PAGE TWO. DAILY EA3T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1904. EIGHT OP VISIT THE BIG SALE AT THE FAIR THIS WEEK NEWS ATHENA ONE PINT "Pure Cream" Ice Cream FREE Cream! Cream! Creutu! Tho richest, purest, country cream cream that ta cream cream sweetened with sugar, flavored with real flavor and thon beaten, whipped and churned Into a smooth, rich drenmy Ico Cream. Wo will gtvo ono pint of this "Pure Cream" Ico Cream (any fla vor) to every purchaser ot $1.00 worth ot any goods In our store un til Juno 10. It will bo packed In cartons that will Insure Its keep ing for at least two hours. . "PURE CREAM" ICE CREAM for dinners, parties and enter tainments, Delivered freo to all parts of tho city. Special prices for large quantities for churches, lodges, sociables and Sunday dinners. Served nt our Popular Soda Fountain. I 7 rfi'iV i DRUGGIST. GENERAL NEWS. Steam navigation ot the Yukon will uegin Juno 1. Tom Jenkins and Ilnekenschmldt. the Russian, will wrestle In New York for $10,000. The salaries of nearly all public school teachers in San Francisco have been raised 12 per cent. Senator Heed Smoot is a Roosevelt partisan, nnd predicts that Roosevelt will carry Utah this year by 10,000 ma jority. Tom Johnson, of Cluveland. Is for Joseph W. Folk, of St. Louis, for pres ident, nnd hopes he will ho nominated nt St. Louis. John McDonnld. a Novnda cowboy, had a log broken. He crawled on his hands and one knee 12 miles for aid. He will recover. I eon Soedor, of San Francisco, has been convicted of murdering his brother-in-law, Joe Blaise, to secure his life insurance money. ' Louis Oliver stole $3 nnd two lints at Mason.. .Mich. It being his third burglary lie was, under the laws of that state, sentenced to the peniten tiary for life. The deepest place yet found In the ocean was discovered recently be tween Hawaii and the Philippines by the United States ship Nero. It Is 31, 814 feet deep only 06 feet short of six miles. Peter O. Elliott, the more or less harmless lunatic arrested several months ago when supposed to have designs upon the life of President noosovelt. May 22 hanged himself from a bridge In Minneapolis. In San Francisco the Puget Sound Lumber Company lias sold out to the Charles Nelson Lumber Company for $150,000. The dear Is believed to pre sage absorption of the Puget Sound company's Interests along the entire coast. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. W. AY. Wilson, of Portland, was fined $40 for wife beating. Monday. Louis. Portreus, a farmer living near Loraine. Linn county, was found dead on his farm Monday. The COth anniversary of tho West Union Baptist church nt Tnalltan Plains was celebrated Monday. Reginald Merrlman, aged 19, was crushed to death In a street car col lision In Portland, on Monday. Dan and Ore Hetter, brothers, fought a florco fist fight at Asotin. Monday, both being terribly beaten up. Frank Smith, a boy spectator at a liaseball game at Oregon City, had his skull fractured Sunday, by a bat thrown by n player. Episcopal clergymen of the Ore gon. Columbia, Westminster, Koote nay, Spokane and Olyrapla dioceses, are in Seattle this week. Customs Offlcer Farrington, of Van couver, B. C., claims to have seen a Hea serpent on tho beach near that city, Monday. Farrington is not a drinking man. It is expected that every eligible - wn rnnntv will bo called 141(111 111 i . ' before a Jury Is secured to try Nor man Williams, ror me muruw ui Uesbltt women. W Purcell anil Adolph Leosor, raftsmen, were drown In the Colum bia river Monday, while managing a raft of logs in tow by tho uteamor,F. B. Jones, bound for Astoria. THREE BIG BARGAINS 13 Suburban Property. . . nrhard and VOW ucra. b"" $2250 UUuov ' - Six acres, with "good house, 400 bearing (rult trees; alfalfa, . .,.,.,., ..,! Tnilnnon- ana cwuju." nn dent water system. Terms. .,$5,500 Eight acres, good house ana .nam; iuu uuunu,, . Kn Irrigated 2'250 E. T. WADE & SON. F. W. SCHMIDT Telephone Main 85 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. J. J. Conway ijhlcngo. Fred Kuhn, New York. Otto Kuhn, Now York. L. B. Mandel, Now York. F. A. Peers. A. D. Donough, San Francisco. II. Crocker, San Francisco. D. II. Frey, San Francisco. M. M. Williams, San Francisco. A. E. O'Brien, Chicago. A. Mills. O. S. Youngmnn. E. B. Coman. E. B. Duffy. A. Freeman and wife, Denver. Hay L. Fairchild, San Francisco. C. II. Breed, Spokane. H. J. Fogy, Now York. T. N. Boll, Spoknne. Richard A. Wright, Spoknne. S. A. Trens, Spokane. J. W. Morrow and wife, Portland. J. P. Mnnsfleld, San Francisco. The St. George. J. J. Burns, Portland. J. H. Travcrs, Spokane. Daniel Dewey, Jr., Boston. E. C. Cluster and wife, Pomeroy. L. A. Duncan, Haines. It. H. Dewese, Kansas City. N.. N. Casey, Kansas City. E. F. Gray, San Francisco. Louis Moses and wife, city. J. T. Wolfe, Walla Walla. George McQIIvery, Spokane. John M. Hill, Walla Walla. C. V. Anderson, Victoria. .1. C. Trembell, Sacramento. It. F. Hinkle, Salt Lake. J. E. Burkhardt. Seattle. J. H. Orahnm, Portland. L. E. Smith, San Francisco. W. Rosenblatt, San Francisco. L. II. Penkham, Portland. O. M. nisser, Portland. Mrs. D. Rule, Spokane. Hugh Haver, Peoria. S. F. Franchenstoin, Boston. Ludwig Erlander, Boston. F. A. Morton, Boston. Alex Livingston, Boston. A. J. I.eland, Portland. It. W. Cook, Portland. F. A. Menzles, Portland. Charles J. Gray and wife, Portland. C. J. Mlllls, Portland. Alex Ponn, Portland. J. T. Wolfe, Walla Walla. A. G. Ogllvio, Portland. W. Kuykendall, San Francisco. N. Mollmann, Oakland. F. E. Bishop, Portlnnd. A. Freeman and wife, Denver. C. H. Round, Spokano. William A. Log, Chicago, H. Connell, Umatilla. F, L. Richmond, San Francisco. Richard A. Wright, Spokane. The Bicker. ' S. D. Gaddy, Lowlston. Miss Eva Damlll, Bolloville. Mrs. M J. Prathor, Walla Walla. J. H. Haines, Spokano. Mrs. D. C. Brownoll, Umatilla. Dan C, Brownoll, Umatilla. P. S. Campbell, Thunder Mountain Charles Isaacs, Portland. S. A. Frans, Spokano. T. M. Boll, Spokane. W, C. Smith, Greenvlllo. rt C ilmivtl Aflltnn.. George G. Clayton, Portland, O. W. Scott. J. A. Hubbard, McKay. J, W. Mynn, McKay. Joe Lleunllen, Weston. Jake Manson. L. E. Huklll, 8tarbuck. Peter McAlpIn, Duluth. J. 8. Cunningham, Portland. Charles Baker, Portland. A Startllna Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Morritt, . . . . . .. i Tn mftiln a OI CiU, oiunuuyuuj , - tartllng test, resulting in a wonder ful euro. Ho writes, "a patlont was . .. 111. ..Inlnnt linm Cirvh fllTGS. wu. y.uiu.h. " - caused by ulcerations of tho atom . i A.,n.i TCliWrlr Tilt aCH. 1 nuu unu.. iwuiiu - ters oxcollent for ncuto stomach and liver troubles so i dw.ii Tho patient gained from tho first, .,,, nn lin.l nn nttaclc ln 14 months." Electric Bitters nro posl u i-i . a . rtuonnnaln. In lively guarnuiouu w i " , 7,.', digestion, Constipation and KIdnoy i .i.ia Trv tnom. uniy uuu . Tollman & Co.'s. a.. i rMM Qhnnmen. x. onil run locate somoTood range" and" water. Address UOX 44, ln urunuu, w., Zack Is In town. LAWN PARTY GIVEN BY MR. AND MR8. REEDER. Will start for Alaska Soon Rev. Moore and Family Returned to Iowa Bought Land In Idaho and Will Settle There Gib Thompson Is Ser iously Afflicted Will Locate at lone Baptised Into the Baptist Church. Athena, May 23. A lawn party wns given nt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs, William Reedor. The hostesses were Miss Vorn Smith and Miss Avn Roe dor. Games wore plnyed till half past 11. when a bounteous suppor wns spread. Jako Nelson's brother, John Nelson of Montnna, Is spending this weok at the Nelson homo. Lester Swnggart of Pendleton, spent Wednesdny In the city, visiting his brother Link, beforo going to Alnkn. He will start In i Cow days. 1 Rov. C. H. II. Moore, pnstor of the Baptist church, nnd his family, left Wednesday for Ln Mars, Iowa, whero thoy will make their future homo. Mrs. Moore's health has been very poor slnco she came West. I V. M. Schick, who spent several months ln Idaho ln search or a loca tion, found It nt last. Ho purchnsed a farm of ItiO ncros at Garflold. Idaho, nnd will move ns soon as ho enn dls poso of his proporty bore. Ho has 120 acres ln timothy, for which ho wants $3G por acre. Olb Thompson, who was so near death's door last fall' with typhoid fever, and spent sovernl weeks In Walla Walla hospltat to recover his health, which proved a failure, went to Ed Zimmerman's homo nt Pullman. Wash., whore he took severe cold, which settled In his lower limbs, and he Is almost unable to walk. He Is at Athena at present. L. L. Montague or Arlington, spent this week in the city visiting frfonds. Charlov McFarlnnd has returned homo after shearing sheep In Tdalio and Oregon. Attorney Will Myres will locate at Iono. Morrow county. Ho loft with his family, where they will reside for the near future. Sunday Rev. W. H. H. Moore of tho Baptist church, administered tho or dinance of Baptism at Weston to a number who united with that church during the big revival last winter. There are indications of widespread plotting among the negro tribes of Southern and Contra Africa that may terminate in a war of extermination against tho white race in Africa. Soid on Merit J At high-grade grocers Real Estate $2,400.00 Will ouy an 8-room houso and two lots, has G rooms ou 1st floor; 3 rooms on 2d floor; bath and toilet, good collar. Five blocks from Main street. $700.00 Will buy a 3-room house, 3 blocks from Main street. 700.00 Two very desirable lots on Jnckson street, only six blocks from' Main street. Office- rooms for rent. Merchants Protective Agency Deapaln Building, Room 43, Telephone Black 1161. iisis'M It you are interested in Oil Painting, see us. pur lino la complete. ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS' 'SAPLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS Wn mnlrn n. sneclaltv of framing PICTURES. Nowest stock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opora Houso Block. QOLDJJLSAT 1 I c a Bleached muslin, Cc kind, 10 yards for 39c Calico, 7c kind, 10 yards for 49c 5-ophyr gingham, double fold, 10 yards for ... .79c lap silk, all colors, A yards for 99c Lyon dyo wash Bilk, BOc Bilk, -1 yards for ..$1.59 Crystal cord sIlkB, 4 yard cuts, special $1.59 Heavy outing flannel, 10 yards for 79c Ladles Incc hose, 30c and 3Cc kinds .25c The FAIR. The FAI THE Home foi the Afflicted Dr. Sabina Leach's Private Sanitarium Chronic diseases a specialty. Her herbal, assisted by mngnetlc processes, baths. AH diseases treated in a common sense nnu sclentlflc man ner, removing unnatural growths, tumors, goitre and nil enlarge ments of the glands, WITHOUT THE USE OF THE KNIFE. Cures rheumatism paralysis, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, bronchi tis, colds, liver and kidney troubles, and nil diseases pocullar o women. Special attention given to tho Whiskey, Opium and Tobacco Habits Treatmont, nurse, board and room at reasonable rates. Con sultation free. Corner West Bluff nnd Mnrle StreotB. There is None Just as Good OLYMPIA BEER IS THE BEST BEER IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE. Olympia IS PERFECTION IN BEER MAKING. OUR METHOD OF KEEPING THIS CELEBRATED BEER IS CORRECT, AND IT L08ES NONE OF ITS GOODNESS. WE HANDLE OLYMPIA BEER IN WHOLESALE QUANTITIES AND SUPPLY IT TO THE LEADING SALOONS OF THE CITY, BESIDES SERVING IT OVER OUR BAR. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SUPPLYING FAMILIES WITH OLYMPIA BEER, IN KEG OR BOTTLES, AND DELIVER IT IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. WE WANT THE PICNIC AND OUTING PARTIES TO CALL ON U8 FOR A SUPPLY OF OLYMPIA AND AL80 THEIR LUNCHES, AS WE ARE PREPARED TO 8UPPLY THEM WITH SOMETHING ESPECIALLY GOOD. KEEP OLYMPIA BEER IN YOUR HOME FOR ALL OCCA8IONS. IT IS ALWAY8 RELISH ED. IT 18 ALWAYS GOOD AND ALWAYS THE 8AME. A. NOLTE Telephone Main 881 For sale at the East Oregonlan offlco Larjjo bundles of i.ewspapers containing over 100 big papert, can be had for 25o a bundle. i y I.nco cnllnrs for Sutunlnv STORE THAT IS AFTER YOUR BUSINESS. remedies are strictly and medicated vapor Ho! for a Picnic Enjoy an outing and a drive. A fishing trip will give you pleasure. Good rigs, fine horses. Everything flrst-class. Prices reasonable. Williams Livery Stable 723 Cottonwood 8treeL Ladles' black hose, Topsy brnmi i. .. pnlr for ..... ... e BU Misses' hoao, worth 13c, for Saturday oil, " 3 pairs for . ' w oalrot(j. Embroidery sale Saturday, all 25c m! ror 'v"7. "uwu Of 1U t TO ALL MY FRIENDS PATRONS; ..." ",xl- ri-EASUlI iiv i nuuubinu TO FRIENDS. DRS. I. i M. WHITE TO uu . ... - wwku mi n Tunnn inuiu ....... THE DRS. WHITE A3 ( DtTCDCPT Atlft in... t-dii it n I-AV0S ril Ar- ii... .... HANDS OF THE WHITE. RESPECTFULLY, i-Ti A Mil UbMUUKA C TICK State. Supreme Judge-Thoniu M. Douglas. i Presidential Eiecton- 'Jeffrey, T. H. Crawford, S. and J. II. Smith. District. Simmons. Morrow J. H. Kaler. Umatilla F. I). Holbrool County. Judge 0. A. llarUMn. Sheriff T. D. Tajlor. niorit -.t. E. Cherrr. Recorder W. H. FotK AsspRSor C. P. SUM. Commissioner Wllliw lain nnd William Blaielej SCIlOOl Huperimw"1" Mayberry. a,,.,nvnv...r, n. BerM.C Coroner Dr. T. a. i DrfdneL .. .a .1.- UUII. . l-AJliaiauiu I Rf Dublican ' For Presidential Electon. W. v. iiwvw J. N. Hart W. H. Gore inmps A. Fee For Supreme Judge; Tnntlna V. A. For Food nnd Dairy Cos t ti' n!1fv For Prosecuting Attorier lit ThAlfC For Joint KepreseoUmi n.H.AoeiTl!)n ill J. N. Will"1"1 For nepresentaufra. John J. B"MW Henry Adams For County Jud Henry J. Dean For County Cleric: Frank SallM Pr S0 f a! Barrett For Recorder: W. H. Folsoto For Asbeswr: ,tn.!nnfr: "r walaer For acnoui ""..-jd Frank R "eu For coroner: St'Ktabrell. For Justice of res trict: p,(t ( Thomas w F0r constable: Trohibit0N nl.trlct tlve Morn." v. " " . ana w 1. 1 '-' A I, v H. IlicnmoBU' w. A. Banlster-ef. Gilbert, Win""" -- n. E. Bie'"r.. 0, O, nlcharo"-. t