PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1804. ten pages. "The Best, Soda inVTowft" Ask anybody, man, woman or child, who has the best soda In town. They will tell you Schmidt's. Ask anybody whose Ice cream Is best. You will get the same answer. Look for the most crowded fountain In the city and you will find that the sign above the door is F. W. SCHMIDT DRUGGIST. p6stoffice BLOCK. SEES SUCCESS DEMOCRATS . R. F. JOHNSON MAKES i PREDICTIONS ON ELECTION. Pioneer Praises Economical Policy of Democratic Officials Makes , Ring ing Plea for Assessor Strain Peo ple of Umatilla County Should Make His Election Unanimous. GENERAL NEWS. The Jewish hospital at Denver for consumptives, Is an unqualified success. Tellow fever has broken out at Vera Cruz, Mexico, Its earliest appear ance in the season at that point in 25 years. Austria will expend J52.O0O.00O on the army during the next year. If the ,or d' u&0 from the people. Falrvlew Farm, May IS. (To the East Orcgonian.l Some time ago I rend In the county newspapers some predictions as to who would receive the nomination on their respectlvi party tickets for the different offices to be filled next June. In some cases the predictions prov ed correct. In others they failed. Now kindly allow me to make a few pre- dictions as to the result of the June icii'ciion unu see now i win come to the mark regarding a nunv ber of the candidates who I claim will be elected Just as certainly as the election day arrives. Here they are: Election Predictions. District Attorney Col. J. H. Haley Representatives W. D. Chamber !nln. William Blakley. County Judge G. A. Hartman. Sheriff T. D. Taylor. Assessor C. P. Strain (overwhelm Ing majority). Commissioner William Lloyd. Treasurer E. J. Sommervllle. Surveyor J W. Klmbrell. Recorder Close race between Fow j Now nearly all of these gentlemen i have served one term In their resner.t. The United States Realty Company ive offices and each one of them has oi isew iurK, uas been reorganized certainly made a clear record for ana its capital reduced from S60.000,- honesty, integrity, ability and econo uvu io ju.uuu.vuo. my in all of the various details of Night Marshal Stevens, of Havre, county affairs pertaining to their of Mont., was shot and killed bv John ' fice and crentlv reduced the exnenses Smith, a' Kalispell housebreaker, j of their office, which is a hrand new Smith will be lynched If found. and very pleasant experience for Last January Rosalie K. Lake, aged ' sood old Umatilla county. 9 years, of Brooklyn, N. Y., swallow- j Democratic Economy, ed a piece of lead pencil two and i cnn Vet remember back when a half inches long -which had a sharp U3ed to hear the crv raised "That if The African M. E. church of the ' the democrats ever get into office United States, will undertake to raise . then the county will be forced into IG0O.O0O for purely benevolent pur- i bankruptcy, etc." But nevertheless poses, such as missions, assistance two years ago the democrats of Uma for aged preachers, etc. jtllla county took charge of a number point. May 17 it was taken from her I of the principal offices In the county, right hand. The child's health has j and although great Improvements not been seriously impaired, though (have been made all along in the af- she has suffered considerably during iairs ana msuuiuons oi me counij, the past four months. 'yet we find that a great saving has Her Stubbs, aged 17 years, of Fair field, la., ate a pound of salted pea- I been made of the taxpayers' money. land the county almost out of debt at nuts on a waeer. Ther caused an ob-. tne same tlme struction resulting In an intestinal Have Kept Faith abscess, and incidentally a funeral, j Then, again. Two years ago there following which Stubbs rode to the , were certain democrats elected to cemetery in the second rig from the head of the procession. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. the legislature as senators and rep resentative. and every one of them kept faith with the people who elected them, and though a number of good , (bills were presented by tnem anu en- . .. . ' nAfml intn Inn's vat flnvprnor Cham- roruana cuy councjimeu are airus- . " gling with the speed of automobiles berlaln was never compelled to call In the citv raits. It being proposed to an expeu&ite " limit them to 12 miles per hour. Owing to the scarcity of salmon the price for fish weighing over 2C pounds has been advanced from 6 to 7 cents per pound on the Columbia river. Rev. Henry I. Rasmus, of Spokane, has received a letter threatening him islature for the purpose of correcting any mistakes made by either Senator Pierce or Smith. So the democrats have proven a pretty good Investment as servants of the people, alter all. Praise for Strain, And now a word about our present kii.. t., if taia nnrt in fh county assessor. Mr. Strain. He Is ministerial crusade against vice in another democrat, yet today he is y, cI(y everywhere acknowledged as the J"? 1 ..'"-' T land the roost capable assessor that fta ana if now a mldTh.pman. "EE ! r thor C"n,y eVer log leen directed to report at Annap-, righteous assessments oils on June it. . rnrnora,iona. etc the people In Blajor Woodward, of the Ninth Cav- tbi county would today be compelled yard dash In tbei,0 pay a 33.mjn tax Instead of 20 I most conscientious, fearless, honest airy, won the 100 athletic tournament of the depart' ment of the Columbia, at Vancouver, in 10 2-B, Thursday. C. W. Hill, for the past three years manager of the Baker City Herald, has 'severed his connection with the paper and L. Bush Uvennore Is now In charge of the business. v Heavy rains have fallen all over Eastern Oregon, insuring a heavy hay crop on the foothill meadows. The treams are now full and water for irrigating purposes will last longer than usual this year. The output of copper at Anaconda for 1903 was 10,000.000 pounds less than in 1901. The mines are not worked out. but were worked on a cheaper scale and the entire camp is J In a drunken fight near John Day, one Columbia river Indian was beaten to death and several othors were frightfully lacerated 'Wednesday leht. The entire band of 20 engag ed in a fight, using cluba, knives and spurs as weapons. mills. I would suggest that In his case the rule be suspended and that Jir Strain be given the unanimous vote of Umatilla county on June 6tn. ir respective of party or politics. Let us all Vote for Hartman, Taylor and Strain, No better trio e'er held the rem. R. F. JOHNSON. THREE BIG BARGAINS In Suburban Property, Pour acres, good orchard and house $2,250 Six acres, with good house, 400 bearing fruit trees; alfalfa, and chicken yard. Indepen dent water system. Terms. . .$5,500 Eight acres, good house and barn; 100 bearing fruit trees. Irrigated $2,250 E. T. WADE & SON. "PHONY" MAN RUN IN. Convicted of Charoe of Peddling Without a License. William Fay was arrested last night by Marshal Carney for peddling with out a license, and having pleaded not guilty, was tried this morning, found guilty, and sentenced to five days in the city Jail in default or io nne. Fay is, in the language of tho hobo, a "phony man," and makes his living by selling cheap Jewelry at a hlgu figure. He has been in tho city for several days with a stock of appar ently fine opal rings. He represents to the people whom he meets that he Is without funds, that the ring is a fine one, but that his need for money makes it necessary for him to sell the Jewel for what he can get. He places the value of the ring at $15. but states that owing to bis financial condition he, will sell it for $2. Tho rings are bought for about 25 cents each of any dealer in cheap Jewelry, but look good to the Ignorant. Sugar Beets on the Deschutes. The Dalles. May 20. There Is a strong probability that the region ly ing along tho Deschutes rlvre, which is now In process of reclamation, will be the home of several sugar imnf fnetorlea inside of a short time. These factories will be built if the soil proves to bo adapted to the growth of tho sugar beet. Try the hot free lunch at the Mer chants' Cafe, 12 to 1 at noon; 4 to C p. m., and at midnight. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. Thomas Ncstcr. Portland. T. Youngman, Portland. E. Manvlas and wife, Boise. Jay Williams and wife. Walla Walla. S. L. Close. San Francisco. G. Abbot. San Francisco. C. C. Hunt, Ontario. H. N. Dreyor. Portland. M. P. Glesson, San Francisco. James Leslie, Seattle. P. T. Lyon, Chicago. H. M. Myers, Rochester. Mrs. H. D. Maxwell, Rocky Ford Charles A. Ingals. Ronton. B. K. Taylor, Portland. C A. Carlish. Portland. J. B. Crosneld, Portland. J. M. Russell. Portland. E. Jacobsen. Portland. F. B. Holbrook. Irrlgon. D. Stultz. Spokane. E. H. Burke. Spokane. Richard D. Wright. Spokane. S. J. Hayc3. Stnrbuck. J. H. Kloeckner, Stnrbuck. H. L. Moroy, Spokane. E. Golden, Spokane. C. C. Hunt, Ontario. G. A. Hartman and family, city. J. J. Momon, Victoria. A. B. Thomas. Echo. C. E. Wood. Gtnerla. W. D. Smith, Moscow. Thomas A. Pnrdy, Portland. N. B. Mackenzie. Portland. C. E. Flower, Boston. Nate Schachlln, San Francisco. C. E. Scott, San Francisco. The St. George. A. E. Braden nnd wife. Wnitsburg. Ben Johnson. Helix. Frank Stanton, Helix. D. B. Richardson, Helix. J. H. Develin. Spokane. H. B. Smith, Union. I M. Welsh, Spokane. Chris Jenson. Prairie Cltv. H. S. Hall. Prairie City. Mrs. L. W. Reed. Bingham. Frank Hilarga, Horse Heaven. J. R. Railson. Seattle. C. L Jennings.. Portland. S. E. Brooks, Portland. George H. Baldwin. San Francisco. A. C Martin, Salt Lake. W. J. Healey, Chicago. L. C. Gray, Sumpter. J C. Curnle, Portland. O. J. Officer, John Day. J. C. Lonergan. Seattle. L. D. Hay, Seattle. W. W. Bonney. Ellensburg. J. Bloomfield. New York. D. W. Campbell. Tekoa. Ttewart Going, Rathbone. George McGllvery. Spokane. J. P. McMinn. Walla Wnlla. H. T. Blandford. The Bickers. B. S. Wyatt. Ogden. J Clame, Milton. Mrs. J. Clame. Milton. Miss Hnttle Bennett. Kennewick. Miss Belle Bennett.EIgin. J. W. Wright. Little Rock. Mrs. N. G. Offutt. Llnd. F. J. Miller. Seattle. Levi Ankeny, Walla Walla. Aug. Belike, Warsaw. W. M. Hintz, Warsaw. J. Jessie, Starbuck. Mrs. J. Jessie, Starbuck. George S. Blake, Condon. Carl Hanson, city. Burt Cosley. Lebanon. Walter Cosley, Lebanon. Rev. S. E. Putnam, Pilot Rock. J. E. Cherry, Adams. C. H. Baker, Baker City. J. H. Rambo, Weston. Mrs. Aliens. Baker City. G. M. Hays, Huron. Johney Johnson, city. Walter Jenkins, Bismark. David Jenkins, Bismark. George Kastor, The Dalles. J. F. Armstrong, Spokane. CLOTHING AT COST WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR CLOTHING, AND WHILE OUR SALE LASTS, YOU CAN BUY eirm, ING HERE CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE. OUR STORE IS TOO CROWDED AND WE wl .' SELL OUT OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR DRY GOODS AND Lani FURNISHINGS. "oies- $15.00 Suits for $11.98 $1250 Suits for $10.00 $10.00 Suits for v $8.00 $ 8.50 Suits for $ 6.98 $ 4.00 Pants for $ 3.25 $ 3.00 Pants for $ 2.40 2.50 Pants for $ 2.00 $ 1.50 Pants for $ 1.20 Boys' $9.00 Suits for Boys' $7.50 Suits for Boys' $6.00 Suits for Boys' $5.00 Suits for Boys' $3.50 Suits for Boys' $3.00 Suits for $7.25 VSA) M.75 $4X10 12JS $2.40 Boys' Pants of all kinds at special reduction. THIS SALE IS A BONA FIDE SALE, AND EVERY SUIT WILL BE REDUCED AS ADVERTISED FIT OUT THE BOYS WITH NEW SUITS THIS WEEK. The FAIR The FAIR. Ml, THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. mm! EXCURSION RATES TO ST. LOUIS The Washington &. Columbia River Railway. For the World's Fair at St. Louis the following rates are announced: To St. Louis, going via St. Paul or Billings, returning any dl rict route $60JX To Chicago, going vlt 8t. Paul or Billings, returning any di rect route 65.00 To St. Louis, returning- from Chicago, or To Chicago, returning from St. Louis 620 To St. Louis, returning via Chi cago, or To Chicago, returning via St. Louis 65.00 Children of half-fare age, half the above rates. Tickets will be on sate May 11, 12 and 13; June 16, 17 and 18; July 1, 2 and 3; August 8, 9 and 10; Septem ber 5, 6 and 7; October 3, 4 and 5. Good going ten days from date of sale, returning, 90 days from date of sale, Good for stop-over at any point within the limits. For full information regarding routes, aide trips, etc., call on or ad dress, WALTER ADAMS, ACT., S. B. CALDBRHEAD, Pendleton, General Passenger Agent, Ore. Walla Walla, Wash. STATE Ol OHIO, CITS' OP TOLEDO. LUCAS CONTT. us. Frank J. Cbeney makes oath that be Is (color partner of the Arm of K. J. Cheney & Co.. doing boslatss In tbe City ot To ledo. County and Htate aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay tbe turn ot ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and every rite ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by the os ot II alia Catarrh Cure. t'UAK J. CHOKY. Sworn to before me and inbierlbed In mr Dreaence. tula Oth day ot December. A. D. 18S0. (Seal.) A. Y. UbKAHUN. Notary Public, Ilall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internalr. and acts directly on tbe blood and mu cous surfaces of tbe system. Bend for testimonials free. F. J. t'liK.vBi & uu., xoieao, u. Hold by DruecWit. price 7Bc Take Hall's Family l'llls for constipa tion. Attention Sheepmen. Ranzo to lease and can locate some good range and water. Address box 41, La uraudo, or. Home for the Afflicted Dr. Sabina Leach's Private Sanitarium Chronic diseases a specialty. Her remedies are strictly herbal, assisted by magnetic processes, nnd medicated vapor baths. All diseases treated In a common sense and scientific man ner, removing unnatural growths, tumors, goitre and all enlarge ments of the glands, WITHOUT THE USE OF THE KNIFE. Cures rheumatism paralysis, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, bronchi tis, colds, liver and kidney troubles, nnd all diseases peculiar o women. Special attention given to the Whiskey, Opium and Tobacco Habits Treatment, nurse, board and room at reasonable rates. Con sultation free. Corner West Bluff and Marie Streets. For Family Use FOR FISHING PARTIES, FOR OUTINGS, FOR A DAY'S PLEASURE, FOR A FINISHING TOUCH TO YOUR MEAL, FOR THAT SUMMER THIRST, FOR A SOCIAL EVENING AT HOME. ALWAYS HAVE Olympia Beer IT'S PURE AND WHOLESOME, AND IS RELISHED BY ALL. IT'S ALWAYS GOOD AND ALWAYS THE SAME. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OLYMPIA BEER IN ANY QUANTI TY YOU DESIRE. 'PHONE MAIN 881. A. NOLTE. SEND IN YOUR ORDER FOR A CASE OF OLYMPIA. YOU CAN KEEP IT IN YOUR HOME. A. NOLTE Telephone Main 881 FOR LUNCHES, OUTINGS, PICNIC8 AND SOCIAL GATHER. INGS WE HAVE GENUINE IMPORTED 8ERVILAT WURST, 8WI8S CHEESE AND THAT REAL LIMBURGER CHEESE, "THAT SMELLS 80 NICE." Ho! for a Picnic Enjoy an outing and a drive. A fishing trip will give yon pleasure. Good rigs, fine horses. Everything first-class. Prices reasonable. Williams Livery Stable 723 Cottonwood Street i i NOTICE TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS: I TAKE PLEASURE IN INTRODUCING TO MY FRIENDS, DRS. L. L. AND T H. WHITE, TO WHOM I HAVE SOLD MY DENTAL BUSINESS IN THIS CITY. THOROUGHLY RECOMMEND THE DRS. WHITE AS FIRST CLASS DENTISTS IN EVERY RESPECT, AND WILL ES TEEM IT A FAVOR FOR ANY OF MY PATIENTS TO PLACE THEIR CASES IN HANDS OF THE DRS. WHITE. RESPECTFULLY, E. A. MANN DEMOCRATIC TICKET. State. Supreme Judge Thomas OTW. Dairy and Food Commlssloner-i M. Douglas. presidential Electors jonn 1 Jeffrey. T. H. Crawford, W. B. DEer , ' T tf 0tU UUU J, XI. OLUllU. District. Congress, Second District J. I Simmons. District Attorney, UmatilU Morrow J. H. Raler. Joint Representative, Morro u! Umatilla F. B. Holbrook. County. Judge G. A. Hartman. Sheriff T. D. Taylor. Clerk J. E. Cherry. Recorder W. H. Fowler, Assessor C. P. Strain. Pnnimlislnnr William LlOTu. Representatives W. D. Caaaltf lain and William uiaKeiey. School Superintendent W. S Mayberry. Surveyor C. C. Berkeley. Treasurer S. G. LlgntfooL Coroner Dr. T. M. HenJews. Dprlnrt. Justice ot tbe Peace-S. S. noli. Constable John M. Bentlef. Republican Ticket For Presidential Electors: W. V. Hampton J. N. Hart W. II. Gore James A. Fee For Supreme Judge: Justice F. A. Moore For Food and Dairy Commission j. W. Bailey For Prosecuting Attorney: G. W. Phelps For Joint Representatlre Dr. W. u. oie For Congressman in Secowl D" J. N. Williamson For Representatives: John J. Balleray Henry Adams For County Judge: Henry J. Bean For County Clerk: Frank Baling For Sheriff: C. A. Barrett For Treasurer: E. J. Sommerrliie For Recorder: , W. H. Folsom For Assessor: w. T. luebr For Commissioner: YTTallrAP Horace n;- For School Superintendent. Frank K. wane For Coroner: . Dr. A. W. t. xv. Klmbrell .,, For Justice of Peace, w tr,CThomas Fit GU . .nV.1n F. W. Earnna" For sale at the East Oregonlan office Large bundles of i.ewspapera containing ovar 100 big papers, can be had for 2So a bundle. . . -A , inward. Joint tlve Morrow William Tolbert.A" R. E. S'ewart. jrew G, O. Richardson, Cor!