0 DAILY EAST O3EG0NIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1904. PAGE THREE. as.,., .HMfr 1 1 ill. m 1 1 1 14 FROM DAY TO DAY Extra Specials in Each Department AT ALEXANDER'S BIG SALE AT THIS SALE YOU CAN BUY GOOD NEW AND RELIABLE MER CHANDISE FOR LESS MONEY THAN DAMAGED GOODS ARE OF FERED FOR. HERE IS A CHANCE TO BLOW YOURSELF: HANDKERCHIEF SALE. LADIES' WHITE HEMSTITCHED, FOUR CORNER EMBROIDERED AND SCALLOPED HANDKERCHIEFS, SUPERIOR QUALITY, REGU LAR VALUE 10c EACH, SPECIAL 6 FOR 25c. LIMIT OF ONLY TO EACH CUSTOMER. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. 150 PAIR LACE CURTAINS AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. NEW LINE PARASOLS. NEW LINE OF LADIES' DENT GLOVES. SIX Alexander Department Store mm.A-.rn f rTTTTTTTTl THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES . m m .m. m m m .m.m.. m.. m. .t..m..m. a. i hi'nti f m m m The trouble with shoes All shoes would be good shoes if you didn't have to wear 'em. The trouble is, you buy them to wear ; and a good many of them certainly are "wearing." Selz Royal Blue shoe is made to wear, not simply to sell. You'll know what that means better than we can tell you, if you wear a pair. Next pair of shoes you buy, get a Royal Blue shoe, on a Footforui last a shoe to wear with comfort, a long time. If your shoe man hasn't it, write to us. CHICAGO. Largest makers of good shoes in the world RIDGE Hi VICINITY STILL MOVING CATTLE INTO MOUNTAIN RANGE Fine Weather (or Spring Farming Operations New Road Boss- School Has Begun In Saulsbury District Mrs. Stanton Dangerously III Returned From Pendleton Rapid Recovery of Patrick Doherty Spring Grain Looks Fine. CANTYS PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT mL nloht Bllllrd- '"8 Alton tI? G?,ler'' Bow- "ey. Throwing Racks. BCd niu'c every evening A'CORNER MAIN ,. WEBB 8TREET8. n j h HORSFS 0?OR SALE 3 or ll? Perchoron Sor WnicuiSS 01 PercUoron stock. t vr. "i SIT DOWN Why put up with so few chairs, or with those rickety ones you should have thrown away some tlmo ago! Wo have a host of now chairs and our prices are not high, Our chairs aro built for service as well as to make a good appear, anco. Carpets, largest and best stock shown In Pendleton. BAKER & FOLSOM Furniture and Carpets Hidge, April 27. George Magaugh ey passed up last week with his cat tie to the mountain range from Mc Kay creek, where he has been win terlng them. Peter Searccy took his herd of cat tie up to Gurdano for summer range having wintered them In tho straw fields out north of Pendleton. W. L. Simonton and Prof. Unk ot Gurdane, made a trip to Pendleton last week after fruit trees and shrub bery. Weather here Is fine for plowing and seeding, being cloudy and mod' eratoly warm and when clear Is very warm. Hyc seems to be doing fine. W. U. Hlnlilo Is road boss, succeed lng G. F. Jones, who has resigned. Miss Katie Bransman of l.lttlc Hut tor creek, Is teaching school at tho Saulsbury school house, abovo Vln son, and Is very successful. Mrs, James Stanton of Nye, Is dan gcrously III nt her home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kopp have moved up from Pendleton, where they have been schooling their chll dren. Their son, Frank, remained be hind to finish up tho term at St. Jus epb's academy. Patrick Doherty of Vinson, who was shot some tlmo ago, was up and and out of bed Sunday. Fruit prospects are fine. Plums are out In full bloom and heavily laden. Most plowing and seeding Is done and some spring grain already up looks nice. CHURCH DEDICATION. Methodists of Athena Will Dedicate Magnificent Building Tomorrow. Athena, prll 30. One of the greatest events In church history In Athena will transpire tomorrow, May 1, when tho new Methodist Episcopal church building will bo dedicated The dedicatory ceremonies will bo Interecsting In the oxtreme, and tho services practically mean an all day meeting. Itemized according to pro gram arrangement tho services are: Morning. 9:00 Informal greeting. 9:30 Organ voluntary. Hymn. Prayer. Anthem by choir. OIL FOR THE BODY You can't lose an atom without feeling it. The body is iike an engine, a watch, a machine ; must be kept in rrvA rrAfr tr run rtnrlir That's the reason Scott s Emulsion is so successful in all wasting diseases. It feeds, nourishes and strengthens when ordinary food won't. Doctors say Scott's Emul sion 5s the best nourishment for those who are not as well as they should be young or old. We'll xnd you a umple (ret upon request. SCOTT & iiOWNE, 41 Pearl Street, New York. GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wqod which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Neuman's Cigar Store. j The French I I Restaurant I 2:45-3:00- and and Scripture lesson. Mnlo quartet. Sermon: lie v. J, S. Ander son. Address: J. W, Powell. Hymn. IJenedlctlon. Afternoon. Meeting of teachers scholars. Sunday school rally young people's meeting, dresses by Mr. Powell others. Evening. C:00 Epworth l.eaguo rally. 7:00 Anthem by choir. Hymn. Prayer. Male quartet. Sermon: Hev. J. S. Aiulo- son. Address: J. W. Powell. Dedicatory service: llev. C. E. Olbson, I). 1)., presiding older of Walla Wnlla dis trict. Benediction. The services will be conducted by men prominent In church work, one of them being Joseph W. Powell, .of lluffalo, N.Y., the eminent churchman who Is known from ocean to ocean as "the most remarKatiio layman in Methodism," n leader In Epworth League and Sunday school work, nn. tlotial organizer of tho Brotherhood of St. Paul, and as a man with spec ial gifts for work among men. He will havo general charge of tho exer cises of the tiny, and will speak at all tho services. , The principal sermons of both morning and evening will be deliver ed by ltov. J. S. Anderson, nnd nt all the meetings nritlresses will ho made by Mr Powell. NEWS OF MILTON DAUGHTER WAS BORN TO HIGBY HARRIS AND WIFE. Visitors From Nebraska Mrs. Nancy Biggs Has Been Quite III Guest Returned to Waltsburg Theater Party Went to Walla Walla to See "The Merchant of Venice." Milton, April 20. Mrs. (J. S. Har ris, who has been here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ira S. Troyer, has re turned to Pomoroy. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nichols, Mrs Bertha Olson and Dr. S. A. Fulton drovo over to Wnlla Walla Wednes day evening to see Chnrles Hanford In "Tho Merchant of Venice." William Biggs and family of Ne braska, are visiting with Mr. Biggs' mother, Mrs. Nancy Biggs, who has been qulto ill. E. I,. Smalley, of Walla Walla came over to attend n session of the A. F. & A. M. Hovs. O. II. (llbbs and W. B, Eakln Messrs. J. H. Gentry, W. O. Teel nnd tho Misses Maud Frazler and Khoda Howard camo homo this evening from Pendleton, where they hnvo been attending tho Sunday school convention. Frank P. Mills of Waltsburg. who has been tho guest of O. O. Ingle, returned homo yesterday. Daughter Was Born. Tho heartB of Mr. and Mrs. Hlgby Iarrls wero gladdened Tuesday ovc- ning by the arrival of a baby girl ur Stomach No appetite, loss of strtngth, nervousness, headache, constipation, bd breath, general debility, tour ris ings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol curst Indigestion. This new dlscovary rtprs tents the natural Julcet ol digestion as they exist In a healthy atomaeh, combined with the greatest known tenia and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs does not only curs In digestion and dyspepsia, but this f amsus remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and atrengthenlng the mucous msmbrajte lining the stomach. Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT aivct Health to the Rick ana Strength to the Weak. Bcttlm only. J 1. 00 Sire hoMlne 2H ttmas tha trill ilia, which Mill (or 30c Prepared by B. C. DeWItt & Co., Caleac. Sold by Tallman & Co. NEW METHODIST CHURCH. Will Site W, Be Built Near Milton, on Donated by C. J. Rogers. Residents of North Milton will, In short tlmo have a new Methodist hurch to be built at a cost of 1,000'. A. M. Teel, of Freewater, Is now soliciting funds for tho erection of tho building, with gootl results, nnd Ib expected to begin tho construc tion In a very short tlmo. Tho slto for tho church lias been donated by J. Kodgers, and tho name of tho church will bo tho Sunnysltlo Metho dist church. It will bo located about two and a half miles north of tho city of Freewater. Tho church now has tho largest Sunday school membership of any country church In tho county, nnd Is In a flourishing condition financially and spiritually. Are You a Dyspeptic? If you aro a dyspoptlc yu owe It to yourself and your friends to get well. Dyspepsia annoys tho dyspep tic's friends because his disease sours his disposition as well as Ills stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will not only euro dyspepsia, Indigestion and sour stomach, but this palatable reconstructive tonic dlgestant strengthens tho wholo dlgestlvo ap paratus, and sweetens tho life as well as the stomach. Whon you tako Kodol Dyspopsla Cure the food you cat Is onjoyed. It Is digested, assimilated and Its nutrient proper ties appropriated by tho blood and tissues. Health Is the result. Sold by Tallman & Co. Best 25 Cent Meal in the City Private Dining Parlors. Elegant Furnished Rooms Connection. In For sale at the East Oregonlan office-Large bundles of contalnlno ovar 100 blc Ppera, can be had for 25c a bundle. i.ewtpapers GUS LnPONTAINE, Prop. C33 Main Street. Graduate Optician, Ida Dohrendt. of tho Baker City Optical Company, will bo In town for ono week. She Is a graduato of tho Philadelphia College and McCor. mlck's Collogo, of Chicago. Tho doc tor comes highly recommended. All work guaranteed. Eyes examined free. Bickers Hotel, Cured 20 People, Sorgt. C. O. nummol of the 2Cth United Slates Coast Artillery writes from Fort Flagler, Wash., TrJj is doing ory flno work among tho poo plo hero. I know of twenty portions hero who wero cured of ti.o Drink Habit. I toko pleasure In recom mending it r.s a euro for tho Liquor and Tobacco Habits, Tallman & Co., local agonts, SHERWIN & WILLIAMS PAINT ONLY PLACE TON TO IN PENDLE. GET IT. PAINTERS' MATERIALS ALL KINDS. OF E. J MURPHY Court St, TO MEET THE EYE of thoso with oyo troubles this adver tisement is Inserted, It is our business lo mako eyo tests, proscribe a cure for defective sight and o provide tho necessary EYEGLA8SE8 OR SPECTACLES. For tho test of the prescription we charge nothing If glasses are or dered hero and for tho glasses our prices aro only reasonable. Wo mako a complete examination, using tho best of tho lnt Improved instruments. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Postolflce Block. Lumber and Building Materials If you aro .arranging to build or mako Improvements, come and see us for your lumber. Our stock Is large and well solocted. Wo want to flguro with you on your lumber bill. We make sash, doors and blinds. Pendleton Planing Hills ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICE A. J, BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINOS Ooods taken best of rare of. Lenta orders at Tnuttch't. 'l'liour, Main 1-71. - v t ,Tf a- Kl tl.