PAQE EIGHT. DAILV EA8T OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904. Correct Clothes for Men 00 D taste in dress is very de sirable ; it's an assetcverywherc. The most stylish garment is really the simplest; the oopyrtebt toj, A.Rfioo. best-dressed man actually the This label least conspicuous. Iffed fjenjamin & ( MAKERS Sfr NEWyoRK identifies the Famous " Correct Clothes for Men" America's criterion of correctness for more than a quarter century. Equal to lint custom-made In all but price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every tfarment. We art Exclusive Distributors in this city. The Peoples Warehouse The Leading Clothiers PENDLETON, OREGON FIGHTING THE DUST If HOW O. R. & N. PASSENGER CARS ARE KEPT CLEAN. Cars on Spokane Branch Are Swept Out by Compressed Air Under 70 Pounds Pressure Woodwork Is Rubbed With Chamois Skin and Every Effort Made to Keep Cars Fresh and Clean Pendleton 8po. ' kane Branch Dirtiest Piece of Track in Oregon or Washington. SHERWIN & WILLIAMS PAINT ONLY PLACE IN PENDLE TON TO GET IT. PAINTERS' MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. E. J MURPHY Court St. BPI TO MEET THE EYE of those with oyo troubleb thla ndvor tlflement Is inserted. It Is our business to mako eye tests, prescribe a cure for defective Bight and o provide the necessary EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES. For the test of the prescription wi charge nothing If glasses are or dered hero and for tho glasses our prices are only reasonable. We mako a complete examination using the best of tho lato Improved Instruments. GLENN WLNSLOW Jeweler and Optician Postoffice Block. Lumber and Building Materials If you are arranging to build or moke improvements, como and see t for your lumber. Our stock Is Jarge and woll selected. Wo want to figure with you on your lumber Ml). Wo make sash, doors and blinds. Pendleton Planing Mills ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor. Corner Webb and College. The public knows very little about tho efforts of the great railway sys tems to make travel as comfortable and pleasant as possible. People who kick about dusty, dirty tourist cars on the main lines, often con clude that the conditions In those through cars are representative of tho general standard of cleanliness on the entire system. A brief narrative of tho care of the passenger cars on the O. II. & N. Spokane branch run, in this city, will put this matter in a now light boforo many patrons of the roads. Tho cars that make up trains Nos. 7 and 8, running between this city and Spokane, are set on the side track here, In the evening, and a force of men is put nt work renovat ing, sweoping, dusting, cleansing seats, carpets and cushions with compressed air, and when tho cars are ready for the trip back to Spo kane In the morning, they are as fresh and clean us if they had just como from 'the factory. A hoso Is connected with the air pumps In tho roundhouse, and a force of compressed air, under 70 pounds pressure is used through a small nozzle, to force every particle of dust from tho plush cushions every night. The carpets on the floor of the cars are beaten, the floors are scrubbed and the outsldes of the cars washed off with water under a high pressure. Then after the dust has been forced out with the compressed air, overy seat and corner of the car Is carefully dusted and the windows loft open until the cars are fresh and now for each trip. The woodwork Is all wiped with chamois skin. This process of cleansing is re peated overy night. The cars on this train make 240 miles each day, over the dustiest section of roadbed on the O. U. & N. system, from Pendle ton to Spokane, and while the cars are covered with dust and the inside fixtures are specked over with Uma tilla county real estate, before tho train reaches Adams, the company makes every reasonable effort to keep them clean. The same care Is exercised at the terminals on main line cars, but tho longer runs that they must cover, makes It seem that they never get a general cleaning. One of tho most important departments at tho termi nal stations Is that which has charge of the repair and care of the passen ger train equipment. Of lato years the company has put I Economy I Brand I I Evaporated I I Cream I goes farthest, because It Is most concentrated; H is most nourishing, because richest In cream; most perfect, because most skillfully prepared. Its purity is guaranteed under forfeit of $5,000 to anyone able to prqve AV, B any adulteration In our AWk EXTRAORDINARY ONE DAY SALE OF- Ladies' and Misses' Skirts Tomorrow, (Saturday), will lio our groat. SKLKT .sale, when ovor 400 Indies' mid misses' Skirts will ho on display. They will ho offered to you for lmlow their real value for just this one day. We want to maie Saturday tho higgeat Skirt Day in the history of the store. You arc invited to como early to avoid the cromls in flu; afternoon. Plenty of experienced salesladies will he pleased n show you through tins section. Following Are Reductions for Saturday $ -l-.OO Skirts, all the now spring novelties, Saturday ' $ 3.25 $ fi.OO Skirls, all wool novelties, hlnok, hlue and grey Drilliantines, Saturday $ 4.15 $ 11.00 Skirts, hlaek, hlue and brown broadcloth and novelties, Saturday , ,$4 .55 .$ 7.00 Skirts, Voiles, black and hlue, broadcloths and etainines, Saturday $ 5.50 $ S.00 Skirts, etainines, broadcloths and novelties, Saturday $ G.40 $ 11.00 Skirts, voiles, etainines and some beautiful light-colored novelties, Saturday 7.05 .$10.00 Skirts, Henrietta voiles, shir-top in hlue, black, tan and white, Saturday $8.50 $12.00 Skirts, Henrietta voiles, shir-top in sunburst, Saturday ' $9.75 $15.00 Skirts, only a few in black voiles, beautifully made, Saturday $ 9.75 $.'12.00 Skirts, only a few in black voiles, silk drop skirt, Saturday $10.50 MISSES' SKIRTS $2.25 .Misses' Skirts, all lengths, light color, Saturday $1.85 $!.00 Misses' Skirts, all lengths, blue and novelties, Saturday $2.25 $3.50 .Misses' Skirts, all lengths, blue trimmed with white braid, Saturday $2.S5 $-1.00 Misses Skirts, brilliantine, in blue, tan and grey, Saturday $3.15 $4.50 .Misses' Skirts in new, swell novelties, Saturday 1 $3.C0 ALTERATIONS FREE, PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Lee Teutsch's Department Store CORNER MAIN AND ALTA STREETS HORSES FOR SALE One 2-ycar-old Porchoron stallion, will sol or trndo; also about 25 hoaJ of young horses of Forchoron stock. For particulars boo C. E, Hooror, Pondloton, Or. Dally East Oreponlan, by carrier, only 15 cents per week. REAL ESTATE SOME GOOD PROPERTY TO OWN $5,000 lCO-acro ranch near tho city so acres In wheat. 20 in alfalfa, CO bearing fruit trees. Much small fruit. Good buildings of all sorts. I'lenty of water always. 9 son Twn intn with eood house: a corner; East 01 .Main street; ciusu In: beaut mil location. Kasy terms. 9 nrxv Plvfi.mnm house, nearly now: cornor; dozen young iruit irooa. Flno brick collar, sower In. West of Main street nnd very close in. Kino location. TOrnis. fhrtn nuartor sections of best ,i,..n( lnml near Pendleton. Theso quarter sections llo adjoining each other nnd nro all under cultivation. Good six-room house, barns, stablos, sheds, blacksmith shop, Plonty of wntor nt all .times. Call nnd seo us about tho price. Fine stock ranches, choice vacant Mtv lots on which wo will loan you money to build. BOYD & TURWEH c.,nir.r tn E. D. Boyd. Insurance, Real Estate, Loans 111 Court Street Pendloton a porter on all the main line trains, whose duty is to clean up tho cars, over each division, sweep out and dust off the seats, In addition to tho regular largo force constantly em ployed in tho cleaning department at the terminals. The Oregon Short Line tried an experiment a few years ago, in sprinkling their track with crude oil to keen down tho dust, but It was unsatisfactory and costly, and was Anally abandoned. Outside of tho Short Lino track through Idaho, the Pendleton-Spokane branch Is tho dustiest piece of road in tho west, according to all railroad records. A IN QUEEN GIT! OF MANCHURIA HOW FUNDS ARt RAISED. Gentle Hint to Federal Office Holders to "Dig Up." The San Francisco Examiner pub. lishes a facsimile of a circular sent nut by tho central commltteo of tho republican organization In Hawaii, asking for a contribution to tho cam palgn fund. Tho little document Is sent to ov ery person holding a federal ofllco In the territory of Hawaii nnd roads as follows: "Honolulu, T. II., March 1, 1901. "Dear Sir: "As t Is nearlng tho time for terri torial elections, nnd tho republlcnn imrty will bo In need of funds to con duct the coming campaign, It Is thought best to ask for small per sonal subscriptions, so that tho bur don will bo removed from tho few. "Good republicans will readily reC' ognlze that It Is not only tneir fl tianclal assistance, but tho hearty co operation of all that Is necessary for success. "A subscription of two per cent (2) of your salary should not prove n burden to you, If paid monthly, and you are asked to subscribe this amount. (Signed.) "COMMITTEE. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of thla paper will be pleased tn Irani that there In at least one dread ed disease that science lias been able to cure lo all Its stages, and that Is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only punitive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, acting directly on tne dioou rnu innrnim surfaces of the system, thereby .iMtmvlnir the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by build ing up tne constitution nnu unuiwii u tun in iintriL- Its work. The nronrletors linre so much faltb In Us curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It (alls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address: . r Hold by DrugKlst. price 70c. Take Hall's Family Mils for constipa tion. iinooin. fnllnnrnil hv nnuiimonla. la muuflibn ....... -. alarmingly provalont In Now York City. Within tho past olght wooks there have been 1,630 cases, of which ni u,nrn fntol. terminating In 135 deaths from pneumonia. Tho great war shadow which for weeks has overhung tho turbid wa ters of tho Yellow Sea Is at last be ginning to movo across the frosty Manchurlan plains, and bit by bit comes tho news which enables us to guess something of the strategy of tho coming grand encounter. The railways of Manchuria aro like a great capital T on the map of tho country. Tho flat top part crosses the province from the Siberian rail way on tho loft to Vladivostok on tho right, and from the middle drops the upright stalk, COO miles long, which leads to Port Arthur. At tho mlddlo point, In the very center of Manchuria, stands Harbin, where General Alexloff will go on concentrating his great array till tho time comes to mnkc a movo In tho spring. From Harbin to the sen aro two lines of railway, both of them practically lovel all tho way. The fiOO miles of lino to Port Ar thur has no gradient of moro than 1 In 110, nnd tho 350 miles to Vladivo stok havo no point steeper thnn 1 in 75. Up both theso railways It Is clear, Japan" Is propaVIng to rush toward, the Russian centor. Sho Is attacking Vladivostok and also Isolating it by aiming at tho railway Inland from Posalot bay. From Takushan in tho Korean bay she is seeking to Isolate Port Arthur by cutting tho other lino at Llaoy. ang, 200 miles north, and also cut ting tho lino of communication of tho Husslan troops on tho Yalu, whfch leaves tho railway at Llaoy- ang. It Is clear, that tno Hussion gon- oral, Instead of advancing gayly Into Korea, will havo to conconirato 111s whole forces at Hnrbln and await tho onslaught of tho foe. Tho Blego of Port Arthur will bo but an Incl-'dent. What is this city whoro ltussia will resist to tho death tho effort to drive her out of the Far East? Wo havo all heard of tho wondorful way in which Ilussla has conjuroa up tho cities of Port Arthur, Dalny nnd Vladivostok, for theso places aro on tho sea, whoro any travolor may note tholr progress. Loss has boon torn 01 tiarmn, 1110 central point whero ltussia has with wondorful foresight boon creating . 1... n.,ttn! Hint ntm IntnndR flhnll UIU ...v " - . form one of tho greatest markets of all the fertile east. Half a dozen years ago, when a great army of Husslan and native workers were unrolling tho Manchu rlan railway over the plain so fast that the construction train hardly came to a standstill, wbon each day found the railroad three or four miles nearer the Pacific, there was no Harbin. Not oven a native vlllngo marked the place. It was moroly a point on the banks of the Snngarl river run ning northward toward Its junction with tho mighty Amur. Hut whim TltiHsIn throw ticross the stream a ninny-piered hrldgo of stone nnd steel nnd tne railway uegnn i move forward in two dlreetlous, iinnrliumril an wnll nH In the east, the junction soon became a place of note. It was a slto Tor 0 great city which oven Ebonczer Howard would have envied. For hundreds of miles round about tho great plain teemed with wealth of many Kinds wheat and oats and barloy, beans nnd millet and hemp, tobacco nnd timber, vege tables nnd fruit. There was abundnnt grnzlng with in easy reach. And nil this wealth naturally found Its entrepot nnd common market just ,at this point. Tho ilirnn rnllwnvs. one to Uussia, ono to tho Pacific nnd ono to the Yellow Sea, made tho whole province naturally feed tho trndo of Harbin. Besides this there was tho Sun garl, Its winding course through tho plain navigable for 200 miles above Inr mnlh n Hnrbln. mid (llirlllg seven months of tho year giving ac cess to tho Amur, Asia's great tpry highway to tho oast, Diiooln nrnmntlV set to WOrk tO seo that Harbin should bo built on sensible lines from the outset should bo planned boforo it was built. Sho dotormlned that tho town should bo purely missian uuu already It Is bolng called tho "Mos cow of tho East." For miles around tho land has boon secured, and only Ilusslans or Chinese may own lnnd, mako build ings or carry on any pormanent bus lnoss In or near It. In 1901 the Rus slan population was 12,000; in May, 1003, 44,000, nnd last October, 60, 000. without counting soldiers. Japanoso. Austrlans, Crooks, Turks and nil other races only numbered 700. Tho Chlnoso population totnlod 40,000, In a soparato sottlemcnt. T .Imitnnnn t V. G. Lowls. of tho ar tillery branch of tho regular army, who was supposed to havo suicided at San Francisco, has turned up nt Chicago. Ho Is technically guilty of desortlon. Insure Rename ton That pay their promptly. Our stand at the head ol (JO Aiiinnrp ARSurance Co London & Lancashire M Insurance Co M.ti, iirituh Mercutla Co Royal Insurance Co. ssnivn 1,1 1 I 1I AGENT. tVT IT 112 EA& wv' - ; GOOD AH Kfofa w 1 ; I have goou , ! ,v,;rh is delivered ! reasonable ps J For Cash. W. C. MINNIS orders u Cigar Store. imtvc PARLORS I .AH I I J " w 1 mis ... H OP'" Mi miw rum, w - ,uifl Inn Alleys, inrv"-. it Good mmle v,r hi CK - AND WEB" Under W. - Tho San Doratngnn roholllou has broken out anow after It was sup posed to havo ooon cnuuu ; , sooulehod. Tho last sotto resuitoii in a govornmont dofoat and loss of 41 mon killed and 1C wounded. Ladles' roiiable. "Lkne ,imRH Mo. I'roP. IW A O, Koepi""