R PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1904. L Hot Weather Comforts I Our line of summer footwear Is now In, and In readiness for you to make your selections. Prettiest Ideas In OXFORDS, LOW SHOES AND SLIPPERS for ladles and gentlemen In tans, patent colt, vlcl and other loath, i ers. DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. : GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. WOODMEN SOCIAL PENDLETON CAMP ENTER- TERTAIN8 300 OF ITS FRIENDS FOR SHORT PEOPLE. Pendleton Postoffice Furnishes Con venience for Women to Reach Up per Boxes. There Is one permanent fixture In thu Pendleton postofllce which Un cle Sam does not check up In his quarterly accounting of the re sources and Income of the office. It Is a dainty stool, abont six Inches lilch. covered with carpet and left standing on the floor next to tho lock boxes, and has been placed there by the thoughtfulness of Postmaster Llvermore, so short patrons of the office may step up and look Into tho upper boxes, If they happen to he renting In the upper row. Many an accommodating tall pa tron of tho office has answered the sweet request to "please unlock my box. It Is so high," or "please tell me If there is anything In No. : I can't see from the floor." This lnocent little stool win do away with all this Inconvenience and the shortest woman In the city can now reach her box. If this stool will not answer the purpose, Postmaster IJvcrmore will place a portable step ladder at the service of the patrons. BOERS MAY COME. Advance Guard From South Africa Likes the Northwest. Oregon may be selected as 'a place of future residence by a portion of the Boer survivors. It Is not definite ly settled that the Boer people will locate in Montana, but they have re ceived from General Gideon D. Jou nert and Captain W. S. O'nonnell ex haustive information concerning the Korthwest, and an urgent Invitation to migrate on send a delegation to finally determine upon a place of colonization, says the Telegram. Last year the two former officers 9tVff of the South African army mado nn Investigation of tho Milk river valley, along the lino of tho Great Northern railway from Hlnsdnlc to Great Falls a distance of more than 100 miles, and on the Crow reservation and In tho Teton country, along tho North' cm Pacific. Climate, soil, crop pro ductlon, water, transportation and tho stock and farming Industry wero gone into thoroughly, and when tho report was printed In Dutch and sent to tho countrymen of tho In vestlgators it contained complete In formation of that region and com' mended tho Northwestern states of this country to tho Boor people as most likely to bo found desirable for their future citizenship. ECHO WILL COME. Farmers Club Will Attend the Far. mere' Institute in a Body. H. C. Willis, city recorder of Echo, and editor of the now descriptive booklet of Umatilla county, is In the city today and reports everything In first-class shape In that vicinity. The Farmers' Club of Echo will elect officers at a meeting next Sat urday, and will como to tho Far mers' Institute here on May 26, In a body. The members of the Echo Commercial Association is grateful to Pendleton for the encouragement given to all their undertakings and will reciprocate by attending tho In stitute and assisting In the organiza tion of a club In this vicinity. MOORHOUSE PICTURES. Photographs of the Log Drive at Perry and Other Views Taken by Major Moorhouse. Major Moorhouse returned this morning from Perry, where he pho tographed various scenes In the big log drive now being brought down the Grand Hondo river by tho Grand Rondo Lumber Company, yesterday. House Cleaning Made Easy 9 m a See our window for the things that you need. Hero Is tho list: Whiting, Ammonia, Sulphur, Chloride Lime, Magic Cleaning Fluid, Soap, Deodor ized Benzine, Sulphur Fuml gators and Dusters. Anything olso7 Ask us. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists Congregational Business Meeting. There will be a business meeting of tho Congregational church at 8 o'clock tonight at the church. All interested are especially Invited to attend as matters of Importance will como up for consideration. Sold 10 Pack Horses. W. II. Babb recently Bold 10 pack horses for tho Alaskan trade, to WItherspoon, who Is one of tho heav lest transfer operators In the terri tory. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family :very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try JgII-Q, t delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. NoboilinRl no raking 1 add boilinff water and sot to cool. Plavoro: Lemon, Orange, H.tsp jerry and Strawberry. Got a package ' vottr trnrfr to-dav. TO cm. Literary and Musical Program at Se cret! 8oclety Hall Refreshments and Sociability In Abundance Camps Ask for Continuance of the Membership Campaign. FURNITURE Hffi A R in CARPET8, REFRIGERATORS, POftCH ROCKERS, WINDOW SHADE8, RUGS, LAWN SETTEES, GO.CARTO, CURTAIN POLES, ETC. Our sales nro double what they formerly wore. Why? Because our stock Is tho larg est In Eastern Oregon. Our prices are always right. Qual ity, Stylo and Servlco as good s tho best. Nuf Bed. Srik m MAIN AND WEBB STREETS Undertaking Parlors In Connects Fraternity and good-fellowship overflowed at. Secret Society hall Saturday night, when about 300 Woodmen of tho World, their wives and friends, assembled In a social session of Pendleton Camp, following the business meeting at which three now members wero Initiated. Tho lodge room was filled to over flowing, many being compelled to stand during tho program. All tho available benches from tho banquet hall, all tho regular seats and a wagon load of chairs from the furni ture store were brought Into com mission to accommodate the largo crowd. It was a heart to heart social meeting of the Woodmen and their friends and tho literary program and refreshments completed one of the most enjoyable events of the season. Consul Commander J. 11. Lawrey made a brief and appropriate address of welcome and A. J. Owen presided over tho meeting. The following lit erary and musical program was ren dered: Pimm soln Miss Hazel Bickers Itecitatlon Miss Nellie Jay Vocal solo "Tho Turnkey Fred Hnrtman Recitation "Aux Italien," Javina Stnnfield Vocal duet, Prof. K. Ray Jones and Miss Jones. Itecitatlon Walter Owens Instrumental trio, M. A. Ilader and daughters, Hazel and Lucllo. Violin and guitar, Messrs. Shrcover nni! McPheeters. Vocal quartet "Star of the Even'" Messrs. Jones, uwen, ungues, and Klmbrell. After tho nrocram refreshments consisting of Ice crenm and cake, were served, tho crowd forming Into fnllv- irronns In a social session. While the camp had not prepareu for such an attendance, the commit tees In charge met the occasion Gracefully and there were refresh ments left over. At the business meeting It was clc- piiinii to ask to extend tho member- ship campaign which closed on April to July 1, as ino results nave ueen so highly satisfactory, mo camp now has a membership or nnoui duo. i,olntr the largest single cam I) in the state outside of Portland. JAIL INVENTORY. Mr. Davonport's father was a partic ular favorito on tho reservation. Tho cartoonist visited tho grave of Howllsh Wampo, and talked with his sister-in-law on tho reservation, and took numerous mental sketches of the country around tho agency, whore his father was once Umatilla Indian agent. Major Moorhouso prizes tho Davenport photograph vory highly and has Just finished a number of thorn for his friends. Unfortunate Accident. Mrs. Nettle Burt, who lives on West Alta street, was thrown from a horse yesterday evening and her left leg was broken. The horso sho was riding became fractious and Bho was thrown with her whole weight on her left nnklo. Both bones were broken, and tho Injury will confine her to tho house rather longer than hurts of that character usually make necessary. Visiting Rrlnter. V. G. Willlson, formerly foreman In tho East Oregonlan mechanical department, is hero on a visit from Portland, whore ho is employed in . I . jll f T. lit T t . Tin In nr.... wie uuiuu ui r. v. uuii.ua. iiv io nu Arlington, may ox; ouuumu, engaged in making up tho forms for jim0 2; Hoppnor, Juno 7; Pendleton, inn linn njltttnti nf Mm T nwtd nnd I .A. oknll.n 1J. Tlnl.A. Clark descrlptlvo booklet, which Is being Issued from the ofllce of F. W. Unites. New Bridge at Nolln. Tho river bridge ovor tho Umatilla at Noll n wll lbo built ns soon as tho bids can bo acted upon and other preliminaries decided. It will bo built upon tho old piers, nnd will limit Sa.nnO. Thn nlil hridrrn is used somowhnt, although It has been condemned about a year anil is alto gether unsafe. Moved Offices. J. T. Illnkle has moved his office into tho rooms formerly and for so Innp nnniintpil hv th tnlnnhnnn offi ces In the Savings Bank building, the lnrge room being occupied by his li brary, the smaller as a private con sultation room; The Umatilla Coun ty Abstract Company, also has its offices in the samo rooms. Followed by a General Clearing gf the Decks.' ' nintrlrf Attnrnov Hallev made a little cleaning up at his hotel at the court house yesieraay auernoon, when he arraigned all those who have been In tho county Jail for some timo on various charges. Rodney Dimuis. tno boy wno nas been in Jail for a couple of weeks, having struck Charles Bronson over tho eye with a large atone at the ball game, was released, uupuis pieaueu guilty to tho charge of assault with o rionrllv wwinnn. and sentence was suspended during good behavior. His sentence will no to ino penitentiary should ho force tho court to Imposo if nnd ho will bo allowed his liberty only as long as ho hohaves himself. Jesse Griffin, who stoio a pair oi trousers from the Penland lodging hou80 somo time ago, pleaded guilty to petit larceny and was fined $20. Not hnvlng the money, no win servo days In jail. August Becher pleaded guilty to tho crlmo of larcony and was fined $75, His partner, (li-orgo llradloy, ivna nlan nrralcned Oil the same charge, and was given the same sen tence. Both wero nimble to furnish tho cash and will spend 37 dnys In the jail. These wero tho men who stole tho case of brandy somo timo ago from Sweariugon brothers. 10 Digging Test Pits, The government party In tho vlcln- Itv af Knhn Is lmsllv uncaccd in dig ging test pits from which will bo de termined tho exact courso of tne ditches which will feed the Butter creek reservoir. About 20 men are In tho party. A. Perard's .Wool Coming In. A slx-horso team brought In 2G sacks of wool belonging to A. Perard, of Pilot Itock, today, for storago In tho Furnish warehouse. Mr, Perard will shear about 85 sacks, which will all bo stored' here for tho sales on May 23. William Keller Returned. William Keller, of the Thompson Goodman Hardware Company, has re turned from a visit to Portland, whera he has been for some time for tho benefit of his health. He is much Improved and resumed his duties this morning. GENERAL SATISFACTION. Property Owners Have Very Few Kicks Coming This Year. H. J. Taylor brought In his returns as deputy assessor this morning. Mr. Taylor, who has assessed for soveral years, reports that there is moro gen eral acquiescence In the plan of as sessment and in tho valuations this year than over boforo: fowor objec Hons aro mado, nnd tho general ex pression Is of satisfaction. There Is vory Httlo difference In tho volunio of propurty as compared with last year so far as livestock and other chattels nro concerned. Wheat wns badly frosted, especial ly on low ground, and much of it looks yellow and sickly, though It Is Impossible to toll to Just what extent It Is Injured. Those who do not think tho root Is Injured in tho least n,o nnrtnlnlv ton nntlmlstlc: cm the other hand. It Is not certain Hint tho' damage to the root by frost was con slderable. Dorothy Neff Recovering. Dorothy, the 8-year-old daughter of the Mr. Neff, the proprietor of tho Alta Houso, Is still quite 111 with ty phoid fever, but barring any unex pected complications or other back sots, will recover in a short time. Bad News for George Darveau. George Darveau, proprietor of tho Hotel St. George, received a telegram this morning from Montreal, stating that his sister, Mrs. E. J. Smith of that city, died thero last night of dropsy, after an extended Illness. Mr. Coon Is Recovering. B. E. Coon, who haB been danger ously 111 with plcuro-pneumonla, is somewhat hotter today, and is con sidered to have an excellent chanco for recovery. Tho troiiblo began with an attack of pleurisy. New Seven.Room Dwelling. Jili-gen Miimm is building a sovon room dwelling four miles north of Pendleton, which Is said to bo ono or tho cosiest, handiest residences In tho ontlro county. Cattle on the Range. Harry Gibson, of this city, has turned nut 900 head of cattle on tho Grand Hondo river range above Hll gard. where tho grass Is In excellent condition. Weston Ball Team Goes Home. Tlio members of tho Weston base ball team left for their homes this morning. Thoy wore guests of Hntoi Bickers wlillo In tho city. COMING EVENTS. Mny 1C Special BChool election to decide how bonds shnll bo sold, Pondloton. Mny 18-211. O. O. F. grand lodge at Astoria. May 17 School bond election, Pen dleton. Mny 2fi Farmors' Instltuto, Pen dleton. Mny 27-28 Caledonlnn picnic at Athena. Juno 2, 3, 4 Umatilla county pio neers' reunion, ft Weston. Juno 6 Itubbor-tlred buggy will bo glvon away by tho East Orogonlan. Juno G General election In Oro gon. Juno 15, 1G, 17 Oregon encamp ment G. A. It., Hood niver. Juno 22 Thirty-second annual re union Oregon Plonoors, Portland. Juno 23, 24, 25 Northwost Sports men's toumamont, Pondloton. August 22-27 Amorlcan Mining Congress, Portland. Wool Sales. Pendleton, May 23; Hoppnor, May 26: Arlington, May 31; Shanlko, Hoppnor, Juno 23T Shanlko, July j. ' Juno 10: Shanlko, Juno 14; Baker City, Juno 17; Pondloton, Juno 21; i Union; Men P. m. oxennt ni.., near this In mind your purchases. Wo sell "Mother'! tho best 25c coffee on en OWL TEA HOUSfl DAVENPORT PHOTOGRAPHED. Major Moorhouse Takes Cartoonist's Picture Standing by a Tepee With Indian Woman. Whllo on his recent visit to this city Homer Davenport visited the Umntlllu reservation In company with Major Moorhouse and W. II. Ilnbb, and among tho numerous es capades of tho cartooulst on tho res ervation wns to Iiavo his photograph taken Htnndlng In front of a tepoo In company with Mrs. Illnck. a Umntllla Indlun woman, wno Is a alstordn law to Howllsh Wampo, with whom Special sale on embroidery silks, 10 for 25c. Freo lossons at Sirs, carl son's, at Alexnndor's. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT Egg and Phosphate ' BAKING POWDER liKTTHU THAN TUB QLD-TIMB OltEAM OF TaIVI All POWDERS. id This is Suit Week A SPECIAL EFFORT TO DIS PLAY AND PROVE THE EXTRA VALUES OF OUR LINES OF MEN'S AND B0Y8' FINE CLOTHING PRICED FAR BELOW WORTH. ACTUAL The Boston Store Special Prices on Clothing and Furnishings nanr- i imnrnuir A D oca RIIIT 5Cc I OinirtU unlilllli.nM FANCY STRIPED UNDERWEAR, PER SUIT nunenuciD iw ni IIP AND FLESH COLOR. PER SUIT . ft Uliuuniinn ... - ft( BLACK STRIPED 8HIRT8, EACH j m r- eu,r-ro nur DAIR r-.IIFFR TO MATCH ! . .- , ..n-ro cvtdi nnAi itv 75c aito vat uuur ammo, , n,-, M ' ..... .rfclt DI1ITC AT ... ' $7.50 MEN'S SUITS AT .. $8.00 MEN'S SUITS AT. MbN'o DUMB Mi jjjj jl $12.50 MEN'8 8UITS AT P i WE ARE SHOWING BARGAIN8 IN ALL LINES BAER. DALEY Clothiers and Furnishers hw i m n n n n i n n ; i Umatilla Meat Market JUST OPENED ONE OF THE NICEST, CLEANEST AND BEST MEAT MARKETS IN THE CITY. NOTHING BUT TH CHOICEST MEATS. COURT STREET. 'Pn"" MAPLE BUILDING, 219 1011. Ho! for a Picnic Enjoy an outing a I A fishing trip will pleasure. Good rigs, fine W Everything first-class-reasonable. Williams Livery Stable 723 Cottonwood ' ...... Good Smoke? i Do You Enjoy a Try "Pendleton Coquet" and "gfti Made at home. ... f r U0 0H - i)L. IT. G 11 i and Ne fetter Th; fear. Iwool af LIVE I i for East Lrganlze P I New Om and Cleai