EIGHT PAOE DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1B04. PAGE 8 EVEN, '1 y0NG THE ,p THE INL-AJNU KMrlKlf k ftm te I Money W'OTi.. who the ciiy. , ,,,. tio war do- Mnt !..?.,, tn Improve and on- $ Bolso barracks. Id. WI1B" . , i nn mn and K your people imany " .. l.nrracks on- L'Vho? win Probably bo In- i the pw-" -i:;: i.: h means ma- "ul " tuiTbe pent In Iiolse every year itontho omc'erB and men. As to hot know, but of cottrso It will I"0' K ...Ill furn Hli In- for a great many men. A of (money comes uui " wHl be left bore. It lR certainly 5 thing tor d-h-iu. f potato Crop Make More Wheat? his farm near Boyd last sum- n itnvnrlv bad CO acres of I. ' nnii nt nrosont Is marUct- Ithe last of his crop at ono dollnr iundred He Is so wen buuhuuu : . vofir'n results that lie is Etlng 100 acres to potatoes this ti... nntntocs aro nlanted on jmer fallow, and Jlr. Haverly bo- fcs they aro bcneuciai to me huh, the ground on wiucii a crop oi po L la raised ono year produces a ler crop of wheat the next. Lamh Crorj Good. Bow that the work of marketing Intiifl l.mihs Is at an end the Her itage shown Is considerably ln- fased over expeciations. uncio L Knntia rpiinrtH 11 ner cent of 95: In iipiutarsmi. Will Evans. Cun- Egham and Hemphill report bo on )5 and 100. SliearliiL' Is nro- sslng and many havo sold, not will- to wait for tno sales nays. runt fck Record Idaho Wool Sells Well. Bpeclal from Payette: "Largo sales wool have been made hero within List few days. The cups nro not ir all In yet but about 15 ears have in shipped, The price paid was DR. C. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Clil neie doctor Is catted great because he curea people without opera tion that are given up to die. He cures with I those wonderful Chi Inese herbs.roots.buds. F barkA and vegetables that are entirely un 9 known to medical scl- incflln tbli country. Through the useof those Itrmlm remedies this famous doctor knows III fiction of over COO different remedies, which Ef mccessiuiiy uses in different diseases, lie uarantrei to cure catarrh, asthma lung, iiiniBit rnrumamra. nervousness, aiomacu fern, Mdneys, etc. t bashundreds of testlmon Ml. Charges moderate. Call and see him. Fullrim out Of the cltv write for blanks and pimiUrs. Send i centi In stamps. CONHIIr PEC. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE GO. 253 Alder St.. Portland. Orecon. entlon paper. The French 1 Restaurant I Beit 25 Cent Meal In the City I Private Dining Parlors. J Elegant Furnished Rooms In Connection. GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Main Streot A CASE OF IT. Mny More Like It In Pendleton. Tho Allowing case is but ono of Bsny similar i I - uibumui; uuiiy ill 4letoii. It is an easy matter to TWJT its correolnooo ci. .!.. . . 1 Mk b6tter l""00' tllan --- vum-mmyo evidence. W. Conlr 7n ,,. .1 . v j cum um uuu ru- ' M rrom active business, now Hv- a Mala street, says; "The dull, Mck fi paln 1,1 th0 small ot my djJ 'V1 tW0 E'ants were tear- IBUfrnwI 7i ' Ul imtes 1 10 t so J tbt 1 could not stand or Urlnarv I,?8 confln1 to my bod. tt nlithi "r"683 set la, espoc al y 17 e f?v i,nd 1 waB fnlllne Phyelcal- i&ey pnfr" U1 nuout uonn's Kid with ti? and .waa much lmpressod !ch n. en y 01 tne testimonial, I am 2l much slmllar to the one t Ui nl10w- 1 t a box of pills "ore rh 46 . '"CComas Co. drug mmImm . ,ey helpert me 80 that I "em until I had eat. BVeral oxes. Then I could without ' b?1 aro,md asaUi Physical niin Bt U1 lea8t m ot clstos tna,ii f '""'torso nil of tho Fr Hie " i v . 8, Kldnoy .rnls.-: uenra . " uuuiurB. triCA rtu Buffalo v v ' F8ter-Mllburn Co.. United states BOntB iar tuo llk no other nan, Donn's and EXCHANGES near 1C cents per pound. A buyer reaped a good harvest by going out to the camps and buying. Over $5000 havo been realized by one middle man. Thoso who have sold are "W. S. Brundago, C. Sowoll, Wilson Dros., W. A. Ayers, E. Clolborn, W. Wlburn, Coato & Wright, Etyndall, S. Kruse nnd J. Symo. Bolso Capital News. Extension of Mall Routes. A movoment Is on foot among the residents of Bear valloy to establish a mull line route between Seneca and some point on the Canyon CIty-Izee lino In the upper part of tho valley. In that event the mall would be car ried from Seneca along the resident part of the valley, and people living along tho .road could erect mall boxes nnd havo their letters and papers left at their doors, as do citizens of other parts of tho western country. As It Is now, they frequently have to go a long distance through all kinds of weather for their mall. As a conso quonco, they get the news and letters "from homo" but once a week. Grant County News. A Shock for the East. Talk about the wild and wooley. W,ell, hero's a good chnnce for the pa pers of tho effoto East to get material for sensational articles on the West. Wednesday morning a full grown cougar, measuring C feet 10 Inches from tip to tip, was killed within the limits of the second largest city In tho stato of Washington Spokane. It wns raiding tho chicken coop of a resident of Minnehaha park when shot, and made a fierce effort to es cape. Now Induce people from Bos ton to visit tho Lewis and Clnrk fair If you can. The Dalles Chronicle. Expects a Vigilance Committee. Word comes from the south end of the county that 100 head of horses are missing off the rango tho past few weeks. loiter comes the word that tho bodies of 50 horses wore seen floating down Snake river ono day last week. At tho samo time It Is reported from Wallowa that two horses wore stolen out of a barn in Lower Valley. Tho next thing we ex pect to hear Is the announcement of tho presence of a vigilance commit too at some point in the county some dark night. Wallowa Chieftain. PRESS CONGRESS OVER 3,000 EDITORS AS SEMBLE AT ST. LOUIS. Forty Nations Represented In Inter national Press Meeting at the Fair "Press Parliament" Will Last Three Days This Week Col. Henry Watterson Will Address the Meet ing. St. Uiuis. Mo., May 1C Three thousand newspaper men, represent ing 41 foroign countries and every state and territory In tho American Union, are gathered In St. Louis to take part In the various meetings to he held this week, which has been set aside by tho exposition manage ment aB "World's Press Week." The foreign countries represented Include Canada, Mexico, England. Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Swe den, Turkey, Oreeco, Kussin, Den mark, Holland, Belgium, Chill and far-off Ceylon and Japan. Tho sessions of tho World's Press Parliament will lie held In Festival hall the last three days of the week. The three days beginning today will bo .occupied with meetings or tho Na tional Editorial Association and the Btato and territorial press associa tions of the entire country. Nearly 1000 members of tho National Edi torial Association were present this morning when that organization be gan its annual meeting. P. V. Collins of Minneapolis, presi dent of the association, called the meeting to order and President Fran els of the exposition, welcomed tho visitors. The remainder of the open ing session was taken up with Presl den Collins" address, the reports of other officers, and the appointment of committees. The fotaure of the aftornoon session was an address by Col. Henry Watterson of Louisville. ALASKA 18 RICH. Spokane Man Hopes to See $10,000,- 000 Mined There This Year. "T nvnl.nl tn BOB J10.0u0.000 In eold sent out of Alaska during tho pres ent year, asldo from the Klondike, which I regard as a separate coun try," said A. K. Aiurpny, n raining man from Nome City, who, with Mrs. Mnrniiv. was at the Spokane yester day, to the Spokesman-Rovlow. "I bollove tnai country is me ricu af in Mm world. Thoro Is nlonty of ground to prospoct and I expect to soo some goou properties uiscovereu this year. ... nnrnoni urn i!i a dav nnd board. but then a man has to pay his trans portation to EOC "loro nnu 11 nu should got sick and havo to go to a i.nr.iini tin wmild lose much. With good luck and a full four months' work, whlcti is me buuhuu, iiu tuum i. inn in tnon "I havo purchased a number of horses and mules horo and am ship ping thorn to Nomo to work with the scrapora at my mine. rr".,.iv ilnxen trolf shirts. $1,25 and $t.G0 values, at tho dollar sale at BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. mb ,w; a- C1E, OFriCB IN JUDD hean & PERKY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. building. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. tn.; Office over Taylor's Hardware store, r . 0 D- m' Telephones: Office main Pendleton, Oregon. lSil; residence, main 1381. rV,c o...": JAMES A. FEE, LAW OKPICE IN JUDD DRS. SMITH & RINOO, OFFICE OVER building. the I'endleton Savings Rank. Tele- ?l'n?e 801 : resld"e telephone, main HA1LEY A LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT ldPl. law. Office In Despaln block. II. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC RALLERAY & M'COURT, LAWYERS, AS- physician and surgeon. Office In Judd social Ion building. building. Telephones: Office, black 1411 J residence, black 24. CARTER & HALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law, office In Savings Rank building. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. TELE- phone, main 031; residence, black 101. WINTER 4 COLLIER, LAWYERS, OF- lice, rooms 7 and 8, Association build- DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN ' and surgeon. Office In Savlntrs Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone? main AARON TURNER & K. D. HOYD, AT- 1411; residence, red 1223. torneys at law. Ill Court street. DR. LYNN K. RLVKESIPP rilllOVIC ST1LLMAN & PIERCE. ATTORNEYS AT and nervous disease and diseases of , 'ttw- '. S"S?S ch.M. bn """"" women. Judd building, corner Main and t0 !,rtt"'ce In United States patent oi- Court streets. Office 'phone, main 721 ; nce8' ani' makes a specialty of patent law. residence, red 1153. X-Itay Therapeutics. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association 1 block. . DR. LENA ALLEN BOONE. OSTEOPATH. CntteJalTa . Me.V,; V0? FRATERNAL ORDERS. Court nnd Water streets. 'Phone, black . , -, -,. . 1024. Nervous diseases a specialty. . r a 13LKSi i.Bxi)IjKT0N LOIHIE. DR. L. PRANCES THOMiNnv nsTPO. No- 28S- Hesular meetings flrst and pathlc physician, graduate V T StU th""d Thursdays of each month. All scllool. Klrksllle, MoB "office. Hotli l.ick- brother, visiting In the clt, most cordl- era, side entrance; office days, Tuesdays, nly Invited to attend, llnll In LaDow Thursdays and Saturdays. block. Court street. G. A. Hartman, Sr., - K. R. ; C. E. Uean, secretary. VETERINARY SURGEONS. MEN'S RESORT-YOU ARE INVITED. Free reading room. Why not Join and VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. C. get the advantage of free bath, use of McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug punching bag and other equipments. In. store. eluding library and reading room. Terms $1.00 to Join ana ftUc n month dues. DENTISTS. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. "We. ?int'jIuA.ldlnSgU,lCE0N' V. " STROHLe", "dEALER " IN SECOND- baud goods. If there Is anything you E. A. iVAUGHAN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN need in new nnd second hand furniture, Judd building. 'Phone, red 1411. stoves, granlteware aud crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 Court street. BANKS ANP BR0KERS' INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS FIRST NATIONAL I ANK OP ATHENA. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES Oregon. Capital, JSO.COO; surplus nnd reliable abstracts of title to all lands profits, $12,rt(MM)0. Interest on time de- ln Umatilla county. Loans on city and posits. Deals lu foreign nnd domestic farm property. Buys and sells all kinds exchange. Collections promptly attended of real estate. Does a geueral brokerage to. Ileury C. Adams, president; T. J. business. Pays taxes and makes Invest- Klik, vice-president ; P. S. LeGrow, cash- ments tot non-residents. Reference, auy ler; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. bank In Pendleton. G. A. HARTMAN, Pres. THE FARMERS' HANK OF WESTON, a. A. HARTMAN, JR., Vice Pres. Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank- lug business, Exchange bought nnd sold. J, M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE Collections promptly ntteuded to. R. oldest nnd most reliable Are and accl- Jameson, president; George W. Proebstel, dent Insurance companies. Office with vice-president; J. It. Kllgore, cashier; dl- Uurtman Abstract Co. rectorR, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Joues. T. J. Price, G. D. Graw, J. P. Kllgore, Rob- JOHN HAILEY, JR.. U. S. LAND COM- ert Jamesou, G. W. Proebstel. mlssloner. Specialty made of land fll- ' lugs and proof. Insurance and collec- THE PENDLETON SAVINOS RANK, Hons. Office In Judd building, room 10. I'endleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 1S81I. Capital, $100,000; surplus, $75,- FOR RENT. 0UO: Interest allowed ou all time deposits. n u n.i -,-uJ-r,-VJ-.,-J Exchange bought aud sold mi all prln- FOr RENT GOOD FRONT ROOM, clpal points. . Special attention given to 8tnUIe for two gentlemen or two la- collections. . J, lurulsh. president; J. Mes, C'all nt 010 Willow street. X. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier; J. W. Moloney, assistant cashier. WANTED. I'UIST NATIONAL HANK OP I'ENDI.K lun. Capital, $70,000: mirplus and un divided prolltR, trji.oou.uo. Transacts a Kt'iipral bankluK litislncss. Kicunnge and tflesrnplilc transfers sold on Chica go. San rrauclsco, New York and princi pal points In the Northwest. Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Make col lections on reasonable terms. Levi An keuy. president : V. 1 Matlock, vlce piesldcut : (i. M. Hlce, cashier ; flcorge llartmau, Jr., assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. E. TIIOUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, room 12 Jndd block, Pendleton, Oregon, T, I HOWAHD, AltCll ITECT AND Su perintendent. Makes complete end re liable nlnns for buildings In the city or country, ltooui 17, Jndd bnlldiue. KIIEEK & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on abort unties. Julj work a sneclulty. I'rompt service. Shop on Muff street, near Main. I). A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND IIUILD er. Estimates furnished on all kinds , .... ..umntit ivnlk-a. utnnp wallR. etc. Leuve' orders at East Oregonlan of lire. T. M. KELLER. PLASTERING AND CE meutlng. Cement walks a specialty. Estimates furnished free. Work guaran tor I.enre orders at lladley & Zebner's cigar store. Main street, 1'. O. boi 104. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TELEPHONE LIVERY STAItLE. COURT Street, opposite court house, liowera & Son, proprietors. Always good turnouts. Public scales. 'Phone, main 381. OLD DUTCH HENRY PEED YARD, - u't Attn un1 l.llllth Btretfl. .viuci iihi. ' " S. A. Alloway, proprietor. Large com fortable stalls. Plenty of feed. Horses given careful attention. COMMERCIAL BTAULES, Q. M. PROOMH proprietor. Hue norses, gouu (, t.. -m. iflmn trflnslent stock. ODD. Hotel I'endleton. 'Phone, main 161. CITY LIVERY STAHLE. ALTA 8TKKBT. rnrnu. Xr fTAnm-iir. l'roui.. livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection, i-nonr, mm ivi. BOARDING AND LODGING, .fiici oTivpn'in HOtlSK. 313 SOUTH Um I. Michael. DroD. Irse clean, comfortable rooms ; iml iucoh, on . 1.1..,. fald '..!-! tickets. X4 . uome tuvRiuft. ...v.w -- . - - -- THE WHITE ROOMING AND LODGING bouse, thoroughly renornted. Rooms by day, week or month. Everything neat and clean. 801 South Main street. Mrs. II. L. Huntington, proprietress, HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND nor,l l, the dsv or week. Oood table set. Rates. J3.70 and 4.7B Dtr week. Mrs. u. .eir, t-rup. reuuieiou . 1 1 .. nnnatlnn I . Kfr. nro. r eeu iru iu prletor. ATHENA HOTEL. LEADING HOTEL IN the city, $1.00 to i.ou per usy, u. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGIS riwt meat! and clean beds If you some once you will keep s-comlUK. Only white help employed Especial attention gfven to cominorclsl trsvsleri. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. COTTAGE HOTEL WHEN YOU GO TO U UlUll I1U Biu,y nt, vm .v.v-o- , White help, home cooking, everything neat and clean. Mrs. James O'Connell, proprietor. ..MprmoneiaoPl',W,ft effect of elf-liUiM).UNlitloo.eiii'iiMii,,rcIi(rjiu, smokloK. Cumstost Manhood. Impotency, Lost Power, NlBht-Losses, Spermatorrhoeilnsomnln, PalnsJ In Bnok, Evil Desires, Seminal Emissions, Lome Back, Nervous DebllltyJ HoaaaCne, uninnnio iu i.,uiij. hu,.ui oomsn. vmiwiioisi V "U'l J .iniMn. Rtnim PrflmQtulflnSM. Stom UAru. Il1nui Twltclilnir nl rsryy'ttr. ..-T.'.,MriiT:. n.:n. li,i,,ftfrutilcniianJtfnt.srureUtliAiiil.TleitoreiuiuUl. RTTTl iiDlvloid ortfRUl. AMmnLit. thu brmii anil lie. criiim 4. w boJ.S furSiWbv autlU A writ- tuK'iiruit,tacur0or ff - Cw '' " i u ',n.tr. Address,BrshopRemedyCo.,8nnFranolsoo,CaU' Sold by Tollman & Co., Druggists, WANTED FIFTY OR 7ft STOCK 11008 or slionts to feed and fatten on shares. Address Box 411, Pendleton, Oregon. AGENTS WANTED $1.10 AND UP PER tnouin to energetic representatives in every city aud town lu Oregon, Washington uud Idaho. Dlirnlfled. honorable. Derma- in-lit aud Immensely proutnble employment nt home or on the road; something new; send stamp or call at off.ee. Square Deal urouernge company, i.u oerentu Birect, I'ortianu, uregon. MISCELLANEOUS. SEWER CONTRACTORS REED 4 LAP ler make connections with the sewer for business bouses and private residences. Terms reasonable. Leave orders at T. C. Taylors Hardware store. SEE YOU "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money. We make loans on personal property. T. II. Qurdaln, Pawn Broker, siuarKey uuuuing, uouri street. DRESSMAKING, CUTiING AND PIT ting a specialty. Prompt work. Satis faction guarauteed. Miss It. Whitley, 012 Main street. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 730 Cottonwood street. Cleaning, dying aud repairing. Goods called fur aud de livered. 'Phone, main 1001. HOUSE-CLEANING BY THE JAPANESE House-Cleanlne Co. Work done by the uuy, uour or jou. it inuow cieauiuK specialty. rrompt service ac low prices 004 Garden street. 'I'hone Main 1171. COAL Let us fill your bin with .... ROCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot Ladies' Capsules Gardes Lady Agents Wanted. Safe, reliable. Absolutely guar anteed to cure Ieucorrlioea and fe male weakness. For particulars ad dress Mo. Prop. Pharmacy, Ixck Box 323, Kansas City, Mo, For sale by A. u. iioeppen ec Jjroa., renuiuiun MEN The DR. IjIKUIG BTAFF only Bpeciulists for men. con- lltluue to cure all chronic, lirl V . - , I ... , '. vaiu ck uoriuui Kiitucuii. iuiMjieuce csklu diseatei. rheumatism. cAtsrrh. etc. Ui, A, C Stoddaht, f h. G for 27 yesri medical director. 74 Sixth street, Portland Oregon ; 111 Yeiler Way, Health-, Wsih. Call ur wnie in.-r.iri tii; nisi r,-:-r,. ,,...,-r.,r7rj TRANSPORTATION LINE8. OREGON Sh OUTLINE ad union Pacific TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY. Through Pullman standard and Tourist Signers dallr to Omaha and Chicago: tourist sleeper dally to Kansas City ." through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, (personally conducted) weemy 10 uni- cago; reclining cnair cars (seats tree) to tne Kftst uauy. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. EASTROUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 2, Chicago Special 5 ;33 p. m. 5 ;45 p. m. No. (1, Mall & Express 4:33 a.m. 4:43 a.m. WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 1, Portland Spe cial too a.m. u:iun.m. No, ft. Mall and Ex press 12:23 a.m. li'-aua. tn. SPOKANE DIVISION. Arrive. Depart. No. 7, Pendleton Pas senger a :u p. m. No. 8, Spokane Pas senger ,. VilU.S,IUi WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Arrive. Depart. No. 41, Mixed train, 1:30 p.m. No. 42. Mixed train 0 :50 p. m. No. 7 connects with No. 2. No. 42 connects with No. 2. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE 1'ItOM l'OHTLAND. All sailing dates subject to change, l'or San Tranclsco every five days. SNAKE Ilivr.lt. Illnnrla to Lcwlston Leave Itlnarla dally, except Saturday, 4 :0.i a. m. i.eave i.ewiston daily, except rriday, 00 a. m. 1'.. C. SMITH, Agent, I'endleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Portland and Points on the Sound .... TIME CARD. Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, 1:45 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11:45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally, eastbound, 11 :00 p. m. Arrive Walla Walla dally, westbound, II) MH n. m. Tor Information regarding rates and accommodations, call ou or address W. ADAMS, Agent, I'endleton, Oiegon. H. II. CALDEItHEAD, G. l A Walla Walla, Washington. RUNS PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CAR8 TOURIST 8LEEPING CARS ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DUl.UTH FAIlQO TO GRAND FORKS CHOOKSTON WINNHPICCJ IIKLKNA and I1UTTR. THROUGH TICKET8 TO CHICAGO WASHINGVON l'HII.ADHLl'IIIA NEW YORK I10STON And all points Kast and South. Through tickets t Japan and China, via Tacoma and Northern 1'iclflc Hteam ship Co. and American line. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave I'endleton dally except Sunday, at 7:00 p. m. For further Information, time cards, maps and tickets, rail on or write W. Adams, I'endleton, Oregon, or A. I). CIUIILTON, Third and Morrison, 81s., Portland, Or. DELIGHTFUL, IIOUTB AYLiailT RIDES IZZY CRAGS EEP CANYONS A Golden Opportunity See nature, In al! Iter glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. Tlio first is found along tbo line of the DENVER & WO GRANDE RAILROAD, tho lat latter at the St. Louis World's Fair, Your trip will bo one of pleasure make the most of It. For'lnforma tlon and Illustrated litera ture write W. C. M'BRIDE, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN DROS., PROPRIETORS. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. Tho lintel I'omlloton has Just boo roflttdd and refurnished throiiRhout. 'Phono and tiro alarm connection with nil rooms. Hatha In Btittes and slnglo rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Spoclnl rates by weoU or month. Excellent Culslno. Prompt Dining Room Sorvlc. Dar and Billiard Room In Connection Only Three Blocks From Depot. Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. " European plan. Everything flrat class, Accommodntlons tho best. All modorn convonloncos. Steam heat throughout. ltooma on-sulto 'vlth bath. LarKe, now Bamplo rooms.. Tha Hotel St. GeorKu Is prouuuncud una of tho most modern and modol hotola of Oregon. 'Phono and lire alarm coniiecllonH to olllco In nil roonm. Rooms 50c to $1.50. CORNER MAIM AND WEBB 8T8. Block and a half from depot THE Hotel Bickers (Formerly Golden Rulo.) COURT 8TREET. Itcmodelcd and refurnished through out. Eycrythlng noat, clean and up-to-dato. Steam beat and olectrio lights. Best cuisine. I'rompt servlco. H. E. BICKERS, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND '.'ORTLAND, OREGON. American plan, $3 per day and upward. Headquarters for tourist and commercial travelers. H peels I rate made to famUlea and single gentlemen. The msoaisaeat will U pleased at all time to show rooms and give price. A modern Trk Isti bath estsbllsbmeut lu tb botsl. II. O. IIOWKIIB, Manager. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losaeg promptly. Our companies stand at the head of tho list. Assets. Hartford Fire Insurants Co., $12,259,076 Alliance Assuranco Co .. 29,039,9(3 London & Lancasblro Flro Insurance Co 2,541,683 North British & Mercantile Co 19,6D5,97i Royal Insuranco Co. 22,897,153 FRANK B. CL0PT0N AGENT. 112 EAST COURT STREET, i ' - m bj-ob" asam Sullivan & uonu s.