PAGE five: HT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUE8DAV, MAY 10, 1904. I Jini irij mm OORS1 B,.li. r for on Yard 'J m reel. P.ooa (J ML t'orti "rtHos s, Oxfords and Slippers j thlnas In seasonaoie lomwwr you win neea init few Bu " . " vou , list of what we are selling at remark- Below " -- - How pn- . . . Oxfords, m . $ti00 -'''io in sizes 8 rrs?-n VI i- U-en's " "- $1.25 MH .VAJ ln kill. iH r o M l" V',V in Latent kid. Iren's y'" $1.50 fint kid Oxfords, any s Hne M - $1.75 fine" Southern Vlo, any - &5H1'F . 1. turn Oxfords, dtmi.Bi. one ,50 ! sMnoVnH S2.50 . ' ' int kid slippers, P $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Ic nod reliable footwear at very reasonable prices, call on Every shoe guaranteed as represented or your money back. rps sewed free. ,ee Teutsch's Dept. Store Corner Main and Alta Streets III MM "illTY BREVITIES Rider. Get Sunny . . .... t,0, K hflTR ai UIC uuow"' t!i fruit dally, at Martin's. a loistBil and coal see mcauuiu. ihard's beer at xne num.. sarins shirts. The Boston. u nn Slltiners at Teutsck's. Ie louaHL. m.t drv coods. The Bos sit toT HIV ni , rpnit,ar.1t'a lies' Suit sale at Teutsch's Lbs and Hanan shoes. The IB. s repaired while you wait at ich's. tsons wishing to raise mules I mares to Big Ben. Id about the great dollar sale at han & DoncTs, on page 2. pokers get satisfaction at How- , formerly Rees' cigar store. cream, confectionery and cl- Fat Hatton's, 304 Court street. fcline wagons, rubber tired bug- carriages and hacKs at KuuKel s. ie St. George restaurant, open and night. Mrs. Cooper, proprl- rshaw, florist and seed man, lias led to 207 Hast Court street, mid- lof opera house block. br Rent Five-room house, with I. three blocks east of Main let Apply at East Oregonlan. Ie Day and Night Transfer Co. fs the best service. Billy Lenth proprietor 'Phone Main 161. lew suit club will close Wednes Only 10 more members -want- You'll have to hurry. Sullivan lond, for Sale Full-blooded Rhode Wi Red and Drawn Leghorns and lite Plymouth Rock hens; 725 pnson street pesa garden, field and flower pi in bulk and packages. All seasons stock and sure to nro- M- Our seeds are suitable to this mw. c Rohrman, Court street. lUre Values in Low Priced Watches A good time-keeper for $1.G0. better one for $4.50. Cold watch for $6.50. A 15-Jeweled eold wntxh tin im k i7.i.. . . - -'-j:eiea gold watch, $13.50 . These are splendid values w the money. HUNZIKER The P.rpflresslve Jeweler. 720 Main Street. Get Sunny. U. C. Rader. Gelser threshers at Kunkel's. Get a "top coat." The Boston. Pure Welnnard's beer at The Mint. Drag and disk harrows at Kunkel's, New line men's sweaters. The Boston. Panama Hats, all styles, at Teutsch s. $3.50 and $3.00 Hats for $2.00 at Toutsch!s. Belfast mesh linen underwear at Uaer & Daley's. Solid sole leather suit cases for $5 at Sullivan & Bond's. Shelf paper, crepe and tissue pa. per, fine toilet paper. Nolf's. Wanted Young man to do collect, ing. Inquire at telephone office. Wanted to Rent A five or .seven room house. Address "Mc," care E O. Get your clothes cleaned and pressed at Joerger's, 12G West Court street. Twenty dozen golf shirts, $1.25 and $1.50 values, at the dollar sale at Sullivan & Bond's. Five days special sale, commenc ing Monday. Closing out street hats. Mrs. Campbell's. One plain drunk was taken In cus tody this morning, and will report to his honer tomorrow. Wanted to Rent Five or seven room house with bath. Address "inac," care East Oregonian. They all say our new neckwear Is the swellest thing that ever snick Pendleton. Sullivan & Bond. 'Fifty or 75 hogs or shoats are wanted to feed and fatten on snares. See classified advertisement for par ticuiars. Holdman & Newkirk will build a hotel at Holdman this week. The building will be 30x32 feet two stories In height. The Holdman Socialist Club holds regular meetings every Saturday night, at the school house. The mem bershlp Is growing rapidly. Mounted Freak Calf. Henry Thomson, night policeman, has mounted the two-headed calf, brought to the city by Frank Lock wnnil nf Unllr mine time aL'O. Mr. Thomson has preserved the natural appearance or tlie animal very wen, and It Is now a tit suujeci tor a nrsi Mr. Lockwood will sell to some museum. If possible, not having time to place it on exuiuiuon, properly. From Granite. C. I.. Cox came In from Granite, whoro iio lms mlnlnc Interests, yes terday, and will remain some weeks. He will return to Granite later on, i.n,i m.onri mnfit nf the summer there. He reports business affairs up there us improving since me summer uus arrived, and many Indications to exist of a business revival on some scale. PERSONAL MENTION Monster Band Instrument. t F!l slmrn nf the Pendleton band. tnilnv ranalvp'd n llellsOn E flat baSS. costing $124. It Is the largest and best band instrument ot me iiinu in Eastern Oregon. The Sumnter Valley road will not be extended auy further th's season, acrordlng o the statements of tho superintendent to the Baker City Herald. LOG CABIN ICE CREAM Koeppen'g fmn,.. r. . . . ...... a . m fa. I Yori( i lue liream can again ue ouiuiuou v i"H w.u J "te Log Cabin Soda fountain. KOEPPENS Tif 1&3g DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN & BROTHERS E. Y. Judd has returned from Port, land. The Infant son of C. Rohrman Is very in. R. A. Watson Is visiting this week ni ana arouna nis old homo, Salem B. K. Hoyt, a carpenter from Hold man, Is In the city today on business. Jesse Alloway is clerking for H. H. Wessell, succeeding J. A. Fan. nlng. Mrs. Will Fedden ot The Dallies, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wnlter Hay nle of this place. F. S. Bramwell, of La Grande, who spent last night In the city, left for his home this morning. Tom Cotter, the well known Ne vada woolbuyer, is In town and will remain until after the sales. R. B. Wilson, passenger agent for the a B. & Q., is In town arranging for World's Fair transportation. B. F. Ogle, a prominent stockman of Ridge, was In the city last evening en route to Athena, to visit his pa rents. Frank Lee. a San Francisco wool buyer, has arrived and will remain through the remainder of tho cam paign. Charles Epplnger, the clothing salesman at Alexander's. Is confined to the house with a threatened attack of typhoid fever. G. B. Gillette will leave tomorrow mornln'g for Lewiston, where he will be employed In the offices of the Western Union as telegrapher. Rfv. E. B. Hayes, of Placervllle, Cal., lias been assigned to the Pres byterian church at Iji Grande, In place of Rev. W. L. Van Nuys, who lias charge of the church here. W. C. Hoseason. who recently ac cepted a position as bookkeeper with tho Mosgrove Mercantile Company, nt Milton, came down last night and will move his family to Milton today. Mrs. Joseph McCabe and Mrs. Levi Ankeny, of Walla Walla, are the guests of Mrs. Fred Judd. Mrs. Mc Cabe will remain in town for some days, but Mrs. Ankeny will return home tomorrow evening. To Grade Normal Grounds. W. M. Blakeley. one of the regents of Weston Normal, accompanied uy Geary Klmbrell, went to Weston this morning. Mr. Klmbrell took with lilm his surveying Instruments, and will establish the levels necessary for the proper grading of the Normal College premises. Besides the grad ing minium of. the intention is to erect some temporary fencing and lay concrete walks. VALUABLE POTATOES. Story of the Origin of the El Dorado "Spud' In England, The sheriff of Nottingham, Eng. Intnl. or Hnhln Hood fame. flEUrcs In story and song as a great liar, and an official report which comes to Wash ington from Consul Mahln, at Not tingham, reads more like a fairy tale thau anything else. He states that one A. Flndley, of Marklnch, Scotland, is the orIglna!or of a wondenui poiaio. uie uoruuu. He has long been an expert In hy lirlrlWntlnn nf Inliprs and tells this In lila In tost achievement. It Is disease and drouth resistant and remarkably vigorous, me lew potatoes which have been raised from two small f seed irlven out by Mr. Flndley have been sold at fabulous prices. One of the first recorded sales was 10 small potatoes, weighing half a nnnml fnr S4XB. or J48 for each po tato. At an auction sale of 14 or thf.K( lKilatnes. so wild did the bid ders become that $1,230 was realized, the price per potato ranging iroin $38 to $238, Tho largest potato wolfliori m ounces: the smallest one was about the size of a hickory nut. Another case Is recorded wuero one El Dorado potato brought $500 and iim Tmrrlmnpr Immediately refused $1,000 for lt. The record price thus far is $2,185 for one pound of these potatoes. Even at this prodigious figure, which works out at about $5,000 a ton, the purchaser expects to reap a profit from the crop, rnnoni Mnliln naively remarks that It will probably be some years before this potato can be marketed as an edible. Its reproductive capacity, however, Is said to be great, some thing like 300 to 1. A HORSE POWER. Mooted Juestlon Over Which Scien tists Have Long Quibbled. a cnl.Bfrllipr asks if a 40 horse- nniror anvina has "the Same DOWCr. whether attached to an automobile or stationary." ti.o inrni iinrsenower It one In me chanics used In expressing the force of a motive, It Is based on the as sumption that horses In general per form a certain constant amount of nrL- In a sueclfied time an assump tion evidently erroneous. J The fundamental unit or worK is tnn irinnn'' I, nt In measuring tho i. nf n imroa hv thin unit the es. WUIJ Ul u .tuiou . . - tlmates of the mo3t celebrated engi neers differ widely from each other: Boulton and Watt, basing their calcu latlon on the work of London dray horses, working eight hours per dav. estimated it nt 33,000 foot pounds per minute. D Aubuisson, taKing uie wont o r i.nrcoa in wlilms at Frlodberg. es timated the work, eight hours per day, at 10,440 foot pounua. Itn,lir oln.llnr rlrCUmstanCCS tllO i..,,a nt nnonfiitlpr was 44.000. Smeatou, 22,000. and Tregold, 27,500. It matters little, liowover, wnai num ber Js assumed, provided the same bo always used. Accordingly, tlto orig inal estimate by Watt is sun counu-'u a horsepower th r Women's Ready-to-Wear Department High-Grade Tailor-Made Suits $ 1 SUITS, AN EXACT COPY OF THE MOST AUTHORITATIVE A f P 1 UU-LJU STYLES, BORN IN PARIS THIS SPRING, FOR THIS OCfJcL Jj W V W W CASION. PRICE REDUCED TO Sf ff f sU,T' A BEAUTIFUL CREATION; AN EXACT COPY OF A A OO v 0iJV REDFERN'S MOST EXCLUSIVE STYLES, TO SELL QUICK fl400 f ff SUITS, FIRST-CLASS LATE STYLE MATERIAL, MADE IN A f If jlj THE VERY BEST WORKMANSHIP IN AMERICA. UNDER- w PRICED FOR THIS EVENT C SUITS TO MATCH, WHICH YOU WOULD HAVE TO PAY f W g A. jll AT LEAST $35.00 FOR IN ANY OTHER CITY, WILL SELL I W mm FOR THIS TIME AT C X SUITS THAT REPRESENT THE BEST THOUGHT OF FIRST- f ( f CLASS TAILORS IN STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP, WILL v C O ff f SUITS THAT ARE NEW. STYLISH AND UP-TO-NOW IN Si Qtjy EVERY PARTICULAR, WE WILL SELL FOR ONE v J mwj( e w SUITS MADE IN CORRECT CUT AND STYLE, AND OF $.f f Q m33 NEW maTERIALS, WILL LAST BUT A FEW DAY8 7,70 $1 ft rSi FOULARD SILK AND LINEN TOILETTES, NEW AND DE. Jfe f f Q O.J SIRABLE IN THE MINUTEST DETAIL, WHILE THEY v .0 SHIRT WAIST SUITS IN ALPACA, MOHAIR, GRASS LINEN,' DUCK, LAWNS AND DIMITIES, FROM $1.98 TO $8.00. WHITE PIQUE SHIRT WAIST SUITS, SIZES 32 TO 42, $3.98 TO $7.50. SWELL SHIRT WAISTS IN LINENS, LIGHTWEIGHT VESTINGS, COTTON ETAMINES AND VOILES, 50c TO $6.00. - - 1 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRESSES, SIZES 2 TO .4 YEARS, 23e TO $4.97C " ' " , .-... FULL LINE OF CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES, SUITABLE FOR GRADUATING AND COM MUNION EXERCISES, AGES 6 TO 14 YEARS. ... . , ALL' COLORED DRESS SKIRTS ARE BEING UNDERPRICED TO CLOSE QUICK. WILL AJ--LOW A DISCOUNT OF 33 1-3 PER CENT. THE ONLY ALTERATION DEPARTMENT. CONNECTED WITH THE STORE, IN TOWN. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE The O. R. & N. Co. announce a rate of $1.90 for round trip for the spring meet of the Walla Wulla Fair Association, held at Walla Walla, May 2C-28. Tickets on sale May 21 und good returning until May 29. E. C. SMITH, Agent. DOUGLAS $3-50 Men's Shoes ARE THE BE8T BOSTON STORE FIRST-CLASS RtPAIRINQ. 1 MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO., So. 7 Poll St.. Sptktn. Gn.AgLDENSM0RE TYPEWRITER supputt ... Mining .... cupiri niRiiring I Brilliant. Ideas Are shown In our beautiful hats. The cream of artistic mill inery Is at our storo. Ladles, you will bo delighted with chlcness of all our patterns. They are so dlfferont from others because thoy Were selected from the largest collections In the Eastern fashion centers. A visit to our store will convince, CARRIER MILLINERY THE HOME OF THE 8TYLI8H HAT. If you battle with the world for 4 home or for a business, you should not lose an adrautago onco galuod, by wasting your money la buying; poor coal and green wood, when tan bust of coal and dryust of sound wood may be bought of McADAM 'Phono Main 1121. Savings Bank Building. We Want to Do Yout Plumbing Our long experience, togothor with our unexcelled facilities for dolnst tlio beat work, are at your sorvlco without extra chargo. Good honest work always dono. That'll the reason why our Patrons aro always satisfied. RECK, the Reliable Plumbe Court Street, opposite Hotel Blcken,. .1