DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURS.W, MAY 21, 1904. PAGE THREE. ax.jH I W I M-M-l-M E pon'b miss the Farmers' Institute at Pendleton, May 26. Agricultural experts will lecture on vital subjects Saturday and Monday HOLT BROS. Side Hill Combined Harvester QUAIL AND CHINESE PHEAS ANT IN HUDSON BAY. Settlement of the Country and Re clamation of the Desert Induces This Rapid Increase Quail Can Be Heard Every Morning Along the Ir rigation Ditches and Pheasants Are Often Seen Near the Barnyards. Ctvoiil Rarer a in ftaxrc TEN PAGES. 9c WASH FABRIC DRESS GOODS FOR THE ABOVE DAYS ONLY WE WILL PLACE ON SALE OUR ENTIRE LINE OF 12'2 AND 15c SUM MER DRESS GOODS AND A LARGE VARIETY OF COLORS AND PAT TERNS FOR THE' ABOVE DATE ONLY AT 9c PER YARD. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY: 15c VALUE CHILDREN'S BLACK COTTON JERSEY RIBBED HOSE AT 7c PAIR. 25c CHILDREN'S PONY HOSE AT 19c PAIR. 25c VALUE LADIES' BLACK COTTON HOSE, 17c. 35c VALUE LADIES' BLACK HOSE, 25c. 50c VALUE LADIES' BLACK COTTON HOSE, 40c. 12J2c VALUE SWISS AND NAINSOOK EMBROIDERIES AT 6c YARD. LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR: , 10c VALUE JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, 6c. 15c VALUE JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, 9c. 20c VALUE JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, 14c. 25c VALUE JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, 17c. 35c VALUE JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, 24c. 50c VALUE JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, 34c. Alexander Department Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES For the Summer Kitchen We can supply gasoline and oil stoves. Cheaper than coal and more convenient; real comforts for hot weather. All sizes and prices from 75c to $15.00. W. J. Clarke & Co. HARDWARE AND PLUMBING, 211 Court St. THE BEST IN BEER IS THE CELEBRATED PABST It Is recognized as the highest grade beer made. We have secured the sale of Pabst beer In Pendleton and all our customers -will be served with it when they call at our place. We handle only the Pabst beer and have It on draught and bottled. THE STATE SALOON J. E. Russell & Co., Props. 1 1 1 HI H 1 1 1 I II 1 H II I I m I U I II I ill Mill HI Umatilla Meat OTafket NICEST, CLEANEST AND THE JUST OPENED ONE OF THE BEST MEAT MARKETS IN THE CITY. NOTHING BUT CHOICEST MEAT8. MAPLE BUILDING, 219 COURT STREET. 'PHONE MAIN 1011. 1 1 1 1 H m u i ii n u n imi ii l Htt'H 1 1 m M M. m m a m. Iff I I I I BYERS' BEST FLOUR j I made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread Is 2 "lured when Byers' Beot Flour Is used. Bran, shorts, steam roll- barley always on hand. 2 PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS j W. 8. BYERS, Prop. ! Do You Enjoy a flood Smoke ? MTy "Pendleton Boqet" and "Pride of Umatilla." t hotm. A. POHDE. Mai A. ROHDE, Mate COMING EVENTS. May 24-27 Oregon State Grange, Corvallls. May 20 Farmers' Institute, Pen dleton. May 27-2S Caledonian picnic at Athena. June 2, 3, 4 Umatilla county pio neers' reunion, at Weston. June C Rubber-tired buggy will be given away by the East Oregonlan. June C General election In Ore gon. June 15, 10, 17 Oregon encamp ment G. A. R.. Hood River. June 22 Thirty-second annual re union Oregon Pioneers, Portland. June 23, 24, 25 Northwest Sports men's tournament, Pendleton. August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. Wool Sales. Pendleton, May 23; Heppner, May 20; Arlington, May 31; Sbnniko, Congregational Church Sunday June 2; Heppner, June 7; Pendleton, school at 10 a. in.: preaching by tlio June 10; Shanlko, June 14; Baker pastor at II o'clock, subject, "Tlio City, June 17; Pendleton, June 21; Supremacy of lln Spiritual." Junior The number of Chinese pheasant and quail Is multiplying rapidly in the Hudson Hay district near Free water. It Is no uncommon sight to see the flashing colors of the pheas ants in the nirnlfn fields and to hear the piping quail In tho early morning nlong thu irrigating ditches. The law protects these birds and the settlers add a special vigilance to the enforcement of the law, nnd are proud to see both these game birds multiplying there. The gradually increasing reclama tion of the Hudson Day district will hurry up the propagation of these birds by furnishing more nnil more fields ami crops to shelter them. Thu last year has witnessed a very rapid Increase In their numbers. Occasionally a mower in tho alfalfa fields discovers a hidden nest of the pheasant, but this bird Is not easily discouraged and an nrcldeut of this kind does not drive them out of the field. They either slip bock to tho unsheltered nest nfter the farm hands have disappeared, or sit on the fences near by for n day or so. and finally leave the vicinity, reluctantly. This district promises to lie one of the most favored localities for the rapid growth of these species of game birds, on nrrntint of the many new or chards, fields and irrigating ditches, 'nlong which they can find fresh feed and sheltered plnces In which to nest. The pheasant Is very shy at first. In the vlclnltv of the farm house, but gradually grows accustomed to the activity nnil Is often seen on tlio barnyard fences watching tlio fowls on (he farm. The quail are particularly numerous In Hudson Hay and can bo heard every morning of the year calling along the ditches In tho growing al falfa. The game law regulating tho pro tection of these birds prohibits the killing of the Chinese pheasant at nnv I J ume ami inc cioseti period lor quail ends on October 15, 1!M5. After that date the season for killing quail will bo open each year from December 1, until October 15 of thu following year. Tho latest Improved two-wheel, sldo-hlll combined harvester bat proven n boon to wheat reisers. It is '!'o most successful, most economical nnd easiest machine to opornto ever built. These harvesters hnvo been given abundant trials right here at homo nnd nil users aro highly pleased. None hnvo been dissatisfied mid nil are high In tholr praise. Tho Holt sldo-hlll harvester on n side hill Is nblo to stick to tho side of tho hill, while tho header will slip down tho hill. The main wheels are vortical, which braces tho mnchlno to tlio Bldo hills. It works equally adapted to lovel land. Tho Holt harvesters aro Bold exclusively In this section by E. L. SMITH 2t8 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon -Ml extras for Holt machines on hand. Ttfotit Fishing Trains aro now mulling stops at tho best fishing points for your accommodation. Our stock of rods, rools, lines, files and baskets Is tho best as sorted and tho largost In 1'ondlo ton. Outfit hero. W. J. Clarke & Co. HARDWARE AND PLUMDINO, 211 Court St. The CHURCHES Heppner, June 23; Elgin, Shanlko, July 1. A Sure Thing. It Is said that nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, but that Is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van ..etre, of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says: "I had a severe case of Bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured rae absolutely." It's infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Con sumption. Try It. It's guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes doc, fi. June 28; Christian Endeavor al 3 p. m.j Senior Endeavor nt 7 p. m. A cordial wel come to nil. Jonathan Edwards, pastor. First Christian Church Sunday school. 9:45 n. m . preaching, 11 n. m.; Chrtsllnn Kndeavor, 7 p. m. Even ing services. S o'clock, violin solo, W. 1), Fechter; special music by thu choir; sermon. "The Creates! Hero of the Faith." Everybody cordially In vlted to attend. The pastor leaves Monday evening for an extended trip hast. The pulpit will lie supplied dur tug the summer by It A. Copple. N, II. Hrooks. pastor. o M. E. South I'lenchlng morning and evening nl the M. E. Church South, nl I lie iikihiI hours. Subject of Ihe morning, "Homo"; Sunday school at 10 ii. m., I. E. Earl, superln leiident: Junior League at 3 p. m Epworlh League devotional meeting, at 7:30. M V Howard, pastor. o First Baptist Church The usual services will be held morning and evening nt the Flrsl Iluptlst church. Strangers In the city aro especially requested to iillend If they havo no regular place of worship. O. I,. Hall, pastor. ! Methodist Episcopal Church Hun j day school, 10 u. in.. A J. Owens, Quick Arrest. superintendent : sermon, 1 1 a. in., by t a niiortf.i nt Verhena. Ala.. President W. H. Illeaknoy of tho Pen .is twice In the hospital from a se- "loton Academy. Class meeting. 12:15 nf nlles causing 24 tumores. I'- m.: Junior League, 3 p. m,; Ep Aft, rtnctnrs nnu all remedies fail- w'"' league, 7 p. m.: sermon, 8 p. ..,.i.,. irnifii RaU-fl ntilrklv in. by President Penrose of Whitman arrested further Inflammation and Hpk. All are cordially Invited to ". Mm if runners aches and r distinguished public kills pain.' 25c at Tallman & Co., "leakers. Ro be rl Warner, pastor. druggists. Fowler for Recorder. W. H. Fowler, the popular demo cratic candidate for county recorder, is making an active anil thorough can vass among his friends and voters. He has had much practical experi ence as deputy in tho offices at tho court house and If elected would make a good, painstaking recorder or con veyances. He haB many frlonds in Athena, both democratic and republi can, who wish him success. Athena Press. Church of the Redeemer Thorn will be services In thu Church of thu Redeemer (Episcopal) next Hunday, morning and ' evening, Rev. H. D, A Highbinders' war has broken out I., San Franc SCO. MTS. UOOd fOllg . . i.inn.iv morning unit ' evening, itev. m. was stabbed to death, and a uioouy ri1B . ... itl,r,i..,,.i fiicliiilnif factional war Is expected. The pa en 'a"ors of I (inland olllclallng. are looking for Duck (Jem and Ken Suey Ving Tons. TO QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. Sacrifice House. sale at tho Owl Tea KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. The Conatanl Weartaa- of Hat Propo. gate Dandruff Gtrmi, Rev. Robert Warner Leaves for Hepp ner for a Few Days' 8tay. Itev. Robert Warner loft this morn lug for Heppner, where lie goes to attend quarterly conference of the Methodist church for this district. He will ulso stop at Irrigon, F, U, Hoi brook's wet town, to talk and agi tate local option, Ho hopes to organ There are many men who wear their tee tho local option forces In several bats practically all the time when awake, j towns in western Umatilla ana Mor and are blesaed with a heavy ahock of , row county beforo returning and will hair; yet if the scalps of these same men . perhaps glvo Mr Phelps, tho ropubll- annarun I mil i-uiiuiuaiu mr uisinci uiiuriiuy, once became imeneo. w senna, the parwltea would multiply all the quicker for lack of air. Baldness would enaue as the final result. New- bro'a Herplclde Kills mew genni u stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth, Herplcide Is a pleaant hair ....in. well ai a dandruff cure and contains not an atom of injurious aub stance. Sold ly leading- drugglaU. Bend jOc. in atampa for sample to The Herpl cide Co., Detroit, Mien. F. W.'Schmldt, special agent an opportunity lo express his sent! inenls on the subject, so tho local op tion people will know where (o find him on election day. II. W Danhauser, of Seattle, aged 18, has been found guilty of highway robbery He held up a than In thu suburbs, at the point of a revolver and took 10 cents from him, and abused him because he didn't have more money. RAINING Union ade, HAND MADE., clear Havana. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. When you call for a TRIUMPH. CI YNN GET IT. Don't accept a substitute. I 1 . i nrii. aaahaa- mWm m . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaV aaaVal raaaaaaaaaW aaW BH X IBBW MAKERS. We Make New Roofs We Make Old Roofs New Attain This Is our cxcluslvo business and wo havo had something over twelvo years expcrluncn nt It. Wo ought to know what wo aro doing, hadn't wo? Well, wo do know. ELATERITE ROOFING Is rigidly guarantond. It has a past or which wo nro not ashamed. It will pay you to Invostlgnlo the matter. Wo shall bo pleased to nuoto prices and to answer questions. The Olaierite Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester Block. Portland. Oregoti UNITARIANS TO MEET. Delegates at Ooston From All Over the United States. Boston, May 21. Tho advance giinril of delegates and visitors Is ar riving for tho aiinlvoruar meotlnt.H here noxi week of tho American Ui,l-i Inrlaii Association All parts of tho country will lio represented. Many Interesting meetings havo been ar ranged for tho week, Including ad dresses by prominent men and among social features will bo a reception Monday evening at Hotel Homorsot mid a Unitarian festival, Friday eve ning In Tremont Temple. Among the prominent persons who will lake part In thu various meetings are President Eliot, of Harvard Uni versity, Itev, Edward Everett Halo, I), I)., Damn Kentaro Kaneko, of Japan; Uov. Florenco Iluck, of Kono- slm. Wis.; President Frnnklln C. Soulliwortli, of Meadvlllo Theological School; Rev. Mlnot J. Havago, (loner- nl William F. Draper and Lieutenant' (lovernor Curtis Oulld, Jr Addresses upon aspects of tho uni tarian church work will be presented by Rev, (leorgo W. Btono, fluid secre tary for tho Pacific roasl; Uov. W. M. IlacktiH, secretary of the western con ference. Hov. Thomas J. Eliot, com missioner to Japan, and Itev. Henry W Footo of Now Orleans. World's Fair Rates. Tho O. R, & N. Company announces tho following low rates: From Pendleton to St, luls and return, JMJ.OO. From Pendleton to Chicago and ro turn, 1GG.00. To Chicago, returning through St. Louis (no coupon between Chicu(.u and St. Imis) or vlco versa, 102.50. To Chlcugo, returning via St. Louis or vlco vorsa, JGC.2C, TIckotH on salo May 13, Juno 10, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 11, 10, Sep tember 6, 0, 7, October 3, 4, 6. Tickets good going within 10 days from dato of salo; final return limit 90 iluys from dato of salo. Stopovers allowed In eltlior direc tion within tho transit limit. For further Information rail on or ad dress E. C. SMITH, Agent. Thinna Trlb a flood Remedy, 11. V, Cray, Portland, Oregon, July 10th, 1S02, writes: "I believe your remedy for tho liquor and tobacco habit, 'Trlb,' a good ono. I took tho Kcolov euro and It cost mo $160, I think Trlb Is honertly the best euro of tho twp. If I ever can bo of any assistance to you, lot me know, I consider you liavo dono much for me." Tallman & Co., local agents. Attention Sheepmen. Range to lease and can locato somo good range and water. Addross box 44, La Qrando, Or, Sacrifice House, sale nt the OwJ Tea CANTY'S PARLORS OF AAtUSEAIGNT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl ing Alley, Throwing Rack. Oood music every evening. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8TREET8. Under W. A C. R. Depot I HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST near thla in tnlnd when you noed poultry and stock auppllea and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles, C. F. Colesworfhy 127.129 Eaat Alt St Agent for Lee's Lies KHIer.