East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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i inn nfford to do
A ra.pf.r of people
imZ not read newspapers If
lao lo n r:lmnnm of those
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to do.
roi- l7.
NT(). 6037.
Xg llfc I jml&tiHH0HWA jjjte. Tonight fair light
1 ' " ; ------ -
Ipture Antung, at Mouth of
folu, by Land and water
... I &.J U.j -i O r rv tllp.
lops were ssiicu UJ
rent From Gunboats and Armed
Lrtant Captures of Munitions of
Var Russian Battleship Aground
It St Petersburg Plans of Rus
ian Mobilization Sold by a Treach
rous Official at Warsaw.
ondon, May 2. The Central News
joul correspondent wires that tho
ranese victory on the Yalu Sunday
i most complete, the Russian lines
Bng thrown Into confusion and
Hr retreat disorderly.
Narrow Gauge Road Will Be Built
Toward Burns This Season.
Baker City, May 2. There are
some activity In railroad circles with
the opening of spring and just as
soon as the snow Is sufficiently off
the ground and the roads In some
kind of shape operations will begin
by the Sumpter Valley Railroad
company for the extension of Its lino
from Whitney west and south to
wards Burns, tho objective point in
Eastern Oregon.
The Sumpter Valley is now in op
eration and has been for a number
of years between Baker City and
Sumpter, 32 miles, and for two years
past, tho extension from Sumpter to
Whitney, 14 miles, has been in opera
tion and last summer the further ex
tension from Whitney to Tipton,
eight miles, the top of the divide go
ing down into the John Day valley,
was partially finished before snow
The work will now proceed on
through Tipton, Austin and towards
Pralrio City, Canyon City nnd Burns.
Just how far the line will be built
this year President Eccles Is yet tin
May Day is Appropriately Celebrated by the People of the
Hospitable Cannery Town.
0. R. & N. 'Company Furnishes Able Speakers School Children Take
Part In the Excellent' Program One Thousand People Enjoy the Best
Picnic Dinner Ever Served In the County School Teachers and
Housewives of Echo Deserve Especial Credit for the High Success
of the Entertainment Addresses by Prominent Educators.
Two months ago tho citizens of tables were, filled twice and some of
Echo, 'at tho solicitation of Col. R. them three times in accommodating
C. .Tudson, Industrial agent of tho -the crowd. Free leu cream nnd lent-
able to state. The steel Is on hand0. R. & X, organized a Farmers' onnde were served nnd not n rent of
for tho Tlnton extension and the' Club, for the mirnosM or hnlrtln? min. 1 mrmnv u-nn t-ikmi for nnvthlni- mi tt,,
marKet is easy ior immediate iienv- cntlonal meetings, discussing practl- picnic grounds.
Details of the Battle.
Hmdon, May 2. The Japanese
bnlster. Hayashl, this afternoon ls-
ied a later report by General Kuo-
Iklr, regarding the Yalu fight and
Ited Klulcng Cheng, Manchuria,
trthcast of Antung. It reads:
S"We advanced May 1 along three
lads, driving the enemy before ua.
brine the afternoon we carried the
pe from Antung Sien to LIusheuko.
"The Imperial Guards surrounded
le enemy on thre sides. After se-
fcre fighting we captured their guns,
ksides horses and carriages. The
leneral reserve corps is advancing
long the I.laoyang road, the enemy
feeing toward Feng Huang Cheng.
I "The booty captured includes a
rge quantity of arms and ammuni-
ot and an officer"
cry. cal farm questions, and ndding to
Passenger and freight cars and lo-;the happy surroundings of farm life
comotlves were purchased last year ! in every possible way.
in sufficient numbers to operate the This club has held regular meet
entire lino besides this the com-ings an(1 ha8 l)een addressed by
pany Is building new refrigerator j 8orao of lhe most proranent agrlcul
cars and cabooses and rebuilding lo-l.ural oxnerts in tho Xnrthwnst. it
comotives. The distance from Tipton has aroused an interest in farm and
to Austin is seven miles and from j dairying Industries, and has set tho
Austin to Prairie City 17 miles. The,ue0i)le of Echo to thlnkinc on these
The meetings of the club culmin
ated In the farmers' picnic held at
Leezer's grove near Echo, on Sat
urday, which was the moRt success
I ul country picnic ever held in Una-
ia county.
entire distance from Baker City by
the proposed route to Burns is about
160 miles.
Entire Band of Sheep Killed.
Lakeview, May 2. Word has
reached this city of the destruction
of an entire band of sheep consisting
The brief Bpeclal report contained
or 2.300 head, belonging to Grube and the East Oregonlan on Saturday
Parker, living north of Sliver Lake, evening was but the barest outllno.
The sheep were being driven Into and did not do the picnic justice.
Nevada to the summer range, when , but was used as a telephone news re
they were met by a band of masked ,ort for the day.
men, who tied the herders to a tree por three weeks the citizens of
nnd Bhot every sheep in the herd to . Echo nave been preparing for this
death. This makes 4.000 sheep" that ! e,ent. Committees of citizens have
have been killed in that district this , uecn diligently working, women have
spring. The cattlemen are determln-1 b(,en planning and cooking, the
ed that Oregon sheep shall not cross
the line Into their summer ranges.
Russians Burn Antung.
I London, May 2. The Japanese
binister today Issued the report of
pe cantata of the cimboat Mnva.
hlch acted in conjunction with the'
nd forces of the Japanese in Sunr
lay's attack on the Russian line on
he law, it confirms In a degree the
eport that the Russians burned An-
I A naval detachment, comprising
pe Maya, Ujl and some torpedo boats
iscenaed the Yalu and bombarded
pe enemy, stlencinir tho enemy's nr.
liUerr fire alter 30 minutes severe
lodgement All then returned to
Fongampho, with no casualties.
-Japanese armed launches reached
M"0Hg the same mornlntr nnrt rru
inhed the enemy's Infantry and ar
Perr After 30 minutes' sharp
Pwtiog fire was seen rlsinc from the
I0- Natives said the mutnv ftort
spw setting the place afire.
Battleship Aground.
St Petnrwhiin. tuv o Tiw. .......
"n. ... .u wv
UUeshln Orel Is iiirronnd m n Bn,l.
Nt in the Neva, and it Is feared It
De nifflcult to refloat her.
Treacherous Russian Official.
St Pclpr-buri; Mm- t (o ,,,
'he HiiHHinn nioKu r... .,,,.1.111
Rl'tnt. V ...in iui UIUUIU'
r-i-u nave neon unlil tir,,,.h ,h.
a Warsaw offlelnl. Now
'u nave a'-'-ordlnirlv l.oon ini.i
teachers of the public schools have
been drilling the school children for
their important part in the program,
and tho entire energy of the bustling
community has been busy with the
details of the picnic.
The day was Ideal and thp grove
selected for the picnic was In the
zenith of its springtime glory, and
everything worked together for the
success of Echo, and her enterpris
ing citizens.
The Parade,
The parade which formed on Main
(.tern, in rtnnt u'lia Inrl yv thfft
AT PLURAL 'MARRIAGE? !njargha of (he Jay and 1Q aldeg dec.
orated in white sashes; the Queen
., .. ... of May. on a gorgeous throne, sur-
Angus cannon oeneves , nat. nc uiu - . ,,. vf.rhead wi.h
Is Satisfied in His Own Mind,"
But Did Not See the Ceremony Per.
formed Mr. Cannon Swears That
He Once Told a Lie In Relation to
the Plural Marriage Now In Controversy.
Nt a Fortnn. . ..
mi udmunng ana no
"pe of Retrieving
Hay 2 -H. W. Gowell.
Rice n .t. ' -
NPecla 1.7." ' ' .eM ,D auvertialng
Ifor Tea .h" .. cmc LoaBt- and
lane vVl "u,cr,B'g iau in various
folded 7m n dt'l,artment stores, sui-
the 2, t0 recover' and bellev
funeral Eatnb,crs 8lould pay for his
Mni W."? aml dl8ea8o e Ger-
aoers ami v por cont oi tholr
" the ranv. T 7r Kval 01 ltie rno"
"Wo6 aH ,"rl"e th0 war wltb the
ls n W lBi H 18 ""wed the var
a good start.
Washington, May 2. Angus Can
non, Jr., son of a former apostle of
the Mormon church, deposed from
the house because of his refusal to
reject the political domination of the
church, was examined before the sen
ate committee on elections 'this morn
ing, in the continuation of tho Sraoot
He was called for tho purposo of re
futing the testimony of President
Smith that the latter bad no knowl
edge of ever having performed tho
marriage ceremony of Abraham Can
non and Lillian Hamlin on a boat
chartered at Los Angeles.
The witness was always on friend
ly terms with Abraham and loaned
him his buggy to take Lillian riding.
He did not see the marriage, but
admitted having told several persons
ho had. He was "satisDort in ins own
mind that Smiui performed tho cer
emonv and that, from what his sis
ter said, she was Abraham's second
wife. Lillian llvos at Salt Lake and
has a child named Marra, and she is
recognized as one of Abraham's wid
It develons that tho witness was
closeted with Suioot this morning.
Tv"r In the Tolls.
TlTu 2-Ja""s
Place i"arrl80n Bartt
the n ,rlal t0(,av
era ii i ih? , "8,mater gen
n1 Bsrmi dPartment.
other T hU olerk
01 fgarv . llar80s 18 that
"'! ,8a,ri Tyner fr
""era in ... :', ann
Errtf I,' a"a ca08 In this
an arcomnllco
Northern Idaho Flourishing.
Alexander McPherson, stato horti
cultural inspector, has returned .from
Northern Idaho, where he appointed
three deputy inspectors in Kootenai
and Latah counties.
The prospects for a magnificent
yield of all kinds of fruits, said Mr.
McPherson. wore never so bright.
Not less than 250,000 fruit trees have
boen sot out in tho northern section
of tho stato this year. The weather
has boen very favorable and the
treos aro In full bloom.
During his visit Mr. McPherson,
who Is also dairy and pure food in
spector, examined quite a number of
dairies, including one at Wallace,
which Is the largest iu the sttao.
Thero are 200 cows In this dairy.
llolso Statesman.
If a man really loves a woman she
doesn't have to conceal hor ago.
flowers, followed; two decorated
cars, bearing 100 school children,
came next, after which came tho
mayor and city council, speakers of
the day and citizens in carriages,
making a procession of carriages
and horeebackmen over half a mllo
in length.
Everything at the grove was in
snirinc. for Just such a picnic. Tho
great cottonwoods wcro at their full
leaf, and furnished ample shade;
seats had been arranged and over
500 feet of tables on which the splen
did dinner was to be served, were ar
ranged. One feature of the dinner arrange
ment, worthy of especial mention,
was that the ' seats wore furnlBhed,
plates, knives, forks and spoons
were used instead of having the old-
fashioned lunch, at which everybody
stood up and ate with their fingers.
The entire female population or
Echo was deslgnateu as omciai
waitresses to attend the wants of tho
nlftilckers. and the service was so
perfect and the general spirit of the
day so hospitable and sociable, that
it was an event never to be forgot
A largo crowd of Pendleton peo
ple went down on No. 1, arriving at
Echo at 11 o'clock, and was mot at
tho depot by citizens or Kcno, witn
carriages and conveyed to tho
grove. McMlnn's band of this city,
was engaged for the day and ndded
to tho splco and variety of tho gen
eral program.
The meeting was presided over by
Mayor h. A. Esteb. and after an in
vocation by Rev. W. P. JInnett of
Echo, a musical nnd literary pro.
irram was rendered, which was well
evidonco of care
fill preparation on tho part of Miss
rtotnaHnn Moorhouso and Miss Fran-
colia Duncan, teachers of the Echo
nubile schools, who ban cnargo oi
this part of tho program.
Picnic Dinner Unsurpassed.
Following tho literary program,
dinner was sorvod, and such a pic
nic dinner. It l f to say. was
never before served in this county.
TIir variety of dainty and dellrato
dlshoe and the abundanro of tho sup
ply was in keeping with tho spirit of
Krbo. In prfoarlng this happy rul
ml' atlon of her educational cam
paign among the farmers
fcr 1.000 people were served and
then fu'l baskets of provisions of
all kinds wcro carried home. The
Afternoon Program.
After dinner, the program was re
sumed and one of the most beautiful
events of the day was the vocal solo
by Mrs. Echo Miller, after whom, ns
a baby, the town of Echo was named.
Mrs. Miller was cheered heartily,
nnd responded to an encore.
The first speaker of tho afternoon
was Professor C. L. Smith, editor of
the Inland Fnrmcr of Spokane, nnd
an experienced institute lecturer.
He spoke on the general subject of
home life, and esp'eclally on tho
prospects before tho district sur
rounding Echo, and said in part:
"It was a pleasing revelation to mo
this morning to drive over your
beautiful valley, here, and survey tho
possibility thnt lies before you. I
am sure that very few people In this
community understnnd just what this
wonderful country means. Very few
of us believe the actual facts about
our home country until some strang
er investigates and introduces us to
our own. Wo are prone to forget, to
overlook, to disregard and under
value our surroundings, until wo seo
a thrilling comparison made by some
observer from tho outside.
Admires the Thinker.
"1 am an admirer of the man who
looks Into facts. I admire the man
who studies, who investigates, who
observes. The specialist who studies
and tho expert who experiments aro
the frontiersmen of all sciences and
Industries. Until these living and
progressive spirits touch facts into
being, with their unanswerable logic
of experience, tho beauty of mnny a
science lies dormant.
"In farming, the rule holds good
as In other sciences. Until you com
pare results, and study to apply the
laws of nature and adapt them to
man's uses, tho best In nature lies
Idle and dormant.
"This morning In your beautiful
Uutter Creek valloy, near Echo, I saw
100 homes In a district that must In
time support 400 or more, just such
happy, prosperous homes. Tho ad
vantages here aro untold. Tho possi
bilities are almost beyond belief. Tho
rich soil and tho warm climate sup
plemented with an abundnnce of liv
ing water, make this the most Ideal
homo district In tho West. Tho pro
ductiveness of this land Is not to be
measured by years nor crops nor tons
If you conservo its forces by diversi
fying your crops, and making It
strong by growing variegated pro
Must Cultivate Taste,
"One thing that must precede tho
best agricultural ago in tho West Is
hotter tasto in keeping your homes.
Your country Is advertised to the
world by its appearance. Strangers
read your sign on tho faeo of your
farm. They read your standard by
tho appearance of your barns, fences
houses and roads. Your country ad
mils of he highest excellence. You
must make Its appearance to be In
keeping with Its natural worth.
"Drains need cultivation, Just as
soil needs It. It Is Impossible to
make the best out of your land by
chance methods. You must study to
bring out tho highest possible yield
by brain cultivation.
Wheat Kills the Soil.
"I know entire counties In WIbcoii
sin that were practically ruined by
wheat raising. The soli was ex
haunted and the country was roced
lng Instead of advancing. At last
providence favored tho country by
sending n post of chinch bugs to eat
up the wheat crop and drive tho farm
ers to dairying and diversified farpi
ing in order U live. Thoy began to
prosper as soon as I hoy began to
raise something besides wheat. They
kopt tho richiHWH on their land by
feeding dairy cows nnd fattening
hogs. They saw Incomes swell as
they multiplied tho products on tho
farms, until those very counting oncu
Impoverished by wheal raising, are
now' tho best in the stato, the farms
are the most productive and tho
farmers' hank accounts tho InrgoBt.
Farm Isolation I Destroyed,
I am glBd t hut the former (sola
tlon of farm Hf' has been destroyed
I am glad that the home of the farm
er is tulw supplied with nil tho lux
uries nnd conveniences of tho ngo
and thnt the city is gradually looking
toward tho plensnnter home in tho
country for Its best recreation nnd
best enjoyment.
"You must cut up your large hold
ings. One man ennnot do Justice to
even 40 ncrcs of this rich Echo land,
while many of them are holding mid
half way cultivating 400 ncres. Ono
man cannot cultivate and care for
tho Immense crops of diversified pro
ducts thnt can bo grown from 40
ncres of this wnrm, rich, sandy land,
nnd mnny of you urn spreading your
selves over 200 and 400 acres. In tho
hopeless endenvor to produce big
crops. There is room for 400 homes
within ii radius of 10 miles of this
city, Instead of the 100 homes now
found here.
Imitating the Patriarchs.
"Mnny Western fnrmors fnrm Just
as Abraham, Isnoc nnd Jacob farmed.
There tins been no progress excopt in
tho manufacture of Implements In
5,000 years. When tho natural grass
of tho country Is exhausted, these
migratory farmers pull up and leave
for nuother virgin field, instead of
planting grass to supply tho deflc
elncy. they leave the country n waste
and go where nature has prepared
another feast for them.
"You must help nature. You must
add n little sense and hrnln work to
the processes of natural growth. Nat
ural resources in nny rich country
will gradunlly decline, If brains nre
not mingled with cultivation to per
petuate the forces of nature.
"Ono of the beat examples of mi
progressive citizenship I remember,
was exhibited In the stato newspa
pers of Minnesota, when the fnrmors
organized a stato dairymen's associ
ation. Tho papers said It wns non
sense to dairy In Minnesota, and
sneeiingly remarked that tho state
dairy association mot In Rochester
this year, but would meet In tho In
sane asylum next. Todny, Minnesota
is the lending dnlry stato In the
Northwest. And to make n good
dnlry country, you miiBt rnlso some
thing besides alfalfa. Alfalfa alono
Is poison to a cow. It makes no but
ter fat, It diminishes tho strength of
the milk, nnd Is dangerous feed. If
fed alone. Mixed with other feed, It
Is one of tho best fornge crops grown.
"The land that will grow such al
falfa as you produco here will grow
anything In abundnnce. This coun
try should 'produce 10 crops of diff
erent varieties where It now produces
(Continued on pngo G.)
Santa Fo Railway Confronted
With tho Greatest Striko in
Its History,
Believed That Nine Thousand Men In
Other Departments of Santa Fe's
Service Will Go Out From Sympa
thyEight Hundred Locked out at
Topcka Officials of the Compa
ny Declare They Will Fight tho
Unions to a Finish Strikes In
Chicago and New York.
Washington, May 1!. A goncrnl
striko of iiiiicIiIuIhIh on the Santa I'o
system hns boon ordered by Prosl.
dent O'Conuull, of the International
Machinists' Association, taking of
feet at It, Western time, this morn
ing. It will nIToct (i,000 momhers di
rectly, and mny result In bringing out
the bollermnkers, blacksmiths iti.
coreworkers In sympathy.
Will Affect 15,000 Men,
Washington, Mny 2. Forecasting
the probable extent of tho striko,
O'Connel says 15,000 men will bo af
fected. All nllled metal workors aro
oxpectcd to quit work. Thero Is no
prospect of tho transiMtrtiitlon depart
ment being crippled nt prosent.
Third Vice-President Kendrlck hns
oxprcHscd a determination to fight
tho striko to n finish.
Lockout at Topeka.
Topekn. Kan., May 2. Eight hund
red employes of t lit) Santa Fo shops
here were locked out this morning
when they roportcd for work. A high
fence encloses the plant. The mou
were taken by surprise.
"A Long, Bitter Fight."
Chlcngo, May 2. Vlco-Presldonf
Wilson, of the Machinists' Union
hdro, says "A tactful policy on the
part of tho company would have
averted a strike. Now It will ho a
long nnd hitter light." He bullovos
the affiliated iinlono will take a hand.
Three Strikes In Chicago.
Chicago, May 2. Tho May Day
strikes hero aro comparatively unim
portant, consisting of 1,700 picture
frame workers, 1,000 hoot and shoo
workers and 500 InikerH.
Party of
Children Out Hunting
Mllo Craig Who Wns
5,000 Out In New York.
Now York, May 2. With tho ox
(option of a striko of 5,000 wagon
a Gun, Discharged It in and carriage makers, thu May Day
Taking It From His Shoulders, the, labor situation of (lothnm Is ono of
Bullet Striking His Friend in the j t'"8 year.
Temple, Killing Him Instantly A Qu,et (n New Ennand,
Funeral This Afternoon. ' Iloston, May 2.No serious labor
! disturbances In New England. Not
Echo. May 2. Craig Thorn, a 12
year-old boy, was Instantly Killed
near here Sunday afternoon by Iho
ni'cldeuful discharge of a rllle, car
ried by .Mllo (irnvcH. another boy.
with whom he was hunting.
The bullet entered the boy's head
just in from of and above tho ear
and piixM'd nut at tho back of tin
head, death being
The boys spent Saturday night at
the home of Robert Tlioin. father of
the dead boy, and went out with a
rllle to hum rabbits uiid view lhe
farm of the TIkuiih. The party of
boys was made up of tho Thorn hoy
the elder liiavex hoy ami Mix two
little brothers.
At first sight of a rabbit , Mllo
(iiavoM. who was currying Iho gun,
took It hurriedly from hln shoulder,
nnd In doing ho, illHehurged It, the
hall striking his companion, who was
walking beside him.
Peter Hhorhhtu, n neighbor, came
by and found tho boys crying over
the body of young Thorn, and linino
dlnlely carried the boy to his home,
a short distance away.
, Craig Thorn wns tho ehli'Ht son of
Ruber' Thorn, the well known farm
er, living iiiiar kciio, ihiii .mho
Droves Is the oldoMt son of K I).
(JrttvoH. (). It. & N. agent al I his
The in new I was Until at tlie M It
church at 2 o'clock this ufteriioon.
by Rev. W. P. Jliipell, mid luler-
UM-llI .look place III Odd i-ollow
cemetery hero.
The accident Is peculiarly anil.
because of Iho fact thai the TIioiik
and Onives were old neighbors and
friends In lowo, and had just renew-
i'l tiieir ncniiii iilnnco and the clillil-
ten were euJoyiiiu one of Ihslr first I
visits after the arrival of the (Iruves
family nt ISchri. o
The Oruvos chlliiren went to .ho
Thorn home after the Mav Dav h -
. - . . . I
nlc on Knitmiuy to npemi min nny on
for many years, has tho labor sltua-
I tlon been ho peaceful.
Grand Guardian In California 8peaks
to Joint Meeting of Woodcraft Clr
cles. Tho Ban Francisco Call of a recent
date contains an excellent address
Instantaneous, delivered by Mrs. C. C. Van OrsdnH,
beroro the Joint meeting of tho Alu
ineda county circles of Woodcruft, ut
Oakland. Cal., a few ilays ago.
The mooting was ono of tho larg
est ever held by tho Wonion of Wood
craft In Oakland, and Mrs. Van Ors
ilayy vus the principal spun lair, tho
subject of her remarks being a re
view of tho order slnco Its foundation.
Editor Sentenced for Rape.
Will In Wnlhi, Mny 2 Saturday
night F. W. I). Mays, the voturun ed
itor and preacher of Pomuroy, begun
a thnio-yeur sontenco In tho state
prison on n charge of criminally as
sault Ing Ponrley May Pursuit, n
young girl aged 15. Mays plouded
guilty to tho charge In tho superior
court at Pomeroy Thursday and
Judge O. I''. Miller, sentenced him to
serve three years In lhe penitentiary
Texas Hailstorm,
Kort Worth. Texas, May 2.
The worst hailstorm In years
swept thfi and adjoining coun
ties last evening, Crops nnd
fruit are rulnod. Ilalla of lco
live inehoB In illanioter crush
ed through tho rQula of Iiouhos
mid traoa woro unrqptc-d. No
llvun urn reported lost. Much
sloplt wan killed. Torrouta
of rain foil utter tho hull,
scouring tho hillside lloldu to
the Hub-soil