East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 29, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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t'ubllshed every nfternoon (except Sunday)
nt Tenillcton, Oregon, by the
'Dally, one year by mull ,..$5.00
Dally, six months by mall 2.B0
.Dally, three months by mall ...... 1.2.1
Dally, ouu month by mail SO
Dally, per month by rarrlar 00
Weekly, one year by mall l.fSO
Weekly, six months by mnll 70
Weekly, four months by mall SO
Semi-Weekly, one year by ranll .... 2.00
Semi-Weekly, six months by mall .. 1.00
Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . .00
Scrlpps-Mcllac News Assocln-
The l'.ast Orcgonlan Is on sale nt 11. II.
ulcus .now stands, at Hotel rortland
anil Hotel Perkins, rortland, Oregon.
Snn Francisco llttrenti, -108 Fourth St.
Chlcaco llurenn, 1)00 Security llulhlini;.
Washington, 1). C, llurenn, 001 1 Itli
St.. X. W.
Telephone, Main 11.
Kntered at Pendleton postofnee as second
class matter.
Life Is a privilege. Like some
rare rose
The mysteries of the human
mind unclose.
Wliat marvels Ho In earth anil
air and sea!
What stores of knowledge
wait our opening koy!
What sunny roads of happi
ness lend out '
Beyond the realms of indo
lence and doubt!
And what large pleasures
smile upon and bless
The busy avenues of useful
ness! Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
would decorate human history If tho
surround lugs of tho mother wore such
that she could center her montal en
orgy on tho creation of a certain
type of character, and bo uninter
rupted In that holy plan.
A false modesty and n criminal lg.
nornnco dotera families from study.
Ing tho vital laws of nature. Parents
bewail the sad misfortunes that aro
visited upon them In the dispositions
and talutvts, or lack of talent, in thol
children, and through misplaced and
misguided faith often decide that
a cripple or nu Idiotic child is a vial
tatlon of divine providence upon
them, when It Is a result of their own
Ignorant transgression of the slm
plest laws of nature.
There would bo more Davenports
If there were more mothers llko Dav
enimrt's. There would be more ex
alted geniuses In tho world if drudg
ery, abuse, unsympathetic surround
ings and miserable lives wero not the
lot of the mothers.
One of the most thrilling examples
of local option that can be recalled
Is told by Rev. T. II. I). Anderson, of
Shelbina, JIo., now conducting the
South Methodist revival In this city
In Shelby county, Missouri, a county
of 20,000 population, there Is not a
solitary saloon. In the past four
years there have been but three prls
oners In the county Jail and they
wore boys Imprisoned for some minor
offense, nnd the general citizenship
of that county averages higher than
that of any other county In the state
The people of Shelby county have
been permitted to select their own
moral surroundings, and this Is the
result. Instead of a malicious law
placing the granting of liquor licenses
In the hands of two and three men,
on county or city boards, the people
themselves choose what they will
have In the community. It is simply
an expression of the majority rule,
which every American Is proud to
support. Oregon should hasten to
adopt this wise nnd liberal plan and
placo the power In the hands of tho
It will ho uows to the democratic
party of Umatilla county to learn
that the Morning Tribune discovered
C. P. Strain, the present county as-
The chief story in ..ie life of Ho
mer Davenport hns never been told
from the platform nor in the press.
It deals with the very foundations j I)e0ple whore it belongs.
or ins talent ami tne sources or nis
versatility as an artist. It is a story
that should he read by every mother
in the land, as it effects the creation
of character In your children and un
derlies the, very genius, that you sessor. If tho memory of the voters
transmit to them. 's correct, the Tribune supported and
During the civil war and after, I helped, elect Mr. Strain's predecessor
Davenport's mother was an admirer ! whose policy of assessment drove tho
of the cartoons and sketches of people to select Mr. Strnln In opposl
Thomas Nast, the great cartoonist of! tlon to the Tribune and Its Candida o,
the civil war period. She was so luo years ago. Tho Tribune's empty
deeply infatuated with the work of talk about Its sincerity In advocating
this man that she thought or It con-j higher assessments will sound all tho
stautly. pored over it, and busied "' hollow now, that It opposes the
her mind with it continually. very man who carried Into effect Its
Before the hirth of her son. Homer, alleged principles. .Thinking voters
she said to her husband time and are invited to explain its flop.
time again, that
.ie chief pride and
pleasure of life would be to raise a
son to equal or excel Nast as a sketch
artist. That all the tense energy and
aspiration or her being was centered
In the hope or a son with a talent
or drawing.
She was imbued with her subject,
.became wrapped up In It, devoted to
The growing tendency among all
the labor organizations is towartl ul
timate socialism. In Germany, that
tendency has expressed Itself in a
large number of members of the
relchstag. In tho Now Englnnd
cities it has found expression in
mayors and members of tho legisla
tures. In the West it is driving men
quest. 'That is a rather scarco book,'
came tho roply. 'Aro you proparod
to pay a fair price for UV For Just
a second Field was tuken aback;
then ho said: 'Certainly; certainly;
I know It's rare.'
"Tho man stepped to a case, took
out a cheaply bound volume, and
handed It to Field saying: 'Tho prlco
Is $G." Field took it norvously, open
ed to tho title page, and road In cor
rect print, "The Poems of Mtb, Feli
cia Hcnmns, selected nnd arranged,
with all objectionable passages ox
clsed by Oeorgo Ycnowlne, editor of
Isaac Watts for the Homo, tho Fire
side, Hannah More,' etc., with the
usual publisher's name and date at
the bottom.
"Flold glanced up at tho bookseller
Ho stood there the very picture of
sad solemnity.
'"I'll take it,' said Field faintly,
producing the money.
"Outside Ycnowlne was missing.
At his olllco the boy Bald he had Just
loft, saying that ho was going to
Standing flock, South Dakota, to
keep an appointment with Sitting
"Field took tho first train for Chi
cago. On the way a careful examin
ation of his purchase showed that
tho original title page had been re
moved and the present one skillfully
Andrew Carnegie has been making
some allusions to Dritnin's deendonce
and the decline of her trade. To
which the Toronto Globe responds:
"One thing Is certain about Britain's
Iron Industry, her people cannot bo
cajoled into taxing themselves to
produce a Mr. Carnegie."
If roses know the song of death
To whlqh lone autumn sets the tune,
They would not waste their bloom
and breath,
Hut die In June.
If butterflies but know the splnsh
Of raindrops on such dnlnty things,
Like Jewels, they would no longer
Hut fold their wings.
If swnllows know the foaming crest
Of tho great wind-lnshed waves at
Thoy would not stay and build their
Hut haste their flight.
If know- the velvet-coated bee
His golden bags for man wero stored,
Ho would not work so eagerly.
Hut spill his hoard,
If youth but know tho falling sight
And weariness that old age brings,
It would not speed Time in his flight
Hut clip his wings.
And If you know tne heart's dull pain
When Love is part of yesterday,
You would not spurn him, dear, again,
Dot bid him stay.
Constance Tntrers,
Tutullltt. April 25.
lit i si TIC-
will save you money. You get
nothing but llrst-clnes dry woou
i -I...... nn.nAiinil linn f rrl villi
j A
4 dirt proof Kommoror Coal of
'Phono Main 1121.
Savings Dank Building.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maue oy in.
I Kilmer's Swamj
I Root, the great kid
L ney, liver and blad
Z der remedy.
fG It is the lreat med-
i, ical triumph of the
I iff
1 M '
L nineteenth century ;
I iltv-nvr.lnflerveiirK
r-F&sH "f scientific research
L- by Dr. Kilmer, the
it, and centered her mental energy . .,, ., ,. .,,. Hi ' eminent kidney aim
on that theme . i- , MaMer specialist, ami is womlcriuiiy
! graceful scenes as tho Coeur d'Aleno M,ccessful in promptly curuii; lame back.
After tho child was born she de- and the Colorado "bull poiw." AH tho' uric acid, catarrh of the Rladder and
termlned to give him free swing n ,e8 , tno hanll8 or tho work. ' "hl's Djsea" "I'.ch . the worst
his inclinations toward this art. She ,f thoy wI, lrect that form ofUdne c'.Root is )lol r(;c.
made It a study, to direct his youth- ur ,ntell,KOntly and aisbar all ommemled for everything but if you have
ful fancies toward sketching. His . . . oIements 00(1 govern.1 ii'luey. liver or bladder trouble lit wl be
first nlavthlmrs wero nonclls and his violent elements, goon govern . remedy you need. It has
first pla things wtro pencils, and nis ment )g wUhn the,r Krafip " tested in to many ways, in hospital
first directed movements were to work nml ; j,rjVate practice, and has
make marks on a white floor, over The wool market lu Umutllla proved so successful in every case that a
which he crawled on his hands and county will be favorable to tho grow- ipecial arrangement has been made by
I which all readers of this paper, who hac
fluiees. lers Just as thoy stand by their or' . nol airea,iy tried it, may have a sample
Her life was wrapped up In the ganization and observe the binding bottle sent free by mail, also a Ijook tell
genius of this child. She hoped to obligation to hold their wool un"!,!"
see him become an artist and had sales day. If tho cream Is skimmed j'. Wi,i writiiiir mention reading this
bullded for that career before and off by private purchases, before tho ( ?enerous offer in this paper and send your
after his birth. sales, tho remainder must bo sold j address to Dr. Kilmer
When Homer was 3 years old this i0w and the strength of tho organl-. & Co., 8l,""ll";
, . 1 1 1 .... mmi i IN- - The regular
uuvuieu muiiiei iiicu. nui , zaiiuii in iiiuiciiimt, i fiftv.cent and one-
wastetl. atana ny your uuiuu. mu dollar size uoiuea arc -
Will be in Pendleton Sat
urday, April 30th, 1 90.4,
at Dutch Henry's Feed
Yard to buy Horses and
mares from 1000 to 1400
Must be gentle, fat, and
broke to all harness
Don't object to age and
small wire cuts
was unfinished. Her last request was
that he be encouraged in this chosen
art. Tho last lingering hope that
hound her to earth was for tho com-
pletion of her Ideal, In tho character
and talent of this baby,
His struggling nature that was tho
laughing stock of tho untutored gen
oration that surrounded his youth,
was the resistless genius of that en
lightened mother, striving for oxpres-
All the efforts of father and neigh
bors to force Homer Davenport Into
ffarming or somo other "useful" occu
pation, when ho was a boy, was en
ergy wasted, because the maternal
plans had been founded in his nature
too deeply for nny successful inter
ruption. Tho tnlents of mon aro not tho re
sult of chanco. The laws of nature
admit of tho most mlnuto manipula
tion, In building for good or bad,
usoful or degraded in human charac
ter. Every mother can direct tho
genius ot her child if alio will. Na
ture Is at her disposal, and alio can
slid jio tho budding life after hor own
Tills is a plain, unvarnished story,
but it affects Immunity.
Jloro great mon nnd great women
market Is organized against you. Or
ganize to meet It.
Kugono Field was an Incorrigible
joker, but ho occasionally met his
enual. as tho following llttlo Inci
dent related by tho Saturday Eve
ning Post goes to show: "One of
Eugene Field's favorite Jokes was to
enter a bookstore where ho was not
known, and in a solemn almost sop
ulchral manner, ask for a copy of
an expurgated edition of Mrs. He
man's poems. On tho booksollor's
roply that ho had novor hoard of
such a thing Field would look at him
with an expression of mingled sad
noss, surpriso nnd mild Indignation,
nml then solemnly stalk out. Ono
day a fow years after going to Chi
cago, ho visited iuuwuuKuu huh
chanced to fall in with his nowspa
per frlond, Oeorgo Ycnowlne.
"Thoy wore walking along tho
streot, when .Yenowino suddenly halt
ed lu front of a bookshop nnd said:
Eugono, tho proprietor of this placo
is the most serious man I over know.
Ho novor saw n Jolo in his lire,
wniii.in't It bo n good chanco to try
again for that oxpurgatcd Mrs. Horn-
mi 8
"Without a word Fiold entered, his
frlond staying outsldo, asked for the
proprietor, who certainly appeared to
bo all that Yonowlne had pictured
him, and thon made tho usual re
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot,
and the address, Binahaiutou, N. Y., oo
every bottte.
AbJoIurePurUy, Finesr Flavor,
GrtateJi 5trn$lh,RM0iY&bl Prices.
Oooda tflktn best of care of. tan
orders at Teutich'f. Tuone, Main ll!TX.
I TT'I l i
fuT iBifi JuTi ifnTi A ifnfi --- "--
Side Hill Combined
The latest improved two-wheel, slde-hlll combined harvester has
proven a boon to wheat raisers. It is 'ho most successful, most
economical and easiest machine to operate over built.
These harvesters have been glvon abundant trials right hero at
home and all users are highly pleased. None have been dissatisfied
and all are high in their praise.
Tho Holt slde-hlll harvester on a side hill is able to stick to
tho side of the hill, while the header will slip down the hill. The
main wheols aro vertical, which braces the machine to the side
hills. It works equally adapted to lovol land.
Tho Holt harvesters are sold exclusively in this section by
2i& Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon
jj All extras for Holt machines on hand.
Used with enthusiastic satisfac
tion throughout the civilized world.
A useful and n ndsomo book which
tells how to ahavo comfortably, sent
for the aaklno. R. H. Lewis, Distrib
utor, Echo, Or. $1.00 postpaid,
Made 'to order. Building
per, lime, cement. farUt. ...
sand, wood flutters for barm
unu uweinngs a specialty.
I Lumber Yard
L Ft t
i ua oireei, opp. .rt Hou,e,
If you aro Interested In mi !
Painting, see us. Our line li !
We make a specialty ol i
framing PICTURES. Newest J
stock of frames.
Opora House Block.
Business Chances
ONE DRUG STOR .ur tile
at whatever stock Invoices.
Approximately $2,000.00. Busi
ness last year amounted to
over $5,000.00. This Is a splen
did opportunity to buy a good,
profitable business.
BUSINESS centrally loceted
at whatever stock Invoices,
and a small additional sum
for the good will of the busi
ness. Business of last year
amounted to $IG,GG0. Has a
lease of four years on the
Lulldlng .- in.
Merchants Protective
Despalu Building, Room 13,
Tolophono Black 11C1.
We do only good work ana
at right prices.
Our facilities are unexcelled.
We are experienced in the bus
iness, and all work recelres
our personal attention.
Neatness and promptness.
No matter what you
in painting or papernanglnj.
we'll do the highest grade or
work. Inuoor and outdoor
I Wilson & Carnine
Shop on Cottonwood street.
Ti.. 'Phone,
near Neagie "
Black 1043.
Miss Carlson's
Art Parlors
at. Alexander Department Store
My stock of new 6oA t
fancy work Is more comply
than over. Beautiful ne de
signs In Pillow tops, w
stitched linens, tinted cen W
piece's, poster pillow tops.
est designs in Baffla
burnt wood, bead work. (
rlffo work nnd all W
stamping for shirt W
Free lessons given to
persons purchasing w
worth of goods, wmem
you will nnd mo at A
dor Department Store.