PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1904. EIGHT AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Tubllshnl every nftemoon (except Sunday) at lVndleton, OrcRon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. .SUIIKCUIITION ItATKS. Dally, one year by mall $3.00 Dally, six months by mull Dally, three months by mall l.ur. Dally, one month by mall SO Dally, per month by carrlar tin Weekly, one year by mnll l.oo Weekly, six months by mall 7fi Weekly, four months by mnll ..... .GO Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00 Semi-Weekly, six months by mall .. l.oo Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . .."10 THE OPTIMIST. Member tlon. Scrlpps-Mcllne News Assocln- The i:ast Orcgoulan Is on sale at It, II. Illch"s News Stands, at Hotel Portland, and Hotel l'crklns, Portland, Oreou. Snn Francisco Ilureau, 408 Fourth St. Chicago llurenii. non Security llulldlnR. Washington. I t . l;uicnu, .101 ltth Telephone. Main II Kntered at I Vndleton postotllce as second i lass matter. For my part, I do not think wo hnvo any right to think 'of heaven for others, much leas of a heaven for ourselves In the world to come, until we are wholly determined to make this world n heaven for our fellow-men, and are hop lng, believing, loving and working for that, and for Its realization not in a thousand or a million years, hut In a nearer future. Stopfortl A. Brooke. mere, mo mutter or granting the Strain pamphlet on assessment has license lies with tho threo members been adopted us the basis of proper- ot mo county court, exclusively. The ty valuations, and especially railroad people may petition, which thoy valuations in Washington, tills year. have, but tho court is not compelled to respect tho petition and may grant a saloon a license to locate In the midst of that llttlo community against tho expressed wishes of tho residents. Does this seem to be a fair law? Is it right to placo tho selection of tho moral surroimdlncR of a psoplo in tho hands of a dlsln terested board, no matter how ex ailed an opinion of good government that board may have? Should not the people who own tho homos and pay tho taxes in College Place be the ones to decide whether or no a saloon should be thrust In their midst? The East Oregonlnn nopes that Oregon voiers see ill to adopt tlio local op tion law at the coming election. is a Just law. It gives the members of every community tho right to se lect the environment for their chit dren. It will do no one an injustice, for no American can complain of tho majority rule. Think of It. It's an tho tiro. GIVE HIM HIS DUES. The disgusting nonsense about Portland gamblers being the ruin o ll. . Gowell, the insurance agent who suicided a few days ago because of his losses in the different Port land gambling clubs, has gone far enough. Portland gambling clubs may havo offered tho opportunity for Gowell to go to hell through gambling, but Gowell furnished the inclination and the dogged determination to com plete the Job. Gamblers are entitled to their just dues, just as any other class. They did not go out on the street and drag Gowell Into their dives. They did not put their hands in his pockets and take out his money. They did not Implant In his mind the insane prejudice against hard work and In dustrious habits which caused Gow ell to go to the dogs. Gowell Is to blamo for these things, -and because he died the death of a coward and a wreck, is no cause for crocodile tears for his shortcomings, nor for the especial wickedness of the gamblers In his case. He caused his own downfall. He invited physical and mental ruin. Ho ordered Just exactly tho dose of In sanity and mental agony that he was finally forced to swallow through fi nancial ruin and mortification. The East Oregonlan believes in placing all blamo where It belongs. It does not bellevo In laying sins at the wrong door. Gambling and gam blers are objectionable in society, but they are not tho only causes of recklessness and ruin In the commu nity. Thoy usually keep their place, and If other members of society kept their places as well, they would not come In contact with gambling. A man who wilfully hunts up a game and gets robbed and then howls about the ruinous evil of gam bling being the cause of his sin, is a coward and worso than tho gam bier. If you keep your place gam bllng will not touch you. If you hunt It up and lose, who is to blame? Gambling should be confined and weeded out, but as long as there are seemingly respectable members of society who make a demand for so cret gambling halls by sneaking out after dark and patronizing them, they will always bo found In tho com m unity. as an instance or remnrknblo on terprise, the action of the Oregon Daily Journal in bringing out the sentiment' of tho different nominees of .Multnomah county for the iegisla ture on the Portland charter ones tlon, Is worthy of wide mention. That paper has stood for tho people against tho politicians, against a re vision of tho present charter of Port land, that being tho leading issue in that city, In the campaign now In progress. Tho Journal has placed 25 of the .10 candidates on record on the question, so the people will know who nre the.r friends. It is the in tention of tho politicians to change the charter at the coming session of '"" -A-a0' the legislature, and as a result of the activity of the Journal, the only paper that is standing with tho peo pie, the candidates have made known their positions. This gives tho peo Wish somethln cheerful would hap pen, More in accord 'Itli my views: Nothln' but Bhootln' 'n' scrnnntn' Hunnln through nil of tho news, "Russians blowed up! Awful slaugh-j tor!!" "Tibetans filled full o' lead!" "Moro blood fiowln' like water!" "Horeros a-dyln' 'n' dead." On our own boats blood n-splllln', .Might say 'most at our door: PraCticln how to do klllln'. Klllln' ourselves by the sooro! Ev'ry so often n lynchln'; Shootin' men into a slove : Out In Col'roddy they're iilnchln' Men just for darin' to live. Love 'n' law not to bo trusted; Nothln' but powder 'n' ball; Makes a mnn sort o' disgusted That he's a human at all. I ain't no pessimist, anther, Not by a heavenly sight! Got to keen "lovln" my brother": -Mobile we'll come out all right. Edmund Vanco Cook. Ill wind that escapes from Correct Clothes for Men A POOR CRUTCH. Experience is a dear teacher, as those who pin their faith to Mercury find out sooner or later. This power ful poisou combined .with Potash, is the treatment gen erally prescribed forContngious Dlood Poison, butfailtire and disappointment isthe invariable result. These min erals drive in the sores and eruptions, and apparently the disease is gone and the patient believes the cure perma nent, but soon, learns better when the old symptoms return almost as soon as the treatment is left off. You must cither keep the system saturated with mercury or endure the tortures of sore mouth, ulcerated throat and the mortification that one naturally feels when the body is covered with disgusting sores, rashes, copper-colored splotches and other aggravating symptoms of this vile disease. Mercury and Potash are poor crutches, nnd their use eventually breaks down the constitution, ruins the digestion and cause the bones to decay. S. S. S., a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, is the only antidote for Contagious Blood Poison. It de stroys every atom of the deadly virus, overcomes the bad effects of theineicury and cleanses the blood nnd svstem so thoroucrhlv that never after are anv sicna of the disease seen. Nor is the taint ever transmitted to others. Wc will send free our hook on Contagious Blood Poison, which is inter, esting and contains full directions for treating yourself at home. Medical advice or any special information desired given without charge. THE SWIfT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. I'l'IIIIHUto, ll Buildin I OF ALL ROOF of the pudding is in the eating." Proof of clothing is in the wearing. This label HAMMOCKS The season for hammocks Is here, Time to got thorn Is now and tho placo to got tho best at tho lowest prices 1b at our 3toro. Wo havo spread oursolves In securing tho newest and prettiest patterns turned out by tho manufacturers. Just look at our lines. Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. 643 MAIN STREET. SASH, nnnh- i wui irf v ana WINDOWS wade to order. Hr, ume, cement, brick sana, wood gutter, u. l. " ""'""88 a specialty. "a il Oregon Lumber Yard I Alta Street, Opp, liiitiiliitnti.tiil t im pdgenjaminsC? MAKERS ii NEWyORK for 30 years has distinguished pie a chance to vote for their friends high-grade readv-for-service ao- u,uricr ""'.sum.sis wm oo pare from ordinary readymades inder. It Is an Instance of ..4 i n,f f : UIIU lUSlUIII'IIIUUKS. nuui Ul IU perfection in style, fit, fabric, and worKmansnip nas oeen nanaea down from father to son. and tho snowed under the value of an aggressive newspa' per to the citizen In times of need, If people would heed more of the warnings of the unselfish press, news papers would feel somewhat repaid for tho sleepless nights spent in the interest of tho public. It was an unkind cut for the Pilot Hock Record to print a "deadly parallel" today, showing that tho Tribune's editorial on "Do We Eat Too Much?" of a couple of days ago. was the leading editorial In tho Globe Democrat of four days before. This Is especially unkind In the Record, after having Just taken tho land of fice patronage away from the Pen dleton paper. Tho county and city printing is all that Is left tho Trib une, and this puncture of one of Its brightest editorial efforts Is peculiar ly sad. Cheer up, cheer up, there are other good exchanges from which to get bright Ideas, and Into which tho vulgar eyes of the Hecord never peer. Eaual to fine custom-made in all but price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We arc Exclusive Distributors in this city. The Peoples Warehouse! The Leading Clothiers PENDLETON, OREGON AFTER A REFRESHING BATH On a sultry day, the prospect of putting on such exquisitely launder ed linen, whtto nnd faultless In fin ish, is a pleasure to tho man that has his shirts, collars and cuffs "donw up" at our laundry. Our aim Is to please our patrons nnd we spare no pains to do It, as wo want tho patron age of every man In Pendleton., THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY Ono of the great Injustices of tho present law regulating the liquor traffic Is brought out In tho situation at CoIIego Place, Washington. Col lege Placo Is almost entirely mado up of temporanco people and Is ono of tho active school centers of tho state of Washington. Tho peoplo of that community wish to perpotuato tho moral surroundings of tho com munity, In order lo make It still moro attractive as a school conter and do not want a saloon thoro, At present thoro Is no temptation for young men to form bad associations or get Into intomporato ways. Fami lies havo mado It a matter of prldo to boast of tho peculiarly cloan moral tono of tho district, and now in ordor to reap a harvest from tho students, sonio fellow wishes to start a saloon Something of the magnitude of tho United States, may bo imagined by tho transfer of tho price of the Pan ama canal to the government or Panama yesterday. The secretary ot the treasury mado a payment of $10,' 000,000 to tho trustees of Panama, and tho event caused no more stir in government circles than the do posit of a week's wages by a treasury clerk. Umatilla county Is proud to havo an assessor from whose policy the great state of Washington will pat tern her assessment of 1901. The This Cap Label Is a guarantee of Ihe purity and richness of our Economy Brand Evaporated Cream We offer $5,000 reward to anyone able to prove , adulteration of our product. Republican Ticket. For Presidential Electors: W. V. Hampton J. N. Hart W. H. Goro James A. Feo For Supreme Judge: Justice F. A. Moore For Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailoy For Prosecuting Attornoy: G. W. Phelps For Joint Representative Dr. W. G. i ole For Congressman In Second District J. N. Williamson For Representatles: John J. Balleray Henry Adams For County Judge: Henry J. Bean For County Clerk: Frank Sallng For Sheriff: C. A. Barrett For Treasurer: ,4 E. J. Sommervllle For Recorder: W. H. Folsom For Assessor: W. T. RIgby For Commissioner: Horace Walker For School Superintendent: Frank K. Welles. For Coroner: Dr. A. W. Botkln For Surveyor J. W. Klmbrell For Justlco of Peace, Pendleton Dis trict: Thomas Fltz Gerald For Constable: F. W. Earnharl T DEMOCRATIC TICKET. SIT DOWN Why put up with so few chairs, or with those rickety ones you should have thrown away some timo ago? Wo havo a host of now chairs nnd our prices nre not high. Our chairs nre built for service as well as to make a good appear ance. Carpets, largest and best stock shown In Pendleton. BAKER & FOLSOM Furniture and Carpets E, and and State. Supremo Judge Thomas O'Day. Dairy and Food Commissioner S M. Douglas. Presidential Electors John A Joffroy, T. H. Crawford, W. B. Dlller and J. H. Smith. District. Congress, Second District J. Simmons. District Attornoy, Umatilla Morrow J. H. Raloy. Joint Representative, Morrow Umatilla F. B. Holbrook. County. Judgo G. A. Hartman, Sheriff T. D. Taylor. Clerk J. E. Cherry. Assossor C. P. Strain. Commissioner William Lloyd. Representatives Wi. D. Chamber lain and William Dlakoloy, School Suporlntondont W. 8. Mayborry. Surveyor C. C. Borkoloy. Treasurer S. G. I.Ightfoot. Recorder W. H. Fowior. Coronor Dr. T. M. Hendorson. Precinct. Justlco of tho Peace S. S. Dar noil. Constable John M. Bentloy. Hm . j.. . m m a . . .m..m . . mm """ ---TTTTTTTTT V W rTrWt III I I t HOLT BROS. Side Hill Combined Harvester The latest Improved two-wheel, aide-bill combined harvester has proven a boon to wheat raisers. It Is the most successful, most economical and easiest machlno to oporate ever built. These harvesters havo been given abundant trials right here at home and all users are highly pleased. None have been dissatisfied nnd all are high In their praise. Tho Holt sldo-hlll harvester on a side bill Is able to stick to tho side ot tho hill, while the header will slip down the hill. Tho main wheels aro vertical, which braces the machine to the sldo hills. It works equally adapted to lovo'l land. Tho Holt harvesters are sold exclusively In this section by E. L. SMITH 2X8 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon All extras for Holt machines on band. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Flour oxchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Choppod He., always on band. Feed, PROMPT, RELIABLE 86RVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF ALL KINDS dooda taken beat of cor of. Leare order at Teutidi'i. 'Flume, Mala 1U71. DF1 r-j- SOME GOOD PRflDPDTu . U L 11,900 Elegant now pIh... Idonce, all moilnrn i ureo blocks from Main street in a imo location. tfi nnn t ..l .m lallL W1M irnni -. oi ui nouse. A short distance Maui street, east. Easy tenni Htnol. rntinli nr r. aaa uxiuiiHive lninrnvpmpnto a.v.. . rtuviarj mm nnrnc i ma nr mn . . yunv annum. inreo cholco quarter section. till) host, wlmnt ilktrlM in (Mlltl Vat lull. Hmian i. HiiniiH. nn mi nto a ... nuy mr a hnmeseoker who has monoy. nltV lfltCt nrt m 111 I muney to bulla, BOYD & TURNER Successors to E, D. Boyi 11-1 run n.ji. Business Chances ONE DRUG STOR .or ta!J fit whntnvnr tnl InrrtWi i Approximately $2,000.00. Busl-I tiAoo lnar vnnr nm mm tort In' uvur iij.uuu.uu. in is is u suea" -i I.. i.... MHi . uiu u i iui ti (in iv iu uuj a few profitable business. Alan IHC I CCTARI ICUFH, nl I r i i fo n It.- IaaaIu uuaniboo uuuiiuii ivvtiin nf w in nvor Rtnf.v mvo tti UIIU U BU1UU uuuuiuuai eaj- for tbe good will of the ness. Business of last TUT amounted lease of Lullding - i . A 4 A r A tra a f four years in. i I I Id LIIU HIS I lUlGUHk Agency n ,u T1 . . M .1 1 Tlnnm J I IJeSIJUlU UU1IU1 Ufa, AVWVm. . .,. nl-iol- . ill lull I ill Ii'lfrf-WTTTTTTT PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING We do only good work at right prices. Our facilities aro uneiceW We are experienced In the fou lness, and all work receltn our personal attention. Neatness and promptness. No matter what vou t In nnlnrlne or rjaDeraanpi we'll do the blgbeat grade work. Inuoor and outaw painting. i Wilson & Carmne Cottonwood street. Bros. Shop on near Neagie Black 1043. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay Dromntly. Our their 1"MS r rompa"1" stand at the head of tbe Hartford Fire Insurance Co " ,9.oJl,IH Alllauco Assurance w London & Lancashire Fire j))J!j Iusurouco Co North British & Mercantile 5,11 Co .J SSI,!" Royal Insurance Co. FRANK B . CLOPTpN AGENT, rf 112 EASTCOtmTjTJ cn.i oreooniari b only 15 centi