L.CHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1904. PAGE THREE. vl U I I T f UK- a "Mllf IMHtHII m n H til 1 1 0 1 1 1 New, Fresh and eliable Merchandise At Money-Saving Prices-The Big Sale at Alexander's READ READ READ 36-inch Dixie L. L. Muslin, 20 yards for $1.00 36-Inch Lonsdale Bleached Muslin 12 yards for $1.00 36-Inch Fruit of Loom Bleached Muslin 12 yards for $1.00 45-Inch Andros Goggin Pillow Tubing 14c yard 45-Inch Aurora Pillow casing 12c yard 94 Aurora Bleached Sheeting 22c yard 10-4 Aurora Bleached Sheeting 25c yard A. F. C. Dress Ginghams 62c yard American Indigo Prints o . 20 yards for $1.00 Gibraltar Percales, Dark Colors 7c yard SHOE BARGAINS All $1.50 Ladles' Shoes at $1.15 pair All $2.00 Ladles' Shoes at $1.49 pair All $2.50 Ladles' Shoes at ., $1.82 pair All $3.00 Ladies Shoes at $2.25 pair Jexander Department Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES NEWS OF ATHENA DEATH OF MRS. LEWIS IN PORTLAND, APRIL 26. Mrs. Mansfield is Very Sick Ora Rhodes Has Returned Missionary Tea at Christian Church Marriage of Popular Young Folks Entire Family Sick With Mumps. Woman's Nightmare No woman'! nappi. j iic ps tan uc complete without children Si is Her nature to lovo U anil want them as much so a it is to love the beautiful and .......... . ifiA.f. r,.t,..,.T. ....... .,..........,.....,........,.,',.-..... J r TTTTT iTT ........ TTTvTTtTXTTTtTT . TTTTVrTTT H Dr. C. J. Whitaker To Resume the Practice of Dentistry in Pendleton DR. C. J. WHITAKER, THE RELIABLE DENTIST, WHOSE WORK IN THE PAST BUILT HIM SUCH A LARGE PRACTICE, HAS CON CLUDED TO OPEN BUSINESS IN HIS OLD FIELD AND WILL BE FOUND IN THE OLD OFFICE, CORNER OF MAIN AND COURT STS. Office Open for Business May 5 Athena, April 30. George Marquis' parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Marquis of Ad- ,nms, are both suffering from a severe i attack or la grippe. Ora Rhodes, who has been spend Ing a month or moro on his home .stead In Crook county, returned homo this morning,- Mr. Rhodes likes that country pretty well, but likes Athena more. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cox spent yes terday in Pendleton, attending a re ception given nt the Matlock home. Death of Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Jennie Ia'wIs died In Portland April 2Cth. Si.o Is tho wife of H. P, Lewis, tho Insurance man of this i t r i - i , I jhuuv. iuia. mis uuill'li in L.U 1 i .. uriuiuy. Grandma Mansfield, mother of A. L. Johns, has been very sick at the home of the latter. The C. V. II. M. will give, on Sat urday, May 14, at the Christian par sonage, n missionary tea. A program has been prepared, and an enjoyable evening is expected. The entire Waddiiigham family is sick with tho mumps, near Weston Miss Hyla Cooper of Walla Walla, visited Miss Juanltn Sargent of this city, Sunday. Tltsworth-Curts. At 4:30 p. m. 'Wednesday, April 27. Mr. H. P. Curts of Helix and Miss Nellie Titsworth, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Titsworth, were married by Rev. Simons. Only the members of tho two families and most Intimate friends were present. They will make their future home in Helix. JOINT COMMENCEMNT. and 50c. Bottle Free. When Medicine Fails, Try Licjtiozone We'll Pay for it. want mile f.t fse meH,r. " a gcrm troub c, ally. ' n J K cannot he taken WC IttCf... V "luiuill Kill lie wbt"'10?- " does in a germ f y fnl ?.u.. ",eed -we will to try, " """'e and give it to s Like Oxygen. I, ior morV ,.reSult of a Process I ,rn the Im..V " ",aae ln 'a""8e l Dror... oxygen nrodurerY EV 14 im,mense aP- I, -vsen does rT ""lv uoes T. the verv m" K' a . Lxiuoinn. )tTy surce of vital. I? no othtr uL Vltal'r with M? B ermrn product can ..U1?otonef?i ,m are vegetables; r,YTls dtadiv " "cess of Lthl ondS.L'" Wtal matter. f most et.i-i u'.c numan 1 MentuI element of P SUABLE 8ERVCE BEAN lG 0F All ifiwriQ .. i. milUU We Paid $100,000 For the American rights to Liquo zone the highest price ever paid for similar rights on any scientific dis covery. We did this after testing the product for two years, through physi cians ana nospuais, in mis country and others. That nrice was Daid because Liquo zone does in germ troubles what all the drugs, all the skill in the world, cannot accomplish without it. It car ries into the blood a powerful yet harmless germicide, to destroy at once and forever the cause of any germ dis ease. And no man knows another way to do it. Liquozone is so certain that we publish on every bottle an offer of o. ' e j I ...... 1,000 ior a disease genu u iau- not kill. Germ Diseases. These are the known eerm diseases. All that medicine can do for these troubles s to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are indi rect and uncertain. Liquozone kills the germs, wherever they arr, and the results are inevitable. By destroying the cause of the trouble, it invariably ends the disease, and forever. Aathma A twcea Anemia itronchltls Mood fulnon Hrtfbt'a IHihu ILl w r I TmutilM (JoilffhA4?nlda Consumption OoUe Cross Hay Ftrer-Inltaenta Kidney inasaae Iji Urippo tuoorrbea . Liter Trouble Malaria -Neuralgia, Many Heart Trouble! riloa-Pneuoionla PJemUr-o,uliuy Conttlpallon Catarrb C'anrer IJjkentry lilarrbea lundrunlrvpay pjipeptla rX'tunja Kryelpelas for cnjaif Htonva Uoltro 4lout lionorrbe-Jleet Jtbeomatlfni bain Itiuau;! Hcrofula Hypblllla htoiuacb Trouble Tbroat Trouble Tuberculo&le Tumor Ulcera Varlooocele Won,eu IJlteaaea All dl&AakA that hArln wltb fefer-all lnfiamma tlon all calarrb-aJl ounulou dlwaaea all tb reaultof Jinpureorpoitonoutblood. , In uerrout debility Uuuoione a a f ila!Ur, aocompllabin wnat no drug can do. 50c. Bottle Free. If you need Liquozone, and have never tried it, please senu us mis coupon. We will then mail you an or der on your local druggist for a full size bottle, and we will pay your drug gist ourselves for it. This is our free gift, made to convince you; to show you what Liquozone is, and what it can do. In justice to yourself, please accept it to-day, for it places you un der no obligation whatever. Liquozone costs 50c. ano $i Proposed to Unite Academy High School Observance. A plan is being considered by tho management of the 1'endleton Acad emy and the IUkIi school, having In view a consolidation of tho baccalu reate day services during the com mencement week. Owing to the fact that the com mencement of the two Institutions come this year on the same weok, and that the dato set for their com mencement sermons conflict, it has been thought to bo a good plan to make some arrangement whereby tho services can bo thrown together and both institutions meet that day in common. A committee from tho high school met with the management of the academy yesterday afternoon, and the matter was discussed. There Is no objection to the plan from either side, provided some place can bo se cured that will accommodate tho pu pils and friends of both Institu'lons, nnd further provide that the servi ces may be made general in their character, In order not to conflict with tho custom of the public school to introduce no denominational teachings into the work or services of tho schools. It has about been decided to secure the opera house on tho Sunday of commencement week, and to bring to the city on that date some prominent speaker or educator who will make the address to the students. A Sure Thing, It Is said that nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, hut that is nut altogether truo. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption Is n sure euro for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs, C. B. Van ..etro. of Shepherdlown, W. Va., says: "I had a severe case of Bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got 110 relief. One bottle or Dr. King's New Discovery then cured mo absolutely " It's Infallible for Croup, whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Con sumption. Try It. It's guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Triul bottles free. Regular sizes r,0c. $1. Tile Critical irdaal thmiitrh whirl, th a.vn ...nl... - . , r. VAJII.1.IHIM IIIUIIICI IUU91 pM, however, is so frnught with dread, pain, suffering nnl danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of lifo to bo cither painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for w.u vv.,,,, Eicm wiai 11 is saiciy posseu without any danger, Thi gtwH aui, UIIUC1IU1 remedy is always vppliedexternully.and has carried thousands ef women throuch the trying crisis without suffering. flsd for Iry book containing; Information TprloeUi v,lu to all xpeUai mouitr. Tk Bradfleld Regulator C Atlaita, Ga. r . - - - j r - - Mother's F rtend We Want to Do Yoo Plumbing Our long oxporlcnco, together with our unoxcrllod facilities for doing the bent work, nro at your sorvlco without extra charge flood honest work always dono. That's tho reason why our patrons are always satisfied. BECK, the Reliable Plumber Court Street, oppoalto Hotol Ulckorti. GAINING IT I i a ft ft JNION JvlADE, HAND NADE. Clear Havana. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND VORKMANSHI P. .... C When you call for a TRIUMPH. CB YNN&CO 1 2.1 MAKERS. -m i 11 ! I aaaaaaa1S aaa HvFnwK a.: -jtfMry pt a uzaaaasir rrcv u m mi at - GET IT, Don't accept a substitute Graduate Optician. Trill ll.tlirnmll rtf ti,. lli.Lo rl,r Optical Company, will bo In town for nun wei'is. nun is 11 grntiunie 01 1110 Philadelphia College and McCor- mlck's CoIIego, of Chicago, The doe tor comes highly recommended. All work guaranteed. Kyes examined free. Dickers Hotel. No Dessert More Attractive Vhy u.u gelatine nnd Fpenil hoiiM soaking, twi'eteiiing, II ivnring Bint culnriug whuu Jell-O modules better rciiltn in two nilmitisr Everytliing In the packii','!-. Simply 111M hot vutcrouilM-ttociNil, IlNpericftiiai. Asur priso to the housewife. No trouble, lew rx Ienfle. Try it to-d.iy. In Pour I'ruit 1'liw Torsi I-mon, Orimgo, Btruwberry, ltn.- berrj-. At gnici'M. ltlo. I The French j i Restaurant 1 Best 25 Cent Meal in the City Private Dining Parlors. SHERWIN & WILLIAMS PAINT ONLY PLACE TON TO IN PENDLE QET IT. PAINTERS' MATERIALS ALL KINDS. OF E. J MURPHY Court St. Elegant Furnished Rooms Connection. In (JUS LaFONTAINE, Prop- C33 Main Street. CUT OUT THIS COUPON for till offer mr not apwar again. Fill out lb blank and mall 11 to lb liquid O0OCo., 158-60 Wabatb Ave., CbJcago. Mr diuate It V.'. I bave nevar tried Mquoi one. but If you will tuppljr ue a 00c. bottle free I will take It. 1 3 4 U K Give full addret write plainly, Spokane'i Remarkable Growth. Spokune. May 2. -Over $700,000 will be expended In new bulldiiiKH In the next few montlm ar.eordliiK to the report of Commissioner Hoot for tho month of April. The actual amount for which penults have been issued Is $767,275, being a total of 223 permits. It Is believed that after this month the applications for per mits will fall be)ow the number ap plied for during April, but building operations will go on apace for uulto a long time. The permits for tho month include 116 for amounts over $1,000, most of these being cottages of an average valuation of about $2, 000. Ten of the permits are for , amounts ranging from $20,000 to $30, 000; ono for a $70,000 apartment house, and one for a I2&0.000 addition ' to Clfmraea rolleire. GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINNIS Jeavc orders at Ncuman's Cigar Store, Lumber and Building Materials If you oro arranging to build or tnako Improvements, como and boo us for your lumbor. Our Block Is large and well scloctcd. Wo want lo flguro with you on your lumber bill, Wo innko sash, doors and blindB. Pendleton Planing Mills ROBERT FOR8TER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. in, nhtftlolan or wUl M (ladlr aupplled tut Met. not ret ulnc liqooaoiv A GUARANTEED ROOF That's the kind to have. Something that won't give out Just at the wrong tlmo. Something that will stand hard usage. ELATE RITE ROOF ING will satisfy those requirements and many more. It Is guaranteed to do what we claim for It. It has been on the market for over twelve years, and Is offered strictly on its own merits, not on the demerit? of other goods. Write for prices and Information. The Elalerite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon More Evidence of Trlb' Good Work. Maker City. Ore., Sort. 9. 1003. I was a constant user of hoth smok ing and chewing tobacco for 40 years, I took a treatment of Trlb about threo months ago anil can endorse It as a euro, My general health Is much Improved since I took your cure. Sincerely yours, N. II. STAItDIIlD. Tallman & Co., local agents. Mrs. Augiislu Koontz, a wealthy Now York widow aged 72 years, wanted to marry John Itecher, 30 jj years her Junior Her children oh . Jected, but the couple eloped and j were clandestinely married, J a Not an ordinary article, but something extraordinary Is Hill's Pure California Olive Oil For medlplnaf use as woll as for salads and table use, This Is tho hlghost quality and purest oil made. Sold exclusively In Pendleton hy Despain & Clark i HIPS TO MEET THE EYE of tlioso with oyo trnublos this adver tisement Is Inserted, It Is our business to malto eyo tets, prescrlbo a euro for dufoctlvo sight und o provldo tho nocoasary EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES. For tho test of tho proscription we chnrgu nothing If glasseH are or dered here nnd for tho glassos our prices aro only reasonable. Wo make a comnloto examination. using tho host of tho late improved Instruments. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Pottofflce Block, 1