PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1904. ten t i HOLT BROS. t Side Hill Combined I Harvester The latest Improved two-wheel, slde-hlll combined harvester has proven a boon to wheat raisers. It Is Ibo most successful, most economical and easiest machlno to operate over built. These harvesters havo been given abundant trials right hero at homo and all users are highly pleased. None havo been dissatisfied and all aro high In their pralso. Tho Holt slde-hlll harvester on a side hill Is ablo to stick to the side of tho hill, while tho header will slip down tho hill. Tho main wheels aro vertical, which braces tho machlno to tho sldo hills. It works equally adapted to lovel land. Tho Holt harvesters aro sold exclusively In this section by CROWD IT ST. L LI IS BIG CONVENTIONS WILL MEET NEXT WEEK. 2X8 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon All extras for Holt machines on hand. i. . . . . , ........ . . . . Tti... ........ J rTWTTTTTTTTWTTTTTTTTTvTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT V For Family Use FOR FISHING PARTIES, FOR OUTINGS, FOR A DAY'S PLEASURE, FOR A FINISHING TOUCH TO YOUR MEAL, FOR THAT SUMMER THIRST, FOR A 80CIAL EVENING AT HOME. ALWAYS HAVE Olympia Beer IT8 PURE AND WHOLESOME, AND IS RELI8HED BY ALL. IT'S ALWAY8 GOOD AND ALWAYS THE SAME. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OLYMPIA BEER IN ANY QUANTI TY YOU DE8IRE. 'PHONE MAIN 881. A. NOLTE. SEND IN YOUR ORDER FOR A CA8E OF OLYMPIA. YOU CAN KEEP IT IN YOUR HOME. A. NOLTE Telephone Main 88 1 FOR LUNCHES, OUTINGS, PICNICS AND SOCIAL GATHER INGS WE HAVE GENUINE IMPORTED 8ERVILAT WUR8T, 8WI88 CHEESE AND THAT REAL LIMBURGER CHEE8E, "THAT SMELLS 30 NICE." International Press Congress Next Monday Leads the List of Big Events - Federation of Women's Clubs Meets on Tuesday and Al most Every Day Thereafter Will Witness Some Special Gathering. St. Louis, May 14. St. Louis ex pects to entertain one of tho largest crowds In tho history of tho city (lur ing tho coming week. To the num ber of Individual visitors to tho world's fair will be added thousands of delegates who como to nttend the first of tho series of national ami In ternational conferences to bo hold horo during tho summer. I On Monday the International Press' Congress will begin Its sessions. This, gathering will be attended by famous Journalists and nowspnper workers I from all parts of the United Statosi and from most of tho countries of, Europe. Canadian Journalists will hold n meeting during tho wee; and i there will also bo meetings of the J National Editorial Association, thej trade press associations nnd the state ( organizations of editors. Tho second big gathering of the week will begin on Tuesday. This will be the biennial convention of tho 1 General Federation of Women's Clubs. The advanco guard of dele gates to this meeting has already! put In nn appearanco and It Is ex- j pected that by Monday thoro will be hundreds of representative women hero from overy state and territory I of tho Union. A contest for the' presidency of the federation Is on ' nnd there will bo other features of' the gathering tbnt will tmdoulitnlly cause It to bo ono of the most nodi bio In the history of tho organization. ! High Class Druggists' AND OTHERS. Tho hotter olaBS of druccists, everywhere, aro mon of sciontific attainments ami hii, : who dovotii thoir lives to tho wulfuro of tholr follow mon in supplying tho best of wmi-Vi' purost medicinal agents of known valuo, in accordance with physicians' prescriptions S sciontific formula. Druggists of tho bottor class manufacture many oxcellent rem!!. Z BYERS' BEST FLOUR la mado from tho choicest wheat that grows. Good broad is assured when Dyors' Best Flour la used. Dran, shorts, steam roll ed barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYER8, Prop. KNOWS IMNAHA ROBBERS. remedies aj i 5Crinlimn ..i always under original or ofltcinal nameB and they novor soil false brands, or imitation mcdicm f hoy aro tho mon to deal with when in need of anything in their lino, which usually intkt all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a nrst-class pharmacy and the final ,d best of toilet articles and preparations and many, useful accessories and remedial appliirra Tho earning of a fair living, with tho satisfaction which arises from a knowledge- of thobentfo conforrod upon their natroiiB and assistance to tho medical profession, is usuallv tlnir ..7? roward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup d Figs is an oxcollont laxativo lemedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore tLn aro selling many millions of bottles annually to tho well informed purchasers of the chow j romodios, and thoy always take ploasuro in handing out tho gonuino article bearing u ui i namo of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of overy pacW Thoy know that in cases of colds and hotidaches attended by biliousness and constipation asd of weakness or torpidity of tho livor and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion cr over-eating, that thoro is no other remedy so ploasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects' u Syrup of Figs, and thoy aro glad to soli it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to tho oxcollonco of Syrup of Figs, tho universal satisfaction which it gives and tie immonso demand for it, imitations havo been made, tried and condemned, but there an individual druggists to bo found, horo and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles of tho profession and whoso greed gots tho bottor of their judgmont, and who do nut hesititi to recommend and try to sell tho imitations in order to mako a larger profit. Such preparation! sometimes havo tho namo " Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of somo piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on tho package, but they never have tho full name of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of tho package. The imitations should bo rojected hecauso they aro injurious to tho system. In order to sell the imitation thoy find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or decoplion, nnd whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under tho namo of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup," which does .not bear tho full namo of tho California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of the package, I ho is attempting to deceive and mislead tho patron who has been so unfortunatoastoenterhis establishment, whether it bo largo or small, for if tho dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in ono caso ho will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling ol physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who valueB health and happiness. Knowing that the great maj'ority of druggists aro reliable, wo Bupply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through tho druggists, of whom it may be purchased everj whore, in original packages only, at tho regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exception! exist it is necessary to inform tho public of tho facts, in ordor that all may decline or return any imitation which may bo sold to them. If it does not hear tho full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of overy packago, do not hesitato to return the article and to demand tho return of your money, and in luture go to ono ot the oeuer ciass ot druggists who will sell you what you wiBh and thebest of ovory thing in his lino at reasonable prices. & Engineer Al Stephens Remembers 1 Barclay and Gale. t Barclay and Gale, two of the Im-i nulla postofflco robbers now being pursued by Sheriff Shackloford, of ' Wallowa county, aro well known In , Eastern Oregon. , Engineer Al Stephens, of l.a , uranue, who pulls the O. U. & N. llyer, between Umatilla and l.a arande, especially remembers their faces, slnco an April morning In 1S!U. Barclay and Gale were members of the gang of amateur robbers who at tempted to hold up No. 7, tho west- oounu u. H. At N. passenger train western Tnxnu la anffnrliiL' tblH 1 made nn annual nroflt from her ranch at tunnel No. 5, nvo miles east or;BI)rng from tho soverest drought In of more than $10,000. Last fall there Telocaset, In April, 1891. many years. Hundreds, of cattloi were .18,000 head of lino cattle on tho Al Stephens was engineer on the!aro dyine 0n tho ranches for want ranch nnd C.000 head of steers are The Day of the Big Ranch is Passing mainder of tho crowd wore nothing to hldo their features. The train was so closo on tho robbers when Steph ens saw the rifles pointed at him In the dim dawn, that he could not stop, but giving the engine full steam ho fell down In tho cab and dashed through tho tunnel, leaving tho won dering bandits behind. Thoy fired sovcral shots at tho engine as It passed. He said tho tunnel seemed a mile long that morning, for the instant ho entered it ho felt sure that tho rob bers had torn up tho track In the tunnel to defeat just such a daring dash as he had mado and ho expect, ed overy Instant to crash Into some obstruction. Tho track was clear, and when tin shipped on nn nvorago ovory year. Twenty-eight years ago this vnst It Is now valued nt from $4 to $7 nn aero. There aro four ranches In Texas with an nrea of over 1,000,000 acres npiece; and there aro a largo num- train and on rounding a curve just r wnnr nnd irrnss. snvs tin. KnnsuH east of the tunnel, be saw a crowd , ruy star t . ...1.1. ! .1 1 ..! ...!.. 1 1 I ' Z r ;::r; """J, . "'A The ranching business in that vast area was purchased by the late Mr. . 7r. - ..." "i . 7. . region Is declining any way. and tho .Adair tor 20 cents nn acre. I "" "u"u :T, ' resent loes of the cattle raisers sheepskin or goatskin, and the re-,' ... ,,,,,, ,,., . ,.iii,.i up of tho ranches into small hold ings. This process has been going on tor sovcral years. I her of ranches with nn area of C00,- I'erliaps In no other part of the '000 acres or n little less. But tho world Is so much land In big estates days of great Texas ranches nre owned by individual property hold- nbout over and tho reason Is that ers. In Toxas there nro ranches of more nnd nioro farmers aro looking more than 1,000,000 acres each, widen aro the nroporty of the Individuals utilizing them. A Now Yorker wns traveling on horseback last summer over tho prairies of Northwestern Toxas when ho came to n wiro renco that streteii ed away as far as ho could sec. The road led him to a gntoway In this fouco and on It was a sign, reading, "Eighty miles from this gate to headquarters." n.iflnn omoroiul Intr. (l.n ,lnvll.,h !... 1 " ""1 ' l'""" engine emergen into mo uayugnt the . , , u.i ti.n i, engineer and nreman breathed a sigh j g". 2? tJESTn J,. ... ... 'reached headquarters. That wro i..o ..uwb u ih..i in ion (il)cjose.s 1,500,000 acres of Telocaset and after sovernl days' 1 '"'"p" search tho gang wns located and rft,5!l ' ' I1U , ....,,, ...... tho solo owner Is Sirs. C, Adair, who lives In n fashionable part of Lon don, Knglnnd, anil for 10 years lias We Want to Do Yotst Plumbing Our long oxperlonco. tocothor with our unexcelled facilities for doing tho beat work, aro at your sorvlco without oxtra charge. Good honest work always dono. That's tho reason why our patrons are always satisfied. BECK, the Reliable Plumber Court Street, opposite Hotel Dickers - in this direction. Thoy find thnt tho larger part of the lands which havo been used for nothing but grazing havo abundant fertility and water enough, ns a rule, to insure good crops. Thoy aro buy ing hundreds of thousands of acres al $r to $7 an acre. It takes from 10 to 20 acres of these rango lands to ntten a single steer. If tho ranchmen can got $5 an ncre or nioro for their land thoy can lend tlie money in that country at 8 per cent and mako moro than thoy do in the cattle business. So the rnuches art- being continu ally whittled down to mako fu-ms, nnd last year over 1,000,000 acres of ranch property were purchased by settlors from tho north and east, nnd tho plow was set to work turning tho sod under. famous remedy doesforthe stom ach that which it Is unable to do lor Itself, even II but slightly disordered or overburaenea. Kodol nnnli the natural nfdlpcstlonantl VI the work ol the inmaph. re axlne the I nervous tension, while i!m inflamed muscles nnrl membranes of that organ are allowed toll rest ana neai. n ww- Indlgestlon. flatulence, palpitation of the heart. n.raniK rlvSDeDSla and ail iinmirh troubles by cleansing, purifying and I strengthening the glands, I membranes of the stom ach and digestive org. Y,ur Dealer Can Swlrf . sentenced to tho penitentiary. ! clay and (ialo boing among tho num I her. HONORS FOR DEWEY. Bar- things brought nbout by various causes, such as deterioration of Indi an cotton, replacement of cotton by sugar In the West Indies, and im proved cotton flbro In America. Sold by Tallman&Co Golden Gate Coffee s particu to those appea larly who enjoy good coffee. It is coffee perfection. Sold in 1 and 2 lb, aroma-tight tins by high grade groccn. J. A. FOLGER Ol CO. San rrnnciico Importara of Fin Coffaa "Your first duty ns a lawyer," said tho old judgo to tho young attornoy, is to seo that Justlco Is done." "on, 1 To Be Elected Governor General of Patriotic Society. kt..... .Inv 1.1 Af1mlin1 Hour. ey Is to be 'elected governor general f courso," roplled the youthful dls of tho Order of tho Founders and Pa- eP'o of BlackBtonc. "I've noticed iri.tu f Amnrlea nt a meotlnir to- "nt the lawyer who succeeds in do ,lL"l t a tt Waldorf-Astoria "The nS Lor the oftenest gets the biggest meeting will bo followed by a ban- fees- quel at which Robert B. Hoosovelt i , s: rr. tt-. will presido and Admiral Oowoy will bo tho guest of honor. llvfOTHFIi A Nil fHTT D Other guests and speakers will In-' ViNJJ UttlL,U cludo Walter S. Logan, who will, Scott's Emulsion IS Cod wnenlc on "The Spread of Anglo- ,. .. , . Saxon Influence;" Oenernl Daniel R ' Iwer Oil made almost as sickles, who win speak, on tho -Pan- palatable as milk. It is easy ama Canal." and Sir Ghon Tung LI- i c0r,rhinfr ' tr the weak aug Cheng, tho Chinese minister, a'lu SOOthing to tlie WtaK who Will flpCQK (M u no ii ww iuvi.'j ; muuiuuu , ii tiiuuno tui it-u- NOTICE opmcnt." dencies of children toward thinness. Scott's Emulsion gives Dependent on American Cotton. t 1. fri,.. rnnnrt nf Professor Dunston to tho Board of strength to weak mothers be- Trado on cotton cuiuYniiun m m cause it creates healthy tiesn Issued ns a blue book by tho govern ment. Tho roport sots forth that whorons In tho early days ot British cotton manufacture practically tho whole supply of tho raw material was drawn at first from India, and lator from tho West Indies, tho amounts at proaont outalnlng from these sources aro relatively Inalgnl nennt. and that tho British cotton Industry la now almost ontlroly do- pondont upon tho Unltod States for and new blood. Nursing mothers will find a special value in Scott's Emulsion because it insures a flow of rich, nourishing milk for the baby. More and better than a medicine; Scott's Emulsion is a food. We'll wud you a unplt free upon requcit, llUUUUUb 111'".. ..w " - . , . Btippllofl Of raw fcotton, ft StntO Of hCOTT & llOWNE.w Fowl, New Yeek. tdiPNDS A! TO ALL Mi r""' datpOIMS! , TAKE PUEA8UBE; INTRODUCING TO T FRIENDS, DRS. U. M H. WHITE, TOV HAVE SOLD MV g BUSINESS N THIS THOROUGHLY Rtu j, THE ORS. WH.T AS U CLASS BUM-- t RESPECT, AND"' r0 TEEM IT A r - TJ 18 ANY OF MY PAVf8E5 l PLACE THIR CfV HANDS OF WHITE. HE8PECTFUI-1-Y. E. A. WANN " . rrrt MAUfl" I iiher'. prlco , DhVe l ?Lff Ire, and we tM issume be...r,,kit Hi" ?JW lost In tlie niaiw- n ,rt trouble and rM. ."lOS!? EXluctTo.r' '.v r. ...i auu'v--...lot. liaoer ..i"mi ro.. r i