East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 12, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight and Friday fnlr nnd
who reads this P;
fti and import
in It.
NO. 5U4G.
m i in
11 lb
H.nin mniinrn
Labor Unions Re-
i.. f nnnrdiinn
early ou-ujJt'"ii"
liesa mi"'
.eCURLY U n-
lull i - - -
on July .Fourth Trades
Handled Labor Day in a
Manner and Business Will
it. Cnnrth nf Julv to
,. i..nnn Wrv Little
c rfcfcH"ia - - y
Sentiment Exhibited Ac
Se Taken Monday.
almost certain that Pen
celebrate the Fourth of
nrniiriii.it? uiuuuui
the matter In charge and
iness mvu in uiiuumiv-
t rn IrKlniT
and appropriate eater-
a. mrifu ui uijiuDcuiuiiie ui
oral a rosi
efforts of the Assembly to
rump ifeiow a iew ummuut
E nuHI IltTHK Illt'Il H11U lilt"! '
more business men will
aij, .until me unions xeei
ic Rpntimpnt hnn hppn fnllv
final action will be ta
Avers By all means let us
celebration. The laboring
perfectly competent to han
iffair and have more time
to the details than tho line.
I linOTU- 1 V Aa I nn nn I h In
uas own expressea so oiten
T. I Jf IIS fll'O til aim ,tt'imtr
Darveaft Pendleton should
DT ail mPJin Tt mal.'ao
frtf th. ..,
w iwk lorwaru to tins event
yr as a time of pleasure
me movement to celebrate.
Brok-Yes sir Let us eel
oinn tm r. i i j
m Kiauuiui uuu bat
manner and they are the
'ley have leisure after work
r i o h ... ...... i ii-
w jui-jiuie uuu UIS
- . ic. "uurougniy. i am
in ...
laiur oi iiirnlnir tli nml.
- ..cm mm an me en-
... u uatusuince mat is
- . uianc me event a suc-
suou d celebrate
tn kA i .
iicujiio wouiu not
l there Is Buch a holiday
..ui oi juiy we should
r7"'e appronr ate to thn
iiiauce oi llie c iv. and
,:;7 m lavf ot the work-
"i'UK Hie TTIAttnr no V...,
C'Ve them all the mmumpo.
'ou uran i am mitt,. .,im
want ..... ..- .
uu geieurannn iiniptia
I lh I... .
c ""l two we lmv Iiiwl
mm iipob i..
"th In the show down, all
A matter -
mu -auie man recu-
nnk,... u. ln every respect.
'"tul!lll.l. n ..... t 1 . . r
. r- uen want . i..i...
k mh nro mil i i ,
-' not th nli- tho ,..i.
eTth-iry murh of out-'
waer cash or timo i. .i
- "ven nero ii.n,.. .
'aougn, we will do our
r0Dferthat wl to - the
TfAfc- . "w tu KIM' 1 1 inn
TooT.'0 th? '
nent ...
we can ontr.
. crooii i . "
-Mty af I, , -li4lfc
4T?..Mke It b o at
"i iet it i u
D. s . 'une.
rlclit, all Tight; If it is not done
right, It Is all wrong. This firm will
not glvo 'up any more money unless
there Is better assurance that It will
be 'well fcpent, than heretofore. We
must have something in sight.
C. E. Roosevelt I emphatically
second the motion that the observ-
Ttnce'of the Fourth of July be turned
over to the Labor Council. The
unions can and may be trusted to
give us an economical and honest
expenditure of any funds that may
be entrusted to them. Judging from
Labor Day, they can give us a. cel
ebration with novel features' one
that will be all-'round successful.
Give the unions every chance. I
think they can be depended upon.
Loe Teutsch Money to spend Is
not the only consideration. To make
a celebration a success the Interest
of every man. woman and child iji
the town should be enlisted their,
advice asked for and listened to.
Let us have assurance of a genuine
ly good celebration, or none at all.
Above all. let us go at It ln a way
that will make a community affair
of it.
R. E. Tarbet The people will
spend about so much money every
Fourth of July anyway, and If they
don't spend it In Pendleton they will
go elsewhere for diversion on the
day. The money the people of this
town will spend on railroad fares
going somewhere else If there 13 no
celebration here, If It could be got
ten together would be sufficient to
build a good celebration at home on.
Let us get up a good program and
then by all means carry it out. If
necessary, require forfeits for the
proper carrying out of contract attractions.
Inspectors Recommend His Dismissal
But No Specific, Charges Are Made
His Son Loses His Official Head
and Many Subordinates Are Out
Is a Friend of Piatt's.
Reported From London That Russia's Ruler Would Abdicate
the Throne of His Fathers.
The Splendid Docks at Dalny, the Finest Harbor In the World, Built at
a Cost of $6,000,000, Are Blown to Atoms Skirmishing In the Interi
or With Slight Losses on Both Sides Sentiment Against Absolutism
Is Increasingln Russia. '
I tvuninnl lnv 1rt Thn TJnct t li-
day asserts tnat the report reached
London from high quarters from St.
Petersburg, that the czar Is suffering
irum gruai uiriutii ui'prt'ssiun uuu is
desirous of abdicating.
forcements (arrived from Ping Yang,
when the enemy lied. The Japnneso
lost four killed and six wounded.
The enemy had over DO non-commissioned
officers taken prisoner.
Would Go to the Front.
St Pptnrshnrir Mnv 1 Thf P7nr
will bid farewell to the tenth army
corns at Kharkoff on the 23d. He
Port Arthur Cut Off.
London. Jlay 12. Lloyd's corres
pondent ot NIu Chwang, states that
nrt AHhnr In flit off. Produco Is
.1110 . ..v. u mi. 1 arriving 111 kcui iiunuiuii'B imm ui
still maintains a keen desire to go toithe river. The Japanese troops are
. 1, . . , I ... . T . T T I'M, .... ..
uuui, marcniuc iruiu reuK xuiuuk vvh
hriwanls Hsven. Perfect order pre
To Evacuate Dalny. Ivalls in NIu Cnwang. The author!-
Petersburc. Mnv 12. Alexicff" tins do not. anticipate trouble or fight
ing in HUE VIUIHUJ. VIIUUl uiun in
iIup to fieneral Kondratorvlck and
Civil Administrator Etzel ln preserv
lng order.
telecraohs today that preparations
for the evacuation of Dalny docks
are being made. Material tnat would
be useful to the enemy Is being de
Cost of Dalny Evacuation.
St. Petersburg. May 12. The Dal.
Absolutism Declining.
Vienna, j May 12. Russian advices
today state that the conviction Is
ny oocks, piers mm ajiiiuui;naHw:a Rrowuig uujuiik ihih;.vuui
cost the Russian government ju.uuu,- classes that ausoiuusm nas seen us
.... .1 I .!.! IV. .- ..Ill I...
Washington, May. 12. The report
of the inspectors' of the New York
City postbfflce" Is' lh possession of the
postmaster-general, who will not give
out the contents until reviewed by
the president.
It Is well known, however, that the
Inspectors have recommended the dis
missal of Postmaster Van Cott. his
son, and a dozen subordinates. As
sistant Attorney-General Robb, to
whom the report was submitted, will
probably modify that recommenda
tion. Senator Piatt, Van Con's per
sonal friend, has worked hard for
The president this afternoon ap
pndations made
by Robb and as a result Richard Van
Cott, son of the postmaster, w
summarily removed. No proof of ac
tual maladministration has been
made against the postmaster, and he
will be allowed to serve out his
Gymnastic Championships Postponed.
St. Louis, Mo.. May 12 -Hy decls
Ion of James E. Sullivan, chief of the
department of physical culture ot the
Louisiana Purchase exposition, the
college gymnastic championships
which were o haft begun on the
world's fair grounds today have been
postponed until October, when they
will be held at the same time as the
national championships The change
was made at the request of many col
leges. Arkansas Editors.
Little hock. Ark'.. May 12 -The an
nual meeting begun here tda by
the Arkansas Press Association is
well attended by the leading news
paper men of the state. The sessions
are to continue several days, during
which time there will be pa pers and
addresses covering every branch or
newspaper making.
Bombarding British.
London, May 12.-Dlspatcl.es from
Gayangtz, Thlebet. today state that
the Thibetans have opened he
bombardment on nrlitah camp there,
using cannon.
Treaty Made.
Washington, May 12.-T1.0 Peruvi
an legation received a confirmation
of the report or the treaty negotiat
ed betwe'erPeru and Columbia, re
spectlng the uoundary dispute.
Real Estate Man Missing.
Sacramento, Col.. -May 12.-H. Tj
Wright a prominent Dixon real
estate man, disappeared after mak
Ing big real estate deals.
Wins Stake.
London. May 12-Klng Ed wards
horso, Rose Market, won the Dreed
en.' stake of 200 sovereigns at New
Anxious to Loan.
London. May 12. The Central
News Btates that the Japanese loan
has already been over subscribed.
The banks handling It are crowfled
this morning.
Fortify Seaports.
Berlin. May 12. A SL Petersburg
dispatch states that the town of Ses
totbez. on the Gulf of Finland, 18
miles from the capital, is to be
strongly forUfled as protection lor
Neva and St. Petersburg.
Resist Attack.
London. May 12. Japanese Minis
ter Hayashl gives an account or .(ho
Russian attack on Anja or May "10,
which says 21 Japanee resisted 200
Russians until a company or reln-
hnci ilnvo nnrt tlint the rzar will be
led of his own Initiative to give the
empire a constitution nnu parna
Port Arthur Cut Off.
London, May 12. The Reuters' cor
respondent at Toklo wires thai It Is
nnirlnllv denied there that Port Ar
thur raffway communications have
been restored.
Rumor of Fighting.
Shnni- Hnl Kwan. Mav 12. A HI
mor Is current today that fighting Is
going on southeast or isiu unwang.
'Fighting at Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, May 12. Humors
or fighting at Port Arthur are cur
rent here, but no confirmation Is
made. NIu Chwang Is still held by
the Russians,
Startling Story of Sidney Sladden
Comes to Light In Los Angeles.
t on Aiurplis. Mnv 12. A startling
story which may develop Into one of
murder mysteries came to light in
Los Angeles today. The chief figure
in it is Sidney Sladden. He wns
nnrn n roallloilt nf tills rltV. Hll Is
now a prisoner in the county Jail at
Louisville, ly.. enargou wuu nnviug
swindled the Pacific Life Insurance
Pomnanv. of which ho wns general
ngont in Kentucky.
Special Policeman cnnrics l. fos
ter, who for ten years hnR been on
Slndden's trail. Is authority for the
statement that an effort Is being
made to prove that Sladden, once the
most dashing or men about town, la
guilty of wife murder. His first wife,
who Is now living in EnBt Orange, N.
J., declares that before she divorced
Sladden he tried twice to kill her
with chloroform.
lir. T L. Mncco. nf Snn Diego, cer
tified that the second Mrs. Slndden's
death wns due to natural cnuscs. Mrs.
Sladden No. 1 la positive In her dec
laration that her husband not only
tried to poison her, but thnt ho did
nn snn l a Rlrnllll Willi. AIlOl IT OHO
of Slndden's wives Into whose sud
den death Inquiry Is now being miuio
wns n young Clilcngo -woninn wnu i
the timo Sladden married her hnd
two children.
ln nddltlnii to these three wives
Sladden hns been tho husband of a
.Miss Wilson of Washington, D. C,
and of a young woman who died sud.
denly ln Louisville two months be
fore he married Miss Wilson.
Friends of the California Jour
nalist Claim Gross Discrim
ination in Convention.
Palouse Contingent Numbering 100,
Passed Through the City and as
Many From Points West on the
Main Line Many Expect to Go
From This City Later Excursion
Party May Be Organized Here,
Speaker Greeted With Hisses and
Cat Calls Illinois Convention Is
Quieter Speaker Cannon Cheered
When He Assumed Temporary
Chairmanship Reviewed History
of His Party for the Past Year
Situation on Governorship Is Very
ItullfiiiiitinllH. Mnv 12. There was
almost u riot In the convention prior
o the election or Binllli ns cnnirmnu,
lin Hearst men claiming that they
had not been given a fnlr show.
When Smith begun to spenu no was
greeted with Jeers and cat calls rrom
the Hearst dolegntes, When ho re
ferred to the conscience of the tlomo-
trntlc pnrty tho Henrst men round
iwnriiHuliin lit thn noisiest hissing
ever henrd In Toinllnson hull. Tho
climax wns reached when Smith con
gratulated the convention on Its null
ity to unite.
Hearst-Parker Factions War.
Indianapolis. May 12. Qeneral
Smith was noiulnnted for tomiorary
chnlrmnn of tho democratic conven
tion. Tho lieurst men nominnteii
Judge McCnliM, Smith wnB olectcd,
and began a speech amid groat din.
He called for tho report or tho com
mittee on crodcntlnlB and horo began
tho real flcht between tho Hearst
nml Piirlmr fncttntlH. '
Dead Ox Flat Project Now Under
Welser. May 12. Work on tbe con
struction of the Malheur Butte Irri
gation canal was begun this week un
der the supervision of Peter Pence
of Payette, superintendent and gen
eral manager.
The company has been reorganized
under the name of the Malheur "Land
& Irrigation company, limited. -With
headquarters of the company ln this
city. The officers of the company are
Edward Shalnwald, president; Peter
Pence, vice-president; Herman Haas,
treasurer, and D, H. Bandy, secre
tary. Peter Pence, superintendent
and general manager.
A large number of teams are now
employed at the head of the ditch,
and more are wanted. This canal will
Irrigate about 24,000 acres of land
Including Dead Ox Flat, opposite this
Twenty Persons Killed and Injured In
Paris. May 12.-Twonty persons
were Injured by the falling of a
flaming balloon In the avenue Do
Aurnesnil today.
,It was an ordinary undirglhle Wal
loon and Is said to have come from
tho direction of Ilatnboulllet with
several aeronauts aboard Tho bal
loon fell Into the Rue Kdoiiard Rob
ert near the Avenue DAumesnll
While trying to extricate an aero
naut who was caught beneath the
balloon, a bystander cut the silk bag,
which exploded, injuring 13 specta
tors badly and slightly burning Boven
others. An ' aeronaut was fatally
Illegal Officers Ousted by Supreme
Court. ,
Washington, May 12. The su
premo court of tho District or Co
lumbia, this afternoon handed down
an opinion recognizing Hlmon Hums,
grand master workman and others,
chosen by tho general assembly of
Knights of Labor at Niagara Falls In
November, 1902, as legally elected of
ficers. Burns and his associates had
filed a bill In equity against John W.
Hayes, alleged grand master work
man, and others elected by another
convention at tho same timo ami
place. Hayes succeeded In getting
control of tho headquarters and rec
ords of tho society and Burns
brought suit against lilm.
Taft III.
Washington, May 12 Secretary ol
War Taft went riding this morning
(In Icavi-H this i.vi'nliiir for tho Adl
rondacks. Tho cauterization of his
throat shows no erfwjt.
Censure Consuls.
Berlin. May J2 The newspaixirs
continue the outcry against the
Amnrlcnn iiiukmIu In CurmanV. as
serting that they deserve to be treat
ed as spies.
npmorratic rallies have been ar lies will be held In which all tho
rannwl for almost every point In democratic candidates will take part
S la county within the next two and It is tho Intention of tho cam
. , ' palgn managers to have several
Wnneinninir with a mouster mass prominent outsldo speakers hero If
mS Fk, on Friday, May 20. possible.
meeUUb Ul I."". ..i. Jm. pi, I.Vh,i mum. irinnllni- u tfl lie
ScHuHn .ich colonei Jame's the most Imposing assembly of tho
oeratlc IUU. in . ,. ,, nam,,i,. Tli ilumwratli. rlul. nl
u Ttnlov and r Itoiuiui'tv - -o -
ih nrinohial sneakers, the following that place Is very strong and has em-
wlks rema IniirbXe election will ployed MeMlnn's band, of this city,
r 5?udd2l t nckly with democratic to furnish music for tho occasion. A
be studded hihkj ba fn;(j Qf charg0i wlll bt)
meotlngs. evening of given at night and a general Jolllflca-
May -8 a democratic mass meeting tlon will bo held. Committees have
m ,7? iu.1.1 in which the Pendleton been appointed to have charge of tho
brass tanl will figu c Prominently different features and tho Echo peo-
At A ba on May 24 at 2 p. ra , and pie wlll acquit themselves with their
l-klah on May 24 at 7 30 P m, rai usual grace. I
The first rush of St. Louis excur
slonlsts passed through the city on
No, 2 last evening, about 100 com
ing from Washington points and
about an equal number coming from
the main lino between hero and
Passenger Agent J. H. O'Neill
came down rrom Eastern Washing
ton with the Palouse contingent, nnd
spent tho night in this city, nfter see
ing his party or excursionists surely
transferred to the main line nnd
started on tleir pleasant trip to tho
fair and other points In tho east.
While the season Is not yot buIII
clontly advanced for tho great rush
to tho ralr, this first days' work is
gratifying to Mr. O'Neill and he looks
for the heaviest travel In the history
or the road this spring.
The number going tonight mid to
morrow night Is expected to equal
the crowd of last night, as a great
many farmers from tho Palouse coun
try uro taking advantago of the first
ticket sales, In order to sco tho fair
and ti tiirn homo In time for harvest.
A large number of excursionists
are prepared to go rrom Pendlotoii
anil vicinity on the Juno sales days,
which occur on the Kith, 17th and
18th or that month.
It Is hoped by II. E. Wolf, city
ticket agent for tho O. It. & N., that
an excursion purty can be urrauged
from this point, some time during tho
mimmur iik a Inrso niiiubor of peo-
plu have signified tholr Intention to
go rrom hero.
Tho sales days are arranged as
they am, oricn each month, In order
to give Hie companies an opportunity
to return the cars from the East, ror
ir the hqIuh should hu open nil (no
time, tho lush of travel eastward
would bo so heavy every week, that
It would be Impossible for tho rail
roads to get their equipment hnrk
to tho western points fast enough to
accominodute' tho tralllc.
a ureal inanv ricoulo have asked
the reason for making hut three ex
ciirslon ticket sales In each month
uud the company makes this uxplau
nil, in itv nliichiL' morn cars III scrv
Ico during tho rush, tho companies
can handle the liuniutiso iramc wuu
ease, and ulso get their cars back In
time for tho next rush. Open ticket
kih ull tho time would tend, to
block tralllc all the time, while by
handling tho liallle In this munner,
thero aio rush poriods, In which ull
hu rniiinir Kifif.it nf tho roniliatilos
aro tied up, followed by periods or re
laxation In which thero Is llmu to
group tho equipment at tho wostorn
terminals for tne next ucma ui
ah ilin wiistem roads aro in excel
lent condition for the fuJr rush. Cars
and engines have been groomod for
tho occasion and the service will ho
better than oyer, If possible, In order
... ..w.nt ilia mnnv varied reoulre-
mfiitta of such a vast array of people
as wlll seo the fair.
Parker Forces Win.
Indianapolis. May 12. Parker In
structions and unit rule woro adopted
by a vote or OBI to 585. Tho conven
tion then ndjoiirned.
Illinois Convention.
Springfield, 111., Mny 12. When tho
republican state convention met at
noon tho gubernatorial situation was
not clarified, each faction lighting
I hard. Apparently Governor Yates,
Colonel Lowdeii, or Chicago, controll
ed It, but tho Drift ballot only will
show. Speaker Cannon was given a
i rousing reception ns ho nsHiiineil tho
i gavel iib temporary chairman, Ills
speech reviewed ropuhllcun politics
ror the year. Tho convention took n
recess until 5 o'clock to allow tho
committees to report.
Reform in County Officials at Butte,
llutto. Mont.. May 12. Even moro
IndlctmuntH wero presented this
morning by tho grand Jury. County
; ComiiilHsloiiers V1 I), Clnrk and M.
P. Haggerly, Assessor Jan Brown,
Road Supervisor W. F. MatlhowH and
George Wise, J. M. Kelly nnd E. M
Ryan, teamsters, woro charged with
conspiracy to cheat and defraud tho
county Constables John McGratli
ami Thomas Coagrovo woro charged
; with collecting Illegal fees.
j Women May Still Sing.
Hume, Mny 12. Tho vnllcan auth
orities dmiy having received objec
tions from American archbishops re
garding tho Impossibility of enforc
ing tho papal docrco providing for
tho restoration of tho Gregorian
chuul and the banlshiiHiiil or women
from tho choirs. It Is pointed out
In this connection that tho ileureo
did not call for tho oxcluslvo uso of
tho Gregorian chant nor did it for
Jild congregational singing Include
lug, naturally, remnlo voices.
Surrendered by Bondsmen.
Chicago, May 12. Captain John
lloaloy, ox-proHlilunt of tho AlBBkan
Exploration Company, was surrender
oil by his hoiidsinoit today. Ho wlll
ho lukon to Now York lo answer to
a chargo Involving tho loss of f 10.
000 or tho company's money.
Money for Boise Barracks.
Washington. May 12. Senator Du
bois was notified loday by quarter-
master-General Humphreys that
tiiiwiiki imil lnul lii'On niiiiortlonnd
r,ir miliiruiiiuniit and repairs at Bolso
barracks from tho general army ap
Auto Accident.
DmiulnsH. Isln of Mnn. Mnv 19.
(lurliiir nrullmlnnrv trlnla of tlin linn.
nett auto race, held horo today, an
Englishman hy tho namo of ' Earp,
who was going, at racing speed, drove
tho car Into a stono wall. Earp and
Ills brother aro badly hurt,