East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 17, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every afternoon (except Sunday)
at rcmlletou, Oregon, by the
Dully, one year by mall $6.00
Dally, alx months by mall U.SO
Dally, three months by mntl 1.25
J)allj, one month by mall 50
Dally, per month by carrlar 05
Weekly, one year by mall 1.50
Weekly, alx months by mall 75
Weekly, four months by mall 50
Semi-Weekly, one yenr by mall .... 2.00
Semi-Weekly, six months by mall . . 1.00
Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . .50
Scrlpps-Mcltae News Associa
te Knst Orcgonlan Is on salo nt B. 11.
tilth's News Stands, at Hotel l'ortland,
and Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon.
San Kranclsco Iltireau, -tOS Fourth St.
Chicago llurenu, 000 Security llulldlng.
Washington, I). C, Ilureau, 501 14th
St.. X. W.
Telephone. Main 11.
Snterwl at Pendleton postofflce as second
class mntter.
"A commonplace life wo any
and we sigh;
nut why should wo sIrIi as
wo say?
The commonplace sun In the
commonplace sky
Makes tip the common placo
The moon and tho stars are
commonplace things,
And tho flowers that bloom
and tho bird that sings.
Hut dark were the world and
sad our lot
If the flowers should fall
and the sun shine not,
And God who studies each
separate soul.
Out of commonplace lives
makk?s His beautiful
can hold out under the present laws
and win.
Athenn lias throo times as much
money Invested In church property
as Milton, yet public sentiment In
Athena has not yet turned against
the saloon. This comparison Is
drawn to show that temporanco Is
not strictly a church movement'.
There Is ono featuro of tho coming
Irrigation law which tho East Ore
gonlan bellovcs should bo clearly de
llnod. That Is tho provision for win
ter Irrigation, In districts where tho
summer flow of streams Is owned by
old ditch owners but where tho
streams furnish nn abundance of
water for Irrigation from November
to May. An Injunction, rendered by
Judge Ellis In tho circuit court of
this county, In tho Hudson Hay and
Freowatcr ditch case, which permit
ted the use of flood waters on terri
tory not covered by tho summer flow
of tho Mttlo Walla Walla rlvor has
reclaimed at least C,000 acres of rich
land, which was Idlo and unused bo
fore. While tho summer How of the
stream will not permit of the con
stant Irrigation- of this new tract, the
court injunction, which entitled
these new settlers to uso waste
waters from November to May, Is a
munificent and beneficial order ana
this very principle should bo Ingraft
ed Into the Irrigation law of tho
state. Tho lands and tho streams
must bo rated and graded, and where
the summer How will not permit of
any extension over now territory, tho
law should say how long and to whnt
, ! extent tho flood waters of each
I stream shall be utilized. It Is now
an established fact that too much
j water Is being used In Irrigation in
Eastern Oregon. It is also an estab
lished fact that winter Irrigation will
reclaim much of the Idlo lands of
this section, and tho Irrigation com
mission must make this one "at tho
leading features of tho coming law.
Temporanco In the city of Milton
has not Injured business, and It has
Breatly benefited the morals of tho
For 17 years Milton has had no
saloon. The sentiment of the com
munity has gradually come to recog
nize that there Is no necessity for
the saloon. No one is suffering be
cause of Its absence, and many are
In two years there has been but
ono drunken man In the city jail,
and he did not get his liquor in Mil
ton. The drug stores are not accus
ed of handling whiskey, and the citi
zens of Milton believe that temper-
Tho Spokesman-Itevlow, a staunch
republican paper, tho leading organ
of the party In Eastern Washington,
has bolted the republican ticket and
will support the state ticket of tho
democrats. The Iloviow will take
enough republicans with It Into the
democratic camp, this fall, to over
throw tho railroad ring, which is tho
cause of the spilt In tho ranks In
that state. Tho stand of tho Iloviow
is commendable. It refuses to sub
mit to the lash. It chooses to exer
cise Its own mind and voice In the
Interest of the people and Its action
Is a standing oxamplo to independ
ent papers all over tho West. Tho
day of tho narrow partisan paper,
which will swallow the wholo pro
gram of tho bosses Is past. A news
paper that will not take a stand for
the people, Instead of any faction or
anwH iuikiis mere miner ine surrace, - . -,,,
, . ,, , , , I party, deserves little respect. Tho
as It does outwardly, for peoplo havo j l)drly '.,,. , nnv ntv
simply been educated out of tho
-drinking habit, and do not encourage
'its Illicit sale.
Milton has no police court expen--ses
arising from drunken brawls, and
carousals. The city marshal works
on tho streets, attends to the city fire
apparatus and does overythlng but
'keep order, for his services aro need
ed but little in this last task.
The population of Milton has In
creased steadily, despite tho argu
ment that anti-saloon towns are dead
towns. Tho population of tho city
was given as 808 In the census of
1900, while the school clerk's census
of this spring shows a population of
"1,100. The morals of the town are
beyond question. It has attracted &
large population of well-to-do people,
who camo there for school purposes,
"because of tho pure moral atmos
phere. Ninety-five per cent of the
taxpayers of Milton are now temper
ance advocates. The anti-temperance
vote Is said to bo confined almost ex
clusively to the floating population.
Another featuro of the temperance
element In Milton Is that the prohibi
tion strength does not correspond ex
actly to tho church membership. A
largo percentage of tho prohibition
vote of tho city Is found outside of
tho church membership, showing
that It Is not tho religious sentiment
exclusively, that Is responsible for
temporanco In Milton.
Tho tax lovy in the city Is but 10
mills, and tho city Is now completing
arrangements to begin work on a mu
nicipal electric Hfiht plant to cost
48,000. Tho limit of the tax lovy Is
12 mills, which Is not as high as tho
levy in Uaker City, ono of tho most
notorious saloon towns In Eastern
Oregon. The peoplo pay tho tax di
rect to tho city, Instead of paying It
to tho saloon, to bo paid to the city
In licenses, after passing through
tho saloons, ,
This Is ono oxamplo of local solf
government. Tho East Orogonian
bclloves moro country towns would
bo like Milton If tho local option
amondment passes, to glvo tho peo
plo more oxtonded powors In soloct
ing their surroundings, Milton la an
exceptional caso. Tho fight for tho
present moral conldtlon has been
long and bittor, and not many towns
peoplo are greater than any party.
The Interests of tho stato are great
er than tho Interests of any individ
ual office seeker.
The Shadow on the Blind.
Last night I walked among the lamps
that gleamed,
And saw a shadow on a window
A moving shadow, and tho picture
To call some scene to mind.
I looked again; a dark form to and
Swayed softly as to music full or
Hent low, bent lower, still I did not
And then, at last, I guessed.
And through tho night came all old
memories flocking,
Whllo memories like the snowflakes
'round mo whirled.
"All's well!" I said; "tho mothers
still sit rocking
Tlin prndlea of tho world."
W, h. Ogllvle, In London Outlook.
The Uooklover recently printed tho
following little essay on "Ladles'
Tongues," by Washington Irving.
"Tho apostlo of the Gentiles have
very ably discoursed of tongues In
goneral; but I shall confine my re
marks to ladles' tongues In particu
lar, and this branch of tho subject Is
alone, methlnks, a copious themo.
Tho placo assigned a lady's tongue
Is well known to bo an enviable ono.
Well concealed from vlow on ono
sldo by a pair or rosy lips, and by
sweetly blushing cheeks on tho other.
It is placed In Its honored seat to bo
tho unseen Interpreter or those love
lv oven that beam so bright above
but not for that only, for besides, It
answers every other purpose, good
and bad, under tho wholo heavon.
"I shall not attempt to nnalyzo
this llttlo organ, and show how curi
ously It Is constructed; milllco It for
mo to detail somo of tho many uses
to which It Is put by Us fair own
ers. In tho first placo, then, It does
a wondorful sight of gossiping. In
deed, It has such a wido rango and
such full employment In riddling and
sifting and oxposing its neighbor's nf
fairs, that It is marvelous how It ovor
finds tlmo for anything o'so.
"For mysolf, I wonder tho llttlo ma
chlno Is not oro now worn out
with thifl vory business. Tho fact Is
otherwise however; for In addition
to this labor It has tho strength and
capacity to, and actually turns off a
deal of scandal In tho course of a
'year, and often In a much shorter
I period, making every character with
I In reach of Its notes blacker than
I night. If anyone wishes to wltnoss
, this part of Its performances let him
repair to a ealublo, whore tho warm
oxtract of the Chinese herb circulates
I freely, and there ho will see It ox-
hlblted in its fullest perfection; Wit
ho will find It difficult, I weon, to
mako his thoughts and perceptions
keep paco with tho llttlo galloper, un
less they can outrun a steamboat and
keep up with a railroad engine, never
theless ho may try it.
"1 shall pass over many or the
minor, though not Inconsiderable
feats of this wonderful animal, and
como directly to Its capacity for
"Hut why need I dwell on what Is
familiar to us all? Who has not seen
jladles, fair as Aurora, In the very act
of scolding a thousand times? Ah!
who has nover seen It look blue nil
around them? Who would have
guessed such a charming being so
lovely to look upon capable of this?
Who would havo dreamed that she
had but tb lift thoso rosy portals and
such torrents of execration would
rush out but to unloose that llttlo
tongue and shako the firmament with
Its thunder.
"Is there such noise and contusion
In woman's elements I would ask?
Surely not; tho whole mischief Is In
her tongue alono. and that not under
her control. Could she curb that, all
would be well, but alas! It often runs
nway In splto of her, and all her ef
forts to reclaim and soften Its madcap
disposition havo hitherto proved un
availing It is to bo hoped they may
not prove so much longer. Hut, on
tho other hand, that this little mem
ber has, as I havo already hinted,
many shining qualities, cannot be de
'It Is that that sings such melting
strains In the ears of tho gentlemen,
and tolling them tho dear angel,
whose thought and feelings It speaks,
Is passionately fond o fthem when,
in truth, sho cares not a whit about
them, almost breaks so many or their
".Many other notable and praise
worthy exploits It performs dally, not
meet here to bo mentioned. In short,
as by this tlmo tho reader must have
perceived, It is unsettled question
whether It bo nn engine more power
ful for good or for ovll. And with
out saying moro I will beg the ladles'
pardon for having said so much on
this fruitful subject: In all I havo
said I mean no offense to them, hut
only to their tongues and If for this
tho latter aro not let loose upon me,
I shall mako a most marvelous es
Tutullla, May I2th,
How to Judge
Impossible to rind It In most
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need for eight months In air-tiuht compartments, then piped In
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It is bottled, sealed, pasteurized and packed for shipment.
A. B. C.
The only beer bottled exclusively at the Brewery,
therefore the only bottled beer that cun be absolutelyuuarauteed.
The American Brewing Co., St. Louis, U. S. A.
The early worm baits tho hook.
House is one of the duties that a weak
woman looks forward to with dread. As
a rule, she knows that she must pay for
the over-strain with days or weeks of
womanly suffering.
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and sick
women well.
Backed up by over a third of a cen
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Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now
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ill legal monev of the United St-ites, for
any case of Leucorrhea. Female Weak
ness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb
which they cannot cure. All they ash
is a fair and reasonable trial of their
means of cure.
I took two botles ot your ' Favorite Prnwrip
Hon' and two of the Miolilen Medical Ilcov.
ery' and am fr,-Htiir well," writes lira. Wan
McKentie. of Lorway Mlnea, Cape Breton C?.
Nora Scotia. "I had uterine trouble, alto pain
la the tide and headache. Alter taking; vow
medicine I was cured. You may publUli this or
uae it in any way you think beat, ai I canuoi
apeak loo highly oCDr. Pierce and bla medicine."
Fb.ee. Dr. Pierce's Common Senac Mer.'
leal Adviaer is sent free on receipt
stamps to pay eapenae of mailing only.
Send 31 one-cent stamps for the book ic
paper covers, or 31 stamp for the cloth.
Sound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierc,
Buffalo, M. Y.
igg and
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrols a day.
Flour oxchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Food,
itc always on hand.
j Side Hill Combined j
1 Harvester i
Tho latest Improved two-wheel, side-hill combined harvester baa
proven a boon to wheat raisers. It Is '!o most successful, most T
economical and easiest machino to operate over built. 4
Theso harvesters havo been given abundant trlnls fight here at T
homo and all users nro highly pleased. None have beon dissatisfied J
and all aro high In their praise. j
Tho Holt slde-hlll harvester on a side hill Is ablo to stick to
tho side of the hill, while the header will slip down tho hill. Tho T
main wheels aro vertical, which bracos tho machine to tho sldo J
hills. It works equally adapted to level land. J
Tho Holt harvesters aro sold exclusively In this section by J
2J8 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon
All extras for Holt machines on hand.
r tut. 1. 1 1 .
Tho season for hammocks is here. Time to get them Is now
and the placo to get the best at tho lowest prices is at our store.
Wo havo spread ourselves In securing tho nowest and prettiest
patterns turned out by the manufacturers. Jnst look nt our lines.
Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co.
Ilrlngs a demand for forks,
scythes, hay carriers and pulleys.
No matter what your wants aro
In this line, we can fit you out.
Wo Hoop the best of everything
In tho hardware lino and prices as
low as tho lowest.
W. J. CUtke & Co.
211 Court St.
now tricks," and It would bo hard to
teach ono of our patrons to wear
linen laundored nt any place but the
Domestic Steam Laundry. Tho con
trast In tho work dono by us nnd by
nny other establishment In town Is
llko comparing black and white.
When you want your linen artistical
ly laundered bring It to tho Domestlo
Steam Laundry,
U 1 1 111
OF ALL flrcf,,..
SASH r.,w
-w, UUU
oer. 1 m .
sand, wood bu. .
and dwelllno. , ...7.
I Lumber Ya
T Attn o...t .
fiiTiitnfiit f f 1 1
T 1 IHTltlA
UAIr.ll IK ' 1
aT a T" . . .
Mr n iiitiv
We do only good m
at right jrlces.
Dllr faxlllll.. .
.-VHHI6B Bit. EB
Wo are experienced h
Iness, and all work
our perfonal attention
(Tan . -
' No matter what
? In painting or pan
j work. Inaoor and
4 painting.
iu 0 p '
T I IICJUII IX 1,11111
T suop on i;ottonooj
Jnear Neagle Bros,
lllack 1043.
. . . .
1 TT T IT Tl
$2,000 Two lota with 1
house; cast of Main stirt,
tf tro.rnnn nniiQP !SPpr. m
1 . ! 1. nn1 n WAtft fit Utl
close In.
Throo nuarter sections p
nuiutii;i iuiiumi
ti-.f vnfii nrniinil. hee 01
.nn,i, nt KAAflirrei:
f Ofin nnrafl Rtf PUSlVtlJ
and well watered,
TmnrrivPfi ranches. cM
city lots on which we lU
money to bulla.
Dnvn a Tim
A(W -
r- in T.. D.
Insurance, Real Eiutf,
111 Court Btreei
nml tPflf. DUUfi I .
Mono A'd. Willie w 7. ; xA,
puiriufi " .hit
a few kuu" i""'". . Is
that we are "'-")aii
Rex buggies, tbe be't
world- neaoleW
Stover Gasoline BM
.T Ml
: flOOD AH" '
wlucn i -7
reasonable P"s
W. c.
Leavo --store,