East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 07, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight and Sunday light
frost; warmer Sunday.
I -l,im11S.
NO. G04U.
nfflnlnl Prntp.st
a oieai u
Inow a part
Statement Shows How
L Hold-up Was Ma-
Lrt Turns Over Wild
Case Temporarily
Itant Road Cases
he Mirron-oummcrv
L Rejected.
petition was granted and Peter Gulss
and Walter Glnn wero appointed
vlowors, and J. W. Klmbrell was ap
pointed viewer and surveyor. The
board was ordered to meet In Mil
ton on Juno 15 for the Burvoy. Tho
road Is In the northoast part of the
county, and is desired to run Into
one of tho old roads, to open up
country tributary to it.
Thh nntltlnn of the Wild Horse
Tolephono Company to bo allowed to
erect poles anu construct ones aiong
tho county road up "Wild Horse creek
...no niinu.-ni1. Tliln In the rural com.
pany incorporated somo tlmo ago to
supply tno iaTming country ooiween
hero and Adams witn a teiepnono
-,.i,.o it 1r in nartv lino, owned
and opnratod by land owners along
tho route.
mnrt la n divided
i present, as Is ovldcnc-
fcllonlng remonstrance,
htcmis yesterday aitcr
Imtv riiiilco Hartman.
in is not In favor of the
ike nrlntintr snuabble
I by Commissioners 01111
iiipr. and takes pains
fcds show how ho Btands
ttlon. Ho Died tho foV
mrmstrance yesterday
I the closo of tho day'B
o court:
' Court of the State of
lor Umatilla County.
Ir of the claim of th
tribune for printing th
I tax list:
kr df tho board of coun-
for said county. I
fcrotest against allowing
hum for said work than
reason that had tho
ten such as is generally
I work, and hr.il tho cony
I tho sheriff lieen follow-
Icot havo measured moro
I to make 300 under the
Mntract, and a general
arent throughout the
iftVrand finally. It is :a
Irecedent. esneclallv .in
tss, to allow any amount
anyone to avoid
lav 'suit.
I Pendleton, Oregon, Slay
County Judge.
krous Road Cases.
I court has conn Into the
Is, and has done nothing
f petitions for now roads
lor changes in thnan nl
r of tho Wild Horao roatl
t been reached, and tho
He docket is so crnni
lat the court has decided
ae session through Mon-
ssiwy Tuosdav. hv which
. - - -
popea mat tho table will,
i ue mass of papers now
r vuuri esiaousu road C&G
pw west or. l'omlleton.
K uia rnnn nnu, nv a, n
I. - uAiauu,
Hi &Ud thp rnnrl ni-.lprori
r- Thla is n rn.lll (nut r,
i of town on tho west,
c , crossing.
M Of 0. W. Znrtm- naif
fa road hn (atni.iiui.ni
Ifioa 35, township 5, north
4 a if ....... .
L, "7 grunted, anu
n of J. h. Evans, ask-
r- . in section 35, of
1.7 "S 01 fanE 31 cast,
Idson nav o.... ....
I. . ' ."Mimv, uu at.
esUbllshnrt ..,'
iortn l va 10 1)0 Pned.
r "u petitioned th6
. .. au m section 1C of
r, uunn nf n , .
tV, it 1 H'muuu, ilUB
nuaon Bay country,
vi an in i . .. .
fe, :," " ueu mat tuo
Ps out of . ,
f tt Petition was de-
la Mm , emigrant road
flft.t 8umn,orvlllo?
1 !:. .. luo eastward of
rSZ.? The
irs"0. roai to
l iv ' "M luu oaso ol tho
moiZS6 ..?f the land
deahl roul oWected,
f-i2n() Fir. and
Footbridge Went Down.
Rrrnntnn Pa.. Mnv 7. By tho Col
lapse of a tomporary footbridge 'over
tno Lackawanna tins aitornooTi, m
people on their way to a circus 'were
plunged in. All were rescuea.
Government Objects.
Tho Hague, May 7. The govern-
miont, for aesthetic reasons, Ims ou-
jocted to the erection of an arbitra
tion court building under tne uarne-
;glo donation scheme In Hagne park.
Storage Company Burned Out.
Camden, N. J., May G. Firo this
morning destroyed the flve-story
warehouso of tho Camden storage
Company. Loss, $250,000.
Morley Denies Apostacy.
London. May 7. John Morley to
day denies ho has any idea of joining
the Catholic churcn.
h to
1, .
end.. '
I"! ne
ira Court.
aiay 7.
1 mornlng dls-
cases agulnst
in all .
.;.'" escu bank
cnries !
"Muwco that
' "o BOnt in .
Renewal 'of Dispute Between Brazil
and Peru.
Washington, May 7. Tho state ce-
nartmottt has rocolvod from tho
American legation at Rio do Janeiro
the Ktatcmont that if Peru refuses to
withdraw hor troops from tho disput
ed territory, ponding negotiations to
bo followed by arbitration, Urazll will
resort to force.
expressed confidence In tho endur
ance of tho defenders. Tno soldiers
and sailors cheered iienrtlly.
Russians Spike Their Guns and Flee Japs Gain Important
Advantages in the Past Two Days.
Alliance of Turkey and Russia.
at p.itnroliiirir. Mnv 7. Tho news
paper Viedomostl today reports what
Is believed to havo been a japnncso
attempt to destroy a governmental
section at Kronstndt, whero largo
naval supplies are stored. The same
paper urges an alliance 01 lutssin
and Turkey.
Pont Arthur Completely Blockaded Except to Small Vessels, and the
Japs Have the Place Continually Threatened General Stoessel Ac
knowledges the Great Danger Port Arthur Is in Russians Concen
trating at Harbin "To Drive the Japs Into the Sea" Russia Papers
Advocate Alliance Between Turkey nnd Russia.
damaged. Casualties, thrco wound
d s.-nd two killed.
This Is the Hope of the Quadrennial
Conference at Los Angeles Possl.
bllity of a Return to the Old Sys
tem of Time Limit on Raetorates
Conservative Element .In :the As
cendancy. Los Angolos, May 7. By :a rising
vote tho Mothodlst conferonco this
morning passed a resolution -appoint
ing a rnmmlttoe to prepare a mo-
tnni.lnl in Prnnlrlnnt. McKjnltd'.
A resolution was accepted uooiting
tr. n r,ou nvnncniistic. movement. 10
BCcurc to Mothodlsm 1,000,000 souls
It Is rumored that tno win quuu-old-time
ism, tho first mooting of the standing
commlttoo on itineraries tavoreu u
mmmrirnllua Immn lOWBrd UlO TO-
establishment of tho time limit.
Ilishop W. F. Malloau is presiding.
Cuts .Down Attendance Upon Wod!s
o, t ia -Mn 7 Tim Inclement
weather continued today, driving tno
greater portion of the crowus iium
the grounds. Tho opening of tho
P.U nnnciatnn nil tllO PHiO. ailtl
of tho lYoneh exhibit wore the feat
ures of -the day.
Lives Lost and Thousands Thrown
Out of Employment.
Shamokln, "Pa., May 7. Firo burns
fiercely In the "Locust Gap mine. Ml-
fhnnl Shnntum. .Tohll MltCllCl and
Honry Boglan ro ontombed. Thous
ands of employes aro idio.
nro nt work.
Connecticut for Parker.
Hartford, 3onn.. May 7. ParHor
will havo tho Connecticut delegation.
u..nii. t-tnnAa i.ihiIh n. came fight.
but wore outvoted two to ono In tno
democratic stnto convention, rn.au-
lutlons instructing for Parker were
Tralnlno Shin Aground.
Tmlnn. Mnv 7. TllO training
ship North Hampton, grounded at the
mouth of tho Thames today. It is
feared difficulty Will ho found In re
floating hor.
Emmanuel Gerhart Dead.
T r.cl Tn ATftV 7. Ttov. Km-
rannuol V. (lorhart. president of tho
Itoformod Luthoran Theological Sem
inary of tho Unltod Staios, nwi
day, agod 87,
Russians Hard Pressed.
St. Petersburg, May 7. The Rus
sian official report of tho Japanese
Ifc-nilliiiT was received thls evening. It
states that 10,000 of tho enemy land
ed on Llan Tung peninBUia Mny t,
from '40 transports. The Russians re
tired. One column of Japs was sent
to the westward, ."and another south
west. Important documents for Port
Arthur were saved by being placed
aboard a train which, though fired
upon by the Japs, arrived at Wafan-.dians.
WIJu, May 7. Word reached here ively blocked to cruisers and battfo-
fnflnv nf nnnthnr rtltcelnn rplittkn In ulilna
Manchuria. The flotilla remained till morning
Thrnn thousand Russians, a rear nnd rescued half tho crews of the
inmnl tiinrtn n 'Rtnnil nt Hammp Tn. Klinkon RfnnmfirR.
go, on the Lla Yang road. The Jai- Torpedo lioat C7, with steam pipe
anese charged, ana after a brief ngnt fllsableu, was towea away, ine pori
tin. TtiiRslann snlked their cuns and pneinos of tomedo boat Aotaka was
retreated. Four hundred nnd xhlrty
flve Russians were captured.
Feng Huan Cheng Captured,
lxmdon, May 7-Ofllclal admis
sions that tho Japanese captured
Feng Huan Cheng, are made in a
St. Petersburg diBpatch.
Keeping Up Their Courage.
St Potnrtiliiirir. Mnv 7. JV telecram
from Port Arthur contains an order
Issued by General Stossei, wnicii
"At 4:30 p. m., on May 1, thf
enemy croBcd the Tain Tlver .in
ornnt fnrco. ' Our tTootis fell back
on positions previously selected.
"Tno enemy cnecica ion jiu- o uu
t..mitnt,t lnnrllni- nn Tin. Tunc ne-
nlnsula. at Pitzsowo, and In the vi
cinity of Kin Chow Bay. uur won
is beginning.
"Naturally the enemy -will destroy
our railway communication and en
deavor to drive our troops back to
Port Arthur and besiege this for-(r-oeo
Tdmoln's bulwark In the Far
East.' We will defend It until the
arrival of troops which are coming
tn mllnvn ttc
"I call on you to display unceasing
vliMlnnm and caution. Tou must be
ready at all times to demean your
ooivno with llimltT :and order ub be
a nnmQ thA fTlf irlrais troons of RuBsia
No matter wnat nappens, juu
not loso your heads. Remember,
everything is possible In war. We
will bo able with -Cod's help, to -copo
with the arduous tfik imposed .upon
Completely Bottled.
II... 7 Alnilrnl TOCO TO
nnrtD thnt Pnrt Arthur is completely
'"" " . . ii i. . Tlio
Tnnonnaa ,11,1 nflt IClHf 0. BIUKlt
jui'utiv .
oki.. in i,r inot nttHck on the -port,
although It was expensive as regarcs
loss of life.
Account of Blockade Operations
Washington, May 7 -The Japanese
legation gives out a Toklo cabhi-
t..v-u r.nii.rr of the Port
Arthur blockading cpwauomi
MnM,.?' ...mK.vitu Altaci. .Chokal, Bee-
ond, third, fourth and fifth destroy
ers and ninth, tentn aim iuii-
tori.edo boats, with steamers start
...i 11 t n Ktrong wind boom
arising greatly hindered their move
ment. Therefore tne cuuiinum.. w.
., i ....... ,.r rations, but tile
order did not roach them in time.
Consequently eight steamers
ed Into tho harbor, despite the eno-
..ri, niit. fortress Are anil
mines, and five gained on ntlJ
at tho mouth, une otuw i
Ijoom and went further inside.
The entrance Is considered effect-
Russian Expense Estimate.
London, May i. A St. Petersburg
illnnntnh itIvpk 'tho enst of tho war
the first five TnonthB to Juno 1, at
J12D,000,UUO. Alter Juno l mo cbu-
mnlnH mnnlhlv mat will lift SS.fiOO.OU,
for tho navy and $16,000,000 for the
army, malting a total lor tne year
closing January 1 next, of $2G4,500,
000. The new loan to be floated In Paris
nuvt nrnplr will nrnhahlv co to J1C3.-
000,000 in the nature of treasury five
per cent oondB.
When the -war began Russia had
$200,000)60 in gold to Kb credit.
Feng Wang Cheng Fallen.
T nilnn Mnv 7. Seoul dlsnatchcs
nfrlrm thn rnnort thnt Fcnc Wang
Cheng has fallen, with heavy losses
on both aides. Seoul traces tno re
ixirt tn Antunc. which says It fell
Abandon Southern Manchuria
st Pntprsiniri' Mnv 7. It Is learn
ed tho Government Is planning to
concentrate a huge reserve army at
Harb n to be ready in August, wnon
this force la ready, according to
nrnanul nrrnncnlllntlt fl. the cznr lllm
self will visit to Inspect tho men
with the resolvn to drive tho Japan-
pso Into tho sea. Until this army Is
assembled it is probable tho Rus
Rlarm will abandon the whole of
Rnnthnrn Mnnrhurln. with the ex
centlon at Port Arthur, according
to those In a position to know.
Trying to Pull the Cork.
Thou Pnn Mnv 7. ChltlCSO const
lni vphroIr rnnort n succession of
tremendous oxnloslons nt tho en
trance to Port Arthur hnrbor. It is
oviiinnt tho Russians aro trying to
clear tho channel of tho obstacles
nml mlnpn nlaced there by the Jap
nniiRp. whero a cruiser souadron of
Jnnaneso aro watching the harbor to
nrpvpnt n snllv of torpedo boats
against tho Japanese transports ly
Ing along tho peninBUia.
German Prince In Korea.
Seoul. May 7. Prince Adelbert,
third son of the German
has arrived at Chemulpo
on the cruiser Hertha.
Unwelcome Donouement to an
Investigation Brought to
Investigation Reveals Discrepancies
in His Accounts and the Depart
ment Seems Determined to Get
Rid of Him Second Time In Six
Months His Olflce Haa Been In
vestigated No Refuge This Tlmo
In Partisanship.
Alarmed About Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, May 7. The Rus
slan version of tho Pltzewo landing,
obtained from Chinese arriving at
Port Arthur, is that 30,000 men came
ashoro from 00 transports.
Notwithstanding tho war office be
lieves 'Port Arthur Is impregnable,
cither by land or sea, and tho fortress
provisioned for a year, Admiral Witt
soeft 'is ordered not to take the war
ships from Port Arthur.
No positive Information is received
here whether KurokPs army has ad
vanced from Its position on the Yalu.
There is little possibility of a flank
ing movement to tho northeast, and
Fen Huang Cheng is well guarded.
A report Is current that tho entire
Russian army will bo mobilized May
11, when 'tho grand rovlow occurs.
Grossing Lake Baikal.
St. Petersburg, May 7. Traffic
across Lake Baikal by steamer is resumed.
Japanese Hovering About.
St. Petersburg, May 7. A Port Ar-
Hmt iHunntph riutprl VPRtPrdftV. states
that bIx of tho enomy's cruisers aro
continually in sight.
A parade of tho garrison was hold
yesterday in honor of tho czarina's
uame day. tteneral Stoessel, ad
dressing the troops, alluded to the
now phase of the war whereby Port
Arthur Is threatened by land and
The commute on arrangements
i... rv,mrm,rrlnl Association
and farmer, of the vicinity ol ' Pen-
dliuon, naving i ch -- ---Institute
in this city, met at the
..r ., nRcwifttion this after
noon and mado preliminary arrango-
inuntw for tne meeiiuB.
Col. R. C. Judson, of tho O. U- &
i ,.itv. hut furnish-
IS.. Wan IlUL ill
ednllst of speaker .that would he
sent hero by tno u .
institute, as lununo. ---:,.,,,.
combo, of the Oregon Agricultural
collego; Prof. H- i-
mer, of Spokane, nml one ot tho ltad-
Inc ngr cultural leciuino -WoBt;
Prof. Kent dairy expo of
tho Orogon Agricultural CoHcgo,
and ono or two other specialists on
feeding nnd forage crops yet to bo
"iSS'taSmm. will ho hold or . the
court house grounds, 0f
tnko Place from tho north stops o
the court house. Arrangements win
be made to stretch a largo tout be
longing to the city, .and iurnlsh an
abundance of' seats 'on tho lawn for
the audience.
The lnBtnuUi will be held on
ThurBtlay, May 26, the program be
ginning at 10:30, with music by tho
Pendleton band. Several local speak
ers who have had experience with
crops in Umatilla county, will be on
tho program for short addresses. Tho
farmers of Umatilla county aro es
pecially urged to take an Interest In
thla tnnttpr nnd if tviKRlliln organize
a fanners' club during tho meeting.
which will grow into a regular insti
tute hero every year.
Tho Commercial Association has
taken tho Initial steps In the mat
tor, and will deliver it over to tho
farmers who are vitally Interested
In agricultural education and exper
iments, with tho assurance of con
tinued co-operation and assistance,
from tho association.
Farmers from all parts of tho
county aro Invited to attend and take
advantage, of tho experience of tho
able educators who will address tho
meeting, 1
Quietus Put Upon Russian Ambitions
In the Direction of Indian British
Now In Control of All the Import
ant Passes Through the Himalaya
Into India and of the Highway to
London, May 7. Viceroy Curzon's
official report of tho Tibetan repulso
at Gyangtse says tho enemy's loss
was 250 killed and wounded; nnd
Ilrltlsh two wounded. Tho attack
and repulso lasted two hours.
This victory will bo at once sup
nnrtPil hv Col. YouiiKhusband. and
gives the Urltlsh what 1b now con
uMnn-ri nrcpRH to the Immediate vl
clnlly of IJiassa, and leaves them In
undisputed control oi tno eiuruiicus
from the north to all tho accessible
miRHPR from Tibet to India along
tlm pritlrn frontier between thoso
Ilarrlng active conjunction of Rus
clnri ffirrfifl with thoso of tho luma
there Ib no serious ohstaclo to Ilrlt
lsh occupation of IJiasHa this sum
,.,,- ii iiw, nntlvn izovcrnmcnt Is I in
potent In every essential that can
hinder tho Urltlsh advance, and Rus
sia's Iminedlato Interests elsowhero
rn,,,if.r uctlvn Interference by that
country as oxtremoly improbable.
ti, hK'hPHt niilbnrltles und HtU
,i,.ntu nf the Indian problem consider
,,,., ittiiittla Ib checkmated In her
schemes upon India completely and
lirmplpflfllV! that sho Is lu such a no-
.nun thnt Hhn must abandon, for
thfs generation at least, all designs
on India.
Arbitration Will Not Do to Handle
Nfnw York. May 7. John Mitchell
wlilrnitHPil the UXCCUtlVO COIlUnlttCO
i,f thn National Civic Federation to
day on tho Joint trade agreement, in
tho bituminous fields, saying ho
"thoroughly bellovcd In strikes and
lockouts whenever an ouier meunn
"Arbitration Is useful lu prevent
nig Btrlkes, but fundamental ques
tions cannot bo arbitrated."
Portland, May 7. A Washington
speclnl to the Oregon Dally Journal
Tho report of tho postolllcu Inspec
tors who havo mado a second Inves
tigation Into tho alleged discrepan
cies In the Portland olllco discloses
u repetition of tho Irregulnrltlos
which wore charged against Post
master Hancroft six months ngo.
Tho supplementary Investigation
was In Mnrch, and tho report has
recently reached department head
It Is charged In the report that
after his promise to refrain from mis-
using public money, Mr. Ilancrort
hnfl rptipntpillv nurd various minis
Blnco tho former Investigation.
It Is alleged mat it was uiscovorou
that ho had frequently drawn as
much ns $30 nnd $10 per day from
the safo. Tho funds, howovor, had
In each Instnnco been roplaced. So
fnr iih thn liivnHlli!atltin went thorn
wns no shortage, but It wns In no
way a whitewash of tho iKiBtmaster's
administration as, It Is freely charg
ed, was Intended when tho supplo
mentnry Investigation' wns ordered.
The report assorts that Just prior
to tho investigation Mr. Hancroft
was as much as $500 short in his
accounts, but that tho sum had been
roplaced before tho second Investi
gation wns begun.
It Is stated that ho frequently
drew as much as $40 and $50 por day
from tho funds nnd applied his sal
ary each day towards replacing tho
amount, It Is the prlvllego of post
masters to pay themselves their
salaries each day If thoy so deHlro.
Ily letting his salary romaln oach
day, It Is said, ho was nblo to refund
tho amounts which had been drawn.
Tho second examination wns or
dered from headquarters nt tho sug
gestion, It Is said, of Influential pol
iticians who desired to socuro n re
port completely exonerating tho ad
ministration. InBleud of nn oxoner-
nil, in ttw InmipptiirH clnltneil to havo
discovered evidence of additional Ir
Progress In Putting World's Fair Ex
hlblts In Place.
Ht. Uiuls, May 7. Highly per cent
of the exhibits havo been received
and Inside of a week it is thought all
will ho horo. Inclement weuthor to
day kept down tho uttendanco,
though tho Cbliioso dodlcutory Horv
Ices brought out largo numbers.
Delay In Shipping Cheap Laborers to
South Africa.
Umdon, May 7 (llasgow shipown
ers havo received entiles that tho
plague has broken out among tho
ChlneBO coollos at Hong Kong In
tended for shipment to tho South Af
rican mines, and tho shipment will bo
Chicago Grain,
Chicago, May 7. May wheat
opened closed, 91; old July
opened 87, closed S1i now July
opened HHVj, closed 88V6. July rorn
opened 48, closed tho same.
Minister Resigns.
Horlln, May 7. Colonial Minister
Htooblo has roslgned owing to tho
blunders of tho campaign against
tho Hororos of Oermnn Southwest
Dynamiting Jesuit College.
BarceJouIa, Spain, May 7 A dy
namite bomb exploded on tho roof
hip ipniilt rnllcco today. Ono
person was Injured. Tho roof wns
blown in.
Engagements Canceled.
The Haguo, May 7. Owing to tho
itinn of Queen Wilhel-
minn' throat, all her engagements
havo been cancoled.
Blew His Brains Out,
St. Louis, May 7. Paul
Mooro, a well known nuwapa
por man nnd reporter, suicid
ed lu a stroot car thla morn
ing by shooting. Tho car was
crowded and blood and brains
spattered tho passengers,
Despondency on account of
falling eyesight and loss of