East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 07, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every afternoon (except Sunday)
at 1'enilletou, Oregon, by the
Dally, one ycnr by mail $5.00
Dally, six months by mall
Dally, tlirro months by mall
Dally, one month by mall
Dally, per month by earrlar . . . . ,
Weekly, one year by mall
Weekly, six months by mall
Weekly, four months by mall . . . .
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall . . .
SemUWeeltly, six months by mall .
' Semi-Weekly, three months by mall
Scrlpps McItae News Assocla-
The Hast Oregonlan Is on sale at U. IJ.
Itlch's News Stands, at Hotel Portland,
and Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon.
San Francisco llureau. -40S I.'nnrtli st
Chicago llureau, 000 Security Ilulldlng.
WashlnKtou, D. C, llureau, 501 14th
St., .. W.
Telephone, Main 11.
Entered at Pendleton postofflce as second-
ciass matter.
Ask not the stars If God there
Nor Idly question Space and
and Time;
Think not to learn of mystery
From Nature's minstrelsy
and rhyme.
Thy spirit knows. It wills-
pers how
Cease asking once, and thou
shall hear
This 'God Is but thyself, and
Art God Himself, and doub-
ly dear.
Howard V. Sutherland, In
San Francisco Star.
san tool, by giving It a contract that
amounted to $520, for oxactly the
same work.
Crown the man and curso the wo
man, that's the human way. Tako
the -libertine to your breast and for
give him, but lock the door against
his paramour and send her to lower
depths. Hazel Beaumont, whoso real
name Is withheld out of mercy for
her aged mother In Portland, was
sentenced to pay a fine for vagrancy
and gross immorality, In Scattlo yes
tortlay. She was raised In Portland
and was a favorite In the highest
social circles four years ago. She
was bright, vivacious, Intelligent
educated, refined and had friends by
mo score, auo vas without a peer
as an ontortalner at tho little social
functions of tho best circles. Final
ly a "nice" man won her confltlouco
and betrayed her. From her highest
position she fell to the lowest. The
wretch who was the cause of her
downfall nover suffered a single loss
of prestige, but she went out of her
little circle disgraced and besmirch
ed, never to return. He went about
his business unashamed, she went to
tho gutter and to vagrancy. He now
has a respectable family and a
"good" namo, she Is an outcast. His
mock charity and benevolence Is tho
tall: of the town. Her namo Is a hiss
and a byword. Isn't It time to stop
this unjust practice? Isn't It time to
make tho outcast In malo attire wear
his brand of Cain, as well as the
trusting girl ho started downward?
Tax-payers and voters of TJmatil
la county will bo Interested In know
ing that two republican members o
the county court, Horace Walker
and T. P. -Qllllland, yesterday ten
dered the Jlornlng Tribune $400 In
full payment of a $G16 printing bill
thus admitting that the contract
made with the Trlutine by those
same members of the court was
about 35 per cent graft on the tax
Judge Hartman, a member of tho
county court, objected to the con
tract at the time the two commis
sioners gave u to tne Tribune, over
the exceptionally low hid of the East
Oregonlan, and he has today filed
bill of exceptions to the action of the
commissioners, and offers the Trib
tine but ?300 In full payment for Its
9G16 bill.
How the commissioners are to Jus
"tlfy their action before tho people
Temalns one of the problems of tho
campaign. The Tribune bid $2.60
per Inch for printing the delinquent
tax list, and the East Oregonlan bid
CO cents per inch. Judge Hartman
favored giving the contract to the
lowest bidder, but the two commis
sioners decided against him and
gave It to the Tribune. The result
Is a graft of $400 on the taxpayers
in this little Item alone.
Two hundred inches of delinquent
tax list would have cost the taxpay
ers but $120, If published in the
East Oregonlan at 60 cents per Inch;
In the Tribune, the same amount is
costing tho county $520, at $2.60 per
inch, besido tho Increase In the cost
by the padding of the type by the
Tribune, to make one-fifth more
matter than there was in the tax
Aside from the graft attempted on
the people, tho additional cost and
trouble of a suit against the county
to collect tho full price, Is threaten
ed by the Tribune.
The East Oregonlan Is not posing
as a martyr nor a. moralist. It pre
sents these facts to tho people as
part of tho business record of Uma
tilla county. The business of tho
county should bo conducted on tho
same lines of honesty that mark
any private business. This paper
mado a fair and square bid for bus
inoss, at a price that would mean a
fair return for tho service, from the
It promised nothing, threatened
nothing, made no demands, used no
nndiio Influence, proffered no divis
ion of spoils, truckled to no party
nor part of a party, but went after
business with a fair, business bid,
which entitled It to tho county print
ing. It expected tho county commis
sioners to oxorclso common business
honesty and Judgment at least, In
spite of politics, but was deceived.
Instead of giving tho contract to an
Indopendont paper at tho cost of
$120 per year to tho taxpayers, tho
commissioners rowarded tho parti-
The voters of Umatilla county are
Invited to picture to themselves, tho
vast Idle tracts of arid land lying In
tho northern and western portions of
the county nt this time. It Is Impos
sible for Individuals to Irrigate these
large tracts, and the government will
decline to take up tho work until
Oregon has passed some Intelligent
legislation. On tho coming legisla
ture and Its, practical common sense,
depends the future of this county.
The state has appointed an Irrigation
commission to frame a law. It Is
doing extraordinary work. The next
step must be to elect practical men,
enthusiastic irrigators, pronounced
agitators for irrigation development,
to pass upon and urge that law In I
the legislature. This land must all
be reclaimed and made habitable. It
cannot be under tho present status
of the irrigation law. Voters can
hurry along the settlement and re
clamation of that land, or they can
retard It, Just as they will. Irriga
tion must bo the campaign Issue in
Eastern Oregon, until this waste Is
brought Into fertility.
It is Impossible to say to what ox
tent American arts and education
are figuring In the Jnpaneso victories
In the Orient. Her best progress Ja
pan has modeled after this country.
Her best education she has obtained
here. Her highest arts she has
plucked from Amerlcnn soil. Her
scholarship and generalship bear the
American stamp. Her warships, ar
mament, gunners, tactics, all bear
the brand of tho Yankee. To the
other American tactics which havo
been winners for tho Japs, that na
tion will now add the lleet-footed
broncho of the Northwest states,
which, In the Japanese cavalry, will
prove to ho the same winning forco
that the American gunner has been
on the Japanese warship.
Tho pretext on which tho whole
sale meat dealers add a quarter of a
cent a pound to the price of beef Is
the familiar one that the stock on
hand Is insufficient to meet tho In
creased demand.
Yet tho complaint from the ranges
Is that tho price of cattle has been
steadily falling for two years. Hoof
cattle now bring $5.50 a hundred
pounds, as against $G.50 In 1901. Ac
cording to Secrotary Martin, of the
National Association, stockmen havo
lost $750,000,000 within less than two
years through this shrinkage of
values. Tho loss has been duo not
to tho operation of the law of supply
and demand, but In splto of It, nnd
directly to tho action of tho packers'
combination In artificially depressing
the prlco of livestock whllo forcing
up that of dressed boef. Having
taken their ton irom me caiuumuu
thoy are now again taking It from
tho householder.
What nro anti-trust and anti-mon-
opoly bills for if thoy cannot prevent
this kind of robbery? New York
Anntiinr ston In tho direction of
technical education has boon mado In
tho city of Dresden In tho establish
ment of a school for locomotive driv
er apprentices. Tho initiative was
Tjicomotlvo Drivers' As
sociation of Saxony, which succeeded
In Interesting tho momuors oi i
rwoanon .itv council In tho flchomo,
aswoIl as tho directors of tho tech
i.ni niinnl nnd tho administration
of tho noyal State Ilallroadfl. Tho
school Is for apprentices botweon 2G
and 30 years of ago who nro employ
ed In tho Drosdon car shops. Among
the subjects taught nro Gorman, arith
metic, graphics nnu uiu moum"- ,
of locomotives.
Tho Now York Times relates the
following experience of ono ot the
princes of tho church In that stnto.
Bishop Potter was preaching ono
Sunday evening In a smnll town In
tho Adlrondacks, whore ho had a
summer camp. When tho services
were over a tall, 'gaunt man, with tho
nlr of n backwoodsman, come up to
the bishop with outstretched "hand.
"I'vo herd ye preach twlco nforo
this," ho sold, "an' I llko yor preach-
In'. I alltiB learn somethln' new from
ye. I rid ten miles tonight to hpar
yo, on' I'd rid ten more, for as usual,
I hoord somethln' tonight that
never knowed nforo." "Well, I nm
glad of that," said the bishop, shak
ing tho outstretched hand; "nnd
what was It you learned tonight?"
"Why. bishop. I found out for tho
first time In my life that Sodom and
Gomorrnh wuzn't twins."
Marshnl Oyama, chief of tho Jap
nneso general staff, was, during his
service as Judge advocate at Toklo,
at a ball ono night. He was standing
near a doorway at this ball, when n
beautiful European woman swept
by, and so greatly dlu her charm 1m
press Judgo Oyama, that ho oxclnlm
ed Involuntarily: "What a lovely wo
man." She overheard him. With n
little smile sho looked back over her
whlto Bhoulder and, recognizing him,
sho said; "What an excellent Judge.
When Esther Cleveland was a lit-
tlo girl, her father onco telephoned
to the Whlto House from Chicago
and asked Mrs. Cleveland to bring
tho child to the 'phone. Lifting the
little one up to tho instrument, Mrs.
Cleveland watched her expression
change from bewilderment to won
der, and then to fear. It was sure
ly her father's voice, yet Esther look
ed at the telephone Incredulously.
fter examining the tiny opening lu
the receiver, tho little girl suddenly
burst Into tears. "Oh, mamma," sho
sobbed, "how can wo ever get papa
out of that little hole?"
Through tho sum and sweep of tho
countless year,
Humbly at many a countless shrine,
Men and women have wopt their
Or quaffed to the lees communion
But nover a gleam of glory fell
In splendor athwart tho altar stono
And nover a sound, but tho passing
Smiting tho nlr with Its awful tone.
Thoy havo stormed the stars with
their passion cry,
For hope, or mercy, or Justice here,
Plead that their dear ones would not
Plead with many a sol) and tear.
Folly! for nover nn answer came,
And never an arrow was turned
It sped to its work tho same,
Whether thoy prayed or scorned to
From cradlo to coffin we struggle and
Till the fugitive years ot our lives
are passed,
And whether our lot be blessed or
We aro tossed, llko dogs, to tho
worms at last.
What Is the use of It all, I say,
Why aro wo brought from tho dark
To laugh and weop through a llttlo
That drifts us under a burial stono.
Tutnllla, April 21.
Claims Many Thousands. A Tragedian's Thanks to Pc-ru-na.
In speaking of l'oruna, ltobort Down
ing, tho famous tragedian, s:iyx:
"I find l'crimu a provontntlvo against
all sudden summer lilt that swooii upon
ono in changing climated and water. It
Is tho llnext traveling companion ami
safeguard against malarial Influences.
You may notice that persons In poor
health always 11 ml tho heat most intol
erable,; this I avoid by using l'oruna. I
know by the thormometor that tho
wcathor is ho., yot I have felt tho heat
less this Hummer than over.
"Tho cooling notion of I'erunaou tin
mucous memliruuo maker It Invaluable
to actors and singers, us it does away
with that tendency tuiudduu hoareuess
a hot dressing room to a draughty
"To sum it up, l'uruna has done mo
more good than any tonic 1 have ever
taken." ltoburt Downing.
Dr. Hartman was the llrst physician
in tho United States to accurately de
scribe pystcmlc catarrh. Ills remedy
l'eruua, tho only systemiu catarrh rem
edy yot dovlsed, la now known all over
the civlllzoil world. A person having
used It onco can never bo persuaded to
lie without It when lu need ot such a
rllo for u copy of Dr. Hurtmati's
latest book untitled "Summer Catarrh.'-'
u apt to overtake one ouemurglng from I AddrerH Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O.
How to Help Your Girls.
The anxious mother of the family often
times cattle the whole burden of respon
sibility so far as the home medication ol
common ailments of the girl or boys are
concerned. The cost of the doctor's tUIU
are very often too great for consideration.
At such times the mother Is invited to write
to Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., fot
medical advise, which is given free. Cor
respondence is held strictly confidential.
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures, a record
such as no other remedy for the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to women ever
attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr.
Pierce's l'avorite Prescription now feel
fully warranted in offering to pay Ijoo in
legal money of the United States, for any
case of Leucorrhea, 1'emale Weakness, Pro.
lapsus, or Falling of Womb which they
cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and
reasonable trial of their means of cure.
World's Discisnsary Mspical Asso
ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y.
Take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Instead
of any other laxative.
CtnaAt taken beat
order at TeuUctt'i.
of care of. Leave
Phone, Main 1271.
Side Hill Combined
The latest Improved two-wheel, side-hill combined harvester ha
proven a boon to wheat raisers. It Is 'ho most successful, most
economical and easiest machine to operate evor built.
These harvesters havo been given abundant trials right here at
homo and all users aro highly pleased. None have been dissatisfied
aud all are high In their praise.
The Holt side-hill harvester on a side bill Is able to stick to
tho side of tho hill, whllo tho heador will slip down the hill. Tho
main wheels aro vertical, which braces tho machine to tho stdo
hills. It works equally adapted to level land.
The Holt barveators are sold exclusively In this section by
2J8 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon
All extras for Holt machines on hand.
It is recognized as tho highest grade beer mado.
Wo havo secured tho solo of Tabst beer In Pendleton and all
our customers will bo served with It when they call at our placo.
Wo handle only tho Pabst beer nnd have It on draught and
bottled. J ....S&SSSm
J. E. Russell & Co., Props.
gonian for a free cat
alogue of them. A foil supply always kept to stock.
Mario tn ..j.. -
oer. m. . "i
sand, wooh ,.... 1
, uuuert (., y
anH r4u,.ui w I
Lumber M
A!4- r a .
ma oireex. Opp.
?i,uuu Megnnt new elrhtJ
wonce, all modem m
Three blocks from Malg J
in a fine location.
?l,000Lot with good
house. A short dljt
Main street, cast. Eurtq
Stock ranch nf ram
extonslvo lmnrovem'nt
800 ucres. Lots of water wk
year nrounu.
Three choice nuarlpr-1
the best wheat district ill
cultivation. House, seven!
sneus, snop, etc. A goHm
nity for a iiomeseeker who 1
Fine stock ranches. rMJ
city lots on which we t011
money to build.
Successors to E. D.
-Insurance, Real Estate, I
111 Court Street
i Real Estal
Will uuy an 8-room
and two lots, has 5 roosl
1st floor; 3 romos on Ml
bath and toilet, good
Five- blocks from Malawi
Will buy a 3-room :
blocks from Main street
Office rooms for rent
Merchants Protect
. M .1 1 CaasII
uespain uuuuius,
Telephone Black H
.ssssmsM. ""!!
ilHHll 1IMW
We do only good wort"
at right prices,
n... ritiHAfi are unrt
Wo are experienced in tM
Iness, and an wui
nnr nersonal attention.
Neatness and prompt"!
No matter what too
. t nr nanertu
we'll do the highest
work. Inuoor au
1 Wilson & Carnii
Shop on Cottonwood
noar Neagle
Black 1043.
Insure in
Reliable Corapai
m. nnv their
n,ir COOP1
promptly. 11
stand at the head of w
Fire iiuu. ,j
Assurance Co
& Lancasu
nn . '
ranee io. .
British & Merc
Insurance Co.
only 16
cent v