PAGE TWO. . GROWING LENGTHWISE You want the children to grow, but not all lengthwise. When they, start that way Scott's Emulsion will help them to grow right with due plumpness and outward proportion, and with inward vigor and good spirits. The Emulsion increases digestive power and strength ens the vital organs to "get the best and make the most out of all the other food. It gives a kind of help that every growing child ought to have. We'll em voua .v:ipl frre upon rrqurst scott x now ni. i .aust.., Ne Vork. GENERAL NEWS. .Marshall, the International K. J. chest, ehampton, Is trom Ilrooklyn. N. ' """ l,,rs ,,m- Jacob Stamper was tn this vicinity Count Frederick Rovertera-Salan- looking nfter his beef cattle, dra, for lifi years Austrian ambassador Summer school has begun In Mis to thd Vatican. Is dead. , trlct No. 95, with Miss Lllllo Banister .Alme Noriliea, tho singer, has been of Athcna, as teacher, refused a divorce from her latest bus-1 Ilnv seeding Is over anil potato band, on the grounds of Insufficient ! llluHng has begun. Owing to high cause. prices tho last two years nearly overy- .1. Plorpont .Morgan has during the ! 1,ody 1,1 ,hIs neighborhood will plant past three years made $17.000 000 as from "vc to 15 acrea ot l,otatoea .ommlsslou on big negotiations' which James CllrKni lms movei1 onto hls Includes the Panama deal. nlllch 1,1,(1 wln try mountain farming Nicholas Ilarlmto. a physician and Tll0 ' j8 a u00(, ,)rosnect ot n ,..- nCe!;iubUnvn:!": r M,r ,,,?Illan ,mv- acU7Z XVrVuu n S Trues 1,1,11 wore to America to practice medicine. llover lool.lll, hottQV It is claimed that beavers are so Willis Wlckham has moved his numerous in Cascade county. Jlon-i tamllv into the Hooker house nnd will tana as to he a nuisance In the de- struct'.on of timber and damming of, streams. Gymnasium directors and sports i and enthusiasts generally, note every-! """ u- putiiiiur uiiapiniiiuty oi ; women for swimming, both In snoeil i and endurance, At this time Parker has 132 in structed delegates. Hearst 102. Wall 30. Gorman 12. Olney 25, while 157 uninstructed delegates have been chosen, with 23 stntos to hold conven tions in June. Ado nli btllle and Joseph Jonastki ' were burned to death in the Illinois , Steel Company's mills at Chicago, by j molten metal from a ladle containing, four tons. Two other men will die ! as a result of the same accident. Now Haven, Conn., Is In throes of alarm over an unknown man who throws a bandngc across young wo men's eyes, holding It with one hand i while ho beats the victim's face to a jelly. Ho offers no other violence and Is supposed to bo Insane. Professor Rutherford, a distinguish ed English scientist, advances tho the ory that the warmth of the earth Is duo to deposits of radium within It. At the known rate of dissipation of the heat of radium, tho earth loses hut one-millionth part of Its heat in 50,000,000 years. NORTHWE6T NEW8. The Spokano district conference of the M. E. Church. South, closed at Dayton May 22. Tho product of G5 acres of cucum bers will bo. handled by tho Lewlston cannery this season. The pioneers of Lincoln county, Washington, wil hold their annual re union June 21 nnd 22. To J. W. Cook and wife, of Spokane, i a. ... vo. ...... "..v., . was born .May 21 a la-pounn son, i which is their 21st child Motorman F. A. Horning is held In I Portland for tho death of , Merrlman. who was killed In a collis- Ion May 22 Willie Williams died a Colvllle, Wash., May 21, of blood poisoning, re sulting from shattering an arm by falling from a tree. Canadian and American authorities inadlaii and Amer car . author ; M"';t Inugestlon causes more are iiivcHUBaung iii: hpilUh than anything else. It de- averago salary eommamieii uy grauu- of Kootenai lake and river. In WMh'SB 0W briw on.ates of tho agricultural college, when ington and British Columbia. ' o 'Xoies .Kodol I Dys- they l.avo become fairly launched In Ormonde, the famous racehorso, !,'' ,n c ure digests what you eat. tho business world, Is $1500 per year, was killed at San Francisco May 2 i 1 indlcestlon. dyspepsia and nil tho highest received by any single m relievo his sufferings. He nad ueen partially paralyzed for a long time. United States Senator A. G. Foster has announced his Intention of striv ing for appropriations amounting to $1,000,000 for federal buildings at Spokane. John Froy, formerly of Salem, was drowned May 18 near Fort Wrangle, Alaska, by his fishing boat upsetting. He was engaged In salting salmon on Etolin Island. nobert Fettigrow, of Butte, presi dent of tho Northwestern Improve ment Company, has been arrested on a minor cbarge In connection with the strlko of 600 coal miners. THREE BIG BARGAINS la Suburban Property. Four acres, good orchard nnd hoUSO ?2,250 Six acres, with good house-, 400 bearing fruit trees; alfalfa, and chicken yard. Indopon dent water system. Terms. ..$5,500 Eight acres, good liouso nnd barn; lOU uoanns iruu .92,250 Irrigated E. T. WADE & 80N ' B Rf GGSDIM ITEMS DARN AND HAY WERE BURNED WEDNE8DAY. Tramp Peddlers 8upposed to De Re sponsible for the Fire Summer School Has Begun In District 95 Increased Acreage Planted to Po tatoes Fine Prospect for Berry Crops Willis Wlckham Will Work Up Wood This Summer. ItrlKKson. -May 23. l.ou VnnWIliklo hml tht misfortune to lose his barn iiml eight tons of hays by fire lust Wednesday. Tho lire was probably caused by the Ignition of a match dropped by a couple of peddlers wlio slept In the hay mow the night be fore. TVnrmnra alinilM L. n,r...n nn.. ; tlous about allowing strangers the 'liberty of their barns. In tho endeavor , to save his harness, Mr. Van Winkle was quite sovrrely burned on his hands and wrists. Al Ilooher Is on lnnklni? nftor i,ia ranch and other Interests make' wood the coming season, HELIX HAPPENINGS. Interesting Batch of News From In- teresting Neighborhood. Helix. May 24. .Mr. Horry of Port land, addressed n fair-sized audience at tho Christian church on last Wed nesday evening, his subject being "Life." Miss Flo MeNett has been to Wal lula on a visit to her parents. Mr8, Cnarleii netts last Wednesday oveingt in honor of her Sunday HC10oi casg M R n Sm.tI, ,vho rel,rosonte(i ,ll0 i, 0, 0. F. l0(lge at Astoria from this place, has returned home. A. H. Groner, George Heeuer and Mr. Grimes left for Starkey Prairie Sunday morning, to bo absent two weeks. A. P. Myrlck and Norval Bott re turned from Camas Prairie Sunday, where they went to take stock to pas ture. DISEASE FIGHTERS MEET. Pennsylvania Has a State Organiza tion. Gettysburg, Pa., May 2fi. Members of tho Associated Health Authorities and Sanitarians of Pennsylvania nro gathered hero for their eloventh an nual meeting. The annual address will be delivered this evening by Dr. Cressy L. Wilbur, export statistician of the United States census bureau. The proceedings will continue through Friday and Saturday. Tho principal subjects of discussion will bo smallpox, as Illustrated by tho nroscnt epidemic of that disease throughout Pennsylvania; typhoid fe- voi- naiipnlnllv In relation to the re-, . . ,, ceni enuu ;,m.-iuii; ......... Its present prevuiunuu in iu '".ay Ph Hade nhia, am 1 f Wl""n"; ,,7.''" h''?f nvir nro er P " r tyi Mmor vr i nvoiuiiio ..... ..... - ly demonstrated. ' Tallman & Co. 1 do not hesitate to recommend Kodol r,,in r-urn tn thlr frlendB and "disorders Kodol te no on ly , !t0"a,CAdi Si hut a tissue b.- fnrSTsTeU. Ucno7erhUhico. atW for the Southern Pa perfect strength and Increased vltall-. ty follows its use, Hay 8carce In Baker County. Perhaps during tho past 20 years tlicro nas not ueen u.-ii a .wu.i..v.- . clean-up of hay as present conditions imiipntn in this section. All of tho i , low grades was fed out during tho winter and as farmers found out how much thoy had to spare after turning out their stock, thoy had It baled and put on the shipping market bo that now one might travel for 10 miles and not find a car for sale. This Is unnat ural as it Is yet two or three months before new baling hay will be ready under most favorablo conditions, and conjecture has It that there will bo $20 hay In this section within GO days. Tho farmers hero are fortunato as thoro have been put Into their pock ets somo $30,000 for their good hay crops. Haines Record. More Evidence of Trlb' Good Work. Baker City. Ore., Bert. 9, 1903. I was a constant user ot both smok ing nnd chewing tobacco for 4C years I took a treatmont of Trlb nbout threo months ngo and can endorse It as a cure. My gonoral health Is much Improved slnco I took your cure. Slnceroly yours, N. H. STAnniUD. Tnllman & Co., local agents. Tho Overland Cotton Mills at Don vor, have gono Into tho bands of a. receiver, throwing 400 peoplo out of employments DAILY EA8T OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THUR8DAY, MAY 26, HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. V II. Htooker, Snn Francisco, Charles H. Oreen. San Francisco. Ott Kuhn, New York. Fred Kuhn, Now York. O. Abbott, London. E. W. Hrlghum, Now Yorwk, Edwin .1. llurke, Hartford. T. W. Jackson, Snn Francisco. O. II. Nlchola, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sternberg. Francisco. II. E. Duncan, San Frnnelscn. A. J. Stclnmnun, Portland. E. J. Wlnchell, Snn Francisco. I). L. Itosenfeld, San Francisco. George Krloger, Now York. .1. A. McCaskoy, Seattle. It. .1. Mncaulay, Chicago. J. Henderson nnd wife. E. .1. Isaacs, Walla Walla. H. A. Seeds, Spokane. A. K, Molireen, Portland. Thomas Nester, Portland. A. Nyhinder, Portland. W, -D. Marks, Spokane. H. S. Moroy, Spokane. A. Osterman. Chicago. Ad Feltenstein, Chicago. G. S. Youngmnn. Portland. E. U. Comau, Portland. F. Hoswell, Portland. L. Htinzlker, city. O. W. Phelps, Heppner. Frank E. Jamos, Umatilla. San The St. George. A. F. Lucnlg, Milwaukle. It. H. Dowcsc, Kansas City. Frank Sallug. Weston. H. Walker, Helix. F. Stelnhnrt. Wllwaukle. Charles H. Wlllard, Denver. Olonn Hill. Walla Walla. W. W. Wilson, St. Paul. J. Wright. Salt Lake. A. M. Nouniolster, Taeoma. H. T. French, Moscow. A, Anderdaht, Portland. C. L. Downer. Spokane. (!. H. West, Portland. L. J. Fields, Syracuse. Harry II. Anderson, Seattle. H. J. Ilrakamp, Oreenvllle. L. II. Colien, San Francisco. Oeorge A. Honiberton, Portland. S. I). Smith. Now York. Wm. Sanderson, Seattle. The Bickers. .1. II. Ackermau, Salem. Miss Iluth Davison anil niece. Spo kane. W. L. Hoyer. Portland. J. A. Nelson, Athena. Mrs. W. M. Baker, Adams. Ellen Klmberg, Adams. W. L. Itlce, Lansing. W. S. Holt, Portland. O. II. Hanoy. St. John. W. M. White, Pomeroy. G. J. McEroy, Starbuck. Miss Mlnnlo Wilde. Walla Walla. W. D. Marks, Spokane. J. E. Cherry, Adams, Henry Lazluka, Uklali. J. N. Strahorn, Spokane. W. C. iSmlth, Oreenvllle. T. J. Berg, Walla Walla. Charles Item and wife. Boise. Elmer La Hue and wife, Helix. P. S. Campbell, Thunder Mountain, Mrs. M. J. Prather, Walla Walla. A. R. Uoss. Lowlston, Frank K. Wells. Milton. Charles McBovan and wife, Echo. When the Sap Rises Weak lungs should bo careful. Coughs and colds are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to tho lungs. Mrs. G. E. Fenner of Marlon, Ind., says: "I suffered with a cough until I run down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number ot remedies to no avail until I used One MInuto Cough Cure. Four bottloB of this wonderful remedy cured mo en- tlrely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored mo to my normal ,,,. ,,!. n,l ti-onrth ' Sold, . miiinmi . v,i. Every County Represented. The 4S3 students from Oregon who have been In nttendnnco this year at the Oregon Agricultural collego at Corvallis, aro equally distributed over 1, cntlro state, as regards their' res- idence. It is the tlrst year in tho hlslorv of tho Institution that overy county has been represented. The firaduato being $70,000 per year; which Is Paid to W. F. Herron of San Fran- .' Attention Sheepmen. Range to lease and can locato some good range anil water. Address boj M arand0i 0r Zack ,8 ,n town SHERWIN & WILLIAMS PAINT ONLY PLACE IN PENDLE TON TO QET IT. PAINTERS' MATERIALS OF ALL KIND8. E. J. MURPHY Court 8t. VISIT THE BIG Saturday Specials -Dry G( lllenchod muslin, Go kind, 10 yards for Calico, 7c kind, 10 ynrds for Zephyr gingham, double fold, 10 yards lap silk, all colors, -1 yards for Lyon dyo wash silk, 50c silk, 4 yards Crystal cord silks, 4 yard cuts, special Heavy outing ilnnnel, 10 yards for ladles' face hose, 30c and 30c kinds The FAIR. The FAB THE Home o the Afflicted Dr.. Sabina Leach's Private Sanitarium Chronic diseases a specialty. Her remedies nro strictly herbal, assisted by magnetic processes, nnd medicated vapor baths. All diseases treated In a common sense anu scientific man ner, removing unnatural growths, tumors, goltro and nil enlarge ments of tho glands, WITHOUT THE USE OF THE KNIFE. Cures rheumatism paralysis, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, bronchi tis, colds, llvor and kldnoy troubles, and all diseases peculiar o women. Special attention given to tlio Whiskey, Opium and Tobacco Habits Treatment, nurse, board and room at reasonable rates. Con sultation free. Corner West Bluff and Marie Streets. There is Just as OLYMPIA BEER IS THE BEST MAKE. Olympia IS PERFECTION IN BEER MAKING. OUR METHOD OF KEEPING THIS CELEBRATED BEER IS CORRECT, AND IT LOSES NONE OF ITS GOODNESS. WE HANDLE OLYMPIA BEER IN WHOLESALE QUANTITIES AND SUPPLY IT TO THE LEADING SALOONS OF THE CITY, BESIDES SERVING IT OVER OUR BAR. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SUPPLYING FAMILIES WITH OLYMPIA BEER, IN KEG OR BOTTLES, AND DELIVER IT IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. WE WANT THE PICNIC AND OUTING PARTIES TO CALL ON US FOR A SUPPLY OF OLYMPIA AND AL80 THEIR LUNCHES, AS WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY THEM WITH 80METHING ESPECIALLY GOOD. KEEP OLYMPIA BEER IN YOUR HOME FOR ALL OCCASIONS. IT IS ALWAY8 RELISH ED. IT IS ALWAYS GOOD AND ALWAYS THE SAME. A. NOLTE Telephone Main 881 For sale at the East Oregonlan office containing over 100 big papers, can be had 1904. SALE AT THE FAIR THIS WeEk ... for , ..39c , ..49c , . .79c ..99c .$1.59 misses' nose, worth 13c, for Sata ' Hoys' heavy hose, 20c kind, for SiZ 3 pairs for ;'r8i;, F.nnn rfillnra Cm. Cntn..i " ".... for $1.59 Einbroidory sale Sntnpiioo 1,,'V. "totl 79c 25c for zsce uitinon sale Saturday, 50c worth o STORE THAT IS AFTER YOUR BUSINESS. None Good BEER IT IS POSSIBLE TO Ho! tor a Picnic Enjoy an outing and a drive. A fishing trip will give you pleasure. Good rigs, One horses. Everything flrst-clasa. Prices reasonable. Williams Livery Stable 723 Cottonwood Stroot Large bundles of for 2Bo a bundle. i.ewspapera n. a. MlllJ NOTIC TO ALL MY FRltJ PATRONS: n I nUUUUING 1(1 rmeiMus, DRS. LI H. WHITF ta ; HAVF sni'n BUSINESS IN Trill inuHUUUHLY RECC THE rjRK uuitc ., CLASS DENTISTS 13 KLbHECT, AND TEEM IT A FAYS ANY OF MY PA PLACE THEIR HANDS OF ' WHITE. RESPECTFULLY, I E. A. DEMOCRATIC 1 State. Supreme Judge-Thta Dairy and Food CoaH M. Douglas. Presidential BttrnM Jeffroy, T. H. Cnrtort,! and J. II. Smith. District - 1 Congress, Second M Simmons, District Attorney, Morrow J. II. Riley. Joint Hepresentitlie, 1 Umatilla K. B. Holta County. Judge 0. A. IlaraiiB Sheriff T D. Tijto. Rlerk J. E. Cnem, Ilecorder-W, H. IVJ AssMKnr C. P. Stnill Commlssloner-Wlflaal nnrAspntatlres V. ll lain and William Bli School Superintend XTnuliorrv ! Surveyor-C C B Treasurer-S. G. liM Coroner-Dr. T. jl Precinct Justice of the PB nell. Coustable Join Jl. I r4 I Reoubllcin For Presidential Klectc it it llatnntrVI V. V. HimptM J. N. Hart W. II. Gore i-imps A. Fe 1 I Justice F. A For Food and Dairy 04 1 For Prosecuting AttowB For Joint liepresetUW n A 018 For Congressman w John J. Bill"? Henry AB' For County Jue: Henry J. B"1 For County Clrk: Frank Sallnt For Sheriff: C. A. Barrett For Recorder: W. H. Foltoo For Ast-eseor: m IP TllfbT For CommlMlo"" Horace ,,jjm n.r School fW2t For Justice' of ,r,clma8 Fin A UVi" H PBoHiiiTioH DM1 J . i.i.t I M. V. If'M two Morrow wj. o w. nisW. zTam O Ivor , coa nr a nanlsten ?M 1