East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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I.. 17
NO. BOV.i.
cth m n c n q m
U I II llll Ill
U I W w .
eular Army Sharpshoot-
Barricadcs Against the
fro cimoi rr
Made the Fight t-rom uenina
ield, and the Negro Was the
Seattle Inspectors Find Diseased Beef
and Pork In Large Quantities.
Senttlc, April 27. City Meat In
spector Roll's report for April will
show thnt ho hns condemned more
than n ton of meat which otherwise
would have been consumed by the
people of the city. Some of It was
Infected with tuberculosis of the
most dangerous typo. The larger
portion of it was thrown away for
being too Joan, sour or otherwise un
fit for use. A half dozen hogs, show
ing the effects of cholera were condemned.
Some of the had meat was found!
on the counters of retail meat shops,
hut 'most of It was discovered on the
docks and at the railroad stations.
It had been shipped In from tho
Corpse Eaten by Rats.
Seattle, April 27. Decayed and
hnlf ontnn llV rnt rns n nnrnan cnn.
One Injured When the 08P,j o )0 tlint nf jplcr w Wilson.
a 'dope fiend, found In the basement
of n .Inpancse lodging house, at 411
Yesler way yesterday afternoon. The
grewsome discovery was made by a
Japanese, who crawlen under the
house to find the cause of n stench
which hnd become unbearable.
Frightened half to death, he rushed
to police headquarters, a block dis
tant, and reported his And
3 Ceased the Desperado Was
d Dead With Seven Wounds
Had Made His Fight With
Revolvers and Supply of Car-
land. Cal April 27. Atter a
with a heavy squad of police
with Winchesters and sawed-
i ... T.on In..
niciiii lit tiiiiiiuu ml i . iu mm
and lasting until 8:30 this
ng joe nninn, a negro mirji-
. l ' I . nf .1.,.
ni.mtrv was snoi to uoaui in
until seven bullets had plerc-
Douy uiu uiu ueHiicrttuo neurit
mb and up to the time the last
missile struck him ho kept be-
the party at hay with a per-
an nr miners n inn nt wmnn
tor Jmiti il 4 Tin Tn n
officers went to Smith's homo
thl to arrest mm for disturb-
with bullets, barricaded tho
and fled to the uppor lloor,
he stationed himself nt n win.
armed with two revolvers,
nforccmcnts wore sont on a
On Which VftR lilflni.il aliont
which was used as a Bhlolil. San Kafaol, Cal., April 27. I). M.
the tlmo of their arriva1! until I Edwards, head of the auditing de
gilt the fight was kept up. The i Partment of the Southern Pacific,
rht holla umrn n ,ii swnrr to p comnluint this afternoon
lion of hostilities and at day-j'beforo Justice Magee, charging SIg
the battle was resumed. m,r Iloss'. tho noted Callan singer
llh hu1int.i ., ' , of San Francisco, u-ith nrinlterv
..w.,uti.u u UIUUIUUI UlLUr
ying both revolvers, and one of Edwards claimed IlnssI eloped with
uivcib buul nun in me arm. i .".mo. j.uuiuo
Law to Regulate the Disposal
of Released and Excluded
Says Rossi, Who Is a Noted Opera
Performer, Elopod With His Wife
and Then Stood Him Off With a
Shotgun Plaintiff Is an Auditor
of the Southern Pacific.
Ex-President Taylor Had Five
Wives, the Twc Last Being Sisters
and Employes of His Former
Wives Former President State Ag
ricultural College ls a Polygamlst
More Battleships Is the Settled
Policy of the Administration.
Washington, April 27. The house
and senate met at 30 this morning.
In the former the galleries were well
filled In anticipation of the appear
ance of UttJefield, of Maine.
The house passed the bill regulat
ing the disposal of public lands re
leased and excluded from public for
est reservations.
The conference report on the gen
eral deficiency bill was accepted.
In the senate the Buriows reso
lution for the committee on expul
sion of Smoot to sit during recess,
went to the committee.
Tho general deficiency bill for the
sundry civil service was agreed to.
They Are Repulsed at Five or
Six Other Points Along the
Yalu River.
J. frank Hanley, of Warsaw, Nomi
nated for Governor.
Indlnpnpolls. April 27. The re
publican convention this morning
adopted a platform Indorsing Roose
velt, and nomlnnted J. Frank Hanley
as governor on the first ballot. Tho
present Incumbents of secretary of
state, treasurer, auditor, attorney
general and superintendent of public
instruction, and supremo court
judges were nominated unanimously.
Their Every Effort Directed Toward
Wrecking the Siberian Railway
Japanese Now Consider Their
Southern Coast Line Safe From
the Enemy, and Remove Marine
Mines Daring Attempt of Spies to
Destroy in a Russian Baltic Navy
?: tu.i Craig Neuk From St. Thomas
to Philadelphia.
Atlantic City, April 27. A largo
steamer wont ashore on Hrlgantlne
shoals last night. A heavy sea is
running and Immense waves break
ing. Apparently sho Is n passenger
ship from tho West Indies or South
Later The steamer has been Iden
tified as tho Crnlg Neuk. from St.
Thomas to Philadelphia.
St. Petersburg, April 27. Officials
Intimate that tho attempt of tho
Japanese to cross tho Ynlu at six or
seven points resulted In the failure
of all but one, that was accomplish
ed only at severe loss.
There Is no confirmation of
bombardment of Wonsans.
Off for the Front.
St. Petersburg. April 27. Admiral
Skridleff left for the front today.
An Immense crowd witnessed his
Commissioners Return.
New York. April 27. Tho Panama
canal commissioners arrived from
Colon this morning after their In
spection of the cnnnl zono. (.runs
ky said tho commissioners accom
plished tho object of their visit nnd
had nothing to add to the statement
made by Parsons last week.
..w..v.t Oil ULI
tinder the right arm pit. Ho
n to reel and fall to the
u n Hiui OIIUM1
made a deaneratu stand nnd
him dpflll in n lirtnl rt 1.tnJ
I'vjwi Ul UIUUU Ull
iti, i.. v.. z, : """""
.u.u..w,d i,j jus muu.
round llossi nnd his wlfo at Pastorl-
as this morning and Rossi drove
Edwards away with a shotgun. Rossi
and Mrs. EdwardB have been living
at Pastorlas since Friday.
Hossl is now taking the leading
'parts at the t TIvolI opera house In
San Francisco.
James Dunn, of Corvallls, Dies From
Pistol Shot.
Corvallls, Or., April 27. James
in, iiTi, . ..
of laborers was hold at Labor
on Alder street Inst nli-h t
w n effort to Becure affiliation morning's shooting affray, In which
IDP nrrrnnl,...! ll .. , l I ..111..., ... r-l ,
- Bu.ufti-u wuur unions or yuuiiK ivuuuy was luuou uy anorm
CltY. flml . .. I r. ... .. . ... . , .
".-iMi-Bcumuun ill mo 1 uuriiuii. men ui. 4:iu u. in. louay.
ffmni.ll , . . . t ... ......
ttpra nnr.n... , .. .. " ... . "
m k i tno sontinieiit ntgnt and tne inevitunio enu came
overwhelmingly ln favor of the as a reJIef to him nnd the sorrowing
cttd, and an adjournment In constant .attendance sinco "he was
UQ Until ihn . 11., I ml- t ...ill -
K. .1 ' " . . -
' "U Itlllll llf mr. !... ...Ill 1 I t . L iU.i S-lnl.nIIn
"tuuiiiiir win ni luiiiiii itjw ui Liiu uiuiuuu uuuivu. uuu
-- a urgamzer will be pre&- the remains will be laid beside tho
uiu orcanizatlon. i L-ravo of h k wife.
More Battleships.
Washington, April 27. Represen
tative Dayton, of West Virginia, an
nounced after a conference with the
president this morning that despite
Hale's remarks to the contrary, tue
administration still favors battle
ships. The president will sign the
bill today or tomorrow providing for
more of these ships.
Japanese Spies.
St. Petersburg, April 27. Siberi
an parcrs stato that 200 Japanese
have reached Manchuria In disguise
for the purpose of destroying rail
road property. Chinamen when dis
covered tampering with the rails
are hanged.
Safe From Attack.
London, April 27. The St. James
Gazette correspondent wires that
several vessels believed to be Rus
sians were again sighted off Gensan
The correspondent also reports
that the minister of marine has abol
ished the strategical zone in Kti
channel, which leads from tho Paci
fic to the Inland sea. It Is presum
ed the mines arc removed, as tho
southern coast of Japan Is now re
garded as safe.
. i ii a.
mass, nf r.iir. i. ...... ... .
... . . i . . i r i u wiuiaiitiii I u I o n btuir i v. u i
- v tuHic al
the M. E.i
. . tjIRflfl O tWltnrl
fr(iin.. . "wn;u i mil il u
nrfl,of California, will ad-
I-V1UB lonight On thn ni.o.
"i lOPftl . . . . I
rch. South 1 t,le Methodlat
Glass la mot.1 .
"'I speak nt !, constitution,
peak at tho revival moot-
A .J. ..
- "ia inn i(. . ....
S,t,r?I local rog-
"lament . Jli" ca.rry
Motive Exploded.
Pltth.- T
A BaUlmore 27
"P'oded this mhl. cnfilno
fusing Bran-,i0rnl"B whl'
EnS,ad0ck' fnlal'y In-
Tfr nteryad
piously re?n, Blo, and
0l!ler8' Five mS threo
wcked Z ll,l'nsa were
There san tw set aflro.
i?0 railroad 0xcltomont
y, hi omPloyes, as
fslne as U'"B regarded tho
t0 iavo it saf0' nl Bought
IUoV,T0mn011' Tho
,nw! ,0nBlno M
,Crl com. ,ect of much
melZ bot"
Uls. BIU' railroad cmic.
Berlin, April 27. Tho Ossluche
Zeltung reiiorts thnt King Christian
of Denmark at tho weekly open re.
coptlon was approached by a young
woll-brod and fashionably attired
woman who proposed marriage to the
monarch. "I fear I'm too old," re
piled Christian, as ho requested an
oflicor to escort the apparently de
ranged person to tho door.
Elgin Dry Town.
La Grando. April 27. The city
council of Elgin at Us last regular
meeting passed an ordinance clos
ing all business houses on Sunday.
They aro also considering an ordl
nanco to regulato hours during week
days too.
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society Will
Have Charge of Pahl Children.
County Judge G. A. Hartman com
mitted Tlmm, Kattlo, Bonheart and
Johnnio Pahl, tho four cnlldron of
Marguorlto Pahl, who was adjudged
Insane a short tlmo ago, to tho Boys'
and Girls' Aid Society of Portland
this aftornoon. Tho children will bo
takon to Portland In a short tlmo.
The Pahl ostato consists of house
hold property to tho value of about
?7G, and lots 12. 13 and 14 In block
29 of tho Reservation addition. Judgo
Hartman sont tho papers In tho mat
ter of tho appointing of a guardian
to tho asylum, where thoy will bo
aurvod upon Mrs, Pahl and roturnod
to this city, when a guardian of tho
OHtato will bo appointed,
Apostle Taylor's Wives.
Washington, April 27. L. E. Ab
bott, a Mormon from Farmington,
Utah, was questioned as to his
knowledge of Apostle John V. Tay
lor. He said Taylor was reputed tt
have five wives: two are now living
at Farmington and one near there,
with five children. Taylor also has
J . .1 a. T1V. .. .1- 1
V . . . Trled t0 Blow a Battleship,
Hnvln Wnlllnirtnn. two vears aeo. ae- r
,.,ii i,h mib rrinr tn Kronstodt, April 27. it Is stated
that thev bad been livi'nu with Tay-It.nat M unknown man attempted to
lor's wives as hired girls. , destroy the battleship Alexander I I
J. M. Tanner, former piesldent ofi Pacing a bomb In the engineer's
the Utah Agricultural College, and ro,ora' a?d that he committed suicide
now connected with Mormon schools when dIsovered;
had plural wives too, but he could ,
not tell how many. I OOD FELLOWS AT MILTON.
A li.ttpr from former President'
Smith to Senator Burrows, was then ' Anniversary Was Celebrated With
put on the records. In It he regrets j Appropriate Exercises Yesterday,
his Inability to procure the attend-, ,,, ... ... ,
..f i. u.,... c.,,1.1, r,r,.,. "" "I"" "-' nni-
UI ll.lJij u. ....... w,...M
lor and M
teo adjour
Each Taunts the Other With the
Dirty Record of His Party and as
an Individual Dalzell. Invites
His Opponent Outside Cockran
Silences the Entire House.
Washington, April 27. I). C. Dal
zell, republican from Pennsylvania,
and Bourke Cockran went nt It again
in tho house todny, hummer and
Ileferrlng to Saturday's speech, tho
former said Cockran mado a con
temptible attnek' on hltn (Dalzell)
and he would be n poltroon If ho
did not meet him outside. He did
not say Cockran received nnney for
political work, hut was so informed
Ho then lashed Tammany In hitter
language and referred to Cockran's
checkered career as that of u tenta
tive adventurer.
Cockran came back with tho sar
castic Inquiry If vituperation Is to bti
the key-noto of tho republican cam
paign, and referring to Pennsylvania
with a scorn nnd loathing that kept
the house silent in awo,
Large Number of Delegates
From Different Portions of
the County.
Prominent Workers From This Coun
ty and From Different Portions of
the State Are Present Introduc
tion This Afternoon of a Varied
and Most Entertaining Program
Rev. A. A. Morse, of Portland, Win
Deliver an Address This Evening.
ii w m .rrm w Tav verBary of tno fun"ng of Odd Kel- Dead In Shallow Poo
I V rowlA Thi- rommltM l""'81?11' waK ''-'''rated hero yesler-1 Walla Walla, April 27.-E.
ned sul W-t to -ill t il ip ,dBy a manner tlial wI" not on , Palmer, aged 22 years, wa
mod, hlllljeci lO III Uli. . rnrcrnllnn liv ITmotllln ,l.l l .... Il,....l,, ,iui. ,
Young Man of Walla Walla Found
Dead In Shallow Pool.
Mwanl J.
was found
bo forgotten by Umatilla county Odd i dead In an Irrigation ditch near Do-
hallows. ment's mill yesterday by a party of
O. It. &. N excursion trains brought: boys tishing In Mill creek. Tho body
nt least 300 Odd Fellows nnd Ite-'wHH lying fnco downward In tho mud
bekahs to this cllv. whnro unlnn ,,v. iniul ;i IuihUhI i.nrllv lllli.il with lluli
Are Being Whipped by the Hereros ..prises o nil thn lodges In tho conn-1 was still fastenou to tho body. Pal
of Southwest Africa. ty were held. mur had gono out fishing early In
Ttnrlln Anrll "7 Tho I okal An- Hepresentntlves from all tho ' the day and had not been soon after-
' . lOfliieH in till, fnimtv lioul.li.u innnu tuari
sent and i Tho young man was subject to
appropriate 1 falling fits and It Is supposed thnt
the rebel Hereros of Gorman South- ",' l"u ' '"" -""ion ioogo iiau i one attacKea mm yesioruay. Keel
Afrlra near Otilhaona i charge of the arrangements and did Ing his weakness, ho attempted to
worn lulled nnd four ..meis and IS' ,w A"in'UH nam or wana waiia.ncii into tno uiicn neariiy. in ins
Z..iT : whs tho speaker of tho day and gave 'helpless condition ho smothered to
men were wuuwnu. i .... ,,iiiir.,uu .... n,...,. ( i...i.. .., . ..,....
- .,. oi.ujuut U iiaiur ,ii;.ivii, mult; ii.fi. iiuiii) .iiiiif,ii vvaiul
The tenth annual conventhm nf
tin Mmutlllu County Sunday School
Assochitlou met unit was called u or
der this afternoon at two o'clock ln
the First Christian church, for a
three days' session A largo number
oi delegates from the different Sun-
dny schools of the county wero pres
ent, and the convention promises to
bo n very successful nnd profltablo
one from all standpoints.
The work of tho past year will bo
discussed and plans will bo laid for
the advancement of tho work of tho
Sunday schools In this county during
the year to come.
The following program was carried
out during the afternoon session,
with tho exception of tho report of
the year's work by Pres. H. II. Cur
tis of Athena, who could not bo pres
ent: 2:00 Devotional, "A Model Olllcor."
Tim. 2:ir..
2:30 Welcome, .Mr. U 15. Penland,
2:40 Hespoiisc, Mrs. It, Jones, Echo
2:r.0 Reports of county olllcers:
(a) Supt. of primary deimrtment.
lb) Supt . of homo department.
(c) Supt of normal department,
(d) Treasurer.
(e) Corresponding secretary.
3:20 "The Year's Work," Pres. H. II.
Curtis, Athena.
3: no Conference led by tho Plato
president, A. A. Morse, Portland.
(b) County officers,
(Ii) County superintendents.
() County tenchers.
fi 00 Appointment of committees,
K:00 Devotlonul.
H:30 Address, "Tho Great Merger,"
A. A. Morse, Portland.
Thursday, April 28 Forenoon.
9:00 Devotional, "Tho Child In tho
Midst," I.uko 2:43-G2.
!l:30 Address, "Tho possibilities of
(he Child," A. F. Flegel, Portland.
10:00 Address, "How to sucuru nnd
Hold Attention," Huv. J. W. Jen
kins, Athena. ,
10:30 Address, "Our Hoys and Girls
for ChrlHt,
P. Jlnnott,
Shepherd of
ii.i.i.. . . . 1 H,.i.pu n i.l fun.. ,
iwo-iiiiniB ui uiu .. ,, , ,. A ......,. ..., ., i.i...
IllUIlln llUVll ' muiliriuimn, nuitll Will UU I III IIIUWII llllll.
iii.-iiaiiieu uwny in mo memories or
those who heard It as one of the! GOVERNMENT
third of the men of tin
died of tvnhold. rendering Gliisen-
app's force Impotent and unuble to
contlnuo tho campaign mini u-iu-
forcements arrive.
It Is renorted that Governor U-ui-
wen will be suspended on account of
the unsuccessful campaign, and Gen
eral Trolha sent out with a formida
ble army to save the situation.
Warship Wrecked.
Shanghai, April 27. Tho Chinese
warship Haetlen, ashore on IJIIot
rocks, is n total wreck. All aboard
were saved.
priceless gems of tho ethics of Odd
A general musical and literary
program was rendered, after which
n basket lunch was served.
The ball game which followed was
won by Whitman from tho Milton
boys on a score of 26 to 1.
Owing to the very busy season, the
attendance was not as largo as was
expected and Pendleton lodges will
make up tho deficiency in guaranteed
excursion tickets, which will amount
to nearly 50.
A netltlon bearing tho names of
about 100 property owners from tho
Immediato vicinity of tno eicciric
lleht nlant and the slto of tho pro
posed gas plant, will bo presented to
tho meeting of tho city council to
night nsklng that tho gas company
be denied permission to erect tho
gus plant within tho city limits.
Tho petition contains nuunng uiu
and make tho Immediato locality In
which it Is situated, less desirable as
a resldenco district.
No signatures have boon solicited
outside of tho district south of Wobb
street and east of Main, which would
bo directly affected by tho prosonco
of tho gas plant on tho site of tho
present electric light plant.
Tho proporty owners interested
tho names of bonn fide property own- aro expected to be present at tho
i, who nrotost acaliist this plant . meeting of tho city council tonight.
imini! locatod In tho residence por-to protest with their presence, John H Smith, of Astoria, has (lo
tion of tho city, as Its presence will against the location of tho plant, as cllned Hid nomination for prosiden
tond to roduco tho value of property well aB with their petition. Itial elector on tho 'inoeratlc ticket.
Several Changes Noted In Mr. Wheel
ers Department,
W. C. Sawyer, who has been In tho
Washington olflco of tho geological
survey, has been transferred to this
city and Is now at work In tho olllco
of J. T. Whistler. Ho will assist in
tho stream measurement work which
has heretofore been under tho care
of Mr. Lewis, but which has grown
to such dimensions that ono man
cannot handle it at this tlmo of tho
year, especially. U is probable that
In a short tlmo Mr. Sawyer will as
sume charge of tho stream measuro
men I work and that Mr. 1-wwls will
remain in the head olllco here as an
assistant fo Mr, Whistler,
I,. Ii, Bralnard and W. Itoy Saxon,
who have been with tho government
forces in Arizona for tho wlntor sett'
son, havo beon transferred and nro
now In tho field with the men work
Ing on the irrigation projects In this
H. S.. Williams, who has beon
working on tho Salt river Irrigation
project in Arizona, during tho wln
tor, reached town this morning and
will be sent Into tho Held In a day
or so.
itev. W.
11:00 Discussion.
12:00 Noon recess.
2:00 Devotional, '"Ino
tho Sheep," John,
2:30 Address, "Tho Teacher's Prep
aration," Ituv. II. N. Smith,
3:00 Address, "Teachers' Opportuni
ties," Itev. W. II. Hiikln, Milton.
3:30 Discussion.
4:00 Address, "Tho Teacher and the
Homo," A. I. Thoroughinan,
4:30 Addiess, "Teaching Teinpfir
ance," Mrs. Robert Warner, Pen
dleton. 0:00 Recess.
8:00 Devotlonul.
8:30 Address, "Tho Sunday School
as a Reformer," Uov. J. W. Jon
kins, Athena.
9:00 Address, ."Does It Pay?" A. F.
Flegel, Portland.
0:30 Benediction.
Catherine creek has floodod hund
reds of acres of wheat land In Grand
Hondo vii I ley within the past week.
Wholesale Poisoning.
Sofia, April 27. A more
accident today averted tho
poisoning of COO Btudents of
(ho Bulgarian military school,
when the cook caught n
young student of tho Holla
Unlvorslty in the act of put
ting tho contonts of a pack
ago of cyanldo of potassium
Into the food being prepared,
Tho arrested student uulctd
ed In his cell. Ho was a mem
ber of an nnarclilst socloty
which appointed lilm to do
away with all tho studonts of
tho military school.