"Br PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1904. AN" INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published eyry afternoon (except Sunday) at Pendleton, Oregon, bj tlie EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUltSCKIlTlON KATES. Dally, one year by mall . .J3.00 Dally, six months by mall 2.SO Dally, three months by mall 1.28 Dally, one month by mall .50 Dnlly. jer month by carrlar r.5 Weekly, one year by mall l.fiO eeuiy, sii months by mall 70 Weekly, four months by mall 50 Rentl-Weekly, one jear by mall .... 2.00 Semi-Weekly, six months by mall . . 1.00 Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . .50 Member tlon. Hcrlppg.McRae News Assocla The East Oreconlan Is on sale at 11. B. Rich's News Stands, nt Hotel Portland, and Hotel IVrklns. Portland. Oregon. San Francisco Ilureau. 408 Fourth St. Chicago Uiiremt, 003 Security lluikllUR. Washlnston, D. C llnreau, C01 14th St., X. W. Telephone, Main 11. Entered at Pendletun pestofflce as second clasR matter. LABELS Life is a privilege. If some sad fate Semis us alone to seek the exit Kate; If men forsake us as the Rhailows fall, Still does the supreme privil ege of all Come in that reaching- upward of the soul To find the welcoming pres ence at the goal. And in the knowledge that our feet have trod Paths that lead from and must lead hack to God. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. One-half the world don't know what the other half is doing. When Postmaster Bancroft, of Portland, had his fingers in the government funds last week, he perhaps didn't know that New York's postmaster was doing the same thing at the same time. a change of administration than that the departments be cloaned out by the appointmont of new officials for but four years, that, is sufflclont for a campaign issuo. One party In power so safely and so long, becomes bold and brazen in corruption. Dom ocrats are but humans and would doubtless fnll into the same habit, if as firmly Intrenched In governmental departments "as their opponents. It Is best for the people that the parties be evenly balanced in national af fairs. After one party has held full sway for years and used its .official position to strengthen and porpotu ate Its power, tho people should find in that dangerous tendency n sufllc lent campaign issue upon which to erect a chnnge. , It is worthy of note to taxpayors to know that county government in Umatilla county cost J5.0S4.72 less in 1U03 than in 1902. notwithstanding the Increased labor which tho amended tax law necessitates In the sheriff's office. This saving was ef fected through the most rigid econO' my nnd business pianngement In the county offices having charge of the assessment, and collection of taxes, ud the office of district attorney and county Judge. Mr. Strain assessed Umatilla county for $4,H2 In 1903, when the average cost for seven years before had been $5,003.75. Sheriff Taylor has also made a sav ing In his office nnd by close vlgt lance in miscellaneous expenditures, Judge Hartman has been able to cut down the general expenses greatly, saving the people $21 G by protesting the county printing bill alone. One of the greatest savings effected dur ing the last year Is through the ad vice and efficient counsel of T. G. Hailey, as prosecuting attorney, who has steered the county clear of much costly litigation. These comparisons reflect no discredit on the efficient officers who hold strictly salaried of fices, but are prominently mentioned because of the need of the same economy and the same rigid survell lance in future, that have been ex erclsed in the past 'year. EIGHT, CATARRH A COMMON COMPLAINT. Catarrh begins with a stubborn cold in the head, inflammation or sore ness of the mcmbrnne or lining of the nose, discharge of mucus matter, headaches, neuralgia and difficult breathing, and even in this early stage is almost intolerable. But when the filthy secretions begin to drop back into the throat and stomach, and the blood becomes polluted and the 6ystcm contaminated , , , .. , . bv the rstnrrlinl nnlc 1 "!" continual hoadache, my cheeks had crown i A ta",rrIlal P01S ' purple, my noso was always utoppod up. my breath on, then the sufferer bad a sickonlnir nnd distrusting odor, and I cousrhed betrinstn rp-ilif. wlinf n lnoessantly. 1 heard of S. S. 3. nnd commenced to uoe , 8 i Rnd tal""ir several uottloa I was cured and disgusting nnd Sicken- have never since had tho sllRhtnat symptom of the intr diseaip Onr-ii-rli in disease. Miss MAIty L.STOEM. t it 4 , ?, ' Northwest Cor 7th and l'ellx Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. It affects the kidneys nnd stomach as well as other parts of the body. It is a constitutional disease nnd as inhaling mixtures, salves, ointments, etc., are never more than palliative or helpful, even in the beginning of Catarrh, what can you expect from such treatment when it becomes chronic nnd the whole system affected ? Only such n remedy ns S. S. S. can reach this obsti nate, deep-seated disease and purge the blood of the catarrhal poison. S. S. S. purifies and builds up the diseased blood, nnd the inflamed membranes nre healed and the excessive secretion of mucus ceases when new. rich hlnnri is miiiiner tr Mm ,1!cnnc-il parts, and a permanent cure is the result. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and a reliable remedy for Catarrh in all stages. Write if in need of medical ndvice; this will coat you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC an.. ATLANTA. GA, UtT to . A XT U new tricks," and u ui our - llnon laundered at aWT uomostlc Steam w,V" any other Mb-.hii.EL. like comnarlm. u . 1 i. juur Steam TA.Z'" I M n HA Tift. 4-JUT.L I A LEGAL BLANKS alogtte of them. A foil supply always kept In stock. ii4.. :J BYERS' BEST FLOUR Hssiireu wiiuu Bun uu&i riuur ih useu. Uran shnrtt .4- , . 1 1. .1 ' oa uuney uiwujs uu uuuu. ri?KTTvr nfAm t t-it ..... W. S. BYERS, Prop. Dally East Oregoman by carrier, only 15 cents a vntk. 4 The call for the meeting nt The Dalles on Tuesday. Jlay 17, for the purpose of organizing a permanent portage road and river transportation commission of farmers of the Inland Empire, is the best step yet taken toward the construction of the port age road. It is the story of the old lark and the wheat field over again. . The farmers of the Inland Empire have waited in vain for relief, for the past 32 years, and are no nearer actual relief today than then. Now they have called a meeting of wheat growers, of actual shippers from the Inland Empire, to take steps hurry up some kind of relief for the producers of this great section Umatilla county takes pleasure in sending Thomas Kirk ' and R. M O Brien, two representative farmers to join in the work of relief. The farmers must take up this task, as the legislators and representatives in congress fall to accomplish any thing. The people need competition in the matter of transportation and the Columbia river has been placed at their service by nature as a means of civilizing the West. Thinking voters will be struck with the different campaign methods of the local option forces and the Liquor Dealers' Association. The liquor dealers are collecting large sums of money for campaign pur poses, assuming by this that the voters of Oregon may be won by a price for their ballot. The local op' tion people are conducting a cam paign of education, and information. appealing to the Intelligence and honesty of the voter to win. One represents the machine rule and brute force In society, the other the intelligence and conscience of the land. Which -method do you prefer during the campaign, and which force do you prefer to see in power after election? Do you want to see the force triumph which values you by so many dollars and cents which It will require to buy you, or do you choose to be counted as one of so many intelligent beings, to whom the appeal of reason and righteousness is an Incentive to act? Don't forget that a vote for local option is a vote for the majority rule and local self government It is Interesting to hear republican papers declare that there Is no issue for the democrats for the 1904 cam paign, while the same papers nro fcreed to print as their llvo news tho accounts of official rottenuess in every government department. In cluding the postofficcs in Portland, Now York nnd other of tho largest cities of the country. If there wero no other issue tho peoplo would be glad to see this corruption overthrown and its roots and branches cut off. If there wore no other reason for Any citizen of Pendleton who will stand on the high school ground any week day evening after school and watch the invigorating sport enjoyed by the students, will experience a thrill of pride for the city and her institutions. Instead of running away to town and hoodlumlsm as soon as school is dismissed, the young men go to the play ground for an hour for relaxation from study and for a physical finish which Is just as necessary to a complete ed' ucatlon as mental finish. It requires genius In a principal to give just enough physical nnd mental training always necessary to balance the man. It requires personality and self-sac rificeand persistent energy to hold the esteem, confidence and enthusl asm of 100 romping high school boys from IE to 20. It is an exalted am' bition in a principal which suggests sports and useful diversions for stu dents after school hours, to prevent the perilous temptations of the town from weakening the school enthusl' asm. It Is a matter of pride to Pen dleton that there is no break in the process of training in her high school, where the students are young men and young women, susceptible to so many social and otner inter ruptlons to study. It has been the aim of Professor Conklln to form a continuous claim of interest that will bridge over the hours from 4 p. m, to 9 a. m In oruer that the school influences might not be broken by outside forces. When school dis misses he finds sports and literary contests and musical education and other elevating studies to hold the interest and Improve the mental and physical nature. The result is gratl fylng. Instead of finding your high school boys on the streets after school, you find thorn pursuing some mental or physical pastime connect ed with their school life. They are occupied, active. No slothful habits of mind or body are allowed to grow. There is clean, refreshing, elevating diversion, yet all of it a part of the general onward course of their edu cation. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This Question arises in the family every dayv Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pie pared la two minutes. No boiling! nc baklngl add boiling water nnd set tt eooL I'lavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berrv nnd Strawberry. Get a pacing st your grocers to-tiay. jo cm. MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. So. 7 POit SL, (pskane, Cen.Agt0ENSM0RE TYPEWRITER Supplies ... Htatina ... cipsn neysmng I rvvvTVTTTW Ti LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAtAAAJ iiiiiiiniiiii:i:iii2TiT2T:i:i::::iiiiixiiiixi:iii Friday and Saturday FIRE SALE BARGAINS RIBBONS BABY JUBBON WIDTH, 3 YARDS FOR 2c, UP TO NUMBER 80 WIDE FOR 22e PER YARD. DON'T CONFOUND THESE WITH THE MANY CHEAP RIBBONS BEING SOLD ABOUT TOWN. YOU KNOW THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE CARRIES ONLY GOOD RIBBONS. DRESS GOODS FROM A TO IZZARD, AT FIRE SALE PRICES. CORSETS, KID GLOVES AT FIRE SALE PRICES. SILKS AND VELVETS AT FIRE SALE PRICES. EMBROIDERY SILKS AT FIRE SALE PRICES. STAMPED LINENS AND PILLOW TOPS AT FIRE SALE PRICES. CHILDREN'S SHOES AT FIRE SALE PRICES. v : WOMEN'S TAILOR-MADE SUITS AT FIRE SALE PRICES. . BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES AT FIRE SALE PRICES. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT FIRE SALE PRICES.. ,. ' , " MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS AT FIRE SALE PRICES. BOYS' CLOTHING AT FIRE SALE PRICES. NEW STYLISH HATS IN 8TRAW AND FELT, AT FIRE SALE PRICES. We mention a few items only but there is not one item within the four walk of our tiotf5 that hasn't a FIRE SALE PRICE put on it an4 the beauty of the whole thing is that when you see it in our ad it's so. Open Until 9 o'clock Saturday Night The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE TYYYYYYYTTTYTTYTTTTiYYYYiTiT YYiYiYlYYYTTlTIlIlIXXX