East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 18, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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I'ubllthfd every afternoon (except Sunday)
at Pendleton, Oregon, by the
xDally, one year by mull
Daily, sir months by mail
'Dally, three months by mall . . . ,
tOally, one month by mall
Dally, per mouth by carrlar ....
eeKiy, one year Dy man
. 2.fl0
. 1.23
. .CIO
. .05
Weekly, six months by mall "3
Weekly, four months by mall CO
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00
Semi-Weekly, six months by mall .. 1.00
Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . .150
Kcripps-Mcltae News Assocla-
The Kast Oregontan Is on Bale at II. II.
Itlch's News Stands, at Hotel Portland,
and Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon.
San Francisco Itureau. 408 Fourth St.
Chicago lllireau, 000 Security llillldlng.
Washington, I). C, Itureau, 501 14th
St.. N. W.
Telephone. Main II.
'Entered at Pendleton postofllce as second-
class matter.
Ho! You old misers, serried
o'er with age
You, too, were In the hey-day
of your youth,
Hut now because you all have
had your nil
Of life, you envy us who just
You fain would have us Bray,
you fain would dash
The cup of pleasure from our
eager Hps,
Or else would poison it with
hitter words,
Because your chance Is over
past, because
You crack the bitter core, while
wo but brush
The volvet bloom upon the
golden fruit.
Ernest W. Nelson.
fighting tho democratic ticket In Mor
row county. He cannot blamo Uma
tilla county democrats for electing Dr.
Cole, when he Is helping olect the
Morrow county republican ticket.
After all, Independence In politics Is
best and Mr. Ilolbrook emphasizes
this statement by his fearless stand
for the republican ticket In Morrow
county." Morrow county sent tho rep
resentative to the last session of tho
legislature. She has only about one-
halt tho interest lit the government
irrigation pr6Ject that Umatilla comi
ty has and Dr. Colo, as representative-,
will serve tho Interests of Morrow
county much better than F. B. Hoi
brook could do, whoso Interests are
wholly concentrated at lrrlgon, whose
Ideas of a state Irrigation law would
naturally be influenced by tho needs
of his special tract of land nnd Its
surroundings, and whoso position as
a promoter for a prlvato enterprise
would cause the government to de
cline all of his recommendations and
While the editor of tho Tribune
never wrote the unjust attack upon
the O. It. & N. company nnd Judge
Hnrtmnn, which appeared this morn
ing, ho Is responsible and should be
called upon by the company to explain
how the people of Nolln were robbed
of their land, as the paper asserts,
and also If this company Is In tho
habit of wantonly appropriating tho
j right of way, even to the extent of on
listing county officials In the practice.
jThis attack upon Judge Hartman falls
upon the O. It. & N. officials whom
the Tribune accuses of highway rob-
jbery, in conjunction with Hartman.
That company will read with some
surprise this attack upon their busl
All torn, but'Bweet, Is tho old straw
As it hangs on the rack in the ball.
There's mud from home on two little
shoes, '
Where he played on tho hill lant
There', dust on the kite and the llttlo
stick horse
Stands still as over he can,
Listen, perhaps in the corner there
For the voice of the bravo llttlo man.
There's novor n song of bird, nor
Of rose that blows In the spring.
Nor shout of boy, nor gleam of sun
Hut where some tears will cling.
Thero's nover n flash of tho evening
On the hearthstone's fireside
Of winter night but will bring some
For tho bravo little man that died.
Kind friends they were; we kiss them
for him,
And lay them out of sight
The two llttlo shoos, the torn old hat,
Tho llttlo stick horse and kite:
And down In his pocket a rusty nail,
A bit of chalk nnd string,
A broken knife, an alleor two,
Oh! the birds, the bloom and the
And star of God at morning's song,
Nuontimn and tw'light tide
One sweet little face, some tears will
For the brnve llttlo man that died.
William Page Carter, In Leslie's.
Boston. JLvbs.. 152 Shawniut Avo., Oct. 25, 1902.
After 1 had been married about four months l felt my
health generally decline. 1 seemed to loc tho light step
and dragged wearily nlong instead, Myuppetilo failed mo
anu l lost liraltli tttlU sireiigtu. a was nervuus
ahooting pains through my limbs and stomach whilo bear
ing down pains and constant headaches nililed to my misery.
The menstrual How became moro and more profuse and 1
was unfit to attend to my daily duties. My husband called
III IIIIUO llillUrUlIb UIIYOIIilUIIO lllltl I lUWlV i;nv'.y.. , .
kill or cure n dozen women, but it all had no effect on mo whatever, until I
took Wine of Car.lui. In a few days 1 felt a change for the better, my gen
eral health improved and at the next time of my periods my j low was more
natural alid I was in leas pain. Gradually I recovered my health and strength
i r i i i I ! I nf Winn rT I 'umIiii
ami am now in penece neaith. l taico an cccasiunm uusu ui v,.. uu.uui
which keeps mo wclh
I am happy to give sf
you this endorsement. CJJa
Preldnt, IUclc Bay Woman's Club.
same health Sirs. Ilicker has? It is easy to
if I l
VI, ,!., l. f- ll. ,
u; V.VJ1, k JUU H IUI 1,11- n.uii. .....- - , r. 1 I
secure if. vou tako Wine of Cardui according to directions. Wine of Cardui
strengthens weak and worn-out women of any age and assists the mother and
houepwife to bear her exiting duties. Wine of Cardui makes women flt
for all tho duties of womanhood. , ,., i
It will relievo the pains of irregularity, cures fulling of the womb,
leucorrhcea, ovarian troubles, and has beeu kuowu to remove what phy:
sicians considered dangerous tumors. Women who uso Y ino ol Cardui
do not suffer at the monthly periods. They do not suffer hysterica) attacks,
becauso Wine of Cardui gives them strong nerves freed from tho irritation
of female suffering. . ... ...
A $1.00 bottle of Win of Cardui purchased from your druggist
will keep you free from pain.
The Tribune of Tuesday morning,
May 1", declares substantially that al-
uiess practices in the trnntlc effort to
Injure Judge Hartman with tho peo
ple of Umatilla county. Tho trouble
with the Tribune is that Judge Hart
man refused to sanction its graft up-
s Ion the taxpayers and ovory attack it
.manes upon him only stronirtlioim him
with tho taxpayers, because of its
mercenary nnd selfish motives In
abusing him. Even Mr. Wnlker and
Mr. Gilllland balked when thoy camo
to the ?G1G printing bill, and only al-
. lum-u uiu inuuno ?4UU Of tunt
though Mr. Phelps was tho author of amount. Do the people wish any fur
the tax law, known as the Phelps blll,jtiier explanation of the Tribune's al
and gave It his name and claimed the tack on Judge Hartman?
glory of its passage, Walter M. Pierce
was to blame for the whole muddle Baker county politics hinges on tho
tthat caused the extra session; and. repeal of the Eddy corporation tax
then the Tribune, dodging behind tho law. That law Is particularly obnox--shield
of innuendo, says: "Senator .lous to the mining companies look
Tierce knows why the defect In the lng for get-rlch-qulck spots In Ore-
tax law was added to the Phelps bill,
lie was the author of the senate bill
that was withdrawn In favor of
Phelps' house bill, and he knows all
about It. He knows that the defect
was made by a senate amendment.
'Was he not the author of It? Was it
nut held in the senate until tho day
before the last day nnd hurried pell--meJl
through tho clamor for favorite
i1 bills of the last days of the house?"
Were not the claims of greatness
-Dn account of this bill heralded to
tlhp world by Phelps himself sufficient,
the official records of the legislature
prove the utter dishonesty of this ef
fort to shift the responsibility from
the shoulders of Phelps to Pierce.
The act referred to was House Bill
TSo. 107. It was Introduced In the
'house on January 19 by Phelps,
Morrow and on tho same day refer
red to the house committee on as
aessment and taxation, of which
"Phelps himself was chairman.
The house Journal shows that It re
mained with that committee, several
.amendments being made, until it
' passed the (houso on February 18, at
about G o'clock In the evening. It
reached the senate on January 19. On
the same day It was handed over to
the senate committee on assessment
-and taxation, and was reported on tho
20th by It. A. Booth, chairman of that
committee, and republican senator
ilrom Lane county, with two or three
minor amendments,
It then passed the senate and went
' back to the house, where on motion of
Mr. Phelps himself, (House Journal,
p. 1211) the senate amendments were
concurred In, and the bill became an
act, that was heralded to the people
of the state as tho Phelps bill. Later
It was referred to by tho Athona Press
as the razzle-dazzlo tax bill. that cost
-(lie state an extra session of the leg
islature at an oxponso of about $70,
000. The namo of Senator Pierce doos
not occur anywhere In connection with
the Phelps houso bill that became a
law and was found defective.
Phelps, as chairman of tho house
committee on assessment and taxa
tion, and Booth as chairman of tho
senate committee on assessment and
taxation, nro wholly responsible for
Us detects.
gon. They say it prevents develop
ment, when tho facts are It only pre
vents wild cat schemes. The peoplo
are satisfied with the Eddy law. It
taxes the transient corporations in
proportion to the privileges they en
Joy from tho state. The people of
Baker county do not desire the repeal
of the law. It Is tho mining promot
crs alone, who desire It. Not ono
bona fido corporation in 'Oregon has
objected to tho law.
Frankly speaking, F. B. Holbroolf,
democratic candidate for Joint repre
sentative between Umatilla nnd Mor
row countlos, Iiob no claim on the
doniocrats of Umatilla nor Morrow
county, for tho veason that he Is
owner and editor of a republican pa
per at lrrlgon, which Is ongaged In
The United States department of
agriculture has decided to establish a
plant introduction garden and expert
ment station at Chlco, Col. Contracts
for tho necessary land have beon
closed and work has begun on what
will undoubtedly be the greatest lnstl
of tution of Its kind in tho world.
i A beginning will bo made with 90
acres, but It is the intention of the
department to extend the area as the
needs of the institution require. Tho
garden will bo dovotcd to oxperlmontal
culture of tho plants Introduced from
various parts of tho world and to a
careful study of plant life.
Such an Institution has long beon
contemplated by the agricultural de
partment. California was selected for
Its location on account of climatic
conditions, which admit of the culture
of the tender plants from tho tropics
and of northern products as well. The
Ideal location for such an Institution
Is that which admits of the success
ful cultivation of tho widest possible
ranKO of products and tho committee
entrusted with tho duty of selecting
the site believe they have found It at
This committee was composed of
Prof. P. H. Doraett, government ox
pert, who will have charge of tho In
stitution, and Prof. A. V. Stubenraiich
of the University of California, acting
with Dr. A. J. Ploters. head of tho di
vision for seed and plant distribution.
Messrs. Dorsott and Stubenrauch
spent months In making a caroful
study of conditions affecting plant
llfo In various portions of tho stato,
visiting and carefully Inspecting each
locality likely to prove available Tho
iinrininn in favor of Chlco was roached
somo time ago, hut tho alto selected
could not bo secured, and anouior
tract had to ho chosen, which has now
boon dono and tho purchaso consum
mated. Chlco Is situated noar tho oostorn
im-.w nf tho Croat Sacramento val
ley, 7C miles north of Sacramento, tho
state capital, and was tho most north
erly point considered by tho commit
too. Climatic conditions In California
. o,.tn,i i.iit little. If at all, by
conditions of latitude, tho orange, tho
lomon and tho ollvo bolng stapio pro
duels of a district that measures fully
BOO miles north and south. Tho Talisman.
Pmian nn tho tomhstono does not
watch out harsh words In the liomo
The Now Thought League, which
was formed In Spokane n short time
gao. Is reported to be growing rapidly
The New Thought Leaguo was es
tabllshed through the Now Thought
Research Publishing Company of Now
York. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. William
W. Walker, Sydnoy Fowler. Jean Cow
gill and others are the promoters. The
Now Thought Lyceum Lecture bureau
with Paul Tyler of Now York, as man
ager, bus arranged to have a man
come West nnd lecture on now
thought. Ho will bo In Spokane dur
ing the fall.
Dr. F. C. Myers, one of tho local
leaders, when asked as to what new
thought Is, said: "It means that wo
should look on the brighter side of
life. We should educate our minds and
will power so that we can practically
control the circumstances that go to
make up our Individual selves.
"Wo constantly affirm to our sub
conscious minds the things that wn
wish for our own improvements nnd
for tho good of others. Wo should
assert our ego and self in all that Is
good and honorable, and 'wo are not
poor worms of tho dust,' but we nro
made In the Image of Cod, with the
power to attain our highest Ideal If
thoy are for the good of ourselves and
H, S. Pentecost says:
"The Now Thought League is an
organization without creed or consti
tution, rule or regulation. It calls on
every Individual In Its sphere of In
fluence to be his best self, live his
own life, and, by making his own
character large, noble, rich and sweet,
to serve humanity splendidly, as no
product of mere conformity can dream
of serving."
.I. .I. j. . . . . ......... ..............
' . . n r.....l TTTTTTT TTT 1111 I I'. . . .
h -----
Correct Clothes for Men
Coprruat 1903, a. a & Co.
they are equal
ERE are clothes
that strike the
happy medium
where merit
and moderate
price meet. In
style, fit, fabric,
and tailoring
to fine custom-
mades; but they cost you no
more than ordinary ready-mades.
See that this label
Jpd Benjamin 5$
is on your clothes and step
wasting money, time and patience
on the other kinds.
Eaujl to flat cuitonvnude In tt bid
price. The makers' guarantee, and
our, with every garment. W are
Exclusive Distributor In thb city.
The Peoples Warehouse
The Uadlng Clothier
See our window display.
Brock & McComas
Cor. Main and Court Sts.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Side Hill Combined
The latest Improved two-wheel, slde-hlll combined harvester has
proven a boon to wheat raisers. It Is 'bo most successful, most
economical and easiest machlno to operate ever built.
Theao harvesters have been given abundant trials right hero at
homo and all users are highly pleased. None have beon dissatisfied
and all are high In their praise.
Tho Holt slde-hlll harvester on a side bill Is able to stick to
tho side of the hill, whilo the header will slip down the hill. The
main wheels aro vertical, which braces tho machlno to tho side
hills. It works equally adapted to levol land.
Tho Halt harvesters are sold exclusively In this section by
2X8 Court Street. Pendleton. Oregon
All extras for Holt machines on band.
I I I I I ITTTTTT r i I I i ITTtTT T f T I I r I T r l TT i T I F V I i"!"!"'!"! TTT
ft J d
. doors;
and windo'
Made tn .
- - .ucr. BJ
sand, wood outi .
-'.! IQ.
I Lumber Tar
T Alt-, ct...i
T '
- ......
The season for hammocks is here. Time to get thorn Is now
and the place to get tho best at the lowest prices is at our store.
We havo spread ourselvos in securing tho newest and prettiest
patterns turned out by the manufacturers. Just look at our lines.
Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co.
Brings a demand for forks,
scythes, hay carriers and pulleys.
No matter what your wants are
In this line, we can flt you out.
Wo keep the best of everything
In' the hardware line and prices as
low as the lowest.
W. J. Clarke & Co.
211 Court St.
r nAMUWAnb
now tricks," and It would bo hard to
teach ono of our patrons to wear
linen laundered at any place but the
nomostlc Steam Laundry. Tho con
trast In tho work done by us nnd by
any othor establishment In town is
llko comparing black and white.
When you want your linen artistical
ly laundorod bring It to tho Domestic
Steam Laundry.
DA Dm Uiiirii,
Wo do only tmi
at right jrlces.
Our fnMllHfta .a
Vo are experienced fa
mess, and all wo ,
our personal attention.
Neatness and proaptiea
No matter what rm
In nnlnllni, nm v .
wo 11 do the highest
work. Indoor and
TllldWII U 1.111 llll'
near Neaglo Bros.
X Illack 1043.
uouse: cam ui .nam sirra:
$2,000 Corner lot with neuij
live-room notise. sewer, cir
brink collar. West of Mala
close In.
Three quarter sections la ui
wheat district. Half In wheat:
Rummer fallow, flood home,
ter year arounu. see us wn
and well watored.
Iinnrnveil ranches, choice
.1... nrliln), WA W 1011
money to build.
to E. D. Boil
Inonrmr. Real EiUtt,
I daw1
.... A
. . nr psb U
is sure 10 uo
... l... ,i.thr YOU
a carnage, uui.
pairing from acc dent or
wear nnu iuur, "" - ut
Neagie's. wane .,..
i i rn imnr mi - .
palrlne In the heat
prices, we i i - iMl
a few goou vw"-r cor
that we are unexcelled to w
and we want tliero w u
We have the mw --
worm. w" uu "
NEAGLfc n"
the BM" oft
Stover Qasollne EnginM,
All Kink
. . i cnund Woi
i nave bu"u ,
. -ii. : delivered
wini.ii o
reasonable prices
For Cask
W. c.
5 t .,. nrders a'
Cigar Store,