PAGE EIGHT. DAIUY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1904. EIGHT I Hot Weather Comforts i Our line of summer footwear Is now In, and In readiness ibr -a 0 you to make your selections. Prettiest Ideas In 1 OXFORDS, LOW SHOES : AND SLIPPERS : for ladles and gentlemen In tans, patent colt, vlcl and other leattv- ers- 1 DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. I a GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. I mm GAS E PUNT MATTER COUNCILMAN ABSENT AND PROPOSITION LAID OVER. proposed plant, were represented by J T. Hlnkle, their attorney. Two bills were presented and turn ed over to the committee for adult- lng. One was by W. C. Minnls for $7 for wood furnished the city The other was by W. P. Shophard, for services as special enumerator of people subject to poll tax. John D. Drown, who has been for some time on the police force, and was for a long time janitor at the court house, was appointed street commissioner by Mayor Jlatlock. and the appointment was unanimously conflmied. It was shown that S3.C00 Is on hand belonging to the levee sinking fund WILL CONDUCT THE ELECTION JUDGES AND CLERKS APPOINTED BY COURT. Thirty-six Precincts of Umatilla County Are Furnished With Offic ials to Have Charge of the Gener al .Elections In June and November. Bills Are Allowed Street Commis sioner Appointed Finance Commit tee Given Jurisdiction Over $3,600 of Sinking Fund on Hand Chair-1 and to the general sinking fund, and men of Committees Transferred. a, n'0110"1 unanimously carried that the finance committee be given Juris- diction over the amount named, hav- The most Important action taken I authority to use Its own Judg- . ,. ,v,. .,. ,,,,ment in regard to where to loan It. by the council last night as the;and nt what rate o ,nterest Tue postponement of the reconsideration , moaty (s on hand from the redemp- of Its action In relation to the loca-I tion of county warrants In the tion of the gas plant. The conclusion ! amount named. .., .... ,. ... ,, . ... I Dy request Mr. Dickson was trnns- oi the matter was a motion by Mr. , , , . , . ferred from the chairmanship of the Dickson to lay the matter over until cialms committee to the chairman the next regular meeting, which pass-1 ship of the finance committee, nnd ed unanimously. Mr. Johnson was transferred from All the councilmen were nresent h rhnlrmnnshln nf the finance com- except Mr. Johnson, who Is In Port-1 mlttee to the chairmanship of the land investigating the relation of. claims committee. pns plants to the health of nearby residents and to property valuations ! can Recover. ana comion oi me people .wno live Dr GarflGiu. n E. . oon-s nhysl- . r V,L V..., ' " nearby The postponement was on clan tleplore8 ihc conclusion s0 nzny ' ."T p 'e bier DaWd Horn John account of Mr. Johnson's failure to have Jumped tf lhat Mr. Coon baB John & er. DaUd Horn. John return. no cuanl;c for recovery, nnd avers Hniivw F Pntts chairman- A There was no discussion of the Is- h t th teM wh,e , 80rious . HaT' MSm' sue last night. Quite a number of j 1 M recovpr. He u nrac. ;. ?r'ck- PA SS' the protestants were present and - tca tr'ee Uom fe;erthe dUne "''BTer ' ' ' promptly disbanded when the conn- ,la8 lts nalura, course wh,,nut W.Turaoi; cl-; n. . cil turned the subject over. Among. an unfavorable deyelopment. and all HZJ,o tl Inilerson Unices ' .e protestants Mrs. 2Jrlr i Teel or ; that ,,,, tne case novv and Q. Buholtz, sB"e dw0 J"' Echo, and her son. O, D. Tatri, who moi,c nroriirti,.n nr , M- F,s c- rown. A- J- m nwn tovorf.1 n.nnirtlue H.I 1 ' tt ..-""- k - v r nlnrbs. jacent to the present location of the , un,ennble ls the mere . , ,ot t,he,.1T tuc ! tlent's age and general lack of vital- " ilty. Yet Dr. Garfleld believes that he will recover. The county court yesterday ap pointed the following Judges and clerks of election for the 3G precincts in Umatilla county to serve at the June and November elections: Adams J. O. Hales, chairman; John Porringer, J. T. Lleuallen, Judges; J. H. Klrby, B. A. Marquis. M. A. Ferguson, clerks. Alba A. S. Quant, chairman; K. McDonald, Frank Brown, Judges. Josh Clark. William McLaughlin, Ed Brcbm, clerks. North Athena Cass Cannon, chair man; V. M. Shlck, W. E. Armfleld. judges; C. O. Henry, G. W. Bradley. N. A. Miller, clerks. South Athena Henry Schmltt chairman; James Potts, Jerry Stone. Judges; Georgo R. Gerklng, John C Walter, C. C. Whltemnn, clerks.. Bingham Springs J. E. Thompson, chairman; R. M. Grasty, D. Cain. Judges; Roswell Graves, R. C. Hager. Henry Lacey, clerks. Cottonwood George Glnn, chair man; Lewis Bolus, J. W. Toner judges; C. It. Hubor, F. E. Copeland. John F. Casper, clerks. Echo Asa B. Thompson, chair man; Frank Rack, Otis McCarty Judges; Charles E. Graham, Charles H. Miller, J. H. Williams, clerks. Encampment A. H. Todd, chair man; Geo. D. Hllyard, L. S. Osborn. Judges; Thomas Delaney, Frank Han Ion, P. E. Johnson, clerks. Fulton H. J. Taylor, chairman. T V. .. Tint... Tl'n1t. li.P:.r..i..KiK I JUU11 UUU1, , Ulll ..... u..ll.ll-... i Judges: W. W. Jones, William Potts. G. C. Schroeder, clerks. Gllllland Ed Carney, chairman; J. man; Harry Whltakor nnd George U. Horseman, judges; John T. Ogle, fli. E. Flotchcr and James Markham, clerks, Yoakum B. Hopper, chairman; Ed Dupuls and A. W. Norton, judges; W. E. Gould, Kim Morton and H. T. McLellan, clerks. OWL TEA HOUSE MOVES. Entire Large Stock Will Be Disposed of as Quickly as Possible. The room In 'the LaDow block oc cupied by the Ovyl Tea House for the past six years, has bcon leased to John Gagcn, who will occupy It with a family liquor store, or private sa loon. The Owl Tea Houso will at once dispose of Its large stock of stone, glass and chlnaware at once, prepa ratory to moving Into other quarters. George Bobbins, proprietor of the Owl Tea House, began business In Pendleton In the room now to be va cated, bIx years ago, on a very small scale, and has built up one of the largest trades In Eastern Oregon. At this time he has 4000 gallons of stoneware In the basement of the store, the season's jelly glasses and fruit Jars nnd had prepared for one of the heaviest trades In the history ot the business. Half a carload of glassware has just been unloaded in the cellar. Mr. Bobbins will sell the entire stock at once. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Noted Evangelist Will Preach in This City Tomorrow Night. Rev. William F. Cowden, of Tnco ma, n noted evangelist of the Chris tian church, will preach at the Chris tian church In this city tomorrow night. He ls a general evangelist and has spoken nnd carried on revivals In every large city in the country and ls an able speaker. He will be In the city but one night, and every one Is cordially invited to attend the services. 1 House Cleaning Made Easy clerks. Holdmnn A. B. Cooley. chairman; R U Harp, W. U Puree)!. Judges; d! N. Vansklver, W. X. giaypool, E. c. Johnson, clerks. I 1 Juniper Frank is. King, enairman; Regents Go to Weston. j jj L Morrison, Mnnuel Freldley, Three members of the board "'i judges; John F. Wyrlck, Andrew Lar- I regents of Weston Normal School seDi B, v. Steele, clerks. I R. Alexander, chairman; F. M. North Milton S. H. Chrlstenson. 1 Saxton, of Baker City, and William chairman ; W. Hopson. Wjn. Lloyd. I Blakley went to Weston this morn- judges; N. W. Mumford. J. N. Bas- ' log, where they will complete ar-lj-ett, Geo. A. Cowl, clerks. I mnirpments for effecting tho im-1 onUth Milton D. J. Kirk, chair- Siprovements planned for the Normal man. H. L. Frazler, H. M. Cockburn. judges: Robert aim. t- uuwuiuu. Successful Operation. Mrs. J. M. Blair, of La Grande, was successfully operated upon last evening at St. Anthony's hospital for a tumor. She was In fairly good health before the operation and is doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Drs, W. G. Cole, of this city, nnd M. K. Ha.i, of La Grande, performed the opera tion. Mrs. Blair Is the wife of J. M. Blair, tho well known O. R. iz is. brakemau. canttnmnn nnmed this morning, but ' did not come. j grounds grading, fencing and pave t ,. Thor ornnct to lfet the con See our window for the tracts t0ljay. J. W. Scrlber, of La .1.1 .. ...loH troro in Ir.ranilii war xnected to join the the list: Whiting, Ammonia, J Sulphur, Chloride Lime, Magic s Cleaning Fluid, Soap, Deodor- lzcd Benzine, Sulphur Fumi- gators and DuBters. Anything else? Ask us. John Walden. clerks. Mountain J. E. McDanlel. chali. man; John E. Wnldcn. J. W. Hyatt, judges; John Oldham, J. Z English. W. H. Gould, clerkb. McKay Alex Hudson, chairman; Enter Into Partnership. : Charles Heln. S. P. Hutchinson. . . . : ..... t- rr tj..ll c I," Vntnc TT A Benjamin L. Loland has cutureu juuges; u. " into nartnershln with D. B. Richard son In the general merchandise bus iness nt Helix. The business Is an old and wel lestabllshed one, but It is Mr. Inland's first venture In merchandise Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists : People are not fond of reading uds. j as a rule, becnuse there Is so much I 1 exaggeration. That's why the Peo- I pies Warehouse ads are treated dif I i frHntlv becauso when you see it In I thorn lfs so. Not then und now or lonally. but all the time. New Preparation. J, A. Ward and J. H. Dix are man ufacturing at the former's home In the eastern part of town a prepara tion, the Joint contrivance of both gentlemen, which they call "The Only" leather renovator. It Is adapt ed to be applied to all leather sur faces exposed to the weather har ness, shoes, buggy tops, etc. It ls claimed for it that it la absolutely water-proof and that It also taucs a high polish easily. In Police Court. In the police court this morning W. Hayes, Levi Brothers and John Conner were each given three days in the city Jail for drunkenness, in default of cash fines. For smuggling whisky Into the city Jail Pat O'Con ner was given five days In Jail. Levee Drain. TIip lC-lnch drain through the levee on Long street Is being laid today. An excellent foundation for it wns secured, and the ditch in which it Is laid Is approximately 50 feet long. " j To Be Transferred. Captain Jcnnlo Bolles, of the Sal vation Army, will ho transferred to another field of labor In a short tlmo, by tho army authorities. She will preach her farewell sermon on nw siimlnv evening. There Is as yet no Intimation as to whore she'J will he sent, nor who will be her sue- ccssor. Captain Bolles has been In I Pendleton auoui six rauumu, uu .u s . . HMniM .n.,A e will pins . . . . . m " ii l i ..... .. i.manni.nri mnrn limn in nnv n m n nn.. . .... ' half year since It maintained nn or- . benr th)g Union Men ganlzatlon here. your purchases Grand Encampment Delegates. s The grand encampment of the I. J O. O. F. and the state grand lodge are both held at Astoria next week, i To tho first T. F. Howard Is delegate by virtue of being a retiring grand J patriarch. To the grand " lodge John I e Kees, C. P. Davis, W. P. Llttlcjohn j and J. E. Beam are delegates from Integrity lodge and 11. Alcxnnder, H. j. Taylor and J. L. Sharon from ' Eureka lodge. ' Postponed Action. The county court postponed final , action on the Wild Horse road prop-i osltlon until the July session. j XT. ' " sen "Mother, jju.; ttin fir luo uat ;oC co nee on OWL TEA HfHiw Jury Completed. Rising Sun, ind.. May 12. The Jury has been completed for tho G.I lesple trial. This afternoon they visited tho Gillespie home. A- J. BEAN II 1 tit inn ap niiiii iraii lit mi i I J L 1 1 U Ul Ml I I Wl a t l. in ttuuus uiKcn Dost or ctr et Qualify Siyl Our metropolitan line of new Shirts it here and on display. You never saw a prettier selection of fashionable Shirts than comprises this line. We make this positive statement and are pre pared to convince you, "We are there with the goods." Some new effects are now shown by us and we want you to see them. It is a pleasure for us to show you these Shirts, and you will find it a pleasure to look at them. It is not how cheap you can buy as it is how big a value you get for your money. We give the values. This exquisite new stock ls priced $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00. SALE SPECIALS in Shirts. Inducements to buy quick, $1.75 and $2.00 Shirts at $1.15, $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts for 90c. The Boston Clothing, Shoos, Man's Furnishings THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT WPHAfl CVflRAiTtLI tOllSTRUUIOrt Headquarters for FURNITURE and CARPETS See Our New Line of Refrigerators and Go-Carts Friday and Saturday, May 13 and 14, we want you to call on us and a. an inducement, we are going to sell PICTURES at a lower price than many dealers can buy them at wholesale. Beautify the home while you can get pictures so cheap. See our south windows for the finest dlsp ay ever shown In Pendleton. "HlSlJf . A. RADER Egg and Phosphate BAKING POWDER BETTEk THAN THE OLD-TIME CREAM OF TARTAR POWDERS Fnvnn. clerks Pendleton T. B. Swearlngen. rhnlrman: W. S. Perry. J. A. Horn. Judges; S. S. Darnell. E. C. Anibel. I E. Earl, clerks. N'nrth Pendleton George Buzan. chairman: J. M. Bentley. W. S Bad- loy. Judges; J. P. Walker. Frank rra zier. J. S. Kees. clerks. South Pendleton C. P. Ford, chair man: L. E. Penland. M. M- Mrick judges; J. A. Drake, T. O. Yates clerks. Rnst Pendleton John McGinn. chairman; G. W. Brown, W. B. Hale Judges: H. E. Cook, J. S. Beckwlth H. J. Stlllman, clerks Pilot Rock Douglas Bolts. rhnlrmnn: Herbert Boylon. J. S. Cherry. Judges; Frank Done. Oliver Knotts. John Harrison, cierus. Prosnect A. B. McCarty, chair . .1. X ... l .... . man: K. m. Alcorn, v. t. .uuriun I Judges; D. A. Peebler, Lee Beam, Ira Perkins, clorks. Reservation A. D. Blue, chairman: J. M- Cornellson. L. L. Mann, Judges B. F. McElroy, G. A. nott, T. B. Hawley. clerks. Ruddock E. J. WJIbur, chairman, Fred C. Davis, E. S. Wilbur, Judges. H. A. Blair. S. Swauger, clerks. UWah E. B. Gambee, chairman, Frank Hllbert, Henry Lazinka, Judges: J. W- Galloway, Ray Harpolc. Frank Boynton. clerks. Umatilla W. R. Parker, chairman, John Swltzler, S. A. Baylor, Judges, J W. Duncan, J. N. Soever, H. J. Burnliam. clerks. Union Slomeon Bothers, chair man: Eugene McCulley, D. Howdy shell, Judges; 11. H. Harvey, Edwin Hughes, Elmer Harvey, clorks. Valley W. S. Goodman, chairman; James Kirk, R. T. Mobloy, Judges, C. F. Weiss, E. iteccord, Ed Blod gen, clerks. Vansycle J. A. Crcswell. chair man; E. O. Casey, W. J. Slockman, judges; W. H. Dale, C. A. Logon. Benjamin Stauton, clerk. Vinson E. A. Rugg. chairman; S. 0. Llghtfoot, Donald Ross, JudgeH; J. N. Sulste, C. H. Russoll, Edward Chapman, clerk. Weston R. jnmleson, chairman; H B. Turner and J. Klrkpatrlck. judges; Clark Wood, F. Blair and Clark Nelson, clerks. East Weston j. m- u uuru, unmi- j, man; N- E. Bradley und 8. A. Barnes, judges O, C Turner. M. 8. Hanckle 1 Building ! Material OF ALL DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. )regon I i niber Yard reet, Opp. rt House. Alto Correct Prices Correct : Fits Special Prices on Clothing and Furnishings STRIPED UNDERWEAR, PER SUIT FANCY STRIPED UNDERWEAR, PER SUIT ' UNDERWEAR IN BLUE AND FLESH COLOR, PER 5U. Rl ARK STRIPED SHIRTS, EACH GOLF SHIRTS, ONE PAIR CUFFS TO MATCH tii i 90c i GOLF SHIRTS, EXTRA QUALITY, $10.00 MEN'S SUITS, AT $7.50 MEN'S SUITS AT $8.00 MEN'S SUITS AT $12.50 MEN'S SUITS AT WE ARE SHOWING BARGAINS IN ALL LINES 75c and $6 ; BAER. DALEY I Clothiers and Furnishers '" PLUMBING and SEWER WORK , HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING 08 j CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER """ tim.tcc CIIRMIRMED ON ALL WUim. T. C. TAYLOR ! "THE HARDWARE MAN." i i 741 MAIN j onj!..h..!J1r Bnklo. chair- U " " ' Main and Webb Streets VW '