EIGHT PAQES. DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. umong the OTHE 1NJLAJNU EMPIRE ...u . Are Plentiful. , the lines of the railroads In Alon? I"? ,-,, trnmns than 'Cn seo at nny time since the ?T Movement 10 years ago. A !C!,r,rmy of vagrants and Kilo or !r. ... nnrklimmen arc moving iwck I 1 rth across tne state. innctlon nolnts on tho .rnritinental Hues tlio crowds of " .it tmcns ronsliloranie trouuiu wuu r..i..Mi la experienced but tho departments of tho larKer cities gKJrt them compartalvoly free rjr;f men carryin. blanket. Mttered alotiR tho lino of tho rail Zii represent tho worklngmon In ;lfbeen seen single men with bUdaoiithc 1.1.1, jlasS irmi'ia in in... roV Such men are going In both Lfilons, comparatively few of thorn tor work, but all willing to do Hger iui r..,i fi,m. wives with Hie necessities of lire. The great majority of tho tramps ... ,r. vacrants. Tho hoboes are ttlcklog close to tho rail lines, whore ...nnnrtntlon can be secured, and as , Mlc are making their headquarters I it nolnts wncre is tuiuiimomuij " 1 f,l on., ..lino Wnlln easy to secure fond supplies. Walla wain Union To Make New State. 'The people of Idaho would be glad j . .nnn Eastern Washington and ..u ram nf you and protect you," re- marked ex-Governor W. J. McConnoll of Idaho, yesterday afternoon at the Grand, says the Spokesman-Review. Hood River for tho next three weeks "You people can't got along with at least. Like hoppickers, It is said those claniillggers over on tho coast," i that ninny engage In the work flu bs continued "You see, they eat fish. two or three weeks just In order to They're not your kind. We could take a vacation. The employment Is wy nicely take earo of all of Wash-1 light, but at the same time they are lagton east of the Columbia and we onabled to make all tho way from would see ttiat you got goon ireui- , mem, too." Here Governor .Mcuonnei gave BAD BLOOD "ithl Iroable with nir boweli which midi m? blood lmpnre. Mr ea was cofered with pimples vDieaaoeuernii remedy coma remove. I tried tnrCticareti n d if re at wtt my joy when th Itapl(idnpptred ifter a month't ateaily iue. tiTreeommndd them to all mv frteniiii and titutfatrbavfl found relief." v.4. micn,i rrn Ave., rtew xonc n. jft Best For- js ineuuweis The Dowels T'"iuln Ukltt sUnipsd OOO. sunilMd lo gin or jour moner b.ok Stertiog Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 600 I AMUAL SALE, TEH MILLION I0XES jThe French li i Restaurant i J B" 25 Cent Meal In the City Private Dining Parlors. J Elegant Furnished Rooms Connection. In J I j QUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. W3 Main Street. COAL Let us fill your bin with .... SPRING GOAL Rognized as the best Q most economical fuel. Jet with you for your t8f"PPly. Wede- Suc,torc;ird,oany of Uatz Wiin Sir the Bros. and Near Depot MEN AND WOMEN. Dm Blsqrornnutarsl trriutloas or alcrstlaiui O. te...?. rSlnletl. Anil nnt M.trl. ""jgiCtt. at or poIkdou. boiq by IlrnggvMs, was WrcaUr Mat ranturt, The DR T.TDn. Huli?re allohronlc. i.rl. exchanges away to a hearty laugh and slapped a listener who had been a llttlo tardy In seeing the Joke, on tho back. "We never have any trouble In Idaho,' ho continued. "Of course I would not want to give advice as to wuiit you Biioum uo politically at this num. vvnen you become a member oi our inmiiy we will tell you. With a part of Eastern Oregon and Eastern "Washington nnnexod to Idaho, wo would bo a great power. Then, the capital would bo moved to Moscow (this Is Governor McConnell's homo), whore It would ho handv. "You see, wo sympathize with you. Wo feel proud of Spokane. Idaho has mane Hpouanp what It Is. What would your town amount to If It wore not for tho mines anil timber In Ida ho?" "Say, governor, why don't you make a town llko this In Idaho?" blurted out a mombor of tho audience. To the Harvest Berry Crop. Each having aboard nearly 200 nas- sengors, tho stoamors Dalles City and opuncer ion turn morning for Tho Dalles and wnv bindings. This Is the Inrgest number of people the boats have carried slnco the spring traffic season opened, Tho majority of those taklne imss- ago wore bound for Hood River to 1'lek strawborrles. Among them were men, women and children of all sizes nun ages. As long as the strawberry season lasts It Is snld that the steam- on win no crowded every day with pickers anxious to make n summer's stake. Tho transportation companies Ill'P OXnoctlllir to rnrrv lilt ni-niv.lu ( $i.i,u i0 S2.r0 n day all depending Mipon the speed of the picker. Oregon unuy Journnl. I Louisiana French. I Congressman Broussard of Louisi ana, Is, as his name Indicates, or . French descent. He never spoke i KiiRllflh until he went to Ooorpetown university. "It Is curious," says Mr. HrousHiird. "how the French language has remained tho dominant tongue In my part of the country. Drought here by Arcadians of Nova Scotia In the eighteenth century, It prevails today, and I believe always will. Curiously enough, you will find plenty of men In my district with such unmistakably English names as Jones and Hayes who can't rend, speak or write u word of English. Still funnier Is the talk of the black people. Their negro French would be unintelligible In Purls, and yet It Is the softest, sweet est, most musical speech 1 ever heard from human lips. It knows uo gram mar, but It Is the very essence of euphony nnd melody." O. R. & N. Summer Book. The handsome 1004 summer book. "Hestful Recreation Resorts," Issued by tho passenger department of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany Is just out. Tells all about the summering places of the Columbia Itlver valley a brief description of the trips up nnd down the Columbia river, to the mountains, beaches, In land resorts and fountains of healing, where they nre and bow to reach them. The book has a special de signed front cover, printed in two col ors, and the Insldo pages are splendid ly Illustrated by costly and beautiful halftones. A copy of this publication may be obtained by sending two cents in stamps to A. I.. Craig, general pas sengor agent of the Oregon Railroad ac navigation i;onipuiiy, t-oriiauii. STATE OI' OHIO. CITY 01' TOLEDO, LICAS CONTY. ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of me nrm or !. .1. uneney & Co.. doing business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said nrm wilt pay the sum of ONE HUN llItEU OOLLAItH for each nnd every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use or Hull s catarrh rure. PHANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this Oth day of December, A. D. 1HHU. (Heal.) A. W. QLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure hi taken Internaly, and acta directly on the blood iud mu cous surface of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, price 7Be. Take Hall's Family Illla for constlp tlon. Sealed bids will .be received by the school board of district No. 1G, until Saturday, May 28, 1904, at C o'clock p. m., at tho office of the school clerk, In room 16, Judd building, Pendleton, Ore., for the purchase of all or any part of the Beck property, consisting three lots and one building, and academy property, consisting of six lots and two buildings. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids, and to also use the academy buildings grounds until the new school houso is completed this rail. JOHN HAILEY, JR., Clerk. A Cure for Piles. "I had a bad caBe of plies," says F. Carter, of Atlanta, Oa., "and consulted' a physician who advised me to try a box of DeWltt'8 Witch Hazel Salve. I purchased a box and entirely cured. It Is splendid for piles, giving relief Instantly, and I heartily recommend it to all suffer ers." DoWItt's Witch Hazel Salve Is unequaled for Its healing qualities. Eczema and other skin diseases, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds of ovory kind are quickly cured by it. Sold by Tallman & Co. Oscar Leonard, of Bradley Beach, Pa lost his nose by accident. Sur geons built him a now noso which Is quite presentable and very serviceable BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. 1 toft Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. ; 1S71- r.i m- TelPl"": Office main jail; residence, main 1381. tt T?inF. 4 nlN00- OFFICE OVKU Dhone ??lt,on1 Savings Hank. Tele 1001 "llce telephone, main n't,h;.?FIKVD' M D- HOMEOPATHIC hi.! 7nnL -r'intl..ur8!on- Oa"1" 'n J"11 mtdenfe, buSf'sT ' ""8 nl,h?., M',PADI Jt-'DD I1I.OCK. TKI.K Dlione. mntn nti ..i.i ..... .... and T,..M- "EEItSON, 1'lTVSICIAN bidKlln- UI?TOn' , Offloe ln Savings Hank nil : residence, rod 1223. 1)1 TA'XX K in i L-i'si .... women KVIf" 1111(1 diseases of J!" U,A u,dd bl'ns. corner .Main nnd l ourt streets. Office 'rhone. mntn T"l ; residence, red 1153, incrapeutica. 1,I;Im'VA A,,',l'r'-N' nOO.NK. OSTEOPATH rw ?la.ei1ie'l Thompson street. betweet een ,no, "x- "u'cr s"eets. 'I'lione, io-Jervous diseases a specialty, black I)It. L. I'ltANCES TIIOMINOV ostpoT imtlile nhvileiin ii...v".r0 -o. uniee. Hotel Hick-?.inv.C5.t.T,BnHc.-..0,'! ce ,,a'' Tuesdays ! " "aim unj a. VETERINARY SURGEONS. . . .."i" Ain sunor.o.v dk. d. c, .WOUUU. VUicr at Tjillm..'. .1..... DENTISTS. UK. M. S. Ki:i!N nr.VTAT. urrnnunv wuive, renin ju, juuu building W- A. A AUOUAN, nn.STIST. OFFICE IN i mm uunuing. riiuue. red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. riltST NATIONAL 1 A NIC OF ATI? EN A uiTgoii, unpltnl, $50,C00j Biirplus nnd inuma, i ...luu.iiu. intcri-st ou time de- 1108118. neau in forelgu nnd domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended J"; . 'lu,J Junms, prcsuienti T. J. Kirk, vice-president ; F S. I.eQrow. cash- iv. , . ji. ncmp, assistnnt cashier. mi; l AiiMnns1 hank of weston, Weston, Oregon. Does n general bank- UK uuauicHi, i.icnange oougnt and sold Collections promptly attended to. It Jnniesou, president; George V. rroebstet, ire presideut ; J. It. Kllgore, cashier: di rectors., u. a. nartman. M. M. Jones, T. j i iu-e, u ii. uraw, j k. Kllgore, Itob ert Jameson, 0. V. l'roebstel. Tin; I'lINDLCTON SAVINGS HANK, l'cudletou. Oregon, Organized March 1, i-upiiui, ,iuu,uuu; surplus, ITS, 000: Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. . Special attention given to roiiecuous w. j. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice president : T, J. Morris, cnsliler ; J V. Moloney, assistant cnshler. FlItST NATIONAL HANK OF I'ENDLE tou. Capital, $70,00(1; surplus and un divided proflts. 1.'6,U0(UI0. Transacts a general banking business, Exchange and teleuiaphlc transfers sold on Chica go. Kan Francisco. New York and princi pal points In the Northwest. Drafts drawn ou China, Japan nnd Europe. Makes col lections on reasonable terms. Levi Au keny, president : W. F. Matlock, vice president; 0. M. Itlce, cashier: George Ilnrtmau, Jr., assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. R. TUOOTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, loom 12 Jmld block, Pendleton, Oregon. T. F, nOWAItD, AHCIIITECT AND su perintendent. Makes complete and re liable plans for bulldlnim In the city or country, ltoom 17, Judd building, SHEER It COLE, CONTItACTOItS AND bulldeis. Estimates furnished on short notice. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on lilun street, near .Main D, A, MAY, CONTItACTOIt AND 'IflLD er Estimates furnished on ell kinds of uinsoury, cement walks, stoue walls, etc l.i'iiM' orders at Last Oregunlan of lice. T. M. KELLElt. 1'LASTEltlNG AND CE ineutlng, Cement walks a specialty, Estimates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Iladley li Zehner's cigar stole, .Main street I', O, box 104. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TELEPHONE LIVEP.Y HTAIILH. COt'ltT Street, opposite court huuse. Uutveia & Son, proprietors. Always good turnouts. Public scales. '1'uone, main 381 OLD DUTCH HEN1IY FEED YAItD, Corner West Alts aud Ullltu atlerls. H. A. Allowa.v. proprietor. Large cum fortable stalls. Plenty of feed. Horses given careful attention, COMMERCIAL STAULEH. O, M. l'HOOME proprietor. Flue burses, good rigs best care given transient stock. Opp. Hotel l'eudleton. 'l'boue, main 101. CITY I.IVEIIY 8TAULE. ALTA STKEET. Carney & Kennedy, Props., llrery, feed and sales stable. Uood rigs at all times. Cab line In connection. 'Phone, main 701 BOARDING AND LODGING. THE BTANKIELD HOl'SE. 313 KOrrfl ti.l. Up. T. fl,.tinl . nrnn T..pi.a clean, comfortable rooms; best meals, all borne cooking. Board H ; also f uroltbtd home- ieeping rooms. THE WHITE ItOOMINO AND LODGING house, thoroughly renovated, ltooms by day, week or month. Everything ueat and clean. 301 South Main street. Mrs. 11. L. Huntington, proprieirnw. HOTEL ALTA, COItNEIl ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week Good table set. Hates. $3.70 and 1.70 utr week. Mrs. L. Netf, Prop. Pendleton Feed iaru in couuecuwu. -, prletor. ATHENA HOTEL, LEADING HOTEL IN the city. $1.00 to $1.50 per day, II. 1. Mlllen, proprietor. JIKLIX HOTKL-UNUKK MEW MANAUK- went, uoou wei. come once you will keepa-comlns. Only white belp employed K.pccUI sttent on gfren to commercisi -' Kavlii, proprietors COTTAGE HOTEL- WHEN lOU u J TO Wblte heln. home cooking, everything iimntmn linn hi nir i vunkc uuivn neat and clean. Mr. James oconnell.l proprietor. 3 MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDEMF Ttali great Vdretonle VlUllior, tbe pretcrlptlou of a fauioui Kronen ptatilcl.D. wll quickly cureyuu of all nervous or dieeaMa of ttie tceneratlre orKuns. eucb an sf am liooil. IDMiwni e. .u hv ,iw., ni..i x.uiise.ou.. Arrvuu. Jiroillir. i'lniplrs, Uulllaeea (o murrr, Lxbttuallav lirMlne, VMrlccelr, und VoumC nation. Itetopa all Iu-so or Uayor nUbu 1'reuiaturlir, wiilri. If not checked load. oHiKTinaturrtiu aurululllbobi.rrorii of luiooU-noy. i'Ul'IUH.NK clounkiM tlio llrec, III ir.r ::t... ::.t. n'rMriimtint curt., n i . a tozi '4.UI1IOUIU1. AUUJl'V. " - . Sold by Tallman &. Co., Druggists. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B vr- Poo KI'.15S' I'KNDLKTOX l.ODOU. .hi 2" L88- j 1!esular meetings Orst and third Thursilajs ot each tnontb. All brothfrs visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend. Hall In UIKjw block Court street. (!. A. Hartman. Sr.. fr- K. : C. K. Ilean, secretary. MKN'8 ItKSOKT YOU AKU INVITED JrH rca?lnR rooni- Why not Join ami get the advantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments. In cluding library and reading room. Terms S1.00 to Join ana BOc a month dues. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STIIOIII.!:. DEAl.int IS SECOND. hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and set-onii-hnmi f,r.,ii,.s stoves, gmnlteware and crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 Court street INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIAI'.TMAN AllSTUAfT rn iiii-im rellnble abstracts of title to all lands In Lmatllla county. I,us on city and farm property. Ilurs nnd soli. n vin.i. of real estate. Does a geneial brokerage ,m,n,t8, 'T. ""'' resldenU. Itcferencc. uuy I hank In IVndleton. tMiaiu.-an. 111. IHXPS H.U1 OlAkeS l.trPNt. A. HAItTMAN. Pres. A. HAItTMAN, Jit., Vice Pres. J. M. 1IENTI.EY liEl'iirsrvTs tiii; oldest and most reliable Ore and accl- nent insurance companies. Office with unnmuu ADStraci CO. JOHN HAII.KY, Jit.. U. 8. LAND COM . mlssloner. Specialty made of land fll Ings and proof. Insurance and col lee- mu. unice in juau Duilillng, room 10. FOR RENT. "I" IIK.NT HOOD ritONT IIOOM, oiuiuvii- lor nvo Kenucmen or two la dies. Cull at 010 Willow street. FOR MKNT-TllKUK FUKN18IIKII lUIUSit. iccinuK rooms, inquiro l Shi Mill street WANTED. WA.NTKl) -HTKAWnUKKY PICKKRS. FOIt psrilculars wiito or ca'l on o o. F.cklry. Milton, re. WANTED FIFTY OK 7.1 STOCK IIOO Or HhoatS to felH flml fnttpn nn ali.r.. .iiciress nox 411, l-euuieton, Oregon. At.ENTS WANTED S160 AND HI l'EIt month to enercctlc representatives In every city uud town In OreKon. Washington and Idaho. DIgnlfled, honorable, perma nent nnd Immenselr profitable emnlnrtnent at home or on the road : something new : send stamp or call nt olf.ee. Suuarc Deal iirokernce company, Seventh street, l'ortluud. Oregon, MISCELLANEOUS. REWEIt CONTRACTORS IILKD & LAF- ler make connections with the sewer for business houses and private resiliences. Terms reasonable. Uave orders at T. C. Taylor's Hardnnre store. SEE YOU "l-NCI.E" WHEN YOU WANT mouey We make loans on personal property. T II. Murdalu, Pawn llrnker, Mllarkcy liulldlni:. Court street. DRESSMAKl.SO. CUT. I NO AND FIT- Hue a specialty. Proinnt work. Sntla. faction cuarauteed. Miss It. Whltler. D1U Main street. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS i.'IO Cottonnoo street. L'lennlnir. dvlne and repairing, Goods called for aud de livered, 'I'houe. main 10111. HOUSE-CLEANING UV THE JAPANESE House-Cleanluc Co. Work dune hv thp dnv. hour or lob. Window rlennliif i. specialty Prompt service at low prices. UU4 Harden street.' 'rhone Main 1171. DB. C. BEE WO WONDERFUL HOMU W TREATMENT TUts woodfrfut Chl ni'se doctor Is called KrfKt bec&us be curt-s l4pl without Ofxrrkv tlou tbst are clvru up to die. He cures with tuote wonderful Chi dw litrba. roots, budn. barka aud vetc'lables that are euUrely un kuowu to 111 ed I cat scl- euctu tbts country. llirouKhtUeuseoftliOMi harmless remedies thin famous doctor It mm a the action of over 600 different remedlei,whl( h liBUcre8fully uea tn different dliteahea. He Kuarautees to cure caiarrb, a t bin a, Iuiik, throat, rbeuinat lm. uervouineiis, toinacii, liver, kidney p, etc i Las hundreds oftentlruou lals. Chances moderate. Call aud se him, 1'atleula out of the city write for blank and rlrrulari. Send 4 cents f n sUmps. CUNHUL TAT JON KitHK AXJUUKH8 THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 253 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. Mention paper. Scott's Santal-Fepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Cor laSsmuistl.a er Cslsrrk or tli llladdtr ui Ulwurd Kldn.ts. Me car. no bst Cdms ootekly ani l'rm. neatly lha wont ee of ueiierriws 0 Ules, tiomslUroriiowloJs stunt lot. ADMlflUlf bsnntrM. Hold by diucsiiW. WIm I.1M, or fey meJl, iostu4. "THE tAHTU-PEPSW 60, UCUSSONTAJMS. OHIO. Solu by F. w. Schmidt A. Co. CHICHESTER'S PILLS irl. ilulr l.'.aulu. .4 lfvMtujr, a.ul ivtHb frmr, t ,ilwMt.l. l4...B lituecl.i IIMK. .Mull ...K' !! ' . J .a,l 'I akr it wtb. I, 'ttfmtm Hl,llltlM Ih.1 hiIwn .Mlnr If ( ir'HI,rl . nt i.Wr.r. t.-uUr. I wlt.i.itl, '. . H.'bl ' , .Mlt... lt ft .,,. iJ!l. v.4 bf ftJI ' ..i.u ( l,l,t....r i l.rlnlt.1 Ladles' Capsules Gardes Lady Agents Wanted. Safe, reliable. Absolutely Kiiar. auteed to euro Ioucorrlloea uud fe male weakness:. For particulars ad drdss Mo, Prop, Pharmacy, tack Hox 323, Kansas City, Mo. For sale by a. j. jvuenoen & iiroa.. 1'enoieton Dally East Oregoman only 10 cants a week. by carrier, cured br dbftoia fiDtrliaown retuode money returnod If els mix roraxu ; 4 i E7. - ---"- ' - i Real Estate i $2,400.00 Will buy an S-room houso and two lots, has 5 rooms on 1st floor; 3 rooms on 2d floor; bath and tollot, good cellar. Flvo blocks from Main streot. $700.00 Will buy a 3-room house, 3 blocks from Main streot. 700.00 Two very desirable lots on .TncVson streot, only six blocks from Main streot. OfTlco rooms for rent. Merchants Protective Agency Despaln Uultdlng, Room 43, Tolephono niack 1161. If you aro Interested In Oil Painting, see us. Our lluo Is complete. ACADEMY UOAUDS STRETCHERS IIRUSHES ARTISTS' SAl'I.ES 1U.ENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUUE COLORS Wo ninko a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opera Houso Block. a i Tablets Palmo THE GREAT NERVE TONIC AND RESTORER. See our window display. Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS. Cor. Main and Court Sts. Pendleton, Oregon. . - The. Cnittmhia 5 Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and com fortable rooniB, good beds. Bar In connection, where best goods aro served. Malti street, center of block, between Alia and Webb streets. F. X. SCHEMPP Proprtetor CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery. Bowl ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. Good music every evening. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STREETS, Under W. & C. R. Depot. J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention rl.n and all work ox. cut. d prop.rly, Kloelrlesl Supplies or sll kinds OFFICK-1ZI WBST COURT ST. (Tribune Building) Walters' flouring Mills Capacity, 1E0 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, itc., always in hand. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS, PROPRIETORS. The Best Hotel tn Pendleton and as good as any. Tho Hotel Pendleton tins Just boom refitted and refurnished throughout. 'Phono and tiro alarm connections with all rooms, Hatha In suites anij single rooms, Headquarters for traveling Msn Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Special rnfes by week or month. Excellent Culslno. Prompt ninlng Room Servlcs. Bar and Billiard Room In Connection Only Three Blocks From Depot. Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. IiiroM!iiii plan. KvoryttilnR flrst cltiBH. Acconimotlatlona tliu boat. All modern rtmvonloncoH, Htoam heat tlirOIIKllllllt ItlMllllH (HI-RllltO 'vith bath. I.urKP, now mitnplu rooms, Tho Hotel Ht. (leorKo Ih iironoiincod no of the most modern nnd modol liotols of Oregon, 'I'hono nnd II ro alarm conneclloiiH to olllco In nil moms. Rooms 50c to $1.50. CORNER MAIM AND WEBB STB. Block and a half from depot THE Hotel Bickers (Formerly flolilcn Itulo.) COURT STREET. Kemodolod and refurnished tbrougU. out. Everything neat, clean and up to-date. Steam beat and clectrlo llgbts. Best cuisine. Prompt sorvloo. H. E. BICKERS, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREOON. Amerlran nlan. S3 oer dir and iDHIll. Headquarter, for tourlats aud eoatu.irtal travelers. Hneclal rates mad. to families and alngle Rentlemen. Tbe manafeaeas: will U ultaeed st all time, to room and slvr. price.. A modern Turk lib balb e.tabllabiuent tn the hotel. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay tbelr losses promptly, Our companies stand at the head of tbe list. Assets. Hartford Fire Insurant. Co., ,$13,259,071 Alliance Assurance Co .. 29,039,983 I,oihIoii & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,681 North Drltlsh & Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co, 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON SSlTafaattljSij - SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBateii AGENT, 112 EAST COURT STREET, j l