East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 03, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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It's "Moving Day" for
You can make any day you
choose "moving day" for bed
bugs It you buy a bottle or
The Green Fluid
It is quick, convenient and ab
solutely sure death to tnese
pests that often find their way
into the homes of the best and
most careful housekeepers.
Many "good housekeepers" that
you know are buying Insecti
cide. Every bottle guaranteed.
An Old Man Who Was a Slave Till
Mlddle.Aged, and Clung to the
People Who Owned Him and to
Their Successors Is Taking a Trip
of Over 3,000 Miles to Spend His
Last Days With His "Young
J. E. Waldeck. the well known
theatrical man of Los Angeles. Cal..
tried to suicide with "rough on rats"
but took an overdose and may re
cover. President Mellen. of the New
York. New Haven & Hartford rail
road, has figured out to his own sat
isfaction that the labor unions are
the cause of the trusts.
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, has
nrnptlrallv siirrnilpred tn thp rnmbl-
ing element, and "the lid is off"; at,olllen daR-
least there are very few restrictions
upon the fraternity in operation.
The French liner. L'Aqnltaine has
been bought by Russia for $250,000,
This steamer has sailed successive
ly under the flags of the United
States. Spain. France and Russia.
Mrs'. Mary A. Powell is on trial at
Denver for the murder of Estelle
Albin. her adopted daughter. She
admits the killing, but justifies it
on the ground that the girl was
alienating her husband's affections.
Nearly all the bath houses and
pleasure craft along the Southern
California coast were either destroy
ed or badly damaged by a recent
gale from the sea, and lightly con
structed houses along the coast were
A. A. Campbell Is being tried in
Chicago, charged with obtaining
money under false pretensions. Over
50 men testified that they had paid
Campbell commissions in advance
on his representations that he could
secure them jobs as guards at the
World's Fair.
Urged by the ties that welded to
gether. in the old days the old-time
master and his slave and made tho
one klud and the other faithful. Jack
Shields, an nged darkey, left on Sun
day afternoon for Miami, Fla.. to
spend his last days with the master
of his youth.
Jack Shields has long been a fa
miliar figure to the people of Pilot
..ak. where he has resided for many
years. He is now over 80 years of
age. and growing childish, and his
joy as he waited for the train on
Sunday afternoon was pathetic to
Years ago Dr. C. J. Shields came
in thlc rvimtv nnrt lnpntod nt Pllnl
i Rock, where he practiced medicine
j until about two years ago. He came
nere from ueorgia. Having lett that
state shortly after the close of the
civil war, and he brought with him to
this county the aged darkey who had
cared for him when a boy on the
old plantation in tfle South. The
darkey had been a trusted slave of
Dr. Shields' father until the emanci
pation proclamation, and after inat
refused to leave the service of his
former owner. He was greatly at
tached to his youthful master, who
had grown up under his care, and
when Dr. Shields decided to come
West, begged to be allowed to come
with him and serve him as in the
The 32d annual reunion of Oregon
pioneers will be held in Portland on
June 22.
George R. Shaw, a well known
pioneer of Falrrlew, Or., died Mon
day of paralysis.
James Cummins, of Greenhorn, Is
under arrest at Baker City for attempting-
to pass worthless checks.
Berry growers of Portland and vi
cinity have formed a union and will
hold the prices of berries up to a
uniform figure this season.
The O. R. & N. has chartered the
Nome City, the Alaskan steamer, for
the freight run between Portland and
San Francisco, temporarily.
Norris & Rowe's circus was wreck
ed at Truckee. Cal., and many of
their wild animals escaped in the
timber and have not yet been
Suit will be started against I. H.
Taffe. the fisherman who refuses to
sell the right of way to the portage
road to the state portage commis
sioners, at The Dalles.
A tooth of a Mastodon has been
found at Pomeroy. Wash. It meas
itrm 4x4x7 inches at one end, and
4x8 inches at the other, and is of
the hardest and whitest ivory.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson, health offi
cer of Portland, says that not over
half of the filth and garbage of that
cltv finds its way to the municipal
cremators', the remainder festering
in the alleys and back yards, accord
ing to Portland papers.
The body of the unknown man who
jumped out of a passenger car win
dow at Orchard, jaano, anu ran iuiu
the sage brush desert, has been
found by sheepherders. It had noth
ing upon it by which the man could
be Identified. He evidently porlshed
within a day or so after escaping
from the train.
About two years ago Dr. Shields
sold his practice and left this state,
going from here to Southern Callfor
nia. and from there enst until he at
last settled at a small station near
Miami, at the extreme end of the
Florida & East Coast Railway, near
the Everglades. From that place he
sent for his household effects which
were stored in the freight house
here, nnd they were shipped about
three mouths ago.
Old Jack, left behind, was lonely,
and wrote to Dr. Shields asking to
come to the South, where he wished
to die in the land of his birth and of
his early servitude, and a few days
ago money was sent him for his
transportation and expenses. He
left Sunday. Joyful in the anticipa
tion of once more being beneath the
Southern sun of his childhood and of
hearing again the voice of his mas
ter. He is one of the last exonent8
of the truth that not all masters
were hated by their slaves, and that
some slaves loved those who owned
The Pendleton.
Henry F. Comer, Portland.
J. W. lrwln, Tacoma.
Frank Loc, city.
F. E. Buckingham, Denver.
W. A. Newton, Chicago.
J. I- Elam and wife. Walla Walla
B. B. May, Walla Walla.
H. H. Hewitt. Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Thompson.
Miss Georglnc Perry.
A. H. Greenberg, Seattle.
H. E. McBreen.
A. H. Caston, Spokane.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
T. Donman. La Grande.
C. P. Conkey. Spokane.
R. A. Jackson, Spokane
John 1,. Rand, Baker City.
D. Briggs, Burns.
L. I.omax, Union.
H. B. Snyder, San Francisco.
F. M. Broadman. San Francisco,
G. A. Relnhold, Burns.
Jos. Dalton, North Powder.
George Baker, Portland.
Miss K. Schroeder, Chicago.
T. J. Walsh. Portland.
G. B. Datson, Portland.
T. B. Anderson, Portland.
C. Ottershagen, Portland
James G. Wilson. Portland.
T. R. Silversmith, New York.
Wheat LandB.
CiU Property.
Fifty residences, 1G0 vacant lota,
business openings, hotels, feed yard,
livery stable, stock ranches, wheat
lands and all kinds of real estate.
E. T. WADE &. 80N,
E. O. Bldg. 'Phone, Black 1111. P.
O. box, 324., Pendleton, Oregon.
A Sure Thing.
It Is said that nothing, is sure ex
cept death and taxes, but that is not
altogether true. Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption Is a sure
cure for all lung and throat tronbles.
Thousands can testify to that. Mrs.
C. B. Van -.etre. of Shepherdtown,
W. Va., says: "I had a severe case
of Bronchitis and for a year tried
everything I heard of, but got no
reller. One bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery then cured me absolutely."
It's Infallible for Croup. Whooping
Cough. Grip, Pneumonia and Con
sumption. Try It. It's guaranteed
by Tallman & Co.. druggists. Trial
bottles free. Regular sizes 30c. 1.
The S. P. Tires of Mongolians.
Albany, Or., May 3. The Southern
Pacifir company, on Its lines In this
section of the Willamette valley. Is
removing Its Japanese and Chinese
section hands, and white men take
the places. At Tangent, the first
station south of Albany, a crew of
white men last week took the places
formerly held by Japanese, and at
other points on the road similar
changes are being made. The sec
tion crews are also being Increased,
aud the order has gone forth that
the roadbed must be brought up to
the best condition possible, and
everywhere it Is being improved
and put In shape to stand the heavi
est traffic possible. The company s
business Is constantly increasing in
this part of the valley, extensive
improvements are under way to ht
the line to carry the additional traf
fic coming to It.
Kentucky Republicans.
Louisville, Ky., May 3. The repub
Ilcan state convention for the selec
tion of dplgates-at-large to the na
tional convention at Chicago, is In
session here today. lore than 1,000
delegates filled McCauley's Theater
when the convention was called to
order by Chairman Barnett, of the
state committee. The political reju
venation of former Governor W. O.
Bradley makes It probable that he
will head the Kentucky delegation at
Chicago. Resolutions Indorsing Pres
ident Roosevelt for ,renominatlon and
praising the national administration
will be passod.
A Cure for Plies.
i iind h had case of ulles." says
G. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga., "and
consulted a physician wno auviseo
me to try a box of DeWlrfa Witch
Hazel Salve. I purchased a box and
ntirlv cured. It is splendid
for piles, giving relief instantly, and
I heartily recommend It to all suffer
t rwiviM'n Witch Hazel Salve is
unequaled for Its healing qualities.
Eczema ana omer hkhj uiucuduo,
tnirns and wounds of
every kind are quickly cured by It,
Sold by Tallman wo.
The St. George.
S. W. Burton. New York.
James C. Smith, Chicago .
E. D. Sanders, Nampa.
L. L. White, Salt Lake.
J. W. Cavls, Walla Walla.
Charles Nugatom, Chicago.
J. W. Powell, Buffalo.
George McGilvery. Spokane.
J. H. Alexander, La Grande.
E. W. Wheeler, Harrison.
W. O. Wheeler, Harrison.
J. S. Cameron and wife. Omoho.
Mrs. George McGilvery and -daueh-
ter. Spokane.
R. C. Cook, Chicago.
J. F Neil, Denver.
J. H.. Brooks, Sacramento.
R. D. Steele, Scranton. Pa.
D. L. Manning, Sau Francisco.
G. H. Bartlig, Portland
E. H. Wilson. Portland.
The Bickers.
W. A. Miller. Ml. View Alto.
George Leytze and wife. Deadwood
Mrs. M. M. Lentz. Chadron.
Mrs. L. R. Richard, Denver.
A. E. Cady and wife. Pomeroy.
G. W. Williamson. Oak Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Belshaw, Ml. Vernon.
John Ferguson, North Yakima.
S. G. Warden and wife, San Fran
cisco. Margaret E. Harris. Portland.
Mr nnd Mrs. J. M. Barber, Forest
J. F. Rickenbash, Portland.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
J. A. Nelson, Athena.
G. J. McEroy, Starbuck.
Ed Castle. Starbuck.
J. Stilper, Iowa.
T. R. Yerger. Maker City.
W. M. Gilliam, Heppner.
J. W. Peringer. Adams.
William Huston, city.
A. E. Edwards. Cedar Rapids.
L. B. Weaver, Ostrander.
W. C. Green, Heners.
B. A. Ferguson, Selcheaee.
J. S. Cunningham. Portland.
Frank J Cheuej- makes oath that ht l
venlor partner of tue.lirm of F. J Cheuey
& Co.. iIoIuk bimlnesx In the City of To
ledo. County nnd State aforesaid, nnd that
said firm will pay the Bum of ONE IIL'N
DICED DOLLARS for eacli and every roue
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
me of Haifa Catarrh Cure,
Sworn to before me and mibHcrlbed In
mr pretence, thin fith day of Decemlier,
A. D. 188C.
(Seal ) A. W OI.EAKON.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken internaly,
and acts directly on the blood and mu
rotm surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold bv Druszlst, price 7.1c
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Graduate Optician.
Ida Behrendt, of the Baker City
Optical Company, will be in town for
one week. She is a graduate of the
Philadelphia College and McCor
mlck's College, of Chicago. Ti-e doc
tor comes highly recommended. All
work guaranteed. Eyes examined
free. Bickers Hotel.
Quick Arrest
J. A. Gulledge, of Vorbena, Ala.,
was twice in the hospital from a se
vere case of piles causing 24 tumores.
After doctors anu all remedies fail
ed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly
arrested further inflammation and
cured him. It conquers aches and
kills pain. 25c at Tallman & Co.,
If a girl doesn't marry
love it's his fault.
her first
Should Convince Even the Xt Skep
tical of It Truth.
If there is the slightest doubt In the
minds of any that Dandruff germs do not
exist, their belief Is compelled by the
fact that a rabbit Innoculatcd with the
germs became bald in six weeks' time.
It must be apparent to any person
therefore that the only prevention of
baldncsz Is the destruction of the germ
which act is successfully accomplished
In one hundred per cent, of cases by
the application of Kewbro's Ilerplclde.
Dandruff is caused by tho same germ
which causes baldness and can be pre
vented with the same remedy Newbro's
Accept no substitute. "Destroy the
cause you remove the effect."
Sold by leading drurelsts. Send 10c In
stamps for sample to The Ilerplclde Co..
Detroit. Mich.
F. W. Schmidt, special agent
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed,
tc.f always on band.
49c - oALJt - 4
See what you can buy this week at The Fair for only 49,.
Ladles' colored Shirt Waist, late style 49c
1-adlcs. white Waists, new goods 49c
Ladles' black cotton Hose, C pairs for 49c
Ladies' black lace Hoso. 2 pairs for 49c
Ladies gauze union suits, knee length 43c
Ladles embroidery trimmed muslin Drawers. . ..49c
Ladles' muslin Night Gown 49c
Ladles' gauze Vests. 10c grade, C for 49c
5 styles of Corsets, light or heavy, each 49c
Men's I'nderwear. several kinds 49c
Men's good work Stilrts. several kinds 49c
Men's work .or driving Gloves ...49c
Men's straw or crash Hats, 50c, fiOc and Cue
values 49c
Men's black or brown Hose. 10c kind, C pairs for.49c
Men's Dress Shirts, several styles 49c
Boys' Dress Shirts, several styles 49c
Boys' Waists, good material, 2 for 49c
Boys' Wash Suits of good material 49c
C yards of good colored Outing FIuBdi &
10 yards of Cc bleached Muslin. '
iu yarns oi cauco, an colors
C yards of double-fold Zephy Gtnrt.,,'
V ...... .1 . . .
o j ... ..o . uausie uress Good)
S yards of white India Linen
3 yards or white Persian Lavm
Pongee Silk, per yard
All wool Voile Dress goods, per vnnt
All wool Sicilian Dress Goods, per yard
2 yards Jap Silk, all colors
3 yarns colored flake Voile Dress Goods,
ThpsA nr unnsiinlli- rmA
- j ejuuu values, ly
itiuuiu m cm-ci until stjrt
April juiii.
the JiAlK. the rAI
Winona Wagons, Hacks and Buggies. Work the same winter and
summer. Best finish, strongest and easiest running Wagons made.
We have just received three carloads and can make close figures
on our rigs. Give us a call and be convinced.
Big Brick Shop. Water Street
Stover Gasoline Engines.
The Standard of Excellency.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Are all who get their suits, of us.
We represent the largest tailoring
establishment in the country.
We want you to take advantage of
the offer we make as you will get
a more satisfactory suit and at less
coat than you ever did before.
You select the cloth you like and
the suit is made to your own meas
urement. A guarantee of perfect fit
and best workmanship at a low
I '
ni Li- r
That pay tic
promptly. Our
; co
i Alliance Assurance Co
London & Lancashire
i Insurance Co.
I Vnrtli Rrltleh Jt- Mew
, Royal Insurance Co. .
I c a mi mi mm m
II II 111 I, I
Dairy ana tww
m. DouEias
T.r ...... ft tl PrOTlflfi
and J H smitn.
I ... ... c
Morrow J H Kaiej.
Joint Hepresentatiit
i . i . t . n i : a. r i a, .
Sheriff-T D. tjk
Clerk J E. Cherrr
rvimmlcclnner WW
. . . .KIHI.M r it?
lain ana Hiuiau" --
SLUUUI .jui..
-iiiri Tvnr i. v
coroner u
justice oi
ConstaDie juu"
Used with enthusiastic satisfac
tion throughout the civilized world.
A useful and n ndiome book which
tells how to shave comfortably, sent
for the asking. R. R. Lewis, Distrib
utor, Echo, Or. $1.00 postpaid.
For sale at the East Oregonlan office Large bundles of i.ewpaper
containing ovr 100 big papers, can be had for 25c bundle.
For Presidential
W V. HaoP
j, n, Han
TV H. Gore
James A. Fe
JU6tlce F
For Food and DaW
j w Bailey
For Prosecutlne "
n- W. 0.
For County JudS
Henry I
For County Cieri.
Frank Sallns
rr Shrl?: mrrett
cv- Treasurer;
4. J
For ecoru
For School ""eji
Frank h- "
For coronc',
For Surveyor - '
J. .7
For Justice or
trlcl HU
For ConsUbl,,