East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 11, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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HHHMHHHBMHnHltfn SnB warmer Thursday.
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Owners Prepared to
the Gas Plant Loca-
. T-r TUT
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ners Will Protest Agamsi
.- Um Dlant In th
From Different People In
. .. . r I is1 II Dm.
d to the Council Council
lit, Ferguson and Johnson
ri m toe wt w .
Ra Plants Elsewhere.
the light plant. These cit
b present at the council
U1KUI. 1U UUUU1UU IU tuuou
the last meeting, to pro-
hi inn infHiiiin fir tiih itjin
L. 1.1 .1
and College streets; John
wno are mteresiea in tne
vicinity of the electric
will be present again
prim i mm rocinnnro in rnn
the Walla Walla gas plant
in the vlolnlfv it fh Rnn.
I fn nnnra Ihn ftnnnnll in
proposed plant to bo built
Walla Walla, in thn Intnr.
council, and Councilman
niv fn ( ah nn t It a l
Interested in the health
lCeS8 Of th Mtv srn nnr-At.
to be present at the
i inn nn tnAii -i
m me discussion of the
vucio 1U Lilt! YIPIDIIV OI
will decrease the value
wilt to live In, on account
Werloratlon of residence
UUt vlr.lt,!,.. J ..
. .tu.ij. aim i h u 1 1 h
locate the manufacturing
uut IIUW illicitly
Suicide at Boise.
Bolso, May 11. Standing on the
edge of the railroad bridge across the
Bolso river at about 1 o'clock this
afternoon, George WVngert, a stran
ger, sent a bullet from a .38 Smith &
Wesson revolver into his body and
foil over Into the stream below and
at once passed from view.
Discuss American Question.
Rome, May 11. At a meeting of
the lending cardinals at the Vatican
today, the American ecclesiastical
question was discussed. It was de
cided that Satlii, In his approaching
visit, should exhaustively Inquire In
to the action.
U1B ronRtmntfnn nr n irn
Wem and thn rnsliinnis
UtA lnM.l - ...
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an old friend, who
Wkane, and who Is fa-
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Congressman Kennedy Renominated.
Canton, O., May 11. The republi
can congressional convention of the
Eighteenth district met here today
and renominated Congressman James
Kennedy for a second term. Congress
man Kennedy was without opposition.
Leaders Acquitted.
Manila, May 11. Dr. Dominanor
Gomez and Buenn Ventura Kallbaza,
who were tried for rebellion, were
acquitted. The latter was president
of tho l.Mtlonallst party and Gomez
th-j lender of tho deiircr.'tilc labor
Reported That the Port Arthur Vessels Were Sunk by
Russian Sailors.
Despairing of Breaking the Blockade, the Ruttlans Will Destroy Their
Warships and Evacuate Port Arthur Three Japanese Transports Are
Reported to Have Been Destroyed United States Asked to Inquire
Into Fate of Japanese Captured While Bottling Up Port Arthur.
States Senator McGinn Out.
Portland, 'May 11. State Senator
Henry E. McGinn, of Portland, has
resigned bis office, and his successor
will be clocted at tho coming election.
Planing Mill Burned.
North iPowder, May 11. The North
Powder planing mill, together with a
large amount of finished lumber, was
destroyed by Are last night. The loss
will reach $3,000. The origin of the
fire Is unknown.
Smith of Iowa Renominated.
Atlantic, Iowa, May 11. Congress
man "Walter I. Smith was renominat
ed by acclamation at the republican
congressional convention of the Ninth
district here today.
Mine Explosion.
Murphysboro, ill.. May 11. An ex
plosion took place this morning In a
mine at Herein. Five are known to
tie dea'd and 25 are Injured.
Toklo, May 11. Togo reports that
since May G, many explosions have
been heard In the direction of Port
Arthur. The cause has not been ns
certnlned, but the impression is that
the Russians, despairing of defending
their fortress, are destroying their
ships previous to the evacuation of
the port.
Pumor From London.
they were attacked by G,000 Russians
under General Seykoff, assisted by
troops under General Stoessel.
Benefit Red Cross.
St. Petersburg, May 11. The cznr
today reviewed 5,000 troops for tho
benefit of the Red Cross. An admis
sion of 50 roubles was charged. All
of the nobles and fashlonablo element
of the capital attended. Tho review
London, May 11. A correspondent ended with n charge by the Cossacks.
of neuter s sends an unoniciai report
that the Russians hare;
their Port Arthur fleet
Three Jap Transports Sunk
London, May 11. It is
this afternoon that three
transports were sunk. No
lars accompany the report.
Russian Securities Down,
London, May 11. The Russian Im
perial fours today declined another
half point on account of the land re-
reported verses and the reported death of Zas
Japanese sulltch. All Japanese Isbucs were
Hcaded Expeditions to Central Africa
Throe Times Served In Federal
and .Confederate Armies Member
o1 .English Parliament.
ermM, " .at. with
0 rrnl.. in to thn
i ftf ut tho nm-
1M - """V BUnr. fin ,1 I.
the VartL S'P Th0 u.
cPUl !? sked the
n...-r iak on
London, May 11. The famous Af
rican .expldrer, Sir Henry M. Stnnley,
died -at an early hour yesterday from
an attack of pleurisy complicated
with heart trouble. His condition
had Tieen very grave for the past IS
hours, nnd while tne physicians could
hold out no hope for his ultimate re
covery, it was not thought that tho
unci was so near.
He -wus born In Denbigh. Wales, In
1841, anil at 3 years of age was an
Inmate of a poorhouso, where he re
mninod for 10 years, during which
time lit) acquired somewhat of an ed
ucation. Ho arrived at Now Orleans
at the age of 1C and was udopted by
a merchant of that place named Stan
ley, whose name he assumed. His
own name was John Rowlands.
At the tonimpucement of hostilities
between tho North and the South, ho
enlisted In the Confederate army,
was raptured, changed his vlowa and
enlisted In the Federal navy.
At the close of tho war he went to
Turkoy as a nowspaper correspond
ent, and later was the Now York
Herald's representative with the
British army Through the Abbyssln-
Ian war. That paper sent him to Ar
rlcn to dud Dr. Livingston, who had
been lost In the Congo region for two
Ho wns honored by England and
tho Royal Geographical Society for
tho clover manner in which lie ac
complished, this task.
Stanley mado a second trip through
Central Africa and secured Inform
ation of treat bonefit to chartograpli
era. Returnlnc to civilization, lie
was decorated by .numerous science
societies of France and Great Brit
ain. For a third time lie wont back
and established trading stations
along tho Congo from its mouth to
Stanley Pool. Emln Pasha, governor
of Equatorial Africa, who was pen
ned in by hostile natives, was reliev
ed by an expedition lieadod by Stan-
On his rnt.nrn from this trip no
locturod boforo scientific societies all
over the world.
Thn nxnlnrnr married MISS Doro
thy Toimant In Westminster Abbey.
July 12, 18D0, and after his election
to parliament from tho Lambeth dis
trict ho had ben active In the Eng
lish political field,
Rumor Repeated.
London, Jlay 11. There Is a repe
tition of the rumor and it Is believed
here, that the cruisers Askold, Novlk
nnd Banyan, acciimpnaied by a tor
pedo boat, left Port Arthur in the di
rection of Pitzwo, in which neigh
borhood they met tho Japanese trans
ports and sunk ithem.
Rioting t Shang Klang.
Shanghai. May 11. During the ri
oting at Shang .Klang today tm,- mob
burned the police headquarters. Sev
eral persons nvere killed.
Inquire Fate of Japs.
Washington, May 11. At the re-
quest of the Japanese government.
Secretary Hay today Instructed Am
bassador McCormlck at St. .Peters
burg to Indu'ire of the Russian gov
ernment as to what becamt of 40
Japanese men sent Into Port Arthur
harbor in the last bottling expedition.
Russians Fall Back.
London, .May 11. The Exchange
telegraphs to Home hays that an of
llcinl dispatch from Cheo Foo Btates
that owing .to the simultaneous ad
vnnce of the Japanese from Feng
Huang Cheng and Nlu Chwang, the
Russians consider their position at
Lin Yang jxb untenablo and are pre
paring to fall back on Mukden, where
the first serious attempt to resist the
Japanese advance will be made.
Poles Are Organized.
Berlin. May 11 The German
secret sc-rvice agents confirm the
Hlatement made at llic diet that the
Polish Nationalists are thoroughly
organized In Chlcugo, and other
American cities with largo funds to
finance a wnr for Polish liberation.
half a point higher.
Reported Sale of Liner.
Berlin, May 11. It is reported that
the Russians have bought the Hamburg-American
liner, Princess Vic
toria Louise.
For Japanese Loan.
London, May 11. The Central
News correspondent, at Toklo, says
the second issue of exchequer bonds
for 100,000,000 yen, will probably be
made toward the end of the month.
The cabinet is now conferring with
the bankers regarding the matter.
Squadrons Not Combined.
St. Petersburg, May 11. An official
Investigation shows there is no truth
In the report or a Juncture of tho
Vladivostok and Port Arthur squad
rons after a naval battle.
Yalu Casualties.
Seoul, May 11. An Antung dl
patch gives the official casualties of
tho battle of the Yalu as 31 Japanese
ofHcers killed, 29 wounded, 1G0 men
killed and 6G6 wounded. The Ru
slans lost 1,362 killed, 475 wounde
and 138 taken prisoners.
Union Files a Restraining Order
Against County Clerk of Union
La Grande, May 11. Citizens of
Union hnvo filed n restraining order
against County Clerk J. 11. Mini
naugh, forbidding him to place tho
names of Union nnd La Grnndo on
tho ofilcinl ballot for a vote on coun
ty seat removal,
Tho courts will be called to pass
upon tho order Immediately, as the
ballots must be printed soon. The
petitions presented to tho county
court by Ln Grande asking for tho
removal nro sold to contain at least
1,500 fictitious names nnd names not
on tho registration book, hence tho
restraining order from tho taxpay
ers. Union claims that tho preset
court house facilities nro adequate
to tho needs of tho county, while m
Grande denies this statement.
Americans Ambushed.
Manila, May 11. Lieutenant Win
field Harper and 30 men of conipnny
F. 17th U. S. Infantry, were ambush
ed Mny S, at Slmpntoma, Manzonn,
by several hundred Moras. Two
American officers nnd 1G men were
killed and five men wounded.
Illinois Train Wreck.
Dixon, 111., Mny 11. An Illinois
Central pnssengcr train wns ditched
this morning two miles south of here.
Ten passengers wero Injured, three
seriously. Threo enrs nnd tho engine
rolled over a 17-foot ombnnkmont.
Chicago Grain.
Chicago, May 11. May wheat
opened 91, closed 9i; old July
opened 87?i, closed 86; new July
opened 8G14, closed 85V4. July corn
opened 48V4, closed 48'.
Minister Honored.
Paris, May 11. Phllllplno Bnnnu
Varllln, the first minister from Pan
ama to the United States, has been
made an officer of the Legion of
Royal Heir Expected.
Rome, May 11. ln tho chamber of
deputies this afternoon thu spenkor
announced that Queen Helena is ox
pected to be confined In September,
Foreigners Protected.
London, May 11. In the house of
commons, in the discussion of forelg
affairs, Under Secretary Earl Perry
stated that the British consul at Nlu
Chwang had not requested tho dls
patch of a gunboat for tho protection
of tho British subjects. Tho place
was within tho theater of war and
tho only course then open was to ad
dress th6 belligerents. This had been
done and Russia replied that all pro
cautions would' be taken to protect
British subjects. However, in tho
Interval of tho retirement of tho Rus
slans and the Japanese entrance, ho
did not suppose there would ho any
Cabinet Resigns. ; Russians Aggressive.
Uinilon May 11. The Central j Seoul, May 11. Two hundred Rub
News at Seoul says that tho cabinet slans have attacked Anju, 100 miles
bus resigned In consequence oi uio , hiiiiiii or Wlju. A small Japanese
coiiBuru by the emperor, who nas garrison Is defending tho town
accused the roenlliers of neglecting!
their duties.
Japs Repulsed.
Paris, May 11 A St. Petersburg
dispatch reports that tho Jairaneso
wiiro repulsed 20 kilometers east or
Port Adams. The Japs werto at
tempting to cut the railway when
Trains Running.
Unulon, May 11, A Central Nows
dispatch from Llao Yang, says
train reached Port Arthur yesterday.
No Japanese troops wero observed
near tho railroad, but somo Japanese
cavalry had been seen behind Feng
Wang Cheng.
PRESBYTERY MEETING. Grande Sunday night and takes tho
midnight train for Pendleton. After
Three Ministers Released and One preaching at Elgin ho Is compelled
. ' 'o lay over all day Monday, usually
"hhv returning to Pendleton on tho mid
A called meeting of tho Presbytery night train.
wns held last night. Tho business This every other week lay-over on
transacted was as follows:
Rev, S. C. Elder was formally re
leased rrom the Moro charge, and
Rov. A. J. Adams, from tho Milton
Proressor Bleakney was released
from tho Summervllle charge to take
effect when his successor is appoint
ed and reports for duty.
Rov. B. F. Harper will succeed Mr.
Adams at Milton.
A successor to tho Summorvlllo
charge will bring a welcome relief
to ono of tho mosi lnuunun,"""--workors
In the state. Since takiug
chargo of Pendleton Acadomy last
Soptembor, Mr. Bleaknoy has per
formed a most arduous round of ex
acting duties.
Every Sunday morning
inifAti h 4t4K train east to 1m
Grando, where ho changed for Elgin
or Summervllle (making each town
on altornato Sundays.) After preach
ing at fiuromervJiie uo anvea w m
Monday la tho only day of rest Mr,
Hleakney had has slnco tho begin
ntng of tho school year. In both cases
he takes tho train at La Grande
which brings him Into Pendlcotn at
midnight, to he on hand bright and
early at school the noxt morning.
Call for Warrants.
Tho county treasurer is at work on
tho call for tho warrants of January
nnd February, 1903. Thoy aggregate
$20,298, with Interest amounting to
$1,017 to bo added to that amount,
When these warrants are called in
there will be no outstanding warrants
against tho county older than li
For Roosevelt and Fairbanks,
Birmingham, Ala., May 11. Tho
republican slato committee has been
Instructed for Roosevelt and Fairbanks,
Stockmen Are Determined to Rid the
Country of Mange 1,800 Head of
Infected Stock in That Vicinity
Leads to This Organization Coun
ty and Government Aid Will Be
Seventy Men Are Known to
Be Dead and Many Injured.
Firedamp Formed In Pocket and Ig
nited by Miner's Lamp Mangled
Bodies Piled High on Injured Men
Rescue Work Begun Immediately
Eight Dead Italians Recovered.
Cnrbondnle, 111., .May 11. A disas
trous gus explosion occurred In tho
Big Muddy Coal Company initio nt
Herrln this morning shortly after tho
men went to work. Tho loss of llfn
is known to bo 20. ..t noon eight
Italians had been takon out denil and
other bodies nru in sight,
Tho mlnu hns long been consider
ed tho best In Southern Illinois.
The explosion wns caused by tho
Ignition of firednmp formed In a
pocket nnd touchud off by n minor's
lamp. Fifty men wero nt work. Tho
rescue work began Immediately, Tho
Identified dead nro: Tom Greon, John
Miller, Fred Theburg, II, WllllnniB.
A. Craig.
Two Theological Institutes Will Bo
Charged With Heresy,
Us Angeles, May 11. An amuse
ment clauso was Introduced In tho
Methodist conference this morning.
In a petition presented by tho Up
worth Lenguo of tho Wyoming con
fcrencu. Tho petition said: "By all
means, lot tho nmuHoment clauso
nlone. Wo bellovo striking It out oC
tho discipline of tho church would bo
tho death blow to ovory vlrtuo of tho
church nnd will bo tho opening door
to overythlng unholy." It wns sign
ed by 250 leaguers representing 42
Dr. Kllgo caused tho first cheorB of
tho 1901 eonferenco by dcnounclnR
mobocrncy In America anil demand
ing n unlfiod church as tho greatest
need of Christianity today. Tho
speaker was given tho Chnutnuqua
salute. Heresy chnrges against th
Garrett Biblical Institute nnd tho
Boston Theological School are ox
ported to bo preaonted Thursday.
Bishop J. 11. Vincent presided.
Grewsomo Bedfellow.
Portlnnd, May 11. Henry Htovtin.
son awoko this morning nnd found
his roommate. John Nemos, lying
dead in a pool of blood with n bullet
In 1,1a tw.nrt lii.ulilll 111 Til. It lluvcl-
Stockmon of the vicinity of Echo ,, t,.,rnnn ti,i numoh kvI.
organized an anti-mango society yes-. (un(y Hllk.(()( yCStor,iny nftor-
noon nnd Hlovonson din not iimcoviir
tcrday afternoon, tho object of tho
organization being to suppress stock
diseases now prevalent in thut dls
Tho East Oregonlan, several day
ago, gavo tho details of tho finding of
about 1,800 head of mango-lufecto
stock, near Echo and this orgaulzii'
tlon is tho outcome of that discovery,
Tho officers or tho society are
Frank Splko, president; CJoyd Klonn
vice-president: C. it. Llslo, secretary
William Reeves, treasurer; board o
directors, 8. I). I Rosa, M. M. Wy
rick, Asa I). Thomson, Otis McCarty,
Jesse Moore, Peter Nelson and Elt
Active measures will bo taken to
rid tho country of tho mango, which
Is rapidly spreading to both cattlu
and horses and the organization will
ask for both county and governmcri
aid in preventing the further spread
or this disease.
Very Little Scab1 Exists In Umatilla
Stock Inspector Bean has returned
from a trip on official business which
took In tho larger part of thu county
a;id parts of adjoining counties.
Mr, Bean states that tho only sheep
scab that exists In Umatilla county
at this time Is around Pilot Rock and
Echo, and that It Is not a bad type
In either neighborhood, and Is being
vigorously combated,
Mr, Bean states that tho lamb crop
was so unusually good both heuvy
and in per cent of savings, that, con
joined with tho fact that tho propor
tion of last year's lamu crop neing
still In tho possession or tho sheep
men, tliero Is an actual danger or tho
rango being overstocked this season.
Trial Delayed.
Rising Hun, Ind., May 11- Tho pro-
codings of tho Olllespln murder trial
today was halted by the challenging
or a Juror, who wob excused. Exam
lnatlon for another was begun to
completo tho number
it when ho retired beside him Into last
night. Both wore laborers.
Irrigation Apportionments.
Washington, Mny II. Tho sucro
lary has decided upon the uppoiiloif
ment of $3,000,000 of thu $27,000,000
of tho reclamation fund for tho Vu
inn project in California, and tho
Malheur of, Oregon, No spoeliil
amount lias boon decided upon for
tho Milk river project, In MiinUiim,
but probably about $1,500,000,
Monstrr Tumor.
Omulm, Neb.. May II. A snrtilinl
operation wns today porformtMl upim
Mrs, Mary McElvnln, of Ruskln, Nob.,
who was relieved of u cystic tumor
weighing 102 pounds. It U thu larg
est recorded In tho history of nuw
cry. Aftur tho opurullon thu woman
weighed but 92 pounds.
Anti-Trust Decision.
Ji.tfnrfin City. Mo.. Mny II.
supremo court today knocked out thu
nnti-trust proceedings Instituted b
tho lormlnnl association or Kt. Louis.
ti.,. iiiinriinv.L.iiiii'rul sustuluuil till
demurrer of tho association to quash
the outer proceedings nun m uiun
tho charter.
Call In Money.
WnKlilncton. May II Socrulaty
oiinu inilnv decided to call In 10 per
cent or all government money on do
posit In imtlonul bunks on Mny 25.
Only Affects Large Banks.
Washington, May 11. -Shnw's flail
approximates $10,000,000. Wlt.lt row
oxcoptlons Iho cull lu made upon nil
tho banks whoso uuthorlzod bulimcus
before tho previous calls vfas $150,-
000 or moro.
To Return Home.
St. Louis. Mny 11 Ex Quuon LIU-
uokanl has takon 111 and lcavos Sat
urday for Honolulu, Instead pf re
malnlng two wouks as was proposed.