PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLET.ON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1904. TEN PAQEs, "The Best, Soda in Town 99 Ask anybody, mnn, woman or chilli, who has tbo best soda In town. Thoy will tell yon Schmidt's. Ask anybody whoso Ice cream 1b best. Yon will got tho same nnswor. Look for tho mosf crowded fountain in the city and yon will find thnt tho sign above the door Is F. W. SCHMIDT DRUGGIST. POSTOFFICE BLOCK. GENERAL NEWS. Private Joseph Chaltre was killed In target practice at Fort Riley, Kan., Friday. The output of pig Iron In tho United States for April was 1,533.000 tons, and for March 1.447.0G5 tons. David Ovornioler, a democratic delegate at large from Kansas, will support Nelson A. Miles for, presi dent. Judge George Gray, of Philadel phia, has been chosen president of the National Civic Federation, In place of the late Senator Hanna. Rudolph Ueyers, n former pollce mnn of New York, now serving n term in prison for taking money from police candidates, has made a con fession Involving 20 prominent poli ticians In election corruption. Rev. J. I). Cranfield shot twice at Rev. S. L. Hayden on a trnln at Tex' arknna Texas. Friday. They wore both on route to the Southern Rap' tlst convention at Nashville. Neither shot hit. They had quarreled over baptism. The Hearst men in tho District of Columbia democratic convention, bolted Friday and held a rump con vention from which six delegates were elected' to St. Louis, Instructed for Hearst. Tho regular delegates are uninstructed. The C-'year-old daughter of Joseph Cuhtll, of New York, who has been missluc since May 2. was found lodged in a large chimney at her home. She had fallen into tne emm ney while nt play. It was thought she was kidnapped. To prevent Russian mail for Man--churia from the United States, from falling intg the hands of Japan, by being sent from San Francisco, an order has been Issued to send It to the New York office and ship It by -way or tho Atlantic to Russia and thence to Manchuria. The CHURCHES PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. There were but 21.G01 names regis tered in Portland Friday night, when tho total registration Is expected to be 23.000. Ira King, a Baker county miner, dangerously carved Walter Osborn In a drunken row at .Raker City Fri day morning. G. A. Love, of Portland, a saloon keeper, was fined $10 for selling beer to boys Friday. Ho will now roport others who do the snme thing. An unknown man was caught in an eddyiRin Snake river and drowned, near Huntington. Friday, while try ing to cross tho river In a small boat. Mrs. Frank Trites, who was accus ed of murdering her husband at Hutte, last Monday, has been exon erated. Tho deed was ptiroly acci dental. Governor Chamberlain says tho state will not interfere in tho Lako county stock and range war until local authorities are unable to settle tho dlnicultios. W. P. .Murphy, aged 28, was found dead in the woods near Birch Bay, Wash,. Friday. Ho had been mUs ing ft week before his body was found. Death was duo to natural causes. Sheriff Sexton, of Wasco county, i. aairornl mnn searching for tho bodies of the Neablt women on the claim of Norman Williams, wno is now on trial nt The Dalles for thoir murdor. THREE BIG BARGAINS In Suburban Property. Four acres, good orchard and house $2,250 Six acres, with good house, 400 bearing trult trees; alfalfa, and chicken yard. Indepen dent water systom. Torma. . .55,500 Eight acres, good house and barn; 100 bearing fruit trees. Irrigated 92,250 E. T. WADE & SON. First Christian Church Sunday school, 9:ir; preaching. 11 a. m.j Christian Endenvor, 7 p. ni.; 8 o'clock, mnss meeting of all tho churches In town. Each pastor will make a short speech.' Bible study, Wednesday ovenlng. The public Is cordially Invited to attend thoso ser vices. N. H. Brooks, pastor. o Congregational Church Rev. Jon athan Edwards has returned to tho city from Pntnha City, Wash., where ho conducted n 10 days' mission, Ho will occupy tho pulpit of tho Congre gational church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. West End Mission Sundny school, corner West Webb and Mnplo streets at 2:30 p. nt. This church will Join in the union meeting nt the Christian church In the ovenlng. J. Edwards, pastor. Mtehodlst Episcopal Church Sundny school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, superintendent: sermon, 11 a. m.; clnss meeting, 12:15 p. m., Rev. G. W. Rigby, lender. Junior League. 3 p m.; Epworth League, G;45 p. m. There will be no sorvico nt 8 o'clock, as this church will Join In tho gon oral mass meeting at the Christian church, where all the churches will unite their influence In mipport of the local option issue now bofore tho people of the state. Robert Warner, pastor. o M. E. Church, South Preaching Sundny morning at 11 o clock; Sunday school nt 10 a. m.; Ep worth League at 7 p. m. All are cor dially invited to these services. Union locnl option services nt Chris tion church In the evening. M. "V. Howard, pastor. o Baptist Church "Problems for Patriots" will be the subject for the Sundny morning service at 11 o'clock; several will participate, making It In structive. There will be no evening service, as we will join In tho union temperance meeting hold In the Christian church. G. L. Hull, pastor. o Presbyterian Church Morning worship nt 11, sermon, "The Glory of God's Holiness n Necessary Concept in tne Religious Life." Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor so cieties: Junior, nt 3 p. m.; Interme diate, at 4 p. m.; Senior, nt i p. m. This church will Join for evening worship in tho union service at tho First Christian church. Midweek service Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sub ject. "A Creed Tested by its Fruits." Bring Bibles. W. L. Van Nays, pastor-elect. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. E. M. Rosenthal, Portland. P. C. Holland, Portland. 0. S. Abbott, Portland. W. II. A. T. Wallace. Portland. H. B. Cotton, Portland. M. B. AnniBel, Senttle. Nellie M. Stevens, Weston. Horbert Myors, C. A. Barrett, Athena. O. D. Gnlloy, Portlnnd. W. R. Glendeuniug, Portlnnd. George Stevens, Spokane. W. J. Moore, Spoknno. H. L. Moore, Spokane. Edwnrd Golden, Portlnnd. F. M. Bell, Portland. Mrs. M. E. Edwnrds, Echo. Frank Lee, San Francisco. Charles Green, Snn Frnncisco, E. B. Lane, Now York. H. C. Tumor, Spoknno. A. F. Nye, Portland. A. Nylnnder, Portland, The WOMEN'S CLUBS Club Directory. The Thursday Afternoon meets once in two weeks, Thursdays. The Current Literature, alternate Fridays. The Woman's Club meets the sec ond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. The Thursday Afternoon Club will meet at the nome of Mrs. Colesworthy nn Tlinrmlnv. Mnv 19. All membors are urged to be present nt this meet ing. Each memuer is requeaieu lu bring or send tho topic for her next In order that the year book committee may go to work at once. A STRONG MAN. New York Thief Runs Away With 9,715 Pounds of Pennies.' B. B. Hall has discovered the strongest man In the world, probably, by analysis. A dispatch In a recent number of a morning paper stated .1,,., a i,lnr In Nnw York stole 14.- 000,000 pennies and ran away with them. Ho was overuauieu oy we oftor n hot chase, on .account of his progress being Impeded by the weight of the pennies, which wu mo patch admitted were qdlte a burden for him, but as they wore worth $140, 000, they wero worth lugging away., Mr. Hall "flggered" forwards nnd backwards, and then went over the ground nnd "proved" that the thief was carrying 9,715 pounds of coined copper when be was running from the police, who had great difficulty in catching him. Sees Vision of Makaroff's Death. St. Petersburg, May 14. An Inter esting story Is being told of the sis ter of Admiral Makaroff, whose hair, although sho is comparatively young, has turned absolutely white since tho death of her urothor on board tho Ill-fated Petropavlovsk in tho battlo of Port Arthur. Sho has told ac quaintances, It Is said, that she had two visions on the night of the ad miral's death, when he appeared and gave her a detailed account of tho blowing up of tho battleship. Her namo Is Mmo. Tabounoft. Sho Is tho .. . nfflnni. null ropnlveS OnlV W1UOW Ul "lliv-vi. -- a Bmnll pohslon, which Admiral Mak aroff used to supplement. Will Store Butter Here. Georgo D. Goodhue, of tho Com mercial Cream company, oi ouiem, was In the city today on business, nnd while hero made arrangements for tho Haines Creamery Company to store Its surplus butter supply with the Pondleton Ico and Cold Storage Company, until such times as tho market needs tho surplus. Made Young Apaln. "Ono of Dr. King's Now Llfo PMb i. .. ii.t fm. i run wnnlts has nut mo In my 'toons' again," writes D. H. Turnor, of Dompsoytown, Pa. Thoy's tho best In the world for liv er, Btomach and bowols. Puroly vegetable. Nover grpe. Only 2Ec at The St. George. George H. Harvey, Jr., Donvor. N. A, Dexter, Snn Frnncisco. D. J. Norton, Jr., New York. Max Michel, Now York. George H. Boyd, New York. J. W. Duncan, Umatilla. MrB, Duncan, Umatilla. F. J. Gardner, Portlnnd. J. A. Allison, Portland. Mrs. M. Gray, Baker City. W. N. Maxwell, Portland. A. C. James, San Frnncisco. Colin V. Dyment. Walla Walla. N. B. Krouse, Seattle. Tom F. Smith, Portland. C. P. Hamilton, Mongnn. W. T. Tundorburk, Mongnn. B. Gordon, Portland. W. G. Harford, Portland. Theo Gentsch, Portland. E. T. Walsh and wife, city. J. D. Andrews, Denver. R. D. Underwood, Sioux City. N. J. Savage, Portland. F. E. Wellington, Senttle. CLOTHING AT COST WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR CLOTHING, AND WHILE OUR SALE LASTS, YOU CAN BUY CLOTH. ING HERE CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE. OUR STORE IS TOO CROWDED AND WE Will SELL OUT OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR DRY GOODS AND LADIE? FURNISHINGS. ' $15.00 Suits $12.50 Suits $10.00 Suits $ 8.50 Suits $ 4.00 Pnnts for $ 3.00 Pants for $ 2.50 Pants for for $11.98 for $10.00 for for $ 8.00 $ 6.98 $ 3.25 $ 2.40 .$ 2.00 Boys' $9.00 Suits for Boys' $7.50 Suits for Boys' $6.00 Suits for Boys' $5.00 Suits for Boys' $3.50 Suits for Boys' $3.00 Suits for $ 1.50 Pants for 1-20 17.25 W.00 K75 $4.00 U75 U40 Boys Pants of all kinds at special reduction. THIS SALE IS A BONA FIDE SALE, AND EVERY SUIT WILL BE REDUCED AS ADVERTISED FIT OUT THE BOYS WITH NEW SUITS THIS WEEK. The FAIR. TEe FAIR, THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. OHM WALLA WALLA RACES. The Bickers. J. J. Adklus, Heppner. Mrs. Adklns, Heppner. A. Runnold, Spokane. Charles G. Wolf, Spokane. Mrs. McLaughlin, Gurdane. H. G. Hnrlburt, Irrlgon. J. Elgin, Baxter, Spokane. C. Fnrlow, Jefferson. G. J. McEroy, Starliuck. Ed Cnstle, Starbuck. W. A. Mlkesell, Echo. John McMnster, North Yakima. Joseph Rothlin, Pilot Rock. George D. Goodhue, Portlnnd. J. D. Toney, Haines. W. S. Uken, Oregon City. G. W. Williamson, Oak Grove. J. H. Anderson. Hnnston. T. J. Nuting, San Francisco. B. W. Pierce, Crooksvllle. W. C. Green, St. Paul. W. G. Lund, San FranclHcn. 13.50 and J3.00 Hats for $2.00 at Teutsch's. ' A Pill in Time will save a serious sickness, -especially to people subject to Bilious attacks, Sick Headaches or who suffer from Stomach disorders. Apill in need is a friend indeed, and you should never be without n box of Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. ami 25c LIQUOZONE The Great Germ Destroyer TRY A BOTTLE. Brock & McComas Company SOLE AQENT8. 4 1 1 HHHWWWWWWtt PAINTING AND i PAPER HANGING Wo do only good work and at right prices. Our facilities are unexcelled, i We are experienced In the bus iness, and all work rocoivos t our personal attention. Neatness and promptness. No matter what vou want in painting or paporhanglng, ! '. we'll do tho highost grade of ; ', work. Inuobr and outdoor ' painting. I Wilson & CarnSne $ T Shop on Cottonwood atreot, T A near Neagle Bros. 'Phone, X Black 1043, races. In nddltion to the ones al ready hero fust horses nro coming Good Spring Meet In Prospect for from Spokano, Portland, Everett and the Garden City. Imany intermediate points. Tho I management of tho enterprise Is Tho prospects for the spring rnco,n)(),.e ti, pleased with tho outlook meeting of tho Walla Walla County, r.,,. niost ontortninlng event. Fair Association. Mny 25, 20, 27 and 2S, are extremely fluttering, Wnlln Walla Is conceded by all horHomon to have tho fastest track on tho cir cuit, in fact, It Is even hotter than lust year, when It turned out to bo a mnrvol of speed. Already 200 horses have 'icon ontored for the four days' meet, and many of them nro already In Wnlla Walla working out for the events. About 100 homes wintered In I Vnlla Wnlln nnd they have been at work whenever tho weather permit The following fair dates havo boon arranged for tho full circuit: Seattle, August 22 to 2"; Everott, August 29 to September 3; What com, September 5 to 10; Snlum, Seplombor 12 to 17; Portland, Sep tember 19 to 24; North Yaklmn, Soptombor 2G to Octobor 1; Spokane. Ocotbor 3 to 8; Wnlla Walla, Octo ber 10 lo 15; Boise, Octobor 17 to Thirteen Oregon City school boys wore urrested Friday for disturbing ed in anticipation of tills senson's , the ponce at a wrestling match. Dollar Sale THIS IS DOLLAR WEEK AT OUR STORE. THIS IS THE WEEK WHEN A DOLLAR WILL DO BIG DUTY. WE WANT ALL DOUBTING THOMASES TO COME IN AND BE CONVINCED. OUR SPECIAL DAY SALES MADE US MORE CU8TOMERS THAN ANYTHING WE HAVE TRIED BEFORE, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE CALLED AND FOUND US DOING EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISED. THIS WEEK WE WILL 8HOW YOU HOW BIG IS YOUR $1.00 $155 and $1.50 GOLF SHIRTS FOR $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 UNDERWEAR FOR $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 HATS for $1.00 YOU PROFIT MADE WHEN YOU PURCHASE, CARRIED HOME WITH YOU. SPEND IT WHERE YOU LIKE. SULLIVAN & BOND THE 8TORE THAT DOE8 THINGS. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. State. Supremo Judge Thomas OTtj. uauy uim vooa uommissiouiH ai. Douglas. Presidential Electors-John jonroy, t. ii. Crawford, W. B. ana J. H. Smith. District. Congress, Second District J. Simmons. District Attorney, Umatilli i Morrow J. II. Haley Joint Representative, Morrow : Umatilla F. B. Holbrook. County. Judge G. A. Hartman. Sheriff T. D. Taylor, Clerk J. E. Cherry. Assessor C. P. Strain. Commissioner William Lloil Representatives w. D. Clu lain and William Blakeley, School Superlntendent-W, Maybcrry. Surveyor C. C. Berkeley. Treasurer S. G. LlghUooL Recorder W. H. Fowler. Coroner Dr. T. M. Ilenienal Precinct. Justice of the Peace-S. S. 1 uell. Constable John M. Bentlef. J Republican Ticket For Presidential Electors: W. V. Hampton I J. N. Hart S W. II. Gore I James A. Fee 5 For Supreme Judge: Justice F. A. Moore For Food and Dairy Comma i J. W. Bailey For Prosecuting Attorney: G. W. Phelps For Joint Represcntatlre , nr. w. a ole For Congressman in Secoril , J. N. Williamson S For Ropresentaties; . John J. Balleray 2 j . Henry Adams ' For County Judge' i Henry J. Bean For County Clerk: Frank Sallng For Sheriff- C. A. Barren HAMMOCKS Tho season for hammocks Is here. Time to got thorn ,1s now nnd tho place to got the best at tho lowest prices Is at our store. We have spread oursolves In socurlng tho newest and prettiest pattorns turned out by the manufacturers. Just look at our lines. Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN STREET. x?rr Trnnsnrfir: E. J. Sominerrllle J For Recorder: W. H. Folsom For Assessor: I 1 w. t. nigby For Commissioner: ? I Horace Walker I For School Superintended. i Frank K. Welles. For Coroner: I Dr. A. W. BoM11 Z For Surveyor J. W. Kimoroi 2 For Justice of Peace, I '""Thomas Fltz Gerald f or (juuoiuuiu. F. W. EarnhM' PROHIBITION TICK District . i Tntnt M. V. Howaru. tlve Morrow N. A. Davis, Repgrfja nobert Warner, S: h: E5W sioner. , , . gieril Oliver Dickenf., l, W. A Banister, Wj" . William Tolbert,, Q, O. Jllcn- : Bond El ; School ww' jirfiJ I Notice I Jer0f S(3 ! school meeting oi No. 1C of a""c"ott,ir2 tbe legal voters - for the pu"w"l1r .red J SCnoUl uim"" . wJKVj f, m ballot, upon '".j i words ''Bonds-ir ,Donds-No." re " By order oftl nnnntv. Atia- Dated this 1904. J0IIN II IVUf Dr. ! kerbai bfttha.' A11 Her, re menu Cures 1 women. 8pt Tre oltitlo Cor For ftUlnino