East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    'v r57 'f',
i'0Ut L flr t time, go
Tonight nnd Wednesday, fair,
cooler tonight with light frost:
. store iu
ier to an advertisement.
I warmer Wednesday.
NrO. 8044.
)L. IT-
and Nevada Wool Sells
-rl ik rA , I opt
fetter man u uiu i-a
i for Eastern Mills Will Try to
organize Pool-Old Buyers Here
New Ones Coming Wool Bet-
and Cleaner This Year Than
Ur within the observation and
tlence of J. H. Owlnn has there
a more auspicious tlmo than the
Int for the realization of top
s (or wool. He adds, "And never
fit been more necessary man now
the woolgrowers hang togotuor
in un to the strict letter of
f&dlL'a uuja wfc,.-w..v..v, -..
prices that are within sight are
Fifty-Five Entries for the Airship
Contest Thus Far.
St. Louis, May 10. Germany's sec
tion of tho palace of fine arts was
dedicated this afternoon when a re
ception wns held by the commission
ers in honor of General Lewald. Fair
wont her still continues.
Work was begun this morning on
tho building for tho aerial exhibit.
Twolvo acres have been allotcd and
55 er.tries for tho airship contest
have been mado thus far.
U. S. Officer Assassinated.
Monterey, Cal., May 10. Regimen
tal Sergeant Major E. A. Henry, of
tho 15th U. S. Infantry, stationed at
Camp Ord, was fatally shot about
midnight. ' Officers are now hunting
for the assassin, who Is said to be a
member of Company A, 9th colored
cavalry, who was heard to stato the
other evening that ho would kill tho
victim If he mot him. The assailant
fired upon him from a dark alley.
Later Private Rice has been arrest
ed for shooting Major Henry.
Condemn Eating Houses.
Los Angeles, May 10. Dr. Edward
Hammond, a Tennessee colored ed
ucator, offered a resolution In the
Methodist conference this morning,
condemning tho attltudo of several
hotels and restaurants who refused
to servo meals to colored delegates,
was unanimously passed.
Bookbinders Strike.
Chicago, May 10. Eight hundred
' liorL-rlriHrre afrimt- tnrlnv frit rninc.
urges tho supremo Importance. ... n . . . R ' PBmon"t
Tho strike has threatened to spread
to other branches of the printing
Russia and Japan Each Yield Up Three Splendid Vessels in
a Fierce Battle.
Russia's Port Arthur and Vladivostok Fleets Form a Junction Alter
Heavy Loss Three Japanese Cruisers Sunk in the Fight Russia
Loses Two More Cruisers and a Torpedo Boat Destroyer Poles
Making Ready to Strike for Liberty, Causes Alarm at St. Petersburg
Russian Land Forces Routed.
St. Petersburg, May 10. O diplo
matic rumor this evening has It that
the Vladivostok and Port Arthur
nnnndrnnR have effected Innetiirfi
after a desperate battle In which tho
Japanese lost three cruisers and tho
Russians two cruisers and a- torpedo
ooai destroyer.
fcyalty to the agreement, which 1b
lie loyalty to themselves as inai-
ils and to their ehlefest business
rests, and reiterates that all In-
(lions point to a strong marnot.
: is no correspondence wuatever
een the present situation with
mresence of advance buyers try-
I to buy wool in advanco of sales
i, and the situation of three years
(when a mob of buyers bulled the
ket with promises that had no
Illation wuatever aside from the
fey and uncertain one of an effort
the part of speculators on a gl-
lie sale to corner the entire
1 output of the United States.
slump In prices following that
ply visitation of advanco buyers
the simplest result of a collapBo
i corner.
ils year every buyer comes with
acking of actual, healthy, normal
bud, Indicated by such evidence
the following from the Boston
nercial Bulletin:
Bn the West, however, notably )u
i and Wyoming, where tho buyers
mostly gathered, operations In
I new clip have been fairly largo
this early in the season. Boston
Bers have been operating every-
m. in Utah St. Lou s buyoru
been prominent. Anywhere
12ft to 14 cents Is the range of
kes, with little bought ut less than
and a good dual at as high as
Grease tirlcea are ftillv as hlch
(last year, and higher In somo in-
wees. The shrinkage is ureator
lear than last, variously estl-
lied from 1 to 3 per cent. Tho
jaw scoured cost In JJoston Is woll
to half a dollar."
EWoll from last year's crop In East
Oregon has been Hold in Phlln-
tm within the past week for 17
Promoter Arrested.
London, May 10. E. T. Pooler, a
promoter with a meteoric career,
was arrested today together with
Henry J. Lawson. They are connect
od with tho Pooler Company, who are
charged with conspiracy to defraud.
Bread Famine Probable.
Berlin, May 10. Mho bakers have
declared a general strike and a bread
famine Is Imminent.
Asks That Loubet Use His Power
and Authority to Restore the
Church's Prestige In France.
Paris, May 10. The Petrle today
published tho text of the pope's let
tor to Loubet In which his holiness
takes exceptions to tho preslaonfs
neglect to visit the Vatican during
his trip to Rome. It Is an energetic
and dignified protest ngalnst Lou-
ll. and this Is a good Indication ' bet's neglect to the pontiff as
t prices tlil. venr will i.ii hlifli "
aavlces troni tho East are
pJrmatory of the claim that, tho
I" of the Eastern manufacturing
) want advanco sales simply
are practically baro tho
prj want advanco sales simply bo-
5 me mum must soon havo the
nd they want to tltsnririml-ze
! PCOl SO thfW f-nt, tr..t It rinnt-w,t.
P'l tho old buyers are coming Into
u or are already hero, and
aT new ones aro hci-lnnlntr to
05 OntO tho ftrmttwl ol-,,.,.!..
M Utah and Nevada salea so lar
i " instance record a, salo for less
St lear's lll-irnu u.-lilln mnnv
K Te leen ma,1e fr halt a cent
rre (for tho .!.,., in.. i
r"thermore, a" wo wore In tho
EaJ -?fu,ear' aro ln tho Pool this
F With Dnn .... . , At
-..v BAi-uimuii, mm UIO
S in hmUCU larKOr m(!muer8nl
" t.vium. in goous, uccnusu
I US flew mnr.il,,,..,. ...i... ' i. .i
ajt ,an.(1 snm of them aro
tel0?"1' W toaLiy In tho
un It 0 1110 W0Hl 18 uottor
u was a year ago. bolng clean
"a "I a mor itnifo.. oi..i
- Mitt. u. ..I DVUI11U.
Jurv r t i
HI. I i"H
Sl", Ind.. May 10 Thn (in.
k Th .Wa.s comlloted this morn
PtabSh S m"thur f James and
tUtea th.t V apl was court- She
hUna n'T ?fonlanl8 will take
r tin, ,or lhe 'lefenso at the prop-
Jf y 10 Tho susiion
n, Crawford & Co. was
hw tM."L tlle. Consolidated Ex-
oomLri".?6'. no. firm haB
t u Z, " cities. No state-
--no pumic,
"h lection Un" May 10--Tho
rla- The lnoVftH. burno(1
0r000. "e 1088 will amount to
"Christ's vicar on earth." Continu
ing, his holiness tleplores the antl
clerlenl movement In Europe and ex
presses his hope that the church's
prestige he .restored. Tho letter con
cludes with exhortation to Loubet as
a "Dear son In Christ" to use his
power, .his authority and personal
magnanimity to maintain concordant
Powder Mill Explosion.
Troy, N. V., May 10. Hy an explo
sion In Schnghtlscoeko powder mill
this morning. Superintendent Joseph
WuU und Chauncoy Crandall were
For Ten and a Half.
A. S. LeGrow, of Walla Walla, Is
In town today. Mr. LeOrow, who
onco lived ln Umatilla county, has
extensive sheep Interests hero and In
Washington. Ho yesterday sold to
Carsteu Bros., of Tacoma, through
tho agency of 13, II. Clark, between
,40,000 "and 00,000 pounds of wool for
lOVfc cents per pound.
Boy Injured. V
Lostor Stltes, the 14-year-oid step
son of J. C. Pondergast, of this place,
was sovoroly klckeu on tho loft kneo
by a horso a fow days ago. The limb
was not brokon, but It was so badly
bruised that it has been entlroly
helpless since, aud tho youngster la
about on crutches. Tho accident
took place at Vansyele.,
Bridge Specifications.
Tho county court Is at work today
on tho specifications for tho now No-
lln river lylrtgo, wimcii is to uo its iooi
wide and tho control span 120 feet
long, oxcludlng tho approaches,
which aro to bo CO foot In longth
John Burke, who shot Solver Lar
son, in n Soattlo drug atoro, two
months aco. was sontoncod to 14
yonrs In the ponltontlary Monday.
Japanese Version.
London. Mav 10. A Toklo disnatch
says that Is 1b reported there Admi
ral Urlus fleet fought a battle with
the Vladivostok squadron and a Rus
sian cruiser was sunk.
Epidemics Prevalent.
SL Petersburg, May 10. To offset
the reports of epidemics at Mukden,
tho authorities state that while small
pox and typhus are epidemic In Man
churia and dlsentery Inevitable,
where there are large bodies of men
crowded together, there Is nothing
alarming In the situation.
Reports Unconfirmed.
SL Petersburg, May 10. A Mukden
seml-offlclal dispatch denies that
Dalny was captured by the Japanese.
The admiralty Tejects the report that
the cruiser Rurlk was destroyed.
Kuropatkln's plant, are kept close se-crcL
Japs Route Russians.
Shanhnikwnn, May 10. The first
Japanese corns overlook tho fleeing
Russians 20 miles south of Lla Yang
yesterday and a severe engagement
followed. The Japanese dragged
their gunB up apparently Insurmount
able hills. The Russians continued
their Tetreat north. A division of the
flrst cotps Is approaching NIu
Chwang. whose evacuation Is con
firmed by a number of women who
have just arrived.
Poles Planning for Liberty.
Berlin, May 10. During a debate
in tt, Pniinliin diet today on oiinros-
slon of the Poles of Eastern Prussian
provinces. Minister of tne interior
Hammersteln defending the govern
ment's repressive policy. Ho assert
ed that the Poles throughout tho
world .are secretly working to ro-es-tahliBh
the ancient kingdom of Pol
and. Poles of Chicago, ho said are
....... .llllltiir nrtH of ofllcers and
regiments of picked men Intended vo
form the neueieus army iu nuui
Poland from tho triple yoke of Ger
many, Kussia and Austria.
Russian Reserves Called.
St. Petersburg, May JO. Tho Im
perial Ukase today calls out the re
serves ln six provinces to complete
the Klcff and Moscow drafts.
Sharkey and Gallagher.
Utlca, N. Y., May 10. Arrange
ments havo been completed for tho
fwrcstllng bout at tho state nnnory
tonight between Tom Sharkey, the"
pugilist, and Dennis Gallagher of
this city. Both men have boon train
ing faithfully since the match wns
made and an Interesting bout Is ex
pected to be tho result.
Port Arthur Land Free.
St. Petersburg, May 10. A dispatch
today reports that Port Arthur Is
again free on tho land side, tho Jap
anese having been repulsed In an en
counter 20 kilometers from the railway.
Cossacks Reconnoltering.
Seoul, May 10. A party of Cos
sacks have arrived at Song Chlnea,
south of Pamkyono province, and nre
believed to be reconnoltering In an
ticipation of a Japanese advance on
Vladivostok. It Is probably the same
force reported to havo crossed the
Yalu above Wlju on May 5.
Prisoners at Toklo.
I,ondon, May 10. Tho Central
News correspondent of Toklo, sends
the report that Koreans In the Rus
sian employ, havo cut the Japanese
military telegraph lino north of the
Pank Yong province. In Korea. The
300 Russians captured at the Yalu
river havo arrived at Toklo.
Attempt to Destroy Fortress.
Berlin, May 10. Tho lkal Anzel-
ger BayB that during an attempt to
destroy the entire fortress or Kron.
stadt, tho enemy was frustrated. Ad
mlral BIrlloff confirmed the report,
It Is not stated whether tho plotters
were Japanese emissaries or revolu
For Different Conduct.
St. Petersburg, May 10. Kuropat-
kin has sent a long telegram explain
ing the situation at tho front ana de
claring his plans for tho conduct of
the war which are entirely different
from thoso of Viceroy Alexlcff.
Cotton a Contraband.
St. Petersburg, May 10. An Impe
rial order today declares cotton a
contraband of war.
General Huber has been appointed
commissary-general of the Russian
army ln Manchuria.
For Japanese Loan.
New York, May 10. Tho official
proposition for tho now Japanese
loan wus made public this afternoon
by American bankers who are to con
duct lhe floating of It here. Thu
total amount Issued Is S0,000,O0J at
C per cent, secured by the flrst
charge on customs receipts'. Sub
scriptions will be opened simultane
ously In New York and London.
Carried a Half Million In Bullion and
Was Thought to Have Been Wreck
ed for Purpose of Robbery.
Port Chester. N. Y May 10. En
gineer Kecnan and Fireman Howe,
of Boston, were killed and several of
the train" crew were Injured In n
wreck of tho Adams Express train,
which runs between New York and
Hartford, early this morning.
The train wns composed of six ex
press enrs and carried $500,000
worth of bullion which wns being
shipped to Philadelphia, which caus
ed the report that robbers had wreck
ed the train. It was purely acciden
tal, however, due to too high n speed
over a switch.
Fourth Indiana District.
Rising Sun, Ind.. May 10. Lincoln
Dixon, of North Vernon, Is the only
candidate for the congressional nom
ination before the Fourth district
democratic convention In session
hero today and he will probably bo
named by acclamation. Tho district
Is overwhelmingly democratic and
his election Is assured,
Walla Walla Citizens Would
Not Buy Property Near a
Judge J. A. Taylor Caused the Gar
Plant to Close Down Until Wind
Changed, Because of Suffocating
Odors Blowing Over his Home In
Other Cities Property Is Cheaper
Near Gas Plants Property Owners
In Walla Walla Reticent Because
Did Not Wish to Condemn Their
Own Homes.
American Suicides in Paris.
Paris, May 10. Harold T, Clarke
of San Frnnclsco, son of the Into
Jeremiah Clarke, suicided hero this
morning by blowing off tho top of his
head. Ho had Just arrived from
Monte Carlo. His mother and sister
nre unable to give any clue to tho
cause. Clarke was 31 years old.
Congressman Townsend Renominated
Monroe, Mich,, May 10. Republi
cans of the Second congreslsonnl
district of Michigan met In conven
tion hero today and renominated
Congressman Charles E. Townsend.
B, H. Kennedy, representing tho
property owners, nnd Wnlter Wolla
and J. M, Ferguson, representing tho
city council, who spent yestordny In
Walla Walla, roturnod hiBt ovonlng
after having mado a thorough can
vass of tho gas plant situation In
that city.
Judge J. A. Taylor, tho principal
property owner In tho vicinity of 'tho
Wnlln Wnlla gas plant wns out of
the city, ami thn committee did not
get to sco htm, hut Joo Ell has re
ceived a letter from him, In which
he given his views on tho location of
a gas plant In a residence district,,
nnd also of tho nnnoynnco of tho
odor of tho plant to tho residents liv
ing near n plant.
With tho exception of tho property
of Judgo Tuylor, the houses In the
vicinity of tho Wnlla Walla plant aro
of nn Inferior grade, nnd do not com
pare to tho elegant residences In tho
vicinity of tho proposed slto of tho
gas plant In Pendleton, nnd all tho
residents were ready to say that
they would not buy property near
such nn Institution, under any cir
cumstances. But oh they now own
their property In Walla Walln In
that vicinity, thoy must mnko tho
best of It and to condemn their own
property by enlarging on thu objec
tionable features of tho gas plant,
thoy could hardly ho expected to do.
Every porson Interviewed on the
subject said unhesitatingly that thoy
would not buy property In tho vlcln-
Reports Sales of Realty Amounting
to $606.90 Expenditures $75
Presents Bills for attorney's and ny of tho plant If thoy were locating
Receiver's Fees for S3S0. In Walla Walla again, But thoso
. who own smnll homes there depend
j on roomers nnd hoarders for a living
T. C. Taylor this morning filed his and they worn reticent In speaking
report as receiver of tho estatn of C. of tho offenslvo odors of tho plant,
. Wade, and his re,K,r, of tho sales t'SeeZr"
of realty belonging to Hint estate.; , u ,ut,(ir , ,,,,, KUi of thH
All of tho transactions of tho Intter , city, Judgo J. A. Taylor, the prlncl.
havo been detailed In tho East Oro- pal property owner In tho vicinity of
gonlan as thn sales took place, and!11';; n Vl. Hays:
, , , , , ,. 1 Wo aro located southwest of tho
the report offers nothing now for tho K(( vml )0 w1(, m()Ht n,wayB
renders of this paper. blows the gas uway from us, hut
As receiver Mr. Taylor mukeH eer-Honio time ago when they wore mak-
tain enumerations u follows: Keli.'K f""' "" wiiiu blow mo bihoko
i m-..i I I if . .. I
ruury nir. .iyiur i.tmve.i mi... unnnv,nv i im1,i , ,,111,1i
Matlock and Taylor, trustees, cash T)l0 KaH plant was slopped until tho
amounting to (&85.90; February 3 ho wind changed to blow the smell the
received from tho sale of harness, other way
120, and $1 ei8h which was coiiiiiiIh ! You will nollro In other cltlos
slon due C. B. Wudo an appraiser or I 'hat residence property Im not as
n loan to tho E. H. & L. AsHoclatlon. j valuable nroiiuil gas worl nx In
Total, fC0G.H0. 0,,1ir Portions of the city."
His disbursements from tho I
amount given wen; as follows: Cash The Next Graft,
to Joo Bailey as salary as custodlun Portland U gelling ready for tho
and watchman of the Foster much, next graft on tho Mliito. Mayor Wll
$7fi, leaving a halanro of 1531.90. 'Hams propones to luivo the ntulo buy
Tho document also ItrorjximjoH n I ttio exposition grounds,
receipt for all property, real ami per-1 0w nice It would be to have tho
sonal, which has como Into his hands I tftnto buy nnd pay for u public park.
during tne incumneney or ins reeoiv- for thu city of Portland.
over our house and tho smell was
Must Restool to Make a Crop, and
Cannot Be Depended Upon.
There Is considerable uneasiness,
beyond Question well grounded, lest
the late severe cold spell Injured tho
winter wheat. In fact, It Is known to
be Injured, but Just how much cannot
bo told at this time. Many fields, or
rather parts of fields, which were a
bright nnd vigorous green Just before
the last cold snap, are now of a more
or less dingy, sickly yellow. The
greater part of the effects of the
freeze was felt on the lowest ground
In tho various fields affected.
In many Instances tho yellow, sick
ly effects follow tho bottoms and
sides of the hollows. In somo cases
tho entire field, provided It lay quite
low. was hurt In an almost equal de
gree. In many cases not only Is the
blade damaged, but tho stalks so so
veroly so that If wheat Is grown
there It must come from a complete
restoollng, and tho season Is too late
for any dependence to bo put in any
such chances.
Dismissed From Army.
Washington. May 10. Lieutenant
Fredorlck Mills, of tho seventh in
fantry, has been dismissed from the
nnny. The president pp.u "
Bontonco of tho court-rhartlal, Ho Is
charged with duplicating pay ac-
Left for St. Louis.
Mrs. L. G. Frazler loft this evening
for a visit to her old homo ln Kansas
and tho SI J-ouls fnlr
Government Has Not Made Location
for Reservoir.
John T. WhlStler left this morning
ior ticno to supervise tho work of
preliminary surveying and sinking of
test, noies in the Butter creek dis
trict Referring to the perennial re-
vuuipinK or wio report that "the gov
eminent nas actually concluded to
build a reservoir on Butter creek,"
Mr, Whistler saldr "Pleniin nnn mn
as saying that thp government has
done nothing of the kind. No Jiving
man Knows wnere Jn Umatilla, Mor
row or Malheur counties tho govern
ment will build reservoirs: or wtieth
er. In fact. It will 'build anv at nil
All tho work dono up to the present
time ana me work that is in pro
gress, now Is strictly and only prp
llmlnary. and In tho Tintnr of Invnn,
tlgatlons. Further, bo far as anybody
yet knows. It will nover get past tbo
experimental stage. In other words,
if there will ever be government Ir
rigation works in Umatilla, Morrow
or Malheur counties, no one as yet
Letters Not Contraband,
London, May 10. Postmaster-General
Stanloy, In the house of com
mons today said that ordinary postal
letters wero not contraband of war,
but possibly dispatches between the
governments of belllgeront states nnd
Its accredited representatives may
be so treated. No general rule of In
ternational law bad been established
giving Immunity to mall ships. Tho
statement is duo to Russia stopping
the British liner Osiris near Brlndl-si.
ershlii and trusteeship, It coueliideH
with his bill for serving bh receiver
and with Carter & Haley's hill us at
torneys, Tho former Is for lino, I lie
latter for 250.
Boiler for Pump Station.
Tho new 80-horso jwer boiler for
tho water works Is expected to arrive
on or nbout Juno 1 and will bo In
stalled as soon thereafter as prnctl
cable. It Is of thn make of Crane
& Co., of Kowanee, III,, and Is SxIU
feet In sl.o. The old boiler, which It
will supplant, Is of 30-horsu power
Tho now pump house which will bo
built around the new holler Is in lie
40x40 feet, and of brick.
Deputies Report,
All of tho deputy assessors havo
made their roturnn except C. F.
Weiss, W. H. Gould, W. II. Ross, J.
B. Walden, Ralph Stanfield, J. W.
Sturdovant and J. S. Cherry, hut all
tbeBO gentlemen aro known to hnvo
their returns either nearly complet
ed, or entirely so, hut not to have
reached town with them yet.
The strike of tho sawmill hands
at Couer d'AIono City, continues,
with no Immediate indication of n
Scarcely havo they got through Im
posing tho highest taxes over levied
on the people of this statu for tho
fair, when it Is buy iu a park.
Tho shy shrinking violet nature of
IIicho gentlemen from Multnomah
will yet carry them to heaven on n.
lluiiiu of fire.
But they will never die from want
of gall, or brass, or ussuruiice that
tho rest of tho state uro a lot of
suckers. Halem Journal.
Will Not Make the Flnlit.
Tho Pralrlo City County Sent s
sedation, after having secured more
than thu ruiiulslto number of Quali
fied petitioners praying that tho
court inako an order to submit tho
proposition of removal of tho county
seat from Canyon City to Prairie
City, have dlscoverud legal Impedi
ments and dropped the matter for at
least two yeara. Prulrlo City Miner.
New Wool n Warehouse.
There Iu now In tho Furnish ware
house about 120,000 pounds of new
wool, and many thousand mora
pounds are expeted In tho linmodl-
ato future. In fact, by Thursday,
wool will bo unloaded oyery hour In
tho day until tho first snlostfny,.
which U tho 23d.