY. 27, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. USHES OUT HE LIFE . n ml -nu1:ivf nf nil '.'IL rnctit. and the vilest and ,of all humau diseases is contagious Blood Poison. The I-f4flfrs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes " .;hodv. Contagious mooa roison, beginning with a little Mtantfn:llC3 K 3 "f"1" imuuguoni me painful swellings appear in the groins, a rod rash and tl DDU k" ' O V IU ljiuui fnllie WrClCilcuucaa uuu ouuci mif iu.ll COHIC 111 lilt Inttpr j:icf wnen it aimca iuc uuuw uuu more viini Darts of the r u- - . -, - , ... '. itiefl t"al -oniaswu- jji"w an us mucous flrtP CaUUfe uu-ivwww f ""7"-" " ii4iuuio SUUW PERSONAL MENTION (TtttBl IS COIlurlc jj.'v..-.( ",,v 11:111:4 jurats soon s tightens its coils and crushes out the life. The onlv .i.-rni vims is a. a. o. il is nuiurn-a Fnmnriv- mm. nosed entirely of vegetable ingredients. S. S. S. destroys every vestige of the poison, purifies the blood and removes all danger of transmitting the awful taint to others. Nothing else will do this. Rtronc mineral remedies, like inercurv and notasJi. , jt-.a..n ... flip rliQpnQf lint" flrt tint- nnr Tmmi..A..1.. tores mo uuvc , --- .-. r.u..wullj,, home ireav""-'"; , V" - " "--u ui-iiicuicai information. This will cost you nothing. THESWiFT SPECiflC CO., ATLANTA. GA, BREVITIES er, uet ouuut i it the Boston. ..i... of Tv linkers. t dally, at Martin's. sale at Owl Tea House, sale at Owl Tea House, ca Slippers at Teutsch's. oat dry goods, Tlie uos Suit sale at Teutsch's men's sweaters. The J or.. rtfolf (It IlSaillg IU i uiac iuuico t siiusiuiuuu av nun- i mil. Tt.n rerarmnz me nine nun tnertr pnmtnPiiP. Y I IDXIIIIT 11111 Hlll lH UulHi Mil B. hot free lunch at the Mer- n it minniirnr. tot free lunch at the Mer- r 17 in i or Tinnn a in blocks east of Main "ill t Piisr rirocrnTilnTi tie machine that pleases Time and trial have worth of the Holt com. cu iu w iue niusi success E. L. Smith, 311 Court to allow Orpcnn nivtnlo tn W tnIrAi T m r- I pnilleees of t eketa sold !es dates. Don't ovedlook rmj E, C. Smith, agent sun a nAnt trn arresters In this anil mir. -v.uuco, ttnn inn Tflpr rnni n uioDiuiouuu ouyer m any customer. Droves Snltn. 311 rVllIrt otrnnf Hats, nil styles, at runa- liar- r m m M c v cuues Low Watches -;vi;r lor Jl.&u, W for xo. for I6J10. .7" um tcb, J10. fM told watch, J13.60 'Plendld ralues Bftwlv jeweler. W W Street. Zack Is In town. Get Sunny. U. C. Rader. Wood and coal see McAdam. Get a "top coat." The Boston. Uemoval sale at Owl Tea House. Homoval sale at Owl Tea House. New spring shirts. The Boston. Pure Welnnanl's boer at The Mint. "Mayflower" Shoes at Teutsch's, (3.00. Douglas and Hanan shoes. Tlio Boston. Panama Toutsch'8. For Sale Uubbor-tlred open bout. George Froome's. stable. Wanted Second-hand hack ness. Apply to Otto Mlescke. Household goods for sale; Inquire of Mrs, H. D. Dorman, Ann street. Ice cream, confectionery and ci gars at Hatton's, 304 Court street. Mollne wagons, rubber tired bug gies, carriages and hacks at Kunkel's. Furnished housekeeping Tooms for rent at 301 South Main street, nates low. The St. George restaurant, open day and night. Mrs. Cooper, propri etor. Get your clothes cleaned and pressed at Joerger's, 126 West Court street. Full stock of extras for Holt har vesters on hand at E. L. Smith's, 311 Court street. Take a look at our clothing. We can please you In quality and price. Baer & Daley. Try the hot free lunch at the Mer chants' Cafe. 12 to 1 at noon: 4 to C p. m and at midnight. The gossip of a telephone girl re suited In a run on the Indiana Trust Company at Indianapolis, Ind. New neas. beans, new potatoes, as- paragus, turnips, tomatoes, lettuce, berries and everything In season at Domott & Co.'s . All of our dlnnerware not full sets, at half price with cash purchase of crockery and glassware and lamp. One night lamp free. See window display, C. Itohrman. I handle the celebrated Holt com bined harvester, and have any size from an eight-foot to 3fl-foot cut. Either for horse power or engine power. E. L. Smith, 311 Court St. A violent wind In the Santa Clara valley, California, has done great dam age to fruit. It Is estimated that 25,000,000 pounds of prunes were blown and whipped off the trees. In one orchard tlve tons of cherries are on the ground. VISITORS FROM MAINE. C,Vl .Va.,f!n"',le' ot "eppner, spent m uuj hi uiu cuy on Business. M f iJo tlnrlt,. t - . - "uur, oi Ainena, was uiu kul-si oi l-enmoton friends today, u. n.. ivenneuv wbs n i-lottn i- Athena today, going up to attend the I'lCUlU. W. D. Chamberlain was the guest ot m Dcuicn ami democratic friends In Auiuua louay. it. n. bianncici, of Echo, visited in the city yesterday and attended the a. a. Aicisary, of Salem, was In town today, while on his way from W. D. Fletcher and daughter Agnes, ro spending a rew days on their nnmesieau8 at Echo. Ira Scott, tho well known farmer irom tienx, was in the city today on smiri mismess visit. w. h. uitherman, a well known Umatilla farmer, spent the day In renaieton on business. J. C. Currlo, a prominent business man ot wana walla, was in the city today on a short visit. tJ. A. acliarlas and family will go to .union anil Freewnter In a few days to pick strawberries. .miss urown, or Salem. Is In town the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. ami airs. j. w. sausDury. Earnest Younger left this morning for Portland, to nttend a meeting of me state urocers Association. T. I). Taylor went to Athena today to .visit wan ins Scotch friends and transact a little business for the slierlfl's office on the side. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Cusick and son Harry, who have been visiting In Pen dleton several weeks, loft this morn ing for their home In Albany. E. 1). Woods, city marshal of The Dalles, was a business visitor In Pendleton this morning, coming up on the early train and returning on No. 1. J. W. Becker, who has been travel ing In Washington for an Eastern piano house, has taken a position as salesman for Jesse Failing's music store. J. S. Hay, a former business man of Pendleton, but now located In Spokane, Is In the city for a short visit with old friends and to transact business. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lightfoot, of Vinson, were the guests of friends In the city today. Mr. Llghtfoot Is one of the farmers and stockmen of the Vinson district. A. Kunkle went to Athena this morning on business and pleasure combined. He will attend the Cale donian picnic and attend to business at his branch store in that town. Mrs. Thomas Boylen ami family ex pect to leave In a few days for Ante lope, Crook county, to Join Mr. Boy len, who has been at their stock farm for some time. They will be absent from Pendleton for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. George Peebles and daughter, Miss Lois, of Weston, were the guests of friends In the city yesterday. Miss Peebles having come at the invitation of the graduating class of the high school to sing at the exercises at tne Frazer last evening. Dan Smythe left for Arlington last evening, where he will make the cam palgn in the seventh district for pros ecutlnc attorney. He has every pros nect of belni; elected and his menus await the result with as intien anxiety as does Mr. Smythe. He will remain in that district until after election, LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SUITS. WAISTS, SKIRTS AND KIMONAS. LOWEST PRICES WE ARE OFFERING SPLENDIDLY STRONG LINES IN THESE DEPARTMENTS ALL MENTS, BEST CUT AND TRUEST FIT. OF OUR GAR. Guests of Mrs. M. J. Lane and Daugh- ter at 608 College Street. A party of seven, consisting of Dr. and Mrs. Russell and daughter, lra Fltz and wife and daughter, and Mrs. E. T. Neal, all of Lowlston. Me., are the truests or airs. At. J. uuua uu daughter Nova, at their home at C08 College street. Dr. Russell is a lead Ine nhyalclan and Mr. FiU among the most prominent business men of Lew Iston, and all are people of extensive means. Thev have started nome irom a trip which has taken In all the Im portant places in the enure Their Intention was to stop In Pen dleton between trains only, but they are highly pleased with the town and win remain until next Tuesday, at least. Will Be Burled at Walla Walla. The remains of Mrs. Margaretta Thorne. and her daughter, Miss Mary Thome, who died In this city on Wed nesday, were sent to wana vvaua this morning for burial In the family lot. Tho relatives of the deceased ladles accompanied the remains. LOG ICE CABIN CREAM CtM iC I Crem cnn a8ln he obtained at the old fa- uuuuuat EPPens The Popular Price1 DRUG STORE C KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS DIVERSIFIED FARMING PAYS. (Continued from page 1.) on the most unpromising iunu. n has been educated and acclimated to dry land and grows abundantly in Southern Idaho, where there Is but five Inches of ralufall per year, in the driest regions of that state, It makes VA tons per aero each cutting, and two and three cuttings per year. It Is ErowInK In Idaho at an ele vation of CtiOO feet ami Is the coming forage crop of this entire dry region of the Inland Empire. "One thing you may rely upon as being certain, and that Is that wher evor a heavy crop of native bunch grass or other vegetation once grew on the Idle land, that domesticated grasses TT7I! flourish there." A synopsis of Prof. C. U Smith's able address will be given tomorrow. SPECIAL SALE. One Day Only, Saturday, May 28, at Frailer' Book Store. For this day only we will offer our complete stock of leather goods, con sisting of 1904 diaries, ladles' and gents' purses, card cases, ladles' hand bags and music rolls, at half price. This special sale will mean a saving to you. Special Sale. All the pianos and organs we have In stock, both new and second hand, will be sold for the next 10 days re gardless of profit. This Is a rare chance. Jesse Falling's music store. Main street, near bridge. J. W. Becker, salesman. Visitor From Portland. Mrs. Hugh McArthur, of Portland, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Perry yesterday and left this morn ing for Athona, where she will visit and attend the Caledonian picnic. Marriage License. A marrlago license was Issued this afternoon to Rosa King and James N. Hendrlckson. Both of the parties live In Pendleton, Ironero Wanted, air flrst-class ladles' clothes Iron- era wanted at the Domestic I.auudry Muslin Underwear An offering that will crowd this department nil week. Every garment at Fire Sale Prices 25 Per Cent OFF 25" Per Cent White Muslin Skirts, White Muslin Drawers, White Muslin Downs, Ladles' Corset Covers. Every garment well sewed, of best materials and full sizes. J1.00 Garments for 74c Jt.2E Garments for 93c 75c Garments for , 56c COc Garments for 37c $1,150 Garments for $1.13 12.00 Garments for ; $1.49 $2.60 Garments for $1.87 $3.00 Garments for $2.24 $4.00 Garments for $2.99 $5.00 Garments for $3.76 $0.00 Garments for $4.48 $8.00 Garments for $5.94 Kool Kimonas Komfortable and Kool. Talk about Ice krem sodas these are the real things. So much In demand Just now, and are marked at Fire Sale Prices N'n. 4115 KJmonas, In light blue and light pink, front facings of white edgings, sleeves trimmed same style, all at 49c No. 120 Klmona of navy blue dotted Swiss, trim med In deep white embroldory. $2.25; bargain price $1.50 No. 3057 Kimonas of French flowered organdies, very pretty and chic, worth $2.00, bargain price $1.29 HOT WEATHER KUREltS. Shirt Waist Specials Grand opportunity to secure wonderful bargains. "EVERY SHIRT WAIST AT FIRE SALE PRICES ladies' fine white lawns, ladles' linen collars and ladles' colored Shirt Waists; good fitters stylish and beautifully trimmed. All of the 89c Shirt Waists at 50e All of the $1.00 Shirt Waists at 69c All of tho $1.25 Shirt Waists at 97c All of the $1.50 Shirt Waists at $1.13 All or the $2.00 Shirt Waists at $1.48 All of the $3.00 Shirt Waists at $2.36 All or the $4.00 Shirt Waists at $2.97 (All sizes.) SPECIAL VALUES IN BLACK AND WHITE JAPANESE SILK WAISTS. A big cut on Ladles' Silk Jackets, Black and Pongees, all at CLEAN UP PRICES. Millinery INDIES' TRIM MUD HATS AND ,,. . READY-TO-WEAR CD HATS 65 ALL WE HAVE LEFT AT ONE-HALF PRICK ONE-HALF EVERY HAT AT FIRE SALE PIMCKS $S.i Hats lor $4.25 $5.00 Hats Tor ..$2.50 $6.00 lints for .....$3.00 $2.00 Hats for $100 $1.25 Hats for 63c $1.00 Hats for , 50c Millinery sale In tho Clonk Department. Separate Skirts This week In our cloak room 75 LADIES SKIRTS 75 AT OUT PRICKS, TO S1CLL EVERY SKIRT IN A HURRY. F1RU SALE PRICES Whlto Plquo Skirts trimmed with embroidery lu sortings, latest flare skirts; well mndn; far mer price $2.75, sale price $1.99 No. C80 ladles' Skirts, mannish mixtures, aelMrlni med wtlh straps nnd buttons, unllned, bounti ful summer weight. These skirls worth $10; price now $5.97 Ladles' whlto nlpacn skirts, fashions' latest stylos, trimmed with polka dot hire medallions; very stunning; worth $12.5u, siilo price now ....$7.98 No. 434 ladles' navy blue Mellon Skirts, mndo with eight rows stitching iironnil bottom; very ser viceable. Worth $4.00, sale price now ....$2.69 No. 100 ladles' white and black, and blue and whlto duck skirts, stylishly made, trlmmod with two rows of while braid; closing them out at 98c All of the $35.00 Vollo Skirts reduced ti $22.50 Children's Wash Dresses In whlto nnd colored, nil sizes, extraordlunry re ductions. Read tho FIRE SALE PRICES: No. 2005 children's heather percales lu hluu and rose, sizes 0 to 14 years; former price $1.50, now $1,10 No. fiiC children's whlto pique dresses, snllor stylos, all sizes; worth $2.50, sale prim $1,49 All sizes; from Infants to 14 yours, INDIES' HUMMER PETTICOATS JUST RIGHT FOR THE DUST 25 -PER CENT -25 REDUCTION. Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE COMING EVENT8. May 27-28 Caledonian picnic at Athena. June 2, 3, 4 Umatilla county pio neers' reunion, at Weston. June 6 Rubber-tired buggy will be given away by the East Oregonlan. June C General election In Ore gon. June 15, 16, 17 Oregon encamp ment O, A. R., Hood River. June 22 Thirty-second annual re -union Oregon Pioneers, Portland, June 23, 24, 26 Northwest Sports men's tournament. Pendleton. August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. In order to accommodate flailing parties the O. R. &. N. Co. will, until close ot season, have train No. 2, leaving here at 5:45 p. m., stop at North Fork on Saturday evenings, and train No. 1, due In Pendleton at 9 a. m., stop at some place Monday morning. This arrangement will ue In effect Saturday, May 14. E. C. SMITH, Agent, Annual Picnic A. O. U. W Walt.burg, Or., June 9, 10, 11. For the above occasion round trip tickets will be sold to Waltsburg at a rut u ot $2.80, Dates of sale June 9, 10, and 11, limited to return June 12, 1904. For particulars call on or ad dress E, C, Smith, agent. Zack is In town. Drink REAM. OFFEE 1 Is Fine Admiration of Ladies Is won at first glance by our exquisite design In millinery. The Individuality of each hat tn our stock Is appreciated by the people who strive to bo abroast of tho fashion. Tho more particu lar a lady Is about her headwear, the more she admire our bow ing. We want the privilege of showing you our exclusive new pat terns, We know we can pleaie you and all we ak la a chance, CARRIER MILLINERY THE HOME OF THE STYLISH HAT. Under Two Flags Fronch Military drama In four acta, Ftatet Opera House Friday, June 3 This grand production given In It entirety hy Eastern Star, Personally directed hy William Edgar araham, late of Frawley Co, $700.00 In costumes, correct stago setting, beautiful sconlo of fects, specialties between acts, one continuous show. A play that will glvo satisfaction to ull. A cast that ACT their parts, Don't for got the date, Friday, June 3d, Prices 25c, 50o 75c. IN 1 AND 2 LB. 6EALED TINS ONLY Removal sale at Owl Tea House.