r''" DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1904. PAGE THREE. You May Be Cored 544 Garfield Avenue, CiliCAno, U.h., October 9, 1902. A'tpr doctoring tor eleven months and taking forty-thrco ootucs ot moaicinc ana nnaing norcnet for leucorrhoca resultinc from irritntion of a fallen womb I took Wine of Cardui and fourteen bottles cured mo. This Fecms stranpe but it is the simple truth. Wine of Cardui helped me from the time I uepan taxing nana navinc nearti it praised so highly by fricm'.r who uad tried it I felt satisfied that itwould help mo, and it did. It cured me. Took every nit of ache, nain and headache, cramps and draeginc down sensations way till 1 felt younc, strong and happy once more. It is a wonderful medicine and a truo friend to women. When I look back on the months of torture 1 had it jecms like a hideous nightmare. Wine of Cardui will cure am- woman I believe. I have more faith in it than nil other medicines combined. iVIce-Pro., Chicago Historical Ulub. , Mn y0u refuse relief when yon know you are growing worse day af Shooting pains, irregularity, inflammation and bearing down pains ids of women miserable. Why drag through life never enjoy in? Wine of Cardui has made over 1,500,000 weak and suffering "and strong. Wenskyoutopo to your druggist today and secure of Wine of Uunlm and begin to take it at once. I)o that and Mrs. Kingsley writes about will soon be yours. If you think spec- ' Ts are needed in your case, address, giving symptoms, Ladies' tmrtnicnt, iliel nattunoopa juouicino jo., uiauanooga, lenn. i-opyHir.HT "IT IS HARD TO TEACH AN OLD DOG new trlclis," nnd It would bo hard to teach one of our patrons to wear linen laundered at any place but the Domestic Steam Laundry. Tho con trast In the work done by us nnd by any other establishment In town Is like comparing black and white. When you want your linen artistical ly laundered bring It to the Domestic Steam Laundry. THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY Sparc Ribs, Cold Boiled Ham, : Sausage, Fresh Pigs' Feet, Pure J Lard, Ham and Bacon and the choicest fresh meats in the city. J The Schwarz & Greulich Meat Co. 607 MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE MAIN 181. GAINING mil? ON fdADE, iND MADE, Ear Havana. A STANDARD FOR OUALITY. JANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. nyou call for a TRIUMPH. HT.Don't accept a substitute. fTTfrrn FLYNN .am MAKERS- r-M-M rTi i rn L I t t J T ifntuT tut ntiiliJLi p vh t i i i n i Umatilla Meat Market JUST OPENED ONE OF THE NICEST. CLEANEST AND Mt MEAT MARKETS IN THE CITY. NOTHING BUT THE JH0ICEST MEATS. MADI r niin . . T HnrbS' buiuuiinu, 219 COURT STREET, rnUNt ivimiim 4. Ho! for a Picnic Enjoy an outing and a drive. A fishing trip will give you pleasure. Good rigs, One horses. Everything flrst-class. Prices reasonable. Williams Livery Stable 723 Cottonwood Street PASSES AT ST. L THE WAY OF THE DEAD HEAD IS TIRESOME. Long Routine of Red Tape Necessary to Get Free Admission to the Ex positionMust Be Photographed and Measured and VVJien You Are Through You Feel as If You Were a Convict. Homo f 4-U Affftrforf I Sabina Leach's Private Sanitarium herbal ri ,dl!eaBes a spodalty. Her remedies are strictly baths.' 8Sl8ted by magnetic processes, and medicated vapor Bf.ArLd!vf?Ses treated In a common sense nnu scientific man iU of ' ths u,nnatural growths, tumors, goitre and all enlarge Cur rhenm ?aniB WITHOUT THE USE OF THE KNIFE. " colds ii tlBm Paralysis, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, bronchi omen. and Mdnejr troubles, and all diseases peculiar o 8w attention given to the Treatm tcy Ofivm and Tobacco Habits 'tUoa fro'' nurse' board and r00m ot reasonable rates. Con Corner West Bluff and Marie Streets. Wlno'yf' J? Est Oregonlart of flee Large bundles of i.ewspapers St. Louis, May 13. Thousands of people aro asking for World's fair passes. A few nro getting them. These few vlsh they hadn't asked for them, before they nre through. To begin with, you must file a writ ten application at the executive of fices. In this application you must give one thousand and one good nnd valid reasons why you should be a "dead-head." The first time someono applies the term to you you got angry nnd want to lick lilm. In 2-1 hours you aro will ing to ndmlt Its appropriateness. Of course, for reasons dlplomntlc, the prluripnl reason why you want a pass that Is, because you do not want to pay good cash for admission -Is not mentioned. Well, somebody finally Indorses your application and you ret a print ed order on the IJIectro 1'hoio Con pon Pass Company for vour picture, on presentation of this order and a receipt for $2 for the cost of the pho to. If you have good luc-K. you will find In a day's wandering the man who will accept your money and give you a receipt. Most anybody will take your money, biu tin' receipts are hard to find. Next, you go to the Electric Photo Coupon "Pass Company's shop. You find a long line ahead of you. wind ing in and out of a brass-railed maze. You reach a nervous clerk, who seizes your receipt. It bears the number 711. The clerk grabs a metal holder, shoves the numbers 711 In It and pushes you into a narrow pas sageway. There, under the electric light, which makes you look green and ghastly, another man seizes you. He grabs the number and sticks It In the railing, breast high. Then ho yanks you over to the rail, jabs your bead up. pulls your hat off and yells ut you to "open your eyes." As you do, you see a camera a few feet away, lowered by some electrical device; hear the click of the shutter and before you can get your breath you are hurled out Into a narrow hall way. "I feel like a convict," remarked one man, as he pulled himself to gether. "I wonder if they workeil the en tire Bertlllon system on us. But they didn't measure our feet. I'll bet I look like a pickpocket or a horse thief In that picture." The passes are books with 220 coupons, one good for each day of the fair, and the photo in on the EXPERIMENTS IN FEEDING. Idaho Man Gives Some Interesting Figures From Special Tests. "I have just completed making a trial balance of our experiment in tho raising of mutton sheep In a small way on the Ellendale farm," said Lyman Heed of Reed &. Son, owners of tho farm, located a mile oinih nf Mnsr-nw. nnd where for a engaged In raising registered sheep and hogs. "Wo had been raising Hampshlro Down and Dorset Horn sheen for finmn flmiv In tho fall of 1901 It was decided to raise a few grade sheep for mutton. "Wo bought common ewes, paying for them J3CS.&0, or anoui j per head. They were run In the pasture with no particular care and at little expense. The ewes were bred to thoroughbred bucks. During the summer and fall of 1902, sales of mutton were made at a net profit of $2C8. In selling we were careful to dispose of tho wethers and older owes. "Last fall the net profit from mut ton and wool sales was $505.50, and between the 1st of January, this year, and April 15, our sales aggre gated $327. "During tula time tno nurnuer oi sheep in the land has been Increas mi tmmnwiini! thn sheen have been developed from range sheep Into half grades of a mutton cnaracter, "In our opinion this experiment goes to show that one of tho adjuncts of a farm In this section should bo a small band ot mutton gneep, sum dent In number to keep the fence and corners cleaned out and wild oats Uopt down. A bank oi m 10 uu sheep requires little attention on a ICOacre frara and will pay better than any other Investment the far mer can make," The Ellendale farm, wmcn com .Hcna mn nrrfK nt fine meadow land. Is largely in grass, alfalfa, medium red clover and meauow icscue. iwm & Son are now putting In 15 acres In ii, mnmintv fescue. They have put in five acres of rape, and will seed four acres to llussian uroom com miliar rim cnml hnvlnir been sent UllllCVf www out by tho agricultural department. More Evidence of Trlb' Good Work. Baker City, Ore., Beri. v, ivvs. , otnnf nKftr nf both smok ing and chewing tobacco for 46 years. , 7 . . . . . a m 1 1. nt.n. I took a vreauneni oi iru uuu. Hirnn months aeo and can endorse It as a euro. My general health Is much Improved since I took your cure eincereiy ,your, N. H. STARBIRD. Tollman & Co., local agents. Headlights oi the remo You see them everywhere the signal of en joyment and satisfaction that shines brightly from the face of every Cremo Smoker 5c. Largest Seller in the World The Hand is the Smoker 's Protection. MM -M Ai V Pr HuoH Mott,.C "Say, ma, don't pop tell you lots of conundrums?" "Why do you ask that, Hobby?" "Well, I herad him tell Mr, Smith Inst night that he had you guessing.' Closing-Out Sale Trotting-Bred Horses HAVING DECIDED TO DEVOTE MY ATTENTION TO MINING, I WILL ON 6ATURDAY, JUNE 4, AT THE OREGON FEED YARD, PENDLETON, ORE., OFFER FOR SALE AT PUDLIC AUCTION, THE FOLLOWING HORSES. TERMS CASH. C. L. COX. BELLE 8POT8WOOD Ilaymaro (II) weight 1200, with best Al ton 'B colt yet foalod In Umatilla county, by side, by Alblcoru, Rec. 2:27'i trotting, by Alwood, by Alumni 33. Dam by Hollo founder. Dam Belle Morgan, a high-classed maro of llamblot nlaii and Morgan breeding. LITTLE MARGARET Bay mare (II) weight 1100, with a line Westfleld colt by side, by Albicore. LUMMAX HOR8E By Tamllalnc. Dam Mag 2; dam a Morgan mare. FITZ LEE Hay gelding (C) weight 1250, by Westfjuld. Dam, Belle Hpotswood; 2d dam Hollo Morgan, BAY GELDING (3) Full brother to Fltz Leo. BAY GELDING (3) AND BAY FILLY (2) Hy Westfleld. Dam, Little Margaret. BAY FILLY (3) AND BAY COLT (2) By Ifassaloe, by Westfleld; dam, Alta, by AltomonL Dam, Belle WeBtflcld, by Westfleld; 2d dam Hello Spots wood; 3d dam, Belle Morgan. BAY COLT (1) By Caution, by Electioneer. Dam, Bello Westfleld, by Wcstflold, by Albicore, by Atwood, by Al mont 33, dam by Bellefounder; 2d dam Belle Spotswooi), 3d dam Bello Morgan, Real Estate $2,-100.00 Will nuy an 8-room house nnd two lots, Iiiih G rooms on 1st Hour: 3 rooms on 2d floor; bath and tollot, good cellar. Flvo blocks from Mnln street $700.00 Will buy u 3-room house, 3 blocks from Mnln street. 700.00 Two very desirable lots on Jin '(Him Htrent, only six blocks from Main stroot. Olllco rooms for rent. Merchants Protective Agency Dospnln Building, Boom 43, Toluphono Black 11CL Building Material OF AU PKSCItlPTWN SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building p- I per, lime, cement, brick and and, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a ipeclalty. Oregon i :: Lumber Yard :: ; ; Alta Street, Opp. 'rt Ho us. ; ; REAL ESTA E SOME GOOD PROPERTY TO OWK. 2,0OO Two lots with good slxroo house; east of Main atroet; claor In. $2,000 Corner lot with nearly five-room house. Sower, city waier, brick collar. West of Main tlrett, close In, Threo quarter sections In the bes wheat district. Half In wheat; rart. summer fallow, flood house, btnoc, sheds, shop, etc, Abundance or wa ter year around, Sou us about tin prlco. Stock ranch nf fl (1(1(1 nrrnm nnnii of S00 ncro.i, Extensively I and wol) watered. Improved ranches, chnl City lutH Oil Wlllf'h wn l money to build. BOYD & TURNER Successors to E. p. JJoyd. Ins UrAnm. Di c.ii. 111 Court Street ponrftetaB I MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. la. 7 Pcit H. I JP0in, oen.gl.DENSM0RE TYrtWKII" auppiicf ... iteming ... cipirnwin'i I i 4