l5i PAGE 8IX. DAIL" EAST ORE"' LF. "ATURDAY, MAY, 7, 1904. EIGHT THE PRIIURY L I'UJllMk'ifFn fi ,1 if ' I it. IT Don't Worry If your coffee doesn't suit, don't worry buy Golden Gate It may cost more per pound but think of the quality. High grade. ,i grocers sell it. I and 2 lb. aroma-tight tins. J. A. Folder n Co. San Francisco Importers of Fin Coffa A RUNAWAY TEAM. 3s Biiru o do more or less damago to "n carriage, but whether you need; re pairing from accident or ordinary wear and tear, bring your vehicles to .Tluaclo's. While our reputation is ile'spread for doing all kinds of re- jiairlng In the oesi manner ai lowest prices, wo feci sure tnar, mero are a few good people who don't know that we are unexcelled In our line, and we want them to know us. We have the Winona wagons and Has buggies, the best produced In the -world. Call and see our lino of rigs NEAGLE BROS., the Blacksmiths. Stover Gasoline Engines, safe and reliable. 1 The French i I Restaurant I Best 25 Cent Meal in the City Private Dining Parlors. Elegant Furnished Rooms In Connection. S GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. : 633 Main Street. GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. 1Y1INNIS Ieave orders at Ncuman's Cigar Store.- DRS. F. C. &M.E. , THE DENTISTS "Will spend tho summer in tlio East visiting st Washington City, and tak ing post-gradunio courses in .Phila delphia and Now York. All parties desiring work'doho boforo wo lenvo ifor tho East must call at pneo and -nrranup for .tho surnq. J. L. VAUGHN : Electrician Prompt attention given and all 5 work executed properly, , Kleotrlcal Supplies or all kinds OFFJCB-121 WBST COUnT ST, J (Trlbuuo Hulldins) STATE LEAGUE 8END8 OUT COMPREHENSIVE SYNOPSIS. Reasons Why Voters Should Favor the Direct Primary Amendment Lucidly Set Forth In Circular Let terLaw Is Successful In Other States Voters and Lovers of Good Government Invited to Study It. Tho Direct Primary Nominating League of Oregon has sent out tho following circular letter to every nowspapor In tho state and to many of tho individual voters. It clearly sets forth the objects of the primary law that 1b to bo voted upon In Juno and should bo studied carefully by those Interested tho maintenance of good government through the peo ple. The circular is as follows: Wle ask your vote for the direct primary nominating election law. No. 302 on the official ballot, for the fol lowing reasons: It mnkes tho people's votes the only power to nominate candidates for public offlcc, and so destroys tho party boss system. This Is one of tho greatest powers in our government, pernaps greater than tho right to elect tho officers from among the candidates after the nomi nation. The men who really govern are tho30 In tho great parties who can mako or break candidates for nomi- tmtlnn. So lone as meso llOSSCS can nnmlnalo tnelr friends for office tho government will bo good for tho bosses no matter who is elected, When thn oeoiile nomlnato the can didates as well as elect tho officers, tho government will bo good for tho people, no matter wno is eiocteu. Min hnv( died for tho rlcht to cast tho ballot, and surely the right to make the ballot is not less valuable or sacred than the right to vote It. No man would think of having del i.irntns nr conventions do his voting at tho general election, and It Is quite as Important that ho do his own vot ing at the nominating election. in thn in at two vears bills have been introduced in 22 legislatures for primary nominating elections, tnis bill Is submitted for the approval or rnirntlnn of the neonle becauso it cannot be defeated at tho ballot box by political tricks and trndes. If you enact this law you will choose your party candidates at a nominating election, and no combina tion of bosses will bo able to name tho candidates for your party, much less can they make a slate for both parties. This bill Is endorsed by many re publican county conventions and by the democratic state convention. By a political trick of tho managers tho question was not allowed to como be f6fe the republican state convention. It Is not a partisan measure in any sense of tho word. Senator Mitchell, Governor Chamberlain and other broad-minded statesmen and politi cians who are strong In an open con test before the people favor this bill. And with them are nearly all the men who trust the peoplo nnd bellovo they nro fit and able for self-government. The men who fear tha peoplo, aud all little politicians who must havo a nomination given to them if they over get one, and all tho boodlers and bosses who mako money out of poli tics, nro against tho bill. it Is not expensive, for it will cost about 35 cents every two years for each voter, or $35,000 for tho state. But tho power to make nominations ,,.at ha wnrth morn than it costs. tor tho politicians do not complain of tho oxpense. It Is not more cumbrous or compll A COUGH CONUNDRUM When is a cough more than a cough ? When it's a settled cold. When it hangs on in spite of all you can do. Cough mix tures won't cure it because they are merely for a cough' aim this is something more. Scott's. Emulsimi cures the cough because it cures the .something more. It heals and repairs the inflamed tissues where the cold has taken root and prevents its ccjihing back. :Wc'll tend you a sample free upon reijuot. SCOTT & 1IOWN1J, 4") I'M" Street, New York. GOAL Let us fill your bin with .... OGK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best and most o.onomical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply- We .de liver coal or wbod to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. cntcd than tho Australian linllol law, and It Is drawn on tho snmr princi ples. Nominations will bo on lo by tho highest number of votes iust a tho constitution requires In all elec tions. Tho best government Is possible only by having tho best men of all parties for candidates, and the peoplo can trust no one but tnomselvcs to chooso such candidates. No 1'intlons cannot bo bought nor stolen from tho peoplo as they havo been from con ventions. Whon tho peoplo nomlnato, overy candidate Tor nomination must stand alono on his own merits, and months before tho nominating election his friends will bo proclaiming his char acter, record, nblllty and fitness for tho place. But they will novor boast of his payments to tho "primary fund," nor of tho places ho has found in his ofTico for mo friends of tho "managing commltteo" at tho ex pense of tho taxpayers. And he who has not two friends per 100 members of his party who want to sign a pe tition to put his nnmo on tho party nominating ballot, is a very poor stick to ask tho peoplo to trust him with an office. The Bill Provides That on petition of two per cent of tho party vote tho county clerk will print tho candidate's name on party nominating ballot. If ho re ceives the highest number of his par ty votes at tho nominating election he hns his party's nomination nnd his namo will bo printed on the official ballot as Its candidate. None but r.M.lotnru.l ninmlinrn of the party can sign his petition. None but members of a party can voio tins uniioi in mu nominating election, but this tloes tint ninilv tn the nonoral election In June for public officers. This enables members of a party to maito us nom inations without intorferenco by nthnr imrtloa nr mercenary voters. Every political party is given tho right to the solo nntl exclusive uhu of all of Its party name. This will prevent candidates for splto as well as fusion. Pnlltlenl narties casting 25 nor cent nr mnrn n f thn totnl vote must nomi nate all their candidates under this law. It does not apply to city elec tions in towns of less than 2,000 pop ulation. Independent candidates and politi cal parties casting less than 25 per cent of tho total vote must 'continue to nominate as they do now under the Australian ballot law, which is Sec. 2791 D. & C. Codes. Candidates for nomination for tho legislative assembly may pledge tho peoplo In their petition that they win. nr will not. vote for tho people's choice for United States Senator, re gardless of their personal protoronco. The bill provides for nominations for that office. Senator Mitchell and many others believe this will prevent tho nomina tion of any candidato for tho legisla ture who does not pledge himself to vote for the people's choice, and thus result practically in tho direct elec tion of our senators in congress. Tho legislature will simply ratify tho peo ple's choice In much tho samo way that the president Is elected. Tho Judges and clerks of tho gen eral election act also at tho primary nominating election. All tho pro ceedings for each party so far as pos slble are tho same as at tho general election. Each party has Its separato ballot, but the nominating election is at tho samo tlmo and place for all parties subject to the bill. Tho voto is by secret ballot, which gives every man an equal opportunity boforo tho peoplo of his party. It does not destroy political parties but provides for their government by their registered members Just as n city Is governed by Its registered voters. "this law does not mako any change In tho Australian ballot or tho meth od of voting at regular general cloc tionc. It ' provides for opening tho registration books from September 20th to October 20th boforo each presidential election. Public officers will moro faithfully servo the peoplo because their politi cal llfo will depend nlways upon the peonlo and no one olso. If you enact this law you place tho governing power moro directly In tho hnnds of tho people, ami therefore carry It a step nearer to tho Ameri can Ideal of a government of tho peo plo, by tho peoplo, and for tho peoplo. Manqe In Jhs Country. Dr. Woods, of this city, deputy state veterinarian, was nil through ho. country between here and Pome roy lasl week looking up horses Buf fering with the mango, rumors of which liavo reached tho authorities. Ho says there Is uny quantity of It imong tho rnngo horses, but It In dif ficult to ascertain to whom tho horses hoinnir Tin fiuaramlned tho horses of threo owners and ho goes back this wool: to again ramie an onori 10 stamp nut tho ' disease. Dayton Press. There is only One Genuine-SyrUp of FlgS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Tho full name of the company, California FMk Syrup Co, Is printed on the front of every package of the genuine. Main Street Near Depot The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations arc known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE (AURRNIA RC VfcSfe.'y.: trice nny ceuts fbr.-sotti vj 1 : a t Birth. I whose which ore l1 alone rivers : Is 1 S ten t Jrom In N was i 0. tlons. Th( drove the S behln1 disapi on In trlcts ttirmi walls noun to tn. Ex dog ' lones a 103 on o' as tl is hi XI . T- ...J. M t pur wnwtr m . v. ' jxr, ! win, Jiili COST SALE In order to make mom for our new line qf enamel ware, we are offering our present stock of gray granite ware below cost: Tea Kettles, regular price $1.00, now 70c 2-Quart tea -r coffee pots, regular price 55c, now 30c 6-Quart milk pans, regular price 40c, now 20c Pie plates, regular price 20c, now t 13c 2.Quart granite buckets, regular price 35c, now 25c 6-Quart preserving kettles, regular price 50c, now 30c 17-Quart dish pans, regular price 90c, now 70c W. J. Clarke (& Co. 'PHONE MAIN 211. 211 COURT STREET. A Cure for Plies. "I had a bail caao of piles," Bays a. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Oa., "and consulted a physician who advised mn rr, irv tl llfiX Of DoWltt'S WltCh irn..ii Ruluo I nurchnscd a box and Svao entirely nured. It is splendid for piles, givlntc roliot instantly, nnu I heartily recommend It to all suffer ors." DoWltt'S Witch Hazel Salvo Is uncriualod for Its healing qualities. Eczema and other shin diseases, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds ot ovorv hind nro nufchiy curou uy it. Sold by Tollman & Co. mi... .....r.. .if nrmrrill lmH llttnil I1Y. 1 H u niinu w . 0 . . . . ...... porlmontlng with Its young salmon to dotormlno If thoy roturu to tho place whoro thoy wuro spawned, and liuils that thoy do, with groat rogu- Afn.l,...1 null from tlll Kllllli- IIHiiJ- - -' ath hatchory. turned looso threo years ago, havo been caught thoro by tho dozens this year nn.rnv. Mass.. 152 Shawmut Ave. Oct. 2."i. l'JOJ. After 1 luul boon married about four months I felt my health generally decline. I seemed to lose tin) liulit step and dragged wearily along instead Myappeute failed inn and 1 lost health and strennth. 1 was nervom and had shooting pains through my limb ami stomach while bear mir down tiaitiH nnd constant headaches added to niv misery The menstrual flow became more and moro profusn anil 1 was unfit to attend to my daily duties. My laubaiul called 111 llirCK Uliltri'.-in, Jiujaivtiii.. iiun i iwn uwut. i. ... kill or cure n dozen women, but it all had no effect on me whatever, until I too!; V iim o Cardm. In a few dajs 1 felt a .:i....i:e U c l.. i v v. rci. oral health improved and at the next time o my periods my l ow was more natural and I was in kvn pain. Gradually I recovered my heallh and strength and am now in perfect health. I take an occasional tlovvot v mo of Cardm which keens mo well. 1 am namy 10 give yj- 1 HE BEST IS THE C- EAPES1I Hear this in mind wheir need poultry nnd stock m and ask for the Interutk Toultry anil Stock Food, li Kow Kure for your co i bles. C. F. Colesworlil 127-129 East AIU St Agent for Lee's Lice KiH vou this endorsement. President, lUclc fuy Woman's Club. Why don't you try for the fame health lira, .flicker bas? ' It easy to secure if you take Wine of Cardui according to directions. Wmo of Urdu strengthens weak and worn-out women of. any age and assists the mother and hou"ewifotobear her enuliuff duties. Wine o Cardm makes women fit for all the duties of womanhood. , , ,, , It will relieve the pains of irregularity, cures fulling of the womb, leucorrlou, ovarian troubles, and has been known "' W siciaus considered 'dangerous tumors. Women who use V mo of Car. ui dc not differ at the monthly periods. They do not m hystenca lck-s becauso Wine of Cardui gives them strong nerves freed from tho irritation fTalSl!oO 'bottle of Winoof Cardm purchase.! from your druggist will keep you ueo irora pain. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. State. .-, - ThnwH 0' . auiireuiu jii'it,. -Dairy and Food Commlnw 11 In. .11. lUUH"""' , . Presidential Electors-Jobi Jeffrey. T. II. Crawford, w. a . tt r. 111. ami .1. ti. District. Cungress, Second District-! Simmons. ... District Attorney, Umitu Morrow-J. H. Haley. Joint Representative, Morro Umatilla F. U. Holbroot County. JudgtG. A. Hartman. Sheriff--T. D. Taylor Clerk-J. H. Cherry. Conmilssloner-Wmiam IJ Koprcsouauv-,,. r. iiln ami wiiiinin ff School Superintendent-. Mnyberry. . Survoyor-C C Berkeley Trcnauror-S. t LteMf Itrconier- y . -1 nderssl Coroner- - Dr i " I Justice of th. rcacc-S - "constable- JolmMjenU. DOCTOR J. MAN FOO THE CBI.BUKATBD HOOT AND HBHI1 DOCTOR, has moved to 101 First street, botweon Washington and Stark. Graduate of moilk-al university In China. CURES , .-.ji,. i wrt-iMinv illannsns. ConHumntlon. ItheumatlSUl, STOMACH i.iw.ii uuu """ - - . . Iir,n,la troubles and nil diseases ot tho human body by tho use of HKRHS es pecially prepared for each caso. DUST OF GKRTIFIwATBS IN OFFIOE. - H OMB OURriS BY MAIL If yon cannot cull at Ills qirico, vr to your symptoms fully. Many cases can bo cured at. homo. Will glad y adviso you regarding your caso, free of charge. Bond for pamphfot. Consultation FIIBB. Olilco hours from 0 n. m. till 9 p. m. The T. Man Foo Root and Herb Medicine Co. No. 104j First stroot, between Washington nnd Stark, I'ortland, Or. For Mle at tha East Oregonlan Th ' W8paper8 containing ov.r 100 blC poper. can be had for 25c a bundle. Republican Ticket For Presidential Electors. W. V. HnmPton J. N Hart W. H Gor James A Fee For Supremo Judge justice -mmIS!io For Food ami JJairj - j W. uanw For l'lOSOcutliiK Attorney 0. W Phelps var Joint noprescntatlve Dr. W. G. ow & For Congressman In For noVresontat:9: John J- Ballera Henry Adams For County Juie; Honry J. nw For County Clerk Frank Saline For W rtt For '3Jl'rosrowmervine For Recorder: y. H. Folsorn For Assessor: av. t. liiey For Comnilssloner t,v. Bnrvovor 1 j. W. Klmbrcu J1Wn For Justice of !' rD lrlCtThoms FIU For "rnbarl