Tpu . PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1904. h I Bath ! Comforts 2 There are many little things that add material. ly to the healthfulness 9 and comfort of the bath. : We have j 'em for you 2 PURE SOAPS J GOOD BRUSHES BATH TABLETS PERFUMED BAGS 2 SPONGES, ETC. ! F. W. SCHMIDT FATE OF COMBINES EVIDENCES THAT THEY MAY GO INTO DISFAVOR DRUGGIST. POSTOFFICE BLOCK. GENERAL NEWS. A mandate enforcing the decree of the supreme court in the North ern Securities case, issued April 15. Speyer & Co.. and Kulin. Loeb & Co. have purchased $10,000,000 of Baltimore & Ohio . per cent mort gage notes. The battleship Ohio will lie ready for commission at San Francisco in about four months, at present rate of progress. Mrs. Abby Morton Diaz, the fa mous writer of juvenile stories and other works for young people. Is dead at Boston. There are only two vessels In the Russian squadron at Port Arthur that have not been more or less damaged since the war began. W. E. T. Neumann, a midshipman on the Missouri, and who lost his life in the Pensacola explosion, was a San Francisco boy. and graduate of Annapolis. The Rock Island road lias with drawn Its California fast train, the Golden State Limited, between Chi cago and Los Angeles, as a losing proposition. The Pacific mall liner Colon, vhlch was beached on the Pacific j side of the Isthmus of Panama, Is a hopeless wreck and will' be disman tled on the spot. The art world experienced a very sreat loss In the death of the Rus sian scene painter, Verestchagln, who went down with the Petropav lovsk at Port Arthur. Captain D. P. Wheeler and Corpo ral Percy Heyvelt, of the 20th In fantry, were both stabbed In the abdomen and killed, at Taraca, P. I., in- a quarrel with natives. H. J. Enright, a New York patrol man, was killed in a fight with burg Jars. His aged father-in-law became fll from grief and died declaring that Enright was calling for him to come. Influence of Stock Owners Largely Responsible for the Changing Sen tlment, and Tendency Toward Smaller Farms Expected to En courage Reversion to the Old Meth ods of Harvesting. The combined harvester dealers of the entire county are not having the business so far this season that was expected at the close of harvest last year. The farmers seem to lie hesi tating about investing, and the sen timent in favor of the combined har vester seems to be changing some what. At least, that Is the opinion of some who are In the business and should know what is going on among those who handle large acreages of wheat. The experience of the cattlemen has much to do with the lull In the sale of the new machines. Feed was scarce last year, and had It not been for the mild winter many more cat tlemen would have suffered large losses than was the case. Before the advent of the combined machine the straw was all saved for the stock But wherever one of the combines has operated, the owners of cattle have been compelled to buy fpert for their stock. It Is claimed that the amount paid out for hay by some of the large land owners and stockmen in the past winter would more than make up for the loss in money Incident to the old method of harvesting with a stationary outfit. The straw left by tne combine can not be saved to advantage, for all. or nearly all of the chaff and strength of the feed Is blown away and lost. Then, again, (the farmers argue when talking machine). It is coming soon when the county will be cut Into small farms, and then the com bine cannot be used to the same ad vantage In harvest that It Is now. All of these things taken Into con sideration nre causing the prospect inv buyers to think a long time over Investing from Sl.f.OO to $1,800 in a new machine, and the probabilities are that the sales of the big outfits this yenr will not equal those of last year by many thousand dollars. The minds of the farmers are revert ing to the times of old when the horse-power machine was the stan dard, The cattle need the straw, and the farmers need the cattle, and for this reason more than anything else, they favor the old-style machine. MARGARITA FISCHER. Well Known Company Comes to the Frazer for Three Nights. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. C. H. Schleck, San Francisco. I. H. Gclsler. Portland. J. G. N. Darling, Spokane. V ,S. II. Wclce. Chicago. W. D. Joiner, San Francisco. John M. Struck. Denver. Oeorge Dove, Portland. J. W. D. Jnrnette, Omaha. W. H. A. T. Wallace. Portland. G. S. Sturgls, Iialtlmore. Mrs. M. McDonald, Arlington. H. Brash, Portland. J. O. Thomas, Spokane. J. C. Llndscy, Portland. C. C. Simpson, Portland. W. Maher, Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. R. A. Seeds, Spokane. W. J. Gallagher, Pittsburg. J. Neumann, Chicago. C. H. Benker, Chicago. C. E. Nelson, Weston. W. D. Marks. Spoknno. It. Holland. Portland. Mrs. J. W. Sims nnd daughters, Baker City. R. T. Henley and wile. Portland. Hotel St. George. It. M. Rlner. Jr., Portland. Fred B. Kriedley. Portland. A. L. Smith, St. Paul. William Dunn, Portland. J. N. Chnmbers, Albany. C. C. Cameron. Albany. I. . Moses, city. Jnmes Mosgrovc, Athena. L. F. Nuchelson, New York. N. B. KraiHe, Seattle. F. A. Frunte. Portland. H. It. Jnckson. San Francisco. H. G. Patterson. Portland. J. A. Hunan, Chicago. A. F. Bernard. Portland. J. R. Jones and wife. Holly. J. Williams, Holly. S. D. Morris, l.a Grande. G. R. Boynton, San Francisco. Colin V. Dyment, Walla Walla. Rev. C. L. Downer. Spokane. D. H. Sheppard. Portland. R. C. Chambers, Portland. M. L. Christian, Chicago. H. Connell, Umatilla. S T. Done, Portland. C T. D. Hotel Bickers. E. Miller, Jamaica. A. Adams. Jamaica. C. Brownell, Echo. Mrs. F. W. Beck, Colfax. Charles Pyle. T. L. Moore. Nebraska. M. W. Eastland. Nebraska. C. H. Barnard, Juniper. C. V. Daniell. city. Miss Jean Crawley. Spokane J. M. Lightfoot and wife, city S. Gulliford and wife. Crawley, Spokane. Macv. city. Cariey, Colfax. J. J. A. F. J. M. C. Vinson A Cure for Headache, man, woman or child Any man, woman or child suffer Ing from headache, biliousness or a dull, drowsy feeling, should take one or two of DeWitt's Little Early Risers night and morning. These famous little pills are famous he- Miss Margarita Fischer will appear cause they are a tonic as well as a NORTH.WEST NEWS. i A passenger train on the Great Northern was wrecked at Laclede, Idaho, by a washed-out bridge. Fri day. The first freight train to reach Lewistown. Mont., In three months has been brought through the block ade this week. The Jeffersonian banquet at Walla Walla Thursday was attended by 300 prominent democrats, and Parker ras Indorsed for the presidency A. A. Huston, a prominent eon tractor, and Sam Glasgow, a car penter, were totally injured by a falling scaffold at Baker City. Fri ,day. The body of an unknown man was found In the bush near Seattle, Fri day morning by several school child ren. The body was badly decom posed and could not be Identified. James Berg, a Norwegian minis. ter, buried his son in a box in his back yard at Seattle, Friday, be cause of his extreme poverty pre- Tenting htm from buying a coffin or a lot In the cemetery. The family of C. J. Schulz, of Port land, was poisoned by dairy milk on Friday morning, and It was thought an attempt bad been made to rour dcr the entire family. Medical as sistance reached them before any of the victims died. On a bet of $1.50, an Indian swam the John Day river near Fossil. Fri day. The river was full of drift and raging at Its highest stage, and no one expected the Slwash to accom plish his feat, but he did so, appar ently none the worse for the trying ordeal. Wheat Lands. CItv Property. FOR SALE. Fifty residences, 1G0 vacant lots, business openings, hotels, feed yard, livory stable, stock ranches, wheat lands and all kinds of real estate. E. T. WADE & SON, E. O. Bldg. 'Phono, Black 1111. P. O. box, 324., Pondloton, Oregon. In a grand scenic revival of high class repertoire of late and standard successes nt the Frazer. beginning April 18. Miss Fischer has starred with her own Metropolitan company in all the leading cities of the Pacific coast anu at all points was met with a most liberal patronage, and received Margarita Fischer. the highest encomiums from both press and public. For the present tour of the organ ization the management have en gaged the best talent available, and all are secured with a view as to the special fitness of him, or her, as to the part to be performed. The plays are interspersed with specialties from beginning to end in which all the latest songs and dances are Introduced by the differ ent members of the company. The company comes to the Frazer for three nights, beginning next Mon day. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of tUU parxr will be pleased to learn that there la at least one dread ed disease that science has been able to cure la nil Its stages, and that is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only uosltlve cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional -reat-ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, octlnf directly on the blood rnd mucous surfaces ot tbe system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe disease, and Klrlne tbe patient strength by build ing up tbe constitution and assisting na- ture in doing Its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faltb In Its curatlre powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure tiend for list ST testimonials. Address: . , r. J. chums i A w., loieuo, u. Hold by Druggist, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipa tion. Grazing Lan- for Lease. 32.000 acres on Grande nonde rivor. Grande Hondo Lumber Co., Perry, Or. pill. While they cleanse the sys tern they strengthen and rebuild It by their tonic effect upon the liver and bowels. Sold by Tallman & Co. Grazing .Land for Lease. 32,000 acres on Grand Ronde river. Grand Ronde Lumber Co., Perry, Or There are anti-war riots at Khar koft, the center of the most densely populated Industrial center in Rus sia. The kickers claim that no one will be benefited even If Japan Is whipped, and that the country will be B0 years recovering from the drain upon Its resources. The Northern Pacific safe at Span gle station, was blown open Friday, but It contained nothing of value. Thii coffee U sold in 1 and 2 lb. tint. Grind frcih each day not too fine. j. a. roLCCR n co. San Francisco Itapartstra of Fine CoCfesM Our Big Sale 1X7 ' l 11 1.1. lr f,- Fnn'f faJf 4- It o-of enmo nf ffie soeciai bargains. No damaged aaJ O " 0"vu Everything is new and fresh. THE FHIR Mil Guard health Every woman should see that the per iodical function is kept in a healthy con dition. The way is to take an occasional dose of Wine of Cardui. Every wouiim is subject to conditions which bring on female weakness. Wine of Cardui pives women strength for all the duties of life. It gives them strong nerves and freedom from pains. Wine of Cardui not only cures but guards the health. The organs quickly respond to the healing vegetable ingredients of which Wine of Cardui is composed. A healthy woman does well to take this medicine on approaching her periodical sickness. Wine of Cardui cures the worst cases of prolonged femalo troubles and has cured thousands of them quickly and completely in the privacy of home. CnicoiiA, Miss., Hay 1, 1902, Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black-Draught is a sure cure for nil femalo diseases. I recommend your medicines to aU my friends everywhere I go. Five months ago I could not walk across the house without great pain but I am well again. k """ ' Wl" " cs t &ssSei W1NECARDUI Pleased Customers Are nil who get their suits of us. We represent the largest tailoring establishment in the country. We want you to take advantage of the offer we make as you will get a more satisfactory suit and at less cost than you ever did before. You select tbe cloth you like and the suit Is made to your own meas urement. A guarantee of perfect fit and best workmanship at a low price. JOERGER, THE TAILOR 126 WEST COURT STREET. NEW MILARKEY BUILDING. II SI 65 If you are interested In OH Painting, see us. Our line is complete. J ACADEMY BOARDS I STRETCHERS J BRUSHES J ARTISTS' SABLES J BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES 2 TUBE COLORS J We make a specialty of framing PICTURES. Newest ! stock of frames. C. C. SHARP I Opera House Block. Sanitary Plumbing To get the best work let us do it. Our facilities are unexcelled. Best materials always used. Our experience- is yours without cost. BECK, THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Court Street, opposite Hotel Bicker. The Schwarz & Greulich Meat Co. Wholesale and retail dealers in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal Meats delivered to any part of the city. Cured Meats and Sausa ges of all kinds. j C07 MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE MAIN 181. PENDLETON, ORE. CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT Open day and nlnht. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. Good music every evening. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STREETS. Under W. &. C. R. Depot. The Arlington J. L. SHARON, Proprietor. The Arlington Is a high-class rooming house, equipped with elec tric lights, free baths and all mod ern conveniences. It Is centrally located, bolng on Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George, over the Delta candy store. Rooms by the day, week or month. Rates GOc to 31 a day. C18 Mala street. 'Phone Red 1091. N0TIC1 TO ALL MY FRIENDS PATRONS: I TAKE PLEASURE INTRODUCING TO I nttv c oulu my DE ouoiiMLSb in mis C 1 ,-11 I , II I.HI v HEPnL I Mb. una, WHITE As Fl I.I ii ll,N ISIS im cv RESPECT, AND Will TEEM IT A FAVOR ANY OF MY PATIENTS PLACE THEIR CASES HANDS OF THE WHITE. RESPECTFULLY, C0A Let us fill your bin with . . . nrvnir nnmiii 11 irv u n .ir 1111111 11 Rrnfrn!7Pfl as the Bib jv 1 rnil rtr wood 10 part of the city. m n m m mm m mu Maiu Street A BRISK DRIVE .l r.t AM tlm more espw"' , . nf ooll It Wl M WUB"" "".--,. to to you wnen yuu ""-.". ,i.c nf the WinM . 1 ..In a 'I IICJ ana iteBe uue5. . ,tsi Made from air-dried tW anteed in this climate. T t,Mr ninilo. boia vj WPACLE BROS- The brick blacksmw -w. sell and recommew Gasoline Engines. rC 1 - WWI One 2-year-oId PewJ will eel or traae; -.eid or young r t . .1 I r, .... Cffl V. ror puruuui"" FlnllfW rianacitv. 150 MelB VtL F,our exchange l Flour, J 3MJ nii-"T- "" - . Jlan, W Dally E" w" ietlo only 15 cent, per e