East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Our Surpassing
Soda :
Tho Kotla water drawn at our
fountain surpasses In nlisolutc
purity, In perfect cleanliness.
In dainty appetizing service, In
perfection of Hnvnrs.
We go the limit in making
every drink as nearly perfect
as It Is posslblo to mnko It.
We spare neither time, trou
ble or expense.
There are tunny good reasons
why you should drink nil of
your soda water here and for
the fact that there is some
thing about each drink that
makes It tnsto different from
other soda.
Many Boss Gamblers Glad Town Is
Closed Because Games Can Be
Run Without Paying License
Worklngmen and Clerks Now Play
Behind Closed Doors That Would
Not Play in Open Games.
A gambler who has spent the win
ter In Pendleton, loft disgusted, yes
terday morning ror Athena.
"There Is no more easy money In
Pendleton," said the knight dejected
ly. "The closed town proposition is
going to kill this place. I am going
up to Athena, where there Is some
thing doing- in my lino.
"There are two or three boss gam
bler here who are glad the town Is
closed, because they can run (heir
games on the quiet and escape pay
ing a license to the city. It Is worse
the way it Is run now. than If It
were wide open. As It Is now. all
the games are run behind closed and
locked doors and the clerks, and
worklngmen who are afraid their
employers would discharge them if
they knew they played, can go be
hind a locked door ami play all night
with impunity, because their employ
ers cannot wnlk In on them.
i tie jonn Kress urowery Company "If the town was open and tho
or New ork. is bankrupt. Liublll- games run in the front rooms, a cor
ties. $4!)0.f)00; assets. $500,000. tain class of men that has plenty of
Five hundred painters and burlap money, would be afraid to play In
hangers are on strike at the world's , the open for fear of losing their
fair, because 25 painters were re-, Jobs.
fused pay for extra time. "As It Is now the games are run-
Everv member of the Aimtrnllnn nB 1,11(1 tho city Is getting no rev
cabinet Is a member of the' labor 0,1,10 a,1(1 ,lle clnss ,llnt wmlU1 Ht
nnrtv now In nnwnr. nnd n monger "are gamine in me tront room can
of a" trades union, but one. always find a locked door to go be-
Dr. Anita McGhee and eight pro
fessional women nurses have arriv
ed at Yokohama, under contract with
the Japanese government.
The widow of Jefferson Davis,
president of the Southern Confeder
acy, is in very poor health, and will
probably not long survive.
Lieutenant V. C. Lewis, of Com
pany 2S, Coast Artillery. Is missing
from duty, and without leave, at San
Francisco. It Is believed he suicid
ed, as he had given some Intimations
of such an Intention.
A cyclone struck Pawhuska. cap!-
Inl nt .... Vntl.... 1...1I-... !
wi iut7 uouhi; ..iiiiiii. luiiiuu i t:i
rltory. No person was seriously in
jured, but the property loss was
great. A three-story Catholic school
was completely wrecked.
Thomas Emerson, a Philadelphia
hind. If they are looking for a game.
"There is plenty of easy money nt
the farming towns up tljo line. Tho
worklngmen all play. If not openly.
on the quiet and a fellow can make
a living some way there. Here It Is
a skin game to see who can run In
the greatest number of suckers and
not got caught."
Champion Fisherman of Eastern Or
egon Ventures a Prediction on the
Season of 1904.
II. W. Swart, the best, If not tho
biggest fisherman In Umatilla coun
ty, was In the city last evening from
ninghnm Springs, and spoke enthus
iastically of the fishing prospects for
the season of 1904.
He says the young fish placed in
negro, nan nis Heart slit by a stab. the ponds by tho state at Hlnghnm
The surgeons sewed it up and he Is Springs were the finest specimens ho
out after several months confine-' ,.Ver saw. when they were turned
ment In hospital. It Is the third , into the river, some time ago. The
case on record of the kind.
supply of trout in the streams of tho
B. 13. McOregor. of New York, for- Wuo mountains will be better this
Hotel Pendleton.
It. W Helncman, San Francisco.
Frank Leo, city.
C. M. tlrion, Chlcngo.
P. M. Parkhurat.
A, A. Allen, Tncoma.
D. P.. Zeh, Walla Walla.
W. It. North, St. Louis.
Thomns . Uuford, St. Unite.
C. H. Ruffnor. Rochester.
A. E. Mcllreen, Spokane.
William J. Moore. Spokane.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
Miss P. R. Manner. Spokane.
W. A. ' Mclloborts, Spokane.
Oeorge Dove, Portland.
A. P. Rlckland, Joseph.
H. Kami.
D. S. Schwelzer, San Francisco.
Hotel St. George.
W. I). Skinner, Denver.
E. K. K. Allen, Milwaukle.
II. IJ. Wilson. Portland.
I. . II. Stlenhart. Portland.
H. II. Hanuk. Omaha.
E. A. Pond. Now York.
R. Orleger and wife. Oreenwond.
P. H. Wyninn, Weston.
Robert C. Feennh, Weston
J. H. Dovelln. Chicago.
E. H. Cooper. John Day.
J. A. Allison. Portland.
F. J. Ciardner. Portland.
E. S. Olbson, Wallo Walla.
D. H. Richardson. Helix.
O. H. Miller. San Francisco.
.1. E. Carter. San Francisco.
It. J. Dunn, Chicago.
C. Hawxhurst, San Francisco.
E. C. Warren, Portland.
J. McIInlo, llutte.
Spencer. llutte.
Shaffer, llutte.
Ward, llutte.
Runkle. llutte.
Shorer. llutte.
Hoffmeistcr. llutte.
Clarke. llutte.
Swindells, llutte.
Hamlelior. llutte.
W. W. Maxwell. Portland.
E. O. Peters, Everett.
O. W. Fredler. Hubbard.
D. N. .McMillan. San Francisco.
F. A. Klenert.
William Dunn. Portland.
W. W. Clayton, Portland.
note! Bickers.
D. W. Paulding. Ellensburg.
E. E. Taylor. I.a Oraudo.
James Harvy, Douglas.
W. S. Holt. Portland.
Charles ltlcmau, Pilot Hock.
John A. Mclntyro, Athena.
W. M. llriggs, city.
E. J. Metcalf, Portland.
Ed Crony, Starbuek.
J. H. Roddy, Starbuek.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
D. 1). Cef. Walla Walla.
Ed Castle, Starbuek.
J. P. Clark, Oklahoma City.
Frank Ollllam, Heppner.
Mrs. Rfl Jones. Echo.
.Miss Rhodora Smith. Echo.
J. A. Herson, city.
J. A. Nelson, Athena.
Miss Eva Preston, Ilaker City.
Frank Hnrdesty. Freeman.
See what you can buy this week at The Fair for only 49c
Ladles' colored Shirt Wnlst. late style 49c
Ladles, white Watets, new goods 49c
Ladles' black cotton Hose. (J pairs for 49c
Ladles' black lnco Hose, 2 pairs for 49c
Ladles gauze union suits, knee length 49c
Ladles' embroidery trimmed muslin Drawers. ,. ,49c
Ladles' muslin Night flown 49c
Ladles' gauze Vests, 10c grade, li for 49c
G styles of Corsets, light or heavy, each 49c
Men's Underwear, several kinds 49c
Men's good work Snlrts, several kinds 49c
Men's work or driving flloves 49c
Men's straw or crash Hats, Bile, (!0c and (15c
values 49c
Men's blnck or brown Hose, 10c kind. (! pairs for. 49c
Men's Dress Shirts, several styles 49c
Hoys' Dress Shirts, several styles 49c
Hoys' Waists, good material. 2 for 49c
Hoys' Wash Suits of good material 49c
10c kltj -
C yards of good colored Outing Flannel
for '
10 yards of fie bleached Muslin
III viinls of Calico, nil nnlim '
(1 yards of double-fold Zephy Oliigham..
5 yards of double-fold Percale. 32 tnnt.H'"!'."1'1
ste Dress floods. .7
S yards of figured Hatlsto
S yards of white India Linen
II yards of white Persian Ijivii
Pongee Silk, per ynrd
All wool Voile DrcsB goods, per yard
All wool Sicilian Dress floods, per yard.
2 yards Jap Silk, all colors
ynrdH colored Hake Voile Dress floods..
These are uuusuallv com! vnti i no n A ft
" ' UUU IRA u
clal prices remain In effect until Saturday Blrti
t l 11 iiv 1 .1.
the 1 A1K. the FAIR
Seattle merchants got tho contract
merly of Cleveland, and a founder of year than over before, according to f0I. furnishing 2,000 tons of oats for
the Standnrd Oil Company, is dead. Mr. Swart, who Is a close observer
He left $2.1100.000 to his wife, who and a good judge,
was Miss Clara Schlemmer. and to' Water is too high yet to ndmlt of
whom he was married on his death successful trout fishing, but within
bed. He left $10,000,000 to other n week tho flood will have passed
persons and purposes. and the actual fishing season will
have opened. North Fork. Meacham
PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. creek. Butcher creek and other trlb-
i utnries of the Umatilla river all give
Tom Davidson, a vagrant, tins ! promise of giving excellent returns
started a smallnov enldemle In the 1 1 'lie tlsliermen.
Seattle city jail.
It was decided In a case In Port
land Tuesday that women cannot 8 , , Services Tonight, Addressed
hold notntorial appointments in Or-i r
egon. by Rev. Warner.
Portland Is to have a rose carnl-1 A .special service will be hold at
vol about .May 15. when a parade of Salvation Army barracks on
rose-decorated vehicles will be the w'' (ret- tni8 evening. Special
main feature ; music has been prepared and the
, , ' ,', ., . , , meeting will be addressed by Rev.
Judge II. Wlnthrop has been noml- ,.., '',,,
.,..1 t J...1 I).-,.. T I,.,. T r 1VWIH.II. ,111.,
IlilltTIi 1 1 J t JilllK "1 1 MI IW HUM. UL-
government service In the Philip-
pines. Four lots of 500 tons each
were contracted at the following
prices: $20.85. $20.95. $27.15 and 2
$27.25 per ton. I
Winona Wagons, Hacks and Hugitles. Work the snme winter and
summer Rest finish, strongest and easiest running Wagons Hindu.
We have Just received three cirliiuds and can make close figures
on our rigs. Olvo us a call nn.l be convinced.
Ilig Ilrick Shop. Water Street
Stover Gasoline Engines.
The-r Can .Stop Their Hair Fulling Out
Will, llerplclde.
Indies who have thin hair and whose
hair Is falling out, can prevent the hair
falling out, and thicken the growth, with
Nowbro's "llerplclde." Ilesldes, Ilerpl
clde Is one of the most agreeable hair
dreirclngs there Is. Ilerplcldo kills tho
dandruff germ that eats the hair off at
the root. After the germ Is destroyed,
the root will shoot up, una the hair grow
long1 as over. Even a sample will con-
rpi... ,.l.ll,.rc ,.r tl.o Snlvnllnn Jmf "'"u' "' no"" iierpiCIUO
lias lmen liulL'o of the court of first . -""""' - ' , 'Ms an Indlsrnsahle toilet requisite. It
nstance hi the Phllimiines "avu "ee" nlaK'"'? " "--'"' t-'a,l 'B ! contains no oil or grease, It will not stain
instance in tit I nilippincs. (l ,,en,j,em of IatCt ami lt i8 their, or Uye. Sold hy leading drugglits. Send
rosier wacuinu, u uruim huiiiiu (mention to hold special meetings 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpl
Indian, was killed by a fellow tribes- ow an,i then In order to arouse and clde Co., Detroit, Men.
man while trying to stop a drunken iuep ,,,, the interest that It has
fight at Sheridan, Or.. Sunday night. j.aned.
Joseph flermaln, with a theatrical ,
company at Salem, was fatally 1 A Great Sensation,
wounded by the discharge of a gun j There was a big sensation In Lees
which he didn't know was loaded, . vlo, Ind., when W. II. Brown of
Tuesday. jUtat place, who was expected to d!o,
Portland shipped 381,000 huslielsiluc his life Hived by Dr. King's New
of wheat during the month of March, ! Discovery for consumption. Ho
or 50.000 bushels more than any writes: "I endured Insufferable agon
other city In the United States for les from asthma, but your New DIs-
the same period.
WTraetlm .... fnim
"' - " "X,,: ...u'. ... " "7 nleto cure
meame.. ". , .' . i,lmpUon, pneumonia, bronchitis and
down near i.katnt Island, In No-. 1 aro 'n;,mQr0U8. U's the peerless
veinuer, nun ijuuii iiincn iifi un .m.,-
dleton Island. Alaska.
Icoverv cave mo Immediate relief
tho lost Nome1""1' SOOn l,1,erLe!f.l C""
remedy for nil throat and lung trou
bles Price B0c and S1.00. Quaran-
Willie Smith, aged 0, robbed the ,ee.i ,v Tullman & Co.. druggists.
Salvation Army barracks of $33C In T-ial bottles free.
a ver. at Halter City, Monday. The
monoy was recovered. Tho boy will
be sent to tho reform school,
George Graver and Roscoe Foster,
of Illggs, assaulted Miss Maud (Jib
son. who was walking from the sta
tlon to her home, near Hggs, Mon
day night. They aro now under $3,-
000 bonds In tho Wasco county jail
Wheat Lands.
Oltv Proporty.
Fifty residences, 150 vacant lots,
business openings, hotels, feed yard,
livery stable, stock ranches, wncai
lands and all kinds of real estato.
E. O. Hide. 'Phono. Hlack 1111. P.
O. box, 324., Pendleton, Oregon.
Body of an Unknown Found.
Mystery uttachos to the finding of
the body of a man two and one-half
miles west of town last week Thurs
day, although It was conclusively
shown at the inquest that there was
no foul play. It Is very likely tho
man died from exposure and was a
victim of tho heavy snow storm of
December 12. In a pooket was a
map of the Northern Pacific railroad
nnil a piece of nn onvolope upon
which was written the address: J
Vincent. Snohomish, Wash." Tho ad
dress on the envelope, however, does
nto agree with tho Initials "M. O. II."
which wore on tho right torearm in
India Ink. Underneath tho Initials
wns a tatoo design of two clasped
hands. Holso Statesman,
Trlb Is a harmless Positive Cure.
Wnlla Walla. Wash.. Sept. 3, 1303.
i ran most heartily recommond Trlb
to any o dc3irng tj quit tho uso of
tobacco. I tried many so-called
cures. I enn iruwiiuuy any mm
has cured mo of all desire ior 'to
bacco in any form. TRID Is a euro.
Z. K. Straight, 110 Main street.
Tollman & Co., local agents,
F. W. Schmidt, special agent.
Court St.
Hear this In mind when you
need poultry nnd stock supplies
and ask for tho International
Poultry and Stock Food. Uso
Kow Kuro for your cow trou
bles. C. F. Colesworthy
127-129 East Alta 8t.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer.
The marvelous secrot of life at last discovered. The most wonder
ful discovery of the age, the latest system of upplyiu:;
Oxygen and Electricity for Curing Diseases
No drugs, medicine or doctor, you treat yourself The acme of per
fect home treatment. Thousands are quickly cured of every known dis
ease, from whom I havo letters that enn lie seen nl my olllce.
b "rill
55,000 11,0-acre ranch near tho
A VII fW.t-u I.. ...I nn .
- i tu hearing fruit trees.
1 small fruit, flood lmlldlnir i
J sorts. Plenty of water ahvan.
$2,500 Two lots with good
. i comer; East of Main street, i
m' 111! llPnilllflll limn, Inn r.
j $2,000 Five-room house, nearly t
- I i-uiiiui, uu.uii young iruit
I t Inn llflrtl. i.llln r.n...n. I. ir
- in .ii mo sireei ami very close
J j Kino location. Terms.
- i i uree tjuarier secttuns of
I wheat land, near Pendleton.
. (piarter sections lie atljolnlmt
. j sheds, blacksmith shop Plentf
water nt all times Call and let
J about the price.
a cny huh on wuicn we will loan
niouey to build.
! Successors to E, D. Boyd.
Insurance. Real Estate. Loant-
Prompt attention given mi II
worn executed properly
lileetrleal Supplies at til klcti
IHTICK - I'M wkst rmiRT II.'
And Westorn representative for the Washington and Idaho.
nnd tho JUDD ELECTRIC CO., of Do- batteries nro guaranteed to work
trolt, Michigan. Patentees nnd sole properly, and will bo kept In good
manufacturers of the Electrlkuro, the working orders, freo of any charge
uxoilc nnd juuus uouy oanenes, ami except postago to and from our of.
other appliances. flee. This Is moro than any other
iiemeinuer mese naileries nun w mnkers w iln.
system of applying electricity ore i Treat All Diseases.
dlfferont from all others.
Do tint linsWntn tn wrttn nr nnil lirv
Ho Is located at tho Palaco. C27
Main sirooi, nnu win give ireui- ,iSenso Is Incurablo. Every organ In
ments. Also will furnish you with tMQ 1)0lly ls ft ,IOrfect machine and
tho battory that you need for your Wni wnP). ,1rf1,ntiv if it in nunniieii
disease nnd teach you how to uso It wtj, tho proper force from tho
propony. wuun uia punuum iuuvu norves. nnil nnine nut nourlsliment
him thoy have moro knowledge how from t10 lllood. I have learned how
to treat with electricity than nine out t0 supply this norvo force and blood
of ton that nro practicing with lt to- nourishment. This Is why I can euro
lay- whore others fall.
These battorles aro endorsed by For proofs of euros In your city
tho leading medical and scientific cull nt parlors 2 and 3, Palace room
mon, both of this country nnd Eur- lug house, 027 Main stroot. Consul-
ope. Hundreds nro soiu annually to intion ireo. ir unaiiio to can write
tho British Marino hospital In Horn- mo, plainly giving your symptoms In
bay, India. Address
They nro recommonded by ninny PROF. F. P. fiHADDUCK,
well known physicians of Oregon, Pendleton, Oregon.
(Tribune Hulldlng)
Let us fill your
bin witli ....
Recognized as the best
and most e-onomicalfuel.
We are prepared to con
tract with you (or your
winter's supply- VVe de
liver coal or wood to any
part of the city.
Laatz Bros.
Main Street
Near Vtp
mil irf in in r.L.uuiv
Alton IJ, nt Fraider's ranch, o
nine soutn, or city en xu- -Dutch
Henry feed yard.
0..111 ii...i,c Tuesdays "d
ailllivuif, ..iiiiiMMj.', .
Wednesdays at John Crow's raw
i.'. on,iiist of PendWi".
and balanco of week except Sm
at Dutch Henry's fed yard.
Alton n Is full hrother of t
hnlls. 2-.0VA. sire, Aiia'u"-
Tecora, by C. M. Clay, Jr. le'
J20 to Insure
Rniiivnn. iniro-breil Clyle, we
Ing about 1,800 pounds. Term,
to Insure; $10 for season.
ipniars. inquire
for iiirinur imn.v ..,ioi
Frank Frailer or Thomas W
Pondloton, Or.
Walters' flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrels a ,Jg
Flour oxclmneed for wn
Flour, Mill Feed, ChopP"
itc., always on nnnu.