TEN PAGE8' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1904. 49C "iche, VJ rl 'ods. ltardayJ I :: :: FROM DAY TO DAY Extra Specials in Each Department AT ALEXANDER'S BIG SALE AT THIS SALE YOU CAN BUY GOOD NEW AND RELIABLE MER CHANDISE FOR LESS MONEY THAN DAMAGED GOODS ARE OF FERED FOR. HERE IS A CHANCE TO BLOW YOURSELF: HANDKERCHIEF SALE. LADIES' WHITE HEMSTITCHED, FOUR CORNER EMBROIDERED AND SCALLOPED HANDKERCHIEFS, SUPERIOR QUALITY, REGU LAR VALUE 10c EACH, SPECIAL 6 FOR 25c. LIMIT OF ONLY SIX TO EACH CUSTOMER. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. 150 PAIR LACE CURTAINS AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. NEW LINE PARASOLS. . NEW LINE OF LADIES' DENT GLOVES. Alexander Department Store THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES j ...,,,.ll......l.l.I.l..Hww4 M-M-tc-n-M-H' 1 1 i i-i" h-h-w-h SIT DOWN Why put up with so foy chairs, or with those rickety ones you should havo thrown away somo time ago? Wo have a host of now chairs and our prices are not high. Our chairs aro built for servlco as woll as to make a good appear ance. Carpets, largest and best stock shown In Pendleton. BAKER & FOLSOM Furniture and Carpets j The French I Restaurant Best 25 Cent Meal In the City i-nvaic uinmg ranors, FAVORS BUILDING BUT WHAT WILL BE THE ATTITUDE OF THE CITY? Vice-President McCabe Is Friendly, But Cautious, and Evidently Not Disposed to Take Everything for Granted New Building May Be Built on Lines of a Business House. Walter Adams, agent of tho W. & C. It., is In receipt of a letter from Josoph McCabe, vice-president, stat ing that he would favor tho build ing of a passenger depot on tho com pany's property at the corner of' Webb and Garden streots If ho was' sure that the city would bo and re main friendly to tho company. The city once raised a great deal of objection to tho company using the street for switching, nnd the man agement would have to be certain that there would be no trouble about the trains halting and standing oppo site tho depot before an exclusively passenger building would bo put up. It Is almost a certainty that tho company will build on Its property. but it may be that It will see fit to construct a brick store building, so that In the event of Its having to abandon the place for any reason It could rent the structure for n busi ness house, nnd thus bo at no loss. Mr McCabe will bo in town In n fow days, when definite arrange ments will be made about the futuro headquarters of the company here. OREGON TIMBER IN FRANCE. American Consul General Tells of Demand for Our Pine. American Consul General It. I. Skinner at Marseilles, France, sends the following Interesting report on tho demand for Oregon pine In Frnnce: "Replying to Inquiries respecting a possible market for Oregon pine and California redwood In this por tion of France. I havo to say that both woods are more or less known Elegant Furnished Rooms In Connection. GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. C33 Main StreeL wnat Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises In tho family -very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. Noboilingl nc nuking 1 ndd boiling water nnd set to ;ool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp erry and Strawberry. Get a package -t vour grocers to-dav. io cts. In Marseilles nnd can bo sold hero in small quantities. "Unrorttinntcly, It has been Impos sible up to this time to sccuro de livery In the small quantities de sired, owing to dtftlcult freight con ditions. Mr, A. Sylvnnder informs mo that In order to transport this lumber to the Mediterranean upon reasonable terms, uhlps sufficiently large to carry from 1600 to 2000 loads of GO cubic foot each must ho chartered. "The existing nnnunl market in Marseilles amounts to not more than 100 loads, or 5,000 cubic feet. lluy ers aro exceedingly conservative and Mr. Sylvnnder sees no prospect of vastly Increasing demand. Oregon pine could be used in shipbuilding centers, nnd redwood should find some market In Spain where a light wood Is desired, "Some Oregon pine was onco pur chased by n large dealer In Cette. who was six years in closing out tho consignment; and while high prices wero realized ho was discouraged from purchasing n second lot. "While this report Is rather dis couraging, it seems to mo that Amor Icen manufacturers, by acquainting themselves with tho Mediterranean market, might make up enough com bination orders to constitute a good Blzcd cargo, to bo distributed among the several markets In this vicinity ns, for example, Nnples, Leghorn, Genoa, Marseilles, Cotto and llarco lona. "Large quantities of southern l'lno are taken up In this market, but, ns I havo frequently stated, the pur chases aro almost Invariably made through one or two Important llrltlsh firms. Tho experience of local deal ers In undertaking direct transac tions has been unsatisfactory, and they aro disinclined to tnnko nny further experiments, lly operating with llrltlsh middlemen thoy perhaps pay a little more, but nllego that they theroby acqulro a satisfactory method of quickly ndjustlng all pos sible claims for poor deliveries," NEWS OF ATHENA CELEBRATION WAS A GREAT SUCCESS. Will Be a Cashier in Pendleton Ar nold Wood Is Recovering Has Re turned to Idaho Mrs. Wm. Reeder Entertains Young Ladies Work Has Begun on the New Bank Vis itors at Walla Walla and Other Points. Cured 20 People. Scrgt. C. C. Ilummol of tho 2Cth United States Coast Artillery writes from Fort Flagler, Wash., Trlb Is doing cry fine work nmong tho poo plo horo. I know of twenty persons hero who wero ci.rcd of tho Drink Habit. I toko pleasure In recom mending It r.s a euro for tho Liquor and Tobacco Habits. Tallman & Co., local agontB. Athena. April 2S, April 2i, tho I. O. O. F, lodge of Milton celebrated tho Sth annlversnry of tho estab lishment of tho order In America. They gave a picnic In NIcIioI'b grovo, which was largely attended by peo ple from Walla Whlln, l'ondloton, Milton nnd other localities. A (Inn program was rendered, nnd an onjoy able day was spent, Athena lodgo held an open session nnd served re freshments. Mrs. Clnudo Kates wul go to Pen dleton, where she will bo cashier for her sister, Mrs. Cora Cooper at tho St. George restaurant. Miss Jntietto MamiKso spent Tues day In Walla Walla. Sarah MeDongal of Weston, Is In Walla Walla, n guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mellrlde. Mrs. William Mrllrlde'n fnther, Mr. Armstrong, who spent tho win- tor at tho Mellrlde homo, left Tues- day for his homo In Idaho, Mrs. Charles Sargent spent Friday In Walla Wnlla. Sunday evnlng Mrs. William Head er entertained about 21 girls, com prising her Sunday school class, at her homo, A lunch wna Borvcd and an onjoynblo evening was spent. Work Begun on New Bank. Kd Hanelt who hns tho contract to build tho now bank, commenced to work on It yesterday. Arnold Wood Recovering. Arnold Wood, who mis been so dnngorously III, Is rapidly regaining his health. Addressed Rathbone Sisters. Mabel Nelson Chnstnln, grand chief of tho Hathbone Sisters of Oregon, delivered an address before tho meeting of tho order In tho Becond Oregon district at Hllishoro yester day on the "Orphans' Homo." Mrs, Chnstaln has been In nttendanco on tho mooting for tho paBt three days, and will visit many of tho western and southern Oregon lodges before returning to her homo nt Milton. Some mens like to tlgglo a strnngo miilo yust to sco Is ho goot nntured. Drink CRESCENT M REAM It 16 Flno IN 1 and 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLV APRIL IS A HUMMER. OUR BUSINESS FOR THIS MONTH HAS BEEN BIG AND WE ARE PROUD OF IT. IT DEMONSTRATES TO U8 THAT OUR POLICY IS CORRECT, THAT TO WIN THE PATRONAGE OF THE PUBLIC BY GIVING THE BEST PRICES ON GOOD, HONEST GOODS IS THE BEST TRADE PULLER. WECANNOT ADVERTISE THAT WE HAVE THE "BIG" 8TORE, BECAUSE WE HAVEN'T; BUT WE CAN SAY THAT WE GIVE THE BIGGEST VALUES OF ANY STORE IN PENDLETON, BECAUSE SUCH IS THE FACT. WE HAVE LEARNED THAT THE 8IZ(i OF THE 8TORE 18 NOT WHAT COUNTS IN THE uudl NESS WORLD. IT'S THE SIZE QF THE VALUE OF THE GOODS IN COMPARISON WITH THE LOW PRICE. WE ARE ON THE RIGHT LINE AND WE PROPOSE TO KEEP RIGHT ALONG HAMMERING AWAY, MAKING SLEDGEHAMMER BLOWS OF LOW PRICES DRIVE THE NAIL OF OUR BU8INE8S 8UC- CE8S. A FEW REASONS WHY WE CAN GIVE BETTER VALUES MIGHT NOT BE OUT OF PLACE HERE: WE HAVE SMALL RENT TO PAY; WE DO OUR OWN WORK; OUR INVESTMENT IS NOT LARGE, AND WE HAVE NO INTEREST TO PAY; OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW, BRIGHT AND FRESH, AND WE HAVE NO MONEY INVESTED IN OLD, STALE, UNSALABLE GOOD8, WHICH TAKE UP ROOM THAT COSTS MONEY FOR RENT; NOR HAVE WE A BOOKKEEPER MARKING DOWN BAD ACCOUNTS. ANOTHER THING, OUR INSURANCE 18 LIGHT; OUR LIGHT AND FUEL BILL 18 8MALL; WE HAVE NO HIGH-SALARIED CLERKS, SO YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELVES SOME OF THE MANY REASONS WHY WE CAN SELL CHEAPLY. THOSE DAY-SALE PRICES TELL THE STORY OF OUR BIG BUSINESS RECORD FOR THIS MONTH. THE8E PRICE8 WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MAY 1ST. LOOK AT EACH DAY'S SPECIALS. THE8E DAY SALES SAVE YOU MONEY. FIGURE OUT YOUR SAVING FOR YOULSELF. YOU'LL FIND THAT WE HAVE THE GOODS JU8T A8 ADVERTISED WHEN YOTJ COME TO OUR 8TORE. - Monday Specials Night Rofces and Pajamas 7B cent night robes, extra long, GO coats; you clear 2G cents. $1.00, for 75 1 cents. $1.50 sateen, blue, pink and white, for $1.15. $2.00 night robos, Jl-50, you make 50c. $2.50 night robes, 1.85, you Just pick up C5c. Pajamas $3,60 suits for $2.10, saves you Just $1.40; $C00 pajamas, $4.00 a suit. You nnd $2. Tuesday Specials Gloves Qves 150 pairs working glovos, good values at $1.50, and to show you now much wo want tho worklngraon's irauc, will make 'em for an even dol- A. You Bavo na,f a dollar. Qlovos $1.50 kind for $1.00; J,... JLd for 70 cont8 Each of those means 50 cents to .your profit, Uncalled-for Suits m,.lha.vo iust "icoivGd from a leading ?l tal,or of Chicago, another in- "ncRllod for suits. Theao suits and VV10,.10 order of: boat material wbJa . '"dividual measurements, and to iV h.avo. boon 80,(1 for from $20 to calif Ltho Pwsons ordering failed are vn t.hom' 60 we Eot 'm nd tney We youra r $14.50, while thoy last. Wednesday Specials Hats For WEDNESDAYS wo will offer Hats at slaughtered prices. This salo Includes straws, fans, Panamas and caps. John B. Stetson sou and stiff Hats, $3.50. You save $1.50. Conqueror and other $3.50 Hats for $2.50. You sa vo $1.00. All $3 Hats guaranteed to be the best $3 hat In the city. Our price lor Wednesday, $2.00. You save $1.00. Straw Hnts from 50c to $C.G0. 20 per cent discount. You savo two years in terest figured at 10 per cent. Thursday Specials Underwear Coopor's $2.50 undorwenr, $2.00. You save COc a suit, Coopor's Is sold by somo dealers for $3.00. Otis Underwear, that you see adver tised in all tho loading magazines for $3.00 a suit, we will sell Thursday only, at $2.40. This la another Instance whore you save two years' interest. We havo 10 linos of Underwenr that sells for $1.00 a suit. Each and every lino is a bargain at that price. Our price for Thursday, 40 cents a garment or 80 cents a suit. Don't overlook this Underwear 60c a suit at our store. Wo won't say what others soil it for, but you can bank on it that thoy chargo you more. Our price for Thursday, 40 cents a suit, 20 cents a garment. Here Is a snap. Friday Specials Neckwear 25 cent four-ln-banda, tecks, shield bows, shield tockfl, midget strings, 2foi 25 cents. When you buy 2 you aro get ting one for nothing. 60 cent four-in-hands, 35 cents. You save 16 cents. $1.00 ABcot puffs for 60 cents. You are 50 cents. Handkerchiefs Men's 10 cent linen handkerchiefs, 2 tor 6 cents, you save 16c. 26 cent linen or silk handkerchiefs, plain and fancy borders, for Fridays only, 2 for 26 cents. You savo 100 per cent. 60 cent llnon and silk handkerchiefs, 26 cents, you savo 100 per cent, Hamo reduction oca on better hnndKorchlofs. Sweaters, suspend) rs, handkerchiefs, neckwear, belts, Sweaters, $5.00, for i.00, you savo $1.00. $4.60 Swoators for $3.00, you save 90c. $4.00 8weators, $3.20, you save 80c. $3.50 Sweaters, $2.80, you save 70c. $2.50 Sweaters, $2.00, you savo 60c. Wo carry nothing but tho best makes of Sweaters and tho higher the price, the mora you save. Suspenders 26 cent suspenders, 16c, you savo 10c. 60 cent suspenders, SGc, you savo 16c. 75 cent suspenders, 60c, you save a quarter. $1.00 suspenders, 70c. You savo 30c. Wo havo higher grado suspenders re duced in the same proportion, Belts Wo have a real swell line, hand carv ed, plain and ornnmontal, All tho do siraoto colors from 26 cents to $1.00, You can cut tho price on all 20 per cent Saturday Specials Golf Shirts 76 cent golf shirts, now lino, Just re ceived for Saturdays, 35 cents, You save 40 cents, $1.25 Shirts for $1.00. You savo two bits. $1.60 ShlrtH for $1.25. You savo 25 cents. Men's black and white working shirts, don bio front and back, tho best values ever given for 60 cents, for Sat urdays, 36 ceuts. Hero you savo 16 cents, Jumpers Checked gingham JumperB, sold by everyone for 60 cents, for Saturdays, 36 cents. You save 15 conts, Doss of the Iload, heavy denim coats, No, 999, regularly sold at $1,00 by every dealer in Pendleton, 76 conts. A quarter sav ing for you. Dusters An exceptionally good value for $1.60, will be sold Saturdays for $1.20, a 30 cent saving. $2.60, puro linen dusters, extru long, wldo collars, Saturdays for $1.86. Saves you C5 conts. a RELIABLE SULLIVAN & BOND Main Street, between Webb and Alta, 4 doors north of Hotel St. George 'I I