PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1904. NEWS OF THEM I ONE PINT Pure Cream" Ice Cream FREE Cream! Cream! Cream! The richest, purest, country cream cream that Is cream cream sweetened with sugar, flavored with real flavor anil then beaten, whipped and churned Into a smooth, rich dreamy Ice Cream. We will give one pint of this "Pure Cream" Ice Cream (any fla vor) to every purchaser of SLiui worth or any goods In our store un til June 10. it will he parked In cartons that will Insure Its keep ins for at least two hours. "PURE CREAM" ICE CREAM for dinners, parties and enter tainments. Delivered free to all parts of the city. Special prices for large quantities for churches, lodges, sociables and Sunday dinners. Served at our Popular Soia Fouutaln. GONE TO VISIT OLD . W. SCHMIDT Telephone Main 85 1 DRUGGIST. i HOME IN WISCONSIN. Visitors From Spokane En Route East j Moved to Kamela Mrs. Lovell , I Fell and Fractured a Hip Mrs. I Loyd Is Sick Caledonians Are ' Planning for a Great Celebration. With Prizes and Characteristic Dances and Music. GENERAL NEWS. David It. Gray, or Salt Lake City, has been appointed district freight and passenger agent for the Oregon Short Line. The mansion of Thomas R. Turner, the capitalist, was burned at San Slateo. Cal." Among the losses was SW.oOil worth of diamonds. The American consul at Puerto Cortes. Honduras. says 3.U00.O0O hunches of bananas will be shipped to the United States from Honduras this year The failure of a dry goods firm In New York has thrown a stock of goods valued at IlOO.OflO upon the "slaughter market." all of which will be sold at auction. If Charles F. Plrcher. formerly post master at Carrollton. Ala., is convict ed of all the fraud charges brought against him. he can be sent to the penitentiary for ISO years. William V. Cleveland, an Insane man in the Indianapolis asylum, was scalded to death In a bath tub by another patient holding him down and turning on the hot water. IjVhen the situation Is relieved of all hot-air claims there appears to b ... I). III... -.1.1. Tl 1. ' Hearst receiving two-thirds of the vote of the democratic national con vention. Florence Davis, a negro girl IT years old. is at the head of the class of &C graduates this year from the South Division high school of Chica go. She is the only colored person In the class. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Pendleton. Georce S. Bell. Salt Lake. W. Ellery. Boston. Sir. and Mrs. Doermnn and child ren. New York. R. D. Burns. Xew York. Miss Schehothen. New York. Ivan Chase, Colfnx. George A. Chapman, Colfas. William Rea, Jr.. St. Paul. C. R. Lennox, Tacoma. C. E. Xelson. Weston. T. A. Grimm. Portland. P. M. Nevins. Seattle. George W. Sherwood. Tacoma. F. W. Waite, San Francisco. T. H. Smith. San Frauclsco. A. E. McBreen. William. J. Moore. Siokane. G. D. Galley. H. G. Cowell. Milton. Miss Mable Stratler. Milton. W. It. Glendennlng. W. D. Marks. Spokane. C. M. Cleveland. Spokane. F. W. Phelps. Heppner. W. J. Davis. Athena. John V. Bermers. Baker City. J. R. Murphy. St. Louis. William Neubauer. Mrs. C. C. Smith. Umatilla. Max B. Rox, Milton. Jenny Dyke, Milton. Leon Straus. San Francisco. F. H. Stocker. San Francisco. J. W. Hope, Yale. The St. George. Will M. Peterson. Athena. J. A. Allison, Portland. F. J. Gardner. Portland. L. E. Throne, Chicago. W. J. Healey. Chicago. F. E. RrVin, Spokane. L. J. Lachmon. Kansas City. C. L. Downer. Spokane. J. N. Dolph. Portland. , William Donnally. I.a Grande. G. W. Mansfield and wife. Francisco. F. C. Benson, Portland. Horace Walker. Helix. Alfred Roesch. Seattle. Robert G. White, Philadelphia. Charles J. Munson. Moscow. J. B. Kenney. Elgin. R. J. Burns, Chicago. J. J. WIlIiamB. Portland. J. V. Hooper, Chicago. San James Thorn, a pioneer of Oregon ' City, aged T8 years, died Friday. Gladys Garvin, aged 3 years, was burned to death at Yancouver. B. C, Friday. A rich strike has been made on the i Cohille reservation, some of the 6ur- J face ore assaying as high as J ICS per , Jon. I .A. M Worley. of Rockort. Wash., j un old pioneer, died at bpoKane ti day. as a result of Injuries received In an accident several days ago. Marvin Myers lay unconscious for HI hours at his home at Seattle before being discovered, after having been beaten Into insensibility by highway- men. "Grandma" Ruth Caston. an Inmate ; of the Deaconess Home at Rochester , Heights. Wash., is in her 100th year. and is yet hale and hearty and eats three meals a day. : The British government is now '. scouring the West in search of coal black horses of uniform build, for the king's household stables. They will jpay any price for the right horses. I J. O. Gamble, of the Pacific Land Xompany of Portland, who took H00 from a young man who desired to learn the real estate business, has decamped without giving the stu dent but the one lesson. , Doris Wilson, aged A, the daughter of a wealthy Seattle family, was kid napped Friday, but the police found the child a few hours later, the kid nappers having evidently abandoned Iter, through fear of arresL The body of a Japanese found Boating in the bay at Oray's Harbor, has been moored by the neck to a ' tree for a week, awaiting a coroner. to hold an Inquest over the remains Qp cm Qp T0LED0 Two coroners have been .noli ned. ine t.hpar rnxiTM. body was found by fishermen, who Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be Is moored It for safe keeping. ' yn.or lyrtaerway or,. ueog lJo. County and Btate aioreaaia. ana mm said Urm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED D0LLAU8 for each and erery rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tbe use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FItANK J. CnENEY , 3 a kfnva) m a an ri tl rmrl rw1 In THREE BIG BARGAINS tfTj- tb,a otb dajr ot Decembr The Bickers. J .F. Armstrong. Spokane. Walter Jenkins, Bismark. David Jenkins. Bismark. George Kastor. Dalles. W. R. Thompson. Ellensburg. Miss Dale. W-allsburg. T. J. Kirk, Athena. Mrs. T. J. Kirk, Athena. J. A. Green, Bozeman. S. Redmond, Dickinson. B. H. Crisp, Durkee. L. E. Huklll, Starbuck. Frank Rack, Echo. M. T. A. Brassfield. Echo. C. P. Stanyan. city. Burt Cosley. Lebanon. J. M. Cornelson, city. Jack Arlington, Milton. Ed Munford, Milton. Mike Mahoney. city. O. T. Carnes, Pilot Rock. B. F. Marlln, Meacham. S. D. Caddy. Baker City. Jessie M. Johnson, Halley. G. M. Hays. Huron. W. J. Hayes, city. W. C. Lloyd, Milton. J. F. Oliver, Echo. H. F. Arlord, Echo. Suburban Property. A. YV. GLEABON. Notary I'ubllc nail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal, and acts directly on the blood and ma pons surfaces of tbe system. Bend for mad orchard and bouse 2,250 testimonial, & CQ Q Blx acres, with good house, 400 bearing fruit trees; alfalfa, and chicken yard. Indepen dent water system. Terms. . .$5,500 Eight acres, good house and barn; 100 bearing fruit trees. Take flail's Family fills for eonstlpa. tlon. In order to accommodate fishing parties the O. R. & N. Co. will, until close of season, have train No. 2, Irrigated $2,250 ' leaving here at C: p. m.. atop at Norm rum on nsiumw uiiu...o and train No. 1, duo in Pondloton at 9 a. m.. atop at some place Monday morning. This arrangement will be in effect Saturday. May 14. E. C. SMITH, Agont. E. T. WADE & SON. Athena. May 20. Dr. and Mrs. Stone of Spokane, visited Mrs. Stone's I sisters. Mrs. George Banister, Mrs. Harvey Caten and Mrs. John Banis ter. They nre en route East. They will visit Mrs. Perry at Pendleton From there to St. Louis to the fair, j Frank Nowltxkp hns cmim to visit I old friends in Arcadia. Wis. j Georgo Lukcr arrived this morning j with his family and household goods j Jf Mrs. Green Etes will leave today for t Kamela. where she will Join her litis-1 " band who Is In the mercantile busl-1 ? ness there. I Mr. C. A. Barrett was recently call- j ! cd to Walla Walla to attend the bed-1 side of Mrs. Mart tin Lovell. who fell ; and fractured her hip. Owing to her i advanced years. It Is thought she can ! not recover. Mrs. Wlllinm Plnkortnn annul Mon day In Milton, visiting Mrs. Henry i J Loyd, who hns been sick for several days. Caledonian Picnic. The Caledonians nre going to have a street parade. They have a com mittee appointed and to the two best sustained characters a reward of $10 ! and So will be given. For more defiu-1 J ite information address Henry Bar-1 rot. president of the society, and Dan j J anu j. u. .uciniyre. inis parane win be the best that Athena ever had A fine program otherwise has been completed. Several prominent men will speak, and old Scotch songs will be rendered by noted singers, accom panied by characteristic Scotch dances. IOWA TROOPS AT SHILOH. Controversy Over the Location of a Monument. Dos Moines. Iowa, May 21. During the coming week Governor Cummins will visit Pittsburg Landing. Tenn., where he will present the arguments of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth regi ments of Iowa in regard to the loca tion of the Iowa monuments before the Shiloh commission. Governor Cummins secured the re hearing after presenting the argu ments of. the Iowa soldiers before the secretary of war. Since then the old soldiers have been busy securing ad ditional evidence to substantiate the argument advanced by Governor Cummins, showing that the Iowa reg iments were in the thick of the fight. Tallman . Co. do not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to their friends and customers. Indigestion causes more 111 health than anything else. It de ranges the stomach, and brings on all manner of diseases. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you eat, cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Kodol is not only a perfect dlgestant but a tls3ue bin lng tonic as well. Renewed health, perfect strength and Increased vital! ty follows its use. Over 300 Americans have landed at Colon under contract to work for the United Fruit Company at Bocas del Toro. rOLOCRtCf' Golden Gate Coffee his an individual flavor mat picascs tnc most critical coffee drinker. There is no substitute. If you have been deluded into the belief that you must have a substi tute (cereal), drink cambric tea hot water sweetened to taste. I Golden Gate! is io!d by high grade grocers, 1 and 2 lb. romi-tight tint. J. A. Folgor . Co. 8b Francisco InporUri of Tim CoBm BIG SPECIAL SALE DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THE SPECIAL SALE AT THE FAIR THJS MEN'S CLOTHING AT BIG REDUCTION. MEN'S DRESS SHOES AT CUT PRICES. BOYS' SUITS REDUCED IN PRICE. LADIES' DRESS SHOES CUT IN PRICE. MISSES' SHOES REDUCED TEN PER CENT. DRY GOODS SPECIALS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST HERE. MILLINERY AT GREAT REDUCTION THIS WEEK. CALL AT OUR STORE AND INSPECT THE. SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. The FAIR. TheFAI THE STORE THAT IS AFTER YOUR BUSINESS. in, Home iot the Afflicted Dr. Sabina Leach's Private Sanitarium For Family Use FOR FISHING PARTIES, FOR OUTINGS, FOR A DAY'S PLEASURE, FOR A FINISHING TOUCH TO YOUR MEAL, FOR THAT SUMMER THIRST, FOR A SOCIAL EVENING AT HOME. ALWAYS HAVE Olympia Beer IT'S PURE AND WHOLESOME, AND IS RELISHED BY ALL. IT'S ALWAYS GOOD AND ALWAYS THE SAME. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OLYMPIA BEER IN ANY QUANTI TY YOU DESIRE. 'PHONE MAIN 881. A. NOLTE. SEND IN YOUR ORDER FOR A CASE OF OLYMPIA. YOU CAN KEEP IT IN YOUR HOME. A. NOLTE Telephone Main 881 FOR LUNCHES, OUTINGS, PICNICS AND SOCIAL GATHER INGS WE HAVE GENUINE IMPORTED SERVILAT WURST, SWISS CHEESE AND THAT REAL LIMBURGER CHEESE, "THAT SMELLS SO NICE." Ho! for a Picnic Enjoy an outing and a drive. A Ashing trip will give you pleasure. Good rigs, fine 'horses. Everything flrst-closa. Prices reasonable. Williams Livery Stable 723 Cottonwood Street Chronic diseases a specialty. Her remedies are strictly herbal, assisted by magnetic processes, and medicated vapor baths. AH diseases treated in a common Bcnse anu scientific man ner, removing unnatural growths, tumors, goitre and all enlarge ments of the glands, WITHOUT THE USE OF THE KNIFE. Cures rheumatism paralysis, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, bronchi tis, colds, liver and kidney troubles, nnd all diseases peculiar o women. Special attention given to the Wfidskey, Opium and Tobacco Habits Treatment, nurse, board and room at reasonable rates. Con sultation tree. Corner West Bluff and Marie Streets. NOTICE j TO ALL MY FRIENos, PATRONS: I TAKE PLEASURE INTRODUCING Tn , FRIENDS, DRS. LLA1 H. WHITE, TO WHO, HAVE SOLD MY DBRd uu&iinlss IN THIS Cm THOROUGHLY RECOM3J THE DRS. WHITE AS Fa CLASS DENTISTS IN I RESPECT, AND WILLI TEEM IT A FAVOR J ANY OF MY PATIENTS T I PLACE THEIR CASES I HANDS OF THE WHITE. i RESPECTFULLY, J E. A. MANS DEMOCRATIC TICKET, SUl:. Supreme Judge Thoau I Dairy and Food Comali M. Douglas. Presidential Electora-li: Jeffrey, T H. Crawford, Tf, IB and J. H. Smith. District. Congress, Second DUtrict-ll Simmons, District Attorney, CmSSI Morrow J. H. Riley. Joint Renresentatlre, StaiJ Umatilla F. B. Holbroot County. Judge G. A. Hartma. Sheriff T D. Taylor Clerk J E. Cherry. Recorder TV H. Foiler. Asspssor-C P. Strait. Commissioner "William UqSl ReuresentaUves W D. tnir. nnd William Blakelel, i ci,w.i Simorlntendett-M Mayberry. Snrvevor C (.' ueneiej. Treasurer S, G. Lightfoot Coroner Dr T M. Htt Precinct Justice of the Peace-S. I! noil. Constable John M. Bttf Republican Ticket For Presidential Electors: W. V. Hampton J. N. Hart W. H. Gore James A. ee pnr Cimrpme Judse: ?i Justice F. A. Moot For Food and Dairy w i j. W. Bailey I For Prosecuting AttorMj: G. W. Fneipa For Joint Representative n nip uv " . , f Vnr noncressman in Secow J. K. Williamson For Representatles: John J. Balleray Henry Adams For County Judge: Henry J. Bean For County Clerk: Frank Baling For Sheriff: C. A. Barrett For Trunin For Recorder: W. H. Folsom For Assessor: W. T. RlsbT For Commissioner: Horace LimM For School Superintend Frank K. WeHet Pnr Coroner: Dr. A. . Pace. jor jusuco ui - trlct: Gertu mknmflfl Fill u HUM.." For Constable: -ud 1 nnnUIGITION Tl-';1 BoUrfo For sale at (he East Oregonlan office Large bundles of i.ewspapera containing over 100 big papers, can be had for 25c a bundle. District a Tolnt M. V. now-'". m , th-e Morrow anu N. A. Davis. trnrner. JW'.n. 1 F H. Richmond, Cou aloner. , , ... gwric, Oliver Dlckcnson-i v W. A. Bamaten ,Cg . J. H. Lcezer. TL, William Toivetffra-. r. E. Stewart, yTro. O o. Richardson, co- bbbbbbbV H'sbbbbbbbbW iimsai' im ummmm