DAILY EA8T OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1904. SIGHT PAGE FOUR. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published every afternoon (except Sunday) at Pendleton, Orcsou, by tlie EAST OREQONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUltSCUtlTION KATKS. Dally, one year by mall $5.00 Dally, lx months by mall ".!0 Dally, three months by mall 1.23 Dally, ono month by mall ........ .SO Dally, per month by cnrrlar .03 Weekly, one year by mall 1.00 Weekly, six months by mall 75 Weekly, (our months by mall no Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... -.00 beml-Weekly, six months by mall . . 1.00 Semi-Wrekly, three months by mall . .0 Member Serlpps-Mcltuc News Associa tion. The Hast Orcxonluti Is on sate at 11. It. Itlch's News Htamls, at Hotel 1'ortlantl, and Hotel 1'crkliis Portland, Oregon. San Kranclsco Ilureau, 405 Koiirtli St. Chicago Ilureau. OOP Security llulldlnR. Washington, L). C, Iltirenu, r01 -lltli St., N. V. Telephone, Alain 11. Entered at Pendleton postolllce as second- class matter. U N I O N (jki I L A B E L Amorlcan laws, to results In gary under Hungarian laws. Government ownorshlp hero would bo Just as exalted and just as lightened as any other American stltutton. Is It reasonable tq argue that the American postal system, ballot, the homestead law, the tionnl Irrigation law, tho systom rural free delivery of mall, and other advanced American pollcle could exist In nil tholr perfection under American laws, and that ernmcnt ownership ot railroad undor the same laws and under same enlightened principles w be accompanied by Hungarian Ig ance, stupidity and cruelty? the vould police There would ho no hard work If there were no violent wants. If people would re- strain their wants there would be much less fatigue. It Is not work that needs to he abolished; tho appetites must be conquered. Modern Inventions that develop the appetites, only serve to per- petunte slavery. I am no ad- mirer of the railroad, tho tele- graph and all those conquests o by which man thluks to dem- onstrato his progress. When we admire the pyramids, we asl; ourselves of what' use are they. All these inven- Hons of ours are our pyra- nilds. I believe that some thousands of years from now a people will come who, see- Ing our vestiges, will inquire what were those singular peo- pie who Imagined that to go rapidly from one point to nn- other was an essential thing In life? They will be right. I have nover understood the utility of rapid traveling. Tolstoi. Just keep on carrying guns ai drinking booze, boys. Don't list to anybody. Fill up on flghtl whlskoy and clean out tho force. Government don't mean much nny way, from your standpoint. Good order Is something to be extolled b old women and children. To bo bad man Is tho proper ambition o all brave, young fellows you think Organized society is Just a nice thing to read of In books and mnga zincs. You think It don't apply ti: everyday actions, l'eople spend mil lions In making laws Just for fun Officers are elected Just as a pas time. Jails and prisons nre built because nothing else will "pay." Two men are dead and another facing hangman in Corvnllls, through your policy. It. all camo about through your practice of carrying a gun and drinking bad whiskey. Two lives j are snuffed out for no cause on 1 earth. Those two, strong, healthy 1 men might bo and should be alive ! today. You young bloods will learn. after a while. You may lose your i life in tho process, but you will learn, i Laws and ordinances mean Just what i they say. If you hope to live to be a good old man, with nil your limbs and faculties Intact, Just cut out this anarchy. It is better to bo a goody goody boy, alive, than to be a brave bad man, dead, any time. toned to tho plaintive notes of those wounded leaders. Instead of n hordo of offlccscokors bound to this or that faction and foist- nit nn Hio ulllillr tn fpml nt tho Pllblic in- crib and to play Into tho hands of a smnll cotorle or repuuncnns mo p"- ..,., n, ,!,.,, tntnfl llin HPtimll for 10 good candidates all over tho city, and i.ltl.n rnalllt wna n lirltlinTV ticket COUt- of posed largely of men whom tho of- nee nad sotignt, unpieugeu mm in debted to 'no one. is Mniit nf rlioMn moll have been 110111- ini.,i Ti, mm Mt in thn stroncest ' ticket the republican party has had for years, a ucKot oi strong mm palgners. and of men who are enti tled to the confidence of tho taxpay ora mill wlln imvr. it. No convention . over did so well except when stlmu- lated by popuinr impatience, ami mm was about once In a decade. Tho machine politicians don't llko this primary law, but they nover l.nvn Tlinv filMI'tlt It frillll tllO flrSt and contlnuo to sneer nt It. Hut It must bo judged by Its results. Two years ago It redeemed tho city council from tho clutches ot tho street railway company and this year It has Insured another honest assem bly and has given tho opportunity fnv o miirh more satisfactory board lf of aldermen thnn tho present ono. No special interest can iniiiiimii" the people. The people may make lint II' thev ill) thov can correct them. Under the convention systom thoy were compelled to choose whoever was offered to them, and oven after his unfitness was ilimvn n ilniiL'prmis aldorinau or as semblyman was often thrust down tho popular throat. If he was a good linrtv mnn hi. rniilil do what he pleas ed with the interests of the public. If he "stood In" with any special tntnrAai mill limi !irrpHi; to Its cam naicn fund It only made him a moro ,lolr.,tiln n ii ill ilnt Thn self-COll- stttuted clique calling Itself "the par ty" ignored both the real party ami tho Iniprnsts of anv one hut them selves. The logical result of a con tinuance of that system would havo been in St. Paul, as it has been gen erally, subjection to n mnchiue, cor- vnrtlnn nml llipfllnlnnp V III .IlllllilliS- tratlon and nil tho other evils of oli garchic rule masquerading as popu lar government. St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press. UNJUST COMPARISONS. In congress yesterday, Senator Hale declared that In the light of re cent events in tho Kar East, It Is not advisable to construct any more lnrge battleships. In the light of tho fact that an Insignificant torpedo boat can slip under the shadow of one of tho monster leviathans ot war and blow it into ntoms, deterred Senator Hale from spending any more of the people's monoy in this The Morning Oregonlan, In a fran tic effort to find an argument against government ownersuip of public utilities, cites tho strikes on the rse than ugeiess occupation of state railways of Belgium and Hun-, .,,. nn B Th Iirom, anl. gnry as objectionable features to ,jItIon of progi,ient Roosevelt to state ownership. miM(, a batteahp for every state In It recounts the regulations of tho he mlon seems to bo doomed by Hungarian railways, as being partlc-tne tnlnl.lnR leaders of his own ularly obnoxious to American in- mrty The nwfu, ex,)enso of build stlncts and emphntlcal arguments ,nK equpPnB an,i maintaining ono ngainst intelligent government con- of Ules0 monster vessels Is some trol on tho Amerlcnn continent. ! thing appalling for a peace-loving In the first place the comparison Sj)eoi,lo 1o contemplate. And tho pos unjust becnuse oven the Oregonlan slumty of one Bmai boat, no larger will admit the superiority of tho t,mn ono (Jf Ul0 8mokestack8 of the Amorlcan form of government over battleship, blowing It and Its crow the Hungarian, nnd especially thej,,,,,, frasments, without nny chance superiority of the general intent-j(lf sef protection, makes the expenso gence of the masses and the ideals ' Bt;en1 n the more criminnl and use of the government, here, over those esg of Hungary. I : Government In Hungary means' The voters of Umatilla connty, military rule, compulsory service, j having read the complimentary and The military Instinct of Europe ouloglstic remarks of tho TrtTiune, finds Its most objectionable culml- during the past year on the work nation In the tottering monarchy of nn(j policy of Assessor C. P. Strain, that government. I will wonder which statement the There, tho only Iden of good sorv-1 Tribune expects them to believe, Ice Is service rendered under the ' whcn they read Its undercut editor fear of punishment. The eye of the ml against Sir. Strain this morning, ofllclat syp Is over upon the govern-n which It says thoro is great "ills ment employe. The Individual Is not ' satisfaction at his errors in assess rated for personal accomplishment, ' mont." The people will ho forced to as under the civil service rules of bellevo the truth of tho story, after this country, but Is reckoned as ono!aii that tho Tribune only Indorsed of the necessary number of govern- mm raise In railroad values for the ment mttchlnes. Correct Clothes for Men Here the government employe Is rated for service nnd capacity. In purpose of grafting tho O. H. & N. company out of a few dollars "hush" money. It will look bad for tne in Mr. Strain, as it has led tho people to bellovo It would. Even partisan politics admit of common honesty. MACHINE OPP08E8 IT. rTlinrn linn been soma dissatisfac tion ,viiruiiil with tho nrlmary law this year, but it Is significant that It has all como eitner worn moso wm used to run tho conventions and be- Unit p-nvnrnmnnt was Instituted among men for tho benoflt of tho ma chine, or from tnoso wno navo us- the postofflce department of this uune to crawfish, Just at this time, government are found none of thojwi,en n could prove tho honesty or horrlfylnc regulations which tho Or- its motives by cordially Indorsing egonlan cites as Doing me resuu oi government ownership. The post offlce clerk is not thrown In Jail nor subjected to tho whipping post, here, because of any dlrellctlon of duty. This Is nn ago of enlightenment, of arbitration. Tho rule that would be necessary in Hungary would be an Insult to American Intelligence. The regulations that prevail In tho government dopartments undor Hun gary's monarchal form of govern ment would not bo employed, ovon In penal Institutions, In tho United States. Tho voters of tho United States need have no fear of a repetition of lluncarlan atrocities, If thoy adopt tho righteous policy of tho people owning tho people's property. Tho East Oregonlan has moro confidence In the Intelligence of tho Amorlcan peoplo nnd In tho righteousness and stability of Amorlcan Institutions thnn tho Morning Orogonlnn con fesses, when 11 compares possible roaiilta in this country, under No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine nnd spend uoura BiMiuuK, sweetening, flooring and coloriug when produces butter results In two minutes? Everything iu tho package. Simply add hot watorundSottocool. It's perfection. Amir. . i.. v., tronlilii. loss ex. r . ni..i u i.. . ... T,i Wnnr Fruit r la peuw. xrj it n;i - ------ Tl vorsi Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Hp- berry, At grocers, iw. Tho whont cron In tho "eoldcn lwilt" nf I.'niianq Is linillv damaged. and cannot make half a yield this year, no matter how favorable tho season Is hereafter. Two mnawav hovs from Milwau kee, were killed by a shifting of lum ber In the car In which thoy were hidden, as the train was pulling into Chicago. Tinnn mid business mnko pacemakers for bankruptcy. flue no more $ . . . 14 clothes- re RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER . RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUUdfcR RUBBfcR RUBBER RUBBER Wo have Just received a largo consignment of Rubber Tired Buggies, Carriages and Bike Wagons of different styles. Wo have both HAItD ItUmiElt and CUSHION TIRED DUGGIES, CAItHIAaES, nUNATlOUTS, DIKE WAGONS, ETC., ETC. We bought n largo number of these BOUGHT THE BEST W i COULD GET, and are In a position to sell you anything In the HUOGY lino cheaper than you can buy It anywhere this side of Chicago. If after reading the nbovo you nrc not con vinced that we havo tho best place In PEN DLETON to "RUIUJEU," como In nnd seo us and "WE WILI, SHOW YOU" how to got value for your money. Now don't forgot to "UUJiriEn." Yours for "HUUBER," ' A. Kunkel & Co. RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER Build 1 Mate? I OF AIL flrrCsj Tl I per, lime, sana, wood aim... . f and dwelling, a ureann Lumber I T Alta Street, 0pp. , ) ; McAdams will save you monoy. You get nothing hut flrst-cInBS dry woou ntul Mann anrnntinil. llOflt. clvlHC $ dirt nroof Kcmmoror Coal of McAdams If Vnii nrn Ut ,,1 Painting, see us. (kj complete. ACADEMY BOil STRETCHERS nnusHEs AUTISTS' SAVU BLENDERS SKY BltUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS wo mane a id I framing PICTURES. J stock of frames., C. C. SHA Opera House Blodl i Phono Main 1121. Savings Dank Dulldlng. RET your worries over. A tflance through our!- store will con-; vince vou that , coxruM woj,a.b.co. deliverance from old ready-mades and extravagant custonvmades is at nana, mis label Alfred Jenjamin 5(9 MAKERS NEWyORK is on our finest garments, because we want vour trade and only the best goods will bring it to us. Equal to fine custom-made In all but price. The makers' guarantee, and oun, with every garment. We art Exclusive Dlstributori in this city. The Peoples Warehouse The Ltading Clothier PXNDLCTON, ORICOH Republican Ticket. For Presidential Electors: W. V. Hampton J. N. Hart W. H. Gore James A. Feo For Supromo Judge: Justice r. a. flioore , . "or Food nnd Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey '"or Prosecuting Attorney: O. W. Phelps tor Joint nopresentatlve Dr. W. O. t olo ?or Congressman In Second District J. N. Williamson For Representatives: John J. Balleray Henry Adams For County Judge: Henry J. Boan f For County Clork: Franh Baling For Sheriff: C. A. Barrett 'or Treasurer: E. J. Sommorvlllo 'or Recorder: W. H. Folsom . 'or Assessor: W. T. nigby ; "or Commlsslonor: Horace Walkor "or School Suporlntondont: Frank K. Wolles. i"or Coroner; Dr. A. W. Botkln "or Surveyor J. W. Klmbrell "or Justlco ot Poaco, Pendleton DIB' trlct: Thomas Fltz Gorald for Conatablo: F W Earuharl HORSES WANTED Will be in Pendleton Sat urday, April 30th, 1904, at, Dutch Henry's Feed Yard to buy Horses and mares from 1000 to 1400 pounds Must be gentle, fat and broke to all harness Don't object to age and small wire cuts W. TODD THE FAMOU8 SHUMATE DOLLAri RAZOR. ii.ri u,ih xnthualastlo satlsfac tlon throuohout tho clvllUed World. A useful and u nasome oook whikh tells how to shave comfortably, sent for tho asklno. R . Lewis, uisino utor, Echo, Or. 1.00 posipaiu. SASH, and Made to order. tl LADIES, YOU. 60 V trimmed broad cl lal. We and Sat' 60 1 Always urday. yards t( 3,001 10c to : Limit, 1 Le tloin sin Business Cha ONE DRUG STOR nt whatever stock Approximately 2,0M(ll ness last year anoa over $5,000.00. ThU i) I j did opportunity to bar tl profitable business. Also WELL. ESTASU BUSINESS centrally at whatever stock nud a small additlou! for the good will ot fill ness. Business ot Ml amounted to $1C,5M. lease of four yeara i Lulhllng In, Merchants Proteci Agency npnimln Building, 1 Telephone Black I iFresl Beds i 111 te Ice. Bmau PAINTING AN ! PAPER HANGI Wo do only good at right prices. f Our facilities are iWe nre experienced u and all work i T UbVH our personal attewio- Neatness and promPu No matter what T I in painting or PP we'll do the mgne" X -work. Inuoor and I painting. 5 Wilson & Canfl X shon on Cottonwood near Neagle Bf- I Black 1043. I Miss Carlson1 : Art Pflrlo .f. Alexander BeprM .m, nf new tl . ..,. ia more co : neautifui r a (nun o" rt ; stitcneu designs -., 5 burut woou, o- ; rlffo wofk ut (m . stamping for -W 3 m Free lesson- .- . tf ; arsons purchas ng 5 worth of 6""" 0 ... mfl tl you win - I der Dopartment Store. MISS C - -