HT PAGE8- PAGE 8EVEN. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1904. THE INLAND EMPIRE he Gamblers. lcom tne u ,i.Aiono nriatnn. .. 1 liveliest town in tne ""J? vUor in tl.o city when nsKi'ti ' ... .i-Aleno a City, iu ii.- h,t was cxcimicMi ." b.atlhe stringent state law round a welcome In the JL reason of a recent Zi nn a practical invita tion to that class of . .ni.'ia thn lectrlc ra"uj -- ... iho two inuueo u- d pleasant and every train ed Vlth people. The . ans ..i to cost between $00,000 .. ii nrenaratinn building will no i frnm 10.000 to 12.000 in ue the transient pupim.- Ihe town uui'b - Beside the wide open sport .ho Is a pleasant re- a beautiful laKo ami u ...... handsome eoiu.guH uuu .... .i nn under con- IUX lli . Lumbering Is tno oniy - t t tun tmnalnnt pip - .. . ...n hir tiwi tnwn. Trllilinp U '" person with more Inimacu Ihan Is usually attributed 10 . ..tiliinul till' nollcC e am...... . II...,. lnul 11 I'll! unit Lot.... n rnnnlltnelH LOl' ..I fviim nriHouers. . f,.IU- nll'tlV ffir Tllt- Or for auction sales. The re in question is a Bmall show whlch the guns are stored. Ilj" Individual entered the ast night anil helped himself 15 or 20 of tin- Instruments and departed without moles- p ullehtest eltie was left the .uinl. t.. t-..- ATInrr.. scopes wore In demand and the vigi lant officers or the lnw ran the mag nifying glass ovor the linoleum in an endeavor to detect footprints. The chase wbb at last given up' in des pair, someone suggesting that the fottprlnts could not be distinguished from those of their brother officers. Spokcsmnn-Rovlew. Roadmaklng In the Interior. The breaking of the road ovor the divide between here and ' Sumptor was accomplished this week. The party going over was comprised of .1 M. Stewart, J. M. Green, A. J. Mer rltt, Charles Thornburg, Orant Tur ner, Oeorgo Huoy and Tom Dearln gor. They took with them a buck iioard. heavy wagon nnd 14 head of horses, leaving here Tuesday morn ing, they got as far as Clold Center, and through to Sumptor the next day. On the return they brought ub out .10 sacks of paper mail that had accumulated In the Sumptor office In the two weeks the road was blockad ed. The expenses of the trip were borne by local residents and business men, whllo the parties who went over contributed their time nnd the use of their horses. By this means trafllc was opened up with Sumptor a week or 10 days earlier than it could otherwise have been. Oranlte Oem. Grand Ronde's Big Fruit. Horticultural Commissioner Judd floor was over from the Covo Mon lnv atntlni tlint n nnnnlilnrnliln mmn tlty of land was covered with water hut unless it remained for a consiu nrnliln tlmn tin rlnmniri would be nomlnnl and that the meadows would be greatly benefited. Mr. Cleer states that the fruit pros nec.tR were never bettor at this time of the year for a bounteous crop and that mere unit necn uiousanus oi vninii trees net out thlR vear in varl tins portions of the county. La Grande Observer. BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. DIt. YV. O. COLE, OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.j 1 to 0 p. m, Telephones: Office "main 1371 ; residence, main 1381. J. ti. MILLER, M. D. DESPA1N BLOCK. Treats and corrects eje troubles, ca tarrhal conditions and Impaired hearing. Glasses correctly fitted for refractlre er rors. Telephone, main 1G11. DItS. SMITH & ItlXGO. OFFICE OVKIt the Pendleton Savings Bank. Tele phone 801 ; residence telephone, main 1691. II. S. OAKFIELD, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Office In Judd building. Telephones: Office, black 1411: residence, black 24. I)tt. D. J. MTAUL, JUDD IH.OCK. TEt.E phone, pain 031 ; residence, black 161. DIt. T. M. HENDERSON, niYSlCIAN and surgeon. Office in Sayings Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone, main 1411 ; residence, red 1223. DP.. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRONIC nnd nervous disease and diseases of women. Judd liultillni- mm,- Main Court .streets. Office 'phone, main 721 ; rumuuiii-c, rcu ii. m incrapeuttcs. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE, No. 288. Regular meetings first nnd third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend. Hall In LaDow block, Court street. G. A. Hartman, Sr., r. ii. ; v. r. itean, secretary. MEN'S RESORT YOU ARE INVITF.d! Free reading room. Why not Join and get the advantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments. In eluding library and reading room, Terms $1.00 to Join ana 60c a month dues. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Invest ments for non-residents. Reference, any bank In Pendleton. O. A. HARTMAN, Pres. Q. A. nARTMAN, JR., Vice Pres. DIt. LENA. ALLEN BOONE, OSTEOPATH. Residence, Thompson street, between Court and Water streets. 'Phone, black 1024. Nervous diseases a specialty. Francis Thompson, graduate of A. T. Still school, KIrksvllle, Mo. ; office at iimui inciter", hiqo entrance uitlce days Tuesday, Thunday and SMurdsy. A. II. MARTIN, M. D.. DESPAIN BLOCK. i-uiirc street, over noeppens drug store Special attention to skin diseases. VETERINARY SURGEONS. II ..t n n I.IIF Hill's Pure California Olive Oil RiA.iltinnl it an no n-nl 1 no Is the highest quality mica, uil luauc. exclusively in Pendleton BRIGGSDM ITEMS JAMES NAVIN TAKES CHARGE OF THE HELIX HOTEL DH.C.6EEW0 WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Thin unmUpfnl ni.l. nuc doctor Is called great because he cures Kople without opera tion that ore given up to die. He cures with tlioie wonderful Chi nese herbs.rooli.buds. barks urt vegetables tuat are entirely un- -- ... uicuuai net- "".ii un lam. .nit nrift . '-"WUIMIlUIHlrWllI nflMllmn.. itSi" el'r Wr lie for blanks ami uin&si or triri.. r,ercneron stallion. . aIso about 25 head .-"' or I'Apha. .-is see n c tt. w, "P of solace in Being . "vna Unon uu.ii. mom),. .. . mum. Ifl.ln and i ... y ik "ays: "i . Kinnovi. . . ...... .?'" in Mrl.. . " In. v.. . J tlUVH. I Wn.-lr. "S ril llni. - vaine a ruotornnn nn n, .. .- -iu unrft.ini.i -t u nu. i. ".ma tho Unltod oothar.fle naonoan'sand Potatoes Now Selling at 90 Cents a Hundred on Weston Mountain Usual Price Is 50c per 100 and Farmers Are Expecting Price to Go to $1.50 Deaf Mute Meets Wit Serious Accident Mumps Preva lent Near Weston. lirlRBson, April 25. Isnac Ahra lmniHun, n deaf niutu, had a narrow I'scuim from helns crushed to death one duy.last week, whllo working on the country road near Bingham Springs. They wore picking the rock loose in order to widen out the grade when a portion of tho cliff gave way, liurylng the unlorttinate young man tilt to the shoulders, Ho was speedily rescuod by his fel w workmen and taken to Bingham nrlngs, wheer he was examined by ')r. Bingham, and with tho exception r severe bruises on the body, lie v. us uninjured. The entire family of Mr. Wadding hum, near Weston, is down with mumps. This dlsense is now quite ravalont In that vicinity. Ora Zcrba moved up to his ranch u Held & Ilawley mountain last vek to spend the summer and look Tl'ter his cattle. Swan Peterson moved his family o Weston last Thursday, where lie Is employed ut carponter work. James Novln will leave with his family for Helix tho first of the month, where they will take charge of the Helix hotel for tho remainder of the year, and perhaps longer. As they have had tho necessary experl un.ce, quite a prosperous future is entertained for them in that busi ness. Tho farmers in this section are getting along very well with their plowing, having been delayed a few; days lost wpok on account, of rain. A good many hero ore holding their potatoes for $1.00 per sack; while others sold last week for 90c, dollovered nf Weston. Usually there lis no market for them nearer titan Pendleton or Walla Walla, which Is very (nconvqnlent and tho price paid (has seldom boet) more than 50c. I Janies Carglll Is moving home from Milton, whore ho spent tho win ter, and will bring his cattle up In a ' few days, William Wilkinson Is doing some clearing on his ranch hero. Ho will put wheat on tho now ground, which always brings an extra good crop. $100 Reward, $100. The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is ut least one dread, ed disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the pnly positive cure now knowu to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional -reat-meut. Hall's .Catarrh Cine Is taken In ternally, actlug directly on the blood rtul mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing tin the constitution nnd assisting na ture In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Heml for list ot testimonials. Address: . , V, 3. CHKNBV Sc CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Ijizlnoss vns alvays sneaking around trying to glf dor knock-oud drops to ambition. t.ti:rinary suitonox on. d. c McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug store. DENTISTS. DIt. M. S. KKRN, DnXTAIi SUROKON Office, room in, Judd building K. A. VAUfiHAN, Dr.XTlST. OFPICB IN Judd building. Phoue. red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL i'ANK OF ATIIRNA Oregon. Capltnl, $.10X00 ; surplus nnd profits, ;i2,ri00.00. Interest on time de posits. Denis In foreign nnd domestic exchnnge. Collections promptly nttended to. Henry c. Adams, president: T. J. Kirk, vice-president ; F. S. I.eOrow, cash ier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. THE FARMDRS' HANK OF YVDSTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank ing busluess. Kichnnge bought and sold. Collections promptly attended to. IE. Jameson, president : fleorge W. Proebstel, vice-president : .1. It. Kllgore, cashier ; di rectors, I!. A. Hnrtman, M. M. Jones. T. J. Price, G. D. Grnw. J. F. Kllgore, Rob ert Jnmesou, fl. W. Proebstel. TUR PBNDMITON SAVINGS RANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, i.nn'.i. capital, fiuiuimi; surplus, 000: Interest allowed cm all time deposits, HxchmiKP bought and sold on nil prln- clpnl poluts. . Special attention given to collections, vt. J. i-urutsu, president ; J. X. Ten I, vice-president i T J. Morris, itishler: J, W. Moloney, nsslstnnt cashier. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF FUNDI.!! Ion. Capital, $70,000; surplus and un divided prollts. $100,110(1. Transacts a general banking busluess. F.xchnnge anil telegraphic transfers sold on Chica go, Sun Francisco. New York and princi pal points In the Northwest. Drafts drawn on I'lilnn, Japan and Kurope. Makes col lections ou reasonable terms. I.evl An keuy, president : W. F. Matlock, vice, president ; G. M. Rice, cashier ; George Hurt mini, Jr., usslstuut cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. L V.. TROl'TMAN, ARC'IIITI'.CT AND Superintendent, room li Judd block, I'endleton, Oregon. T. F. HOWARD, ARCIinT.OT AND Su perintendent. Makes complete and re liable plans for bulldlugs In the city or couutry. Room 17, Judd building. siii:i:k & colk. coxtractors and builders. Fstlmutes furulshcd ou btioit notice. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop ou llluff street, nea Main. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND IIUII.D er. Intimates furnished on all kinds of masonrv. cenieut walks, stoue walls. etc. I.euve orders at Itast Otegoulan of lice. T. M. KKI.Lnit. PI.ASTF.RIXG AND CB meuthig. Cement walks a specialty, estimates furnished free. Work guaran tp.wl I .enve orders at Iladley & Zebner s cigar store, Main street. P. O. boi 104. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TKLKPHONK I.IVKKY BTAW.K. COURT llluat nnrinulln nnr! Iiolbie. Rowers & Son. proprietors. Always good turnouts. t'uouc scales i-uoue, muiu .u.. OLD DUTCH WONKY FRF.D YARD, ivirnei- West Atta and 1 .11 1 It U streets. S. A. Alloway, proprietor. Large com fortable stalls. Plenty of feed. Horses given careful attention. COMMF.RCIAL 8TAULF.S, G. M. FliOOME proprietor. Flue horses, goou rigs, best care given transient stock. Opp. Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101, J. M. BENTLF.Y REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable tire and acci dent Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN IIAII.KY, JR., U. S. LAND COM mlssloner. Specialty made of land 01 Ings and proof. Insurance and collec Hons. Office In Judd building, room 10. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STR011LE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need in new and second-band furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call nnd git his prices. No. 212 Court street. WANTED. WANTED TO RKNT-FIVK ROOM COTTAGE in good neighborhood, jtddreai L. L. care Ksst Oregnnlnn. FOR RENT. FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS IN Esst Oregonlan building. Steam heat ed. Hot and cold water and bath room on same floor. Call at East Oregonlan office. FOR RENT GOOD FRONT ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen or two la dles. Call at 010 Willow street. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN oflice Large bundles of newspapers, containing over 100 big papers, can be obtained for 2.1 cents b bundle. EXPRESS WAGON HILLY LEATHERS, express and light hauling of all kinds. Wagons at your service day and night. Telephone main 101 or call at the Com. mercial Stables, opp. postofflce. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, fiOfl College street. Repairs for all ma chines. P. A. Lovetaug, manager. SEWER CONTRACTORS REED LAF ler mnke connections with tjie sewer for business bonuses and private residences. Terms reasonable. Leave orders at T. C. Taylor's Hardware store. F. S. MERRILL, SPOKANE, WASH., Agent, Densmore. Second-hand ma chines, supplies and repairs. SEE YOU "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money. We make loans on personal property. T. II. Gnrdaln, Pawn Ilroker, Milarkey building. Court street. WM. F. YOHNKA WILL PAY PROMPT attention to all sules and posting bills. Correspoudeut-e solicited. Commission rea. suiinble. P. O. llox 200, Pendleton. DRESSMAKING, CUTTING AND FIT- ting a specialty Prompt work. Satis, faction guaranteed. Miss It, Whitley, 012 Muln street, PLNDl.ETON STEAM DYE WORKS 7110 Cottonwood street. Cleaning, dying and repairing. Goods called ror nnd de livered. 'Phone, main 10U1. HOUSE-CLEANING 11Y THE JAPANESE House-Cleaning Co. Woik done by the day, hour or job. Window cleaning a spr-tiuiiy, i-rompt service at low prices. 004 Garden street. 'Phone Main 1171. The Columbia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and com fortable looms, good beds. Bar in connection,' where best goods are served. Main street, center of block, between Alta and Webb streets. F. X. SCHEMPP Proprietor COMBINATION AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 30 COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP AT UKM O. K. FEED YARD ALL PARTIES ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THIS SALE. THERE WILL BE HORSES AND CATTLE, BUG GIES, HACKS, HARNESS AND WAGONS, HOGS AND CHICKENS. WILL, BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS FOR THE CA8H. ALL ARE INVITED TO BRING STUFF AND TAKE AWAY ANY THAT THEY MAY PURCHASE ON SAID DAY. TERMS STRICTLY CASH; COMMISSION REASONABLE. WM. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer W. C. BETTS, MANAGER. I PLUMBING j and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST- J CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. E8 J TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. j T. C. TAYLOR ; "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. We Want to Do Yoti Plumbing Our long experience, tocothor with our unexcelled facilities tor doing the best work, are at your scrvlco without oxtra charge. Good honest work always ilono. That's tho reason why our patrons aro always satisfied. BECK, the Reliable Plumber Court Street, opposite Hotol nicker. A Standard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship., Hand MadeXlear Havana. FLYNN & CO.. Makers. CHT MVEIIV STAIU.i:. AI.TA STKBBT. Carney & Kennedy, props., nvery, irru and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In couuectlon. 'PUone. main iQI. BOARDING AND LODGjNG. HOTK.l. AI.TA. COItXKK AI.TA AND Mill streets. Iioard by tbe day or week. Good table set. Hates. .7B anu i..o per week. Mrs. I.. Neff. Prop. Pendleton I-eed Yard in connecuou. u. prletor. ATHKNA HOTEL. LEADING HOTEL IN tbe city. $1.00 to Jl.r.O per day. H, I. Milieu, proprietor, WHEN YOUIt BUSINESS TAKF.8 YOU to Helix, stop nt tbe Hotel Ilelli. Good meals and eood service. 1. "WW. proprietor. The Arlington J. L. SHARON, Proprietor. Tbe Arlington Is a hlgh-olass rooming house, equipped with elec tric lights, free baths and all mod ern conveniences. It Is centrally located, being on Main street, three door 8 north of Hotel St. George, over the Delta candy store, llootus by tbe day, week or month. Hates COc to $1 a day. CIS Main street. Phone Red 1091. . ...,.r, vnll ilC TO Umatilla stop at tbe Cottage Hotel., ii,,.,.. i. ..i.. Imm. -rml-lnir. everytlllUK neat nnd e'lenu. Mrs. James OTonnclI, proprietor. Ladies' Capsules Gardes Lady Agents Wanted. Safe, reliable. Absolutely guar anteed to cure leucorrhoea and fe male weakness, For particulars ad dress Mo. Prop. Pharmacy, Lock llox 323, Kansas City, Mo. For sale by A. 0. Koeppen & I3ros., Pendleton, r.,.'yfiK?PiHftTulli!fc?rfc riVUI el J tares tus or cuw lucid and lounir rilm from SXuofMir Cuinsiost Manhood, fmotano. Lost Power, Nlg;M-Losae,8permatorrhoeTnomnlu, taTns ynok.7vll Desires, Seminal EmleaTons, Lame Back, Nerou Debility, L?.?h2S&5. Unfitness to Marnr, LoseofSemeri, m Varicocele, orCon; anna Minna Mnn nua v inn nir ni &V5?d.0nW?t S TlmSMiw. IuVrt ?Uor ud fZJjLM P"aoy to ev.ry-funo. S,?'lK,t1reXlnJ.nt,.cureUtl Bf"P R8mod' Co- " """CISCO, CaU Sold by Tallman & Co., Druggists. School District Election Notice. Of election to determine how In debtedness obligations shall ho ne gotiated and sold. Notlco Is hereby given that at a school meeting of School District No, 1, of Umatilla County, Oregon, to be held at the county court house, in said district, ou the ICth day of May, 1004, there will ho submitted to the legal voters of said district the question whether the bonds of the district proposed to be Issued to the amount or Sixty Thousand Dol lars shall bu negotiated and sold ac cording lo ho provisions of sub-division 0 of Section 3380 or Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Stat utes of Oregon, or tho provisions of sub-dlvlslon 31 of said section, Tho vote to ho by ballot, upon which shall he the words, "Subdivision 0, of Section 3389," and tho words "Sub division 31 of Section 3389." Polls to bo opened at 1 o'clock p. m., and remain open until 4 o'clock p. in. By order of the Board of Directors or School District No, 1C, or Umatilla County, Oregon. Dated this 25th uay of April, A. D. 1904. JOHN IIAII.UV, JK., District Clerk. UOK TRUTSCH, Chairman Board of Directors. School District Dond Election Notice Notice Is hereby given that a school meeting of School District No. 10, of Umatilla County, Oregon, to be held In the county court house lu said district, on tho 17th day of May, 1904, theie will bo submitted to the legal voters of said district the question of contracting a bonded debt of Sixty Thousand Dollars (tuu.uou; for tho purpose of buying the neces sary grounds and erecting three now school.hulldlngs thereon, the voto to be by ballot, upon which shall bo the words "Bonds Yes" and tho words "Bonds No." Polis to bo opened at 1 o'clock p. m., and remain open tin til 4 o'clock p. ni. By onlor of tho Board of Directors of School District No, 1C, of Umalllla County, Oregon. Dated this 26th day or April, A. D, 1004. JOHN HAII.KV, JR., District Clerk. I.RB TRUTSCH, Chairman Board of Directors, NOTICE TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS: I TAKE PI,EA8URE IN INTRODUCING TO MY FRIENDS, DR8. L. L. AND T. H. WHITE, TO WHOM I HAVE SOLD MY DENTAL BU8INE83 IN THIS- CITY. I THOROUGHLY RECOMMEND THE DRS. WHITE AS FIRST CLASS DENTI8TS IN EVERY RE8PECT, AND WILL ES TEEM IT A FAVOR FOR ANY OF MY PATIENT8 TO PLACE THEIR CA8E8 IN HAND8 OF THE DRS. WHITE RESPECTFULLY, E. A. MANN ti.. rr t - np.fiAnian ! Eastern Or (It. fc.iaa. w.-u ' ' - ennn's representative oaoer. It lead and the people appreciate It and show It by tneir nuerai patronage. ,1 Is the advertising medium of this section. Those teeth you have been neg lecting so long should bo attended to, and by tho new painless system, thoy can be tilled or extracted and not hurt you. This Is being demon strated every day at the Adams Dental Parlors where even small children are get ting their teeth nicely niled and do not get hurt. OLD NUWSPAPEItS TO PUT 1JNDEU turpeis, ou sneives, wans or ror wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers la large ......... . ... . ........ ni Mu vouia a unuuia at the EAST OIlEaONIAN office, Pendle ton, urecen.