East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight partly cloudy and warm
cr; Friday fnlr.
oH?.blo te
NO. G040.
Lens Enter Vigorous But
Ineffectual Protest to the
Lstants Reiterate Every Possible
E A--..nAr4 t oration
Inhleetion to me -
I" ' . . .. tr..
. P ant Jonn ven t-
Of tnc u"D
plains the Legal Phases of the
Question, Showing How and Under
What Circumstances the People
Have Recourse to Law Council
State Their Side of the Case.
. . ii
Leting last night, and badlnago and
EL. hittnrnnas. There was dotenn-
n-u.. , nl-ntlll-V UL U10 CUUI1UI1
nation to fight on tho part of. some
fcf tho counchmon, an inclination
haver on part 01 omors. uuu u.
olid and unrelenting iront prosomeu
. nonnlo who had como to the
meeting to kick, and tho cause of It
.ii thn fmemlnclv harmless and
flnoffenslvo motion put by Alderman
llohnson to adopt the report ot tho
K.,mmittPo nn health and police which
recommended that tho proposed gas
plant bo located on the ground now
occupied by tho electric light station.
The council convenod promptly on
time, with a full momhorshlp In at-
I tendance, and a larger auaienco man
Is wont to assemble. After tho hills
fnr thn month had been allowed, tho
Irecordor read a report of tho com-
Imittee, and then tho argument be
Protests by Citizens.
B. E. Kennedy, who owns u nice
resldenco near the Btatlon proposed,
troae for a heart to heart talk with
the cltv fathers. While It was true
that the electric light company had
prne to a great deal of expense, por
haps, In building on tho present Bite,
and while it was true that thoy had
given the city light and bad been a
public utility, it was also truo that
the city council was elected In the
first place to conserve the interests
ot all the people, and not to hand
thlnir) nut in Rome cornoratlon in the
face of the opposition of every ono
concorned. Ho had roomed close to
a gas plant and had movod Rway on
account ot the smell from it, and in
tho future would as Hot livo next
door to a slaughter houBO. He
thoueht thorn was nlontv of room
out of the main part of town for tho
location of tho plant without putting
it in the back yards of his nolghbors.
Mrs. W. T. Hlslop addressed the
council at tho close of tho speech
made by Mr. Kennedy. Sho had lived
dose to gas plants, know what they
were and had no love for thorn. She
did not think that any ono of thi
councllmen would voto to locate a
m plant In his own back yard, and
did not think that it should ho forc
ed on othop nnnnln whn dirt Tint want
It. Tho comnanv was comlnir luto
the city to make money, It expected
to mako money or It would not think
ot coming, and under tho circum
stances It would como if it wore put
In some other part of tho city. Sho
did not wish to havo hor property
deteriorate In valuo or to bo made
worthless by tho location of a gas
factory next to jt Sno thought that
Councilman Dickson and all of tho
council, in fact, had boon elected to
represent and protect tho people and
to look after their Interests, and not
ter tho welfare of Dr. Vincent and
Ms gaa tranchlso. Sho knew tnat
toe conditions wero had onough at
tt presont time with tho woolen
Ml scouring mills closo by without
addling another burden on tho resi
dents, and sho protestod.
Legal Phases Explained.
John Vert also spoKo. Ho wont
over Bomo of tho same ground, and
re. Ho refuted tho argument of
"f- Dickson that tho poople had a
'bourse at law from any nuisance
weated by tho now company. It tho
uon was located thoro thd city
would havo a damago caso on its
wads .if the rcsidonta askod for to
"Ms, and the company was forced
remove. Tho attempt to remedy
we evil atter lt has bocome iocated
thi . an abrtlvo ono, and tho
to object and to seek redress
Two Men Hanged.
Pittsburg, May 5. William
pVUar'loy. white, and James
Mwarda colored, woro hang-
rnJiS 6 com,ty Ja" thIs
nornlng, Hartley killed Ern-
m,L hnson' wlll'e Edwards
murdcre,, CItnton Dank8 ,n
.in.! .P.th wro convortod
meir conviction.
was before the damago was done.
The residents of tho district would
fight the Installation of tho plant
with an Injunction suit, and would
take their caso to the highest court In
nrrtnr to cot relief.
Hohort Lalng thought that tho re
marks of Councilman Dickson point
ed to frlondllnoss towards the gas
company rather than towards the peo-
plo, by whom he was put in omco to
look after the Interests of tho city.
Ho had lived for CO years and had
never heard ot a gas plant that was
a boquot of sweetness In tho neigh
linrhnnfl whom It was situated, and
he would rather chooso his own per
fume. Ho would tncrctore ngm me
plant In Its proposed location.
V. Halo snoke for tho citizens. Ho
had swopt tho porch for Mb wife
every morning, and was compelled to
sweep for some time before he could
find thn hoards, on account of tho
coal smudge. Ho does not want tho
smell of a gas plant added to tho
scouring mills smoko and smell, and
ho would stand pat with the rest in
Spoke for the Council
rviimHlmpn nlokson nnd Johnson
then addressed the meeting and the
audience. They explained tneir po
sition: DM not think that the plant
wnnlrl hn offensive and thought that
it had been put in the logical place.
Tho people ought to be glad to nave
n gas plant for a neighbor Instead of
thn electric station, for it worked si-
lnntlv nnrl nnrmltted sweet slecn. If
nm nrtnr rijii nnrmoato me aimos
phoro it was a healthy smell, pnrlfled
thn nlr. and was not bad to taVe
when ono got used to it. Tho coun
cil then placed the report on tne
table, and in tho meantime the alder
men will study up on gas plants In
general. Alderman Ferguson will go
to walla Walla anu see n nu can
smell tho gas plant there, and then
thn mutter will be settled. In the
meantime the residents are sharpen
ing up their knives.
After the reports of tne various oi
Ocere of the city, the council then ad
Will Be Executed on Gallows Made
and Used at Spokane Excitement
Throughout the Prison Is Intense
A Few Witnesses and Three News
paper Men Will Be Present.
Walla Walla. May 5. Everything
1b in readiness at the state peniten
tiary for tho execution of james
Champoux tomorrow morning, at 5
o'clock. Tho gallows have been test
ed and special guards arranged for to
see that overythlng about the prison
is put in ported shape for .the event.
The hanging will occur in the enclos
ure ut G o'clock prompt, and save for
a few witnesses uuu uuw
per men, will bo private.
Tho gallows, purcnaseu m aiiunauc,
upon which it was expected John
Reynolds would bo executed, was
erected iu the prison enclosure and
it will do service tomorrow lor me
first time since a Chinaman paid tho
peualty In Spokane.
Champoux uoias up wuu u pu..
determined to dlo Bame. Ho nas
been guarded closely since being
bronchi here and snows signs of ner-
vous strain. Otherwise he would not
bo marked as a condemueu muruerur.
So far as known ho lias not muuo
....,t fnr fho nubile, ana It is
not expected that ho will attempt to
speak from tno scauom.
has not given up all hope ho has ro
Hint Dxoculivc clemency is al
most beyond reach.
Champoux win no me uii mau -
.. ,i.,ti, unnnltv at the liris-
on, and tho convicts are considerably
wrought up over the matter A ter
rible strain is ovmum uuuub..--Institution
today, and every effort
I" . , .nrtn tn keen tho exact
tour of the execution from the men.
Btlll It Is fearou mat uo
creep through tho prison before tho
fatal hour.
Gasoline In Underground Storehouse
j i., 1,1 inv K. Twelvo fire-
1 UilttUUH'!, 4 "
men woro Injured early this morning
by nn explosion of gasoline stored
underground oy mu
railroad near West Philadelphia sta-
UDurlnE the nro railroad detectives
endeavored to eject two Italians who
wero trespassers, when ono shot De
tective Conner In the abdomen.
A fire started at midnight and was
extinguished without much damage.
When tho flromon wont to make a
final examination with torches, an
explosion followed, enveloping the
wholo company In a sheot of names,
rserman Liner Ashore.
Lisbon, May G.-Tho German mall
liner Kurfurst, irora uiiui.
ashoro north of Sagros,
Preliminaries and Details for
Canal Transfer Are Consid
ered Perfect.
Money Has Been Withdrawn From
Circulation Carefully to Prevent
Financial Stringency, and the Cash
Will Be Paid at Once Morgan the
Fiscal Agent American Engineers
and Zone Governor Leave for Pan
ama Tuesday 1,700 Men Now at
New York. May 5. Secretary
Shaw, who Is In the city today In
connection with the payment ot fho
Panama canal purchase money this
afternoon, said:
"There Is no hitch In the arrange
ment for payment. We arranged for
$40,000,000 to he placed with tno Mor
gan company Monday.
"While the secretary of tne treas
ury Is required by statute to tajce
security In a case of this kind, the
extent of tho security Is left to his
discretion. Securities approved by
the department to the extent of $25,
000,000, will he deposited at the time
the warrant Is delivered.
"Working out the plan will cause
no financial disturbance, as tne
money is being drawn from the
banks to the treasury too gradually."
To Deliver the Cash.
Washington. May 5. The presi
dent today received from General
Knox a letter reporting that he has
made an arrangement with the new
Panama Canal Company and Morgan
f- p.nmnnnv. whereby tho latter were
rinnii-nntorl ns azents to mako the
transfer of tne money uue iuu
United States to the canal company.
Th f.rtv mllllnn 1b to be deposited
with Morgan immediately upon the
delivery by the canal company to me
United States of all property includ
ed in the purchase. The French in
tomcto m .irrent this deposit as equiv
alent to payment for all purposes of
delivery of property, although a part
nf thn funds in distribution awaits
the action of the French courts.
Engineers to Panama.
waohimrinn Mav 5. Geo. W. Da
..la nn.tnrnnr nf the Panama canal
iprf bv a corrte of
American engineers, will leavo New
vi. T.,ocHnv nnil on the ai rival of
tho Colon will assume entire control
of the canal property.
Thn 1.700 laborers now employed
will be continued in their work.
ciietc Then Nominated Hanford
for Vice-President.
Chicago, May G. Tho socialist na
.ii ,.nv,.nilnn this afternoon nom
LJU11U1 iw.. -
IT II .. Ii i. rt InrllanQ
mated w.gene , . 4
ofrNew York, or viJdent; and lowing the sinking of the fireshlps
adonted a platform along the usual Monday, tho fleet bombarded the
ioi?ti lea torts at Port Arthur. Tho bombard
socialistic ment waa reB,lmed Tuesday and con-
Mississippi Teachei-s. tinued yesterday.
Meridian, Miss.. ..lay I. Every Another Engagement,
county of the state was represented Petgl u?g, May G.-Rumors are
among ue "f ta persisfent hero ot I naval engage-
for the 19th annual meeting of the Ijetween tho Vladivostok squad
Mississippi State Teachers' Assocla- Kara, Mura,B uut
iS'opaXSff-?i wJllS: tl-T bav. no conation,
tlnuo In session until the end of the Japane,e Loan Floated,
week. I London, May G. Tho Evening
Turkish Cruiser Ashore.
Constantinople, May G. The Turk-
Ish cruiser Abdul Mcdjld, American
built, recently arrived from Phlladel-
nhia is ashore while en route for
Smyrna In charge ot Turkish officers.
French Train Wrecked.
Calais May G. Tho Baslo express
was derailed near Nesle today. Five
nasstngers and tho train guard wero
Jiw fniilred.
Portlar-d. May 0. (Special.)
Charles Cunningham and four of his
six associates plead guilty today.
Cunningham got off by plead ng
guilty and agreeing to pay a fine, tho
sum Imposed by the court being JG,-
000 Asa Ilayburn, pleading gu Ity,
got a fine of 100; Glen H Baling,
nleadlng guilty, was fined f 100.
1 Sheny Jones pload guilty, but tho
flno was Buspended because ho has
"ed on tho land and intends to mako
it his home , . .
Dallas O'Hara pieauou bu-
Confirmation of Statement
Comes From St. Peters
burg Sources.
A Great Battle Is Confidently Ex.
ciected to Benin at Any Hour A
Naval Engagement With the Vlad
Ivostok Squadron Is Reported
Czar Will Take Personal Command
In Manchuria Japs Are Keeping
Up an Almost Continuous Bombard
ment of Port Arthur.
London, May 5. Reports are cur
rnnt hnrn that Tlimstnn nnd Jnnanesc
forces at Klulien Cheng have fought
naother desperate battle. The Jap.
aneso losses are placed at 10,000, tho
Russians at 7,000. Tho Russians nro
said to havo retreated In disorder.
Rumor of Russian Victory.
innilnn. Mnv !i. Thn Ccntrnl News
correspondent at St. retcrsbu'rg says
tho rumor is current at the Russian
capital that a second battle was
fought at Chung Haltlen, 20 miles
south of Feng Huang Cheng. In which
the Russians lost 7.00U. Tne Japan
ese, according to rumor, were driven
back in disorder.
Czar Will Go to the Front.
Dnnip Mnv fi Arrorilinfr to a dl
rect communication received by the
jwpe from Russia, tho czar, notwiiu
standing the ndvlco ot his ministers,
Is determined to go to the front and
command the army.
Persecuting the Jews.
Berlin. May G. The Frankfurter
Zeltuni: renorts that RusBia has or
dered the expulsion of 115 Jewish
fnmlllns nnmherlnc 600 nersons. from
Nikelsk province, nnd Tchernlgoff,
which are within the "pale," hence
the expulsion Is Illegal and wanton.
Russia Buys Steamers
Berllng May G. Tho Tageblatt
savs Russia has purchased all the
eight steamers of tho Nord Deutch
erllno, and three1 ships of the Hum
burg Packet Line.
Blocked the Channel.
Rt PeterBhure. May G. A Port Ar
ihni. iileiiotrh snvR JanancBO shins
last evening were seen coursing far
out, and a fresh attack on rori at
tlmr la nntlnlnntnti.
Tho message contains information
confirming the Japaneso contention
Hint tho hnrhnr In HPalcd. Twelve
fireshlps were sunk, ot which eight
have been located, wniio me posi
tions of two are unknown, while tho
remaining two retreated. Tho aver
age tonnage of tho vessels wbb 2,000,
Steady Bombardment.
Iondon. May G. A Central
.. wres that fol
1 News announces that tho Japanese
'loan of $60,000,000 has boon floated
at about 93. It Is Becured by import
duties nnd will bear C por cent.
Movement of Warships.
Cueo Fo0i Mny B, chlneso Junks
report a fleet of 40 Japaneso warablps
and transports off Wei Hal Wei Tues-
day, steaming northwest.
Additional Killed and Wound.
Toklo. May lG.-fleneral Kuro,
his flno was suspended becauso ho
Is holding tho land.
The cases against Mrs. Kato James
nnd Mnrv ShnnVlnfnrd woro nuashed
on motion of District Attorney John
Hall, "for lack of eviuenco."
This closes the roost interesting
Jand fraud casos In tho history of
Eastern Oregon. Tho federal court
room was filled with spectators when
tho "sheop king," Chnrles Cunning
ham, waB fined. A Jccturo on fraud
In general was administered by Judge
Helllngor to each of tho defendants.
commanding tho Japaneso In Man-
churla. reports 200 additional wueu
and Injured Russians have been found
on tho Yalu battlefield.
Big Fight Expected.
Tyimlnn. Mnv B. According to dls-
pntches received from tho front today
nn engagement octween jniuim.u
and Russian land forces Is expected
at Fen Huang Cheng any moment.
Russian reinforcements nave uccn
pouring "long tho Lin Yang roads,
nnd it Is prnbnhle KumpniKin person
ally will command,
tr, im nv-nnt nf defeat the Russians
will retire to Moticng Ung, G5 miles
nlong tho LIn Yang roan to mane u
nnl -font In nrnvnnt the JniinilCSO
,.,nM,l,,, thn rnllrnn.il. MotlellR Ling
Is a narrow pass, compnrnblo to tho
famous Shlka pass in mo uhsrh
Turkish war.
Eighty-four Men Have Gone to Work
In Santa Fe Shops.
Tm.nl.-n Kan.. Mnv 5. Blcnty-four
machinists and apprentices went to
......l. I tlw. Snntn Kn HllODS tills
miirnliic. The company will bring
,,.., , mi.n thn kIiIIctr' nlaces lm
nindlntnlv. Third Vice-President
ii..i i..- i- thn lntnrnatlounl Ma
uuvnmvi.i i ...w
nhiniQio- iinlim. In chorea of tho
D.n,o ovotnm will tour tho road
Picket lines were established today,
but tho Btrikers are orderly.
Report That Famous English Liberal
Is Now a Catholic.
MnnM.notnr Mnv Ii. Till) DlSliatcll
prints n report that John Morley, the
eminent liberal memocr oi H"
thnurht to liaVO f
leaning toward Voitniro's pimosopiiy,
has Joined the Catholic cnurcn.
Rosseau Operated On.
Paris. May 5. Former Premier
v iinHnn.ni was operated on
this morning for .iver trouble
Believed That Eighty-five Thousand
Three Hundred Will Cover the En
tire Number, Allowing for Falsified
Returns Twentv-two Hundred
Were Born Here.
Washington, May G. Tho director
of the census today mado a state
ment regarding tho number of Chi
nese In tho United States, baHd upon
a comparison of tho census returns
with tho roixirt of tho commlsHloncr
of Immigration, in which ho BayB tho
results of the compilation shown that
of ,C72 Chinese males reported us
born In tho United StnteB, probably
2,231 wore really born hero, and I,-
.l'H'. u'nrn (.nana of fnlBII ri'tlimS.
The true number of Chinese Immi
grants Into tho United States will
probably reach 8G.301, Inatead of 80,
803, ns reported, tho difference being
due to false returns.
Chicago Grain.
Chicago, May G. May wheat open
ed 89, closed tho samo; old July
ommcd 85, closed 80; new July
opened 8 Hi, closed 8G. July corn
opened WA, closed 48.
International Vice-President Conway,
of Chicago, Spoke.
Thu clcrkH of Pendleton met laht
night at tho court houno In mass
meeting to listen to an nddress by H.
J. Conway, of Chicago, vIco-proHldont
of tho International Clerks' Union of
Americn, Mr. Conway Is traveling
nnd Inunnc tlnif tho work of the unions
nnd looking after their welfuro, Ho
Is an organl.cr and general manager.
Hn nresented a strontr address last
evening on tho advantages of tho
union to tho pooplo at large, to tho
employers aH well as to mo empiuy
...i .....l Ut.ln f,f tlm tunnni'nninnt of
unions and tho mission of unionism.
Tho mooting was largely attended
by tho clerks, non-union and union
men nearly nil being present.
W. H. Hawley Treats the Christian
Church Sunday School,
W. H. Hawley, superintendent of
tho Sunday school of tho Christian
church, will enlerlaln tho entire
school this evening with n Htereoptl
con lecture by Rev. J. W. Jenkins, of
Athena, Ho has arranged thnt every
member of tho scnooi wu n ..-.-..
nolther absent uor tnrdy for tho past
month will bo admitted to tho Icq-
turo free. Thoro nro iuu memnors
of tho school entitled to tickets on
tbeso terms.
A strong antlsaloon loaguo
been organized Ju Walla Walla,
Leaders Plan to Havo Him
Manage Republican Na
tional Campaign.
It Will Then Determine Contests and
Weed Out All Not Standing In With'
the Machine Entire Personnel of
the Officering of the Chicago Con
vention Has Been Fixed by the
Washington Machine Convention
Will Meet Only to Ratify.
Washington, D. C, May G. Tho
commltteo on arrangements for tho
rmiiiiiiini.n imtlntinl convention this
afternoon decided to recommend un
officially to tho full commltteo for
temporary chairman, Ellhu Hoot, for
mer secretnry of war, utter deter
mining that tho sub-commiltco nan no
authority to ofllclnlly elect a tempor
ary chairman.
ChurleH W. Johnson of Minnesota
was BOloctou lor temporary sucru-
tiirv .Tnhll 11. MnlloV Of Oil O. chief
assistant socretary, nnd soven assist
ants, Including Walter a. Mellleu oi
California; sergeont-at-nrms, W. F.
Sfono ot Mnrylnnd, nnd First Assist
ant David C. Owen of Wisconsin;
president's clerk, A. Chllds ot Mnlno;
ofllclnl reporter, M. W. Hlumonburg.
of Illinois; llvo reading clerks nnd
two tally clerks.
Probably Be Murphy.
'f!iirnnilim iiIIhh baa not been offor-
ed and has not accepted tho chair
manship of the republican national
committee," is tliu Btaioment going
from Whlto Houbo uumorlty. it ib
believed Murphy, of Now Jersey, will
be invited to maungo tho cnmpalgn.
Black Will Nominate.
Washington, May G, Former Gov
ernor lllack, of Now York, has beou
selected to mako tho Roosevelt nom
inating speech. Among tho second
ing speeches will bo ono by Harry
Edwards, of Macou, (!u.
Committee Meeting June 15.
Acting Chairman Pnyno has Issued
a call for a mooting of tho republican
national committee In the Coliseum '
at Chicago, Juno 1G, to dotormlno
contents and prepare tho tomporary
roll of delegates.
United Brotherhood of Railway Em
ployes Makes Good Showing.
Uical members of tho United Broth
erhood of Railway Employes nro tak
ing a grout deal of Interest In tho an-
mini nnnvnntlnn nf thn iirirnnlzatlnn
j which will bu hold at Sun Francisco
next wook, beginning Mommy, says
tho Oregon Dally Journnl.
W. It. Apportion, business agent ot
llio Oregon division, will uttend ns a
delegate. He states that somo very
important matters are to como before
the convention for consideration, but
refuses to oivulgu thulr nature. Mr.
Apportion has beon offered a position
of gnneral organizer for tho Oregon
and Washington divisions, nud ho
states that ho will probably accept
President George listes Is now In
Texas, where ho has spent tho great
er part of the wlutor In tho interest
of thu organization. After tho con
vention It Ih thought that ho will
muko a trip to Portland. Mr. Kates
Ik nn Oregonlnn by birth, and has an
cxtenHivo acquaintance throughout
the Ktato.
Tho United Brotherhood of Rail
way Employes Ik militated with tho
American Uihor union, which has
lmlll up a fairly strong memhorBhlp
In tho city during the past, fow
months. Tho A. U, V. Ih preparing to
give on open meeting In tho painters'
hall on tho oveiiliig of May 10.
Tho plans for tho mooting bolng do.
viced are bellovetl to ho unique In tho
history of local politics. Tho various
candidates for tho legislature will bo
l.ivilnd to attond and glvo reasons as
to why (hoy should bo supported by
tho worklngmon. As yot tho subjoct
him not beon discussed with tho po
liticians, but It Is bullovod that tho
innjorlty of them will avail thorn-
selves of tho opportunity iu uuciiu,
Decoyed the Priest,
Omahu, Nob., May G. Fath
er Edward deary, of tho Holy
Father church, Is nearly dead
this morning as tho result nt
an assault by two footpads
who docoyed htm to hta gate
on a plea of distress, Ho
was not robbed, hut was
beaten with fists.