3HT DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLZTON, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1904. PAQE THREE. M"H ILLOW THE CROWDS TO i BTAl Rty to! 'it TTitt, j '3 In ttj only thrJ tho Alexander Department Store For bargains in flew, fresh and reliable aiercnandise at less than you can bay damaged goods for NEWS OF ATHENA DELEGATES TO REBEKAH GRAND LODGE AT ASTORIA. Little Girl's Arm Broken Adams Baseball Team Beat the Athena Team Moved Onto the Carlisle Place Has Moved to Warren Had a Grain . Drill Mashed Up Visitors From Boise and Other Points. satisfactory crops and has a stand this season that la very thick and al ready a foot high. There are many who bcllevo that alfalfa Is a coming crop In Willamette and one that will he profitable. Land that will produce It In abundance will at once take on a value of $200 per acre or more. Corvallls Times. THERE ARE NO FAILURES. good feet center )se ofij i good fod ragh and to i walkltj 'e fine r easy tej n the cl u ncij lexander Department Store j THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES j 1 1 yd lake a Pan of Beans I ate, LiJ fn 5T PESl whej j k suppJ ercatioJ ood. cow t orlfil i St Killti It big ones come to the top. Same way with furniture lis the shake-up of competition. It's more than floor space, it prices and right furniture and right troatment makes tre really big. ttock Is big, but our prices little in comparison with the lire give. Carpets, rugs, linoleum. Newest patterns. Fret- leslgns. IAKER & FOLSOM Furniture and Carpets The Mad Mullah has escaped from Somallland, where he has been badly whipped by the British, Into Italian territory. His following has been completely dissipated. j Sold cm Merit j At high-grade grocers g Athena, April IS. Harry Itosen sswelg of Walla Walla, Is visiting his parents hero. Mrs, Jennie Gross, Mrs, Jennie Watts and Mrs. Luvena Reed were elected as delegates, to attend tho grand assembly of tho Uebckahs, which will meet at Astoria May 17. Dert Vaughn of Pino, with his In fant son, passed through Athena on his way to Weston, where he will leave the little fellow In care of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hide nour. Mrs. Charles Rrotherton's cousin, Jesse A. Wise, who Is In tho piano business at Boise, Is visiting old friends here. Miss I.nry West has returned to Whlla Walla. Rem Banister had one of his drills broken up badly, while driving through a gate. William Peterson made n business trip to Walla Whlla Friday. Charles Keen, of Walla Whlla. paid old friends here a visit. Hugh Bell, who spent the winter hero, has moved out on a farm at Warren. The Adams baseball boys came up and played against tho itttionas. Adams won by a score or 13 to 12. This Is tho first time the Athena kids have been beaten this season. Green Etes returned yesterday evening from La Grande. ' Bern Banister, who has been liv ing on the Mark John place for the past seven years, will move his family on the Carlisle place, east of Athena, to reside permanently. Mr. Hunter of Pullman, Wash., is visiting H. H. Curtis. Had an Arm Broken. The little daughter of It. E. Stew art had the misfortune to get her arm broken between the elbow and wrist. Dr. .Sharp reduced tho fracture. Dr. Garfield, of Victoria. B. C, Tells of Three Hundred Cases Wherein He Recommended the Use of Trlb. Dr. James G. Garfield, of Victoria, B. C, when asked, do you lndorso TRID as a cure for tho liquor and tobacco habit, said: "I do, I have .vn your remedy long before it was sold to you, and can tell you of three hunared people that I hnvo ad vised to tako It, I never knew of a failure to euro where tho party tak ing It was sincere." Tallman & Co., local agents. Must Pay for Fair Stock. Zoeth Houscr, ox-lTnltod States marshal, who resides In Pendleton, was in Portland Tucsdny attending the congressional convention, nnd was served with a summons nnd complaint In a suit filed In the state circuit court by the Lewis nnd Clark Centennial and American Exposition to recover $100. Houscr In Novem ber, 1901, subscribed for 10 shares of the stock, which ho has not paid for, and Gammans & Malarky. attorneys for the exposition company, took this means to enforce collection. It Is tho purpose of tho mnnngement not to allow any subscriber to escape payment. Telegram. ifl.ti if..!......... ift, 1 Aitbiti llllifiilntiitllftifc 'I . TTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTT PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Wo do only good work and I at right prices. Our facilities aro unexcelled. X Wo nro experienced in tho bus iness, nnd all work receives our porsonal nttentlon. Ncatnoss and promptness. No mnttcr what you want In painting or papcrhanglng, X we'll do tho highest grade of work. Inuoor and outdoor painting. Wilson & Carnine f T Shop on Cottonwood street, T X near Neaglo Bros. 'Phono, 1 lllnck 1043. .j ..,...I..T.A....lf.il ifiiTntntiif f t if t it Infc fbil ij Alfalfa in Willamette. A thousand pounds of alfalfa seed is to be sown this year by Richard and John Klger. The seed Is suffi cient for 80 acres, of which the for mer will sow B0 acres on his farm north of CorvalllB. Fifteen acres sown there last year yielded two Robbed the Grave. A startling Incident Is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol lows: "1 was in an nwful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu ally In back nnd sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given mo up. Thep I was advised to uso Electric Bit ters; to my great Joy tho first bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued their uso for three weeks, and nm now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only CO cents. Guaranteed at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Thursday Afternoon Club. The regular meeting of tho Thurs day Afternoon Club will be held at tho home of Mrs. A. J. Owen, on South Thompson street, Thursday afternoon Instead of at tho home of Mrs. Dr. Henderson, as announced. It will bo a "flag day," tho flags of all nations to be the subject for the program. "If you would BE WEALTHY said Benjamin Franklin, "think of saving as well as nettlno." Start today. No matter how little, save something. Begin with YOUR FUEL BILL by buying nothing but the best dry wood and Kemmerer Coal of It Ib alleged that 25,000,000 peoplo are regular attendants upon tho Sun day schools of the entire world, of which 13,000,000 nro In tho United States. 'Phone Main 1121. Savings Bank Building. The Arlington J. L. SHARON, Proprietor. Tho Arlington Is a high-class rooming housn. equipped with oloc trie lights, freo baths and nil mod ern conveniences. It Is contrally located, being on Main street, throe doors north of Hotel St. Goorgo, over tho Delta candy storo. Booms by tho day, week or month, llntos 60c to $1 a day. C18 Main etreot. Phone lied 1091. IM ca! tie A Carnival of Bargains for April EACH MONTH SINCE WE HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS HAS GAINED OVER THE PREVIOUS MONTH. NOW WE PROPOSE TO MAKE APRIL THE BANNER MONTH OF OUR BUSINESS CAREER. WE WILL MAKE EXTRAORDINARY iNnnr.FMPNTS IINTH iuiav 1ST. paoh WEEK DAY IS SET ASIDE FOR GREATEBT BARGAINS EVER OFFERED HERE. FOR INSTANCE. WEDNESDAYS leiltM Bt HT DAYS- THURSDAYS UNDERWEAR DAYS, ETC. EACH DAY IN THE WEEK WILL BE BARGAIN DAY. STOP, PAUSE, READ AND PONDER STUDY CAREFULLY EACH DAY'S SPECIAL OFFERINGS. NOTE PARTICULARLY THE GREAT CUTS IN PRICES. WHILE WE ARE PRACTICALLY A NEW FIRM IN PENDLETON, WE PROPOSE 1 SELL AS MUCH CLOTHINr. a N n ciirmirhinr nnnns this SEASON FROM OUR LITTLE STORE AS ANY BIG STORE IN THE CITY. WE EXPECT TO MAKE PRICES WIN YOUR PATRONAGE. ALREADY LOES US GOOD TO SEE THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WEARING OUR SUITS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND NEW CUSTOMERS ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY. WE ARE BUILDING iid a xoanrr tuat- wr dc Dnnnn nc inn wp MMRT HAVE THfc CONFIDENCE OF THE PUBLIC: WE MUST DO EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. WE ARE HERE TO FAY AND YOUR FUTURE PATRONAGE AS WELL AS THE PRESENT, IS MOST EARNESTLY SOUGHT. THEREFORE, YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING AT OUR STORE EXACTLY AS ADVERTI8ED. will, offer Tlllc onln f'lts, Panamas and stiff Hats, Hats for tho be 20 inr years In- Wednesday Specials Pot WETlVKm . .... ft, ,7, r" a we l5aIlviLStet8un 801 "'"I save ji.r.n ' nd other $3.5,, it i il " " Buaronteetl to leii.?. ia. 'ne city Our urlcr. tr . Iz nn V.... T, . lot ittn-: "" w to JG.fi Tfotsday Specials Coo wcdr Stt!? ft oor's 18 80,,, 1,y sco advur- t'" ave tin anotllor stance W lh,L y.t'ar8' Interest. Irf. "! Mrealn V " mlu every "nderwear so"- 2?n 1 overlook this on't . "ut 11 SUlt at n, ( i 1 J cent ""'"""'i Jttlpen a Karment. Hero Friday Specials Sweaters.', suspenders, handkerchiefs, neckwear, bolts. Sweaters, $5.00, -for .oo, you save $1.00. " " $4.50 Sweaters for $3.(i0, yoi save 90c. $1.01) Sweaters, $3.20, you savo 80c. $3.50 Sweuters, $2.80, you save 70c. $2.50 Sweaters, $2.00, you save 50c. We carry nothing but tho best makes of Sweaters and the higher the price, tho moro you save, Suspenders 25 cent suspenders, 15c, you savo 10c. 50 cent suspenders, 35c, you save 15c. 75 cent suspondors, 50c, you savo n quarter. $1.00 suspenders, 70c. You save 30c, We have higher grado suspenders re ducedMli the same proportion. Handkerchiefs Men'a 10 cent linen handkerchiefs, 2 for 5 cents, you save 15c. 25 cent linen or silk handkerchiefs, plain and fancy borders, for Fridays only, 2 for 25 cents. Yop save 100 per cent. 50 cent linen nnd silk handkerchiefs, 25 cents, you save 100 per cent. Samo reduction jiies on bettor hamlKerchiefs. Belts We havo a real swell line, hand carv ed, plain and ornamental. All tho de sirable colors from 25 cents to $1.00. You can cut the prlco on alt 20 per cent. Neckwear 25 oont four-ln-hands, tecks, Bbleld bows, shield tecks, midget strings, 2fo 25 cents. When you buy 2 you are get ting ono for nothlug. 60 cent four-in-hands, 35 cents. You savo 15 cents. $1.00 Ascot puffs for 50 cents. Yon ave 50 cents. Saturday Specials Golf Shirts 75 cent golf shirts, new lino, Just re ceived for Saturdays, 35 cents, You save 40 cents. $1.25 Shirts for $1.00. You savo two bits. $1.50 Shirts for $1.25. You savo 25 cents. Men's black and white working shirts, double front and bark, (lie best values ever given for 60 centB, for Sat urdays, 35 cents. Hero you snvo 15 cents. Jumpers Checked gingham Jumpers, sold by everyono for 50 cents, for Saturdays, 35 cents. You save 15 cents, Doss of the Road, heavy denim coats, No. 999, rogularly sold at $1.00 by every dealer in Pendleton, 76 cents. A quarter sav ing for you. Dusters An exceptionally good valuo for f 1.50, will be sold Saturdays for $1.20, a 30 cent saving. $2.60, pure linen dusters, extra long, wide collars, Saturdays for $1.85. Saves you SS cents. Monday Specials Night Robes and Pajamas 75 cent night robes, extra lung, 50 cent s; you clear 25 rents, $1.00, fur 75 ctwilH. $1.60 Hiileeil. blue, pink ami while, ror $1 16. $2.00 night idIich. $1.50, you make 60c $2.60 night robes. $1.85, you JiikI pick up !5c I'ajamns' $.'1.60 suits for $2,10. saves you JiihI Jl.lii $ii.oo pajamas. $.oo a suit. You llnd $2. Tuesday Specials Gloves Gloves 150 pairs working gloves, good values lit $1.60, unci to show you how much we want the worklugmeu'H trade, will mliko 'em for uu even dol lar. You suvo half it dollar, Dress Gloves $1.50 kind for $1.00; $1.25 kind for 75 cents. Kach of iIicho means 60 cents lo your profit. Uncalled-for Suits Wo have Just .received from u leudlug merchant tailor of Chicago, unothur In voice of uncalled for suits. These milts were made to order of best material and to Individual measurements, and were to havo been sold for from $20 to $25, hut tho persons ordering failed to call for them, bo wo got 'era and they are yours for $14.50, while they last. o SULLIVAN & BOND E Main Street, between Webb and Alta, 4 doors north of Hotel St. George it